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Andrew McCauley: In todays podcast we are going to talk about why you need to be on Pinterest, how to leverage Pinterest

for SEO and why you should have a Pinterest business account.

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Andrew McCauley: Hey, everybody !his is Episode "o. #$ and this is a very, very special episode. %e are actually breaking new ground on this episode. &y na'e is (ndrew &c)auley and I a' e*cited 'ore than ever this episode because we are going to do so'ething we havent done before and I a' not going to tell you about that +ust yet because I a' going to introduce 'y co,partner, Heather Porter. Hey, Heather Heather Porter: Hey, (ndrew %e have a first ever interview. Hello, guys I know, (ndrew, how cool is this-

Andrew McCauley: .eah, we are going to do a live interview with so'eone very special. Heather Porter: /ery special. Andrew McCauley: (nd one of the things that we started looking at when we were doing our podcast was do we either do it +ust you and I predo'inantly or do we do it down the interview path and we see so 'any podcasts out there that are doing the interview specials and we thought we would 'i*ed it up a little bit and 'aybe once every three or four podcasts, we are going to do a special interview but in those other podcasts we are going to still give you a lot of content like we have been doing but we though its ti'e to bring on so'eone special. Heather Porter: .es, lets tell the' who we have on with us right now. Andrew McCauley: %ell, this person is very special because I have known this person for a couple of years and when we were thinking about who do we bring on, one of the criteria was we wanted to bring on so'ebody that was going to bring so'e infor'ation that we havent actually shared with 'any people in this podcast and thats all about Pinterest. "ow, we both use Pinterest not as 'uch as we should and I a' sure after this call we are going to be using it a lot 'ore but our guest today is 0aura %aage. Hey, 0aura (re you thereLaura Waage: I a', (ndrew. !hank you so 'uch. (nd hi, Heather Heather Porter: Hello, 0aura Its so great to have you and one thing guys who are listening, I 'ean, like (ndrew was saying, yes we know a lot but what is really cool is that we have this a'a1ing network of people fro' all over the world that we are constantly asking 2uestions of to build our business and help our clients as well and thats how this all ca'e about and thats why 0aura is on this line because, oh 'y goodness, you guys, she is a wealth of knowledge for Pinterest. I a' so e*cited to e*tract these lovely little bits of info fro' you today, 0aura. Laura Waage: )annot wait to share. So e*cited to be on here with you two. Andrew McCauley: %ell, before we start, I +ust want to give a 2uick background of how I know 0aura and then she can give us a bit 'ore of an in,depth about
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what she is doing and how she is doing it. 0aura co'es originally fro' corporate world. She was running that corporate tread'ill for 'any years and then found internet 'arketing and if I a' wrong with any of this 0aura, +ust +u'p in and let 'e know but she got out of the corporate world and then started in the internet 'arketing world and then 0aura and I 'et at an event and we both were trainers at an event, we traveled the world together and shared the stage, literally on stage at the sa'e ti'e in so'e instances where we were doing co,teaching of certain sub+ects at a few different internet 'arketing events around the world. So, 0aura and I travelled around a lot, teaching people how to build websites and all that sort of stuff and around about two years ago, I guess, Pinterest popped up and 0aura fell in love with Pinterest and started learning how to 'a*i'i1e its use with what she was also teaching about internet 'arketing and the two went hand in hand and now 0aura is known as one of the outstanding e*perts in the world actually about Pinterest and 0aura also contributes to our 'aga1ine the Online ootprint every 'onth. So, if you have heard of her na'e, you 'ay have heard of it through Online ootprint 'aga1ine as well. 0aura, we are e*cited because we are going to drill you with a few 2uestions today and we are going to find out so'e cool interesting things because I know that I need to learn a lot 'ore about Pinterest and I a' sure listeners want to do that too. So, hey, its e*citing to have you as our first guest on our podcast. Laura Waage: .eah, cannot wait to get started. (s you know, its a topic that I love, love, love to talk about 'ainly because people look at Pinterest as a social 'edia 'arketing toy 'ore or less, its +ust so'ething you pin pretty pictures and thats so far fro' the truth. !his is such a great business tool that I love being able to have the conversation and share a little bit 'ore about that. Andrew McCauley: .eah, yeah, yeah. So, in 'y bio I said you have been doing it for two years Is that about right- Is it two years or you have been doing it a bit longer- How long has Pinterest been around nowLaura Waage: Okay, so this is shocking. It has actually been around for over three years now. !i'e has gone by so fast, its a'a1ing. .eah, it launched in &arch of 6787. It took about 9 or : 'onths before it started getting a larger adopting and ironically it was actually adopted 2uicker in the ;< than it was in the ;S even though now the ;S following is 'uch larger. Andrew McCauley: Okay. Heather Porter: Okay. Andrew McCauley: Okay. So, give us a rundown of what are you doing as far as you working as a Pinterest e*pert. .ou are not +ust going out and teaching people like we see a lot of these so,called gurus doing that. I 'ean, you are actually probably not teaching as 'uch as you used to. "ow, you are 'ore doing hands on and doing stuff for businesses rather than teaching it, rightLaura Waage: .eah, absolutely. So, what I do a lot of is putting together strategic Pinterest 'arketing ca'paigns for a wide range of businesses and really the ca'paigns are different depending on what the ulti'ate goal is. So, the first thing that I always share with the people when they ask 'e about whats the best way to leverage Pinterest. =eally the first 2uestion that you need to answer is whats the goal that you are trying to achieve. In so'e cases, it 'ight be driving sales. In other cases, it 'ight be driving people to an opt,in list or getting people to download an ite' of yours. In so'e cases, it 'ay +ust be getting 'ore
