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June / Level Exam

(11th & 12th Grades)



1-20.sorularda,cmledebobraklan yerlereuygundenszckyada ifadeyibulunuz. 1. Althoughtheoutcomeremains

uncertain,theagreed-uponplanseems tobeworkingoutquitewellforthetime being. A) fortunate C) final B) endless D) obvious E) considerate

5. Wheatgrowssointhemidwestern
UnitedStatesthateveryyearalarge surplusisproduced. A) abundantly B) slightly C) barely D) optionally E) primarily

2. ThetownofDharamsala,locatedinthe

Himalayanfoothills,enjoysaclimate, withextremesofneitherheatnorcold. A) dense C) cunning B) mild D) treacherous

E) religious

3. Havingclimbedallthewaytothetopof
thehillinAnadoluKava,wewere disappointedthatthewassopoor thatwecouldnotseetheBlackSea. A)occurrence B)assistance C) distance D) attitude E) visibility

4. TheofGermancarshasalways

B) loyalty D) reliability

languagesarenativetoIndia,Englishis alsospokenthere. A) exactly B) exclusively C) extensively D) accidentally E) annually

6. ThoughHindianddozensofother

7. ThoughTurkeydidnotmilitarilyin

WorldWarII,itdidprovideGermanywith rawmaterials. A) determine B) participate C) contradict D) specify E) compare

8. Theopinionstobefoundintheletters
sectionofthisnewspaperdonot necessarilytheopinionsofthe editors. A) encounter C) frustrate E) fasten B) reflect D) decide

beensuperiortothatofJapanesecars; theydonotbreakdownsomuch. A) sensitivity C) actuality E) ability

9. Ican'twithmybrotheratall;we alwaysargueaboutsomething. A) get along B) do over C) break in D) take after E)look out


English Language Studies

ELS-$DS 10.Messagesofsympathyhaveabsolutely sincethenewsofhisdeathwas announced. A) taken in B) broken into C) put aside D) flooded in E) looked through 11.Inthe19thcenturychemiststhat candlesharderbyaddingstearic
acid,aningredientofanimalfat,tothe candlewax. A) were discovered / were made B) have discovered / had been made C) would be discovered / had to make D) were discovering / must have made E) discovered / could be made

15.Thetouristsarelookingholiday souvenirstotakehomethem.
A) at / to B) for / with C) across / for D) after / from E) into / through

16. Iamfilledadmirationthose
whodevotetheirlivestohelpingpeople lessfortunatethanthemselves. A) for / towards B) in / from C) with / for D) up / to E) out / about

12.Fromthebeginningofmankind,men witheachotherandthishumantrait bothnegativeandpositive


A) compete / will be having B) are competing / is having C) have been competing / has had D) were competing / is going to have E) are going to compete / has

13.Iexpect,afterthisvictory,hundredsof supportersattheairporttowelcome theirfootballersastheyofftheplane.

A) have been waiting / stepped B) are waiting / will step C) waited / will have stepped D) will be waiting / step E) had waited / were stepping

17.therainyseason,thesouthwesterncoastofIndiareceives25cm ofrainfall. A) When C) As soon as E) While B) By the time D) During 18.Thecharitywasoverjoyedwhenapop starpromotedtheircausebecause, makingalargedonation,he broughtalotofpublicity. A) despite C) moreover E) since B) no matter D) besides 19.Dieticiansstressthat,althoughdietary fibreprovidesnonutrients,itaids theabsorptionof;therefore,itisan
essentialelementinahealthydiet. A) its / theirs B) them / it C) their / its D) theirs / themselves E) itself / them

14.Itheirofferiftheyonme workingonSaturdaysaswell. A) had accepted / didn't insist B) ought to accept / weren't insisting C) have accepted / won't be insisting D) were accepting / wouldn't insist E) might have accepted / hadn't insisted

holidayinAmericaagainandwecould stayweekforonlysevenhundred dollarsmore. A) another C) each other E) other B) others D) the others

English Language Studies 13

ELS-$DS 21-25.sorularda,aadakiparada numaralanmyerlereuygunden szckyadaifadeyibulunuz.

(21)........ 417 m below sea level, the Dead Sea is (22)........ point on the Earth's surface. It is part of a long depression on the Earth's surface called the Great Rift Valley, which extends from southern Africa to Turkey. The Dead Sea receives (23)........ 5-10 centimetres of rain a year, and it is the only place on Earth where people can sunbathe for extended periods with (24)........ or no sunburn because the sun's harmful ultraviolet (25)........ are filtered out by its unique atmosphere. 21. A) Lying B) To lie C) Having lain D) To have lain E) Lain 22.

