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When Recorded Mail To: John James McCaig PO Box 898 Wilmington, NC 28 !

$%o&e '(ace )or Recording P*r(oses Onl+ $*g*st 28, 2!,2 To: $gents and Re(resentati&es, s*ccessors and assigns, o- the .N/T01 'T$T0' and all s*%di&isions o- same2 )010R$3 R0'0R40 O--icers and Boards o- 1irectors and s*%di&isions2 $ll local, 'tate, )ederal, and5or international or m*ltinational go&ernments, cor(orations, agencies, the /nternational Monetar+ )*nd2 the 6*een o- 0ngland and all s*%ordinates2 the 4atican and all s*%ordinates, s*ccessors and assigns, and not limited to: Certi-ied Mail 7!,2 ! 7! !!!, 8,,9 9 97 Original Certi-ied Co(+ o- Original 1oc*ment Timoth+ )ran: ;eithner d5%5a '0CR0T$R< 10P$RTM0NT O) T=0 TR0$'.R< ,9!! Penns+l&ania $&en*e, NW Washington, 1>C> 2!22! Certi-ied Mail 7!,2 ! 7! !!!, 8,,9 9 8 Original Certi-ied Co(+ o- Original 1oc*ment /R' Technical '*((ort 1i&ision c5o Treas*r+ .CC Contract Tr*st /NT0RN$3 R040N.0 '0R4/C0 ,9!! Penns+l&ania $&en*e, NW Washington, 1>C> 2!22! Certi-ied Mail 7!,2 ! 7! !!!, 8,,9 9 7, Original Certi-ied Co(+ o- Original 1oc*ment 0nter(rise Com(*ting Center?Martins%*rg $ttn: Chie-, /n-ormation Ret*rns Branch Mail 'to( @8! 2@! M*rall 1r Aearne+s&ille, W4 29 @! Certi-ied Mail 7!,2 ! 7! !!!, 8,,9 9 88 Original Certi-ied Co(+ o- Original 1oc*ment Rosa O> Rios d5%5a TR0$'.R0R 10P$RTM0NT O) T=0 TR0$'.R< ,9!! Penns+l&ania $&e, NW Washington, 1>C> 2!22!


Part I
$cce(tance o- Oath %+ .nited 'tates President Bene-iciar+ Rights 5 Right to $cce(t -or 4al*e 1eclarations, incl*si&e o-: Notice o- Non?$d&erse (art+ Notice o- NMW=)/T Notice o- '*ccessorshi( Matters o- /nterest .>'> Citi:en as '*ret+ Birth Certi-icate '(ecial Notice to the )ederal Reser&e?/nstr*ments /ss*ed -or and %+ the .' 0ndorsement 3ang*age -or /nstr*ments $cce(tance -or 4al*e '+no(sis 0ndorsement 3ang*age -or /nstr*ments and ChecBs /nternational Bills o- 0xchange Concl*sions

Part ll
Notice o- .nderstanding, /ntent and Claim o- Right 1*t+ To '(eaB


Page l o- ,8

1ate: $*g*st 28, 2!,2 $>1>

DEFINITIONS The de-initions o- Cords, (hrases and sentences *sed in the -olloCing are those o- the common man> Words and their meanings are de-ined as those meanings as acce(ted in the cas*al co*rse o- h*man interaction in a ci&ili:ed comm*nit+ similarl+ ed*cated and ex(erienced as to their *se> Terms o- $rt and Words o- $rt, as the+ are BnoCn in cor(orate 3egal Critings, are -oreign to this doc*ment *nless *sed descri(ti&el+ herein and ma+ not %e interDected or constr*ed %+ an+ agent or a*thorit+ Citho*t signed contract*al (ermission o- 1eclarant5$--iant> NOMENCLATURE Notice to all interested (arties, reci(ients, Princi(als and $gents> Within the context o- this Notice and Claim, and -*t*re iss*es o- instr*ments5claims contem(lated and descri%ed herein, the names, titles and designations listed %eloC are s+non+mo*s in *se and intent, and noted as re-erence to the 1eclarant5$--iant> John James McCaig, John J McCaig, John McCaig, him, himsel-, man> $ll Titles o- designation re-erring to the so&ereign 1eclarant5$--iant contained Cithin the -olloCing doc*ment and Notice, i>e> 1eclarant, $--iant, ;rantor and Bene-iciar+ are s+non+mo*s in *se or intent> $ll Titles o- designation contained herein, *sed as or in re-erence to cor(orate go&ernment entities, $gents or O--icers, s*ccessors or s*%di&isions, incl*ded %*t not limited to, .nited 'tates, .nited 'tates, /nc>, .nited 'tates ;o&ernment, .nited 'tates o- $merica, 'T$T0 O) NORT= C$RO3/N$, .N/T01 'T$T0', .N/T01 'T$T0' O) $M0R/C$, .N/T01 'T$T0' /NC>, .>'E> ;o&ernment and .>'> are s+non+mo*s in *se and intent relati&e to, and Cithin, the s(eci-ic context *sed5re-erenced> AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLIC NOTICE Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal. Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent. /, John James McCaig, $*thori:ed Re(resentati&e, Tr*st /nterest =older, Bene-iciar+, non?ad&erse (art+ and so&ereign created %+ ;od, o&er ,8 +ears o- age, hereina-ter F$--iantF and5or F1eclarant5$--iantF, do solemnl+ sCear, declare and state *nder (enalt+ o- (erD*r+ the -olloCing: a> $--iant is o- the age o- maDorit+, o- so*nd mind and com(etent to testi-+> %> $--iant is domiciled in the nation5state o- Cali-ornia, a mem%er re(*%lic o- the .nion esta%lished %+ the articles o- con-ederation and later ex(ressed %+ the 1eclaration o- /nde(endence and the Constit*tion -or the *nited 'tates o- $merica> c> $ll the -acts stated herein are tr*e, correct, and com(lete in accordance Cith $--iantGs %est -irst?hand BnoCledge and *nderstanding, admissi%le as e&idence, and i- called *(on as a Citness, $--iant Cill testi-+ to their &eracit+> d> / ha&e, in ;ood )aith, determined the -acts stated herein as %eing tr*e, correct, com(lete, and not meant to mislead> B+ signing this $--ida&it o- P*%lic Notice %e-ore a Notar+ P*%lic as an a*thentic act, do here%+ claim and declare:

Page 2 o- ,8


oo! Fait", / here%+ and herein declare and (roclaim the -olloCing Cith clean hands at armGs length:

0H*alit+ is Paramo*nt and Mandator+ %+ 3aC, and $--iant is not a Cor(oration, and $--iant is not a )iction or $rti-icial entit+, and $--iant is a real F)lesh and Blood manF, and Constit*tions ha&e D*risdiction o&er the ;o&ernments the+ create2 -ictional entities ICor(orationsJ are in-erior to the ;o&ernments Cho ha&e D*risdiction o&er them, and The agents o- ;o&ernment are the TR.'T00' -or the ;rantor5Bene-iciar+, and The *nited 'tates o- $merica is a common laC D*risdiction, and 0H*alit+ %e-ore the laC is (aramo*nt and mandator+, and $ stat*te is de-ined as a legislated r*le o- societ+ Chich has %een gi&en onl+ the -orce o- laC, and $ societ+ is de-ined as a n*m%er o- (eo(le Doined %+ m*t*al consent to deli%erate, determine and act *nder a common goal, and The onl+ -orm o- go&ernment recogni:ed as laC-*l in the *nited 'tates o- $merica is a re(resentati&e one, and Re(resentation reH*ires m*t*al consent, and /n the a%sence o- m*t*al consent, neither re(resentation nor go&ernance can exist, and Peo(le in the *nited 'tates o- $merica ha&e a right to re&oBe or den+ consent to %e re(resented and th*s go&erned, and i- an+one does re&oBe or den+ consent, the+ then ma+ exist -ree o- go&ernment control and stat*tor+ restraints, and a Fso&ereignF is one GCho has laC-*ll+ re&oBed consent and exists -ree o- stat*tor+ restrictions, o%ligations, and limitations, and $ citi:en n*m%ered %+ or iss*ed5assigned a 'ocial 'ec*rit+ N*m%er I''NJ is in -act (res*med to %e an Fem(lo+eeF o- the -ederal go&ernment and th*s %o*nd %+ the stat*tes created %+ and Cithin )ederal5'tate go&ernment D*risdictionI sJ, and .(on (ro(er Notice, claim o- right, and ex(ress intent, a so&ereign ma+ disa&oC this em(lo+ee (res*m(tion in -act, Cith (reD*dice, and Citho*t Cai&er or -or-eit*re o- (ri&ilege or %ene-it accr*ed, and The laC-*l -iling o- /R' -orm ''$?92,,,!99?C or others, res(ecti&el+, and i- (ro(erl+ -iled, a%andons the citi:enGs 'ocial 'ec*rit+ (SS) N*m%er, Cai&es the '' retirement5disa%ilit+ %ene-it and -or-eits the associated inde%tedness oCed the citi:en %+ the .>'> ;o&ernment as ma+ %e re(orted on /R' -ormIsJ SSA-7050 or others>

