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Where Did God Come From Both the Bible and the Quran tell us God has always existed and there never was a time He did not exit. As such He is the !ternal without be"innin" and without end. He is the only creator and sustainer o# all that exists and nothin" and no one exists alon"side Him nor does He have any $artners. He tells us He is not created nor is He li%e His creation &in anyway. He calls Himsel# by a number o# names and three o# them are 'he First ( )Al(Awal*'he +ast ( )Al A%hir*'he !ternal and the ,ne who is sou"ht a#ter by His creation while He has no need #rom them at all.-nbs$.-nbs$.-nbs$.-nbs$.-nbs$.-nbs$.-nbs$.-nbs$.-nbs$.-nbs$. )As( /amad*He is not a man and He has no $ro"eny or o##s$rin".He is not what .He creates nor is He com$ared to it He always has existed and He never was created as He is not li%e His .creation nor similar to it in any way 'he $ro$het 0uhammad )$eace be u$on him* ex$lained the devil would come to a $erson and as% them 1uestions about creation. 2Who created this or that?2 to which the re$ly would be. 2Allah2 until he would as%. 2Who created Allah?2 At this sta"e the $ro$het advised us to dro$ this train o# thou"ht. ,bviously God ( the real God must be eternal and not have .to be created 'he Quran tells us&Allah3 +a ilaha illa Huwa )'here is no "od to worshi$ exce$t Him* the !ver +ivin" the /ustainer and 4rotector o# all that exists. He doesn-567t "et tired and He doesn-567t slee$. !verythin" in the universe belon"s to Him. Who then could intercede between Him and his creatures without His 4ermission? He 8nows everythin" about them and they have no %nowled"e exce$t as He wills. His %ursi )stool or chair* extends over the entire universe and He doesn-567t "et tired o# "uardin" .and $reservin" it. He is 0ost Hi"h the 0ost Great ;'his :erse is called Ayat(ul(8ursi.9 ;<oble Quran =&=>>9 'his verse truly $resents the com$rehensive re$resentation o# God in a way without tryin" to de#ine Him by com$arin" Him to His creation but rather as bein" the Absolute in all o# His Attributes and .Characteristics

<ote& 24rovin"2 God exists is really not our $ur$ose. We are only interested in $rovidin" clear statements based on #acts and lo"ic and then allow the individual decide #or themselves who they would li%e to believe. 'here have always been $eo$le who believed in the existence o# God and there have always been those who have denied in His existence. We must reali?e there are those who will never believe no matter how much $roo# or evidence we $roduce. 'he reason is some $eo$le don-567t want to believe in a Creator or /ustainer. 'hey would not li%e to consider one day they will have to answer #or their actions and #or their re#usal to ac%nowled"e their Bene#actor to whom they owe their very existence. We come to %now it is not so much a matter o# us tryin" to convey our belie#s as it is #or them to set aside $reconceived $re@udices a"ainst $ro$er belie#. 0eanin"& this is really a matter o# "uidance #rom Above. A# they re#use even with evident $roo#s in #ront o# them this is not between us and them. it is between them and their Creator. A"ain it is not our @ob to 2$rove2 anythin" to anyone. We only need to $resent the #acts in truth and allow the listener to ma%e u$ their own mind.We @ust be"in with sim$le lo"ic. When somethin" is ri"ht in #ront o# our eyes it is di##icult to deny it ri"ht? As%in" rhetorical 1uestions can be very hel$#ul in $resentin" our case. Be"in by as%in" the 1uestion. 2Can you $rove you exist?2 Bes o# course you can. Bou merely use your senses to determine what you can see hear #eel smell taste and you have emotions as well. All o# this is a $art o# your existence. But this is not how we $erceive God in Aslam. We can loo% to the thin"s He has created and the way He cares #or thin"s and sustains us to %now there is no doubt o# His existence.,ne a$$roach is to su""est sim$le yet convincin" ex$eriments anyone could com$rehend. For instance say to someone 2Consider this the next time you are loo%in" u$ at the moon or the stars on a clear ni"ht. could you dro$ a drin%in" "lass on the sidewal% and ex$ect it would hit the "round and on im$act it would not shatter but it would divide u$ into little small drin%in" "lasses with iced tea in them? ,# course not.2Another exam$le is have them consider what mi"ht ha$$en i# a tornado came throu"h a @un%yard and tore throu"h the old cars. would it leave behind a nice new 0ercedes with the en"ine runnin" and no $arts le#t around? <aturally not.,r as% someone to consider what it would be li%e i# someone told us about a #ast #ood restaurant o$eratin" itsel# without any $eo$le there? 'he #ood @ust coo%s itsel# #iles #rom the %itchen to the table and then when we are done the dishes @um$ bac% the %itchen to wash themselves. 'his is too cra?y #or anyone to even thin% about.A#ter re#lectin" on all o# the above how could we loo% to the universe above us throu"h a telesco$e or observe the cells in a microsco$e and then thin% all o# this came about as a result )2o# a 2bi" ban"2 or some 2accident2?)see also 2Quran

