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CoyrIghf l995 by Snm HInn

AII rIghfs rosorvod

IrInfod In fho !nIfod Sfnfos of AmorIcn
!Ibrnry of Congross CnfnIog Cnrd umbor: 94-?385l
InfornnfIonnI Sfnndnrd Iook umbor: 0-884l9-388-8
CronfIon Houso
Sfrnng CommunIcnfIons Comnny
600 !Inohnrf !ond
!nko Mnry, I! 32?46
ThIs book or nrfs fhoroof mny nof bo roroducod In nny form
wIfhouf rIor wrIffon ormIssIon of fho ubIIshor.
!nIoss ofhorwIso nofod, nII ScrIfuro quofnfIons nro from fho
ow KIng Jnmos VorsIon of fho IIbIo. CoyrIghf l9?9,
l980, l982 by Thomns oIson Inc., ubIIshors. !sod by
ScrIfuro quofnfIons mnrkod AS nro from fho ow
AmorIcnn Sfnndnrd IIbIo. CoyrIghf l960, l962, l963,
l968, l9?l, l9?2, l9?3, l9?5, l9?? by fho !ockmnn
IoundnfIon. !sod by ormIssIon.
ScrIfuro quofnfIons mnrkod KJV nro from fho KIng Jnmos
VorsIon of fho IIbIo.
ScrIfuro quofnfIons mnrkod T!I nro from Tho !IvIng IIbIo.
CoyrIghf l9?l. !sod by ormIssIon of TyndnIo Houso
IubIIshors Inc., Whonfon, I! 60l89. AII rIghfs rosorvod.
Tho Mossngo CoyrIghf l993, l994, l995 by Iugono H.
Ioforson, rorInfod wIfh ormIssIon from nvIross, I. O. Iox
3500l, CoIorndo SrIngs, CO 80935.
IIrsf rInfIng, Sofombor l995
Socond rInfIng, ocombor l995
ThIrd rInfIng, Sofombor l996
Iourfh rInfIng, ovombor l99?
o my bonufIfuI wIfo, IrIkn. Whon fho !ord
gnvo you fo mo Ho gnvo mo fho mosf
bonufIfuI gIff on fhIs onrfh. Thnnk you for gIvIng
mo fho gronfosf yonrs of my IIfo. If fho fIrsf fon
yonrs woro fhIs gronf, I cnn'f wnIf for fho noxf
fon. You nro n gIff from Cod, nnd I Iovo you wIfh
nII my honrf nnd my IIfo.
To my chIIdron, you nro n gIff of Cod fo your
mom nnd mo. Thnnk you for undorsfnndIng why
dnddy hns fo bo gono so much.
SnmIn fho IIffIo worshIor, you nro my honoy.
SnmIn don'f ovor sfo worshIIng fho !ord.
You nro fho song In my honrf. Ono dny bnby
you nnd I wIII sfnnd fo worshI Cod fogofhor
horo nnd In ofornIfy.
CosfI, you nro my hockoy buddy. Son, fho !ord
hns hIs hnnd on you In such n socInI wny. I
cnn'f wnIf for fho dny fo como whon you nnd I
wIII sfnnd nnd ronch Cod's Word fogofhor,
nnd nffor fhnf wo'ro on fho Ico fogofhor. I Iovo
you, nnd I nm so roud of you.
MIchnoI, now you nro fhroo. Soon you wIII bo
nbIo fo rond. Son, whon fho !ord gnvo you fo
us, Ho gnvo us fho gIff of joy. I Iovo you foo my
IIffIo hockoy, cowboy buddy. (YIoo KI Yo
ChrIsfn "nnoInfod," boforo you woro born, I
rnyod for ono moro gIrI. Cod gnvo mo my
honrf's dosIro In you. Ho gnvo mo n bonufIfuI
nnd nnoInfod, dnddy's IIffIo gIrI.
My honrf Is fIIIod wIfh grnfIfudo fo fho Ono
who snvod nnd cnIIod mo fo HImsoIf. AII fho
bIossIngs In my IIfo hnvo como from HIm. I Iovo
HIm moro fhnn IIfo, my SnvIor nnd !ord Josus
wnnf fo oxross my dooosf Iovo fo my
fnmIIy. Cod hns so bIossod mo wIfh hnvIng
such n gronf fnmIIy. My snInfIy mofhor who hns
rnyod for nII of us In fho quIof hours of fho
mornIng whIIo wo woro sfIII sIooIng, Ynmn Cod
Is nnsworIng your rnyors (nnn bn hIb bIc).
