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Project Design

Online Vegetable Market

This project aims to provide shopping cart solutions to all types of customers over the internet world. This application developed for Vegetables and fruits. User should register first before going to buy any item using this shopping cart system. Web forms included in this web application are same as all shopping cart projects, those are new user registration, here in this we provide three options to customers based on their requirements Regular basket, Medium Basket and Custom Basket. In that first and second are prepared basket some regular items and third one customer choice. In that system

Project Outcomes:
At the end of this project, students will be able to demonstrate the:(Just fill the bullet points) use HTML and CSS to design pixel web pages use of Java Servlets and JSP for creating dynamic web content use of JDBC with Java Servlets and JSP for creating database driven web applications use of XML and JSON to offer web applications as web services use of Memcache for loading the web pages faster

Assumptions& Pre-Requisites
1. Students have successfully finished the prerequisite web programming modules 1

Project Design
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Students have to attend college from 9AM-6PM for the Web Programming Course Students have Moodle user IDs and logins for the Web Programming Course Students know the mentor that is allocated to him/her Students are aware of the Leave Policy {Hyperlink or Copy Paste MSIT Leave Policy} Students are aware of the consequences of plagiarism {Hyperlink or Copy Paste MSIT Plagiarism Policy} Students have to work in small teams {Resources on Being an Effective Team Player}

Project Design
Course Syllabus
Modules [Duration] Module 1 [8 hours] Module Name Understanding the project Requirements & Indentifying the functional and non functional requirements. Designing of Home page and identifying other pages Registration and sign in page of customer Vegetables adding and removing page and updating rates Create three types of baskets namely Regular basket, Medium Basket and Custom Basket Create Custom Basket page with features of displaying items and easy to choose with their quantities and rates with images Resources Provided SDLC-

Module 2 [8 hours] Module 3 [8 hours] Module 4 [8 hours] Module 5 [8 hours]

Module 6 [8 hours]

Project Design
Module 7 [4 hours] Create Custom Basket page with features of displaying items and easy to choose with their quantities and rates with images Create Weekly and occasionally order pages Feedback and help pages

Module 8 [8 hours] Module 9 [8 hours]

Module 10 Inventory management [8 hours] Module 11 Point of sales [8 hours] Module 12 Reports / Integration and [8 hours] testing

Project Design
Module 1:
Understanding the project Requirements & Indentifying the functional and non functional requirements. Design the project by using UML, Sequence and class diagram

Learning Objectives:
Able to clear idea of the project Able to plan to complete the project Able to apply one of the software life cycle model

Task Description:
Understanding the project Requirements & Indentifying the functional and non functional requirements. Generally think this project is more familiar to ever body. Every day we are visiting market to purchase vegetable to spent our valuable time, now you may think if develop this project the vegetable are available within one click of your mouse button this really useful today requirements. Here, you may consider different types of peoples in the society and find their requirements of vegetable to categorize three types namely Regular basket, Medium Basket and Custom Basket. Analyze and other requirements based on our daily life Design the project by using UML, Sequence and class diagram

Learning Material: SDLC-

Project Design
Module 2:
Designing of Home page and identifying other pages. In this module students are design home page of the project by using HTML and CSS Students are identifying the other web pages

Learning Objectives:
Able to clear idea of HTML and CSS Able to applying hyperlinks , background colors and images.. etc Able to apply CSS in effectively

Task Description:
Designing of Home page and identifying other pages. Design home page with attractive features and user friendly manner means without much knowledge on computers there are able easily use the features of our project. To design home page by using HTML tags and CSS. Students are identifying the other web page based our daily life environment like adding new vegetable page, updating vegetables rates page, help page and etc.. Here, mainly consider how to purchase their vegetables without spend their valuable time of the users.

Learning Material:

Project Design
Module 3:
Registration and sign in page of the customer. Here, students are creating registration page for new users Login page for existing users

Learning Objectives:
Able to clear idea of JSP Able to connecting database Able to maintain his data base

Task Description:
Registration and sign in page of the customer. Who are visiting our website, they have limited accessibility features. So, categorize two types of customers registered and un-register users. Un register users only see the products they dont have any permissions to purchase vegetables online. To register new user to create a page called registration page. Here, you take some personal details and create the user account for that customer with limited number o features to provide more security, why because here, money tractions are processed so be aware with that Here, students are creating registration page for new users Login page, this page for registered users, here, customers are login and to display some features like profile updating, order vegetable, cancel the orders and etc.

Learning Material:

Project Design
Module 4:
Vegetables adding and removing page and updating rates. Here, students are adding new items into data base Students are updating items rate if any changes occurred

Learning Objectives:
Able to clear idea of JSP Able to connecting database Able to maintain his data base

Task Description:
Vegetables adding and removing page and updating rates. Here, we need one page that is whenever you need to add new items that requires one page called vegetables adding page. In that page add name of the vegetable, rate based on qty like numbers or kgs, description, remarks. Here, add some more like uses of that vegetables like vitamins, which type of foods are prepare with that vegetable. Here, anther page is called remove items, if the items are not available that particular day you just remove from our catalog. If any changes occurred in rates you need to update the rates, that needs one page called update page

Learning Material:

