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TITLE:BoostSalesUsingIrresistibleOffers Forexpertswholovewhattheydobuthateselling! SPECIALGUEST:LisaSasevich,AuthorofTheInvisibleClose


ExponentiallygrowyourspeakingsalesusingIrresistibleOffers Getmassiveresultswithoutbeing"salesy" Maximizeyourprofitswithnomarketingbudget!


Simple,nocostthingsyoucandotoinstantlydoubleortripleyoursalesduringlive presentations...bigorsmall. 3secretstodesigningatrulyirresistibleoffer,versusabundleoffluffYes,theycantell! Thesecrettoinspiringsomeonetoactnow...withoutbeingpushyor"salesy"! Andmostimportant,howtosharethewealthofyourwonderfulanduniquetalentsand receivewealthinreturn!

It'sadisservicetoletinterestedconsumerswalkawaywithoutsecuringthebenefitofyour fabulousproductsorservices.Theycametobuyfromyou.Givethemwhattheyneedtosay"YES!" Lisa'sBioforPrint: Heraldedas"TheQueenofSalesConversion,"LisaSasevichhasxrayvisionforseeingsales conversionopportunitiesandthecreativitytoconvertthemintogold!Lisadelivershighimpact, lowcost,customizedsalesclosingstrategiesforturbochargingentrepreneursandsmall businessownerstogreatprofits. After25yearsofwinningTopSalesAwardsatFortune500companieslikePfizerPharmaceuticals andtrainingtopexecutivesatcompanieslikeHewlettPackard,sheleftcorporateAmericaand putherskillstothetestasanentrepreneur. Injust3shortyears,Lisacreatedamultimilliondollarhomebasedbusinesswithtwotoddlers

intowandherhusbandinmedicalschool. LisaistheundisputedexpertonhowtomakeBIGmoneydoingwhatyoulove! LisaistheauthorofTheInvisibleClose,teachingexpertswhoaremakingadifferencehowtoget theirmessageoutandenjoymassiveresults,withoutbeingsalesy. ToreceivemonthlySalesNuggetsandLisa'sFREE6partseries,"Simple,QuickandEasyWaysto BoostSalesWithoutSpendingaDime," IntroducingLisaSasevichofTheInvisibleClose Ifyou'retiredofbeingthebestkeptsecretinyourfield,todayisyourchancetotransformthat forever.IfyouLOVEwhatyoudo,butHATEthesalespart,youreinforatreat! Today,I'mthrilledtointroducetoyouLisaSasevich,knownbymanyas TheQueenofSalesConversion." SheisalsotheauthorofTheInvisibleClose,teachingexpertswhoaremakingadifferencehow togettheirmessageoutandenjoymassiveresults,withoutbeingsalesy. After25yearsofwinningTopSalesAwardsatFortune500companieslikePfizerPharmaceuticals andtrainingtopexecutivesatcompanieslikeHewlettPackard,sheleftcorporateAmericaand putherskillstothetestasanentrepreneur. Injust3shortyears,Lisacreatedamultimilliondollarhomebasedbusinesswithtwotoddlers intowandherhusbandinmedicalschool. LisaistheundisputedexpertonhowtomakeBIGmoneydoingwhatyoulove! Welcome.....LisaSasevich (GohereformoreaboutLisa:

QuestionsforInterview: 1. Lisa,IveheardyoureferredtoastheQueenofSalesConversion.WhatisSalesConversion andwhyisitimportanttopayattentiontoit? 2. AndwhatisTheInvisibleClose? 3pointsfrombook Whoitsforeveryone Cautionaboutthesong 3. Letstalkaboutyourbackgroundalittleandhowyoubecameanexpertinthisarea? LisatotalkaboutherconversionstatsandhowshearrivedattheInvisibleClose 4. WhataresomeofthekeyelementstodoinganInvisibleClose? Sothatyourenotwaitingforthebigclose,ImgoingtogiveyouallIcanandshow youwheretogetmore. LisawillsetituptocoverseedingandIrresistibleOffers 5. Sohowcanweavoidthatawkwardsalespartandkeepouraudienceatease? LisatotalkaboutPartnershipFromTheStart Moreonseedingdefinewhatitisandwhatitisnt SegueintoIrresistibleOffers(tensionvs.pressure/creatingthegap) 6. TellusmoreaboutusingIrresistibleOfferstoclosesales:Aretheremistakesthatpeople makewhendesigningtheiroffer? Notputtinganofferinatall. Notstartingwiththeirbusinessgoals(facialist) Notseedingwellwhichcausesatoughtransitiontotheoffer(energychange, differentpersonality) Notaclearoffer 7. Icanseethatyourtechniquesmotivatepeopletobuyonthespot,whichisgreat.Doyou haveanyadviceforwhattodowithpeoplewhoneedtothinkaboutitorcheckwiththeir spouse? Lisatotalkaboutacknowledgingdecisiveaction Lastpoint:ThepowerofinvestinginyourselfandwhathappenedtoLisawhenshe did. 8. YouwouldntbeTheQueenofSalesConversionifyoudidntmakeanIrresistibleOfferto ourlisteners.So,whatcanyouofferourlistenerstodayandhowcantheygettheirhands onmore?

! Yes! Id like to stay connected with Lisa!