Page @ o- ,8


ACCEPTANCE OF OAT# OF PRESIDENT OF T#E UNITED STATES AnoC all men %+ these (resents that /, John James McCaig, a so&ereign, here%+ acce(t the $rticle //, 'ection ,, Cla*se 8, Oath o- the President o- the .nited 'tates in Chich he stated: F/ do solemnl+ sCear Ior a--irmJ that / Cill -aith-*ll+ exec*te the O--ice o- President o- the .nited 'tates and Cill to the %est o- m+ a%ilit+, (reser&e, (rotect and de-end the Constit*tion o- the .nited 'tates>F / acce(t the PresidentGs Oath as an o--er to me made in good -aith and / res(ect-*ll+ demand that he CorB -or m+ %ene-it> / acce(t the PresidentGs (osition as exec*ti&e Tr*stee and (*%licl+ declare him to %e m+ exec*ti&e Tr*stee in regard to each tr*st mentioned herein> / acce(t m+ (osition as Bene-iciar+ o- these se&eral tr*sts> / recogni:e that the Constit*tion creates a tr*st %etCeen the .nited 'tates and the Peo(le, as in Fto acBnoCledge or taBe notice o- in some de-inite Ca+F, / recogni:e the President o- the .nited 'tates as exec*ti&e Tr*stee o- the tr*st created %+ the Constit*tion> / here%+ (*%licl+ acBnoCledge and acce(t m+ (osition as a Bene-iciar+ o- the tr*st created %+ the Constit*tion> / here%+ claim all eH*ita%le title and interest a&aila%le to me as a Bene-iciar+ o- this tr*st> $s a Bene-iciar+ o- this tr*st, / recogni:e that the .nited 'tates citi:en that / re(resent is a (riorit+ stocBholder in the cor(orate .nited 'tates and thro*gh that citi:en / ha&e -irst and -oremost (osition in eH*it+ in the .nited 'tates, and a right to &ario*s distri%*tions -rom that tr*st> / recogni:e that in ,9@@ President )ranBlin 1> Roose&elt created another tr*st %etCeen the .nited 'tates and the Peo(le> / recogni:e the President o- the .nited 'tates as exec*ti&e Tr*stee o- the tr*st created %+ President Roose&elt in ,9@@> / here%+ (*%licl+ acBnoCledge and acce(t m+ (osition as a Bene-iciar+ o- the tr*st created %+ President Roose&elt in ,9@@> $s a Bene-iciar+ o- this tr*st, / recogni:e the .nited 'tates citi:en / re(resent is a (riorit+ stocBholder in the cor(orate .nited 'tates, and there-ore, / ha&e -irst and -oremost (osition in eH*it+ and a right to &ario*s distri%*tions -rom that tr*st> $--iant recogni:es the (ro(rietar+ antecedent claimIsJ deri&ed -rom or on the %asis o- these (re?existing contracts> BENEFICIAR$ RI #TS I RI #T TO ACCEPT FOR VALUE $s a Bene-iciar+ o- the se&eral tr*sts created %+ the Constit*tion and %+ President Roose&elt, / here%+ claim m+ right to acce(t -or &al*e an+ instr*mentIsJ iss*ed -or &al*e> 'ee: Title @, '*%title N Cha(ter 9, '*%cha(ter // 'ec> 9,,8 ;old cla*ses and consent to s*e> $lso that, 3egal Tender, under the Uniform Commercial Code (U.C.C.), 'ection ,?2!, I2 J IO--icial CommentJ KThe re-erenced O--icial Comment notes that the de-inition o- money is not limited to legal tender, *nder the .>C>C>> The test ado(ted is that osanction o- go&ernment, Chether %+ a*thori:ation %e-ore iss*e or ado(tion a-terCard, Chich recogni:es the circ*lating medi*m as a (art o- the o--icial c*rrenc+ o- that go&ernment> The narroC &ieC that mone+ is limited to legal tender is reDected>L


o- ,8


Declaration %. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that 1eclarant5$--iant ma+ not iss*e 1e%t /nstr*ments (ri&atel+ Cith Original /ss*e 1isco*nt IOl1J 28 CFR . !75- (g) and ,>,279?@2 and ma+ not a&ail himsel- o- the -olloCing: M The 1oc*menting o- The 0&idence o- Withholding o- )ederal /ncome Tax Federal Re"er#e Act of ,9,@ N,8, 28 USC @,2@ M The Re(orting o- a Change in )iling Method 28 CFR ,>87,?9, ,>,27,?,>,279 M The Recogni:ing o- The $rrangement o- The Non Mortgage Widel+ =eld )ixed /n&estment Tr*st INMW=)/TJ $nternal Re#enue %ulletin !!0&-'0, (otice !00&-77 M The Presenting o0&idence o- a Non?ad&erse (art+ 28 USC 872 M The 1eclaring o- Tr*st /nterest =older IT/=J 'tat*s and $cting as a middleman5nominee )eneral $n"truction For Form" 0**, 0*&, 9 98, and +-!) M The $ccr*ing o- /nterest and the 1i&idends in Certain =+(othecation 'cenarios Federal Re"er#e, ,98,, ,odem ,oney ,echanic"- $n"truction" for Form 0**-.$/, 0**-$(0$1$. M The Re(orting .nder 'a-e =ar%or R*les I28 C)R ,>87,?9J M The Prod*cing o- a Nat*ral )*ngi%le $gric*lt*ral Commodit+ Within a NMW=)/T 7 CFR la O 82 Cha2ter 9, Su3cha2ter ,5, 4art A, ,9,2 US.A 4ac5er" O Stoc5yard"6 The Certi-+ing o- Wareho*se 7 USC Cha2ter 0, US.A 47S4 M The 0xha*stion o- $dministrati&e Remedies 28 CFR 80 .7'80- M The Bonding o- the P*%lic 'er&ant -or the )orCarding o- all %onds to the .nited 'tates Treas*r+ and to sta+ in honor as s*ccessor> ,8 US Code !07 , !078, !075, and !079, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration &. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that 1eclarant5$--iant ma+ not iss*e a Bill o- 0xchange as descri%ed in Jan*ar+ /, 2!,!, /nternal Re&en*e 'er&ice Man*al @>8> 9> >,!>,, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration '. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that 1eclarant5$--iant ma+ not and sho*ld not em(lo+ the -olloCing: The Re(orting o- 4iolations Thro*gh The /denti-ication o- Terrorist $cts and Pirac+ /n Commerce 0he 4atriot Act !00 Su3title A in#o5ing @, USC 9@,8, 0&idencing the '(ecial MaritimeJ*risdiction 0itle 9 N,, 0itle , N@, Pro&iding Remed+ )or Pl*nder o- 1istressed 4essel ,8 USC ,898 MThe 6*ali-+ing *nder '(ecial Title as )ederal $genc+ 9 USC 05, 9 USC 99, M The Contracting as an O--icerE The $cce(ta%ilit+ o- /ndi&id*al '*ret+, FAR !&.!08, !&.!0 M The $cce(ting o- the 1e-a*lt O--er %+ The P*%lic 'er&antGs Bonded Con-ession thro*gh Tacit $greement FAR. 5!.!!&0 8(a) M The 'ti(*lating o- )or-eit*re Proceedings and $*dits B+ /ns(ector ;eneral FAR 4art 2, 7 USC 98, and 1eclarant5 $--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration (. 1eclarant5 $--iant has no record or e&idence that she cannot cond*ct her commercial acti&ities, (ri&ate and (*%lic, under the Uniform Commercial Code (U.C.C.), and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration ). 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that John James McCaig, John J McCaig, or John McCaig, is not a 28 C)R '*%title $, Cha( / '*%cha(ter J, Part / '*%(art 0, 'ection 872 I%J non? ad&erse (art+, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration *. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that the C0RT/)/C$T0 O) B/RT= -or JO=N J$M0' MCC$/; that Cas recorded on !95,85,98,, $>1>, 1eclarant5$--iant did not grant the 'tate, a cor(oration BnoCn as 1/'TR/CT O) CO3.MB/$, /NC>, a name and certi-icate -or doc*mentation, and -orm a cor(*s res*lting in a certain W=)/T IWidel+ =eld )ixed /n&estment Tr*stJ as de-ined in section 28 C)R @!,>77!,? c, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration +. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that JO=N J$M0' MCC$/; $cco*nt xxx?xx?8827 did not %ecome a .nited 'tates (erson *nder 28 C)R 77!, IaJ I@!J IeJ and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists>

