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SOUTH SCARLE PARISH MEETING Minutes of Parish Meeting Wednesday 6h November, 2013 Present: David Clarke (Chair), Adrian

Lawton (Clerk), Margaret Matthews, Craig Law, Florence Baldwin, Dave French, Helen Swain, Lawson Cardwell, Carol Cardwell, Judith Duffield, Anita Clements, Edgar Candlish, David Duffield, Jane Clarke, Councillors Mel Shaw and Maureen Dobson Apologies: Linda Molineaux, Alan Molineaux, Ann Candlish, Roy Wood, Stephen Clements, Mo Tyler, Peter and Sue Rowlands Minutes of Last Meeting: Minutes of the meeting held on 25th September, 2013 having been previously circulated and copies presented at the meeting were approved and accepted. (P. Judy Muirhead, S. Craig Law) Declaration of Any Other Business The following items were declared to be discussed under Any Other Business (i) Highways cut backs. (MD) (ii) Listed building visits (MD) (iii) Manorial Rights (Clerk) (iv) Community Centre dates (JM) Matters Arising From Previous Meeting: (i) Public Call Box, Main Street - Following the deferment to this meeting for a possible alternative use for the call box no overwhelming view on a use was forthcoming. It was agreed that the issue would be left until such times as British Telecom forced the issue at some future date. Cemetery Fees and Guidance The Clerk reported that a set of Rules and Guidance for the Community Burial Ground, request forms and an electronic plan were now available. These would be posted on the Community Website for reference. Action: Clerk Excessive speed and Signage A Speedwatch exercise was carried out over two days in late October. Around 15% of the vehicles recorded were in excess of the 30MPH speed limit with the worst offender recorded at 47MPH. A response from Nottinghamshire Highways is still awaited on the signage around the village.



Planning Application The planning application for alterations to Dovecote House, Beeches Court was reviewed by the meeting and a vote taken. The result of the vote was, in support 10, not in support 0, abstentions 2. It was recorded that the meeting supports the application. Any Other Business (i) Councillor Dobson brought to the meetings attention the significant financial cut backs faced by Nottinghamshire County Council. There are strong views on where savings could or should be made. If parishioners have any views or suggestions where savings could be made then please get in touch with either the Clerk or Cllr. Dobson to pass them on. Cllr. Dobson stated that a number of people in Collingham had complained about unsolicited visits by persons acting on behalf of the County Council visiting listed buildings. These visits happen around every ten years or so but are now outsourced to non-council personnel. Anyone receiving such a visit should request to see authorisation from the Council carried by people carrying out the inspections. Most people have now received notice of the intention to invoke Manorial Rights on properties within the village. Most have returned the paperwork rejecting that claim. It is now incumbent on the Duke of Newcastles estate to appeal these rejections if they so choose. There is no information of the likelihood or timeframe of this happening at present. The creation of the Community Centre is nearing completion with the grand opening scheduled for noon on February 2nd, 2014. All are welcome.




There being no further business the meeting closed at 7.32pm

Chairman _______________________

Date __________________________

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