/ome other reli"ions teach 2God is everywhere.2 'his is actually called 2$antheism2 and it is the o$$osite o# our belie# system in Aslam. Allah tells us clearly there is nothin" anywhere in the universe li%e Him .similar to his li%eness nor is He ever in His creation He tells us in the Quran He created the universe in six 2yawm2 )$eriods o# time* and then He 2astawah -567ala al Arsh2 )rose u$ above His

'hrone*. He is there )above His 'hrone* and will remain there until the .!nd 'imes Allah has such com$lete 8nowled"e as to be able to 8now all thin"s $ast $resent and #uture in all $laces at exactly the same time. 'he same can be said #or His absolute Hearin" and /eein". An this way His 8nowled"e .His Hearin" His /i"ht is everywhere simultaneously An this re"ard the $ro$het 0uhammad )$eace be u$on him* told us He is as close to us as our @u"ular vein. He also ex$lained Allah is 2with us2 when we are in sincere worshi$ to Him and in times o# need. <aturally .this would not com$romise His existence outside o# His creation 'he Quran o##ers us a more detailed understandin" o# Where )and Who* .Allah is Certainly your +ord is Allah Who created the heavens and the earth in2 six yaum )days or $eriods o# time* and then He Astawa )rose above* the 'hrone. He brin"s the ni"ht as a cover over the day ra$idly and the sun the moon the stars sub@ect to His Command. /urely His is the Creation 23and the Commandment. Blessed be Allah the +ord o# the universe ;<oble Quran C&>D9 Andeed your +ord is Allah Who created the heavens and the earth in six2 yaum )days or $eriods o# time* and then He Astawa )rose above* the 'hrone dis$osin" the a##air o# everythin". <o intercessor )can $lead with Him* exce$t by His 4ermission. 'his is Allah your +ord so worshi$ ;Him. Won-567t you then remember?2;<oble Quran EF&6 At is Allah who erected the heavens without $illars that you ;can9 see.2 then He Astawa )rose above* the 'hrone and made sub@ect the sun and the moon each runnin" ;its course9 #or a s$eci#ied term. He arran"es ;each9 matter. He details the si"ns that you may o# the meetin" with your +ord certain ;<oble Quran E6&=9 Who created the heavens and the earth in six yaum )days or $eriods o# time* and then He Astawa )rose above* the 'hrone. 'he 0ost Bene#icent3 As% Him as He is Al(8habir )'he All(8nower o# everythin"*.;<oble Quran ;=>&>7 Who created the heavens and the earth in six yaum )days or $eriods o# time* and then He Astawa )rose above* the 'hrone. Bou )man%ind* have none besides Him as a Wali )$rotector or hel$er etc.* or an intercessor. Won-567t you then remember )acce$tin" admonishment*?;<oble ;Quran 6=&D And indeed We )Allah uses the word 2We2 in the royal sense li%e the %in" who says 2We decree the #ollowin"...2 this is not in the $lural* created the heavens and the earth and everythin" in between in six days and #ati"ue never touched Gs )a"ain this is the royal 2Gs2 not $lural*. ;;<oble Quran >F&6H He is the ,ne Who created the heavens and the earth in six yaum )days or $eriods o# time* and then He Astawa )rose above* the 'hrone. He %nows what "oes into the earth and what comes #orth #rom it what descends #rom the heaven and what ascends u$ to it. And He is with you )by His 8nowled"e* where so ever you may be. And Allah is the All(/eer o# what ;you do.;<oble Quran >C&D We observe #rom these statements a very lo"ical a$$roach to understandin" the nature o# God without com$arin" Him to creation or $uttin" Him in His .creation

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