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Cactus Care for Northern Climates By Michael S. Smith July 21, 2006 *Copyright 2006 !y Michael S. Smith.

"ll rights reser#e$. %Cactus Care for Northern Climates% &ften ' get as(e$ ho) to care for non*)inter har$y cacti in northern climates )hen una!le to allo) them to remain out$oors year roun$, particularly )ithin the upper mi$* )est an$ eastern +nite$ States. ,opefully this !rief gui$e )ill help you maintain your cacti so they enter -$ormancy. an$ a#oi$ )inter gro)th that can cause a!normal an$ unsightly gro)th an$ se#ere seasonal thic(ness #ariations. /he main concern )hen caring for cacti in$oors in northern climate is -etiolation,. the thinning of plant gro)th $ue to lac( of a$e0uate lighting. 1tiolation in leaf plants is sho)n through lengthy stem gro)th an$ a less -!ushy. appearance. 'n cacti etiolation is reflecte$ !y thinner gro)th that often is yello) in color $ue to lo) chlorophyll pro$uction. /his yello) gro)th can !e correcte$ )ith a return to higher le#els of light in the follo)ing season, !ut the $iameter )ill usually remain thin though stretching out)ar$ a !it. 2ith etiolation on a columnar cactus you might ha#e the original gro)th of a column at 3.4cm an$ then )ith se#ere etiolation you might get 2.4cm gro)th or less $epen$ing on ho) little light the plant is e5pose$ to. &nce you !ring the plant !ac( out$oors in the spring the plant )ill e#entually resume the 3.4cm gro)th an$ lea#e the etiolate$ section as $eformity that lessens the aesthetic 0uality of these !eautiful plants. But one must !e careful in returning plants to stronger light, especially if etiolate$ as this yello) area is much more suscepti!le to -sun !urn. )hich )ill further scar the plant. "l)ays a$6ust these particular plants #ery slo)ly into strong sunlight, !y allo)ing them to remain in strong $iffuse$ sunlight until resuming their normal s(in tone. 7lants if properly care$ for o#er the )inter )ill not etiolate an$ )ill re0uire less acclimati8ation to full sunlight in the spring 9more on this !elo):. /here are t)o points of import in consi$eration of cacti, !oth of )hich are often misun$erstoo$; the first is that cactus $ormancy, a seasonal cessation in gro)th, is not cause$ !y not )atering, or !y lo)ere$ le#els of light, !ut rather !y lo)er temperatures. Certainly )hen preparing for $ormancy you )ant to cease )atering your plants, !ut since cacti are a$ept at storing )ater for future use a )ell care$ for cactus )ill )ithout $ou!t ha#e plenty store$ up for continue$ gro)th if temperatures allo). /he secon$ consi$eration )as mentione$ a!o#e, an$ that is that a cactus< $iameter, particularly of columnar cacti, is $epen$ent upon le#els of light e5posure. 'n many cases columnar cacti are sent to more northerly climates from the south)est or southeast +nite$ States )here they gro) 0uite rea$ily plante$ in the groun$. /hese plants generally gro) to a $iameter similar to their natural ha!itats from South "merica to the +nite$ States. 2hen !rought to a more northerly climate they on a#erage gro) 2.4 to 4 cm thinner in $iameter. &!#iously if you are loo(ing to ha#e columnar cactus most closely reflect their natural gro)th it is important to pro#i$e them )ith high le#els of

