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Attention: Do Not Read This Book Unless You Have
Already Read the Main "Pull Your Ex Bak" Manual!
All rights reserved.
Copyright Ryan Hall and
o part o! this "ook may "e reproduced or transmitted in
any !orm or "y any means# electrical or mechanical#
including photocopying and recording# or "y any
in!ormation storage or retrieval system $ithout
permission in $riting !rom the author.

'his "ook is $ritten !or in!ormational purposes only. 'he
author has made every e!!ort to make sure the in!ormation
is complete and accurate. All attempts have "een made to
veri!y in!ormation at the time o! this pu"lication and the
authors do not assume any responsi"ility !or errors#
omissions# or other interpretations o! the su"(ect matter.
'he pu"lisher and author shall have neither lia"ility nor
responsi"ility to any person or entity $ith respect to any
loss or damage caused or alleged to "e caused directly or
indirectly "y this "ook.
Chapter #1
How To Get Your Ex To Do Anything.........................................7
Chapter #2
How To Make Your Partner Forgive
You For Almost Anything.........................................................12
Chapter #3
How To Get Your Partner To Give A Yes Resonse
For Almost Anything................................................................16
Chapter #4
The !ittle "nown Dirty Tri#ks...................................................19
Chapter #5
The Power o$ %o#ial Proo$.......................................................22
Chapter #6
How To Get a Date &ith Your Ex Even
'$ They Are Relu#tant...............................................................26
Chapter #7
How To Get Your Ex To Return Your Phone (alls...................33
Chapter #8
The )ote o$ !ast Hoe............................................................37
A $riendly 'arnin()

A very common )uestion * received !rom most o! my
!riends and !amily regarding this "ook $as...+hy Am *
sharing this in!ormation,

+hat i! it gets misused,

-oreover# * al$ays ans$er it "y saying. *t is a part o!
our li!e...+e can try to deny it...But it/s still a !act.

Human psychology is involved in our
li!e...Consider a child $ho cries every time he0she is told
123 !or something.

*n most cases# crying o!ten gets the child $hat he
desires...+ith time the child learns that the "est $ay to
get his desire !ul!illed is crying.

o$ one can say that the child is trying to manipulate
his parents via crying. But do people say that, 24

'hey all kno$ that it/s a part o! the child/s gro$ing up

'he !act o! the matter is all the ne$s media# Politicians#
Businesses and even everyday people use some !orm o!
psychological trickery in li!e.

'here is nothing evil a"out it...As long as you use it !or
!air means. * consider it a $ay o! making li!e easier.

5till let me strongly $arn you "e!ore $e get started....

'he $ords you are a"out to read might give you the
ultimate po$er to control people...Yes that/s right4 You
$ill "e a"le to control anyone to your $ay o! thinking.

-any people call it mind control and that can "e a "it
!rightening...But * call it e!!ective persuasion.

* have al$ays "een curious to kno$ $hy people do $hat
they do...+hat !actors drive them to$ards doing certain
things and not do certain things. 'he !act is that all
humans take action "ased on the $ay they !eel and not
"ased on $hat they think and decide.

'hey al$ays think...'ry to decide and get a !eeling.
-oreover# the !eeling is $hat either drives them to$ards
or a$ay !rom a certain goal.

+ith e!!ective persuasion skills you can easily get your
ex "ack# turn enemies into !riends# easily land a dream
(o"# change opinions# make anyone like you# change
o"(ections into acceptance...and even control
people...Yup4 * said it again. You can control people $ith
this stu!!.

o$# * am 2' suggesting you should use it to control
people. * am simply pointing out the possi"ilities and
$hat it can really do !or you.

But let me also point out that any $rong use o! this can
actually "ack!ire...'his stu!! is like !ire...*t can "e used
to cook your !ood and can also "e used to cook you.
'here!ore# "e very care!ul.

'he only reason * am sharing this stu!! $ith you is
"ecause * kno$ that re(ection or "reakup is a stress!ul#
!rustrating process to go through# and can "e very

* have "een through $hat you are going through and *
understand that an extra e!!ort is needed to save a
relationship in some cases...

'here!ore * expect you to use this $isely and only $hen

o$ * leave it on you...5o let/s get to it.