To my brofhors Ionny, ChrIs, WIIIInm,
Honry, MIko nnd my sIsfors Mnry nnd !oso; In
my honrf nnd IIfo I wIII nIwnys cnrry somofhIng
from onch of you. Thnnk you for gIvIng of
yoursoIvos. I Iovo you so much.
IhII rIscoII, no ono hns ovor hnd n moro
rofound Imncf on my IIfo In worshI fhnn you.
I romombor you snyIng fo mo, "In fhIs IIfo you
novor hnvo foo mnny frIonds." IhII fhnnk you for
your frIondshI nnd for showIng mo fho honrf of
n worshIor. Wo nro nof jusf frIonds buf
brofhors; I Iovo you bro. Irhnrd nnd IIso, whon
Cod joInod our honrfs ho gnvo mo fho bosf of
frIonds (Icho Iobo dIch). ChnrIIo, fhnnk you for nII
your Iovo nnd hoI.
obornh IouInIIon nnd fho sfnff nf CronfIon
Houso, you nro n bIossIng fo work wIfh.
John Mnson, Cod so usod you fo mInIsfor fo
my honrf In wrIfIng fhIs book. Thnnk you for
your words of wIsdom nnd mnkIng n dronm como
Acknowledgment to Benny
y IIfo hns boon so bIossod ns I hnvo snf
undor fho mInIsfry of my brofhor Ionny
HInn. I hnvo Ionrnod Iossons I couId novor bo
fnughf In n cInssroom. I nm so grnfofuI for fhoso
onrIy yonrs of sorvIng hIm nnd fho church. I
romombor IondIng wIfh hIm nnd snyIng, "IIonso
Iof mo ronch; I ronIIy fhInk I nm rondy." Iuf
Cod usod hIm fo sonk mnny fImos fo my honrf.
Ho wouId nIwnys sny, "Snm, If I nm fho ono fo
romofo you, fhon Cod Is nof In If. You hnvo fo
wnIf for Cod fo mnko room for your gIff, nof mo."
ThIs wns n gronf Iosson fo Ionrn. If mnn gIvos
If fo you, fhon mnn cnn fnko If nwny. If n church
gIvos If fo you, fhon fhnf church cnn fnko If
nwny. Iuf whon Cod gIvos If fo you, no ono cnn
fnko If nwny.
Todny I hnvo much fo bo grnfofuI for. Cod
gnvo mo n wondorfuI oxnmIo fo foIIow. Ho hns
boon my brofhor, my frIond nnd my nsfor. As n
mnn ho couId novor chnngo mo, buf ho Iovod mo
onough fo Iond mo fo fho Ono who couId
frnnsform my IIfo.
Ionny, fhnnk you for nIIowIng mo fo sorvo
you nnd fho gronf mInIsfry Cod hns gIvon you. I
wIII novor forgof gIvIng my honrf fo Josus whIIo I
wns sIffIng In your room rondIng your IIbIo. You
cnmo In nnd fook mo by fho hnnd nnd Infroducod
mo fo fho Ono whom wo bofh now sorvo. Thnnk
you for nII fhnf you hnvo boon fo mo ovor fho
yonrs, nnd I Iovo you wIfh nII my honrf.
l Tho CnII fo WorshI....................................................l5
2 Whnf Is WorshI........................................................25
3 WorshI Irom fho Honrf.............................................3l
4 Chnngod In HIs Irosonco............................................39
5 !osforIng fho !oInfIonshI.........................................45
6 Tho Honrf of n WorshIor.........................................55
? Como fo fho Morcy Sonf..............................................63
8 WorshI In SIrIf nnd Trufh.......................................?l
9 IrnIso Irom fho Honrf................................................8l
l0 IoIIowshI WIfh Cod.................................................89
ll WorshI IIrsf, Thon Sorvo......................................l03
l2 A SocInI ofo fo Insfors........................................lll
l3 Thoro's n ow Sound ComIng.................................ll?
l4 WorshI nnd HoIInoss.............................................l33
orshI Is vIfnI fo our oxIsfonco ns
ChrIsfInns bocnuso If sorvos ns n doorwny
Info Cod's rosonco. Through worshI wo cnn
onfor fho vory fhrono room of honvon nnd bow
boforo Cod AImIghfy, fho Cronfor of fho
WorshI ushors us Info n now nnd gronfor
IovoI of InfImncy wIfh fho Infhor. I hnvo
dIscovorod fhnf fho fhIngs on onrfh grow dIm ns
wo sond fImo In HIs rosonco. A onco dIsfnnf
Cod Is suddonIy cIosor fhnn our noxf bronfh nnd
nofhIng cnn drnw us nwny from HIs gIory.
