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CCGS Kindergarten Handbook

CCGS Kindergarten Philosophy

Everyone deserves to: Be accepted for who they are Belong to a community who cares for and respects each other Become a lifelong learner

Our four year olds drawing the best Kindergarten in the world

At CCGS Kindergarten being a happy and fulfilled individual is important for us all. We see ourselves as a community of learners and seek to nurture childrens natural curiosity and motivation to learn through play in a safe environment. We see learning as a lifelong process and the development of social and collaborative skills are central to all that we do. We support children to grow to value differences and the richness that other perspectives can bring to us. Children develop confidence as they feel heard and accepted for who they are right now (being) and where they come from (belonging) so the relationship between parents and educators is considered a vital partnership. We guide children towards becoming independent individuals who have the resilience to deal with life effectively. We focus on childrens strengths and see the development of persistence to be vital for success. We follow the Early Years Learning Framework and are inspired by a holistic approach including emergent curriculum and inquiry learning. We seek to provide a strong foundation of dispositions, values and skills which will allow for a seamless transition to formal education. Image of the Child: We believe children begin Kindergarten with their own learning dispositions, culture, passions and interests. We believe in an active and competent child who is curious, capable, knowledgeable and motivated to learn about their world through exploration and questioning.

Learning through play Recent brain research shows that children learn best when they have a strong and genuine relationship with their caregiver and experience a variety of enjoyable play experiences. Enjoyable learning activities and experiences activate the release of dopamine into the brain. Dopamine consolidates the neuronal connections being created in the activity so that when children are enjoying an activity they are actually learning more. The Early Years Learning Framework The Early Years Learning Framework describes the principles, practice and outcomes essential to support and enhance young childrens learning from birth to five years of age, as well as their transition to school. The Framework has a strong emphasis on play-based learning as play is the best vehicle for young childrens learning providing the most appropriate stimulus for brain development. The Framework also recognises the importance of communication and language (including early literacy and numeracy) and social and emotional development. A holistic approach The EYLF advocates for a holistic approach to the education of Pre-Literacy skills and concepts. Holistic approaches to teaching and learning recognise the connectedness of mind, body and spirit. When early childhood educators take a holistic approach they pay attention to childrens physical, personal, social, emotional and spiritual wellbeing as well as cognitive aspects of learning. While educators may plan or assess with a focus on a particular outcome or component of learning, they see childrens learning as integrated and interconnected. They recognise the connections between children, families and communities and the importance of reciprocal relationships and partnerships for learning. They see learning as a social activity and value collaborative learning and community participation. EYLF p 14 Emergent curriculum Children learn best when they are engaged, motivated and see the relevance of the content. (VEYLDF, 2009 p9) Just as adults find it easiest to focus and learn about topics and events that interest them so to do children. Through emergent curriculum educators observe children to identify these interests and seek to develop activities and provocations that help to nurture and extend upon these interests. Inquiry learning Learning for young children needs to be set firmly in reality and connected to its context. Children learn best when they are engaged, motivated and see the relevance of the content. (VEYLDF, 2009 p9) They are in a phase of learning that is characterised by hands on exploration, using all their senses to take in information. In inquiry learning children are encouraged to See, Think and Wonder about their world. The process of inquiry encourages children to investigate ideas and phenomenon, researching, hypothesising and testing these hypotheses. We dont give the answers because we want to equip the children with the skills to find out and learn independently.

Welcome to CCGS Kindergarten!

Our Kindergarten day begins at 9am and concludes at 3pm. Children can arrive from 8.15am. Three year olds who are having morning session only must be collected promptly at 12 midday.