"People don't care how much you know--until they know how
much you care."
-John C. Maxwell
%o you kno$ that the ma(ority o! the decisions made "y
people are "ased on emotions,
+hy do you think people stick to their ha"its o! drinking
and smoking $hen they already kno$ it might kill them,
+hy do you think an o"ese person keeps on overeating
$hen he already kno$s he is o"ese,
+hy do you think some people al$ays end up doing the
exact opposite o! $hat/s needed to "e done $hen they
already kno$ $hat the right thing to do is,
*! one $as to !ollo$ common logic doing any o! the a"ove
$ill only lead to massive pain. But people don/t !ollo$ logic
at all times...'hey al$ays get driven "y the $ay they
!eel...'his is the reason $hy 6* don/t !eel like it6 2r 6* !eel
like doing it6 are some o! the most commonly used lines.
'here are only t$o types o! !eelings humans tend to
experience regularly...'he 722% and the BA%.
Humans have a natural tendency to do more o! anything
that makes them !eel 6722%6 and less o! anything that
makes them !eel 6BA%6.
5o simply put the reason $hy your ex le!t you $as "ecause
most o! your acts gave "irth to those "ad negative !eelings
$hich they struggled to deal $ith.
And $ith time these !eelings tend to get anchored....Here is
an example.
8ohn goes to $ork everyday...%oes his "est at the (o"...But
his "oss is still not happy.
8ohn/s "oss pushes him to do "etter every single
day...Constantly $arns him that he might "e !ired i! his
per!ormance doesn/t improve. 5o $hat does this do to
9et/s get into 8ohn/s head and see ho$ he looks at this
$hole scenario.
*ohn. Oh Heck! It' Monday...I'll ha!e to "o to work a"ain!
Oh #oy! My $o i %ut too hard to handle...I don't know
how I will mana"e today.
5o you see the pattern here, +henever (ohn thinks a"out
his Boss# he experiences high levels o! anxiety and !ear#
$hich are negative !eelings.
9et/s take another example.
Cindy is !rustrated at 8e!! "ecause he al$ays comes "ack
late a!ter $ork...5he !eels 8e!! is not spending enough time
$ith her...5o she decides to call 8e!! at $ork.
%indy. Hey! It' me...&re you "oin" to $e late a"ain
*e++. I ha!e a lot o( work here...I am not ure.
%indy. )hi i what you ay e!eryday...I know you will
ne!er chan"e.
*e++. *on't you undertand I ha!e work to do' I make
money o that we can ha!e a com(orta$le li(e...+ou %ut
don't know how to appreciate my hard work do you'
%indy. Oh Je((! +ou are %ut too (ocued on yourel(...It'
alway a$out you in't it'
*e++. I don't ha!e time (or thi...I ha!e to "o. #ye!
Every single time Cindy $ould call 8e!! at $ork...8e!! $ould
kno$ she is going to nag him and he $ould associate pain
to the event. 'here!ore# in other $ords...:rom 8e!!;s point
o! vie$...
%o you understand $here * am going $ith this, 8e!! $ould
try to avoid Cindy;s calls as much as possi"le "ecause he
has anchored negative !eelings to the event.
o$ let/s take this same example and do it the right $ay...
%indy. Hey! It' me...,orry i( I ditur$ed you...#ut I wa
%ut miin" you and wanted to talk.
*e++. Oh Honey! I am o orry...I know I ha!e $een
comin" home late re"ularly...I know I ha!en't $een
keepin" my promie.
%indy. -o -o! I know it' real hard (or you with all the
increaed work preure...I know you are doin" it o that
$oth o( u can ha!e a com(orta$le li(e.
*e++. I am really lucky to ha!e uch an undertandin"
wi(e...I think I can lea!e early' "o (or a lon"
%indy. -o it i ok! I %ut called to ee how you were doin".
I am really lucky to ha!e uch a hardworkin" hu$and who
care o much a$out me.
*e++. *on't worry! I can take an early lea!e today. I'll $e
home $y /...#e ready...0e are "oin" out today!
%indy. Ok! ,ee you oon. #ye.
%o you see the di!!erence, 'his is $hat * call giving them
the 6,i+t o+ ,ood $eelin(s6.
-ost individuals tend to give their partners the 6Burden o+
Bad +eelin(s6 instead o! the 6,i+t o+ ,ood $eelin(s6.
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2ne o! the most common )uestions * get !rom my readers
is. 6Ho- an . (et hi/0her 1ak i+ . heated26
+ell in order to get started you must again look at the
$hole situation !rom your ex/s point o! vie$...Your ex must
"e !eeling.
<=> Hurt. Because you cheated.
<?> Used. Because they never kne$ you $ere doing it
"ehind their "ack $ith another partner.
<@> Re3eted. By cheating you have indirectly re(ected
2nce again# the !eelings o! "eing hurt# used and re(ected
!all into the category o! "ad A negative !eelings.
'here!ore in order to make them !orgive you...You must
turn this situation !rom Bad to 2k to "etter to good. 5o it
