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PROJECT PROPOSAL OF ST. MARYS HOME FOR CHILDREN 1 2 3 Project Title Project Location Name o t!e A""licant Needs for Orphan Children Karumathampatti (Coimbatore District) Brothers of St Michael e!" Bro" C" #oseph$ BSM %arden St" Mar&'s (ome for Children Karumathampatti$ Coimbatore ) *+1 *,.amilnadu$ /ndia" 0"Mail1 st"mhc2art&34mail"com 5er&" e!" Br" S" C&ril De!ara6$ M"7" M"0d"$ Superior 8eneral Brothers of St" Michael Bishop's (ouse 9ost Bo: No" * Bi4 Ba;aar Street Coimbatore District .amilnadu$ /ndia 0" Mail1 4eneral"re!"bro"c&rilde!ara634mail"com 9lace Karumathampatti 9ost Office Karumathampatti District Coimbatore State .amil Nadu Countr& S" /ndia S%. ))*))+))))),--, 7ccount Number /ndian O!erseas Ban2$ Main Branch Branch Mail /D1 bi4b;br3coi3co"iobnet"co"in Branch S<ift Code 1 /OB7/NBB=2= Bi4 Ba;aar Street$ Coimbatore ) *+1 ==1 .amil Nadu ) S" /ndia"

Le#al !ol$er

Location o t!e Project

%an& Acco'nt Detail(

+. Intro$'ction1 >%hile the Church in /ndia has reason to be 4rateful to 8od for its achie!ements in the field of education$ <e felt the need of a 4reater focusin4 of the Church's educational efforts in !ie< of the situation

pre!ailin4 in the countr& <herein millions of people are 4ettin4 increasin4l& mar4inali;ed" B& ?mar4inali;ed' <e refer speciall& to dalits$ tribals and economicall& <ea2er sections of societ&$ the mi4rants and displaced$ the 4irl@child$ slo< learners and differentl& abled people" Mar4inali;ation has been a phenomenon in our countr& from !er& earl& da&s$ especiall& as a result of the caste s&stemA so spo2e the CBC/$ the ape: bod& of the /ndian catholic bishops on Beb Cth 2==* on the theme ? Catholic 0ducation and the Church's concern for the mar4inali;ed' 8enerall& the /ndian Church has al<a&s been interested and in!ol!ed the field of education$ especiall& in the far@flun4 rural areas of the countr&" She also has in!ested part of all her resources in educatin4 the poor$ thus empo<erin4 them" But its ur4enc& is felt more 2eenl& in the present conte:t of 4lobali;ation$ <hich has mar4inali;ed the alread& depri!ed population of the /ndian societ&" 7nd so ?the Church is reiteratin4 her concern for the mar4inali;ed throu4h the ministr& of education'" .he Bishops continue to assert$ >%e ma2e this preferential option$ e!en if in this process academic results sufferA" .his is indeed a bold statement to ma2e" .he& conclude <ith a dream1 >Buildin4 a Ne< /ndia$ <here e!er& child is educated$ <here the mar4inali;ed are empo<ered and <here the educational s&stem see2s to transform societ& is our dreamA" /t is this dream that has inspired the Brothers of St Michael .%SM/$ alread& from their inception to pa& undi!ided attention to the education of children from the poorer sections of societ&" *. %ac&#ro'n$ In ormation0 Some important information on both the BSM$ the reli4ious con4re4ation that is the applicant$ the Catholic diocese of Coimbatore and the people of this talu2$ <hom the abo!e home and the centre are meant to ser!e$ is 4i!en belo<" *.+. T!e %rot!er( o St Mic!ael0 .he 0uropean Missionaries in Coimbatore <ere the pioneers of our Christian faith" Most" e!" 7u4ustine o&" Bishop of Coimbatore and prince amon4 the 0urope missionaries and one of the most remar2able men in 2=th centur&$ <hom 8od had raised up to do that mar!elous <or2 called the >Church's MissionA" (e founded the con4re4ation in 1-1* in the name of the Con4re4ation of Brothers of St" Michael" /t <as canonicall& erected on 1-++" 7s the number of the Missionaries <as reduced$ our Brothers <ere called to fill in the !acuum that <as created and <e are measurin4 up to the call of the Church to the ma:imum le!el possible and still continue to do so" T!e main A"o(tolate o t!e con#re#ation i( E1an#eli2ation T!ro'#! 1" Direct Catechetical acti!ities" 2" Conduct 9ara ) Ditur4ical acti!ities 3" 0ducation in 8eneral$ mostl& .echnical +" Charitable /nstitution ," Diterature Ministr& *" Christian Social 7ction" *.*. E$'cational en#a#ement(1 .he BSM conduct alread& - orphana4es in different places$ of <hich C are in .amilnadu and one is in Kerala" .here are +))) students stud&in4 from these homes" .hese are children$ dra<n from !er& poor families$ <ho other<ise$ <ould not ha!e stepped into the portals of an educational institution" %e also ha!e 2 /./ (/ndustrial trainin4 institutes) <here there are 1,= students in the formal education sector and ,= in the non@ formal sector" .he trades that are tau4ht here are1 t<o <heeler mechanism$ electrical <ireman$ <eldin4$ fitter and carpentr&" .he students from the orphana4es (<here the children are from utterl& poor families$ either the& are orphans or semi@orphans) after their school final e:ams$ mo!e on to the /./ s to pic2 up a s2illed trade$

