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ad, Ph"#$o%o&" department and professor incharge Gymkhana , AMCMET Medical college ,LG General Hospital Maninagar Ahmedabad 3 !!! A'#tra(t "b#ecti$e %&ork en$ironment of ma#or organi'ation especially the ne(ly de$eloping organi'ation is associated (ith as high)le$el competition, e$er)mo*nting targets, high e+pectations, ad#*stments in families and home, dealing (ith diffic*lt personalities are factors responsible for an+iety and stress and many other negati$e emotions. The recent st*dies ha$e sho(n that yoga ,ractice is associated (ith decrease negati$e emotions, an+iety and stress and th*s harmf*l role of negati$e emotions can be red*ced. The aim of st*dy is to assess emotions in (orking organi'ation at end of the day by *sing modified ,ositi$e Affect -egati$e Affect .cale /,A-A.0 and reassess after the practicing a yoga session. Mat!r$a%# and M!thod#% The st*dy (as cond*cted among eighteen participants from a de$eloping medical organi'ation of Ahmedabad G*#arat 1ndia .The participants incl*ded (ere fac*lty members of the organi'ation. "ne (eek yoga camp (as held to teach asanas, pranayama, medication and ) omkar chanting. Emotional Assessment (as carried o*t by *sing a $ersion of ,ositi$e Affect -egati$e Affect .cale /,A-A.0. 1t has ten 2*estions each to meas*re negati$e emotion3 affect /-A0.,re and post yoga session scores (as assessed by &ilco+on signed rank test. R!#)%t#* Eighteen sets of pre4post data (ere analy'ed. There (as a significant red*ction in -egati$e Emotions3 Affect as analy'ed by &ilco+on5s signed rank test . Con(%)#$on* 1t is feasible and safe to cond*ct a (eeklong yoga camp in organi'ation, and yoga practices significantly red*ce the negati$e emotions 3 affect as assessed by ,A-A.. The impact of yoga on emotions 3 affecti$e domain of participants (ithin an organi'ation (as fa$orable as a res*lt of gro*p yoga . The research hopes to learn more abo*t the impact on attit*de, morale, performance and perspecti$e as (ell as physical health and impro$e (ellbeing as res*lt of indirect impact of yoga on participants. +!",ord#* I-.a(t of Yo&a (a-., r!d)(t$on $n n!&at$/! !-ot$on#, Or&an$0at$on Introd)(t$on ,hysiologically emotions is associated (ith cognition, an a(areness of the sensation and *s*ally its ca*se6 affect, the feeling itself6 conation, the *rge to take action6 and a*tonomic ner$o*s system changes s*ch as change in 7lood press*re ,heart rate and s(eating. The hypothalam*s and limbic systems are intimately concerned (ith emotional e+pression and (ith the genesis of emotions. 1n brief, the a(areness and feeling is the most important component of emotions. .*ch

feelings can be percei$ed s*b#ecti$ely and assessed by grading on s*b#ecti$e scale i.e. one s*ch scale is 1at#on, 8 et al ,A-A. .cale. .*ch scaling and scoring is al(ays contro$ersial for $alidity and affected by s*b#ecti$e $ariation and (hen s*ch score is *sed for comparison than it more open to contro$ersy as disc*ssion statistics (hile re$ie(ing tests i.e. &ilco+on signed rank test. &ork en$ironment of ma#or organi'ation especially the ne(ly de$eloping organi'ation is associated (ith as high)le$el competition, e$er)mo*nting targets, high e+pectations, ad#*stments in families and home, dealing (ith diffic*lt personalities, etc ca*sing heightened an+iety and stress and many other negati$e emotions. &hen the reso*rces can not balance negati$e emotions, res*lt is distressf*l negati$e emotions i.e. aggression, fear, distress, irritability, anger etc. .t*dies that ha$e assessed the emotional states by 9,rofile of Mood .tates5 after yoga ha$e reported significant impro$ements in negati$e emotions incl*ding tension)an+iety, de#ection, anger)hostility, fatig*e)inertia, and conf*sion)be(ilderment. A st*dy that compared African dance and yoga sho(ed red*ced percei$ed stress and negati$e emotional stat*s (ith both these practices b*t red*ced cortisol le$els in the yoga gro*p. The *tility of yoga in impro$ing mood and emotions may be related to its infl*ence on physiological states of aro*sal thro*gh establishing stable a*tonomic balance (hich cr*cial for stabili'ation of emotions. Ameliorating negati$e emotions is the main concerns in stress management. According to the &orld Health "rgani'ation, #ob "rgani'ational stress is a :(orld(ide epidemic: and costs ;... ind*stries :<=!! to 3!! billion ann*ally as assessed by absenteeism, diminished prod*cti$ity, employee t*rno$er, accidents, direct medical, legal, and ins*rance fees, (orkman>s compensation a(ards and the like others. 1n one st*dy in ;. among nearly =,!!! indi$id*als s*r$eyed, almost all had significant le$els of stress in their professional li$es, and stress impacted their relationships and health. .tress at (ork can be costly to both indi$id*als and to organi'ations .Ganster and .cha*broeck /?@@?0 s*ggested (ork stress is :a ca*sal agent in physical and mental disorders as (ell as organi'ational o*tcomes s*ch as absenteeism and red*ced prod*cti$ityA. 1n recent years, m*ch research has addressed the importance of indi$id*al health its relationship to the healthy organi'ation. Less research has been done on ho( and to (hat e+tent yoga practice, can red*ce indi$id*al stress and make a health)inspiring impact on the emotion, moral, prod*cti$ity, and (ork en$ironment of an organi'ation as a (hole. 1n this conte+t is fo*nd that Boga (as fo*nd to be of benefit on three le$els% it allo(ed for greater bonding, mental or psychological fle+ibility and (orking o*t conflicts (ith less competition. Cinally, yoga (as fo*nd to benefit the organi'ation>s health insofar as client confidence gre( and better (ork relationships (ere de$eloped. Mat!r$a%# and M!thod#*