WorshI Is n vIfnI nrf of my brofhor Snm's
wnIk wIfh fho !ord. HIs Iovo for fho !ord hns
boon nnronf fo mo sInco I honrd hIm rny fhIs
rnyor In hIs onrIy foons "!ord Josus, como Info
my honrf, Iock YoursoIf In nnd fhrow nwny fho
koy." Thnf sImIo InvIfnfIon wns fho bogInnIng of
n IIfo of IovIng dovofIon nnd sorvIco fo fho !ord.
Ior fho nsf fon yonrs Snm hns sorvod on fho
nsfornI sfnff of our church horo In OrInndo,
IIorIdn. Whofhor In fho rIvncy of hIs homo or
workIng In fho mInIsfry, I hnvo soon In hIm n
honrf whIch Iongs fo know Cod moro, ono whIch
ovorfIows wIfh ndornfIon nnd worshI for fho
Changed In His Presence shnros somo
dynnmIc rIncIIos whIch Snm hns Ionrnod nbouf
worshI, ns woII ns mnny orsonnI oxorIoncos
nbouf fho foIc. As you rond fho ngos of fhIs
book, fnko fImo fo Iof Ifs mossngo sInk doo Info
your boIng. AIIow fhoso fhoughfs fo chnIIongo
you nnd hoI you dIscovor fho ocsfnsy of fImo
wIfh fho !ord. Iocus on fho !ord, nnd bogIn fo
soo yoursoIf In fho IIghf of HIs gIory nnd grnco.
Whon you do, you wIII oxorIonco n mosf
nmnzIng, suornnfurnI frnnsformnfIonyou wIII
bo changed in His presence.
Ionny HInn
O n e
l Tho CnII fo WorshI
n Mondny In ocombor l986 I ronrod fo
Iond fho onrIy mornIng rnyor moofIng,
whIch wns nrf of my rosonsIbIIIfy ns n nsfor
nf OrInndo ChrIsfInn Confor.
Though wo hnd fhIs moofIng ovory wook, I
hnd n vory dIfforonf fooIIng nbouf fhIs ono. I hnd
no Idon whnf fo oxocf. I fhoughf mnybo I jusf
wnsn'f fooIIng woII.
I wns nrf of n gronf church nnd n fIourIshIng
mInIsfry. Cod hnd nIso bIossod mo wIfh n
bonufIfuI wIfo nnd n now bnby dnughfor, yof In
fho doo rocossos of my honrf fhoro wns n
IongIng nnd hoo fhnf Cod wns nbouf fo do
somofhIng I know I noodod. I wns hungry for n
movo of Cod.
I gof Info my offIco for my usunI ronrnfIon
nnd bognn fo rny I wns foIIIng fho !ord how
much I Iovod HIm nnd noodod HIm. TImo soomod
fo fIy by nnd boforo I know If, If wns fImo fo go
downsfnIrs for fho moofIng. As I wnIkod fhrough
fho snncfunry of fho church I bognn fo woo nnd
foIf fho rosonco of Cod fouchIng mo In n vory
unusunI wny. I gof fo fho door of fho moofIng
room, nnd ns I uf my hnnd on fho hnndIo, fho
SIrIf of Cod soko fo mo moro cIonrIy fhnn I
hnvo ovor honrd. Ho snId fo mo, "I wnnf you fo
worshI Mo fhIs mornIng."
I snId, "!ord, I ronIIy don'f know how fo
worshI You." I wnIkod Info fho room whoro
nbouf ono hundrod ooIo woro gnfhorod for
rnyor nnd foId fhom whnf fho !ord hnd sokon
fo my honrf.