Project Design
Module 5:
Create three types of baskets namely Regular basket, Medium Basket and Custom Basket. Here, students are creating three types of buckets in weekly orders First , regular bucket, it is based on who is using more vegetables per week in averagely Second, Medium bucket, it is based on who is the family contain max 4 members using vegetables per week averagely Third, Custom bucket, it is based on user requirements First and second buckets may be increased based on user requirements

Learning Objectives:
Able to clear idea of JSP or servelets Able to connecting database Able to maintain his data base

Task Description:
Create three types of baskets namely Regular basket, Medium Basket and Custom Basket. Here, students are creating three types of buckets in weekly orders First , regular bucket, it is based on who is using more vegetables per week in averagely Second, Medium bucket, it is based on who is the family contain max 4 members using vegetables per week averagely Third, Custom bucket, it is based on user requirements First and second buckets may be increased based on user requirements

Learning Material:

Project Design
Module 6:
Create three types of baskets namely Regular basket, Medium Basket and Custom Basket. Here, students are creating three types of buckets in weekly orders First , regular bucket, it is based on who is using more vegetables per week in averagely Second, Medium bucket, it is based on who is the family contain max 4 members using vegetables per week averagely Third, Custom bucket, it is based on user requirements First and second buckets may be increased based on user requirements

Learning Objectives:
Able to clear idea of JSP or servelets Able to connecting database Able to maintain his data base

Task Description:
Create three types of baskets namely Regular basket, Medium Basket and Custom Basket. Here, students are creating three types of buckets in weekly orders First , regular bucket, it is based on who is using more vegetables per week in averagely Second, Medium bucket, it is based on who is the family contain max 4 members using vegetables per week averagely Third, Custom bucket, it is based on user requirements First and second buckets may be increased based on user requirements

Learning Material:


Project Design
Module 7:
Create three types of baskets namely Regular basket, Medium Basket and Custom Basket. Here, students are creating three types of buckets in weekly orders First , regular bucket, it is based on who is using more vegetables per week in averagely Second, Medium bucket, it is based on who is the family contain max 4 members using vegetables per week averagely Third, Custom bucket, it is based on user requirements First and second buckets may be increased based on user requirements Able to clear idea of JSP or servelets Able to connecting database Able to maintain his data base Create three types of baskets namely Regular basket, Medium Basket and Custom Basket. Here, students are creating three types of buckets in weekly orders First , regular bucket, it is based on who is using more vegetables per week in averagely Second, Medium bucket, it is based on who is the family contain max 4 members using vegetables per week averagely Third, Custom bucket, it is based on user requirements First and second buckets may be increased based on user requirements

Learning Objectives:

Task Description:

Learning Material:


Project Design

Module 8:
Create weekly and occasionally order page. Creating pages any orders occasionally needed Applying discounts on bulk orders any other pages to attract the customers

Learning Objectives:
Able to clear idea of JSP or servelets Able to connecting database Able to maintain his data base

Task Description:
Create weekly and occasionally order page. Here, we need some features to attracting the customers, any festivals or any other occasions customers requires more vegetables there are think to purchase more vegetables they may get some discounts from any other offline shopping.. you may think that way you may give some discounts there are very much interest to purchase there require items from our website think in this way and create some pages based on your daily experiences. Applying discounts on bulk orders any other pages to attract the customers

Learning Material:


Project Design
Module 9:
Create Feedback and help. Creating feedback page using some kind of questions to improve business Creating help page for the more user friendly

Learning Objectives:
Able to clear idea of JSP or servelets Able to connecting database Able to maintain his data base

Task Description:
Create Feedback and help. In any organization they need to know the status of the organization, means of customer satisfaction. To know that status here, plan to create feedback page based on some parameters. Here, parameters are suppose you are the customer what type of parameters are consider to give the grade. Help page, this page is really helpful to who are newly visited and unable to find features for existing users. Here, create some frequently asked questions(FAQs) wit out waiting of your response, means they are posting question and waiting for the answer.

Learning Material:


Project Design
Module 10:
Inventory management. Maintaining the stock details Order the items if stock is over Finding the motility of items

Learning Objectives:
Able to clear idea of JSP or servelets Able to connecting database Able to maintain his data base Inventory management. In this module think about stock maintenance, opening balance and closing balance of the stock every day. Here, Opening balance is combination of yesterday closing balance and today stock received Here, closing balance is subtract of today sales from today opening balance. Here, closing and opening balance is update dynamically Order the items if stock is over Finding the motility of items

Task Description:

Learning Material:


Project Design
Module 11:
Pont of sales. Maintaining the stock details Order the items if stock is over Finding the motility of items

Learning Objectives:
Able to clear idea of JSP or servelets Able to connecting database Able to maintain his data base

Task Description:
Point Sales Here, we need to generate invoice based on customer orders. In that invoice it contains transaction ID, name of the item, quantity, unit price, total amount and grand total of the invoice. In that invoice need user information like name of the customer and mobile number. Based on that information create invoice page.

Learning Material:


Project Design
Module 12:
Reports / Integration and testing. Generating the repots Integrating the project Applying some samples on the projects

Learning Objectives:
Able to clear idea of JSP or servelets Able to connecting database Able to maintain his data base Able to apply the some testing techniques

Task Description:
Reports / Integration and testing. Generate some test cases on different values to store and check it generate values are correct or not

Learning Material:


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