thou4h the inta2e is limited" .hese students$ after their studies here$ are helped to find apprenticeship (one &ear practical on the 6ob@trainin4$ either <ith the 4o!ernment or semi@4o!ernment underta2in4s) and in 6ob placement" .he students from the homes$ <ho successfull& complete their school final$ are absorbed b& the /./ for further trainin4" 7s &ou are probabl& a<are$ Coimbatore and .iruppur$ the t<o cities nearb& are hub of en4ineerin4Efoundr& acti!ities$ the former is 2no<n as the Manchester of /ndia (due to its cotton mills) and the latter is internationall& 2no<n for its hosieries and apparel fabrics" Both the cities ha!e state@of@the art technolo4ies in their comple:es and the subsidiar& industries are loo2in4 for /./ trained candidates" 7nd so placement is not that difficult$ as our e:perience has sho<n" .he brothers numberin4 ,* amon4 the professed (and another , under trainin4)$ b& their unstinted and hard <or2 cater to the needs of these students" %e oursel!es do not run academic institutions (schools and colle4es)$ but onl& /./ s and homes" %e do not o<n an& asset <orth the name (li2e Colle4es$ Matriculations$ in!estment in shares etc"$) but entirel& depend upon friends and <ell@<ishers for financial support to run these institutions" 3. Place o Action0 3.+ A$mini(trati1e0 Countr& e4ion 9ancha&at District 3.* Eccle(ial0 Diocese 5icariate 9arish 1 1 1 1 1 /ndia .amilnadu Karumathampatt& Coimbatore

Coimbatore 1 Karumathampatti 1 Karumathampatti

4. De(cri"tion o #eo#ra"!ic an$ e$'cational conte5t0 Karumathampatti is a pancha&at to<n in Coimbatore district in the /ndian state of .amil Nadu" Near b& to<ns are Coimbatore@3= 2m$ Somanur@+2m$ 7!inashi@1= 2m$ .irupur@2= 2m$ 9alladam$ 7nnur" /t lies on Coimbatore @ Salem N(" F F F F .alu21 Sulur District1 Coimbatore Nearest ail<a& Station1 Somanur@32m$ .irupur@2= 2m$ Coimbatore@3= 2m Nearest 7irport1 Coimbatore 7irport

4.+. Demo#ra"!ic(0 Karumathampatti had a population of 3,$===" Males constitute ,1G of the population and females +-G" Karumathampatti has an a!era4e literac& rate of *-G$ hi4her than the national a!era4e of ,-",G1 male literac& is HHG$ and female literac& is *2G" /n Karumathampatti$ 1=G of the population is under * &ears of a4e" 4.*. E$'cation0 .amilnadu Colle4e of 0n4ineerin4$ the first self financin4 en4ineerin4 colle4e in .amil Nadu and #ansons School of Business is located here Nan6appa pol&technic Colle4e$ 7rulmi4u Chandi4es<ara pol&technic colle4e are the t<o pol&technic colle4es located besides .amil Nadu colle4e of en4ineerin4 campus" .here are t<o (i4her Secondar& Schools and one (i4h School are located here" .hou4h the !illa4e is situated near industrial to<ns most of the people are po<er loom and a4riculture coolies earnin4 !er& little$ hardl& enou4h to meet the both the ends"