Page 9 o- ,8

Declaration ,. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence o- e&er &ol*ntaril+ s*%mitting to an+ condition oin&ol*ntar+ ser&it*de and5or sla&er+, and %eca*se in&ol*ntar+ ser&it*de has %een a%olished, and %eing one o- those se&eral rights (*%lic ser&ants are sCorn and o%ligated to (rotect, the *ndersigned, (*rs*ant to his rightIsJ, is not com(elled to %e a (art o- a cor(oration, ch*rch or (olitical 'tate and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration -. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that a Tr*st /nterest =older IT/=J is not a ;rantor, co?Tr*stee or co?Bene-iciar+ holding at least one /nterest, incl*ding %*t not limited to that o- middleman, in the Tr*stIsJ as it a((lies (er /R' ;eneral /nstr*ctions -or Certain /n-ormation Ret*rns I)orms ,!975,!985,!995@92,5@92259 985 and W2;J, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration %.. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that an+ o*tside a((ro&al is needed -or the ;rantor to a((oint, %+ Cill or Notice, the income o- the Tr*stIsJ as (er 28 C)R '*%title $, Cha( , '*%cha(ter J, Part , '*%(art 0, 'ection 87 I%JI@J, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration %%. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that 1eclarant5$--iant does not ha&e an eH*ita%le /nterest in the cest*i H*e tr*st esta%lished %+ the a((lication -or, and the res*lting iss*ance o-, a 'ocial 'ec*rit+ n*m%er, and in addition an /nterest in the -oreign sit*s tr*st as e&idenced %+ the %irth certi-icate %eing on -ile as a registered .nited 'tates sec*rit+ in the (ossession o- the 1e(ositor+ Tr*st Com(an+ in NeC <orB Cit+, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration %&. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that 1eclarant5$--iant cannot ex(ress the tr*sts mentioned, and, as ;rantor, modi-+5change the terms o- said tr*sts to incl*de a (ro&ision that (a+ment ma+ %e directed -rom the a%o&e?descri%ed W=)/T, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration %'. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that 1eclarant5$--iant as ;rantor5Bene-iciar+, cannot direct the Co*rtIsJ and5or /nternal Re&en*e 'er&ice agentIsJ to settle, or assist in settling, an+ acco*ntIsJ and (ro&ide details5instr*ctions as to the (ro(er (re(aration and s*%mittal o- the doc*mentation and (a(erCorB reH*ired -or settlement5clos*re and5or reco*(ment o- F-*ndsF to 1eclarant5$--iantGs %ene-it, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration %(. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that 1eclarant5$--iantGs (rior a((ro&al is not reH*ired to access the re-erenced W=)/T acco*nt5-*nds, and that go&ernment5commercial agents acting Citho*t a((ro&al are lia%le and can (ersonall+ inc*r charges -or Title ,8 &iolations, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration %). 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that 1eclarant5$--iant is not a so&ereign 'ettlor ex(ressing the cest*i H*e tr*st, and ma+ not modi-+ the indent*re5r*les naming 1o*glas => 'h*lman d5%5a The Commissioner o- /nternal Re&en*e, and5or s*ccessors and assigns as co?Tr*steeIsJ to settle the 1eclarant5$--iantGs 5Bene-iciar+Gs de%ts, dollar -or dollar, Cithin ten da+s o- recei&ing notice o- a de%t: additionall+ to monitor the three credit rating com(anies so as to ca*se the correction and remo&al o- negati&e items -rom re(orting records, and settle all ci&il and criminal co*rt case de%ts in name o- same Cith (ri&ate -*nds or creditIsJ draCn -rom the re-erenced W=)/T, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration %*. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that 1eclarant5 $--iant, and5or her o--s(ring and5or si%lings, are not to %e (rotected -rom an+ harm, loss o- (ro(ert+ and5or loss o- li%ert+, %+ action or deed, %+ Findi&id*alsF acting as agents or Re(resentati&es o- Fcor(orationIsJF, as Cell as the m*nici(alities, agencies, and o--ices commonl+ BnoCn as Fgo&ernment,F and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration %+. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that 1eclarant5$--iant ma+ not name 0ric =older d5%5a .nited 'tates $ttorne+ ;eneral, and5or s*ccessors and assigns, as co?Tr*stee to enter the herein named Bene-iciar+5cor(orate (erson into the National Criminal /n-ormation 'earch data%ase and the local state C/' data%ase to %e identi-ied5re(orted as Fdo not detain,F and that 1eclarant5$--iant, o--s(ring and5or si%lings are not -ree to tra&el in their (ri&ate, not?-or?hire, non?commercial road machines, Citho*t state and5or co*nt+ FregistrationF and Citho*t hindrance or dela+ %+ (olic+5stat*te en-orcers, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists>

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Declaration %,. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that 1eclarant5$--iant ma+ not name Mar+ 'ha(iro d5%5a Chairman o- the 'ec*rities and 0xchange Commission, and5or s*ccessors and assigns, as co? Tr*stee to retrie&e all %onds iss*ed on5-or the 1eclarant5$--iant, or *nder the 1eclarant5$--iantGs name and or Fidenti-ication n*m%erF, and maBe the -*nds retrie&ed a&aila%le -or dis%*rsement at 1eclarant5$--iantGs discretion, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration %-. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that 1eclarant5$--iant ma+ not name =ilar+ Rodham Clinton d5%5a .nited 'tates 'ecretar+ o- 'tate, and5or s*ccessors and assigns, as co?Tr*stee to (ro&ide to 1eclarant5$--iant, and5or her o--s(ring and5or si%lings di(lomatic imm*nit+ and an $merican National Pass(ort -or identi-ication, tra&el and locomotion (*r(oses, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration &.. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that %anBs and other &endors that ha&e *sed 1eclarant5$--iantGs (ri&ate (ro(ert+, i>e> signat*re5a*togra(h -or *nD*st enrichment, Cill not ret*rn e&er+ F(a+mentF and5or Fdi&idendIsJF (l*s interest accr*ed, -or the (ast I9,J +ears *(on demand &ia Original /ss*e 1isco*nt or %+ other (ro(er -iling o- /R' -ormIsJ as instr*cted %+ the /R' in Title 28, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration &%. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that 1eclarant5$--iant ma+ not direct a 1is%*rsement5(a+ment, %+ sim(le signat*re o- acce(tance I$cce(tance -or 4al*eJ, BanBerGs $cce(tance or Bill o- 0xchange -or %alance oCed on an+ inc*rred, existing or neCl+ esta%lished o%ligation, (resentment or de%t, in accordance Cith Title 28, 'ection 87 I%JI9JI%J and /nternal Re&en*e 'er&ice Man*al @>8> 9> >,!>,, dated Jan*ar+ ,, 2!,2, to settle an+ and all contro&ers+ or claim -rom or %e-ore the agenc+ in accordance Cith 1eclaration 9 a%o&e, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration &&. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that 1eclarant5$--iant ma+ not, in an+ -ashion or manner, *se the income and credit a&aila%le in the designated Tr*stIsJ to discharge or o--set de%t -or acH*isitions o- cons*mer goods, real (ro(ert+ or other (*rchases %+ the (ro(er -iling o- /R' -ormIsJ ,!99 series or others, or a*thentic instr*ments as reH*ired or (ermitted, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration &'. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that the -olloCing cites regarding )ederal Reser&e notes are not tr*e, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> That the Fgi&ing a I-ederal reser&eJ note does not constit*te (a+mentF 'ee :c5hart #. Commr. ;R.S., 2 F.!d 5& ( *80). FChecBs, dra-ts, mone+ orders, and %anB notes are not laC-*l mone+ o- the .nited 'tates, State #. (eilon, @ 1re. ,88 ( *08). That the *se o- a I-ederal reser&eJ NoteG is onl+ a (romise to (a+> 'ee Fidelity Sa#ing" #. )rime", ,98 <an. 99 I,9 2J> That the *se o- a I-ederal reser&eJ NoteG is onl+ a (romise to (a+> 'ee Fidelity Sa#ing" #. )rime", s*(ra> That 3egal Tender I-ederal reser&eJ Notes are not good and laC-*l mone+ o- the .nited 'tates> 'ee Rain" # State, '8 0enn. ,88 ( *!0). That I-ederal reser&eJ Notes do not o(erate as (a+ment in the a%sence o- an agreement that the+ shall constit*te (a+ment 'ee %lac5"hear ,fg. Co. # =arrell, ,9, ;a @@ I,9 !J> $lso, )ederal Reser&e Notes are &al*eless> 'ee $RS Code" Section . 00 - I 897J C> C.=. Declaration &(. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that 1eclarant5$--iant does not ha&e an .nrestricted Claim o- Right (er Title 28 'ection ,@ , o- the ,9@9 code, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists>

