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Novel Review



Name : Leni Dekasari Class


: XII Science 3
: Suci Mildayuni, S.Pd


Reviewed by. Leni Dekasari

Tittle Written by Publisher Pages

: Dracula : Bram Stoker : Kesaint Blanc : !

Condensed & Simplified by : Sugeng Panut

"rankly speaking # hate read horror no$els% # also don&t like the 'riting style of classic no$els% This no$el tells about Dracula% (eah) Dracula or *ampires is a person 'ho does not die) an un+dead and sucked blood of humans% Don&t think this no$el is romantic no$el 'ith cute $ampires% (ou&re totally 'rong) guys% There&s no cute $ampires or handsome Dracula% This no$el full of brutality from Count Dracula% That&s 'hy the no$el 'ith entitled ,Dracula- a no$el by Bram Stoker so famous although ha$e been 'ritten a hundred years later% The character of Count Dracula taken from Transyl$ania supertitions% .ctually # don&t kno' Count Dracula is true story or /ust fiction0 1o matter about supertitions or not) the important one is ho' can us appreciate the art 'ork% So) check it dot2 To'ard the beginning of the no$el) 'hen 3onathan 4arker) an 5nglish solicitor 'ho /ourneys from 5ngland to Count Dracula&s castle at to pro$ide legal support for Dracula for a real estate transaction% 6n the 'ay 'ent to Transyl$ania) Count Dracula&s castle 3onathan 4arker offered crucifi7 from old lady% There are many supertitions come to 3onathan 4arker along his /ourney% 4e sa' a ring of 'ol$es 'hen the moon appeared% .t the Count Dracula& castle) 3onathan 4arker reali8e 'ho is Count are% 3onathan 4arker disco$ers that he has become a prisoner in the castle% "earing for his life) 3onathan 4arker attempts to escape from the castle by climbing do'n the 'alls% .lthough 3onathan success escape from the castle of the Count) his soul shaken and suffering then 4e treated in Budapest for 'eeks% 9ean'hile) in 5ngland) 9ina 9urray) 4arker&s fianc:e) 'aited 3onathan 4arker from his returning from Transyl$ania% 9ina has a friend) ;ucy Westenra 'ho has recei$ed marriage proposals from three men<Dr% 3ohn Se'ard) .rthur 4olm'ood) and an .merican named =uincey 9orris% 6ne day) 9ina $isits ;ucy

Reviewed by. Leni Dekasari

at the seaside to'n of Whitby% . >ussian ship is 'recked on the shore near the to'n 'ith all its cre' missing and its captain dead% The only sign of life aboard is a big dog that disappears into the countryside? the only cargo is a set of fifty bo7es of earth shipped from Castle Dracula% .fter the accident of ship) ;ucy has lately taken to her old habit of 'alking in her sleep and her sleep'alks more than e$er% 6ne night) 9ina found ;ucy in the to'n cemetery and belie$es she sees a dark form 'ith glo'ing red eyes bending o$er ;ucy% 9ina reali8ed) ;ucy 'as changed% With helped by three men 'ho lo$e ;ucy) e$eryday ;ucy undergo to operate the transfusion of blood% .s her treatment ;ucy ate garlic and flo'ers to keep off from supertitions of Dracula% 6ne day) ;ucy can&t sur$i$e anymore% ;ucy 'as died% ;ucy lea$e people that lo$e her) also lea$e her soulmate) .rthur% @nfortunetly) ;ucy un+dead% ;ucy becomes a female $ampire 'ho treathening children at night like Dracula% *an 4elsing) Dr% Se'ard) =uincey) and .rthur decided to go to ;ucy&s coffin% They agree to follo' the ritual of $ampire slaying to ensure that ;ucy&s soul 'ill return to eternal rest% Then the men cut off her head and filled her mouth 'ith garlic% .fter this deed is done) they pledge to destroy Dracula himself% 3onathan 4arker and 9ina 9urray already married% Then they return to 5ngland and /oin forces 'ith the others% 9ina helps *an 4elsing collect the $arious diary) ne'spaper and /ournal entries that 4arker) Se'ard) and the others ha$e 'ritten) attempting to piece together a narrati$e that 'ill lead them to the Count% Then) 4arker) 9ina) =uincey) *an 4elsing) and Dr% Se'ard goes to Transyl$ania to find Count Dracula and kill him% #n Transyl$ania) they 'ent to Count&s castle% The men sterili8e the bo7es of earth) forcing Dracula to flee to the safety of his nati$e Transyl$ania% The men pursue the Count) di$iding their forces and tracking him across land and sea% They clean the Castle Dracula by killing the three female $ampires and sealing the entrances 'ith sacred ob/ects% The others catch up 'ith the Count /ust as he is about to reach his castle) and 3onathan and =uincey use kni$es to destroy him% There&s no Count Dracula anymore%

Reviewed by. Leni Dekasari

# lo$e ho' Bram Stoker describe e$ery figure in this no$el% 5$ery figure ha$e strength character 'ith difference point of $ie' 'hen face their e$ents% # really lo$e the character of 9ina 9urray% 9ina 9urray as 3onathan fiencee) has courage to safe 4arker from Count Dracula) also has high intelligent to track the presence of Dracula although has bitten by Count Dracula at least three times% This no$el ha$e different plot than the other no$el horror% 1o$el Dracula 'as 'ritten like a diary) or a literary term kno'n as A5pistolary no$elA 'here the content is a collection of diaries) telegrams) letters of the characters) ne'spaper clippings) a recorder) etc% Sometimes) the point of $ie' bet'een 3onathan 4arker) 9ina 9urray) ;ucy Westenra) Dr% Se'ard) and Professor .braham *an 4elsing are the same) so it&s hard to understand 'hat they are talking about% # really en/oyed read this no$el% 1e$ertheless # found it difficult to connected the plot 'ith characterAs mind% This no$el) ho'e$er) 'ants you to learn one thing: you decide you can control fear although it&s big enemy for you% Dracula is a perfect classic horror no$el that 'ritten in the BCth century% But people continue to be remembered until no'% # highly recommend this ri$eting no$el for you if you en/oy classic no$els 'ith supernatural and mystery themes% Can&t 'ait to find e7traordinary literary sensation and en/oy the BCth century 'here the no$el 'as first published%

Reviewed by. Leni Dekasari


The cover of the first edition (1897)

The cover that published by Kesaint Blanc (2010

Reviewed by. Leni Dekasari

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