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Pinterest followers. So, the first thing that so'ebody has to do is define that goal and then once you understand and you have clear ob+ectives in ter's of what you want to achieve in attaining that goal, then you can back it up and create a Pinterest 'arketing plan that 'atches your goal. Andrew McCauley: .eah, I a' glad you said that because goals are e*tre'ely i'portant across all social platfor's and Heather and I talk about this all the ti'e is what are you doing in social, why are you there. .ou have got to have a reason. >ust because the co'petitor down the road is on ?acebook or !witter or Pinterest, it doesnt 'ean you have to, particularly if its not the sa'e industry or you got so'ething else to offer. Heather Porter: (nd one thing too I was +ust going to say is what if you dont know what you should be doing like I know there would be a lot of people listening to this and go @%hat should I be doing- Should I be getting 'ore followersShould I be driving to an opt,in-A Is there like a certain for'ula or a certain order of what you should focus on first with those goalsLaura Waage: Buite honestly, Heather, if so'ebody ca'e to 'e and said @%hat should I be doing-A, I would tell the' they should be getting a coach only because a business coach or a Pinterest 'arketing e*pert like 'yself, so'ebody that can help the' define the goal first because the goal is going to 877C revolve around the business 'odel and depending on where they are at in the business cycle, the goal could be one of those things or all of those things but 'aking sense of it so that you have the right strategies in place to support it is absolutely the first step and I wish there was a 'agic e2uation but there are so 'uch variance in businesses and even I have a client actually, their business goals change with the season too. So, if there is a seasonal business, there are +ust so 'any factors that go into it. (bsolutely clarity on the goals co'es first and fore'ost even if you need a coach to help you see the clarity in it and then once you have established that, then you can build the right type of progra'. Andrew McCauley: !alking about coaching and finding the right people and we see a whole bunch of social 'edia e*perts out there, we see a few people branched off individual platfor's. I really havent seen 'any people on Pinterest, Pinterest e*perts like yourself. Is there high co'petition for that sort of 'arket out thereLaura Waage: Its a really interesting 2uestion. (s you know, (ndrew, when I first started doing this, there wasnt but when I first started doing this and I published a couple of Pinterest books on ('a1on and then I had launched the course, had all these different things take place, I had a lot of large businesses reach out to 'e to write their Pinterest 'arketing ca'paigns. So, those that are fully engaged in Pinterest, I think I have had the sa'e sort of situation erupt for the' as well. I have talked to a few different Pinterest consultants that started off wanting to educate the 'asses and got pulled into doing it for big businesses. So, I think that they are out there, they are +ust a little bit harder to find because of the fact that Pinterest is still relatively new. !hree years is not a long ti'e especially when you consider the fact that they now have D7 'illion active users each and every 'onth. Andrew McCauley: !hats cra1y isnt itHeather Porter: %ow Laura Waage: Isnt that cra1y0isten here3'4podcasts4pinterest,for,'arketing4 5et a copy of our Online Survival 5uide here3' www.autopilotyourbusiness .co'

Andrew McCauley: .eah, yeah. Laura Waage: (ndrew, I dont know if you re'e'ber this, you and I were at a training at one of the events and we were sitting there and I had said to you @Oh 'y gosh 0ook at this, its so e*citing. Pinterest +ust broke one 'illion users A =e'e'ber thatAndrew McCauley: It was 0os (ngeles. I think we are there. Laura Waage: .es, it was and I was so e*cited and now I look at D7 'illion and it +ust 'akes 'e laugh. Andrew McCauley: So, +ust going back to so'ething you said. (ll these big businesses, the big brands are co'ing on Pinterest. Has it been a slow uptake for big brands to get on PinterestLaura Waage: "o. I think with the slow uptake has been is actually brands figuring out how to use it in the 'ost effective way. Andrew McCauley: =ight. Laura Waage: %hen Pinterest first rolled out, they only offered one type of account. !here was not a personal and a businessE there was +ust personal and they didnt include any type of analytics dashboard in that original version of Pinterest. In the very beginning they did release their (PIs. So, there were a handful of co'panies that saw the future of Pinterest and were wise to what it could potentially turn into and those co'panies developed so'e analytics tools. "ow, since then, fast forward two years, Pinterest now has analytics built into their business account dashboard and in addition to that, we have got all of these third parties that have really started to get deeper with offering different types of analytics. So, long answer, but basically now co'panies are learning that they can 'easure, they can 'anage, they can get a 'uch better grasp on how effective their 'arketing ca'paigns can be. Andrew