Sie sind auf Seite 1von 9


Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Objective 1.2 Literature Survey Chapter 2 Theory of PV Ce 2.1 Photo Vo taic Ce 2.2 The e"uiva ent# circuit $ode of PV ce . 2.3 Photovo taic &odu e 2.4 The e"uiva ent# circuit $ode of PV $odu e 2.! The I#V Curve and &a(i$u$ Po)er Point Chapter 3 &a(i$u$ Po)er Point Trac+er 3.1 &echani-$ of Load &atchin. Chapter 4 /C#/C Converter4.1 0uc+ Converter Chapter ! 1o) to Trac+ $a(i$u$ po)er point !.1 &ethod- of Pea+ Po)er Trac+in.. !.2 2 .orith$- to trac+ the &a(i$u$ Po)er Point. a. Perturb and ob-erve. b. Incre$enta Conductance. c. Para-itic Capacitance. d. Vo ta.e 0a-ed Pea+ Po)er Trac+in.. e. Current 0a-ed pea+ po)er Trac+in.. !.4 Perturb 4 Ob-erve 2 .orith$ !.! Li$itation- of Perturb 4 Ob-erve a .orith$ !.% 2pp ication- of &a(i$u$ Po)er Point Trac+er. 1 3 4 ! ! % % ' * 1, 11 12 13 14 1! 1! 1! 1% 1' 13 13 13 2, 2,

Chapter % Si$u ation 4 5e-u t %.1 &ode in. of -tanda one PV -y-te$ %.2 &ode in. of /C#/C converter %.3 &ode in. of &PPT 2 .orith$ Chapter ' 1ard)are Set up for &PPT '.1 Circuit /e-cription '.1.1 Po)er Circuit '.1.2 Contro Circuit '.2 chapter 3 &ain Circuit Co$ponent- and their detai /e-i.n /e-i.n of 0uc+ Converter Chapter * 6 o)chart and Pro.ra$$e 6 o)chart Pro.ra$$e Chapter 1, 5e-u t- and /i-cu--ion1,.1 So ar pane characteri-tic- by varyin. oad re-i-tance 1,.2 So ar pane characteri-tic- by varyin. the duty cyc e

21 21 2% 23 3, 3, 3, 31 3! 44

4' 4' 43 !4 !4 !% %, %, %2

1,.3 Perfor$ance of the -y-te$ )ith 4 )ithout &PPT 1,.4 Perfor$ance of the buc+ converter Chapter 11 Conc u-ion and 6uture -cope

2PP78/I9 5eference


%4 %!

1.1 Objective
The objective of thi- the-i- i- fir-t y to deve op a e"uiva ent $ode of a photo vo taic ce . Then the $o-t popu ar perturb and ob-erve :P4O; a .orith$ i- ana y<ed in depth and te-ted accordin. to the -tandard $entioned above. 2fter that= i$prove$ent- to the P4O a .orith$are -u..e-ted to -ucceed in the &PP trac+in. under condition- of irradiance. To te-t the &PPT a .orith$- accordin. to the irradiation profi e- propo-ed in the -tandard= a -i$p ified $ode )a- deve oped= becau-e the -i$u ation ti$e re"uired in -o$e of the ca-ecannot be reached )ith the detai ed -)itchin. $ode of a po)er converter in a nor$a de-+top co$puter. The rea-on for that i- that the co$puter run- out of $e$ory after -i$u atin. on y a fe) -econd- )ith the co$p ete $ode . 6ina y= the -i$p ified $ode iverified by co$parin. it- re-u t- )ith tho-e obtained fro$ a $ode containin. a detai ed $ode of an inverter. The propo-ed -y-te$ )i be i$p e$ented )ith the -pecificationprovided in 2PP78/I9.

0LOC> /I2?52& of P5OPOS7/ S@ST7&

Fig 3: Block diagram of our propo ed ! tem.

1." #iterature Surve!