$orks in B stages.
BAD4 #54 BETTER 4,##D
&te6 7) You /ust ae6t that you /ade a /istake. A
lot o! people try to deny even $hen they have "een caught
red.handed in the act o! cheating. 'here!ore# the very !irst
step is to admit to your mistake.
&te6 8) &ho- your ex that you understand ho- they
+eel. A ma(or reason $hy some people never get !orgiven
is "ecause they !ail to ackno$ledge ho$ their ex !eels. You
must express that you understand you have hurt
them...'his can "e done "y saying.
1+ou mut $e (eelin" o $ad $ecaue o( me...2
At this# they $ould either say...6Yes * am very hurt6 or 6Yes
* am upset6.
o matter $hat response you might get...You should still
move on to the next step.
&te6 9) Take o/6lete res6onsi1ility +or your +ault.
'his is the step $here your ex $ould promote !rom stage =
o! !eeling 6BA%6 to stage ? !eeling 62C6.
Here is $hat you should say.
"It' all my (ault...My tupidity ha caued o much pain to
&te6 :) &ho- the/ that you are su++erin( too. 'his is
the point $here your ex $ould shi!t !rom the stage o!
!eeling 62C6 to !eeling 6Better6 "ecause no$ you $ill sho$
them that you are hurt too.
*! you $ere in a car accident and the driver $ho hit you
su!!ered in(uries as $ell...Your anger $ould automatically
"e diminished.
You $ould "e angrier i! the o!!ender $alked a$ay $ithout
any in(uries...As long as you kno$ the o!!ender is
hurt...You $ill not react much "ecause you kno$ they
su!!ered !or their mistake.
5imilarly...You have to sho$ your ex that you did not get
any pleasure out o! this $hole deal...You $ere hurt too.
Here is $hat you should say.
1I ha!e $een (eelin" o "uilty a(ter what I did...I am totally
di"uted with myel(...How could I hurt omeone I
&te6 ;) .t -asn<t all your +ault. *! you sho$ up late !or
$ork and tell your "oss that you $oke up late...+ill he
"elieve you, A"solutely not4
Ho$ever# i! you $ere to tell him that you $ere right on
time "ut there $as a "ig tra!!ic (am, Your "oss $ill have no
option "ut to !orgive you...You see the chances o!
!orgiveness dou"le $hen the mistake took place due to
reasons "eyond your control.
o$ let/s apply that to this situation...You should say.
"My (riend "ot me drunk that ni"ht" 2r "I wa o tupid
that ni"ht3 I drank too much"
+hen you say this# it means you $eren/t really in your
senses $hen the $hole act o! cheating happened...And it
$as all under the in!luence o! alcohol.
&te6 =) You don<t ex6et the/ to +or(ive you. 'his is
the most vital step o! the $hole deal...You must sho$ your
ex that you don/t expect them to !orgive you...Because you
kno$ you have done something $hich can never "e
'here!ore# you should say something along the lines o!.
"I know that I can't make up (or all the pain I ha!e caued
you...I ha!e done omethin" which i not e!en worthy o(
(or"i!ene...#ut till! I really want you to know I am orry
$ut I don't expect you to (or"i!e me...I take thi a
punihment (or hurtin" you. +ou are the $et thin" that
e!er happened to me and now I ha!e ruined it all."
'his is $here reverse psychology gets into action and your
ex $ill !ind it extremely hard 6ot to !orgive you6...But in
certain cases it might not happen right a$ay. You might
have to give it a !e$ days. A!ter !ollo$ing# the a"ove.
mentioned steps make sure you leave your ex alone !or the
next !e$ days.
*t gives them the re)uired space to re.think the $hole
situation and increases your chances o! "eing !orgiven.
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%o you kno$ that people normally tend to do $hat you
expect them to do, 'hey al$ays try to live up to other
people/s E>PE%TAT.#N&.
5o the method * am going to share $ith you is pretty
simple yet po$er!ul...All you need is to !orm an expectation
and your partner $ill do everything in his0her po$er to live
up to it.
:or example.
8en !ears that 7ary might cheat on her some day...5o she
indirectly communicated to 7ary that she expects him
62' '2 CHEA'6. 'his is ho$ she sealed the deal...
*en. +ou remem$er my old (riend (rom colle"e3 &my'
,ary. +eh! 0hat a$out her'
*en. Her hu$and cheated on her.
,ary. Oh! #ut why'
*en. *on't know...It didn't eem like her hu$and wa that
kind...#ut who know nowaday.
,ary. Hmmm.
*en. +ou know what' I am really lucky to ha!e you a my
hu$and...I know you ha!e a !ery tron" peronality and
you will ne!er do uch a thin" to me...4!en i( ome "irl
%ump on you.
,ary. Honey! I can't e!en think a$out doin" uch a thin".
I !ery happy to ha!e you a my wi(e a well.
5o you see the pattern here, 8en dropped a seed o!
