Sie sind auf Seite 1von 9

WHEREAS, the undersigned Parties are mutually desirous of doing business with respect to the arranging, selling and

buying of any commodity over a period of ----------months the terms and conditions of which shall be agreed upon between the Parties in cooperation with one another and with third parties for their mutual benefit !he documents which shall follow this agreement such as letters of intent, full corporate offers, ban" comfort letters, contract terms and conditions, ban"ing details or pre-advised payment instruments and#or any information contained in such documents may not be passed, under any circumstance, to another intermediary or bro"er or trader or any company or private persons who are not end buyers or end suppliers without prior specific written consent of the party$s% providing such information !his Agreement is made and entered into on this date and shall obligate the undersigned Parties and their partners, associates, employers, employees, affiliates, subsidiaries, parent companies, any nominees, representatives, successors, clients and assigns hereinafter referred to as &!he Parties' (ointly severally, mutually and reciprocally to the terms and conditions e)pressly stated and agreed to below and this Agreement may be referenced from time to time in any document$s%, or written agreements and the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall apply to any e)change of information written or oral involving financial information, personal or corporate names, contracts initiated by or involving the parties and any addition, renewal, e)tension, rollover amendment, renegotiations or new agreement hereinafter referred to as &!he !ransaction' $Pro(ect#!ransaction% for the purchase of all commodities, products and e*uipment +,W, !HERE-,RE .! .S A/REE0

Koga potpisani Stranke se meusobno elji poslovanja u pogledu ureenja, prodaje i kupovine bilo koje robe tokom perioda ----------- meseci uslovima koji se dogovaraju Stranke u saradnji sa jednim drugom i sa treim licima za njihovu obostranu korist. Dokumenata koji e pratiti ovaj ugovor, kao to su pisma o namerama, puna korporativne ponude, pisma kom!or banke, ugovor o uslovima, bankovne podatke ili unapred preporu"uje instrumente plaanja i # ili bilo koje in!ormacije sadrane u tim dokumentima ne moe se preneti, po bilo kom okolnost, da drugi posrednika ili brokera ili trgovca ili bilo koju !irmu ili privatna lica koja se ne zavr ava kupcima ili dobavlja"ima kraju bez prethodne posebne pismene saglasnosti stranke $e% pruanje takve in!ormacije. &vaj sporazum je napravljen i stupio na taj datum e obavezati i potpisani stranke i njihovi partneri, saradnici, poslodavaca, zaposlenih, !ilijale, !ilijale, mati"na preduzea, bilo kandidata, predstavnika, naslednika, klijenata i dodeljuje u daljem tekstu 'Strane 'zajedni"ki pojedina"no, meusobno uzajamno i sa uslovima izri"ito navedeno i da su se sloili i ispod ovog Sporazuma mogu se pozivaju s vremena na vreme, u svakom dokumentu $e%, ili pisani dogovori i pravila i uslove ovog Sporazuma primenjuju se na sve razmena in!ormacija pismene ili usmene uklju"uje !inansijske in!ormacije, li"ne ili korporativne imena, ugovore je pokrenuo ili uklju"uju stranke i bilo toga, obnavljanje, produenje, dopunu rollover, renegotiations ili novi sporazum u daljem tekstu '(ransakcija' $)rojekat # transakcija% za kupovinu sve robe, proizvoda i opreme.

A/REE1E+! +,! !, 0EA2 W.!H,3! 4,+SE+!