4.3. St. Mar6( Home or C!il$ren0 .his orphana4e started on 13th of 7u4ust$ 1-+= b& Most e!" Iba4aras<am&$ the first /ndian Bishop of Coimbatore" /n the !er& be4innin4 it <as started <ith 3= bo&s from around the !illa4e of Karumathampatti" No< it has 4ro<n up to hold 23= children" 7t present 23= children are stud&in4 in different a4e 4roups li2e *@ 1+ (1st Std to 1=th std)" Since 1-+=$ more than 1==== children benefited from this orphana4e and settled in different places" 4.4. 7ni8'e In ormation0 .his orphana4e made more than 1, priests to ser!e the church" .he& are ser!in4 in different diocese$ con4re4ation$ especiall& some are in 7frican Mission" Brothers of St" Michael 4ot more than 1= reli4ious !ocations from this orphana4e onl&" So it is a place <here the children ma& 4et basic faith formation$ humane Jualities and moral beha!iors" 9. T!e Rationale o t!e Home %holistic de!elopment (ph&sical$ spiritual$ mental and intellectual) of students is not paid attention to b& the institutions run b& the 4o!ernment and its departments" %e <ill be fillin4 up this lacuna !er& much" 0ducation itself is a casualt& <ith these children" .he teachers in the schools <or2@to@rule (strictl& adhere to their structured duties) and do not pa& attention to the needs of children" Neither the parents ha!e the time to see to the performance of the children" 7nd so <e ta2e upon oursel!es the dut& of carin4 for these children" .he children <ith special needs (slo< learners$ disabled children) are totall& ne4lected b& the schools" SubseJuentl& the& drop out$ unable to cope <ith the curriculum and end up as child laborers" .his <ill be stopped in future" .he parents are not in a position to pa& for the boardin4 and lod4in4 of their children$ bein4 unable to do so$ e2in4 out a hand@to@mouth e:istence" 7nd so <e run the homes totall& free of cost" .he home <ill ha!e space for 23= children and e!er& &ear$ these man& students <ill be educated throu4h our home" /ndia is supposed to be a countr& <ith an e:pandin4 econom&" But rural children$ <ithout proper education$ <ill continue to li!e at the mar4ins" .his <ill be remedied" 7part from academic education$ <e also ha!e /./ s <ith different !ocational trades$ both formal and non@formal" 7nd so the interested students <ill ha!e access to these institutions" (.he a!ailable 6ob opportunities are tal2ed of earlier)" -. O'r Nee$( (ere 23= children are studied in different classes" 7ll are comin4 from !er& poor and ne4lected families" %e pro!ide food$ cloth$ medical$ education and faith formation to these 2,= children" Out of 23= children$ C= children are Catholics and others are non@Catholics and non@Christian follo<in4 4ood character" %'$#et or One Year =1" Bood Stuffs 3,=:12:23= =2" Medical (7!era4e) =3" Iniform for Children =+" 0lectric Bill (* times per &ear) =," 8ames 7rticles =*" Stationeries =H" Barber %a4e for One Kear =C" Dhob& %a4es for One Kear @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ s" s" s" s" -$**$==="== s" *=$==="== s" -=$==="== s" ,=$==="== s" 1,$==="== *=$==="== 2+$==="== 3=$==="==

=-" 0lectrical 8oods 1=" epair L Maintenance of the Buildin4 11" Clothes Stitchin4 Char4es 12" %or2ers (Coo2s Salar&) Total Total E5"en(e( "er 6ear From Dioce(e From =o1ernment or 9) c!il$ren Total De icit Amo'nt =ran$ Total