26-31.sorularda,verilencmleyiuygun ekildetamamlayanifadeyibulunuz. 26.Althoughaspirinisprimarilyregardedas

asimplepainkiller,. A) some types can be dissolved in water to make it easier to swallow B) it can also help to prevent heart attacks, strokes, and some forms of cancer C) Hippocrates knew about some of the effects of its ingredients in the 5th century BC D) some people use it to end the discomfort of minor headaches E) Felix Hoffman may not actually have been its inventor as was originally thought

A) low enough B) lower C) so low D) as low E) the lowest 23. A) as C) even

E) just 24. A) few C) little

B) like D) for B) several D) none B) shines D) rays

27. Notonlydid20th-centuryIrishsatirist
BrianONolanspeakIrishfluently,. A) which is a Celtic language most closely related to Scots Gaelic B) as well as the satirical novel An Bal Bocht C) but he also wrote hundreds of newspaper columns in the language D) nor did he ever publish his great novel The Third Policeman E) and his pen name in The Irish Times was Myles na gCopaleen

28. ,buttheformerismorethoughtful
whilethelatterisquitesavage. A) There have been at least four major English translations of the Gilgamesh epic B) There are some similarities between the characters of Gilgamesh and Enkidu C) Since Babylonia combined the two territories of Sumer and Akkad D) First told in the Sumerian language but written down only in Akkadian E) John Gardners translation of the Gilgamesh epic was the most poetic

E) any 25. A) strengths C) infections E) wastes


English Language Studies

ELS-$DS 29. ,oritwillgooffifit'sleftouthere anylonger. A) A deep-freeze requires a continuous supply of electricity for the food in it B) In centrally heated houses, vegetables should be refrigerated even in winter C) During the winter months, you can keep your fruit out on the balcony D) Please put that bottle of milk in the fridge E) We bought more food than was really necessary 32-34.sorularda,verilencmleninhangi sorununcevabolduunubulunuz. 32. Itshouldntbemorethanabout10or12,
Ithink. A) Have you got any idea about the number of people coming tonight? B) That was quite a crowded party, dont you think? C) There arent any more eggs left for breakfast tomorrow, are there? D) Should we get there a couple of hours early or not? E) What time did you say your parents flight will be arriving?

30.Someoftheviolentsceneswerenot includedintheeditedversion. A) so it is certainly not for children, who might easily be affected by so much aggression B) however, some people try to apply certain scenes from films to real life C) no matter how many times psychologists warn film producers about aggression D) who wouldn't enjoy the film otherwise E) because it was going to be shown at peak viewing time

31.,thestreetswerefloodedand rubbishhadblowneverywhere.

forinfection. A) Im furious about what my boss said to me the other day! B) What on earth are you doing to that poor dog? C) Have you gotten over your ear infection yet? D) Whats the best remedy for an ear thats always ringing? E) Basset hounds have the silliest ears, dont you think?

novels. A) You said John Kennedy Toole only wrote two novels, right? B) Was it in French that Samuel Beckett first wrote Waiting for Godot? C) It was in 1968 that Yasunari Kawabata won the Nobel prize, wasnt it? D) How many books is Isaac Asimov supposed to have written? E) Did E.M. Forster or Aldous Huxley write Point Counter Point?

A) As the waves crashed against the cliffs far below B) After three days of non-stop rain and high winds C) As part of the council's new road cleaning policy D) Unexpectedly, an underground pipe suddenly burst E) We switched on the television in time to catch the latest weather forecast

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ELS-$DS 35-40.sorularda,verilenngilizce cmleyeanlamcaenyaknTrke cmleyibulunuz. 35. ThefirstoutstandingEnglishessayist

wasFrancisBacon,whopublishedfiftyeightessaysonseriousmatters. A) lk nemli ngiliz deneme yazar olarak kabul edilen Francis Bacon, ciddi konularda elli sekiz deneme yaymlamtr. B) Ciddi konularda elli sekiz deneme yaymlam olan Francis Bacon, ilk nemli ngiliz deneme yazar olarak bilinir. C) Francis Bacon, nemli konularda elli sekiz deneme yaymlam olan ngiliz deneme yazardr. D) lk nemli ngiliz deneme yazar, ciddi konularda elli sekiz deneme yaymlam olan Francis Bacon'dr. E) Ciddi konularda denemeler yaymlayan ilk ngiliz olan Francis Bacon, elli sekiz nemli denemenin yazardr.