General Information: Our Educators: Nominated Educational Leader and Director: Paulette Maskell Dip Tch (EC) Post Grad Diploma Ed Studies K4F K4S K3R K3Z

Georgia Farran B Ed EC TA Mr Alex Reid Current Studies: Cert 3 Eva Szymanski Post Grad Dip EC, Masters Early Years TA Miss Tahnee Anderson Bachelor EC Melissa Riley B Ed EC Grad Dip Primary TA Mrs Colleen Lie Cert 3 Ms Julia Zaire Dip Tch EC Grad Dip Ed St TA Mrs Barbara Hough Cert 3

Relieving Educators: Mrs Sue Blaire Dip Tch EC and Mrs Simone McKenzie Grad Dip Primary B Ed EC Hon Contact us: Please chat to your teacher to pass on messages at the beginning and end of the day. Email is one of the best ways to contact staff ensuring that the program is not interrupted. For urgent matters please call the school office 9866 3540 and ask to be transferred to the staff member/classroom that you require, if you are unable to talk with a staff member directly please leave a message or for urgent messages call the school back and ask to be put through to Paulette.

Timetable: Three Year Old Groups Can be full time or sessional. A session is a morning or an afternoon but not an afternoon only. A minimum of six sessions per week are required. It is particularly important that children attending on a sessional basis are collected on time. Three Year Old morning sessions conclude at 12.00 noon. Four Year Old Groups Full time only Monday to Friday 9.00 to 3.00pm Parents co-operation in bringing and collecting their children on time will assist their participation in experiences specifically planned for settling in on arrival and for acknowledging with satisfaction the close of the days Kindergarten activities.

After School Care Programme: - CAMP AUSTRALIA Quality care is available from 3.00 until 6.00pm at the Main School. The children may be joined by others from the after 3.30pm. Please contact Camp Australia for further details on telephone (03) 8851 4160 Fax (03) 9859 7199. Email : Website : For bookings for the current week telephone 0427 371 642.

Initial Interview At the interview we want to know all about your child, their birth, development, interests, fears, holidays, family activities, family members, anything and everything that helps us build up a picture of your child and can help us create an environment where they truly belong. If they are mad about Lego or fairies we can have these things there waiting to play with on the first day. Our goal is to help your child feel that Kindergarten is a fun place to be and that this is a place where they will be heard and where they belong. It is important that you have provided all paperwork required before your child begins Kindergarten. This paperwork is a legal requirement and your child cannot stay at the service unless this is complete.

Communication If your child is going to be absent please email the class teacher stating the reason. We have parent teacher interviews scheduled during the year and your childs learning journal will available to view in the classroom, this will give you a wealth of information about your childs learning and development. Please feel free to request a time to meet with your class teacher or with the Director, Paulette Maskell if you have anything you wish to discuss privately. We are able to run focussed discussion groups on Tuesday mornings from 9am-9.45am. Alison Percy our school councillor will lead these discussions along with Paulette Maskell. If any parents have ideas for discussion topics please feel free to email these to Paulette. We have an area in each classroom where you can look at the program and read about what is happening, also our parent blog provides a chance for you to log in from home or work and read about what has been happening in your childs class. Details including the site address and password will be forwarded to you by email in Term 1. Clothing Four year olds wear school uniform however they can and do still get messy! Three year olds wear casual clothing. Shorts and t-shirts are best for climbing and playing and shoulders must be covered for sun protection. Please do not wear special clothes that can be damaged. Children learn through messy and sensory play and we do not want this valuable learning inhibited. Children need to be able to manage their own shoes so no shoes with laces please Velcro is great! Please ensure all items of clothing and footwear are clearly named. A bag of spare clothing is to be placed into your childs locker to remain there in case of accidents. Name labelled library bags need to be placed into your childs locker also. Uniform GIRLS SUMMER Blue dress White ankle socks Brown shoes School Jumper Navy sun hat BOYS SUMMER White short sleeved shirt with crest and sky blue trim Navy shorts School jumper Navy school socks Black shoes Navy sun hat GIRLS WINTER School pull on track suit or navy wool blend pinafore with blue skivvy Navy long socks or tights Brown shoes School jumper BOYS WINTER School pull on track suit or navy shorts or cords. Blue skivvy School jumper Navy school socks Black shoes

P.M.P. and SPORT School navy pull on track suit and blue skivvy or navy school shorts and blue school polo Seasonal school socks and white runners with velcro fasteners. WINTER PLAY OUTDOORS Navy school spray jacket. OTHER ESSENTIAL ITEMS Library Bag

UNIFORM SHOP OPENING HOURS Corner Park Place and Punt Road Wednesday 8.15 10.30am 2.00 5.00pm Thursday 8.15 10.30am Other times by appointment only, please phone Edwina Sinclair (03) 9804 5781 On the first Wednesday of each month the shop is generally closed in the morning due to the Friends meeting please refer to the weekly school newsletter for any change to regular hours.