McCauley: I know of seven great tools that you can use for Pinterest analytics and you have +ust written an article for our 'aga1ine Online ootprint all about Pinterest analytics tool. So, if you want to find out what they are, you want to check out Online ootprint 'aga1ine at the (pple "ewsstand and you can find out there are links and videos in there too about analytics but I didnt 'ean to show it. Heather Porter: I was going to +u'p in and actually say I was speaking not too long ago and only a 2uarter of the audience knew what Pinterest actually was and I was +ust listening and I a' taking a @%ell, there 'ust be people here that actually still dont even know what we are actually talking about.A So, is it cool if we +ust 2uickly do a description of what it is and then also if I were thinking about getting on Pinterest, do I even need a personal account or should I +ust start straight in the business account- So, we could +ust deal a little bit of the funda'entals for those listeners that are going @%hat is Pinterest-A Andrew McCauley: So'eti'es we forget, we are so involved. Heather Porter: E*actly. Andrew McCauley: %e got to step back and say @Hey, this is what it is.A

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Laura Waage: "o, thats a great, great point. So, Pinterest, lets +ust put it into its 'ost si'plest for'. I'agine that you are in your ho'e office or business office and you have got a physical bulletin board hanging on your wall and you can pin anything you want as a re'inder or a picture of your fa'ily, whatever you want on your bulletin board in your office and if so'ebody else walks into your office, they can see whats pinned on your bulletin board and they can pin other things to your bulletin board as well. So, all Pinterest is is an online bulletin board in its si'plest for', thats all it is. .our ability to pin things online to a bulletin board that other people can see, that you can give other people the right to pin on as well and if so'ebody sees so'ething on your board that they like, they can actually re,pin it to one of their boards. So, when you think about how contagious and viral that can beco'e, you see so'ething you really like, you put it to your board. !hat now 'eans that everybody that follows you is seeing that pin, they 'ay like it and re, pin it to their board and e*ponentially it +ust grows which is part of the reason that Pinterest beca'e such a 2uick success. !he other part of the reason, in 'y hu'ble opinion, is the fact that as hu'an beings we are such visual creatures anyways and a picture tells a thousand words, you can convey so 'uch through an i'age and people love itE its 2uick, its visually sti'ulating, its fun, its such a si'ple idea but yet offers so 'uch creativity, you can take it any direction you want. So, really in its si'plest for' its +ust a bulletin board that so'ebody was pretty s'art in deciding that they were going to put it online. Andrew McCauley: Hey, are there any industries that like Pinterest or a 'ore wrapped up in Pinterest than othersLaura Waage: I would say definitely industries that have so'ething visual to represent. So, as an e*a'ple, car industry. So, a lot of the car 'anufactures have Pinterest accounts. So'e of the' are really kind of cool, like Peugeot. !hey have one of the 'ost intriguing F Peugeot Pana'a is the one that you want to check out F they have one of the 'ost intriguing Pinterest accounts because they have done really creative things with the board place'ent and they always have a contest running. Ho'e Gepot and 0owes because they like to showcase GI. pro+ects and different things that they sell. !hose types of industries are great. ?ood, beverage, dining, recipesE the better 2uestion 'ight al'ost be what industries dont work well on PinterestAndrew McCauley: Okay, tell us what they are. Laura Waage: (nd I have actually tried to find the'. %hether you are talking about local business 'arketing, online 'arketing, driving traffic, SEO, I have yet to find an industry that wont work. Andrew McCauley: =eallyLaura Waage: "ow, that doesnt 'ean that the sa'e 'ethodology is applied to all the different industries. .ou have to change your reproach based on your industry and again the goal that you are trying to achieve but Pinterest, because its so basic but so dyna'ic at the sa'e ti'e, it really does offer a level of fle*ibility that anybody with a creative 'arketing 'ind can get in there and 'ake it work for the'. Its fabulous. Andrew McCauley: So, you can 'aybe give so'e ideas to people that are probably listening to this podcast. I a' going to do this without warning. 0ets say so'eone is a coach or a consultant and they are doing coaching, they are doing business coaching or they are doing even personal training sort of coaching,
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so'e sort of coaching for'at. !hey are offering a service. !hey dont have products to showcase. %hat sort of things could they use to pin on PinterestLaura Waage: %ell, in that type of a circu'stance F I a' going to give a little bit 'ore depth to it +ust so that people can see the entire bunny trail and where it leads F but in that kind of a circu'stance, really one of your ulti'ate goals is 'ost likely going to be to get people over to your website so that they can see what it is that you offer, who you are and get a better picture of your services. So, the end goal there is going to be to pull people over to your website. So, as an e*a'ple, you could have a board thats dedicated to BH( where you let people sub'it 2uestions to you or you even +ust go on 5oogle and say @%hat are the 'ost co''on 2uestions in such and such industry-A and then you create very short, sweet videos because a lot of people dont reali1e that on Pinterest you can use videos as well and you showcase your strengths by having these sweet little #7, second to I7,second videos where its you as that coach