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Declaration &). 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that den+ing or im(eding an+ acH*isition mechanism (ro(erl+ exec*ted %+ the 1eclarant5$--iant or an+ right to draC *(on his claim and /nterest in the ;old reser&es at &al*e, held %+ the Treas*r+ o- the .nited 'tates, and her de-icienc+ (a+ment ca*sed %+ the W$R $N1 0M0R;0NC< $CT I0xec*ti&e OrderIsJ 2!@9 and 2! !J, *nder (*%lic (olic+ I(ri&ate laCJ o- the FNeC 1ealF Chea( )ood Polic+ Iand othersJ, is not a direct &iolation o- the Constit*tion -or the *nited 'tates o- $merica, se&enteen?h*ndred and eight+?se&en $>1>, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration &*. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that a Title 28 de-ined -orm o- acH*isition, sec*red %+ acco*nts recei&a%le on 1e(osit Cith the Treas*r+ -or non(a+ment %+ the .nited 'tates Treas*r+, and -or the (*r(ose o- discharging (a+ment in liBe Bind, de%t?-or?de%t, is not the onl+ means %+ Chich 1eclarant5$--iant has o- discharging the de%t (laced on her %+ the .N/T01 'T$T0' Iand FitsGF s*%sidiariesJ, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration &+. 1eclarant5$--iant has no e&idence or record that this Notice and the -iling o- /nternal Re&en*e 'er&ice -ormIsJ incl*ding %*t not limited to ,!99?$, ,!99?B, ,!99?!/1, ,!99?1/4, and5or ,!99? /NT does not constit*te a discharge *nder the .N/T01 'T$T0', /NC> %anBr*(tc+ and insol&enc+, said discharge %eing the onl+ means 1eclarant5$--iant has o- discharging the (*%lic de%t (laced on 1eclarant5$--iant %+ the .N/T01 'T$T0', /NC> thro*gh 0xec*ti&e OrderIsJ 2!@9 and 2! ! o- March 8, ,9@@ and March 9, ,9@@, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration &,. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that the JO=N J$M0' MCC$/; TR.'T is? (recl*ded -rom iss*ing (ri&ate de%t instr*ments Cith Original /ss*e 1isco*nt IO/1J as descri%ed in 'ections ,>,27, thro*gh 'ections ,>,279 o- Title 28, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration &-. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that the instr*ctions on hoC to re(ort a (ri&ate iss*e de%t instr*ment Cith O/1 do not exist in Reg*lation ,>,27, thro*gh ,>,279 o- Title 28, and 1eclarant5 $--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration '.. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that 1eclarant5$--iant is not designated as the %ene-icial oCner o- the tr*st %earing her %irth name in all ca(ital letters2 as de-ined in '*%(art 0, (art /, s*%cha(ter J, cha(ter , o- the Code, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration '%. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that the JO=N J$M0' MCC$/; TR.'T is not an in&estment tr*st as de-ined in N@!,>77!,? IcJ, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration '&. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that the JO=N J$M0' MCC$/; TR.'T is not an in&estment tr*st, or that John James McCaig, the so&ereign, is not a %ene-icial oCner and a Tr*st /nterest =older, in the JO=N J$M0' MCC$/; W=)/T as de-ined in (aragra(h I%JI2!J o- (art@, Title 28 N ,>87,?9, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration ''. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that 1eclarations 9, 8 and 7 o- this Notice do not com(rise a com(lete de-inition o- Chat a Widel+ =eld )ixed /n&estment Tr*st is considered and acce(ted to %e %+ the /nternal Re&en*e 'er&ice Reg*lation ,>87,?9I%JI22J, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration '(. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that Reg*lation Part ,>87,?9 does not maBe (ro&isions -or non?(ro rata re(orting in I1J, sales o- tr*st interest on a secondar+ marBet in I;J, Re(orting Redem(tions in I)J, and Re(orting Ol1 *nder sa-e har%or in I&iiJ o- Title 28, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists>

Page 8 o- ,8

Declaration '). 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that a .nited 'tates (erson5Person Cho is a Widel+ =eld )ixed /n&estment Tr*st is not reH*ired to do all re(orting on /R' -ormIsJ ,!99 or others as reH*ired (er the reg*lations (er /R' P*%lication Catalog No> 27978B and No> 8 ,7,$, and No> 2798!N, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration '*. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that %oth John James McCaig, and his cor(orate5tr*st identit+, JO=N J$M0' MCC$/;, are not %oth entities considered ;rantors, Tr*stees, %ene-icial oCnerIsJ, co?Tr*stees, co?Bene-iciaries, middlemen and5or nominees in the &ario*s tr*st relationshi(s, at di--erent times, s*stained in commerce, Cith the .nited 'tates, on a dail+ %asis, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration '+. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that /R' -ormIsJ ,!99 or others as reH*ired do not %ring all as(ects o- commercial transactions to light, Chich is ordered -or %+ The Patriot $ct, '*%title $, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration ',. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that /R' -ormIsJ ,!99?/NT or others as reH*ired ma+ not %e *sed interchangea%l+ Cith /R' -ormIsJ ,!99?!/1 or others as reH*ired in certain cases as (er /nternal Re&en*e 'er&ice catalog No> 2798!N, /nstr*ctions -or )orms ,!99?/NT and ,!99?!/1, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration '-. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that an Original /ss*e 1isco*nt IOl1J and (ri&ate de%t instr*ments are not &alid *nder Reg*lations ,>,27,?,, ,>,27,?2, ,>,272?2, ,>,27,?@, thro*gh ,>,279, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration (.. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that a (ri&ate de%t instr*ment does not also incl*de a (ri&ate mone+ order or Bill o- 0xchange, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration (%. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that a 1i&idend -rom the moneti:ation o- a signat*re or an instr*ment is not re(orta%le as (er /nternal Re&en*e 'er&ice catalog No> 27978B /nstr*ctions -or )orm ,!99?1/4, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration (&. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that N882 o- .' Code Title 28 does not reH*ire the re(orting o- distri%*ted cor(*s or income acc*m*lating in a Widel+ =eld )ixed /n&estment Tr*st, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration ('. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that 1eclarant5$--iant is not (art o- a Fnational %anBing association,F i>e>, an association o- nationCide (ri&ate, *nincor(orated Peo(le engaged in the %*siness o- %anBing to iss*e notes against o%ligations of the .nited 'tates d*e them2 Chose (ro(ert+ and la%or has %een h+(othecated as s*ret+ -or the (*%lic de%t, the .>'> ;o&ernmentGs de%t and c*rrenc+, %+ legal de-initions, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration ((. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that 1eclarant5$--iant is not a%le to tender (ri&ate de%t instr*ments -or settlement o- an FO%ligation o- T=0 .N/T01 'T$T0',F *nder Title ,8 .'C 'ection 8, re(resenting as the de-inition (ro&ides a Fcerti-icate o- inde%tedness >>> draCn *(on an a*thori:ed o--icer o- the .nited 'tates,F -or exam(le, the 'ecretar+ o- the Treas*r+,F and Fiss*ed *nder an $ct oCongressF Iin this instance: (*%lic laC 7@?,!, =JR?/92 o- ,9@@ and Title @, .'C @,2@, and @, .'C 9,!@J and %+ treat+ I-or exam(le, the .N/T01 N$T/ON' CON40NT/ON ON /NT0RN$T/ON$3 B/33' O) 0PC=$N;0 $N1 /NT0RN$T/ON$3 PROM/''OR< NOT0' I.NC/TR$3J and the .ni&ersal Postal .nion headH*artered in Bern, 'Cit:erland, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists>