expectation in 7ary/s mind and no$ even the thought o!
cheating $ould make 7ary think t$ice. 8en !ormed an
expectation and 7ary $ill have to !ollo$ through.
5imilarly# you can apply this same techni)ue to your
relationship in other $ays...9et/s take another example.
Beena $ants Ben to "uy her a nice expensive gi!t !or her
Ben. ,o your $irthday i %ut around the corner5&re you
Beena. +eh! 6ery excited...&ctually I am lookin" (orward
to it...#ecaue each year you ha!e a !ery $i" urprie lined
up (or me. #ut you alway end up pendin" too much...I
don't want you to pend o much.
Ben. Oh #a$y! I can do that much (or the lo!e o( my
li(e...Can't I'
Beena. 0ell...I know you...-o matter what I ay you will
till ha!e a $i" urprie lined up (or me.
5o Beena !ormed up this expectation that it is going to "e
something "ig this year as $ell...+hich $ould
su"consciously !orce Ben to arrange something "ig. 'his is
$here he $ould make sure he over delivers "ecause Beena
has an expectation.
'his techni)ue $orks e)ually $ell in other areas o! li!e as
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2k o$4 'his is the chapter $here * am going to reveal all
the dirty little tricks you can use right a$ay to get your ex
"ack or stop a "reakup. But "e!ore $e move on to it let me
$arn you once again...* do not take any responsi"ility !or
these. You $ill "e using these at your o$n risk.
Ho$ever# one thing is !or certain...'hese tricks are damn
e!!ective A they $ork surprisingly $ell. Ready, 9et/s get to
Dirty "ittle Trik 7)
'his is $hat * discovered "y accident...* $as sending an
5-5 to one o! my !riends "ut * ended up sending it to
another num"er right "elo$ my !riends num"er on my
phone "ook.
'hat $as a "ig 6AHA6 moment and * realiDed that this can
"e success!ully used to get one/s ex "ack or stop a
5o this is $hat you should do...5end the !ollo$ing 5-5 to
your ex.
"+eh! It wa o much (un...,o you are pickin" me up
toni"ht ri"ht'"
A!ter reading this# your ex $ill pro"a"ly send you a text
"ack asking $hat are you talking a"out,
'his is $here you should text them "ack saying.
"Oh! ,orry...)hat wa meant (or omeone ele3 $ut your
name i ri"ht $elow that peron' name in the phone $ook.
I ent it to you $y mitake."
Your ex $ill instantly get (ealous and $ould start !earing
that you are dating someone else...and $ould !reak out
thinking may"e you have moved on. 'heir insecurities
$ould "e triggered. 'hey $ould $ant to kno$ more and
they $ould start desiring you again.
Here is ho- you an use this trik)
You an use this i+ your ex is o/6letely tryin( to
avoid you and is not ans-erin( your alls!
%an 1e used as a onversation o6ener i+ you
haven<t talked to your ex in a -hile!
%an 1e used to /ake your ex instantly desire you
even i+ they are tryin( to avoid you!
.t an 1e used as a 3ealousy tati to /ake your
ex -ant you a(ain!
Dirty "ittle Trik 8)
*! you have -yspace# :ace"ook or any other social
pro!ile online make sure you add as many people as
possi"le. 'he trick here# is to increase the amount o!
people on your !riend/s list $ho are o! the opposite gender.
'ake things even !urther# "y getting pictures $ith ne$
people in highly social environments A upload it to your
pro!ile. 'he more you appear to "e around ne$ people o!
the opposite gender# especially in photos# the more proo!
you give your ex that you already have a lot o! people
around you.
'his $ill trigger your ex/s insecurity and he0she $ill start
thinking that may"e you have already moved on and your
li!e is no$ "etter than $hat it used to "e...5o in a $ay they
$ould !eel you are happier $ithout them.
Also "y getting pictures in social environments they $ould
start thinking that you are dating again and $ould !ear that
they are a"out to lose you.
Dirty "ittle Trik 9)
You should use this trick $hen your ex is not completely
avoiding you "ut at the same time isn/t sho$ing much
interest. 'his $ould $ork very $ell on the phone# email#
messenger or even 5-5.
+hile in conversation $ith your ex...You should ask them
the !ollo$ing )uestion.
"0here hould one "o on a (irt date'"
8ust ask them the )uestion...And let them ans$er. Your ex
$ill de!initely ask you $hy you are asking or the reason
$hy you $ant to kno$,
At this (ust tell them that you (ust $ant to kno$ and act
real excited...But don/t tell them anything.
'his is another rare (ealousy tactic $here your ex might
!ear that may"e you are dating again.
* am sure you are all excited right no$ "ut "e very care!ul
$ith these tricks...2nly use them $hen you a"solutely need
them A see no other option.