Sada, dakle dogovoreno je !he intending Parties hereby irrevocably bind themselves and guarantee to each other that they shall not directly or indirectly interfere with, circumvent or attempt to circumvent, avoid, by-pass or obviate each others interest or the interest or relationship between &!he Parties' with procedures, seller, buyers, bro"ers, dealers, distributors, refiners, shippers, financial instructions, technology owners or manufacturers, to change, increase or avoid directly or indirectly payments of established or to be established fees, commissions or continuance of pre-established relationship or intervene in non-contractual relationships with manufacturers or technology owners with intermediaries entrepreneurs, legal council or initiate buy#sell relationship or transactional relationship that by-passes one of &!he Parties' to one another in connection with any ongoing and future transaction or pro(ect

*govor ne da se bavi bez odobrenja Strane nameravaju ovim se neopozivo obavezuju sebe i jedni druge da garantuje da e oni nisu direktno ili indirektno ometaju, zaobie ili poku avaju da zaobiu, izbegavajte, +,-)-SS ili otkloniti svaki drugi interes ili interes ili odnos izmedju 'stranaka' sa procedurama, prodavac, kupaca, brokeri, dileri, distributeri, re!iners, shippers, !inansijska uputstva, tehnologija vlasnici ili proizvoa"e da promene, poveanje ili izbegavaju direktno ili indirektno plaanja uspostavljene ili da bude uspostavljena naknade, provizije ili nastavak prethodno uspostavio odnos, ili intervenisati u neugovornih odnosa sa proizvodja"ima i tehnologiju vlasnici sa posrednika preduzetnicima, pravni savet, ili pokrene kupovinu # prodaju odnos ili transakciji odnos koji prolazi po jedan ' Stranke 'jedni drugima u vezi sa tekuim i buduim transakcije ili projekat.

A/REE1E+! +,! !, 0.S42,SE &!he Parties' irrevocably agree that they shall not disclose or otherwise reveal directly or indirectly to a third party any confidential information provided by one party to the other or otherwise ac*uired, particularly contract terms, product information or manufacturing processes, prices, fees, financial agreement, schedules and information concerning the identity of the sellers, producers, buyers, lenders, borrowers, bro"ers, distributors, refiners, manufacturers, technology owners, or their representative and specifically individuals names, addresses, principals, or tele)#fa)#telephone numbers, references product or technology information and#or other information advised by one party$s% to be one another as being confidential or privileged without prior specific written consent of the party$s% providing such information

S)&.-/*0 da ne otkriju 'Strane' nepovratno se slau da ne sme da otkrije ili na drugi na"in otkriti, direktno ili indirektno za bilo kog treeg lica poverljive in!ormacije koje jedna stranka na drugi ili na drugi na"in ste"ene, posebno ugovora o uslovima, in!ormacije o proizvodima i procesima proizvodnje, cene, takse, !inansijska sporazum, rasporedi i in!ormacije vezane za identitet prodavaca, producenata, kupaca, kreditora, dunika,

A/REE1E+! !, H,+,R 4,11.SS.,+S

4ommissions, fees, compensation or remuneration to be paid as part of transaction covering &!he Parties' to this Agreement, shall be agreed upon by separate written agreement by &!he Parties' concerned and shall be paid at the time such contract designates, concludes or monies change hands between buyers and sellers, unless otherwise agreed among &!he Parties' &!he Parties' hereby irrevocably and unconditionally agree and guarantee to honor and respect all such fees and remuneration, arrangements made as part of a commission transaction even in the event that &!he Parties' are not an integral party to a specific commission and fee remuneration agreement

brokeri, distributeri, re!iners, proizvoa"i, tehnologije vlasnika ili njihovih predstavnika i posebno pojedince imena, adrese, direktori, ili teleks # !aks # tele!onskih brojeva , re!erence proizvod ili tehnologiju in!ormacije i # ili druge in!ormacije koje savetuju jedna stranka $e% da se jedan drugom kao poverljive i privilegovane, bez prethodne posebne pismene saglasnosti stranke $e% pruanje takve in!ormacije.