RimeoftheAncientMariner",isbased onthesuperstitionthatkillingan albatrossbringsbadluck. A) Coleridge, "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" adl mehur iirinde, albatros ldrmenin uursuzluk getirecei batl inancn anlatr. B) Albatros ldrmenin uursuzluk getirecei batl inancna dayanan mehur iir "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner", Coleridge tarafndan yazlmtr. C) Coleridge'in en mehur iiri, albatros ldrmenin uursuzluk getirecei batl inancn anlatan "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner"dr. D) Coleridge'in mehur iiri "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner", albatros ldrmenin uursuzluk getirecei batl inancna dayanr. E) "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" Coleridge'in en mehur iiridir ve albatros ldrmenin uursuzluk getirecei batl inancn anlatr.

36. Theoriginofprostheticsasascienceis
attributedtothe16th-centuryFrench surgeonAmbroisePar,whodevised artificialhandsandarmsforwounded soldiers.

A) Bilim olarak protezin balangc, yaral askerler iin yapay el ve kol gelitiren 16. yzyl Fransz cerrah Ambroise Para atfedilmektedir. B) Bilim olarak protezin yaratcs kabul edilen Fransz cerrah Ambroise Par, 16. yzylda, yaral askerler iin yapay el ve kol retmitir. C) 16. yzyl Fransz cerrah Ambroise Parn yaral askerler iin yapay el ve kol gelitirmesi, bilim olarak protezin balangc kabul edilmektedir. D) Fransz cerrah Ambroise Parn yaral askerler iin yapay el ve kol yapmaya balad 16. yzyldan beri protez bir bilim olarak kabul edilmektedir. E) 16. yzylda, Fransz cerrah Ambroise Parn yaral askerler iin yapay el ve kol yapmaya balamasyla, protez bilimi domutur.

surroundedbyricefields,waterfalls,and volcanicmountainsthatrisetoaheight ofnearly2,150metres. A) Pirin tarlalar, elaleler ve 2150 metre ykseklie kadar ulaan volkanik dalarla evrili Bandung, Bat Javann bakentidir. B) Bat Java'nn bakenti Bandungun evresinde, pirin tarlalar, elaleler ve 2150 metre ykseklie kadar ulaan volkanik dalar vardr. C) Bat Java'nn pirin tarlalar ve elalelerle evrili bakenti Bandungun yaknlarnda, ykseklii 2150 metreyi bulan volkanik dalar bulunmaktadr. D) Bat Java'nn bakenti Bandung, pirin tarlalar ve elalelerle evrilidir ve yaknlarndaki volkanik dalar, neredeyse 2150 metre ykseklie ular. E) Bat Java'nn bakenti Bandung, pirin tarlalar, elaleler ve neredeyse 2150 metre ykseklie ulaan volkanik dalarla evrilidir.


English Language Studies

ELS-$DS 39.Withthesoothingeffectofthemusic,
shesoonforgotallherworriesandfell intoadeepsleep. A) Mziin sakinletirici etkisiyle ok gemeden btn endielerini unuttu ve derin bir uykuya dald. B) Mzik o kadar sakinletiriciydi ki ksa srede tm skntlarndan uzaklap derin bir uykuya dald. C) Mzik dinlemek sinirlerini yattryor ve kolayca uykuya dalmasn salyordu. D) Mziin sakinletirici zellii, dertlerini unutup hemen uykuya dalmasnda ok etkili oluyordu. E) Sinirlerinin yatmas, kayglarn unutup derin bir uykuya dalmas iin en etkili yntem mzik dinlemekti.

41-46.sorularda,verilenTrke cmleyeanlamcaenyaknngilizce cmleyibulunuz. 41.Kamuoyuyoklamalarnda,anketteki

sorularmantklbirsradaveeitli eitimdzeyindekibireyleriinkolayca anlalabilirolmaldr. A) According to public opinion polls, survey questions ought to be arranged logically, as well as being readily comprehensible for individuals with different educational levels. B) The questions in surveys of public opinion are logically arranged and easy to understand for persons of differing levels of education. C) Public opinion surveys have questions that are designed so as to conform to a logical order and be readily comprehensible to individuals of different educational levels. D) A logical order and the ability to be easily understood by persons of differing educational levels are the requirements for the questions in a survey of public opinion. E) In public opinion polls, the questions in a survey must be in logical order and easily comprehensible to individuals of different educational levels.

obtaininformationthatmighthelp predictthetimingandintensityofthe eruptions.