answering that 2uestion addressing the audience and you can create a board where you have got a BH( board and 'aybe you have got 67 or #7 of these short little video snippets and then you 'ake sure that you have got the link to your website in that and in everything. "ow, one thing I will say and this goes back to Heathers earlier 2uestion that we didnt actually answer, should you have a business account or should you have a personal- If you are doing business on Pinterest, you should only have a business account because you get certain perks and benefits like being able to link things back to your business site. Andrew McCauley: =ight. Laura Waage: So, they have a website verification process. %e wont get into the technical details here but its definitely so'ething that you want to 'ake sure that you do so that you get those links. So, you have these boards as a coach, you link the' back to your website and now people are getting a feel for you on Pinterest and then they can go over to your site. (nother great thing to do if you are a coach is to do like, lets say the article that you +ust 'entioned that I wrote for you, !he "even Analytics tools !hat You #an $se or %interest , you can do a snippet, +ust a little screen cap i'age that you pin as an i'age that says @D (nalytics !ools F 8A, you list the first one and then below that you put @)lick !o =ead (ll SevenA and then when they click, it goes to the article thats on your website so that they aJ again are on you website and bJ are seeing the full article and getting a display of what it is that you offer. Andrew McCauley: (lright. %ow Heather Porter: "ice. Laura Waage: So, lets talk about business accounts versus personal accounts and whats the difference with those and why you should focus on a business account versus a personal accountLaura Waage: .eah, its a great, great 2uestion and part of the reason that its a great 2uestion is because when Pinterest was first released, like I said, there was no business account. !hen they rolled out business account and in the first several 'onths that the business accounts were rolled out, there was no advantage to having a business account. So, there is a lot of people that dont reali1e how 'any advantages now e*ist. So, as I shared, you can go through the website verification process which is very, very si'ple F you download a file, you send it to your web server, they upload it at your webhost or they upload it, you are done. Once you
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do that, you now get back links so that you can send people fro' your Pinterest account directly to your website. .ou also can do things like have access to the Pinterest analytics dashboard. .ou only get that if you have a Pinterest business account. So, there are things like that where you really want to 'ake sure that you do have that business account and you are taking advantage of the business setup because you get those e*tra benefits. Its +ust 'aking sure that you are aware and that you are leveraging it to the best of your ability. Heather Porter: I al'ost look at it kind of like in ?acebook you have your personal profile page and then you have your business page as a si'ilar sort of thing. %ould you suggest that so'ebody in Pinterest would have both- %ould they have a need for their own personal page versus a business pageLaura Waage: Its funnyE I argue this with 'yself all the ti'e. I have both for the purpose of playing with both. Andrew McCauley: Go you win the argu'entLaura Waage: .eah, usually I argue with 'yself all night. I have both 'ainly for the purpose of playing with both. If it werent for the fact that I split test things, I probably would only have a business account unless you want to be able to pin things and have things that would be inappropriate on your business account. So, let 'e give you an e*a'ple. 0ets go back to the coach. 0ets say that you are a business coach that teaches people how to do local 'arketing. If now all of a sudden you have got all these boards that are great boards about local 'arketing but you want to keep a board about funny or crass i'ages that you find that 'ake you personally laugh, so'e of your clients 'ight be offended by that. In that case, I would say either aJ 'ake it a private board, a secret board that nobody else sees which you do have the ability to do or bJ have a personal account where you are not showcasing the business stuff, where they are totally separate and apart fro' one another because if you co,'ingle too 'any things, it can beco'e confusing and you can lose credibility. Heather Porter: 5ood advice. "ow, I have a couple of 2uestions. I guess really I a' +ust looking to get so'e actual sa'ples because you are such a wealth of knowledge. )an you +ust shoot out so'e of the best pins not only for yourself but for other people that you have seen that have gotten the best results and +ust walk us through a little bit about what those pins were and what specifically were done to the' to get those resultsLaura Waage: .es, absolutely. So, far and away, the best pins fro' a business building perspective and we are going to put this in two separate categories because you have got sales 'odels, you know the "ordstro's and "ordstro' is a great account to look at, they do a great +ob, target that type of a business 'odel and then you have got people that are +ust trying to drive traffic, not necessarily sales. On the sale side, one of the best things that you can do is 'ake sure that you have very clear, beautiful showcased i'ages and that you include the price tag and the only thing you have to do to include a price tag on Pinterest is use the Gollar sign or the Euro sy'bol and put in the a'ount and it will add the price tag. So, if you have that type of an ite', putting the price tag in there increases the re, pin rate and the click,through rate. Its insane. Andrew McCauley: %ow Its interesting.