S)&.-/*0 1- 2-S( ).&34/456 )rovizije, takse, naknada ili naknada se plaa kao deo transakcije pokrivaju 'Strane' ovog Sporazuma, bie dogovorena po posebnom pisanom ugovoru od strane 'Stranke' u pitanju a plaa se u vremenu to ozna"ava ugovor zaklju"uje ili novac promeni ruke izmeu kupaca i prodavaca, osim ako nije druga"ije dogovoreno izmeu 'Stranke'. 'Stranke', ovim neopozivo i bezuslovno slaem i garantuje po tovanje i "ast to su sve takse i naknade, dogovore se kao deo provizije transakcije iu slu"aju da 'strane' nisu sastavni strana posebne provizije i naknade naknade sporazuma.

A/REE1E+! !, .+-,R1 .n specific deals where one of &!he Parties' acting as an agent allows the buyers or buyer5s mandate, and the seller to deal directly with one another, the agent shall be informed of the development of the transactions by receiving copies of the correspondence made between the buyer or buyer5s mandate and the seller

!ER1 !his agreement shall be valid for five $6% years commencing from the date of this agreement !his agreement has an option to renew for a further period of five $6% years sub(ect to and upon the terms and conditions agreed between both parties !his agreement shall apply to7 8 All transactions originated during the term of this Agreement 8 All subse*uent transactions that are

S)&.-/*0 in!ormisanja * odreenim bavi gde je jedan od 'strana', koja deluje kao zastupnik omoguava kupcima ili kupca mandata, a prodavac direktno povezati sa jednim drugom, zastupnik e biti obave ten o razvoju transakcije prijema kopije prepiske izmeu kupca ili kupca

follow up, repeat, e)tended or renegotiated transactions of transactions originated during the term of this Agreement AR9.!RA!.,+ !his Agreement shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of England All disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be finally settled under the rules of arbitration of the &.nternational 4hamber of 4ommerce $.44%' by one or more &Arbitrators' appointed in accordance with the said rules Every award shall be binding on &!he Parties' and enforceable at law 9y submitting the dispute to arbitration under these rules, &!he Parties' underta"e to carry out any award without delay and shall be deemed to have waived their right to any form of recourse insofar as such waiver can validly be made Each of &!he Parties' sub(ect to the declared breach shall be responsible for their own legal e)penses until an award is given or settlement is reached, provided however, &!hat Party' found in default by &!he Arbitrator$s%' shall compensate in full the aggrieved party its heirs or assigns for the total remuneration received as a result of business conducted with &!he Parties' covered by this Agreement, plus all its arbitration costs, legal e)penses and other charges and damages deemed fair by &!he Arbitrator$s%' for ban", lending institutions, corporations, organi:ations, individuals, lenders, or borrowers, buyers or sellers that were introduced by the named party, notwithstanding any other provisions of the award !he language of the Arbitration shall be English and the arbitration shall ta"e place in /eneva, Swit:erland -,R4E 1A;,R A party shall not be considered or ad(udged to be in violation of this Agreement when the violation is due to circumstances

mandata i prodavac.

(.-5-156 &vaj sporazum e vaiti pet $7% godina, po"ev i od datuma ovog sporazuma. &vaj ugovor ima opciju da se obnovi za dodatni rok od pet $7% godina, predmet i na uslove i dogovoreno izmeu obe strane. &vaj sporazum se primenjuje na8 Sve transakcije nastali vreme trajanja ovog Sporazuma. Sve transakcije koje se naknadno praenje, ponavljam, pro irena ili renegotiated transakcija transakcija nastala vreme trajanja ovog Sporazuma. -.+4(.-94 &vaj *govor e biti regulisani i tuma"i u skladu sa zakonima 6ngleske. Svi sporovi koji proizilaze iz ili u vezi sa ovim Sporazumom e biti kona"no po pravilima arbitrae u '0eunarodna trgovinska komora $0KS%', od strane jednog ili vi e 'arbitara' imenovan u skladu sa pomenutim pravilima. Svaka nagrada e biti obavezujui za 'strane' i izvr na po zakonu. )odno enjem spor na arbitrau po ovim pravilima, 'Strane' obavezuju da obavljaju bilo koju nagradu, bez odlaganja, a smatrae se da se odrekao prava na bilo koji oblik ukoliko regres, kao to su odricanje moe biti punovano. Svakoj od 'strana' predmet progla en kr enja e biti odgovoran za svoje pravne tro kove dok je nagrada data ili naselje je postignut, pod uslovom, '(o je stranka' nalazi u podrazumevani

beyond its control, including but not limited to act of /od, civil disturbances and theft or appropriation of the privileged information or contract$s% without the intervention or assistance of one or more of &!he Parties'