A) Aktif volkanlar gzleyen bilim insanlar, patlamalarn iddetinden volkann bir daha ne zaman pskreceine ilikin bilgileri elde ederler. B) Gzlemleri sonucu elde ettikleri bilgiler, aktif bir volkann pskrecei an ve patlamalarn iddetini tahmin etme konusunda bilim insanlarna yardmc olmaktadr. C) Bilim insanlar, patlamalarn zamann ve iddetini tahmin etmeye yardmc olabilecek bilgiyi toplamak iin aktif volkanlar gzlerler. D) Tahmin edilen zamandan nce iddetli patlamalar olabilir olaslyla, bilim insanlar aktif volkanlar gzlem altnda tutarlar. E) Bilim insanlar, aktif volkanlar gzleyerek edindikleri bilgilerin yardmyla, patlamann olaca an ve iddetini tahmin edebilmektedirler.

42.Scaklnnadirensfrnaltnadt Adelaide'de,klarksaveyal, yazlariseuzunvekuraktr. A) The summers in Adelaide are dry and last for a long time, whereas the winters are short and wet with temperatures rarely falling below zero. B) Winters in Adelaide, where the temperature only falls below zero on rare occasions, are short and wet, while summers are usually long and dry. C) The temperature in Adelaide, where winters are short and wet and summers are long and dry, hardly ever drops below zero. D) In Adelaide, where the temperature seldom drops below zero, winters are short and wet, while summers are long and dry. E) Whereas summers are long and dry, the temperature in Adelaide seldom drops below zero in the short and wet winters there.

English Language Studies 17

ELS-$DS 43.Kttarmuygulamalarnnbirsonucu olantoprakerozyonu,yllarboyubitki rmesiyoluylaolumuolanverimli sttoprayoketmektedir. A) Soil erosion, a result of poor agricultural practices, removes the rich topsoil, formed over the years through vegetative decay. B) Deforestation causes rich topsoil, which has been formed through vegetative decay over the years, to erode. C) When the rich topsoil is eroded, as a result of man's mishandling of the environment, the soil becomes too poor to have any agricultural value. D) Poor agricultural practices lead to soil erosion, which means the removal of the rich topsoil, which has been formed over the years. E) By removing the rich topsoil, which is the result of many years of vegetative decay, soil erosion leaves the area agriculturally poor. 44.EricAmbler'inyklerinignmzn 45.Okulktphanemiz,ierdiikitaplarn saysveniteliibakmndanrencilerinihtiyalarnkarlayacakyeterliliktedeildir. A) The books in our school library are so low both in number and in quality that it doesn't respond to the needs of the students. B) In terms of the number and the quality of the books it contains, our school library is not adequate to meet the students' requirements. C) Our school library should be enlarged so that it can meet the requirements of the students. D) In order to respond to the needs of the students, the school library must contain more, better quality books. E) There are not enough books in our school library, nor are they of high enough quality to meet the students' requirements.

fabllarolaraktanmlayaneletirmenlere gre,onlardahakimolankorkuduygusu moderndnyannkarmaasnve belirsizliinisembolizeetmektedir.

A) What symbolizes the confusion and uncertainty of the modern world in Eric Ambler's stories is the feeling of fear pervading them, which has led critics to dub them fables of our times. B) According to the critics who have described Eric Ambler's stories as fables of our times, the sense of fear pervading them symbolizes the confusion and uncertainty of the modern world. C) Fables of our times is how critics describe Eric Ambler's stories, owing to the sense of fear that fills them and symbolizes the confusion and uncertainty of the modern world. D) The feeling of fear that pervades Eric Ambler's stories, thus symbolizing the confusion and uncertainty of the modern world, is what makes some critics call them fables of our times. E) Pointing out that Eric Ambler's stories are pervaded with a sense of fear that symbolizes the confusion and uncertainty of the modern world, critics have described them as fables of our times.

halde,lkeninbykbirblmjeolojik olarakistikrarszdrvezamanzaman iddetlidepremlerolmaktadr. A) Though large areas of the country are geologically unstable and there are, at times, violent earthquakes, there are no active volcanoes in Turkey. B) There are no active volcanoes in Turkey, yet violent earthquakes happen now and again in the country owing to the fact that the country is geologically unstable. C) The geological instability, which is a feature of large areas of Turkey, gives rise to severe earthquakes from time to time, but the country has no active volcanoes. D) Although the volcanoes in Turkey are not active, they do, from time to time, cause earthquakes, making a large section of the country geologically unstable. E) Although there are no active volcanoes in Turkey, a large part of the country is geologically unstable, and severe earthquakes occur from time to time.


