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What is Strategic Human Resource Management? List the differences between SHRM and traditional HRM. What are the barriers to implement SHRM practices in an organi ation? What are the benefits an organi ation can reap b" implementing SHRM practices?

#. What is HR$? %. 2. What are the characteristics of HR$? &. What are the four le'els in which HR$ de'elops the competencies? (. )*plain an" two models of HR$? +. $ifferentiate HRM and HR$. 1,. How do "ou tell that HRM is reacti'e and HR$ is proacti'e? 11. What is 'ision? 12. What is mission? 13. What are 'alues? 1!. List the 'ision statements of an HR$ department. 1#. List the organi ation 'ision and mission for HR$. 1%. Wh" should an organi ation identif" 'alues? 1&. What should an organi ation do to ma-e the emplo"ees identif" themsel'es with 1(. the 'alues of an organi ation? 1+. What are the challenges to the organi ation? 2,. How can HR$ practices help the organi ations to meet the challenges? 21. What is the need for HR$ in an organi ation? 22. With an e*ample discuss the contributions of HR$ in facing organi ational 23. restructuring. 2!. )*plain HR$ methods 2#. What are the approaches to HR$ process? 2%. What are the sub functions of HR$? 2&. What are the outcomes of HR$? 28. )*plain Raos HR$ model emphasi ing the methods and outcomes. 2+. What are the roles pla"ed b" HR$ professionals? 3,. List the roles pla"ed b" contemporar" HR$ professionals as .at McLagan states. 31. What are the attributes of an H)$ manager? 32. $efine the term need? 33. What is the necessit" to e'aluate the need for HR$? 3!. )numerate the general steps in HR$ need assessment 3#. $iscuss a model of HR$ need assessment. 3%. What are the guiding points to be followed while doing HR$ need assessment? 3&. )*plain the process of HR$ implementation. 3(. 2. $iscuss some models which measure the performance of HR$ programs 3+. in an organi ation. !,. 3. )*plain HR$ Score /ard model. !1. /ompare and contrast integrati'e framewor- and Human /apacit" !2. framewor-. !3. $iscuss some of the HR$ practices which ha'e contributed to organi ational !!. success. !#. What are the drawbac-s of HR$ managers in man" organi ations? !%. 0ame some wea- areas of HR$ managers.

!&. How can the roles of HR$ managers be restructured to ma-e their role a !(. de'elopment oriented? !+. What are the issues of HR$ managers in 12 sector? #,. What is strategic capabilit"? #1. What is the role of HR manager in building strategic capabilit"? #2. What is center of e*pertise? #3. What are the areas of focus of HR mangers in de'eloping strategic capabilit"? #!. What are the resistance areas of HR managers? ##. 1.What is benchmar-ing? #%. 2.What are the methods to benchmar- human resources? #&. 3.What is HR$ audit? #(. !.What are the techni3ues used in HR$ audit? #+. #.Wh" do companies want HR$ audit? %,. %.What are the basic 3uestions that ha'e to be as-ed when the companies go for HR$ %1. audit? %2. 1.What are the recent de'elopments in the field of HR$? %3. 2.What the current practices used b" organi ations to cope with change? %!. 3.0ame some of the current training techni3ues. %#. !.0ame some team based HR$ practices %%. What is )4HRM? %&. How to anal" e )4HRM theoreticall"? 68. 2o what e*tent is it alread" 'isible in organi ations? %+. What t"pes of )4HRM can be distinguished? &,. What are the goals? &1. What are the conse3uences for HR departments? &2. What is )4HRM? &3. What are the goals of )4HRM? &!. What are the ad'antages and disad'antages of )4HRM? &#. )*plain the process of )4HRM implementation in an organi ation. &%. $iscuss a model of )4HRM. &&. What are the basic characteristic s of )4HRM models? &(. What is )4)mplo"ee profile? &+. What are the components of )4)mplo"ee profile? (,. With an e*ample e*plain how the information stored in )4.rofile can be used b" (1. other applications? (2. What are the popular )4Recruitment methods? (3. What are the ad'antages of )4Recruitment? (!. What are the disad'antages of )4Recruitment? (#. What is )4Selection? (%. )*plain )4Selection process (&. $o "ou thin- a paper less Recruitment and Selection process is possible? ((. What are the ad'antages and disad'antages of )4Selection? (+. What is )4Learning? +,. What re the ad'antages of )4Learning? +1. What rea the disad'antages of )4Learning? +2. What is )42raining?

+3. What are the ad'antages and disad'antages of 5)42raining? +!. )*plain the components of an )42raining S"stem. +#. What are the principles of )4Learning? +%. )numerate the characteristics of )4Learning. +&. What is )4.erformance Management S"stem? +(. What is )4/ompensation Management S"stem? ++. What are the uses of )4.erformance Management S"stem ? 1,,. What are the uses of )4/ompensation Management S"stem? 1,1. )*plain in detail how will "ou design a )4.erformance Management S"stem? 1,2. What is HR portal? 1,3. Wh" does an organi ation need HR portal? 1,!. What are the functions an effecti'e HR portal should do? 1,#. $ifferentiate paper based en'ironment and .ortal based en'ironment 1,%. 1.What is emplo"ee pri'ac"? 1,&. 2. What are the wa"s in which the emplo"ee pri'ac" can be disturbed? 1,(. What is 1dentit" theft? 1,+. What is data breach? 11,. Wh" do organi ations conduct emplo"ee sur'e"s? 111. What are the wa"s to conduct emplo"ee sur'e"s? 112. $ifferentiate mail and web sur'e"s. 113. List the ad'antages of Web sur'e"s. 11!. List the disad'antages of web sur'e"s. 11#. How does international human resource management differ from domestic human 11%. resource management? 11&. )*plain the different issues in international human resource management. 11(. )*plain the different approaches in setting up an organi ation internationall". 11+. What is strategic international human resource management? 12,. /ompare and contrast the industrial relations practices of different countries 121. What is meant b" the term culture? 122. 5re cultural 'alues same worldwide6 or are there an" mar-ed differences? 123. 5re the 'alues change o'er time or are the" fairl" constant? 12!. What is the ma7or problem in culture change in an organi ation? 12#. $ifferentiate culture assessment sur'e" and emplo"ee satisfaction sur'e". 12%. $iscuss some models of culture assessment. 12&. )*plain how can the culture of an organi ation be changed? 12(. )*plain the training of H/0s and 2/0S. 12+. Wh" does di'ersit" training fail man" times? 13,. What is the training that can be pro'ided for emplo"ees who return from foreign 131. assignments? 132. What are the components of pre4field training? 133. What is the need for cultural intelligence? 13!. 1s effecti'e leadership beha'ior uni'ersal or does it 'aries from culture to culture? 13#. )*plain. 13%. What is the effecti'e leadership st"le that man" researches ha'e pro'ed? 13&. What are the two basic areas that ha'e to be understood in international leadership?


/ompare and contrast 8S and 9apanese leadership st"les

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