E+!.!.ES ,W+E0 ,R 4,+!R,22E0 !his Agreement shall be binding upon all entities owned or controlled by a party and upon the principal$s%, employee$s%, assignee$s%, family and heirs of each party +either party shall have the right to assign this Agreement without the e)press written consent of the other

'-rbitar $a%' moraju da nadoknade u potpuno o teena strana svoje naslednici ili dodeljuje za ukupne naknade primljene kao rezultat poslovanju sa 'strane' op!ateni so ovoj Dogovor, i sve svoje tro kove arbitrae, pravne tro kove i tro kove i tete koje smatra !er 'arbitra $e % 'za banku, pozajmljivanje institucije, korporacije, organizacije, pojedince, kreditora, dunika ili, kupaca odnosno prodavaca koji su uvela po imenu stranke, bez obzira na druge odredbe nagradu. 5ezik arbitrae e biti engleski i arbitraa e se odrati u 9enevi, :vajcarska. Sile Stranke ne smatra da se adjudged ili pri kr enju ovog sporazuma, kada je povrede usled okolnosti izvan njene kontrole, uklju"ujui ali ne ograni"avajui se aktom +oga, graanskih nemira i krae ili prisvajanje privilegovanih in!ormacija ili ugovor $e% bez intervencija ili pomo jednog ili vi e 'Stranke'.

A/REE1E+! +,! !, 4.R431<E+! &!he Parties' agree not to circumvent or attempt to circumvent this Agreement in an effort to gain fees, commissions, remunerations or considerations to the benefit of one or more of &!he parties' while e)cluding the other or agree to benefit to any other party

+,! PAR!+ERSH.P A/REE1E+! !his Agreement shall in no way be construed as being an agreement of partnership and none of &!he Parties' shall have any claim against any separate dealing, venture or assets of any other party or shall any party be liable to any other party ;4<- vlasni tvu ili pod kontrolom &vaj *govor e biti obavezujui za sve subjekte u vlasni tvu ili koje kontroli e stranka i na glavni $a%, zaposlen $a%, zastupnik $e%, porodice i naslednici svake strane. 1ijedna strana nee imati pravo da prenese ovaj ugovor, bez izri"ite pismene saglasnosti druge strane.

!RA+S1.SS.,+ ,- !H.S A/REE1E+! !he transmission of this Agreement through =ahoo 1essenger, 1S+ 1essenger or any similar programs, telefa) or e-mail shall be legal and binding

Sporazum se ne da zaobiu ')oliti"ke stranke' ne dogovore da zaobiu ili poku aj da se zaobie ovaj Sporazum u nastojanju da

A/REE0 A+0 A!!ES!E0 Each representative signing below guarantees that he#she is duly empowered by his#her respectively named company to enter into and be bound by the commitments and obligations contained herein either as individual, corporate body or on behalf of a corporate body > Electronic signature is valid and accepted as hand signature >

dobije taksi, provizije, naknade ili razmatranja u korist jedne ili vi e 'stranaka', a bez drugog, ili se slaete da koristi bilo koje druge stranke .

16 sporazum o partnerstvu &vaj Sporazum e u biti ni na koji na"in tuma"iti kao dogovor o partnerstvu i nijedna 'strana' ima bilo kakve tube protiv svih koji se bave posebnim, poduhvat ili imovine bilo koje druge strane ili bilo koja stranka mora biti odgovorna za bilo koje druge strane.