English Language Studies

ELS-$DS 47-49.sorularaadakiparayagre cevaplaynz.

Alexander the Great's official historian was a professional flatterer who knew how to please his arrogant king. He called him the new Achilles, from Alexander's favourite hero in his favourite book, the Iliad. He accepted Alexander's claim to be the son of the Greek god Zeus. When, however, Alexander allowed himself to be worshipped as a god by some of his Asian subjects, Callisthenes thought this went too far. This time he quoted the Iliad against him: "A better man than you by far was Patroclus, but still death did not spare him." Alexander was enraged and had Callisthenes connected to an assassination plot that had recently been discovered, though he was innocent, and found him guilty. According to the historian Curtius, Callisthenes was then tortured and crucified. 47.Itisclearfromthepassagethatinthe Iliad ....... A) the gods are not immortal B) Achilles is a heroic figure C) Achilles and Patroclus are companions D) Patroclus loses his life E) Achilles is the son of Zeus 48.ThepointofCallisthenes'quotewasto tellAlexanderthat....... A) Zeus wasn't his father B) Patroclus was a better king than him C) he wasn't a god D) Patroclus died young E) the Iliad was a great book

50-52.sorularaadakiparayagre cevaplaynz. There's a lot I've learnt about flowers. They're just like people. If you put too many together in one vase, they get on each other's nerves and start to fade. If you mix some kinds together, you get what appears to be a form of class distinction. And, of course, the water is so important. Do you know that some people think it's kind to change the water every day? Dreadful! You can hear the flowers dying if you do that. I change the water once a week, and put a handful of earth in it, and they survive. 50.Theauthorbelievesthat.......

49.Wecanunderstandfromthepassagethat ....... A) the assassination plot was made up in order to put Callisthenes to death B) Alexander was angered that not all of his subjects worshipped him as a god C) Alexander replaced Callisthenes as the official historian with Curtius D) Callisthenes got the punishment that he deserved E) to Callisthenes, being the son of a god should make a man a god

A) flowers have a lot to teach the human race about society B) certain flowers affect the nervous systems of people and animals C) flowers will fade if there are too many people in a room D) people and flowers resemble each other in many ways E) many people prefer the company of flowers to that of people 51.Theauthorclaimsthat....... A) the water in the vase should be changed as often as possible B) flowers are healthier when they are planted in earth C) changing the water in a vase too frequently will kill the flowers D) a bunch of flowers consisting of various types looks much better E) the person who is kind to people is also kind to flowers 52.Theauthorfindsthatflowers....... A) are best planted in soil from the garden B) live longer in water which contains a little soil C) only keep well in the house if they are a strong variety D) die if she changes the water every week E) live for a week, but only if they're taken out of the ground by hand

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ELS-$DS 53-55.sorularaadakiparayagre cevaplaynz. How have French people eaten all that fat over the years and still stayed trim and healthy? Nutritionists call it ''the French paradox''. However, a new trend indicates its disappearance. Obesity is on the rise in the land of the slim, and children are leading the way. Recent studies reveal that the number of overweight children has more than doubled in the last decade. Legions of fat children will become legions of fat adults, experts say. ''It all gets played out before the age of 14'' said a doctor at the National Institute of Medical Research. 53. Itisclearfromthepassagethat,until recently,....... 56-58.sorularaadakiparayagre cevaplaynz. While Timothy listened to the music coming from the radio, he saw himself as a child again. The picture was quite clear in his mind: he was running through a wood carrying a bag of stolen apples. He had run straight into Colonel Sherrington, who was, at that time, the owner of the land on which the fruit had grown. Calm and almost cheerful, the Colonel had taken him back to his house when he discovered his own apples in Timothy's bag. They had arrived at the house towards dusk, and as he entered, the young boy had heard the most exquisite piano music being played by a beautiful girl. That girl was now his wife, but the tune had remained his secret love ever since. 56. ThemusicTimothywaslisteningto

A) there were more fat children in France than there were fat adults B) French people were slim and healthy because they ate almost no fat C) there were no fat children in France D) nutritionists in France couldn't find the reasons for obesity E) the French did not get ill or obese even though they ate fattening food 54. Studiesshowthat,inFrance,.......

A) ten years ago fewer than half as many children as today were overweight B) obesity is no longer a problem among young people C) the number of slim people has risen by 100 % in the last ten years D) children are very careful about the number of calories they take in E) children begin to care about their weight after the age of 14 55. Expertsbelievethat.......