Name__________________________________________________________ Primary E-mail (Please print clearly)____________________________________________________ Daytime Phone__________________________________________________
" Please subscribe me to The Invisible Close Ezine so I receive monthly Sales Nuggets that I can immediately use in my business to Boost Sales Without Spending a Dime and increase my sales conversion without being Salesy. " Please contact me regarding scheduling a possible keynote, workshop or training. " I have a referral and/or business opportunity for Lisa and would like to be contacted. Comments:________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

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Shes a Sales Intuitivean Idea Factory!

Lisa has a trail of satisfied clients who attribute their unprecedented increases in sales largely to her efforts: "The Results Were Mind-blowing!
Just one idea I took from The Invisible Close allowed me to easily and naturally add a more powerful sales message to my educational-style presentation. Shortly after I discovered Lisa's tips I made two 75-minute presentations to fairly small groups and generated over $85,000 in back of the room sales! This was one heck of a return on my investment!" Adam Urbanski, Marketing Mentors, Inc.

"Makes the difference between conversion rates of 10% and 70%!

Lisa, I'm blown away by all the 'trade secrets' revealed in The Invisible Close! If I'd had your system back when I started my business, I could easily have multiplied my results a thousand-fold by now. You've left no stone unturned in your step-by-step formula - I'd say youre offering the definitive guide to growing a successful, profitable business by closing more sales! I use your techniques in teleseminars, webinars and in-person events; just a couple of simple adjustments make the difference between conversion rates of 10% and 70%!" Mari Smith, Facebook Expert

We can tell this is just the tip of the iceberg!

In the first 30 days, Lisas sales conversion strategies brought over $21,000 of additional revenue to our business. Asher Milgrom, CEO, American Medical Aesthetics

Are you leaving thousands of dollars behind?

Contact Lisa Sasevich today at or

The Invisible Close Speak-to-Sell Signature Talk Formula

Step into the Spotlight with a Talk that you Love, Offers that Sell and the Confidence that comes with being Ready!

Step 1: Offer Creation

3 Exercises to Create and Value Your Offer

1. Imagine the client that is your greatest success story. Not a group of clients, but one specific person. What results did they get from working with you? List their EXACT results. What other transformations happened in their life because of these results? What would have been the cost to the client had they NOT accepted your offer? This is the Value of your offer!

2. What does your target market crave? Think about their biggest source of painsomething you can solve with your training and expertise. Something youd be happy to be known for.

3. What is an outcome / transformation that you already successfully provide that you could repackage for further leverage?

Regarding Your Offer, Remember:

They are buying the destination, not the plane.

Your OFFER = Outcome (90%) + Service Delivery (10%)


Lisa Sasevich's The Invisible Close *Pre-event Questionnaire*

15 questions you MUST ask before you accept a speaking invitation: Find out what type of event youre speaking at. Is it a fit for you to be there? Is it a free or paid event? What is the goal of the promoter of the event? Make sure you understand the goal of the event from the promoters perspective. What is the time allotted to speak? What is the order of the speakers? If there is more than one speaker, who else is speaking? What happens right after I go offstage? Who is the target audience? What are their demographics? You want to know things like: Who is going to be there and where are they coming from? Are the people in the audience new? Are they coming from all over? Are they already in some type of training or program? Is it all women or a mixture? Are they entrepreneurs? Are they all employed by corporations with 50 or more people? Are they customers? Have they already bought from the host of the event? Are they members? What is their age range? Type of business? Are they consultants? Do they sell products? Are they from a specific industry or field? How many people are attending and what is the number of buying units? Are speakers allowed to make a special offer? Is there a commission-split expectation? Am I allowed to have a drawing? What is the usual dress for the event? If you are going to be sitting for a longer engagement, especially if youre teaching a training, what is the view from the audience? What AV equipment is available? Will the computer be on stage with you? Is there a live Internet connection? Where will the sales table be? If there is not room, where can I display my products and stand at the end of my talk? Can I bring an assistant? What are the travel and arrival times?

(c) 2010 Lisa Sasevich, The Invisible Close All rights reserved. 646-368-8210

Lisa Sasevich's Invisible Close Speaking Gig Pre-event/Packing Checklist

Rehearse entire talk and time it Rehearse intro 3 more times and time it Rehearse close 3 more times and time it

Network connection cord Remote clicky mouse (if using own computer) Extra AA and AAA batteries Wardrobe tape (e.g. Gal Pal) Small and large safety pins Hair clips/elastics Extra shoes Shoe inserts/moleskin/band-aids Nice pens for signing books Mints for pocket/purse Confirm and print flight itinerary. Confirm and print hotel itinerary. Confirm and print seminar itinerary Print contact info for seminar host Confirm ride to airport Confirm ride at destination airport $100 cash for traveling Extra checks to pay vendors/make donations at event

Flash drive with presentation on it

Backup CD with presentation on it

Products for on stage (or confirm shipped to venue) Products for sales table (or confirm shipped to venue) Order forms (or confirm shipped to venue) Handouts (or confirm shipped to venue) Flyers/brochures (or confirm shipped to venue) Printed introduction for host (2 copies)

Business cards

Index cards (for quick notes to bring onstage) Cell phone Cell phone charger Voice recorder Camera Laptop Laptop power cord

(c) 2010 Lisa Sasevich, The Invisible Close All rights reserved.


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