In recent decade= re-earche- on -o ar ener.y a- a ternative -ource of ener.y beco$e very pro$inent in the fie d of e ectrica en.ineerin.. So ar ener.y conver-ion re"uire- a photo# vo taic -y-te$ )hich con-i-t- of a -o ar pane )hich .enerate- dc po)er fro$ -un = and one po)er e ectronic converter )hich either convert dc po)er to ac po)er or dc po)er:e ectrica ener.y; to -tora.e battery:che$ica ener.y;. There are $any i--ue- concernin. the deve op$ent of pv -y-te$ -uch a- efficient ener.y conver-ion fro$ -un to battery or -un to inverter and -o ar po)er to .rid connectivity environ$ent etc. So ar ce characteri-tic-A are hi.h y non inear. Thi- dependupon irradiance and te$perature. B1C=B2C provide- the ba-ic- of -o ar ce characteri-tic-. The characteri-tic- a -o depend on )eather condition-. To achieve $a(i$u$ po)er point in -o ar vo ta.e#current characteri-tic- it i- e--entia to contro the current output fro$ a pv ce . Thicontro i- ca ed $a(i$u$ po)er point. 1ence re-earch trend -o ar -y-te$ $ain y can be cate.ori-ed a- fo o) 5e-earch on -o ar ce . 5e-earch on &PPT. 5e-earch on -un trac+in.. 5e-earch on .rid connectivity. Solar cell: B3C=B4C provide- the on.oin. re-earche- on -o ar ce and ho) it- efficiency can be i$proved. InB!C they have fir-t -i$u ated pv array. In B%C author- u-ed a &2TL20#Si$i in+ ?DI environ$ent to deve op the $ode of pv array. The $ode i- deve oped u-in. ba-ic circuit= contain- the pv ce - inc udin. the -o ar irradiance and te$perature chan.e-. They te-ted the ne) $ode at variou- oad-. $%%TE There are different techni"ue- to i$p e$ent &PPT. In B'C author- pre-ent a buc+ converter contro ed by P4O techni"ue-. They have done a co$p ete ana y-i- of the photo vo taic device and a converter i- deve oped in &2TL20 environ$ent. 8e(t a &PPT ba-ed buc+ converter i- i$p e$ented e(peri$enta y u-in. $icrocontro er 6ree-ca e 1C,3FT4. They have -ho)n .ood perfor$ance of the contro techni"ue. In B3C Chen#Chi Chu= Chieh#Li Chen have done a funda$enta )or+ on &PPT a .orith$ ba-ed on - idin. $ode contro . They c ai$ed that the propo-ed contro er i- robu-t to environ$ent chan.e- and oad variation. They have addre--ed the -tabi ity and robu-tne-- of the propo-ed contro er a- they have verified their contro er throu.h -i$u ation- and e(peri$ent-. In B*C author- .ave a brief co$pari-on bet)een different a .orith$- on &PPT. 5e-u t- are obtained for three opti$i-ed a .orith$-= u-in. a $icroproce--or#contro ed &PPT operatin.

fro$ a PV array. It i- found that the P4O a .orith$= )hen proper y opti$i-ed= can have &PPT efficiencie- )e in the e(ce-- of *'G. So )e are u-in. P4O a .orith$ in our -y-te$ )here a buc+ converter i- u-ed.

C&apter 1'


In our e(peri$ent the &PPT -y-te$ )a- fir-t -i$u ated in &2TL20 and SI&DLI8>. Then the hard)are -etup ha- been deve oped. The converter )e con-idered i- buc+ type and oad ire-i-tive oad of %! oh$. 2- the hard)are -etup deve oped i- for e(peri$enta purpo-e= the overa perfor$ance of the -y-te$ i- not too $uch -ati-factory a- e(pected but it i- proved that that the introduction of &PPT ha- increa-ed the perfor$ance of the conventiona -y-te$. Co-clu io-: 1. 6ro$ e(peri$enta re-u t- )e ob-erved that the po)er de ivered to the oad )ith &PPT ii- hi.her than to that the oad )ithout &PPT . In the re-u t tab e in !! u( inten-ity )ithout &PPT the po)er at the oad i- 1.%4 )att. Hhen &PPT i- connected to the -y-te$ the po)er at the oad found to be increa-ed to %.,4'%4 )att. The e(peri$ent i- a -o done for hi.her inten-itie- -uch a- 21, and 3%, u(. He found the -i$i ar re-u t- a- previou- inten-itie- of !! u(. The .oa of the project )a- to increa-e the efficiency of the -y-te$. 1ence )e can -ay that efficiency of the -y-te$ ha- been increa-ed )ith the introduction of &PPT.

". In the e(peri$ent )e are u-in. 1 2/C and &D9 in-tead of t)o 2/C-. for thi- )e are .ettin. !>1< -a$p in. rate. If t)o 2/C- are u-ed then -a$p in. rate can be increa-ed.

3. The PH& fre"uency )e con-idered i- 1 >1< dependin. upon the de-i.ned va ue of Inductor and Capacitor and avai abi ity of the$ in the $ar+et.

