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WAJ3102 English Language Proficiency 1



This topic intends to help course participants to study the basic question types, analyse their structure in order to formulate questions and to use them appropriately in different situations.

Learning Outcomes Analyse the structure of basic question types Identify the types of questions in different texts and conversations Formulate questions appropriately for various situations. se questions for academic purposes and social interactions




What is a question? A question is a request for information or action. !hen "riting a question you should al"ays end the sentence "ith a question mar# $%&. Basic Question Types There are ' basic types of question( ). Yes/No Questions $the ans"er to the question is *+es* or *,o*& -. Question Wo ! Questions $the ans"er to the question is *Information*& .. Choice Questions $the ans"er to the question is *in the question*&


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WAJ3102 English Language Proficiency 1

'. Tag /uestions "# Yes/No Questions au$i%ia y &e b +o Can -as +i! sub'ect you you she they (ain &e b *ant sin,% co(p%ete! ,o her "or#% to school% a drin# % )ns*e +es or ,o +es, I do. ,o, I can0t. +es, she has. ,o, they didn0t.

E$ception. verb be simple present and simple past Is Was Amin 1a2if handsome% at home% +es, he is. ,o, he "asn0t.

/# Question Wo ! Questions question *o ! !here !hen !ho !hy au$i%ia y &e b !o *i%% !i! hasn0t sub'ect you "e she 4ara (ain &e b %i&e% ha&e (eet% !one it% lunch% )ns*e Information In 3emas. At )pm. 4he met 5aafar. 6ecause she can0t.

E$ception. verb be simple present and simple past !here 7o" 1# Choice Questions au$i%ia y &e b

is *as

6ombay% she%

In India. 8ery "ell.


(ain &e b


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WAJ3102 English Language Proficiency 1

In the question +o Wi%% +i! you "e she *ant (eet ,o tea 5ohan to Ipoh or or or coffee% 1oslan% Taiping% 9offee, please. 5ohan. 4he "ent to Taiping.

E$ception. verb be simple present and simple past Is We e your car they 3reen cheap or or silver% expensive% It0s silver. cheap.

3asic Question St uctu e The basic st uctu e of a question in :nglish is very simple( auxiliary verb ; sub<ect ; main verb

au$i%ia y &e b =o Are !ill 7ave

sub'ect you they 3opal you

(ain &e b li#e playing go seen fried meehoon % football% to 5ohor % >ung Fu ?anda - %

+es@no questions "ith the verb be are created by moving the verb be to the beginning of the sentence. In other "ords the sub<ect and the verb change their positions in statements and questions.


I am from 4eremban.

/uestion( Am I from 4eremban%

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WAJ3102 English Language Proficiency 1

Questions 4 co((on (ista5es 9ommon mista#es !hat meant you by saying that% +ou li#e this film% !here you are going this afternoon% +ou did read the letter% !hat you did last night% 9orrect version !hat did you mean by saying that% =o you li#e this film% !here are you going this afternoon% =id you read the letter% !hat did you do last night% !e don0t use do, does or did "hen "e use what, which, who or whoseas the sub<ect. !e put an auxiliary verb before the sub<ect. !hy%

If there is no auxiliary $helping& verb, "e put do, doesor did be6o e the sub'ect#

!ho did give you the information% =oes he #no"s your sister% !here "ill she studies% !hen did he "ent to ?enang%

!ho gave you the information%

=oes he #no" your sister% !here "ill she study% !hen there is an auxiliary verb, the main verb is the root "ord or base form.

!hen did he go to ?enang

9an you tell me "here can I buy a good camera%

9an you tell me "here I can buy a good camera%

!ord order in indirect question is the same as in a normal sentence( 4 65:9T ; 8:16 ; ...


