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There are those in the world who say that if the USA government would just stop embracing

not so
much Jesus Christ, but a “medieval” or thus by extension “Crusader” mentality about Him, we could get
the Olympics in 2016 and save our own, the Western Hemisphere’s, and global economy. This is in
response to such high-minded sounding rodomontade.

First, the Summer Olympics for at least a number of consecutive human lifetimes now have been held
every four years, with a smattering of Winter Olympics as well; these Olympics are always in different
countries one after another; under Bush alone, there were several Olympics, yet not even the countries
hosting them seem to have helped their own economies, let alone their region’s or Hemisphere’s
economies…to say nothing about globally. Indeed, of all the things even Osama bin Laden and his
admirers rant, never once do they say “bring the Olympics, one kind or another, to Taliban-type lands so
more than infidels, apostates, and human refuse of all religious stripes may prove they love our poor,
our unemployed, our listless, and don’t deserve genocide like we exhort all people under our domain”.

If we could believe Chicago and Obama about Olympics, however, a good dose of New Urbanism to
Pakistan, for example, might leave Laden, whom Pakistan’s government and USA DHS from Ridge to
Napolitano say has so many apartments/open areas to hide in, forced to stop or be picked up due to no
more places to hide, plot, or maneuver unobserved. And surely, from Obama to China to Daley and
more, such luminary global leaders would concur the wealth every Olympics delivers to large countries
would do more for a small Pakistan than all its begging for IMF and foreign aid funds.

But that’s not how it works. Instead, luminary global officials tout any Olympics as a magical sinecure
that can’t be put in Taliban lands as Ladenists, among everything else humanly imaginable, hate or
manipulate all capitalism…by extension, one may even tacitly become “of interest” to USA DHS or
foreign analogs thereto just for questioning the value of Olympics as a road to salvation, prosperity, or
both; global leaders would LIKE to help Muslims but fear losses and casualties if holding Games in say
Iran or Pakistan. What we have to do to share with Muslims, therefore, is to turn “all Muslims” from
Ladenism by convincing them Christianity no longer is the Crusade against them it’s “always” been; this
is why so many global governments have to be the actual or virtual heads of Christian faiths, fine-tuning
“Crusader” mentalities and casting them out.

China’s Communist government excels at “re-educating” not only Christian sects, but Buddhist, Taoist,
and Confucian sects within its sphere; China even promotes “heads-of-State as Supreme Imam” Islam, as
evidenced by its long support of Pakistan’s style of regimes…see, your Mushareff and successor types
are “containing” Ladenism “harmlessly” in Pakistan, even if it was “oops!” re Mumbai prior to at least
$290 billion in USA 2009 aid, or “oops!” that Pakistan eyes the Mymood Alibabajihad “genocide-to-
Zionists” mentality in “un-contained” Iran, Syria, and Lebanon…odd, I never knew JEWS of yore or
otherwise were “Crusaders” against Islam. Despite this, China vigorously supports any Muslim regimes
which espouse hate against Israel, India, Tibet, the USA…on pretense they “have” to say that to keep
Ladenists away from them; of course, ol’ Laden won’t buy it for long and keep propane-tank style
anarchy away unless hate-espousing nations follow through with anti-Zionist, anti-Hindu, anti-fill-in-the-
blank rants.
Again, you’d think the New Urbanism and alleged cash boon of the Olympics in Pakistan would just be
used to flick Laden away; or at minimum, you’d think somebody would just give a nation $290 billion if
they slammed Ladenists shut for good in their borders. So why this contorted “appoint Laden as King of
Islam, re-arrange or eradicate all other faiths and philosophies to appease him” baloney?

If the Olympics are touted as a sinecure to tempt Muslims away from Laden, as all metaphysics and
philosophies running counter to Ladenists are hushed or ended to clear Muslim view of the Olympic
carrot, yet not even $290 billion and much more stops Ladenists from in fact pressing Muslims into their
service where they will not do so voluntarily, surely even global luminaries have spotted the logic
problem and thus pursue against non-Ladenist metaphysics and philosophies on grounds not tethered
to Islamic issues in any way.

Certainly, today’s Western leaders, plus China inter alia, are eager to co-exist with Iranian, Hamas,
Janjaweed, and Taliban leaders…leaders who rule by types of constant genocide or piecemeal murdering
of anyone at all opposed to them, even if all they want to do is be “leaders” without pestering by
commoners or outsiders. “Crusaders”, if you will.