light, !ut if you can<t $o this the !eauty of these plants, along )ith a consistent $iameter, can !e healthily preser#e$ !y a#oi$ing )inter etiolation an$ maintaining a plant un$er the same lighting con$itions season to season. /he stopping of )atering in preparation for )inter $ormancy is important in that along )ith cessation of plant gro)th in lo)er temperatures the plant )ill also stop root pro$uction an$ the ta(ing up of )ater. 2hen a plant is not ma(ing use of the moisture )et soil is the greatest (iller of cacti an$ causes -root rot.. &f all the causes of cacti $eath this is the most common an$ the guilty party of family, frien$s, an$ co*)or(ers )ho )ith congratulatory aplom! inform you ho) they can e#en (ill cacti. =oot rot attac(s the cactus< roots first an$ then gra$ually clim!s up)ar$s into the !o$y of the plant, causing it to rot from the insi$e out. 'n columnar cactus you can spot the rot early an$ remo#e the upper unrotte$ section an$ replant come spring, !ut many glo!ular cacti )ill rot )ithout notice until all that is left is an empty shell reminiscent of an e5os(eleton. 't is important to un$erstan$ that a cactus is $esigne$ to retain )ater, !ut )ithout acti#e gro)th, )hich is $etermine$ !y heat, not light, an$ )ithout transpiration 9e#aporation of )ater through the plants s(in: the cactus )ill in most cases nee$ no )ater for the entire )inter season if store$ properly. Many cacti can in fact sur#i#e for a num!er of years )ithout )ater )hen lac(ing e5cessi#e heat. "l)ays remem!er that a cactus, )ithout a loss of )ater 9cause$ !y heat an$ its atten$ing gro)th:, $oes not re0uire much )ater. 1#en if you ha#e cactus sitting on a nice sunning )in$o) le$ge in )inter it )ill generally not nee$ )ater for the $uration of )inter an$ though it may shrin( in appearance slightly an$ sho) some )rin(les on the s(in )ill usually sur#i#e such signs of $ehy$ration for at least si5 months, if not e#en a full year or more, only to !e )atere$ later an$ plump !ac( up to !ecome a fully restore$ an$ healthy plant. But remem!er, e#en one )atering of some cacti )ithout am!ient heat to spurn gro)th can cause root rot. 't is far !etter to not )ater o#er )inter than to )ater, at least until you !ecome much more familiar )ith cacti care an$ the nee$s of each particular cactus. /iming )hen to cut !ac( on )atering to !ring into $ormancy is important. >enerally cacti can remain out$oors until the !eginning to en$ of &cto!er $epen$ing on your en#ironment an$ the type of cactus. 't might !e !est to try an$ (eep the soil relati#ely $ry !eginning in late Septem!er. ?ou may or may not !e a!le to a#oi$ rain)ater, !ut this )ill !e $epen$ent upon the si8e of your collection in most cases an$ ho) easy it )ill !e to pull them un$er co#er to pro#i$e protection. @or the smaller collections a cheaply ma$e porta!le an$ seasonal lean*to or small hoop*house can !e easily enough constructe$ )ith 7AC pipe, )oo$ !eams, a fe) !races, nails, an$ tape, an$ clear plastic sheeting. /hese are )ell )orth the in#estment to allo) your plants to remain out$oors a fe) )ee(s longer an$ pro#i$e full protection against rain an$ mo$erate protection against frost. @or !etter frost protection in use )ith your lean*to or hoop*house a !e$ sprea$ or !lan(et can !e place$ o#er it at night. >reenhouse plants o!#iously can ha#e their )atering e5ten$e$ $ue to the maintenance of higher temperatures, !ut it shoul$ !e remem!ere$ that in more northern climates you )ill ha#e a precipitous $ecline in light in the fall an$ if you (eep )atering an$ maintaining