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WAJ3102 English Language Proficiency 1

Ta, Questions You spea5 En,%ish7 don't you? A tag question is a special construction in :nglish. It is a statement follo"ed by a miniA question. The "hole sentence is a *tag question*, and the miniAquestion at the end is called a *question tag*. A *tag* is something small that "e add to something larger. For example, the little piece of cloth added to a shirt sho"ing si2e or "ashing instructions is a tag. !e use tag questions at the end of statements to as# for confirmation. They mean something li#e( *Am I right%* or *=o you agree%* They are very common in :nglish. The basic structure is( ; ?ositive statement, 4no" is "hite, A ,egative statement, +ou don0t li#e me, A negative tag% isn0t it% ; positive tag% do you%

Loo# at these examples "ith positive statements( positi&e state(ent 89: sub<ect auxiliary main verb ne,ati&e ta, 84: auxiliary not personal pronoun $same as notes:


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WAJ3102 English Language Proficiency 1

sub<ect& +ou !e +ou +ou They I !e 7e +ou 5ohn "ill can must should are have do coming, finished, li#e li#e help, come, go, try are "as harder, :nglish, there, coffee, coffee, are have do do "o can must should are "as n0t n0t n0t n0t n0t 0t n0t n0t n0t n0t you% "e% you% you% they% I% "e% he% you% he% no auxiliary for main verb be present C past +ou $do& li#e... "on0t B "ill not

Loo# at these examples "ith negative statements( ne,ati&e state(ent 84: positi&e ta, 89: personal pronoun $same as sub<ect& it% "e%



main verb


It !e

is have

n0t never

raining, seen that,

is have


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WAJ3102 English Language Proficiency 1

+ou They They I !e 7e +ou 5ohn

do "ill "o can must should

n0t not n0t never n0t n0t

li#e help, report do tell drive are "as n0t not


do "ill

you% they% they% I% "e% he% you% he%

us, it right, her, so fast, :nglish, there,

"ill can must should are "as

4ome special cases( I a( right, a en0t I% +ou ha&e to go, !on0t you% I ha&e been ans"ering, ha&en0t I% Nothin, came in the post, !i! it% ;et0s go, shall "e% 7e0! better do it, ha!n0t he% aren0t I $not amn0t I& you $do& have to go...

use first auxiliary

treat statements "ith nothing, nobody etc li#e negative statements let0s B let us he had better $no auxiliary&

7ere are some mixed examples(


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WAJ3102 English Language Proficiency 1

6ut you don0t really love her, do you% This "ill "or#, "on0t it% !ell, I couldn0t help it, could I% 6ut you0ll tell me if she calls, "on0t you% !e0d never have #no"n, "ould "e% The "eather0s bad, isn0t it% +ou "on0t be late, "ill you% ,obody #no"s, do they%

,otice that "e often use tag questions to as# for information or help, starting "ith a negative statement. This is quite a friendly@polite "ay of ma#ing a request. For example, instead of saying *!here is the police station%* $not very polite&, or *=o you #no" "here the police station is%* $slightly more polite&, "e could say( *+ou "ouldn0t #no" "here the police station is, "ould you%* 7ere are some more examples(

+ou don0t #no" of any good <obs, do you% +ou couldn0t help me "ith my home"or#, could you% +ou haven0t got D)E to lend me, have you%

Intonation !e can change the meaning of a tag question "ith the musical pitch of our voice. !ith rising intonation, it sounds li#e a real question. 6ut if our intonation falls, it sounds more li#e a statement that doesn0t require a real ans"er( intonation +ou don0t #no" "here my "allet is, It0s a beautiful vie", do you% isn0t it% @ rising F falling real question not a real question

)ns*e s to ta, questions A question ta, is the *miniAquestion* at the end. A ta, question is the "hole sentence. 7o" do "e ans"er a tag question% Often, "e <ust say +es or ,o. 4ometimes "e may repeat the tag and reverse it $..., do they% +es, they do&. 6e very careful about ans"ering tag


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WAJ3102 English Language Proficiency 1

questions. In some languages, an oposite system of ans"ering is used, and nonAnative :nglish spea#ers sometimes ans"er in the "rong "ay. This can lead to a lot of confusionG Ans"er a tag question according to the t uth of the situation. +our ans"er reflects the real facts, not $necessarily& the question. For example, everyone #no"s that sno" is "hite. Loo# at these questions, and the correct ans"ers( correct ans"er

tag question

4no" is "hite, isn0t it% 4no" isn0t "hite, is it% 4no" is blac#, isn0t it% 4no" isn0t blac#, is it%

+es $it is&.

the ans"er is the same in both cases A because sno" I4 !7IT:G but notice the change of stress "hen the ans"erer does not agree "ith the questioner the ans"er is the same in both cases A because sno" I4 ,OT 6LA9>G

Yes it isG

No it isn0tG

,o $it isn0t&.