5o $hat exactly is social proo!, *n the most simplest
terms# humans naturally tend to do $hat other people are

Here is an example. A set o! ?E students $ere made to sit
in a classroom and all o! them $ere given a general survey
$ith ? choices namely A A B. =F o! those students $ere
asked to choose A on purpose.

Each person $as asked the )uestion one "y one and =F
people chose option A as they $ere toldG7uess $hat the
rest o! the three people did, 'hey chose A as $ell. But

5imply "ecause humans tend to think in groups. 'hey
al$ays tend to trust social sources more than they trust
their o$n logical and rational thinking.

o$ consider thisGYou are sitting in a movie theatre and
all o! a sudden# you see a group o! people rushing outG
5omeone thinks that the "uilding is on !ire. +hat $ould
you do, You $ould rush out too.

+hy, Because you think# the "uilding must "e on !ire $hen
all these people are running out. 'hen you get outside (ust
to realiDe that it $as a prank played "y someone.

You can see similar examples in the marketing $orldG
+hen apple came out $ith the mp@ player named *.pod it
)uickly took the $orld "y storm. +hat $as so special a"out
it, *t $as (ust a simple mp@ player. 5omething that most
people had in their cell phones any$ay.

Apple $as smart enough to integrate social proo! in their
marketing campaigns# due to $hich it created mass
in!luence# and as a result everyone $as "uying it.
-oreover# $hy $ere they "uying it, Because their !riends
$ere "uying it...And you had to have it since your !riends
had it too.

o$ you might "e thinking ok * understand all this "ut ho$
exactly $ould this help me get my ex "ack,

Put it this $ayGYour ex $ill never "e convinced as long as
you keep on telling them that you have changed. 'hey (ust
$ouldn;t "elieve you "ecause they have su"consciously
accepted the !act that you might "e saying it (ust to get
them "ack.

But $hat i! one o! your !riends says it, %o you kno$ that
your ex $ill "elieve it instantly "ecause the in!ormation is
coming !rom a third source,

%o you see ho$ social proo! is involved here, Your ex
$ould think. Hey4 *! he<Your :riend> sa$ it then it must "e

You can easily get a !riend# !amily mem"er or any other
person to plant a seed o! curiosity in your ex;s mind.

Here is ho$ to do thisG7et one o! your !riend;s to say any
o! the !ollo$ing statements in the presence o! your exG

1I poke to 7+our -ame8 yeterday5He look o much $etter
now. I don9t know what he ha done $ut he eem to $e
"ettin" youn"er $y the day.2
1* sa$ <Your ame> the other dayGHe had this super hot girl
next to himG5eems like he is dating again.3

Oh my "od! *id you ee 7+our -ame8 lately' ,he ha lot o
much wei"ht. ,he look o pretty now.

0hat9 "oin" on with 7+our -ame85,he eem o happy now.
,he ne!er ued to $e thi way $e(ore5I think he i ha!in" a lot
more (un lately.