high le#els of heat the $iameter )ill lessen $ue to lo)ere$ light le#els. /his may not cause the se#ere etiolation as often happens )hen plants are gro)n in$oors, !ut it can easily cause -pinch mar(s. at the points !et)een more seasonal gro)th. Creating the proper en#ironment for your cacti lea$ing up to an$ $uring )inter can help a#oi$ some of these concerns. &nce temperatures are staying !et)een 10 an$ 16 $egrees C in the $ay, an$ falling to aroun$ 4 $egrees C at night you might )ant to consi$er !ringing them in$oors to a#oi$ snap free8es that )ill ha#e you running to protect your plants if they are fully e5pose$. >enerally most cacti )ill of a certainty stop gro)ing )hen the $aytime temperature is running aroun$ 14.4 $egrees C. "$$ressing $ormancy at these temperatures is )ise until one !ecomes more accustome$ to the climate you resi$e in an$ ho) it affects the sorts of cacti in your collection. "s sai$ a!o#e, $ormancy has to $o )ith temperatures, an$ not light. But it is important to note again that a plants $iameter is $epen$ent on light, an$ so the less light you ha#e, in com!ination )ith a$e0uate heat for gro)th, )ill cause etiolation, so it is #ital to time the remo#al of a plant from out$oor lighting to coinci$e )ith lo)er temperature )hich )ill cease plant gro)th. &!#iously if you !ring a plant into a home at room temperature, an$ heate$ o#er the )inter to aroun$ 21 $egrees C, )ith lo) light, you are going to get some $egree of etiolation as room temperature is generally not cool enough to fully stall gro)th, therefore it is important to locate an area of your home that might (eep the temperatures in the cooler ranges. 'n my o)n case ' ha#e an unheate$ garage that is attache$ to the home an$ all my plants go into it. 'n a prior resi$ence ' use$ an unheate$ !asement. Most of the plants ' gro) can han$le light frost an$ temperatures slightly !elo) free8ing, !ut ' al)ays attempt to get them in$oors !efore this happens an$ to maintain the garage a!o#e free8ing. My garage is not )ell insulate$ an$ so it can get $o)n to free8ing in se#ere )eather, so ' place a thermometer alongsi$e the cacti. 'f ' see the temperature $rop !elo) 1.4 $egrees C ' turn on a small space heater to (eep the temperature running aroun$ B.4 to 3 $egrees C. Since a full cactus collection coul$ easily $ie if the furnace goes out $ue to the lac( of electricity, gas, or it !rea(ing, a small (erosene heater might !e han$y as a !ac(up. 7eople can al)ays go stay some)here else if this happens, !ut it is unli(ely you )oul$ !e a!le to pac( up an$ mo#e an entire cactus collection. 't shoul$ !e note$ that ' often )ill ha#e my cactus in near complete $ar(ness $uring $ormancy. Cighting isn<t necessary for a plant that isn<t in acti#e gro)th, something you clearly )ant to a#oi$ $uring )inter $ormancy, so feel free to place the plants )here#er you are a!le to pro#i$e cool enough temperatures, this regar$less of light le#els. 'nterestingly enough ' ha#e e#en place$ year ol$ see$lings in the col$ garage for $ormancy )ithout much $ifficulty. See$lings $on<t appear to maintain )ater $uring )inter storage as )ell as more mature plants an$ if they appear too $ehy$rate$ '<ll )ater them an$ place them un$er stan$ar$ fluorescent tu!es an$ on top of reptile heating pa$s until they plump !ac( up. &nce hy$rate$ an$ the soil $ries out completely '<ll remo#e them !ac( into the garage for storing. 2hat ' $on<t )ant them to $o though is actually !egin to gro) as tu!e lighting isn<t nearly as strong as natural lighting an$ )ill cause

gro)th to !e too thin. @luorescent lighting is fine for see$ starting 9see my Closet Cactus Care:, !ut after the first season or t)o they shoul$ get strong $iffuse$ natural sunlight. Stronger illumination can of course !e supplie$ !y metal hali$e or other forms of mo$ern in$oor gar$ening lighting, !ut generally this isn<t #ery pro$ucti#e for mature cactus $uring )inter an$ )ill often not repro$uce the $iameter a#aila!le from sunlight. &nce )inter has mostly past, spring nears its arri#al, an$ the chances of se#ere frost are lo), plants can !e !rought out$oors. 2ith smaller collections plants can !e !rought out in the $ay an$ returne$ to co#er for the col$er frost !itten e#enings, !ut )ith larger collections more care on )hen to !ring out$oors )ill nee$ to !e ta(en. 't is important to acclimati8e all plants to sunlight, !ut particularly important for any plants that might sho) etiolate$ yello) )inter gro)th. Be sure not to place any plants into $irect sunlight if they remaine$ out of sunlight o#er the )inter. 't is !est to allo) the plants to sit in sha$e, $iffuse$ sunlight, or get 6ust an hour or t)o of $irect sunlight for at least a )ee( to a$6ust. "fter this perio$ you can then slo)ly increase the sunlight for another )ee( or t)o to a!out half of that )hich you inten$ to e#entually ha#e them in at the completion of acclimati8ation. @ollo)ing this perio$ feel free to place them into full $irect sunlight. 'f the plants etiolate$ o#er the )inter then it is !est to (eep them in strong $iffuse$ lighting until the yello) gro)th resumes its full green hue. 'f your plants come out in mi$*"pril, li(e mine $o, then !e sure to )ater them )ith a truly goo$ soa(ing an$ then let them alone )ith 6ust natural rain sho)ers until )armer )eather starts to pic( up in May. /o encourage goo$ gro)th you can fertili8e e#ery fe) )ee(s )ith your stan$ar$ plant fertili8er ma$e at half strength. By follo)ing these gui$elines an$ learning a!out, an$ a$6usting to, the particulars of your o)n plants an$ climate you shoul$ !e a!le to maintain a #ery healthy an$ !eautiful cactus collection.

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