In some languages, people ans"er a question li#e *4no" isn0t blac#, is it%* "ith *+es* $meaning *+es, I agree "ith you*&. This is the * on, ans*e in :nglishG 7ere are some more examples, "ith correct ans"ers(

The moon goes round the earth, doesn0t it% +es, it does. The earth is bigger than the moon, isn0t it% +es. The earth is bigger than the sun, isn0t it% No, it isn0tG Asian people don0t li#e rice, do they% Yes, they !oG :lephants live in :urope, don0t they% No, they !on0tG Hen don0t have babies, do they% ,o.
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WAJ3102 English Language Proficiency 1

The :nglish alphabet doesn0t have 'E letters, does it% No, it !oesn0t.

Question ta,s *ith i(pe ati&es 4ometimes "e use question tags "ith imperatives $invitations, orders&, but the sentence remains an imperative and does not require a direct ans"er. !e use won't for invitations. !e use can, can't, will, would for orders. imperative ; question tag invitation Ta#e a seat, "on0t you% 7elp me, can you% 7elp me, can0t you% order 9lose the door, "ould you% =o it no", "ill you% =on0t forget, "ill you% Sa(e4*ay question ta,s Although the basic structure of tag questions is positiveAnegative or negativeApositive, it is sometime possible to use a positiveApositive or negativeAnegative structure. !e use sameA "ay question tags to express interest, surprise, anger etc, and not to ma#e real questions.

notes: polite quite friendly quite friendly $some irritation%& quite polite less polite "ith negative imperatives only will is possible

4o you0re having a baby, are you% That0s "onderfulG 4he "ants to marry him, does she% 4ome chanceG 4o you thin# that0s amusing, do you% Thin# again.

,egativeAnegative tag questions usually sound rather hostile( 4o you don0t li#e my loo#s, don0t you%

E$e cise "#


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WAJ3102 English Language Proficiency 1 ?ut in What7 Whe e7 Why7 When7 -o* into the gaps and form meaningful questions. :xample( IIII often do you play netball% Ans"er( How often do you play netball% )IIIIIIIIIIdo you li#e best% -. IIIIIIIIIIIIdo they go to every "ee#% .. IIIIIIIIIIIIdoes Amy sleep at night% '.IIIIIIIIIIIIIdon0t you go by bus, Osman% J. IIIIIIIIIIIIIhobbies does Angela have% K. IIIIIIIIIIIIare my text boo#s% L.IIIIIIIIIIII is Auntie HayMs birthday% N. IIIIIIIIIIIare you going tomorro", 4ally% O.IIIIIIIIIIII old is :n +usof % )E.IIIIIIIIIIII are you from% E$e cise /.E o Co ection !rite the correct question into the gap. :xample( 4pea# :nglish% A IIIIIIIIIIIIII Ans"er( =o you spea# :nglish% ).!hat I can do for you % IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII -. ?layed you football% IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII .. !here live you% IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII



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WAJ3102 English Language Proficiency 1 N. !here did Amin "ent% IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII


E$e cise1# As#ing P Intervie" P questions. Inst uctions( In the follo"ing, pretend that you are intervie"ing a member of your class named Aina. !rite your name in line $)&, and then complete the dialogue "ith appropriate / :4TIO, "# BEC 7i, my name is QQQQQQQQQQ Our lecturer has as#ed me to intervie" you so that I can practice as#ing questions. 9ould I as# you a fe" questions about yourself% )IN) /# 1# 4# <# =# BEC )IN) )IN) BEC )IN) BEC )IN) BEC )IN) )IN) BEC ># ?# @ "A# )IN) BEC )IN) BEC )IN) BEC )NN)3E; BEC

4ure. !ell, first of all, QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ.. Aina. QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ.. ,egeri 4embilan. QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ.. 4eremban. QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ T"o "ee#s ago. QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ.. 6iotechnology. QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ.. IMm going to stay here for four years until I graduate. QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ IMm living at my aunt and uncleMs house. QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ. ItMs quite far. It usually ta#es me an hour to get here. QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ.QQQQQ. 4ometimes I ta#e the L1T, but usually I ta#e the bus. Page 12

WAJ3102 English Language Proficiency 1 ""# "/# "1# )IN) BEC )IN) BEC )IN) BEC QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ.. 8ery much. The facilities are good and the lecturers are greatG QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ I "ant to study hard and be the best student in my class. 3ood luc#G Any"ay, than#s for the intervie". I thin# I have enough information for the assignment. ,ice to meet you. ,ice to meet you, too.