?% Party ?7 0esignation7 Signatory5s -ull +ame7 4ompany +ame7 2egal Address7 Phone7 -a)7 Passport +o7 +ationality7 e-mail7 9uyer

).61&S- &3&= S)&.-/*0)renos ovog sporazuma putem ,ahoo 0essenger, 0essenger ili sli"nih programa, !aks ili e-mail e biti pravna i obavezujue.

4ompany Seal @ Signature7AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Signed 0ate7 BBBBB CDDE D&=&3&.4;4 i overen Svaki predstavnik potpisivanje dole garantuje da on # ona je propisno ovla en od strane njegove # njene odnosno ime !irme da uu u i da bude vezan obaveze i obaveze koje su ovde, bilo kao individua, kolektivno telo ili na ime korporativnog tela. > 6lektronski potpis je vaei i prihvaeni kao ruka potpisa >

C% Party C7 0esignation7 Signatory5s -ull +ame7 4ompany +ame7 2egal Address7 Phone7 -a)7 Passport +o7 +ationality7 e-mail7 Seller

4ompany Seal @ Signature7AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Signed 0ate7 BBBBB CDDE

?% partije ?8 &znaka8 Kupac )otpisnik@s 4me i prezime8 4me kompanije8

)ravna -dresa8 (ele!on8 Aaks8 )aso broj8 1acionalnost8 6-mail8 F% Party F7 1andate A 0esignation7 Signatory5s -ull +ame7 4ompany +ame Phone7 +ationality7 e-mail 4ompany Seal @ Signature 7 Signed 0ate7BBBBBCDDE Seller5s Kompanija )e"at i potpis 8BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB )otpisan Datum8 ... ... ... ... ... CDDE

C% strana C8 &znaka8 )rodavac )otpisnik@s 4me i prezime8 4me kompanije8 )ravna -dresa8 (ele!on8 Aaks8 )aso broj8 1acionalnost8 6-mail8 Kompanija )e"at i potpis 8BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB )otpisan Datum8 ... ... ... ... ... CDDE

G% Party G7 A 0esignation7 Signatory5s -ull +ame7 4ompany +ame7 Phone7 H -a)7 H Passport +umber7 +ationality7 e-mail7 4ompany Seal @ Signature7

F% strana F8 )rodavac mandat -. &znaka8 )otpisnik@s 4me i prezime8 1aziv preduzea (ele!on8 1acionalnost8 6-mail Kompanija )e"at i potpis 8 )otpisan Datum8 ... ... ... ... ... CDDE

Signed 0ate 7BBBB CDDE

6% Party 67 A 0esignation7 Signatory5s -ull +ame7 4ompany +ame7 Phone7 H -a)7 H Passport +umber7 +ationality7 e-mail7 4ompany Seal @ Signature7

G% strana G8 -. &znaka8 )otpisnik@s 4me i prezime8 4me kompanije8 (ele!on8 H Aaks8 H +roj paso a8 1acionalnost8 6-mail8


Kompanija )e"at i

Signed 0ate 7 ?C 0ecember CDDE

)otpisan Datum8 ... ... ... ... . CDDE

E% Party E7 A 0esignation7 .ntermediary Signatory5s -ull +ame7 4ompany +ame7 Phone7 H -a)7 H Passport +umber7 +ationality7 e-mail7 7% strana 78 4ompany Seal @ Signature7 -. &znaka8 )otpisnik@s 4me i prezime8 4me kompanije8 (ele!on8 H Aaks8 H +roj paso a8 1acionalnost8 6-mail8

Signed 0ate 7 ?? August DE


Kompanija )e"at i

)otpisan Datum8 ?C. decembar CDDE

E% strana E8 -. &znaka8 posredni"ke )otpisnik@s 4me i prezime8 4me kompanije8 (ele!on8 H Aaks8 H +roj paso a8 1acionalnost8 6-mail8

Kompanija )e"at i potpis8

)otpisan Datum8 ??. -vgust DE

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