Emotion is deri$ed from the Crench (ord mouvoir. This is based on the Latin emovere, (here e/$ariant of ex)0 means :o*t: and movere means :mo$e.The related term :moti$ation: is also deri$ed from the (ord movere. Emotion f*ndamentally in$ol$es :physiological aro*sal, e+pressi$e beha$iors, and e+perience.A The it is *s*ally in$ol*ntary responses associated (ith a*tonomic ner$o*s system aro*sal .And it is *s*ally notion that emotions are diffic*lt to assess ) meas*re and control . &atson et al.meas*red these emotions *nder t(o ma#or categories namely positi$e and negati$e affect. ,leasant emotions of different intensities may be gro*ped as 9positi$e affecti$ity5 /,A0 and *npleasant emotions *nder 9negati$e affecti$ity5 /-A0. -egati$e affect . /-A0 is the dimension (ith a$ersi$e mood states and s*b#ecti$e distress. .t*dy of impact of yoga practice on emotional stat*s (as cond*cted among eighteen participants from a de$eloping medical organi'ation of Ahmedabad G*#arat 1ndia .1ndia is pioneer co*ntry (here the yoga practice is originated since millenni*ms The participants incl*ded (ere fac*lty members of the organi'ation. .e$en days yoga camp (as held to teach asanas, pranayama, rela+ation, stretching e+ercises , de$otional sessions) omkar chanting. 7y circ*lar abo*t ?D! fac*lties (ere informed abo*t the yoga camp. Total DD participants sho( interest to #oin the camp. "*t of ED, 3D s*b#ects participated acti$e in the camp. "n last day ? participant (ere present and participated in st*dy. Boga session (as of ED min*tes (hich incl*de ?D min*tes of ,ranayam practice ?D min*tes Asana ?D min*tes Meditation and omkar chanting. Emotional state Assessment by ,A-A. (as carried o*t before and after yoga session after one (eek yoga camp. 1t has negati$e ,A-A. had ten points each assessing negati$e affect /-A0. TA7LE ?% -egati$e Emotions 3affect domain st*died in ,A-A. .cale ? = 3 E D F G @ ?! 8istressed ;pset G*ilty .cared Hostile 1rritable Ashamed -er$o*s Hittery. Afraid

O/!r/$!, of Da$%" #(h!d)%! of on! ,!!2 "o&a (a-. 8aily one ho*r. 8ay ?% Th*rsday Cilling forms, 1ntrod*ction of yoga, basic Asanas. 8ay =% Criday Asanas I ,ranayama "mkar chanting Types of yoga

8ay3% .at*rday More Asanas I ,ranayama ,atan#ali yoga 8ay E % .*nday "ff 8ay D% Monday ,ractice% Asanas I ,ranayama Meditation3.ha$asana, 7andhes and M*dras 8ay F% T*esday ,ractice of Asanas I ,ranayama Boga as medicine and stress managment 8ay G% &ednesday ,ractice of Asanas I ,ranayama 8iscipline and limitations of yoga 8ay % Th*rsday ,ractice of Asanas I ,ranayama, meditation Concept of samadhi Cilling *p the forms J. .tatistical tests% ,re and post session scores (as meas*red and assessed by &ilco+on signed rank test.