%o you get $hat * am trying to convey hereG5tatements
like these said "y one o! your mutual !riends $ould plant a
strong seed o! curiosity and your ex $ill get extra eager to
kno$ more a"out your li!e.

And this goes "eyond (ust social proo!G'here are more
reasons $hy this $ould have an extra impactG

*t;s coming !rom a third source <Your !riend> $hich $ould
"e more trust$orthy.
o$ they kno$ you have changed "ut they can;t "e a
part o! your ne$ good li!e $hich $ould only raise their level
o! desperation.
'hey $ould !ear that they might not "e good enough !or
you anymore "ecause you have this ne$ personality and
they don;t kno$ i! they $ould measure up to your ne$
'hey $ould !ear that may"e someone ne$ came into
your li!e $hich led to this changeG'his $ould !urther
increase their $orries that you might move on.
Your ex $ill constantly "other your !riend !or crum"s o!
ne$s !rom your ne$ li!e.
'hey $ill $ant to kno$ i! you are still interested in them
or i! you have really moved on.
Eventually they $ould end up contacting you (ust to
settle their curiosity.
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'here might "e times $hen your ex might not sho$ the
kind o! interest you $ere expecting them to sho$. *n such
casesG-ost people lose hope and )uit. 'his is $here some
situational understanding is re)uired.

* get many mails !rom my readers telling me that their ex
re!used to go out and * al$ays respond "y saying. Your ex
$asn;t emotionally motivated to take action. -oreover# that
is directly related to $hat you said and ho$ you said it.

You see $hat you said or the $ay you said it (ust $asn;t
po$er!ul enough to get your ex to take actionG%ue to
$hich your proposal $as turned do$n. *n order to get your
ex to take action you must !irst understand ho$ this $hole
process $orks.

5o your $ords $ill plant a thought in your ex/s mindG
+hich $ould eventually give your ex a !eelings $hich $ould
"e positive or negative and "ased on that your ex $ould
take action.

*magine you get the ne$s that you $on a million dollar
lottery, +hat $ould "e your immediate reaction, You $ill
"e "lasting $ith (oy and $ould race over to the lottery
o!!ice to collect your money.

2n the other hand imagine "eing called "y one o! your
!riends $ho al$ays $ants money !rom youG+ould you
avoid his0her call, *! yes $hy,

You see the di!!erence "et$een the a"ove t$o cases is
)uite simpleG'he events that took place led to a thought in
your mind that got trans!ormed into negative or positive
!eelings "ased on $hich you took the appropriate action.
Positive !eelings al$ays drive the person to$ards taking
action and negative !eelings al$ays drive the person
to$ards inaction.

*n order to get your ex to take action all you need to do is
make sure that at the end o! your interaction your ex is !ull
o! positive !eelings $hich $ould drive him0her to give a yes
response to your re)uest.

'he "est $ay to do this is to use everything $hich $ould
evoke positive !eelings in your ex;s mind.

The Deadline Trik)

7iving deadlines is kno$n to "e one o! the strongest
psychological tricks everG*n !act this trick $orks so $ell
that your ex $ould !ind no excuses or reasons to re!use.
5everal studies sho$ that human "eings don;t like to "e
restrictedG'hey do not like it i! they are told they can not
have something.

All you need to do here is (ust tell your ex that you are
leaving the city and you $ant to meet them "e!ore you go.

By letting them kno$ you are a"out to leave# You are
already shutting a "ig door on themG%ue to $hich they $ill
!ear that they may not see you again or this might "e the
last time.

'his $ould "e a great incentive !or them to take action
no$GBecause they kno$ they $on/t get another chance to
act in the !uture.

The %uriosity Builder Trik)

Humans $ant instant grati!icationG'hey don;t like to $ait.
'ake !or instance# ho$ people get into de"t. People end up
$ith de"t# simply "ecause they spend the money they don/t
have to "uy the things they think they need. 5o $hat does
this all "oil do$n to, People aren/t patient enough to $ait
till tomorro$.

'hat/s $hy they pay @E.BEH extra as interest on the loan
they took to "uy a ne$ car right a$ay instead o! $aiting till
the time they have saved enough money to "uy it. 'hey
might get into huge de"ts due to this "ut they still do it
"ecause they $ant instant grati!ication.