E$e cise 4# Yes / No questions *ith sho t ans*e s. Inst uctionsC 9omplete spea#er AMs / :4TIO,4 "ith =O,=O:4, I4 , A1: O1 =I=. 9omplete 4pea#er 6Ms 47O1T A,4!:14. The first one is done for you. ). -. .. '. J. K. L. N. O. A( 6( A( 6( A( 6( A( 6( A( 6( A( 6( A( 6( A( 6( A( 6( )E. A( 6( )). A(

I need a flashlight. Q..+OQ you have one% ,o, QI !onDtQ. IIIIIIIIIIIIIII 4emenyih in 4elangor% +es, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII sna#es have legs% ,o, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII going to be in class tomorro"% +es, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIall sna#ebites poisonous% ,o, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ?anadol relieve pain% +es, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIII 9olumbus discover ,e" Realand% ,o, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII Africa the largest continent. ,o, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Asia is. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII you doing a grammar exercise% +es, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIII Ants eat other insects% +es, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Hercury is a liquid metal used in thermometers. IIIIIIIIIIIII mercury have a Page 13

WAJ3102 English Language Proficiency 1 boiling point% 6( +es, IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. It boils at .JK.JNS 9.

E$e cise <# Put in the co ect question ta,s# ). -. .. '. J. K. L. N. O. 7e sometimes reads novels,QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ..% +ou are from >edah, QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ..% ,a2mi didn0t use the pencil, QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ..% Halathy has ans"ered the teacher0s question, QQQQQQQQQQQQQ% The boy is from ?enang, QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ..% 4uriah "asn0t listening, QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ..% Andre" isn0t sleeping, QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ..% 1a2a# "ill arrive at >LIA, QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ% 7e0s been to 5elebu,QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ..%

)E. 9ats li#e fish, QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ..% )). There are some durians left, QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ..% )-. I0m late, QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ..% ).. Let0s go, QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ..% )'. =on0t smo#e, QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ..% )J. 7e does sing in the bathroom, QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ..% )K. 7e0ll never #no", QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ..% )L. I thin#, he0s from 3erman, QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ..% )N. Lovely day today, QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ..% )O. 4he is collecting stic#ers, QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ..% -E. !e often "atch T8 in the afternoon, QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ..% -). +ou have cleaned your car, QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ..% --. 5ohan and =anial don0t li#e Haths, QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ..% -.. 1oslan played handball yesterday, QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ..% -'. They are going home from school, QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ..% -J. Hary didn0t do her assignment last semester, QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ%

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WAJ3102 English Language Proficiency 1 -K. 7e could have bought a ne" car, QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ..% -L. >amarudin "ill come tonight, QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ..% -N. I0m clever, QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ..%

6y( ?n. 4hamshinor bt. Hohd 4aleh

Notes an! e$e cises a!apte! 6 o(C


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WAJ3102 English Language Proficiency 1

).:nglish httpC//***#en,%ishc%ub#co(/, a((a /&e bs4questions#ht( -. Learn :nglish( 4imple 3uide to As#ing /uestions in :nglish( httpC//***#%ea nen,%ish#!e/, a((a /questionte$t#ht(
1# En,%ish e$e cises#o ,C

On%ine e$e cises to p actise Inte o,ati&es o question 6o (s#

http(@@""" nivelBanyCageBECtipoBanyCcontentsBinterrogatives http(@@""".ego' E'#s( http(@@""".ego'"ordAorder@questions http(@@""" http(@@""" http(@@""" http(@@""" http(@@""" http(@@""" http(@@""""game.asp%idBJJL.


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