Eighteen sets of pre4post data (ere analy'ed. There (as significant red*ction in -egati$e Emotions3 Affect score after yoga practice as analy'ed by &ilco+on5s signed rank test . Kes*lts (ere s*mmari'ed in follo(ing tables. Total ? s*b#ect ,L?= male F female M and (ere age range =G to DE mean age E!.EE standard de$iation G.@@. Ta'%! 3 8emographical data ,articipants Male Cemale total Age Kange =D)3D 3F)ED EF)DD Total Ta'%! 4 sho(ing -egati$e emotion 3affection scores before and after Boga session Total of ? ,articipants ,re yoga .ession ,ost yoga session D$#()##$on* DEF = = Mean = .3 ?D.FF .8 E.FE 3.!E ?= F ?

D D ?

The res*lts of the st*dy demonstrated that yoga had beneficial effects in terms of red*cing negati$e emotions3 affects. As there is a fairly direct correlation bet(een negati$e emotions and negati$e (ork performance, it is $ital to red*ce s*ch negati$e emotions. The research also strongly s*ggested that yoga impro$ed the indi$id*al>s negati$e emotional stat*s this (ill indirectly impro$e the mental and physical health and therefore, positi$ely impact the organi'ation to (hich the members belong to. Boga is associated (ith mo$ing the body mindf*lly thro*gh a series of poses, as (ell as stretching and balancing the body and breathing control and meditation. The present st*dy concl*ded that yoga practice among participants impacts negati$e emotions in positi$e side and decreasing the stress and an+iety. 1t also st*died the collecti$e and comm*nal e+perience of doing yoga in the (orkplace and it can be stated that short term yoga session at (ork place is a ans(er to organi'ation to impro$e the organi'ation beha$iors. Meditation is different than #*st rela+ation .Meditation is rather a spirit*al e+perience (hile rela+ation is merely physical one. &isnieski and Askar s*pport the concept of spirit*ality in the (orkplace. 1n one st*dy they concl*ded that spirit*al people are more tolerant, less s*sceptible to fail*res and fa$o*r the democratic style of leadership) factors (hich are $ery important for impro$ing organi'ational performance. And Boga is arg*ably the most effecti$e (ay or inc*lcating spirit*ality in the (orkplace. Hasm*kh Adhia, HK -agendra and 7 Mahade$an concl*ded in their st*dy on yoga at (ork place that Boga being effecti$e in bringing abo*t an impro$ement in organi'ational performance by meas*ring fi$e indicators of organi'ation performance 1n this conte+t, Boga is fo*nd to be of benefit on three le$els% it allo(ed for greater bonding, mental or psychological fle+ibility and (orking o*t conflicts (ith less competition. Tho*gh limited st*dies are done to e+plain the mechanism by (hich yoga can help to red*ce negati$e emotions) affects .1t is the #ha%%o, 'r!ath$n& that create a state of aro*sal in the sympathetic ner$o*s system, (hich can lead to an+iety, panic, and fear and negati$e emotions. 1n Boga pranayam, deep and slo( abdominal breathing e+ercises decrease aro*sal, (hich in t*rn calms and foc*ses the mind, rela+es the body, o+ygenates the blood, soothes an+iety and stress, and promotes clear thinking. Meditation, Concentration and body control in$ol$ed in asana and pranayam help to free the mind from (orries, tension stress and mental distractions . A st*dy p*blished in 1H,, sho(ed that participants (ho practiced yoga consistently for ?! months (ere less an+io*s and less .tress prone. Abdominal 7reathing triggers and meditation ind*ce the rela+ation response to red*ce stress and an+iety and re$ert the stress response.