+hen people are told that they can;t have it no$G*t
invokes a very strong psychological motivation to get it. +e
see an example o! this in many 'I dramas $here a secret
is (ust a"out to "e revealedG+here all o! a suddenGA
message pops up.

)o $e continued5

o$ you might hate the !act that you have to $ait till
tomorro$ to discover the rest o! the story "ut it $ill give
you enough emotional charge and curiosity that you $ill
de!initely tune in the very next day too.

5imilarly you can use this same techni)ue on your exG
-ake up an interesting story and get your ex curious. 2nce
you see your ex is "uilding interestGPause and sayG

1Oh! I totally (or"ot5I need to ruh. It9 a lon" tory! 0e
can9t do thi on the phone5How a$out co((ee thi :riday'2

2r another $ay o! doing this $ould "e to tell your ex that
something amaDing has happened in your li!e and you are
having an a"solute "lastG5ay something along the lines o!.

1,o many ama;in" thin" ha!e $een "oin" on in my li(e5I
would lo!e to hare it with you5It9 a lon" tory o we
can9t do it on the phone. How a$out we meet at xy;

All the a"ove statements $ould evoke strong positive
curiosity and intent due to $hich your ex $ill "e !orced to
take a!!irmative action.

The 9
6erson trik)

'here might "e times $hen your ex $ould "e reluctant to
meet you Jnder these cases it;s al$ays "est to
ask one o! your mutual !riends to (oin the meeting. +hile in
conversation $ith your ex drop in this line.

2hG5andy $ants you to come to this ne$ place this
$eekend. 5he specially asked me to call youG%o you $ant
to come,

Having a @
person in the meeting $ould "e a lot less
threatening to your ex and the chances o! getting a yes

You can either plan this $ith your mutual !riend and tell
him0her to leave early $here you and your ex can get
some privacy or you can isolate your ex during the meeting
$here you $ould get a shot to discuss !urther things.

The Ex6etations trik)

'his trick $orks extremely $ell i! your ex has good
relations $ith your !amily. Your ex can easily re!use you "ut
$ould !ind it very hard to turn do$n a re)uest made "y
your !amily.

A good $ay to use this trick is to let your ex kno$ that
your mother or dad $ants to meet him or you can use a
!amily !unction excuse. You can say that it;s a !amily
mem"ers "irthday and your mother expects your ex to
come to the event.

'he reason $hy this trick is e!!ective is "ecause most
people have this positive impression on their partners
parentsGAnd to save this positive impression they $ould
!ollo$ through $ith the re)uest.

Make it extra easy)

Humans are laDy "y natureG+e "elieve in taking shortcuts.
People don;t $ant to do things themselvesG'hey $ould
rather have everything ready made.

Your ex $ill never take positive action unless you make it
extremely easy !or them. %o it in a $ay that your ex $ill
have to make minimal or no e!!ort at all.
:or example.
%o not choose a meeting point $hich is too !ar !rom $here
your ex lives instead choose a meeting point your ex likes
and also Choose a day $hich !its into your ex;s schedule.

'he easier it is the lesser o"(ections your ex $ould have in
meeting you.

&eal the deal tati)

*! your ex made a commitment to$ards meeting you it
does not mean that they $ill actually meet you. 'hey might
come up $ith last minute o"(ections and decide to cancel
on the day o! meeting.

A great $ay to ensure this does not happen is to let them
kno$ that you have put o!! other important tasks (ust to
meet them. :or example. 'ell them that you $ill take some
time o!! $orkG%elay an important task or cancel a crucial
meeting (ust to see them.

'his $ay everytime your ex $ill think a"out coming up $ith
an o"(ection he0she $ould get this emotional "lock o!
distur"anceG%ue to $hich they $ould !eel guilty and $ill
smoothly !ollo$ through $ith their commitment.


2ne o! the ma(or reasons $hy your ex might not "e
returning your phone calls may "e due to the !act that you
are doing everything $hich is triggering negative thoughts
in their mind.

+e have already discussed in the !irst chapter ho$ humans
react positively to the gi!t o! good !eelings and negatively
to the "urden o! "ad !eelings. 'here!ore i! you have not
succeeded in getting your ex to return your phone calls so
!ar then you have de!initely "een "urdening them $ith "ad

'he most common mistake people make is trying to !orce
their ex in some $ay or the other to return their calls. :or

JohnPlease call meIts an emergency.

JenI am missing you so much. Please call me back.