This brings the second issue: does Christianity of ANY kind exist only as a “Crusade” to exterminate
Islam, its adherents, or both? To be sure, Laden being a Muslim means no more against total Islam than
George Bush being baptized impugns all Christians; what would global luminaries then say exists in
Scriptures that must be changed to placate the “Crusader-abused” leaders? Answer: that Jesus Christ
and the Holy Spirit by His direction will always be with us, everywhere.

For example, President Obama, as DHS and Office of Faith-Based Initiatives head ex officio, has called
Pope Benedict XVI (claiming apostolic succession) a discredited leader, and almost “dared” him to pray
for Ted Kennedy (as if prayer for HIS kind of reputation would not come ). Yet Obama has been very
active with Notre Dame University this year, a university of Jesuit institution but now for first time ever
run by a non-Jesuit Catholic ordinary priest, Father McBrien.

McBrien first gave Obama an honorary law degree in May 2009, a sort of way of saying that the new
President of the USA, head of faith funding and education funding, is all the right stuff in all things
secular…including the aforementioned view of Laden appeasement. As the May event showed, even any
Catholic non-violently protesting Obama would be summarily hauled off and charged by McBrien as a
trespasser. Then in September 2009, McBrien opined that Benedict XVI and all prior Popes are liars:
Eucharistic Adoration is a worthless sham geared to “medieval” (i.e., “Crusader”) morons suckered in to
lining the Vatican’s coffers on a scam of crackers dunked in Ripple.

For a Roman Catholic priest to suggest that Eucharistic Adoration is a sham definitely DOES indicate such
priest does not believe in a limitless presence of Christ, any more than do foreign leaders who don’t like
even their own “pests”.
To eliminate the impression this is just some “ULC schmuck forced to go ULC as Catholicism rids itself of
Popish Crusaders”, my actual calling of the Holy Spirit is to edify re the commonality in metaphysics of
all peaceable faiths seeking eternal progress in global fellowship; to support my position that Father
McBrien is denying Christ’s limitless presence and not some “Crusader cookies-for-winos” anti-Islam
doctrine, I cite the following Roman Catholic doctrines relevant to other faiths and the Eucharist:

1. According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, as adopted 1994 by Pope John Paul II as
prepared under Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger:

Article 841 reiterates “Lumen Gentium” 16 (November 21, 1964) and “Nostra Aetate” 3
(October 28, 1965), as follows: “The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the
Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Muslims; these profess to hold the faith of
Abraham, and together with us they adore the one, merciful God, mankind’s judge on the last

Articles 842 through 846 obviously are aimed at ANY religious who adopt ANY self-service; this is
made clear by Article 847, which reiterates Mark 16:16, John 3:5, and “Lumen Gentium” 14 as
follows: “Those who, through no fault of their own, do not know the Gospel of Christ or His
Church, but who nevertheless seek God with a sincere heart, and, moved by grace, try in their
actions to do His will as they know it through the dictates of their conscience, those too may
achieve eternal salvation”.

Ironically, it would seem to TRASH such Vatican view of Muslims could do more to make the
TRASHER look like a “Crusader”; to trash this, one must imply the presence of Christ is
foreclosed to ANYONE the trasher decides, Muslim or not…this is called emulating metaphysics
of Ladenist/Taliban religious stylings, NOT Islam, for “appeasement”; Taliban types hold God
tells them which Muslims or otherwise are worthy to live and such, and that He disfavors the
rest anyway no matter good they do…sort of like Mid-East Calvinists. Worse, at minimum,
trashing the Article 841 take on Muslims (and those of other walks) seems to imply “Aha! See?
The Vatican and its believers are all worthless destroyers of Muslims”, where quoted perhaps by
Ladenists or other AUMF subjects, destabilizing DHS and similar public relations efforts against

I must point out that like the IRS requires each individual Church location, not just faith, to have
its own EIN non obstante its affiliation, the Vatican Catechism is what it hopes will guide the
local catechisms, if any, each bishopric may undertake to make; many people do, and do not,
always understand that for a long time the views of any Roman Catholic parish clergy and
deacons may not be those of the Vatican or vice-versa, in either case a good number of Catholic
laity taking the side of the Vatican. As a ULC minister, I can agree with the Vatican only, insofar
as welcoming sincere people of peaceful other faiths, including such Muslims, and believing in a
generally boundless presence of Christ and the Holy Spirit.