Con(%)#$on* 1t is feasible and safe to cond*ct a (eeklong yoga camp in organi'ation, and yoga practices can significantly red*ce the negati$e emotions) affects. .t*dies on affecti$e (ellbeing ha$e sho(n the beneficial role of positi$e emotions on cogniti$e processing and the harmf*l role of negati$e emotions on coping and health stat*s. The present st*dy describes the impact of yoga on emotions 3 affecti$e domain of participants (ithin an organi'ation as a res*lt of gro*p yoga. More research are re2*ired to learn more abo*t the impact on yoga on attit*de, thinking , morale, performance and as (ell as physical health and 1mpro$e (ellbeing as res*lt of impact of yoga on participants. "ne thing is s*re that occ*pational )organi'ational stress has a serio*s effect on emotional stat*s of an indi$id*al and has impact on

the 2*ality and 2*antity of (ork .And in ho*se yoga practice can help significantly to impro$e the prod*cti$ity of indi$id*al and organi'ation by impro$ing emotional stat*s. R!f!r!n(!#* ?M 8a$id &atson and Lee Anna Clark, Ho*rnal of ,ersonality and .ocial ,sychology ?@ . Nol. DE. -o. F, ?!F3)?!G! ,8e$elopment and Nalidation of 7rief Meas*res of ,ositi$e and -egati$e Affect% The ,A-A. .cales =M G"N1-8AKAHA .ETTB A.G. .T;8B "C 8A1N1 A-8 O.;KP Q;AL1T1E. A-8 THE1K C"M,AK1."- &1TH ,A-A. /,".1T1NE ACCECT 4 -EGAT1NE ACCECT .CHE8;LE0 ECCECT "C 1-TEKATE8 A,,K"ACH "C B"GA THEKA,B "- EM"T1"-. 1,AKT1C1,A-T. "C B"GA THEKA,B CAM, 4 A CEA.171L1TB .T;8B ,.)NBA.A Boga dissertations 3M Hasm*kh Adhia, HK -agendra, 7 Mahade$an, 1mpact of yoga (ay of life on organi'ational performance ,1nternational Ho*rnal of Boga, Bear =!?!, Nol*me 3, 1ss*e = Lp. DD)FFM ,M18% =??G!=3? EM Lakshmi -arasimhan, K -agarathna, HK -agendra 8i$ision of Life .ciences and Boga, .(ami Ni$ekananda Boga A*nsandhana .amsthana /.NBA.A0, Higani, 7angalore, Rarnataka, 1ndia open)access article distrib*ted *nder the terms of the Creati$e Commons Attrib*tion License, (hich permits *nrestricted *se, distrib*tion, and reprod*ction in any medi*m, pro$ided the original (ork is properly cited. DM "stir G.$ . , 7erges, 1.M. , Markides,.R.M. ,"ttenbacher.R.H. Hypertension in "lder Ad*lts and the Kole of ,ositi$e Emotions ,sychosomatic Medicine. =!!F6 F %G=G)33 FM ,eter Marchand The yoga of nine emotions a book 7y ,eter Marchand based on Teaching of Harish Hohari ,1.7- )?)D@EGG)!@E) ,p*blished by 1nner Traditions 7EAK company GM KAT-A .HAKMAS, -18H1 G;,TA A-8 K. L. 71HLA-1. ,ECCECT "C B"GA 7A.E8 L1CE.TBLE 1-TEKNE-T1"- "- .;7HECT1NE &ELL)7E1-G ,1ndian H ,hysiol ,harmacol =!! 6 D=/=0% ?=34?3? M Telles ., Han*manthaiah 7H, -agarathna K, -agendra HK. ,lasticity of motor control systems demonstrated by yoga training. 1ndian H ,hysiol ,harmacol ?@@E6 3 /=0% ?E3)E. @M &atson, 8., IClark, L. A. /?@ E0. -egati$e Affecti$ity% The disposition to e+perience a$ersi$e emotional states. ,sychological 7*lletin, @F, EFD)E@!. ?!M &atson, 8., Clark, L. A., I Carey, G. /in press0. ,ositi$e and -egati$e Affecti$ity and their relation to an+iety and depressi$e disorders. ,Ho*rnal of Abnormal ,sychology. &atson, 8., Clark, L. A., I Tellegen, ?!M &illiam C. Ganong, Ke$ie( of Medical ,hysiology ,t(enty)first edition =!!3Lange Medical 7ooks3McGra()Hill Medical ,*blishing 8i$ision ??M http%33(((.yoga#o* A*thor (ants to thanks ?M 8r ;sha H Nyas, The 8ean, 8irector , AMCMET Medical college ,Ahmedabad 3 !!! =M 8r Mayank ,atel Assist prof. .tatistics AMCMET Medical college Ahmedabad 3 !!! 3MMr 7ha$eshbhai .hah ,Boga Master , Adarsh Ahmedabad 3 !!?3

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