You see such approaches do not $ork as your ex !eels the
extra "urden and $ill only end up getting annoyed i! you
keep on leaving them message a!ter message $hich people
normally do.

You see the key to getting your calls returned is to appeal
to t$o elements namely. Curiosity and positivity.

You $ill have to make your ex curious in a positive manner
i! you $ant your phone calls returned and the "est $ay to
do this is to leave a highly positive message $hich involves
an incentive !or your ex.

Here is a sample message.
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+ith this message you are not only "uilding curiosity "ut
also giving your ex the gi!t o! good !eelings "y appreciating
them !or $hat they did. You see this message is clearly
stating it;s core purpose and its not one o! those needy or
desperate messages $hich $ould only annoy or make your
ex $orry. But there are some things you still need to take
into accountG.

Make sure your /essa(e is not on+usin(!!!

7enerating curiosity has nothing to do $ith con!using the
person in this caseGAl$ays send messages $hich clearly
de!ine their purpose.
'he last thing you $ant in this situation is !or your ex to "e
con!used as once they realiDe you are trying gimmicks on
them they $ould instantly go "ack to the de!ensive mode
and you $ill "e avoided more than ever "e!ore.

-ake sure you do not leave any con!using messages such

Oh My <od5It9 an emer"ency call me etc. :irst you are
not stating $hat the emergency is and at the same time it
sounds pretty !ishy.

But $hen you use the other message "y telling them ho$
thank!ul you areG'hey are more likely to return your
phone call.
'his is "ecause they aren;t exactly sure $hat they did !or
you due to $hich $hich you $ant to thank them. 'his is
triggering their curiosity positively $hich $ould motivate
them to call you "ack.

Make it lear that you have so/ethin( (ood in store
+or the/!!!

'his goes "ack to the same concept o! giving them the gi!t
o! good !eelingsGAs a kid my !ather called me !rom $ork
one dayG'elling me he has a "ig surprise in store !or me
that evening.

5ince * heard there $as something exciting on the $ayG*
$as positively curious all day to kno$ $hat it $as. * (ust
couldn;t $ait !or my dad to get "ack home and tell me
$hat it $as.

You see it $as clearly stated in his message that he has
something good !or meG'here!ore you need to do the
same. You $ill have to let your ex kno$ that you $ant to
thank them !or something they did as it $ill positively
charge them to return your call.

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'here are times in li!e $hen no matter $hat you do
things (ust don;t go your $ayG'he same might "e true
$hen it comes to getting your ex "ack. *t might seem
that there is no chance and things might not "e in your

But there is a stunning techni)ue $hich $ill turn the
ta"les $ithin seconds. A su!i poet once said. *! all
doors close "e!ore youGA secret one $ill open $hich
$ill sho$ you a secret $ay no other eyes have ever

'his is $here my note o! last hope comes inGo
matter ho$ a$!ul your situation might "eGo matter
ho$ "ad you scre$ed upGo matter ho$ hopeless it
seems. 'his trick $ill do the patch $ork.

+hen you have tried everything else and nothing has
$orkedG+rite a hand$ritten card or a letter to your

+hat you $rite in the letter $ill determine your
chances $ith your ex there!ore it is a"solutely crucial
that you $rite the right thing. But $hat is the right
thing here,

9et me "reak it do$n so that you understand it "etterG
Your letter should !ollo$ this pattern.

=. 9ighten their load "y accepting the "reakup.
?. An apology in case you did something $rong.
@. 'ell them that you realiDed your mistakes.
B. 'rigger their curiosity "y telling them something
exciting happened in your li!e.
K. Close on a highly positive note.
Here is a sa/6le letter +or you)

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'his letter contains all the most essential ingredients
needed to "e emotionally appealing to your ex.
'his $ill instantly trigger your ex;s mind and $ould
create a situation o! emotional con!usion $hich $ould
drive them to$ards you in order to kno$ more a"out
your li!e.

'he "est thing a"out $riting a letter is that it al$ays
gets read no matter $hat...7etting in touch via phone#
email or 5ms might not get your message read "ut
$riting a personaliDed letter al$ays $orks.

Another reason $hy this is very e!!ective is "ecause it
acts as a constant reminder and every time your ex
$ill see it laying on the ta"le some place it $ill really
trigger their curiosity and they $ould think a"out you.
'he more they think a"out you the more they $ould
desire to get "ack $ith you.
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