2. Since the Roman Catholic Vatican perception of the Last Supper Seder is that it be practiced at
His command in remembrance of Him and His teachings, there being no known Vatican doctrine
a Eucharist is a symbol of faith intolerance, I will identify what the Eucharist appears to signify
per Vatican doctrine.

In contemplation of the presence of Christ by the power of His word and the Holy Spirit, the
Catechism at Article 1373 reiterates Romans 8:34, “Lumen Gentium” 48, Matthew 18:20, and
“Sacrosanctum Concilium” 7 (December 4, 1963) as follows: “Christ Jesus, who died, yes, who
was raised from the dead, who is at the right hand of God, who indeed intercedes for us, is
present in many ways to His Church: in His Word, in His Church’s prayer, ‘where two or more are
gathered in My Name’, in the poor, the sick, and the imprisoned, in the sacrifice of the Mass,
and in the person of the minister. But He is present…most especially in the Eucharistic species”.

So this is more than just a “feudal” proposition for those who believe in the complete Jesus; if a
Father McBrien or anyone else suggests there’s never anyone to adore in a Eucharist, they
necessarily impute that they have not only a different catechism and doctrine than the Vatican,
but from the Gospels and Scriptures themselves…because they claim to believe Christ can be
limited as to where He can go generally or enter by voluntary invitation, including at the request
of clergy and assembled laity. Further, the Vatican stemming (as does the Eastern Orthodox
branch of Catholicism) from the original Churches immediately after Christ’s earthly days,
Scriptures of those days describing Christ as saying or doing more than has been recorded, and
it being from the earliest Churches that the remembrance Seder has been celebrated, surely
such Christians perceive some Divinity worship is involved therein, and for purpose(s) made
tradition since the incarnate time of Christ Himself.

By extension, such variant religious freedom from the Vatican implies that there would be
nothing wrong in barring religious assemblies for purposes of a Communion Mass (and not just
Roman Catholic), because a McBrien-type view says there’s never a thing in or adjunct to ANY
Eucharist to ever be adored, worshipped, knelt for, or which can bring God’s grace. That concept
is Father McBrien’s Constitutional right, and free spiritual choice. Only Father McBrien or similar
Vatican critics could say if they think Christ also might not be in Church prayer, the sick, the
imprisoned, and so on, again this all being their right to express.

In contrast to Father McBrien, here are some Vatican ephemera on what would be the purely
emblematic faith purpose of any Roman Catholic Communion Mass. Number 13 of the General
Instruction of the Sacramentary states: “Within the community of the faithful a presbyter also
possesses the power of orders to offer sacrifice as the person of Christ. He presides over the
assembly and leads its prayer, proclaims the message of salvation, leads the people in offering
sacrifice through Christ in the Spirit to the Father, gives then the Bread of Eternal Life and shares
it with them. At the Eucharist he serves God and the people with dignity and humility. By his
proclamation of the Word he impresses upon the faithful the living presence of Christ”.

Where a McBrien-type objection begins to sound more like opposition to any assembly for Last
Supper remembrance is taken from the same General Instruction’s Number 3: “The celebration
takes into account the nature and circumstances of each assembly and is planned to bring about
conscious, active, and full participation of the people, motivated by faith, hope, and charity”.

To reiterate all this wind: Olympics have a terrible track record of fixing the manifest economy
of ANY nation; there is no need to join foreign Ladenist appeasers through diminishing or doing
away with public displays of Christianity or appearance social issues have its ethic, as most
Catholics and similar Christians don’t “Crusade” against any peaceable faiths; and in fact
diminishing Vatican or analogous standpoints on Islam, or otherwise inculcating a largely
unchurched society, doesn’t neuter Ladenists, it makes it seem Ladenists are correct about
one’s people being “Crusaders”, especially since they appear to be Christians who disagree
there’s even a desire to gather in faith, hope, and charity.

If you think government has it wrong on religious assembly or freedom, peaceably petition
them; if you don’t like what Father McBrien, Benedict XVI, a Hindu priest, a Rabbi, a Lutheran or
Baptist pastor, I, or any other clergy say, politely point out a grievance, then accept our answer
or ignore us…but in every case, please pray for us, and ceaselessly for the whole world.

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