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Cryopreservation- The time machine Summary How to make engineering with time?

This is a problem solved by biologists in the twentieth century. The cryopreservation is the process of cooling and storing cells, tissues, or organs at very low temperaturas, using liquid nitrogen, to maintain their viability. Human beings have always wanted to travel but, can we travel in time? The answer was given in 1 !", by #instein who tells us it is possible in his Theory of $elativity. %t all has to do with the concept of light and its behaviour. %f you drop a stone from a helicopter to a swimming pool, some waves are created and are opened. &here do the waves arrive before? They arrive simultaneously. %n 1''( in the )nited States two physicists *ichelson y *orley made this e+periment, instead of using water waves,they used light waves and the earth instead of a helicopter. , wave is a particular movement of that medium. -ight is a particular movement of time. Their behavior is very similar to the deep water. The result was that came at the same time to both hands. They realised this e+periment many times and they always obtained the same result. However, they continued to think the e+periment was wrong. The e+planation was given by #instein and it is that the space does not e+ist, it is something that is not there. He created the theory of relativity of space, it says that the light will arrive at the same time on both hands because the space is an illusion, by the fact that ob.ects are separated by a distance. ,nother form of time travelling is the collapse of the wave function. Hafele and /eating e+periment0 1rom this e+periment, it was concluded that the clocks from the moving aircraft are delayed with respect to the one that was still. &hen someone moves the time passes slower. Subatomic particles are ephemeral, move 1 millisecond and then disappear. %f someone puts high speeds, for e+ample in a particle accelerator they can live for thousands of years. 2iological time &e are made of balls, most are water molecules. %f you cool a lot the system these molecules stop. , man can cool down live people by replacing the blood with a very cold liquid. They only have a few hours because if you cool for a long time ice crystals are created that disrupt the cells. To cool without creating ice, it is done by adding glycerin to water to create viscosity. The problem is that glycerol is to+ic. However, glycerin is less to+ic with the higher temperatura, so they have to increase the concentration while lowering the temperature.

Aplication of science and moral and ethical issues The practice of cryopreservation allows to preserve a body by free3ing it so it can be revived in the future. %t must be carried out immediately after a person has been declared dead in order to prevent brain in.uries. The goal of this treatment is to suspend a person4s life that is threatened by an incurable disease, until there is a cure for it. 5r suspend vital functions until science achieves find the fountain of youth or a significant increase in longevity. %n the case of body cryopreservation a lot of controversy has raged, for e+ample, an ,merican bioethicist -eon /ass says 6special value on the natural human cycle of birth, procreation and death7 and views death as 6necessary and desirable end7 and the human and human aspirations that are derived from it. He views human mortality as a blessing in disguise, and he opposed deliberate efforts to increase ma+imum human life e+pectancy in pursuit of bodily immortality. 5ne of the main ethical problems is that if science achieve that purpose, there would be an overcrowding and this would generate more problems such as lack of space, over8e+ploitation of natural resources, e+cessive pollution, etc. $eligion also has influence because depending on your thoughts, the opinions on a particular sub.ect will change. 1or e+ample, 9atholicism says that once the matter dies, it dies so they are against the humans being playing the role of :od and trying to find ways to live forever. #mbryo cryopreservation %n 1 '; a human pregnancy was established using an eight8cell embryo using suspended animation. %n ,rgentina in 1 ( was obtained the birth of a baby from a fro3en embryo using the technique of cryopreservation. &hen performing in vitro fertili3ation, the embryo that are not transferred are fro3en to 81<! degrees 9elsius, in order to be transferred in subsequent cycles in the case that the first attempt fails. 2ut there are always e+tra embryos whose worldwide number, is estimated at several hundred thousand. %n the )nited States the number of fro3en embryos reached at = <.";<. *any writers consider that the free3ing of embryos is ethically acceptable if the purpose is that the embryos come to life, while others accept cryopreservation regardless their final purpose. %n order to perform cryopreservation, the principles of bioethics should be followed, they are four> non8maleficence, beneficence, .ustice and autonomy. ,ccording to ?urriarain, embryo free3ing is against to the first principle because it is immoral @no person should be used only as a means to obtain a purpose, even thought it is legitimate and beneficial7. ,lso it is very important to keep in mind that if fro3en embryos are transferred after a certain time, given its liability and tear, they would not develop as a normal fetus, who will have problems, which can affect the psychological health and personal relationship of the parents. /ass was an early critic of the widespread use of reproductive technologies like in vitro fertili3ation, partly because he was concerned that their use obscures truths about the essence of human life and society that are embedded in the natural reproductive process.

To conclude, cryopreservation process is very e+pensive because very few laboratories carry out this process and also this technique continues to be a challenge for professional doctors. The use of this process will depend on our personal opinions, beliefs and ideas. References 9ryopreservation in embryos. Ar. ,rgibay, Bablo. %talian hospital of 2uenos ,ires -ast view0 =C11C;!1= 1rom0,spectosDeticosDyDlegalesDdeDlasDT$,s.pdf #thical and legal aspects, reproduction techniques, assisted and different therapies 2uenos ,ires =!th of april ;!11 1rom0 http0CCwww.foroaps.orgChitalba8pagina8 articulo.php?codDproductoE1<"(

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