Page 9 o- ,8

Declaration (). 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that the /nternational Bill o- 0xchange or /nternational Promissor+ Note, *nder .NC/TR$3, are not legal tender as national %anB: notes, or notes oa National BanBing $ssociation, %+ legal and5or stat*tor+ de-inition I.CC ?,!9, ,2 C)R 'ec> 229>2IeJ, 2,!>29IdJ and ,2 .'C ,8,@J, iss*ed *nder $*thorit+ o- the .nited 'tates Code @, .'C @92 and 9,!@, Chich o--iciall+ de-ine this as a stat*tor+ legal tender o%ligation o- T=0 .N/T01 'T$T0', and is iss*ed in accordance Cith @, .'C @,2@ and =JR?,92 I,9@@J, Chich esta%lish and (ro&ide -or its iss*ance as FP*%lic Polic+F in remed+ -or discharge o- eH*it+ interest reco&er+ on that (ortion o- the (*%lic de%t to its Princi(als and '*reties, %earing the o%ligation o- T=0 .N/T01 'T$T0', and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration (*. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that the re-erenced W=)/T is not an F0xec*ti&e $genc+F (er 9 .>'>C> N,!9, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> 1eclaration 7> 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that the re-erenced W=)/T is not an Fagenc+F, (er 9 .>'>C> N 99,, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> 1eclaration 8> 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that 1eclarant5$--iant is not a C)R 8, 'ection 9@>2!,?,, '*%(art ,>8, Warranted Contracting O--icer, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> Declaration (-. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that 1eclarant5$--iant sho*ld not immediatel+ %e iss*ed a (ermanent and &alid de%it card, Citho*t -*rther reH*est or action, or %e (ro&ided access to a*thoritati&e instr*ction or assistance to (ro(erl+ s*%mit or -ile the reH*ired -ormIsJ or instr*mentIsJ necessar+ to clear and (rocess the iss*ance o- the de%it card, or (ro&ide The )inancial Management 'er&ice I)M'J .' 1e%it Card or its eH*i&alent, as c*rrentl+ a&aila%le, iss*ed -or the acco*nt o- John James McCaig as ;rantor5Bene-iciar+ o- the JO=N J$M0' MCC$/; TR.'T Cith a minim*m dail+ a&aila%le %alance5&al*e o- IQ,!!,!!!>!!J One =*ndred Tho*sand .>'> 1ollars, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> 'aid de%it card, Cith an+ a((lica%le P>/>N> n*m%er shall %e iss*ed Citho*t dela+ in (rocessing5deli&er+ to John James McCaig, at: PO Box 898, Wilmington, North Carolina, 28 !2> Declaration ).. 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that 1eclarant5$--iant sho*ld not ha&e all -inancial transactions tendered to %e settled against the c*rrent Treas*r+ 1irect Tr*st $cco*nt RC? 8 ?99!?,82 -or entit+ name JO=N J$M0' MCC$/;> There-ore, all transactions tendered are to %e settled against said Treas*r+ 1irect acco*nt> MATTERS OF INTEREST In/ol0ntar1 Use. / am -orced in&ol*ntaril+ to *se .>'> -*nds s*ch as )ederal Reser&e BanB5'+stem notes, commercial lia%ilit+ instr*ments and electronic lia%ilit+ transactions as (art o- a scheme to com(el the (rinci(als to im(art arti-icial commodit+ &al*e to the lia%ilit+ e&idenced thereon, on the a*thorit+ o,ac;eod &> =oo#er, (o. 28@99, '> Ct. (;a.), 05 So. 805 I,929J> That co*rt citing U.S. %an5 &> %an5 of )eorgia, 2@ U.S. @@@ I,829J and 4u3lic ;a> *7-!'&( *&!). Legal Ten!er No Longer Re20ire!. /n light o- the holding o- )uaranty 0ru"t Co. &> =en>ood, 807 U.S. 2 7 I,9@9J, taBe notice o- >>>>>> F$s o- Octo%er 27, ,977, legal tender -or discharge o- de%t is no longer reH*ired> That is %eca*se legal tender is not in circ*lation at (ar Cith (romises to (a+ creditF %altimore and 1hio R.R. &> State @8 ,d. 9,9 I,872J> There can %e no reH*irement o- re(a+ment in legal tender either, since legal tender Cas not loaned, nor in circ*lation and re(a+ment, or (a+ment, and need onl+ %e made in eH*i&alent Bind2 a negotia%le instr*ment>F UCC '3*.' Clari4ication. F/- tender o- (a+ment o- an o%ligation to (a+ an instr*ment is made to a (erson entitled to en-orce the instr*ment and the tender is re-*sed, there is discharge, to the extent o- the amo*nt othe tender >>> F and:

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ORE ON UCC ORS ,%..%.. F0--ect o- *nacce(ted o--er in Criting to (a+ or deli&er> $n o--er in Criting to (a+ a (artic*lar s*m o- mone+ or to deli&er a Critten instr*ment or s(eci-ic (ersonal (ro(ert+ is, i- not acce(ted, eH*i&alent to the act*al (rod*ction and tender o- the mone+, instr*ment or (ro(ert+>F IThis stat*te o(erates in other states &ia the r*le o- Para MateriaJ> 5#EREFORE6 $--iant can onl+ discharge s*ch de%t lia%ilit+ d*e to the -act that the 'T$T0 O) NORT= C$RO3/N$ remo&ed the constit*tional mone+ that Cas to circ*late Cithin the 'tate o- North Carolina Chere%+ the *ndersigned co*ld F(a+ de%ts %+ laCF and the *ndersigned herein has %een esto((ed in laC -rom (a+ing de%ts Fat laCF> 'ince the 'T$T0 O) NORT= C$RO3/N$ is a F-ederal *nit,F it Co*ld %e a &iolation o- commercial Gd*e (rocessG or G-ra*dG to %ar the *ndersigned -rom accessing the remed+ (ro&ided %+ Congress to discharge de%ts Ilia%ilitiesJ Gdollar -or dollarG> .yett #. 0urner, +arden, Utah State, 2! .tah 2d !@ I,988J> U.S. CITI7EN AS SURET$ / recogni:e that the .>'> citi:en (resented is a legal -iction> / also recogni:e that it is a s*ret+ -or the .nited 'tates> $s one o- the Peo(le, a Bene-iciar+ o- the se&eral tr*stIsJ created %+ the Constit*tion, so declared in the 1eclaration o/nde(endence, another constit*tion, and %+ President )ranBlin 1> Roose&elt in ,9@@, the .>'> citi:en is a s*ret+ and / recogni:e that / can *se m+ (re(aid tr*st acco*nt to FdischargeF instr*ments recei&ed Chen iss*ed and trans-erred to me -or &al*e> CERTIFICATE OF BIRT# / recogni:e the -olloCing statements as tr*e on the p08lic si!e a%o*t m+ C0RT/)/C$T0 O) B/RT=: ,> The C0RT/)/C$T0 O) B/RT= is a res*lt o- the PresidentGs Oath2 2> $s a res*lt o- the PresidentGs Oath, m+ C0RT/)/C$T0 O) B/RT= is e&idence o- the o%ligation the .nited 'tates oCes to me2 @> The C0RT/)/C$T0 O) B/RT= re(resents &al*e and is e&idence o- a (ledge %+ a .>'> citi:en to %e a s*ret+ -or the .nited 'tates2 > The C0RT/)/C$T0 O) B/RT= is sec*rit+ -or the (ledge o- allegiance to the .nited 'tates and its stat*tes, made %+ the .>'> citi:en2 9> The C0RT/)/C$T0 O) B/RT= is a sec*rit+ interest in the la%or o- the .>'> citi:en the certi-icate re(resents, %ased on the .>'> citi:enGs (ledge to the .nited 'tates2 8> The .nited 'tates has an antecedent claim against the .>'> citi:enGs la%or thro*gh the (re?existing contract I(ledgeJ> 7> Pro&ides *se o- exem(tions, as in an $cce(ted -or 4al*e (rocess, -or de(osits5o--sets o- state9ents: o44ers: present9ents: 8ills: ta; 8ills or an IRS /o0c"er t"ro0g" t"e pri/ate si!e. / recogni:e the -olloCing statements as tr*e on the (ri&ate side in relation to m+ C0RT/)/C$T0 O) B/RT=: ,> The C0RT/)/C$T0 O) B/RT= is a recei(t2 2> The C0RT/)/C$T0 O) B/RT= is e&idence o- a (romise made %+ the President to the Peo(le2 @> The C0RT/)/C$T0 O) B/RT= is sec*rit+ -or the (romise o- distri%*tions -rom the tr*st to me as Bene-iciar+2 > The C0RT/)/C$T0 O) B/RT= is a sec*rit+ interest in distri%*tion -rom the tr*sts esta%lished %+ the 1eclaration o- /nde(endence, the Constit*tion and %+ President )ranBlin 1> Roose&elt in ,9@@2 9> The C0RT/)/C$T0 O) B/RT= is a remed+ that re(resents an antecedent claim / ha&e against the .nited 'tates2 8> The C0RT/)/C$T0 O) B/RT= is e&idence o- a (re?existing contract2 7> The C0RT/)/C$T0 O) B/RT= re(resents the (re(aid acco*nt / ha&e a&aila%le -or o--sets>