Delivery and Collection of Children Please sign your child in and out each day this is a legal requirement. Any extra person(s) who you allow to collect your child must have their details added to the blue enrolment form by yourself. If you have a last minute change to who will collect your child please telephone the teacher by calling 98663540. An email is a good backup here as our teachers are often outside with the children. Parking Some parking is available in the Presbyterian Church car park. It is essential for the childrens safety that particular care is taken when supervising them in the car park. Children should remain with their escorting adult, and not run on ahead to the Kindergarten or to their car. If the car park is full, alternative parking may be found in Lang Street, Pasley Street or Park Place. For security reasons, please ensure that your car is locked and no valuables are left in the car whilst you bring or collect your children. It is illegal to leave children in your car whilst coming in to collect your child. Snack and Lunch Please provide a healthy snack (preferably fruit) and lunch in separate containers. Children can become confused as to what to eat if they do not have separate containers. Water bottles need to come to school each day. As many children in Australia suffer from potentially life threatening allergies including anaphylaxis we ask that all food bought to the kindergarten contain No nuts or nut products including peanut butter, nutella, muesli bars with nuts, shortbreads made with almond meal etc. We talk about good nutrition each day focussing on whole foods. In line with our Sustainability framework, less packaging is best. Birthdays Families can bring along cup-cakes or a similar treat to share. Gifts and party bags are not appropriate at kindergarten. Invitations must be posted from home and cannot be placed in childrens lockers or handed out in the playground. Any food to be shared should be accompanied with a list of ingredients used. Conflict From time to time your child will encounter conflict. Kindergarten is the time where social skills are developing, and not all children have mastered self-control. Educators assist children to learn about getting along with others and to learn to sort out problems independently. When your child learns to deal with conflict they develop resilience that sets them in good stead for primary school. We ask that our parents speak to us and not parents if they have any concerns about conflict. Independence It can be a difficult time settling into kindergarten if you do not have the skills to feed, toilet and dress yourself (experiencing the frustration involved in learning these skills builds resilience and persistence). We encourage families to help their child develop as much independence and personal organisation as possible before beginning Kindergarten as the one on one help you can provide at home cannot always be provided in a busy classroom and this can lead to frustration for children. We encourage children to begin to carry their own bag and unpack it for themselves developing a sense of responsibility and self-pride. Literacy We provide a rich holistic program which builds a sound foundation in early literacy concepts and skills, oral language and phonemic awareness being a strong focus. If you require further information about the Kindergarten approach to literacy please read the Literacy Guide in the class Information book or on the blog. Sun Protection Please put sunscreen on your child each morning in Terms 1 and 4 before bringing your child to Kindergarten. If you have forgotten please use the centre sunscreen beside the sign in before leaving. We will help your child to reapply sunscreen after quiet time. Children need to wear clothing that covers their shoulders and torso and a hat must be provided each day we suggest you have one that can remain in the lockers as it can be very upsetting for children to have their play restricted to the shade areas only. Show and tell With the new curriculum in mind we are discouraging children from bringing in toys etc. that have little relevance to the interests of the group as a whole. We do however encourage children to bring in books and natural materials, recycled materials and photos of interesting experiences. The idea is for any show and tell to be not only a chance to speak in front of a group but to be a discussion starter, of interest to the group at large, and a provocation for all children to express their ideas and thoughts through group discussion. Learning to listen to others and wait for your turn not interrupting others can be worked upon at home too! Younger siblings It is important for all children and especially children who have younger siblings to know that Kindergarten is their special place where the things they do will be respected and not broken. To help us create this special environment