A) had been composed by his wife when young B) was very popular when he was younger C) reminded him of an event in his childhood D) made him remember his first love, whom he'd always kept secret E) was the piece he'd composed for his wife 57.Weunderstandfromthepassagethat ColonelSherrington....... A) wanted Timothy to become friends with his daughter B) didn't seem angry with Timothy about the theft C) had established a fruit-farm in his retirement D) had taught his daughter how to play the piano E) had given Timothy permission to pick his apples 58. Itismentionedinthepassagethat Timothy....... A) fell in love with the composer of the piano music B) had never been able to forget his first love C) had always been afraid of the Colonel D) later married the girl in the Colonel's house E) had stolen fruit from the Colonel's orchard many times

A) future generations will be slimmer than today's people B) fat children are those who are less energetic C) very often, fat parents have fat children D) children who become fat in their early years remain so in later life E) most French children become fat after the age of 14 20

English Language Studies

ELS-$DS 59-61.sorularaadakiparayagre cevaplaynz.

Mary Shelley, born on 30 August 1797, in London, England, was the only daughter of famed feminist, educator, and writer Mary Wollstonecraft, who died at her birth, and the equally famous liberal philosopher and anarchistic journalist William Godwin. Her greatest work, Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus, was completed in May 1816. Frankenstein is in some ways allegorical, and was conceived and written during an early phase of the Industrial Revolution, at a time of dramatic change. Dr. Frankenstein's experiments can be taken as symbolic of the unchained forces of capitalism, with their basic disregard for human dignity. Moreover, the creation rebels against its creator: a mirror of the growing unrest among the working class with the conditions created by the new bourgeoisie.

60.Itisstatedinthepassagethat Frankenstein ....... A) criticizes working class people for causing unrest B) gives details of a new form of capitalism C) is named after the monster in the novel D) was mainly read by the new bourgeoisie E) can be read as more than just a story

59.Wecanunderstandfromthepassagethat MaryShelley....... A) may have questioned society as her parents had done before her B) pleased her mother by becoming a writer C) didn't have any brothers or sisters D) had a father who disagreed with journalism E) wrote only one successful novel in her life

61.Theauthorofthepassageimpliesthat ....... A) William Godwin was more famous than his wife B) although very young, Shelley created an amazing piece of literature C) Mary Shelley wrote her novel as a criticism of capitalism D)the Industrial Revolution helped society to improve E) Shelley came from a working class family

English Language Studies 21

ELS-$DS 62-64.sorularaadakiparayagre cevaplaynz. 63. Thewritertellsusthat,inherfilmThe Piano,Campion....... A) dealt with factual events rather than fictional ones B) attempted to illustrate how her homeland was colonised C) reflected the dramatic changes in New Zealand's scenery over the last century D) tried to visualise life in New Zealand a century ago E) couldn't help being emotional in certain situations

Jane Campion was born in Wellington, New Zealand, and now lives in Sydney, Australia. Having graduated with a degree in Anthropology in 1975, she began film-making in the early 1980s, attending the Australian School of Film and Television. Her feature film, The Piano, won the 1993 Palme D'Or at Cannes. Campion found that she was drawn back to the colonial past of her country of birth, New Zealand. She wanted to explore the way emotions and situations might have been experienced in another century. Thus, she created three fictional charactersAda, Stewart and Bainesand set them in the powerful landscape of New Zealand a hundred years ago.

62. Fromthepassage,wecansaythat JaneCampion.......

A) has never left her native country B) has conducted many studies of tribesmen in New Zealand C) quit her university education for the sake of film-making D) makes films, though she studied a different subject at university E) worked as a professional anthropologist until 1975

64. Itisclearfromthepassagethat....... A) New Zealand's landscape has deteriorated a lot in the last century B) Campion was particularly interested in life in New Zealand in previous centuries C) Campion discovered a lot about her family's heritage while filming The Piano D) the emotions of New Zealanders are quite different from other cultures E) Campion had difficulty finding sufficient material in modern society to use in her film


English Language Studies

ELS-$DS 65-68.sorularda,verilencmleye anlamcaenyaknolanseenei bulunuz. 67. Justabouteverybodywhowasasked thoughtthattheplaywasterrible. A) There was nobody who enjoyed the play. B) When discussing it, they all agreed that the play was dreadful. C) Quite a few people told us that they thought the play was awful. D) Few people actually gave an opinion, but those who did said that they hated the play. E) Of the people questioned, virtually all of them had a very poor opinion of the play.