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SPECIAL NOTICE TO T#E FEDERAL RESERVE3INSTRUMENTS ISSUED FOR AND B$ T#E US / recogni:e that Chen the .nited 'tates iss*es5(resents an instr*ment or claim F-or &al*eF the act*al o%Decti&e is to Fget &al*eF or Fto get considerationF to settle or correct an acco*nt, contro&ers+ or claim> ACCEPTANCE FOR VALUE S$NOPSIS
/ recogni:e that Chen / acce(t -or G&al*eG an+ instr*ment (resented to me, / acce(t Chate&er consideration the .nited 'tates has o--ered me as e&idence o- an o%ligation it has to me as a Bene-iciar+, and / acce(t Chate&er consideration is o--ered on the instr*ment trans-erred to me thro*gh the .>'> citi:en that / re(resent> When / acce(t -or &al*e an instr*ment (resented to me %+ the .nited 'tates or s*%sidiaries, in an+ ca(acit+, / ma+ *se a distri%*tion -rom the tr*stIsJ acco*ntIsJ to discharge or o--set, as a((ro(riate, the instr*ment &ia m+ (re(aid acco*ntIsJ> / recogni:e acce(tance o- the instr*ment -or &al*e res*lts in a distri%*tion -rom one or more o- the se&eral tr*sts descri%ed herein> B+ acce(ting s*ch an instr*ment -or &al*e and ret*rning it -or &al*e, / can close the acco*nt on %ehal- o- the .>'> citi:en / re(resent> /n this Ca+, / -*l-ill the .>'> citi:enGs legal d*t+ and o%ligation to discharge the %ill and m+ moral d*t+ to close the acco*nt, i- a((ro(riate> When / acce(t an instr*ment -or &al*e and ret*rn it -or settlement and clos*re o- the acco*nt Cith the 'ecretar+ o- the Treas*r+ or the /R', this (ro&ides the F(a+mentF to %alance the %ooBs and close or settle the acco*nt or contro&ers+> ENDORSEMENT LAN UA E FOR INSTRUMENTS / recogni:e that / can (ro&ide a H*ali-ied endorsement on a statement, o--er, (resentment, %ill, tax %ill or an /R' &o*cher as -olloCs: $CC0PT01 )OR 4$3.0 0xem(t -rom 3e&+ B+: #################### 1ate:####### $*thori:ed Re(resentati&e Paid to: ############################# $cH*ired -rom: JO=N J$M0' MCC$/;, R2,77!8827 The -olloCing additional lines ma+ %e added: $mo*nt Q Iin .>'> 1ollarsJ ################### SNote T /- no K$mo*nt QL is Critten then the Q amo*nt is -or total o- item acce(ted> / recogni:e that / can (ro&ide a H*ali-ied endorsement on a co*rt case as -olloCs: $CC0PT01 )OR 4$3.0 0xem(t -rom 3e&+ B+: #################### 1ate:####### $*thori:ed Re(resentati&e Paid to: ############################# $cH*ired -rom: JO=N J$M0' MCC$/;, R2,77!8827 The -olloCing additional lines ma+ %e added: ClerB o- Co*rt Case No> ###################### $mo*nt Q Iin .>'> 1ollarsJ #################### SNote T /- no K$mo*nt QL is Critten then the Q amo*nt is -or total o- item acce(ted>

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$nd / recogni:e that / ma+ (rocess /nternational Bills o- 0xchange and Mone+ Orders thro*gh: /R' Technical '*((ort 1i&ision c5o The Treas*r+ .CC Contract Tr*st 1e(artment o- the /R' 1e(artment o- the Treas*r+ ,9!! Penns+l&ania $&en*e, NW Washington, 1>C> 2!22! To discharge5o--set the de%t acco*ntIsJ o- JO=N J$M0' MCC$/; thro*gh the .>'> Treas*r+ and charge the same to: JO=N J$M0' MCC$/; -or $cco*nt No> xxx?xx?8827 / also recogni:e that / ma+ iss*e Bills o- 0xchange in accordance Cith /nternal Re&en*e 'er&ice Man*al 'ection @>8> 9> >,!>, I!,?!,?2!,!J, s*ch instr*ments iss*ed are in a sel-?constr*cted manner -ormat *ntil s*ch time as the /R' designates a s(eci-ic *ni-orm -ormat>

/ recogni:e Chen / endorse a checB made (a+a%le to the .>'> citi:en that / re(resent, the Ca+ it is endorsed determines i- the negotiation o- the checB Cill %e a taxa%le e&ent to the endorser, or not> / recogni:e %+ endorsing a checB Cith a H*ali-ied endorsement indicating that the checB is exchanged -or credit on acco*nt or is exchanged -or )ederal Reser&e Notes Cith no redeema%le &al*e, according to Title ,2 .'C Cha(ter @ '*%cha(ter P33 N ,,, / can control Chether or not negotiation o- the checB Cill %e a taxa%le e&ent to the endorser> '*ch an endorsement might %e: 1e(osited as credit on acco*nt or exchanged -or )ederal Reser&e Notes Cith no redeema%le &al*e> Or 1e(osited as credit on acco*nt or exchanged -or )ederal Reser&e Notes (*rs*ant to ,2 .'C ,, as amended> / *nderstand that this im(ortant amendment is the one that remo&ed the Fredeem?a%ilit+F -rom the stat*te> / recogni:e that i- / am CorBing -or an em(lo+er and the .>'> citi:en that / re(resent is %eing (aid as an em(lo+ee, and i- / (ro(erl+ endorse e&er+ checB made (a+a%le to the .>'> citi:en that / re(resent so negotiation o- the checB is NOT a taxa%le e&ent as descri%ed herein, then all interested (arties agree that the .>'> citi:en that / re(resent Co*ld and sho*ld -ile a W? Cith F0xem(tF stat*s> INTERNATIONAL BILLS OF E=C#AN E 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that 1eclarant5$--iant cannot directl+ iss*e /nternational Bills o- 0xchange as long as the+ are (ro(erl+ dra-ted Cithin the (*%lished g*idelines o- the .NC/TR$3 Con&ention on /nternational Bills o- 0xchange and /nternational Promissor+ Notes, I,988J, and 1eclarant5$--iant %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists>