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Laura Waage: .eah. "ow, if you are, like for us, 'arketers or being 'ore of a business consultant, one of the pins that gets a whole lot attraction is using info graphics and I heard a new ter' the other day that I actually loved and it was called an instructographic. So, slightly different where an info graphic is a ton of infor'ation and its usually got a lot of copy, a lot of words in the i'age and instructographic is 'ore about the pictures giving you the steps. So, as an e*a'ple, a 'ake,up artist 'ight do an instructographic that has four steps to beautiful eyeliner or so'ething where they show the physical pictures of how you would apply the 'akeup. So, thats an e*a'ple of an instructographic. (nd then in info graphic, 'ost people are fa'iliar with, its where you got all the words e*plaining a certain process. "ow, here is the key to doing those. Even though I 'entioned a few 'inutes ago that you can link your pins back to your website, savvy people can go in there and edit those links. So, what you want to 'ake sure that you do anyti'e you create regardless of whether its an info graphic or 'aybe +ust a general i'age, you want to 'ake sure that you are water 'arking your personal graphics, so 'aking sure that you have got your ;=0, your website address on the info graphic and if its an info graphic and its long, I reco''end you do it at the top and the botto'. If its +ust a short i'age like a lot of ti'es I will do singular i'ages where it will say so'ething like @Seven %ays to <ick ;p .our Pinterest &arketingA and then it will have 'y ;=0 at the botto'. So, +ust re'e'ber that to protect the integrity of your own 'aterial. Andrew McCauley: .eah, its good advice. 5ood advice in case so'eone wants to be unscrupulous and take that clai' away fro' you. Laura Waage: E*actly. (nd +ust a couple of tools I will throw out for people that want to do that. !here is a couple of ones that I use on a very, very regular basis. Pic'onkey, if you are not fa'iliar is great for 'aking collages basically. So, those instructographics that I spoke of where you can take like four pictures and put the' together, you can use Pic'onkey to create those 2uickly and easily. So, thats a great app. Andrew McCauley: Pic'onkey. %e will put that in the resource. %e have got resource website for our podcast. So, we will put that in that resource guide. Laura Waage: (bsolutely (nd another one that I loveE I love (dobe Photoshop, I dont love the price tag of it. So, I use an online source called Pi*lr and you can very easily create and edit any type of i'age that you want within Pi*lr and then +ust save it and upload it to Pinterest. Andrew McCauley: )ool. Heather Porter: "ice. Andrew McCauley: !here is a lot of cool tools these days co'ing out for i'age editing. In the old days where you had to buy Photoshop for a 8777 or 6777 dollars and you had to take si* 'onths to work at how to use it. !hats goneE there are so 'any cool little tools like that that are out there. I whipped up an i'age for a blog post I did today and it took under five 'inutes to put a filter on and 'ake so'e cool stuff out of it. So, there are so'e really good tools out there to start creating i'ages and I think Pinterest have been responsible for big surge in this sort of stuff. Laura Waage: .es. (nd another thing I tell people all the ti'e is always be looking for ideas. So, as an e*a'ple, I was in (tlanta with 'y daughter a couple
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of days ago and I wanted to do the )oca,)ola 'useu' tour and )oke is +ust a pheno'enal brand, they have done a great +ob with all of their various social 'edia 'arketing, with their business 'odel over ti'e. So, I was taking pictures on 'y iPhone as I was going through, co'ing up with the ideas for blog posts, for i'ages, for everything else and then I can edit the' right on 'y phone because there are so 'any aweso'e iPhone apps, android apps for editing i'ages and then e'ail the' to yourself fro' your phone or upload the' directly to your Pinterest account fro' your phone. So, dont discount the 'obile device that you are holding in your hand because a lot of ti'es that could be the best tool that you have for creating uni2ue i'ages. Andrew McCauley: Goes the 'obile application let you edit the descriptions in your ;=0 on the go as well or do you have to go back into your desktop to do thatLaura Waage: .ou know what, it didnt used to but I havent tried to use 'y phone for that in a really long ti'e because of the fact that it wasnt user friendly. I will have to go back in and test that. I thought there is such a habit of being able to do things fro' 'y P) to get really, really creative that I have not tested that in a while. !hey did +ust release the app and they 'ade a bunch of significant changes. So, you have 'ore fle*ibility now with the app than you ever did before. Andrew McCauley: 5reat. Heather Porter: Okay. 0aura, I know that we have been talking a lot about doing pins but a big part of Pinterest is the boards as well. So, is there a strategy or so'e tips you can share with us about the boards that we create- Is there a special way of na'ing the' or what is your advice around thatLaura Waage: .eah. Its a great, great 2uestion and Pinterest business user should actually pay 'ore attention to