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Peggy Kipling (firend of Jon Black) has terminal cancer. Prayer for Peggy and Brian for strength. All who grieve the passing of Rocci Norcia (Al Noricia father). Stephanies mom, Judy (co-worker of Heather Butterfield) who has cancer. Regina Shu (Judith Shus mother) as she struggles with diabetic neuropathy affecting her mobility. Sabrina Corey (classmate of Jenna Fitzgerald) who was seriously injured in a car accident. She is home recovering but needs lots of prayers. Cassie Hermann (cousin of Janna Fitzgerald) who struggles with emotional issues. Amina, a six year old girl who has brain cancer (friend of Michelle Ott). Judith Shu as she continues in her search for a family practice practitioner to precept her. Rose Bih (Sam Atu-Tetuhs wife) as she has high cholesterol and heart problems. Ruthann Coburn who is going through many health problems. Kay Prouty (mother of Pastor Pauls brother-inlaw) who has cancer. Steve Gast (Jennifer Huehns college friend) received new lungs for his Cystic Fibrosis, has returned home after complications. Pray for continued healing. Sarah Womack (Nancy Amundsens daughter) as she searches for a new job. Stephanie (Jerry Hermsens friend) who is waiting to have an operation. Beverly Dols (John Ivers sister) as she is in hospice care. Jessica Johnson (Stacy Foremans cousin) has been diagnosed with Lyme's disease. Due to the side effects and the illness symptoms she is unable to work. Joanne Seeman Benick (Jon & Jodi Blacks friend) who has cancer. Julie Fjeld (Jennifer & Mike Huehns neighbor) who lives with cancer. John Thiessen as he lives with cancer. Donna McCullen (wife of Ken McCullen) who is suffering from cancer.

At this time of year we need light. Thank goodness for Epiphany which celebrates how the star (light) guided the Magi to baby Jesus. The Bible has many descriptions of light. As we will read this week light was part of the first chapter of the Bible and the last chapter of the Bible. Light led the people, became an expression of the community, and reflected God. It was more than a physical reality. This week enjoy a few biblical expressions of light! Comments about the devotion can be e-mailed to Monday, January 6 Read Matthew 2:1-12 Today is the celebration of Epiphany. Epiphany means revelationit is the revealing of God in human affairs. In this story the Magi were led by the star. It was a brilliant light that took them to Jesus. People have debated whether the star actually existed. Whats more important is understanding that the light from the star led people to Jesus. We are led by the lightjust as the Magi were led by the light. This light is not universally accepted and celebrated. Some are always threatened by the light. In the story of the Magi Herod was threatened by the light. When he found out about it he ordered all the children under two near Bethlehem to be killed. The decision we make is whether we will be led by the light. Its a decision that we make every day of our life; its a decision that is always available to us; and its a decision that will change us. One helpful prayer is to pray that we will be led by the light. Perhaps this could be your prayer today. Prayer: Lord, help me be led by your light. Dont let me be threatened by the light, but let me embrace where your light is leading me.

Tuesday, January 7 Read Genesis 1:1-5 The very first words of God in the Bible had to do with light. The words are simplebut important to know. Then God said, Let there be light; and there was light. Genesis 1:3 In the story we know the light as a physical reality. This time of year we need light. In the Twin Cities we receive less than nine hours of sunlight. Some people suffer from Seasonal Affective Disordera lack of light. One mode of therapy is to sit by a warm and bright light. As followers of Jesus we know of light as also a spiritual reality. It can bring life to our spirits. The opposite of light is, of course, darknesswhich is associated with death. Many people who have had near death experiences have remarked that they saw a light as their physical body temporarily stopped working. Even in death the light leads us. Prayer: Its amazing that your first words were Let there be light. Your light shone at the beginning of creation, it sustains us when we experience darkness in life, and it greets us as we pass. Thank you for light. Wednesday, January 8 Read Exodus 13:21-22 When the Israelites left Egypt they were led by a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. These two pillars never left them. Another place to read about these pillars is Exodus 40:34-40. Its appropriate to remember how the pillar of light came into the darkness at night. It gave the people comfort and securityjust as God does. When we are young we often need a nightlight. This gives us comfort and security and ultimately helps us relax and sleep.

The same ideas can apply to the light of God. It never leaves us; it gives us comfort; it gives us security; it ultimately helps us relax. Today as you pray, pray over and over this prayer, Lord, let me be comforted by your light. Repeat that prayer fifty to a hundred times. Pray it as you breathe. Let go of your thoughts and just focus on the prayer. Prayer: Lord, let me be comforted by your light. Thursday, January 9 Read John 1:1-9 The New Testament continued the theme of light that we read about earlier this week. The writer of John said it best. The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world. John 1:9 We know of Jesus as the light. It gives us life. What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it. John 1:3b-5 Note that darkness is always affiliated with light just as in the Old Testament. Note that light gives life and directionjust as in the Old Testament. The transliteration of light for Greek is phos. Today as you pray, give thanks for this phos. It will give you life and direction. This phos will shine out of your own darkness. Prayer: Thank you for your phos. Thank you for the life and direction that you give me and the world through phos. Friday, January 10 Read Matthew 5:14-16 What a wonderful passage these three verses are! These verses are part of Jesus first sermonwe call it the Sermon on the Mount. The you is plural. Jesus was talking to his disciples and meant that the community was called to share this light.

The church is the light of the world. We bear witness to this light through our good works and give glory to God. Chain of Lakes was called into being so that we can bear witness to this light. We do this in a variety of ways. Over Christmas many folks shared Christmas gifts with people who needed them. Through this act we were a witness to the light. We are starting a new initiative with homeless teens in Anoka County. Through this initiative we will share light. Once we have this light we are not called to hide it. Instead let it shine. Remember the childrens song. Consider singing it today. This little light of mine; Im going to let it shine. This little light of mine; Im going to let it shine. This little light of mine; Im going to let it shine. Let it shine; let it shine; let it shine. Prayer: May our faith community bear witness to this light through our good works. Saturday, January 11 Read Revelation 22:1-5 Just as the beginning of Scripture focused on light, the end of Scripture does too. The very last chapter shares this ending vision of light. Look at this verse: And there will be no more night; they need no light of lamp or sun, for the Lord God will be their light, and they will reign forever and ever. Revelation 22:5 This future vision contains light which comes from God. Just as God created light at the beginning of Scripture, God shared this vision of light at the end of Scripture. Prayer: Thank you for light! May my own beginning and end reflect your light.

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