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Lesson Plan in Science 3 OBJECTIVE Classify animals according to their habitat Promote the importance of ecosystem as habitat of animals

ls II. SUBJECT MATTER A. Topic: Animals And Their Habitats B. References: Growing With Science and Health 3 pp. 86-88 C. Science Concept/s: Habitat is the place where animals live There are different habitats where animal lives. There are animals that live in land, water, high places(air) , forest, farm, both land and water and even at home D. Processes: Classifying, Inferring, Communicating E. Materials: Dioramas of different habitat of animals F. Value Infusion: Importance of ecosystem as habitat of animals III. PROCEDURES A. Guided Inquiry 1. Review Teacher Pupils Stand up class and let us pray Good morning class You may take your seat Let us recall what we had yesterday What is our topic all about? Our topic is all about different properties of air Amen. Good morning Maam Thank you! (Pupils be seated) I.

Very good? And what are those different properties of air? Air occupies space and has weight. It cannot be seen, taste, smell but can feel. Very good! 2. Motivation It seems that you already know the different Properties of air. We are now going to proceed To our next topic. But before that, we are going To sing a song first. Do you love to sing? Very well! The title of the song that we are going to sing Yes Maam

Is Old Mc Donald Had A Farm do you know That song class? Very good Everybody stand up and lets sing the song (singing) Do you enjoy singing class? You may now sit down 3. Science Vocabulary Alright! What are the animals mentioned in the song? Where do these animals live? Very good! Do you know that the place where animals Live is called Habitat? What is a habitat? Very good! Can you cite other examples of animals habitat Aside from farm? Very good! Lets do an activity 4. Presentation a. Presentation of materials I will group you into two. This is the group one And this will be the group two. I will give each Group pictures of animals and dioramas of Different habitat of animals. what you are going To do is to place the animals to where habitat they Will fit or belong and then answer the questions Afterwards. Is that clear? Very good! Yes Maam (pupils answer) A place where animals live (pupil answers) In the Farm Yes Maam (pupils are seated) (pupils stand up) Yes Maam

b. Statement of the problem Our main problem in this activity is W here do animals live? Again, What is our main problem in this activity? Very good! c. Setting of standards Every member of the group is required to participate In the activity. You are allowed to talk to each other But being too loud is prohibited. I will give you five Minutes to finish the activity Is that clear? Alright! d. Distribution of Activity Card I am now going to distribute the activilty sheet to you. read carefully the instructions and answer the following questions completely. B. Guided Exploration 1. Activity Proper (the pupils do the activity) Okay times up! Each group will choose a leader to present their work Very good! 2. Analysis Which animals live on land, in water, both land and water, both land and air, forest, farm and underground, home? Very well! C. Guided Discovery 1. Generalization (pupils answers) (pupils present their work) Yes maam W here do animals live?

Again, what is a habitat?

Habitat is the place where animals live

Very good! Can you give examples of habitat or places Where animals live? Land, water, forest, farm, high places, home, underground

Very good! 2. Application Let us complete the table by giving examples Of animals that live on different habitats forest farm home Under ground land water air

(pupils answer orally) Very good! 3. Valuing Is ecosystem important? Why? Yes Maam Because it serves as a wide habitat for a large crowd of animals (pupil answers)

What will you do to maintain our ecosystem? Alright! IV. EVALUATION

Get your notebook and answer the following. A. Copy the name of the animal that does not Live in the same habitat as the others 1. Lion, bear, deer, fish 2. Bangus, goldfish, puppy, lapu-lapu 3. Crocodile, frog, turtle, fox 4. Butterfly, birds, dragonfly, lizard

5. Crocodile, dog, goat, cow

(pupil answers are fish, puppy, fox, lizard, crocodile)

B. List animals according to their habitat Copy the table Animal Habitat farm High places forest water Both land and water farm Animal Habitat High places forest water Both land and water Crocodile Frog turtle

Dog goat cow

Bird, butterfly dragonfly

Lion Deer bear

Bangus Goldfish Lapulapu

Okay class! Are you through? Lets answer this.. Count the correct answers. 1. ASSIGNMENT For your assignment (teacher posts the assignment) Will you please read ? Draw a certain habitat and label the animals That can be found there. Is there any questions for that? Very good Lets stand up and pray! Goodbye class!

Yes Maam (pupils answers )

(pupil reads) None!

Amen Good bye Maam!

Prepared by: Rossana S. Buenaflor

Activity Sheet I. II. III. Problem : Where do animals live? Materials: dioramas of different habitat, pictures of animals Procedures:

a. Classify the animals according to their habitat b. Put together the animals that live on the same habitat on their appropriate position in the diorama c. Present your work in the class Answer these: 1. Which animals live on land, in water, both land and water, forest, farm, underground, home?

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