that because there is definite strategy to it. Everybody should know their keyword phrases and if thats not so'ething, if you are listening to this podcast then you have no idea what I +ust said, then do a little bit of a research because a keyword phrase is the phrase that people type into 5oogle when they are trying to find you or find content about your area of e*pertise. %hen you know F and you can go in and you could research and you could see e*actly how 'any people on a global or a local basis are searching for particular phrase F and when you know what that phrase is, those are the phrases that you want to 'ake sure that you use in your board titles, in the description, in your about section, in the description of your boards, in descriptions of the pins. So, you want to 'ake sure that you are knowledgeable about the keyword phrases that are relevant for your business 'odel and that you are then leveraging those keyword phrases throughout your Pinterest 'arketing. Heather Porter: .eah. !o give you a good e*a'ple of that, dont ask why I +ust thought of this but I +ust typed in chocolate cake into Pinterest and I can search by pins, boards or pinners. So, I can see what you are saying of how incredibly i'portant it is to have your keywords across everything you do. Laura Waage: (bsolutely and its also for SEO purposes too. So, if you do a 5oogle search for @chocolate cakeA, you will likely see pins co'e up as well based on the fact that people did a good +ob of na'ing the board, putting a description in the pin itself and really +ust paying attention to how they were setting the'selves up. Heather Porter: "ice.
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Andrew McCauley: Hey, I got a 2uestion about traps and proble's and issues. Is there anything that people should avoid- ( lot of these social sites or these third party apps will co'e up and say like this .ou!ube tool bo*, not specifically that but this auto'ated syste' that will do things, but then 2uickly get your account banned, these things on !witter that will enable you to do things a lot 'ore 2uicker but once again !witter dont like that sort of stuff. Is there anything of Pinterest that people should be aware of that they 'ay call a black hat sort of stuff. Is there anything there that co'es to 'ind when people should be wary of when they are on PinterestLaura Waage: .eah. So, Pinterest have been very sensitive to people getting fake followers. So, you will see these ?iverr gigs as an e*a'ple where you can go in and get a bunch of fake followers. Pinterest has been cleaning up the fake accounts that were setup to generate those followers. So, you want to put organic efforts into really growing your Pinterest list. .ou dont want to shortcut the way that you gain or obtain followers. "ow, one thing that was a huge proble' but no longer is, is it used to be a huge spa' engine because all of the links were known as do,follow links. !hey 'ade so'e changes to how you get credit for those links. So, you only get credit for links if you have a business account and you have verified your account going through that website verification process. So, part of that website verification process is to ensure that they were reducing the a'ount of spa'. So, really its like anything else F shortcuts lead to shortfalls. If you want to shortcut it, then +ust be aware that at so'e point its going to catch up to you and they are constantly 'onitoring that stuff. %hen Pinterest first launched, they had four e'ployees, now they have 97 and they have hired their e'ployees away fro' .ahoo, fro' 5oogle. So, they have got so'e pretty s'art technical guys and wo'en that are part of the e2uation now. So, a lot of people look at Pinterest as the baby of the social 'edia world but really they arent. !hey have got the brain power behind the' which is why you are seeing the' 'ake significant changes in such short periods of ti'e that are really growing the business. Andrew McCauley: .eah, good advice and I think the advice that you gave about shortfalls and shortco'ings can be used across the board in all this social platfor's because we see it every day. People think they are doing the right thing and think they are bypassing theK So'eti'es its hard work, so'eti'es its longer workE you are building up relationships, it doesnt happen overnight and they found an answer and they go and get so'e of these cheap ?iverr people or so'e cheap i'ported labor or so'e auto'ated tool and then they cant understand why their accounts have been closed down F @I did nothing wrong. I didnt do anything wrong.A .ou +ust didnt do anything right. Laura Waage: (bsolutely Andrew McCauley: (nd thats across the board. It doesnt 'atter whether its 0inkedIn, whether its .ou!ube, !witter, ?acebook, 5oogleLE they are all the sa'e and its one of those things that people have got to wary of. Laura Waage: .eah and I think the 'ost i'portant thing there and, (ndrew, you and I have had 'any conversations about this is that nothing is the end all be all. Pinterest is aweso'e, I love it but its not the end all be all 'arketing tool. I love .ou!ube. Its not the end all be all. Mlogging. (ll of it works together and you need to co'e up with a co'bination that works for you but as an e*a'ple here is a way that you can 'ake Pinterest really, really relevant in your business 'odel.