@ @ @ @

s" -$==="== s" +=$==="== s" 3*$==="== s" *=$==="== @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ R(. +4:4):))).)) @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ R(. +4:4):))).)) R(. 4:<):))).)) R(. *:4):))).)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; R(. >:*):))).)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; R(. >:*):))).)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; R(. +4:4):))).)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; R(. +4:4):))).)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

; ; ;

; ;

E8'i1alent to E'ro ++))) -.+. E5"lanation to o'r Hel"0 %h& do <e as2 this helpM 7ll to4ether 23= children from different a4e 4roup *@1+ (1 st Std to 1=th Std)" +. Foo$ St' (0 .here is !er& small help from the 4o!ernment for ,= children onl&$ but diocese helps" .he children need 3 times food so <e pro!ide 3 time mornin4$ noon and ni4ht" So if &ou 4i!e &our help$ it is !er& useful for their meal at least for a normal meal for their 4ood health" *. 7ni orm ? Stitc!in# C!ar#e(0 0!er& child needs at least 2 sets of uniform for the school" Due to their po!ert&$ the& are unable to ha!e one set of uniform$ so the& 4et old uniform from those <ho finish their studies" /t is the situation <hich ma2es us to 4i!e one set of uniform for small children at least" So if &ou 4i!e this help$ the& <ill be !er& happ& to <ear ne< uniform" 3. Stationar60 0!er& child needs their educational materials li2e$ note boo2s$ stationer& 4oods" Bree boo2s are 4i!en b& the 8o!ernment but the children need note boo2 and 4uides and so on" So if &ou help$ children and <e are !er& than2ful for e!er" 4. Me$ical0 <hen the children fell in sic2 or 4et <ounded <hile the& pla&$ <e ha!e to ta2e them to hospital" No< da&s medicines are !er& costl&" %e ha!e to pa& for in6ection$ medicine and doctor fee" 0!er& &ear it comes nearl& R(. -):))).)) 9. Electric %ill0 Once in t<o months <e pa& the electric bill to the 4o!ernment$ it comes nearl& R(. 9):))).)). /t is also our ma6or e:penses$ <ithout electricit& <e cannot do an& <or2 li2e coo2in4$ to pump drin2in4 <ater$ <ashin4$ bathin4 and so on" .his e:pense is !er& essential$ so please help" -. =ame( Article(0 Kou 2no< !er& <ell that the 4ames is !er& important to 2eep 4ood health" Our children are !er& talented in 4ames particularl& foot ball and !olle& ball" Our children onl& are selected for the school team" %e ha!e 6unior and senior teams" 0!er& &ear the& 4et <innin4 cup for the school and orphana4e" .he 0ducation board of .amilnadu 4o!ernment conducts ;onal$ di!isional and district matches for the children" So please help if it is essential in &our !ie<" >. %ar@er ? D!o@60 0!er& month <e call the barber to cut their hair and t<ice a month <e call Dhob& to <ash the clothes of small children" So it is !er& essential for the children to be neat in their dressin4s and so on" 9lease help$ if it is must for the children$ in &our point of !ie<" <. Re"air ? Maintenance0 %e ha!e to repair the buildin4$ .oilets$ <indo<$ and doors" 7nd <hite <ashin4 and colour <ashin4 also needed because$ these children are small$ some times the& <ill dirt the <all b& oil and in2 and so on" .hus <e ha!e to maintain the circumstances once in a &ear"

,. Electrical =oo$(0 Kou 2no< !er& <ell that No< da&s all the products are don't ha!e lon4 life$ so <e ha!e to chan4e repaired li4hts and <ire and also ser!ice the 4enerator so that it <ill ha!e lon4 life other<ise <e ha!e to spend more mone& to purchase 4enerator" So please help if it is essential for &ou" S"ecial Re8'e(t0 %e sho<ed deficit amount in our bud4et that is R(. >:*):))).)). %e as2 &our noble help other<ise at least help us for + months e:penses" /t comes R(. *:4):))).)) eJui!alent to E'ro 3)))" /t is in &our hand so please decide and help" %ith m& pra&ers and than2s Yo'r( in C!ri(t an$ Mot!er Mar6

Re1. %ro. A. Sa1arim't!'

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