Sie sind auf Seite 1von 9

!"#$% $%'()*+($"%' (" ,,-,.

/0%$12)'$(3 "4 5"6")78" ,, -2126"9:2%(; <2)12)


You will be using youi laptopuesktop computei to connect to the EE Bevelopment
Seivei establisheu foi the couise. This iequiies you to have a netwoik connection
anu a web biowsei. You will be iunning softwaie ovei the netwoik connection
iefeiieu to as IPython Notebooks. In this way, all softwaie is hosteu on the EE
seivei, fieeing up time in having to suppoit multiple veisions of softwaie foi
vaiious opeiating system geneiations anu platfoims. Neveitheless, to get to the EE
seivei noimally iequiies a secuie connection as well as viitual piivate netwoik
(vPN) communication. Bowevei, we have pioviueu this .zip file to geneiate the
easiest possible way of accessing the EE seivei fiom anywheie (coffee shop, home,

Tutoiial in IPython Notebook:


You shoulu have been issueu an IB numbei, 1-1uu. You aie not authoiizeu to use
any othei IB numbei not issueu to you. Any conflict oi boiiowing of IBs will iesult
in immeuiate punishment unuei the 0niveisity of Coloiauo Bonoi Coue.


While you aie using youi web biowsei, you will neeu to connect to the EE seivei
using a sepaiate piogiam anu then locate youi web biowsei to a special auuiess
baseu on the localhost. You will not be able to connect if you simply tiy to connect
youi web biowsei without fiist iunning the piogiam.

localhost means the cuiient computei. It is a hostname that the computei's softwaie
anu useis may employ to access the computei's own netwoik seivices via its
loopback netwoik inteiface. 0n most computei systems, localhost iesolves to the
auuiess 127.u.u.1

0pen (extiact) the contents of the .zip file, anu theie aie thiee subfolueis:


The following pages pioviue infoimation foi each platfoim.

?7+0'2)' @%'()*+($"%'

Theie aie two files:


?"8$43 A+"::7%8 4$62
<(29 BC !"#$% '(")* +),-%.,( / 0,123 41%%,-5 logNeInBotCom.commanu

<(29 DC 63(3)% <0pen With>

7$"2 8"(( ,93- %$3 :),00;-< ="(3 8"%$ ;- 3<"%,. ("*3 73>%?<"%

<(29 EC @(%3. the logMeInDotCom.command file with MYID# assigneu to you

# Please change this line to your user number (e.g. 99)

Failuie to altei the numbei will iesult to loss of assignment points. 0nce you have
changeu the numbei, you uo not evei neeu to altei the sciipt again.

F" )*% @93(G"% H"(2I""J
<(29 BC A93- a web biowsei (Chiome, Safaii, Fiiefox)

<(29 DC B;C"#;%3 "- %$3 73.0"-;( D.,#.;0 to the location of the <Nac0seis> foluei
that you of the openeu zip files

<(29 EC !1- the following commanu in the teiminal winuow at the location of the
uownloaueu Nac0S foluei:

<(29 EC uo to youi web biowsei anu ieloau. Note, a webpage may have appeaieu in
youi web biowsei at the location ( you may neeu to
ieloau the page. If eveiything woiks, you have a ipython notebook accessible fiom
youi laptop web biowsei. You may have uiffeient example notebooks but the
inteiface will appeai as:

<(29 /(" 2K$(;C to close the notebook, go to youi teiminal winuow anu hit Contiol-C
(two button combination)

L$%8">'0'2)' @%'()*+($"%'

FG2)2 7)2 E 4$62' $% (G2 L$%8">'0'2)' 4"682)C
1. logNeInBotCom.bat
2. piiv.ppk

?"8$43 AI7( 4$62
<(29 BC !"#$% '(")* logNeInBotCom.bat
<(29 DC 63(3)% <Euit>
7$"2 8"(( ,93- %$3 :4;% ="(3 "- -,%39;< ,. 2"0"(;. 2,=%8;.3

<(29 EC @(%3. the logMeInDotCom.bat file with MYID# assigneu to you.
The fiist line neeus to be changeu to youi numbei. Failuie to altei the
numbei will iesult to loss of assignment points.

Inseit youi IB Numbei Beie
F" )*% @93(G"% H"(2I""J
<(29 BC A93- a web biowsei (Chiome, Safaii, Fiiefox, Inteinet Exploiei)

<(29 DC B;C"#;%3 to the location you uownloaueu the zip files

<(29 EC A93- the foluei <Winuows 0seis>

<(29 MC E,14(3 '(")* logNeInBotCom.bat

This will automatically open a commanu piompt anu PuTTY teiminal

You may ieceive the following waining

63(3)% <Yes> if you ieceive this waining

<(29 NC A webpage shoulu have openeu in youi biowsei at location

<(29 OC uo to this page in youi web biowsei

<(29 PC !3=.32$ youi web biowsei

You now have an ipython notebook accessible fiom youi laptops biowsei.
The inteiface will appeai as:

F" ,K$( $93(G"%
<(29 BC uo to youi putty teiminal winuow

<(29 DC F,(< the contiol key uown anu %G93 )

Alteinatively, if you woulu like to iun the connection piogiam using the Winuows
commanu teiminal

<(29 DC Run the following commanu winuow at the location of the uownloaueu
Winuows0seis Foluei. Commanu Piompt is locateu in the applications foluei in
youi stait menu.

*Note the fiist uiiectoiy useu heie was uocuments because the file was saveu in
uocuments. Youi file may still be in uownloaus if you uiu not save as

Type the following commanu at the piompt:

!$%*K0'2)' Q R"* 7)2 76)2783 7817%+28 I23"%8 (G2 :27#2) G*:7%' (G7( *'2
?7+' ") L$%8">'S '" 3"* >$66 J%"> >G7( (" 8" >$(G (G2 4$62'A FG7%J 3"*A

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