for our children we ask that you do not let toddlers and babies walk about in the playground or classrooms unsupervised. There will be small materials available that could be swallowed and are not safe for children under three years of age and climbing equipment and water play make the playground unsafe. Younger siblings are not able to attend excursions this is a legal requirement. Specialist Classes Library and PMP programs run on Tuesdays. Library books must be returned to school each Tuesday and placed into the class trolley. Four year old children have Library and Sport from 11.15am-12.15 on Tuesdays and Sport on Thursdays between 9.45 and 10.45. Children need to wear sports uniform to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Three year olds Library and PMP are between 9.45 and 10.45 on Tuesdays and children must wear clothing and footwear appropriate to exercising, no tights on these days please. At the beginning of the year specialist classes are held in an informal manner within the centre until staff assess the children as ready to attend sessions at main school. Parents are encouraged to write their names up on the PMP helper roster in the classrooms. This generally doesnt begin until second term for our threes. Excursions We will plan for a number of incursions (where various groups come in to the centre) and excursions where we venture further afield. We need to have parent helpers along for these outings so please put your hand up at the time. Permission forms are sent out well in advance and must be returned in a timely manner. Risk assessments are available upon request Accidents and Illness If your child is unwell we ask that they remain at home until fully recovered this ensures that illness does not spread through the children and to staff. If a child becomes ill at school we will call you immediately. If you are not available we will call your emergency contact person to collect. All staff are trained in First Aid, Asthma and Anaphylaxis management. If your child suffers an accident, trauma or injury at school you must sign the accident form. Staff can only administer medications prescribed by a doctor in its original container. If a child requires pain relieving medication they are generally too sick to be at school. All medication must be recorded into the medication register and handed to the educator in the morning. Please ensure that you collect this medication at home time. Medications and any dangerous goods must not be left in childrens bags. Please see Appendix A in the Kindergarten handbook for the Infectious Diseases School Exclusion table. Please inform us if your child is diagnosed of suspected of a communicable illness. Allergies and Medical Conditions Cases of severe allergy including anaphylaxis are on the increase in our society, Staff are trained to deal with First aid including specialised training in Anaphylaxis and asthma care. Families of children with severe medical conditions need to provide the school with an emergency management plan signed by their doctor along with providing a set of any medication to remain at the service. Families will be given the relevant policy information and be required to assist in the development of a Risk management assessment with staff. Please inform the registrar of any serious conditions prior to the initial interview so that a longer interview time can be arranged. Dental Care: Tooth brushes and toothpaste may be provided by families in clearly named moulded plastic containers for the four year old children. Routines: At the initial interview and throughout the year Staff seek information from families and caregivers about the children's development and home culture. Questions are asked and feedback recorded about many things including: A child's food preference and family attitude to the amount consumed A child's toileting needs, such as: reminders throughout the day are helpful in preventing accidents or about their level of independence with this Children's and families interests, likes and fears Rest or sleep requirements Our goals for routine times such as; toileting, meal times, transitioning to outdoors/indoors, quiet time, etc. Are: To minimise the times during which children are expected to wait and do the same thing at the same time For routines to be child focused and be informed by the practices in the home To have opportunities to enhance children's learning during routines and to develop independence and selfhelp skills To encourage the feeling of belonging through collaborative participation in everyday routines To encourage a sense of responsibility for the care of the indoor and outdoor environment

To use routine times as an opportunity to develop relationships with children, extend upon program goals, reinforce social skills and awareness and consideration of others. To use routines as an opportunity for intentional teaching: at the beginning of the year there is a strong focus on developing good hygiene practices, communication skills and self-regulation. Developing awareness of when you are hungry or hot and need to take your jumper off are important life skills. To use routines as a unique opportunity to find joy in the ordinary or extraordinary, embracing spontaneity and playfulness including: Spontaneous singing, noticing changes in the environments and chatting about children's interests.

