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Physical quantities: the things that could be measured and by means of which describe laws of physics. Fundamental quantities: those quantities which are independent of each other are called fundamental quantities. Examples: mass, length etc. Derived quantities: those which are obtained by multiplication and division of independent quantities. Examples: area, acceleration etc. LENGTH Cm (centimetre) f (foot) m (metre) MASS g (gram) p (pound) kg (kilogram) TIME sec. (second) sec. (second) sec. (second) SYSTEM CGS system FPS system MKS system

SI System: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Length - m (metre) Mass - kg (kilograms) Time sec (second) Temperature k (kelvin) Electric current A (ampere) Amount of substance mol. (mole) Luminous intensity cd (candela)

DIMENSIONS OF PHYSICAL QUANTITIES This means how physical quantities are related to fundamental quantities. Mass (m) = M Length (l) = L Time (t) = T Principal of homogeneity In an equation containing physical quantity is represented by its dimensional formula and the resulting formula is known as dimension equation and dimension of fundamental quantity. We could find out or verify formulae and different equations. APPLICATION OF DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS

To find unit the physical quantity in a given system units. To check the correctness of a equation. For unit conversion. To derive the relation.

VECTORS Physical quantities are of two types vectors and scalars. Scalars have magnitude and no direction. But, vectors have both magnitude and direction. Vectors are represented by a arrow above their magnitude. Types of vectors: 1. Unit vector (a^) Unit vectors are generally used to show the direction. 2. Zero vectors. These have a magnitude of 0 and an intermediate direction. 3. Equal direction Direction of these vectors must be same or parallel. 4. Negative of vector This is just the opposite side facing vector of an original vector if the direction is opposed then the vector is called a negative vector. 5. Collinear vectors The vectors lying on the line in same direction. 6. Coplanar vectors The vector on the same plane. 7. Co-Initial vectors They vectors whose tails are coinciding are called the co-initial vectors. 8. Co- terminus vectors The vectors whose terminating points re same are called co- terminus vectors.

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