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If you are a blogger, then each and every single article or blog post that you post should have an i'age. !hat i'age should, for %ordPress users F since I a' a %ordPress user, I will speak to that 'ost easily F when you go in and you post your blog post, you want to 'ake sure that you add the alt te*t. So, you are basically na'ing that i'age when you load it up to your blog post, your website. So, in that na'e, what could that na'e be- .our keyword phrase. "ow, you also want to 'ake sure that you actually change the link. So, you know how a lot of ti'es you click on an i'age and it +ust opens up a little bit larger in a new windowAndrew McCauley: .up. Heather Porter: .eah. Laura Waage: .ou dont want that to happen. .ou want to 'ake sure that you set the link to the i'age as the blog post itself. "ow, that 'ight see' counterintuitive. (nybody who uses %ordPress is probably saying @%hy would you do that- If they are reading your blog post and they click on the i'age, its +ust going to open up the blog post again.A E*actly because when you go to use that i'age, you are actually going to pin it fro' your blog post, fro' your website to your Pinterest board. !hen its got that link e'bedded that already goes to that particular blog post. Andrew McCauley: =ight. Laura Waage: So, now you are getting a back link fro' your Pinterest account to that specific blog post with a relevant i'age thats got a keyword phrase attached that already 'atches. !hen you can go on to your Pinterest account, you can share that to your ?acebook account, you can tweet it out. So, its the repurposing efforts but putting everything in con+unction with one another that 'akes Pinterest or any solution for that 'atter a success. Andrew McCauley: .eah we 'ay have had a few people gla1e over that are +ust in thinking @%ow Its got bo'barded with techie stuffA but what 0aura is saying is its not co'plicated. >ust 'ake sure that you are putting the right infor'ation in your i'ages so that you can get credit for the'. Heather Porter: I was +ust going to say too that piece you +ust shared is probably one of the 'ost profound pieces of this whole podcast and for those of you that had no idea what we +ust saidK Andrew McCauley: 5o back and listen again. Heather Porter: 0isten again and drop us a 2uestion as well if you actually need help figuring out where this area in %ordPress is or where this alt te*t is and how to do all that. Its i'portant that you get this right because if you are using Pinterest, obviously you are putting an effort into it and you want it to work. So, let us know with co''ents. Andrew McCauley: Gefinitely, definitely. Heather Porter: "ow, I a' pretty good with 'y 2uestions, (ndrew. %ow, 0aura I a' loving everything that you are sharing and I will let you, (ndrew, +u'p in and ask any last 2uestions that you have but before that, 0aura, you said that you have a personal account and a business account. If people wanted to hop on Pinterest and find you and follow you, what should they actually type in to find you-

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Laura Waage: (ctually, they can +ust type in @0aura %aageA. Heather Porter: .eah, perfect. (nd I reco''end that everybody does because you will get to see e*actly what you should be doing with your own posts and or your pins I should say and see what 0aura is 'eaning by these info graphics and everything else she has talked about. She has a lot of great stuff on there. Andrew McCauley: .eah. I have got one 'ore 2uestion before we go. Heather Porter: 5ood. Andrew McCauley: %e spoke about 'etrics earlier. %hat are so'e of the key 'etrics that you look at to see whether your account is actually doing what its supposed to do- Is it at the nu'ber of followers- Is it at the nu'ber re,pins- Is it your 5oogle analytics- %hat do you look at to see whether your efforts are worthwhileLaura Waage: %ell, I look at it fro' two different perspectives. I have got the growth perspective. So, I look to 'ake sure that its always trending up. I look to 'ake sure that not only are the nu'ber of views going up but that the nu'ber of re,pins are going up because re,pins 'eans that people are sharing and that your content is beco'ing 'ore and 'ore viral. So, I a' looking for reach. I a' looking for how widespread, how 'any people a' I actually touching with these individual ca'paigns. So, theres definitely the 'etrics is associated with growth. I want to see what the total audience is, how 'any new followers. !hats one piece of it. !he other piece that you really want to be paying very close and special attention to is which pins, which types of i'ages are getting you the best results. So, you 'ight find that when you post a link like 'aybe you post +ust a plain worded i'age that links to one of your blog posts and it doesnt get 'any re, pins but you find when you add a different color or you use a little bubble character that there are certain things that you have done that get you a better result. So, I look at every pin, how 'any re,pins, likes, you will be able to tell by your analytics which pins got the 'ost attention and then based on the pins that get the 'ost attention, then you can say to yourself @Okay, this works. So, now I a' going to do 'ore of this because this was getting a lot of interaction.A So, its kind of the sa'e 'ethodology as the way that we would split test ads. .ou are +ust co'paring your different pins and i'ages to one another and saying @Okay, this one didnt do so good. Here is what I think was the proble' with it. So, I a' not going to do any'ore of those but this one did really well. So, I a' going to 'ake sure that I use that.A "ow, the one thing that I havent 'entioned and I would be kicking 'yself if we hung up and I didnt say it is )all to (ction. &ake sure that if your goal is to drive people to a specific place that you are always including a )all to (ction and what I love about Pinterest is that your )all to (ction can be blatant or it can be inherent. So, a blatant )all to (ction would be @)lick here to read the full articleA, @)lick here to get 'oreA. (n inherent )all to (ction would be so'ething like @68 %ays to blah, blah, blahA and you only list 8$ of the' and they have to click the i'age to get the rest. So, there are different ways to +ust be flat out blatant about it or to give the' a little teaser. ( lot of ti'es I will pin covers to 'y eMooks and when they click on the cover, they will go to a free chapter, drive the' to a landing page. I 'ean, the possibilities are endless. .ou +ust want to think about, again, the ulti'ate goal include the call to action and drive the' to that goal.