Code of conduct: At the beginning of the year children are involved in working collaboratively to set the class 'Code of Conduct. We aim to help children to phrase this as a set of positive statements. Meal times: Are flexible and children have access to food and water at all times during the day as required. If a child is hungry and the snack or lunch table or picnic rug is not set up they are assisted to get something from their snack or lunch box to eat. Casual snack times and lunch times occur in all classrooms but can be dependent upon our specialist timetable and indoor and outdoor play times. Meal times provide an opportunity to discuss hygiene, health and nutrition. We talk about sometimes foods and always foods to encourage children to make healthy food choices.

Transition to indoor/outdoor play: Children are given plenty of warning that it will be time to move indoors or outdoors and they are encouraged to prepare themselves with hats, sunscreen or coats etc. As most classrooms are not attached to the outdoor play space children can be taken out or in, in two groups if all are not ready, cutting down on waiting time and ensuring staff ratios are kept. An emergency bag accompanies each group wherever they go with emergency medications for those children with action plans and parent contact details. Group times: A variety of small and large group times occur throughout the week. There may be dancing, singing, stories or story telling with props or discussions. Over the two years we seek to assist children to become able to participate, focus, stay on track and manage their own behaviour during group times. This occurs at different ages for different children and an alternative experience close by is always available to those who are not yet able to participate for the full duration of the group experience. We talk to the children about making a wise choice about who to sit next to and stress that everyone has a right to learn without being interrupted. Quiet time: Parents inform teachers of their childs rest requirements at the initial interview and update as needs change, many children do not require sleep and this is not expected of them. Staff decide whether there will be a period where children are expected to be on their beds from day to day, usually during the three year old program children all rest without being expecte4d to sleep and in four year old year rest time begins to be gradually reduced. Children who do not require sleep are provided with alternative quiet activities such as books, bed bags filled with toys or pads and pencils. Rest time is an opportunity for children to learn to relax their bodies and to enjoy a change to the pace of the day. To support the children who require sleep we may have a quiet period with relaxing music. All families are required to bring along: A fitted cot sheet, a small blanket and cot sized pillow (not full sized as we cannot store it). A small soft toy is appropriate if required.

Toileting: Reminders and help are given if needed. Staff help to change children if they have an accident. Some children can find this embarrassing and we help with the idea of minimal fuss, reassurance and privacy. Soiled clothing is stored and given to parents for laundering at home time. Parents as Partners Educators practices and the relationships they form with children and families have a significant effect on childrens involvement and success in learning. Children thrive when families and educators work together in partnership to support young childrens learning. Being, Belonging, Becoming, EYLF p 10 Some of the ways that we can ensure we are working together with you and exchanging as much information as possible about your child, your family, your home culture and your values are: Family Pages in Learning Journals Families contributing a page to childrens individual Learning Journals can help to create a stronger home/kinder link. The children have such joy in sharing the images of holidays, special events, the everyday of their home life and the important people in their lives. It has proven to be an amazing tool in assisting educators to truly connect with each child. Children want to know that we know them and that we are aware of what is important to them. Parents coming in to spend time in the centre There are many ways for our parents, caregivers (or Grandparents) to participate in the Program! You may choose to come in and be with your child, simply being with them, getting to know their friends, see how the program runs and how they participate in it. Reading a story at the beginning or end of the day is a way for busy parents to connect with the class. In four year old Kindergarten you can stay for the morning meeting and listen to the way that the children participate in a discussion, problem solve together and make decisions. Their discussions are often robust, interesting and a lot more in depth than many would think! Other ways of participating are: helping out with art activities, cooking (yes we have a kitchen and the children love it!) and typing childrens stories (they love to narrate to an adult and then illustrate their story). Please feel free to discuss any other ideas of ways you can help with the teacher. There is a parent participation sign-up sheet in each class so go ahead, sign up now!! Any parents who play piano or any instrument are always welcome to come and play for the children any musician is a superstar to the children regardless of mistakes, the children even enjoy listening to Mr Mason!! Busy Parents can still contribute We recognise that for some families it can be difficult to participate in the classroom during work hours. Therefore we encourage these families to meaningfully contribute to the Centres program in other ways. For example, many of our busy families contribute by providing an endless supply of recycled materials, such as paper for drawing and boxes, bottle tops, corks etc. for collage. Such materials are greatly valued by the Centre and the children. School and Community services and resources to support parenting and family wellbeing: NQF Element 6.2.2 Q&A Parenting Information sessions are held each term with the school Counsellor and Director. Sessions are planned in response to familys needs. The sessions run on Tuesday mornings and are advertised in the school newsletter. Some examples of sessions are: Settling in to Kindergarten, Behaviour Guidance, Childrens friendsh ips, separation anxiety and literacy. We have guest speakers on set parenting evenings throughout the year and the Kindergarten Blog has links to parenting sites and regularly reading the blog posts keeps you well informed of what your child is learning and how they learn. Our centre has access to: the School Individual Differences Department, the schools Counsellor , along with the wide variety of Specialists they have developed partnerships with including Speech pathologists and Psychologists. Teachers are able to make referrals to access this service. School and Community Involvement Throughout the year there are many opportunities to become more involved in our School Community such as: Our Junior Sports Carnival Chapel services, visits to Christ Church and from Mother Linda to share prayers and bless events such as Mothers Day, Fathers day, our term 3 Performances and our new Christmas Carol Service. Visits from various staff members 4 y/o Visits to interview the people who help us in our school Involvement in our local community is also important to us. Throughout the year we enjoy an array of visitors and excursions such as excursions to the Botanic Gardens, visiting local business and places of interest such as: Ian Sharps jewellery store and Eureka tower.