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CONCLUSION $s indicated, the thirt+ I@!J da+ notice to re%*t is in e--ect> $ll reci(ients o- this $--ida&it o- P*%lic Notice are %onded %+ stat*tes, exec*ti&e orders and, acts and codes that in&oBe the ci&il remed+ in the se&eral states, the .nited 'tates, The .nited Aingdom, .nited Nations and Rome to (er-orm their d*ties o- o--ice or (osition or -ace charges that Cill res*lt in one or more o- the -olloCing: .CC 9 $gric*lt*ral 3ien, Maritime 3ien, )ederal Tort Claim, $rrest o- Bond, Title ,8 4iolation /n&estigation, Tax )ra*d /n&estigation, and5or Patriot $ct, '*%title $, Mone+ 3a*ndering /n&estigation and others not noted herein> No commercial harm can come to a Tr*stee5reci(ient recei&ing this Notice and Claim Cho acts in honor> B+ acce(ting the terms o- this agreement, +o* risB no harm to +o*rsel-, +o*r cor(oration, +o*r o--ice or +o*r agenc+> The $--iant holds no malice and Cishes +o* no harm or inD*stice> B+ (er-orming as to the stat*tes and tenets listed herein, +o* a&oid mal-easance and %ring honor to all (arties, +o*r (osition, +o*rsel-, this contract, and to all claims5acco*nts that +o* treat in accordance Cith the statements herein> Voi! 5"ere Pro"i8ite! B1 La> /, John James McCaig, Bene-iciar+, the li&ing man on the (ri&ate side, re(resent JO=N J$M0' MCC$/;, the .>'> citi:en on the (*%lic side>

3':############################################# John James McCaig, $*thori:ed Re(resentati&e -or JO=N J$M0' MCC$/;, 0ns legis

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Part II.
NOTICE OF UNDERSTANDIN : INTENT AND CLAIM OF RI #T / here%+ (resent reci(ients Cith Notice o- .nderstanding, /ntent and Claim o- Right to a&oid (otential con-*sion or con-lict, to maintain m+ honor and, ens*re clarit+ %etCeen all go&ernment agents5agencies and m+sel-> Peace-*ll+, / desire to a&oid con-lict and to li&e laC-*ll+ Cith maxim*m -reedom> / contin*e to st*d+ the histor+ o- the *nited 'tates o- $merica and its legal s+stem> Common *nderstandings and o%ser&ations lead to certain concl*sions> $-ter reading &ario*s $cts and 'tat*tes, ex(loring the *sage o- lang*age therein, / noC BnoC that FlaC-*lF and FlegalF are tCo di--erent Cords Cith distinct de-initions> /t also a((ears that $cts and 'tat*tes in the .nited 'tates, /nc> are onl+ contracts %ased in5on commerce> There-ore, / noC Notice the &ario*s go&ernment o--icials, a*thorities and agents named herein and seeB con-irmation, correction or denial %+ reci(ients> Res(onse is reH*ired, as descri%ed herein, Cithin thirt+ I@!J da+s o- recei(t o- this Notice in Criting, in care o- the Notar+ P*%lic, noted %eloC, %+ registered mail> Pro&ide (roo- o- +o*r claim *nder oath or attestation, *nder +o*r -*ll commercial lia%ilit+ and *nder (enalt+ o- (erD*r+ (*rs*ant to 28 .>'>C> 'ection ,7 8> $ -ail*re to res(ond Cill %e ass*med to %e -*ll agreement Cith m+ *nderstanding o- matters contained Cithin this Notice> $n+ res(onse shall %e on a (oint?%+?(oint %asis and shall contain (roo- o- a mistaBe or error in m+ *nderstanding or else m+ *nderstanding shall stand as tr*e, correct and (ermanent *nless re&oBed or modi-ied> )ail*re to dis(*te the claims herein as reH*ired a%o&e Cill res*lt in de-a*lt, de-a*lt creates acce(tance and acce(tance creates (ermanent, irre&oca%le esto((el> NoC s(eci-icall+, in the .nited 'tates, / *nderstand that %oth a common laC and a stat*tor+ laC tradition exist> / also *nderstand that a stat*te is a legislated r*le o- a societ+, Chich has the -orce o- laC *(on mem%ers o- that societ+, that societ+ is de-ined as a -ictional legal entit+, s*ch as a cor(oration, (erson or citi:en o- .nited 'tates, /nc> / also *nderstand that the .nited 'tates ;o&ernment5s*%sidiaries are NOT a nation entit+ occ*(+ing a certain geogra(hical location %*t merel+ a cor(oration Cith de -acto a*thorit+ %+ action and (ractice> This cor(oration can onl+ maBe cor(orate5contract laC, Chich has the -orce o- laC onl+ *(on its consenting mem%ers> )rom m+ research, the FlaC o- the landF is the (eace-*l common laC, Chich is not in-l*enced %+ $cts and 'tat*tes> .nder common laC, the rights, -reedoms and d*ties o- (ri&ate indi&id*als ha&e long %een esta%lished, and, *nliBe stat*te laC, common laC has had a (rogression toCard more -reedom and (ersonal res(onsi%ilit+ rather than less> $mong the rights and -reedoms *nderstood %+ common laC are s*ch things as the rights to li-e, li%ert+, the (*rs*it o- ha((iness, (ro(ert+ and *se thereo-, (ri&ac+, (eace, to tra&el -reel+, contract and commit commerce and trade in (*%lic and (ri&ate Citho*t harassment, intimidation or restriction o-5%+ FlicenseF> The o%ligations and d*ties o- those li&ing *nder common laC are essentiall+ to ens*re that one does not in-ringe or alloC others to in-ringe *(on those inaliena%le and *naliena%le rights and -reedoms> / ha&e also learned that the rights o- a -ree s(irit*al %eing cannot %e laC-*ll+ limited Citho*t consent, as that Co*ld im(l+ in&ol*ntar+ ser&it*de> Rights are not %estoCed *(on one %+ another, *nless the -irst gi&es consent or the -irst is the laC-*l (ro(ert+ o- the second> The &er+ nat*re o- the conce(t o- consent is that it can onl+ exist among eH*als Cith -*ll disclos*re and Citho*t coercion or d*ress> / do not recall e&er %eing sold or (*rchased as a sla&e, nor do / recall gi&ing m+ -ree consent to %e go&erned or re(resented %+ an+ go&ernmental agent, agenc+ or a*thorit+, altho*gh at times / ha&e %een decei&ed and intimidated into s*%mission>
Page ,9 o- ,8

These &ario*s rights and -reedoms are sel-?e&ident and *naliena%le to D*st F%eF> )or laC-*l re(resentation to exist there m*st %e m*t*al consent, Chich ma+ %e re&oBed5rescinded -or an+ reason, de(ending on the nat*re o- a s(eci-ic contract %etCeen the tCo (arties> / here%+ noti-+ reci(ients and an+ other interested (arties that / re&oBe and rescind m+ consent to %e go&erned %+ cor(orate entities in their legal or artificial ca2acity Cith Chich / ha&e no consciona%le contract> / declare that / am not a cor(oration, an ins*rer, or the legal re(resentati&e o- a decedent nor an in-ant or an incom(etent> /, John James McCaig, a so&ereign and )ree?Born Man o- the 'oil, $cting (eace-*ll+ and ci&ili:ed Cithin comm*nit+ standards, / stri&e and as(ire to exist -ree -rom &iolent aggression or inD*r+, reDect Crong-*l acts and (rosec*tions end*red or im(osed, and / seeB H*iet enDo+ment o- all m+ rightIsJ, /nterestIsJ and (ro(ert+, %oth tangi%le and intangi%le, and declare, -or and on the record: $n+ acti&it+ -or Chich one m*st a((l+ and recei&e a license or (ermit m*st itsel- %e a -*ndamentall+ stat*tor+ or 'tate?sanctioned acti&it+ contrar+ to a so&ereignGs rightIsJ and /nterests, and $s / am a so&ereign and not a child2 / o(erate Cith -*ll res(onsi%ilit+> / do not see need, nor can / %e reH*ired, to asB (ermission to engage in laC-*l and (eace-*l acti&ities, es(eciall+ -rom those entities Cho claim limited lia%ilit+, and $ %+?laC is de-ined as a r*le o- a cor(oration, and Cor(orations are legal -ictions reH*iring &alid contracts in order to claim a*thorit+ or control o&er their em(lo+ees and other (arties alleged, and 3egal -ictions lacB a so*l and cannot exert control o&er those Cho are th*s %lessed and o(erate Cith res(ect to that BnoCledge, as onl+ a -ool Co*ld alloC so*lless -ictions to dictate oneGs actions, and / ha&e a right to m+ (ro(ert+ Citho*t ha&ing to (a+ -or the *se or enDo+ment o- it, and $ s*mmons is merel+ an Fin&itation to attendF, and those iss*ed %+ the .nited 'tates or an+ o- its agencies5s*%sidiaries create no o%ligation or dishonor i- and Chen disregarded, or met %+ Fs(ecial a((earanceF, and Peace o--icers ha&e a d*t+ to disting*ish %etCeen stat*tes and laC, and those Cho attem(t to en-orce stat*tes against a so&ereign are in -act %reaBing the &er+ laCIsJ the+ are sCorn to *(hold, and Permanent esto((el %+ de-a*lt, laC-*ll+ %ars an+ (eace o--icer, go&ernment agent or (rosec*tor -rom %ringing charges against a so&ereign, *nder an+ $ct or 'tat*te> T"ere4ore ? Be it noC BnoCn that /, John James McCaig, a so&ereign, do here%+ state clearl+, s(eci-icall+, and *neH*i&ocall+ m+ intent to (eace-*ll+ and laC-*ll+ exist, -ree o- all stat*tor+ o%ligations and5or restrictions, and do retain5maintain all m+ rights to contract, trade, exchange, %arter, comm*nicate and tra&el>