2 hi.h tran-ient i- found in vo ta.e and current )avefor$ of the -o ar pane durin. the turn on ti$e of the .ate pu -e of the &OS67T. /ue to thi- -o$e $ea-ure$ent error occur-.

/. The e(peri$ent ha- been perfor$ed in the aboratory. Incande-cent are u-ed a- the -ource of ener.y in -o ar p ate-. Chan.e of irradiance on the -o ar pane i- rea i-ed by a re.u ator. The perfor$ance of the -y-te$ )ou d be better under-tood if the e(peri$ent idone at actua -un

Future cope: 1. 2 battery can be connected at the p ace of oad )ith i$p e$entation of a battery a .orith$ in the $icrocontro er.

". Thi- i- a -tand#a one -y-te$. It can be connected to the ?rid throu.h inverter.

3. &echanica -un trac+in. can be incorporated )ith the &PPT -y-te$ to $a+e the -y-te$ $ore efficient.

0. Other a .orith$- can a -o be i$p e$ented and their co$parative -tudy can be done.

/. 2 o)#co-t efficient e$bedded &PPT -y-te$ can be deve oped and that $ay be u-ed in conjunction )ith the conventiona hou-eho d -o ar app ication- in the rura area-.


B1C 1.P.?25?= I.Pra+a-h JSo ar 7ner.y 6unda$enta - and 2pp ication-K= 6ir-t 5evi-ed 7dition=Tata &c ?ra) 1i Pub i-hin. Co$pany Li$ited. B2C 6ran+ >reith= Ian 6.>reider JPrincip e- of So ar 7n.ineerin.K= 2 nd 7dition= 1e$i-phere Pub i-hin. Corporation= &c ?ra) 1i 0oo+ Co$pany. B3C Syafrudin &a-ri= Pui#Hen. Chan= J/eve op$ent of a &icrocontro ar#0a-ed 0oo-t Converter for Photovo taic Sy-te$K= Schoo of 7 ectrica and 7 ectronic 7n.ineerin.= Dniver-ity Sain- &a ay-i= 7uropean Iourna of Scientific 5e-earch. B4C /r. 2bu Tari"= &ohd.2-i$ 4 &ohd. Tari"= JSi$u in+ ba-ed $ode in.= -i$u ation and Perfor$ance 7va uation of an &PPT for $a(i$u$ po)er .eneration on re-i-tive oadK /epart$ent of 7 ectrica 7n.ineerin.=2 i.arh &u- i$ Dniver-ity= India= 2,11 2nd Internationa Conference on 7nviron$enta Science 2nd Techno o.y. B !C ))).$ath)$ B%C I.1.2 ta-= 2.&. Sharaf= J2 Photovo taic 2rray Si$u ation &ode for &at ab Si$u in+ ?DI 7nviron$entK= /ept. of 7 ectrica and 7 ectronic- 7n.ineerin.= >aradeni< Technica Dniver-ity= 2,,'. B'C P.C.&. 0ernardo= L.&.2.Pei(oto= L.V.0. &achado 8eto= J2 1i.h 7fficient &icro# Contro ed 0uc+ Converter )ith &a(i$u$ Po)er Point Trac+in. for Photovo taic Sy-te$K= Internationa Conference on 5ene)ab e and Po)er Fua ity :IC57PFA,*; Va encia:Spain;= 2pri =2,,*. B3CChen#Chi Chu= Chieh#Li#Chen= J5obu-t $a(i$u$ po)er point trac+in. $ethod for photovo taic ce -E 2 S idin. $ode contro approachK 2ero-pace 7n.ineerin. and &echanic-= Dniver-ity of &inne-ota= &inneapo i-=DS2= $arch=2,,*.

B*C /.P.1oh$= &.7.5opp= JCo$perative Study of &a(i$u$ Po)er Trac+in. 2 .orith$-K= 7 ectrica 7n.ineerin. /ept.= South /a+ota State Dniver-ity= 0roo+in.-=DS2= 8ove$ber=2,,*. B1,C @ao)#&in. Chen=@uan#Chuan Liu= and 6en.#@u Hu= J&u tiinput Converter Hith Po)er 6actor Correction=&a(i$u$ Po)er Point Trac+in.= and 5ipp e#6ree Input Current-K= I777 Tran-action- on Po)er 7 ectronic-= VOL#1*= 8O.3 &2@ 2,,4.

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