65. Ratherthandrivingtheirowncar,
CharlotteandHelentookalifttothe beachwithMonica. A) Charlotte and Helen went in Monica's car to the beach instead of taking their own. B) Charlotte and Helen couldn't get to the beach in their car, so Monica had to give them a lift. C) As Monica had space in her car when she went to the beach, Charlotte and Helen went with her. D) Although Charlotte and Helen wanted to go to the beach in their car, they went along as passengers in Monica's. E) Because Charlotte and Helen didn't want to drive that day, they got a ride with Monica.

66.Thespecialeffectspreventedthefilm frombecomingaboringonewitha conventionalstoryline.

A) The film's strength came from the special effects, not from the predictable plot. B) What made the film interesting was the story rather than the techniques used. C) Had we known the ending in advance, we wouldn't have watched such a slow film. D) We knew what the special effects would be, so we especially liked the ending of the film. E) Although the story was exciting, the special effects were rather poor.

68.Exceptthatshehadaslightlimpwhen shewalked,noonewouldhaveknown she'dhadaseriousaccident. A) After the accident, she only had a small wound which nobody noticed. B) People didn't realise she had had an accident because the way she walked had always been strange. C) The only thing indicating that she had been in a major accident was the small difficulty she had in walking. D) Because she hid the signs very well, nobody ever knew about the serious accident shed been in. E) It was only because of her careless way of walking that she had had an accident.

English Language Studies 23

ELS-$DS 69-71.sorularda,bobraklanyere parannanlambtnlnsalamak iingetirilebilecekcmleyibulunuz. 69.Thaidancecanbedividedintothree

maincategories:khon,lakhon andlikay. Khon isthemoststylizedformofThai dance..........Lakhon featuresawider rangeofstoriesthankhon,byincluding folktalesandJatakastories.Likay is evenmorevariedthanlakhon orkhon.In thisdance,storiesmaybeoriginal,and includesinging,comedy,andoveracting.

A) Thai dances are very popular with the many tourists who visit Thailand each year B) Most performances of this dance solely feature episodes from the Thai national epic, Ramakien C) Thai dances usually tell a story about the area where they are performed D) Each Thai dance is accompanied by a special orchestra of Thai musical instruments E) The word khon in Thai can be used to identify the origin of a person when combined with another noun

70.Drivingalonethroughthescenic countrysideofSouthernFrance,one cannothelpbutbeaffectedbythe impressivesurroundings.Fromthetop ofamountainonaclearday,avast andspectacularpictureunfoldsbefore you..........

A) Turn all the letters upside down on the board and mix them B) No letter may be moved after it has been played C) Any words found in a standard dictionary are allowed, except proper names D) At the end of a game, each player's score is reduced by the amount of his or her unplayed letters E) Each player competes for a high score

71.Scrabbleisawordgamefor2to4 players.Thegameconsistsofmaking wordsontheplayingboardusingletter pieceswithvariousscorevalues......... byusinghisorherlettersin combinationsorlocationsthattake bestadvantageoflettervaluesonthe board.Thecombinedtotalscoreofa gamemayrangefromabout500to700 pointsormore,dependingontheskill oftheplayers.

A) A number of climbers regularly camp near the summit B) Travellers usually take a packed lunch with them C) However, most photographers prefer to take their own equipment D) With careful observation, it is even possible to glimpse the blue of the Mediterranean E) As you go further up the road, youll see there are a number of wellpreserved beauty spots 24

English Language Studies

ELS-$DS 72-74.sorularda,verilendurumauygun dencmleyibulunuz.

72. Youopenyourflatmate'sletterby accidentbutstopreadingitassoonas yourealiseit'saddressedtohim. Knowinghelikeshisprivacy,whenyou giveittohim,yousay: A) I think you'd better read this right away as it sounds important. B) Sorry, I mistook the name on the envelope for mineI didn't read it, though. C) Hey, you've got a letter from your Auntie Rita! She has some gossip for you! D) I'm sorry. I opened it accidentally, but then just couldn't resist reading the whole letter. E) I didn't know that your nickname was Mickey!