Transition to School: The children who have attended Kindergarten at Christ Church Grammar School make a very smooth transition to School. They are already familiar with their surroundings, their uniform and with the Parkside teachers. They have had opportunities to play in the School playground and in Fawkner Park. The continuity and security of moving on to Preparatory with their friends gives them enormous advantage in their School experience. To enhance this transition, the four year old children participate in a Super Starters programme between August and November. This is a series of specially planned visits where the Prep staff visit the children in the kindergarten and the children visit Parkside. During the programme, the children familiarise themselves with expectations, behaviours and routines that will be important in their school experience. The Preparatory Orientation afternoon in November includes an information session for all parents, while the children spend approximately an hour in the classroom with their teachers for the following year. Child Care Benefit This Commonwealth benefit is available to assist families with child care costs. The benefit is paid direct to a bank account by the Family Assistance Office (FAO). Parents must meet the registration requirements specified by the FAO. Items billed by Christ Church Grammar School that are eligible for the benefit include Kindergarten tuition fees, composite fee, school bus service, out of school care and holiday programme fees. The fees must be paid in full and a special receipt then requested from the School Office for submission to the FAO. Please note that the 50% Rebate does not apply to this service Settling in There are a number of things you can do to help your child settle in to kindergarten. Over the holidays drive or walk by to familiarise yourself. Try to arrange a play date or two with a child in your class this is often the one thing that makes the biggest difference to children feeling comfortable and settled. We plan a 3 y/o family fun morning on a Saturday early in the year where the whole family can come to see what happens at Kindergarten. If youre child has not attended crche or separated from you regularly or you feel they may have difficulty separating you may need to talk with your teacher about a gradual settling in cycle where you stay with your child until they feel secure. It is very important to us that Kindergarten is a positive and enjoyable experience for your child and your family. We will have coffee and tea under the magnolia tree for the first week so please leave time to chat to our other new families at drop off time.

We hope your time at CCGS Kinder is enjoyable and rewarding, there is so much growth and development that occurs in these precious 2 years and we are so happy to share these years of childhood with you all.

CCGS Kindergarten Policies

Kindergarten Policies listed below are available in the CCGS Kindergarten Policy Manual in each classroom. Any parents wanting to assist in our regular policy review schedule please volunteer to Paulette!


Site Map

CCGS Main School Campus Yr 2 6 Administaation

Hall PMP Library

Uniform Shop Crn Punt Rd and Park Place

Kindergarten Cottage Kindergarten Main building

Parkside Campus Kindergarten Year 1 Campus

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