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F0rt"er9ore 3 / claim that these actions are not o*tside m+ comm*nit+Gs standards, and that / Cill, in -act and deed, s*((ort the collecti&e desire -or tr*th, (eace, sa-et+ and rights to maxim*m -reedom> $dditionall+, / claim the right to engage in these actions and do -*rther claim that all (ro(ert+ held %+ me, in title or eH*it+, is held *nder claim o- right> $dditionall+, / claim that an+one Cho inter-eres Cith m+ laC-*l, so&ereign acti&ities, a-ter ha&ing %een ser&ed this Notice, and Cho -ails to (ro(erl+ dis(*te these claims or maBe laC-*l co*nterclaim as descri%ed herein, is %reaBing the laC and cannot claim as a de-ense good -aith, or color o- right or 3aC> $n+ s*ch transgressionIsJ Cill %e s*%Dect to the -ee sched*le incl*ded herein and resol&ed %+ a (ro(erl+ con&ened co*rt de D*re or a citi:ensG grand D*r+> $dditionall+, / claim that the Co*rts in the .nited 'tates are de?-acto, and are in -act in the (ro-ita%le %*siness o- cond*cting, Citnessing and -acilitating the transactions o- sec*rit+ interests> / -*rther claim that the+ reH*ire the consent o- %oth (arties (rior to F(ro&idingG an+ s*ch ser&iceIsJ> )*rthermore, / claim all transactions in the nat*re o- sec*rit+ interests reH*ire the consent o- %oth (arties> / here%+ den+ consent to an+ transaction o- a sec*rit+ interest, iss*ing *nder an+ $ct2 -or a so&ereign is not s*%Dect to an+ $ct> )*rthermore, / claim m+ )ee 'ched*le -or an+ transgressions %+ (eace o--icers, go&ernment (rinci(als or agents or D*stice s+stem (artici(ants is IQ2!!>!!5ho*rJ tCo =*ndred 1ollars (er ho*r, or an+ (ortion thereoi- %eing H*estioned, interrogated or in an+ Ca+ detained, harassed or other attem(ts o- reg*lation, and, IQ2!!!>!!5ho*rJ TCo Tho*sand 1ollars (er ho*r, or an+ (ortion thereo-, i- / am arrested, handc*--ed, trans(orted, incarcerated or s*%Dected to an+ adD*dication (rocess Citho*t m+ ex(ress Critten and Notari:ed consent> $ll -ees ma+ %e assessed retroacti&el+ -rom the Finitial (oint o- contactF, at 1eclarantGs discretion> )*rthermore, / claim the right to *se a Notar+ P*%lic to sec*re (a+ment o- assessments *ni-orm Cith this )ee 'ched*le against an+ transgressors Cho, %+ their actions or omissions, tres(ass on m+ interests, me directl+ or %+ (rox+ in an+ Ca+> /- an+ sing*lar (art o- this notice and5or declaration is determined to %e Prohi%ited B+ 3aC, or *(on introd*ction or disco&er+ o- additional -act or clari-ication to %e in error, de-icient or contradictor+ to the general ex(ressed intent o- the main or 3aC-*l intent, the o--ending cla*se, Cord or declaration, in Chole or in (art, ma+ %e modi-ied, amended, deleted or rendered 4oid -or acc*rac+2 at the discretion o- the 1eclarant> The amended cla*se and all remaining (arts contin*e in -*ll e--ect and ca(acit+ as tr*e and correct Citho*t contro&ers+ or claim> )*rthermore, / claim the right to con&ene a (ro(er co*rt de D*re or citi:ensG grand D*r+ to address an+ (otentiall+ criminal actions o- an+ (eace o--icers, go&ernment (rinci(als or agents or D*stice s+stem (artici(ants Cho, ha&ing %een ser&ed notice o- this claim and -ail to dis(*te or maBe laC-*l co*nterclaim, inter-ere Cith m+ so&ereign acti&ities or, %+ act or omission, m+ laC-*l exercise o- (ro(erl+ Noticed5claimed and esta%lished rights and -reedoms> )*rthermore, / claim the right to address, at a time and location o- m+ choice, an+ &alid co*nterclaimIsJ or dis(*teIsJ (*%licl+, in an o(en -or*m %+ disc*ssion and negotiation, and to ca(t*re on a*dio5&ideo eH*i(ment said disc*ssion and negotiation -or Chate&er laC-*l (*r(ose or *se as / see -it>

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DUT$ TO SPEA< 1eclarant5$--iant has no record or e&idence that the reci(ients are not (arties c,aiming relationshi( and o--ice, there-ore ha&ing the d*t+ to s(eaB, and there-ore laC-*ll+ res(ond, and %elie&es no s*ch e&idence exists> 1eclarant5$--iant states that (arties in recei(t o- this Notice Cho Cish to dis(*te or re%*t claims o- -act and *nderstanding herein, or maBe co*nterclaims thereto, m*st (ro&ide re%*ttal in Critten -orm, (oint %+ (oint, &eri-ied %+ certi-ied doc*mentation and accom(anied %+ co(ies o- laC-*l e&idence> Res(onses m*st %e signed *nder oath and or attestation Critten *nder the signerGs -*ll commercial ca(acit+ and signed *nder (enalt+ o- (erD*r+ (*rs*ant to 28 .>'>C> 'ection ,7 8 stating that the -acts contained in +o*r re%*ttal are tr*e, correct and not misleading, mere declarations are ins*--icient> Reci(ients ha&e the laC-*l d*t+ and o%ligation to res(ond as descri%ed herein to the Notar+ $cce(tor, at the address (ro&ided %eloC, %+ registered mail no later than thirt+ da+s I@!J da+s -rom the date orecei(t as attested %+ a notar+ certi-icate o- ser&ice, P' )orm @8,,, or &eri-ication %+ electronic signat*re> Non?res(onse5(artial res(onse to this Notice is a dishonor and disregard o- d*t+ th*s esta%lishes acce(tance and agreement as -act %+ de-a*lt, th*s creating a &alid and %inding contract %+ tacit a((ro&al, silence and acH*iescence, esta%lishing a -*ll and com(lete acce(tance o- all claims herein, and creates a (ermanent and irre&oca%le esto((el, -ore&er %arring -*t*re co*nterclaimIsJ contem(lating an+ claim or declaration herein, *nder an+ 'tat*te or $ct> $ Notar+ P*%lic has %een *sed -or timel+ and (ro(er Notice as a co*rtes+ to (re&ent inD*r+ to reci(ients> '*ch *se and that o- Names or Titles, ;o&ernment or Cor(orate Codes, 'tat*tes, $cts, citations, case r*lings or other (ri&ate cor(orate reg*lations is coincidental and does not and shall not %e deemed an election to s*%mit to a -oreign D*risdiction, *nder real, imagined or im(lied consent, or to Cai&e an+ rights, oCnershi(, /nterest, title, claim or de-enseIsJ> 1eclarant5$--iant ex(resses all NoticeIsJ, ClaimIsJ, $&ermentIsJ and .nderstandingIsJ herein to %e tr*e, com(lete and correct to the %est o- her c*rrent BnoCledge and *nderstanding o- the material (resented, Cith -*ll trans(arenc+, in ;ood )aith and Citho*t Malice, Cith the sole (*r(ose and inherent right to correct the record> Voi! 5"ere Pro"i8ite! B1 La>

1ate:######################### Place o- claim o- right: Wilmington, North Carolina, 28 !2 1eclarant5$--iant:#############################################li&ing man

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