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Andrew McCauley: Okay. %ow, aweso'e %ell, you know what, I think we are co'ing to the end of this and we could keep going I reckon for another couple of hours. So 'uch to do and I know that with our Pinterest account we have been pinning our podcast stuff there but we are going to look at that even 'ore now, now that we have gone through so'e of the stuff with you. Heather Porter: .eah. Andrew McCauley: One of the things we actually do on our podcast is we have a @?iverr 5ig Of !he %eekA and what we are doing is we are going in and showing people how cra1y ?iverr is and what sort of stuff you can get done and then we are going to showcase that on our resource guide. (ctually, do you have any idea%hat can we do for our @?iverr 5ig Of !he %eekALaura Waage: (bsolutely I would reco''end that people go to ?iverr. !hey +ust do a general search in the search bar for info graphics and get an info graphic created for their business for N dollar and then 'ake sure that they have got their web address, their ;=0 at the top and botto' and for N bucks they can get an info graphic where they can educate people on their business 'odel, pin it to Pinterest and watch the results that they get. Andrew McCauley: %hat sort of infor'ation do they have to give for thatLaura Waage: %ell, its really up to the business 'odel. So, as an e*a'ple, if you own aK Andrew McCauley: 0ets talk about us. %e are going to do this, we are going to get on ?iverr after this call and we are going to show people what this looks like. So, lets set it up now so they can see e*actly what we have got at the end result. Laura Waage: (weso'e. Andrew McCauley: So, what we can do as an info graphic do you think that would be good so people can see what we are doingLaura Waage: .ou could do so'ething like a Gave 0etter'an play. .ou could do @!he !op 87 =easons !o ?ollow Our PodcastA. Heather Porter: !hats good. Andrew McCauley: I love it. Laura Waage: (nd the reasons can either be funny or the reasons can be so'ething thats educational. Andrew McCauley: =ight, I love it. Laura Waage: (nd the reasons can be self pro'oting, right- So, 'aybe one of the reasons to listening to your podcast is because you can get a free issue of Online ootprint 'aga1ine. Andrew McCauley: !here you go. Laura Waage: So, again, be thinking about whats the ulti'ate goal. %ell, the goal 'aybe to drive people to Online ootprint or to drive people to the blog or to get people to sign up for the =SS ?eed, whatever the case 'aybe and those can be your 87 reasons. Andrew McCauley: I love it. I love it.
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Heather Porter: (nd guys, for you to see our info graphic that we are going to order after this show, you are going to have to hop on over to www.('4Podcast. (nd what episode are we on again, (ndrewAndrew McCauley: "o. #$. So, look for no. #$ and you will find this info graphic that we havent even created yet thats sitting there, ready for you to check it out. So, thats a great idea. !his could be so'ething we do every week. 0aura, you got a short to a fortune on ?iverr. (lright. %ell, thank you, 0aura. %e really appreciate you co'ing on and sharing this aweso'e knowledge. (s Heather said, people can find you on Pinterest. %here else can they find out 'ore about infor'ation about youLaura Waage: (bsolutely !hey can go' and they can see all sorts of stuff about how they can really perfect their Pinterest 'arketing approach. Andrew McCauley: !here you go,'. 5o and check out 0aura. 5o and drop her line and tell you heard her on our podcast and I a' sure she will love to hear fro' you. Heather, thank you again. !his is fun. I like doing these interviews. Heather Porter: I do too and, (ndrew, I loved this one as well. 0aura, thanks so 'uch for taking so'e ti'e and hanging out with us for the last al'ost hour. Its been great. Laura Waage: (bsolutely 'ay pleasure. !hank you, guys, so 'uch for letting 'e be part of this. I love what you two are doing and its aweso'e. Andrew McCauley: !hanks, 0aura. !hanks, Heather. Heather Porter: !hank you. Andrew McCauley: !alk to you guys later. Heather Porter: Mye, guys. Laura Waage: Mye.

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