74. Youareinneedofaholiday.Youhave
verylittlemoneyatthemoment,butyou havebeenpromisedalargepayriseon yourmonthlysalary,whichwillcomeinto effectafteryourholidayperiod.Wanting, ineffect,toborrowagainstthatforyour holiday,yousaytothetravelagent:

73. Youareatthecinemawithyourfriend andthefilmisquiteboring.Inthe break,yousuggest:

A) We can leave now if you like. I'm sure there are plenty of cafs still open. B) I can't wait to find out what happens to the girl. C) Shall I ask the man in front of us to swap seats? D) I wish this cinema had a smoking section. E) This will be a good one for the collection when it comes out on DVD.

A) If it wasn't for the pay rise that my boss is going to give me, there would be no way I could pay for my vacation. B) You must make a fair bit running a place like thiscan you lend me some money? C) Is it possible for me to take a holiday and pay for it in installments? D) My boss is really niceshe's giving me a big pay rise soon. E) I was thinking of travelling to Bali, but I'm not sure I'll be able to afford it.

English Language Studies 25

ELS-$DS 75-77.sorularda,karlklkonumann bobraklanksmntamamlayabilecek ifadeyibulunuz. 75. Eustacia:

-WhydoallofJaneAusten'sbookshave repetitive-soundingtitles? Clym: -YoumeanlikeSense and Sensibility? Eustacia: -. Clym: -Ihaven'tanyidea. A) Mansfield Park doesn't have. B) Yes, or Pride and Prejudice. C) She wrote most of them in the 19th century. D) And those are not the only ones. E) I thought you wrote something similar.

77. Amy:

76. Henry: -Whydon'twegocampingthis weekend? Lisa: - ..........

Henry: -NeitherhaveI.Itwillfeelreallygood togetoutofthecity. Lisa: -Ican'twait.

Amy: -Couldyou?Anyafternoonwouldbe okay.Aretheyexpensive? Lucy: -I'mafraidso,buttheymakeyoulook sogoodIthinktheyareworthit. A) Your hair looks fantastic. Where did you have it done, as I need to go myself? B) I'm getting headaches when I read these days. Do you know of a good optician? C) I'm looking for a good vet for my cat. Do you know where I can find one? D) That's a really nice dress. Where did you buy it? E) I feel awful. Do you know of any good doctors?

Lucy: -Thereisanewplacethatjustopened nearmyhouse.Ihaven'tgotthe number,butIcanstopbyandmakean appointmentforyou.

A) Oh, good, I've been dying to try out my new sleeping bag. B) I'd like to, but I haven't got a sleeping bag. C) To be quite honest, I've never liked camping. D) Great idea. I haven't been camping for ages. E) I don't think that sounds like a good idea; I've never been camping in my life. 26

English Language Studies

ELS-$DS 78-80.sorularda,cmlelersrasyla okunduundaparannanlam btnlnbozancmleyibulunuz.

78.(I)Sir Robert (Bobby) Peel organized the first London police, early in the 19th century. (II)For a long time, the policemen in England were called bobbies after him. (III)Today people often call a policeman a copper. (IV)This comes from the verb to cop, which is a slang word for to catch. (V)Modern coppers still carry no guns, except when they are looking for armed criminals.

A) I




E) V

79.(I)Sun Yixian was a Chinese revolutionary

leader and statesman. (II) He is considered by many to be the "Father of Modern China". (III) He fathered a son and two daughters with his first wife, Lu Muzhen. (IV) This was because he played a significant role in the establishment of the Republic of China. (V) It was also due to him being the first provisional president of the Republic of China in 1912, and de facto leader from 1923 to 1925.


A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

80.(I)One of the most influential writers and critics of recent times in America is Edgar Allen Poe. (II)He suffered the death of his wife, child and family. (III)He is best known for writing short stories in which psychological problems are features of most of his characters. (IV)The tales are always full of suspense and sinister events and are very realistic. (V)What is more, the frighteningly effective stories of murder and madness which Poe created bear a close resemblance to his own life.

A) I



English Language Studies 27


ELS 2010-2011 1. 11. 21. 31. 41. 51. 61. 71. C E A B E C C E 2. 12. 22. 32. 42. 52. 62. 72. B C E A D B D B 3. 13. 23. 33. 43. 53. 63. 73. E D E B A E D A

June / Level Exam

(11th & 12th Grades)

4. 14. 24. 34. 44. 54. 64. 74.


5. 15. 25. 35. 45. 55. 65. 75.


6. 16. 26. 36. 46. 56. 66. 76.


7. 17. 27. 37. 47. 57. 67. 77.


8. 18. 28. 38. 48. 58. 68. 78.


9. 19. 29. 39. 49. 59. 69. 79.


10. 20. 30. 40. 50. 60. 70. 80.


English Language Studies 39

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