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31 January 2014

West Africa Advanced School of Theology

Jumaa Prayer
for the Muslims of Africa and beyond
Intercede with Us for the Muslim World!
By faith the harlot Rahab did not perish with those who did not believe, when she had received the spies with peace (Heb. 11:31). In Joshua 2 we read of Rahab. Though this woman was living an immoral life, she recognized God and His sovereignty and hid Joshua s s!ies from the "ing of Jericho, and is noted as a woman of faith. #ray this wee" that $uslim women will see, as Rahab did, that %the &ord your God, He is God in heaven above and on earth beneath' (v. ))*. #ray that because of their faith, they and their families will be saved.+

Today's Prayer Requests: From Students and Alumni

DR C !" : #lease !ray for the salvation of a $uslim man. His wife is a believer, and she and their child attend church. #ray that he will ,oin them in the family of God. #$U%T RI%& "UI!#%: -n alumnus who heads the missions de!artment as"s us to !ray %that God will give the .hristians the grace to love $uslims.' $ay the &ord give them a burden to !ray for and reach out them/ 'I#RR% &# !#: -n alumnus as"s for !rayer for $uslim see"ers. $any admire Jesus and come to church and various activities, but secretly for fear of their families. They attend both the church and the mos0ue. #lease !ray that the &ord will o!en their eyes and give them the courage to ta"e the decision to serve Him alone.

In the News
1n )2 January we !rayed concerning the new draft constitution of Tunisia. 3e than( "od that this constitution, which ac"nowledges Islam as the state religion but re,ects sharia law, overwhelming !assed the 4ational .onstituent -ssembly on 25 January. The document %!rohibits any form of accusation of a!ostasy and incitement to violence,' safeguarding .hristians freedom to worshi!. #lease !ray that believers will indeed to free to serve the &ord o!enly and that they will be a !ositive influence in their society. 6ee more at htt!788bit.ly8)fbz9TJ.

World Watch List: Pray for the Persecuted**

'yria ran"s :; of the <= countries where !ersecution against .hristians is the most severe. -s various $uslim factions vie for !ower, 6yria s .hristians have been es!ecially targeted. $any of their churches, businesses, and homes have been burned, and in some cases whole neighborhoods destroyed. 1f the estimated ).; million !eo!le who identify as .hristians, 9<=,=== have been dis!laced and at least ),2== "illed. >vangelical .hristians number only about 2=,=== (.=)? of the !o!ulation*. #lease !ray ()* for God s intervention in this ongoing crisis, (2* that born@again believers will shine Jesus light and draw othersAboth nominal .hristians and $uslimsAto Him, and (;* that our com!assionate &ord will reveal himself to and save those who !ersecute His !eo!le.

For Muslim Women***

#lease !ray for an outreach in India that hel!s disadvantaged $uslim girls, as leaders wor" to ma"e it financially self@ sustaining. This is a big ste! that re0uires vision, new s"ill sets, and u!@front investments. #ray that these efforts will be successful, and that through this outreach $uslim girls and women will be em!owered s!iritually first, and then em!owered in ways that will lift them (and their families and communities* from cycles of !overty and stifled success.

Prayer Resources
!rayin" for #$sli%s: & '$ide for (ffective )ntercession offers many insights concerning Islam and a different !rayer sub,ect each Briday. This wee" we !ray for %Rahabs' to recognize and serve God7 htt!788bit.ly8)i&nCHJ. ++1!en Coors !ublishes an annual list ran"ing the <= nations where !ersecution against .hristians is most severe. 6ee the full 2=)9 3orld 3atch &ist at htt!788bit.ly8)i9D=;9. .lic" on the name of a country to read the country !rofile and !rayer re0uests. +++$uslim women need your !rayers/ Eou can ,oin a !rayer networ" and receive regular re0uests at htt!788sayhelloinfo.com8. Bor a list of resources for !rayer grou!s, see htt!788tinyurl.com8waast,umaa. Bind information and !rayer re0uests concerning $uslims around the world at htt!788www.;=@days.net8. How should we !ray for those im!risoned for their faithF Read htt!788www.elam.com8articles8How@to@!ray@for@those@in@!rison8. Bor news u!dates concerning !ersecuted .hristians, visit htt!788morningstarnews.org8 and htt!788www.releaseinternational.org8. Bor !rayer re0uests, visit htt!788www.o!endoorsusa.org8!ray8 and htt!788www.!ersecution.com8!ublic8!!G. To hel! you answer $uslims 0uestions about Jesus and the Dible, eG!lore htt!788answeringislam.org8.

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