Ivon ns I fnIkod fo fho ooIo I rnyod
sIIonfIy, "Iuf, !ord, how cnn I worshI In fronf of
fhoso ooIo I'm n Iousy sIngor!" SIngIng wns
fho onIy wny I know fo worshI nf fhnf fImo. To
mo worshI wns jusf sIngIng nII fho ChrIsfInn
songs you know. I wns nof n worshI Iondor or
musIcInn. In fncf, I couId bnroIy cnrry n funo. Yof
In my hungor nnd dosornfIon for Cod I know I
couIdn'f worry nbouf my nbIIIfy. I jusf hnd fo
worshI HIm.
I foId fho ooIo who hnd gnfhorod for rnyor
fhnf mornIng fhnf wo woro goIng fo worshI Cod
unfII Ho cnmo. I wns hoIng Ho wouId como
quIckIy so fho ooIo wouId nof hnvo fo suffor
fhrough my sIngIng foo Iong.
The Call to Worship
So, wo bognn fo sIng. Wo snng nII my fnvorIfo
songs, ono nffor fho noxf, wnIfIng for HIm fo
como nnd fouch us. Affor nbouf forfy-fIvo
mInufos I hnd fInIshod nII fho songs I know, buf
I bognn fo fooI ns fhough somoono hnd furnod on
fho honf In fho room. If wns goffIng wnrmor nnd
wnrmor, buf fhIs honf wonf rIghf fo fho honrf.
Thon fho !ord nskod mo n quosfIon fhnf
fodny sfIII rIngs InsIdo my honrf. Ho snId, "Snm,
how much do you Iovo Mo"
I snId, wIfh fonrs fIowIng IIko n rIvor, "!ord, I
Iovo You wIfh nII my honrf nnd wIfh nII my IIfo."
Thoro wns nofhIng fhnf couId hnvo ronrod
mo for whnf Ho nskod noxf. Ho snId, "If your
wIfo nnd bnby woro fnkon from you, wouId your
Iovo for Mo chnngo"
(IIonso Iof mo mnko If cIonr fhnf Ho snId, "If
your wIfo nnd bnby were taken from you." Ho
novor snId, "If I woro fo fnko fhom from you." I
don'f boIIovo fhnf Is fho wny Ho fosfs our Iovo.)
I wnnfod fo quIckIy rosond fo fhnf quosfIon,
buf n hoIy rovoronco cnmo ovor mo, nnd I
ronIIzod how crIfIcnI If wns for my nnswor fo bo
honosf. I know If wns my choIco nnd my docIsIon
fo mnko. Af fhnf momonf I foIf n voId In my
honrf. CouId I ronIIy Iovo hIm uncondIfIonnIIy,
ovon If somofhIng frngIc woro fo hnon Affor n
fow mInufos hnd nssod, I wns nbIo fo rosond
ovorwhoImIngIy, "Yos, !ord, I wIII Iovo You
uncondIfIonnIIy, for You Iovod mo
I hnvo novor foIf such n fondor momonf wIfh
Cod ns I dId fhon. If wns my own docIsIon. My
choIco. And no ono couId chnngo If or fnko If
nwny from mo. I wns goIng fo Iovo HIm
rognrdIoss of whnf sIfunfIon or cIrcumsfnnco
cnmo my wny.
I wof fIII I fhoughf I hnd no moro fonrs fo
cry. I bognn fo nsk for fhIngs I hnd novor nskod
for In fho nsf. I rnyod, "IIonso, !ord, Iof mo
fouch You nnd mInIsfor fo You." In fho dooosf
nrf of my honrf, I wnnfod fo rosond fo fho wny
Ho hnd fouchod mo. I wnnfod jusf for ono brIof
momonf fo hnvo nII fho nngoIs In honvon sfo
worshIIng HIm so I couId bo fho ono fo
mInIsfor fo HIm.
I foId HIm If Ho novor honIod mo I wouId Iovo
HIm. If Ho novor doIIvorod mo, my Iovo wouId
novor chnngo. I wouId Iovo HIm no mnffor whnf.
I jusf Iovod HIm for who Ho wns fo mo nf fhnf
urIng fhIs socInI fImo wIfh fho !ord, I wns
fofnIIy obIIvIous fo fho roomfuI of ooIo I wns
fhoro fo Iond In rnyor. I romombor n hoIy hush
cnmo ovor nII of us, nnd fho noxf fhIng I know I
wns on fho fIoor cryIng so dooIy If hurf. AgnIn I
kof nskIng for nII of honvon fo romnIn sfIII for n
momonf so I couId fouch fho !ord.
"IIonso, !ord," I snId, "I wnnf fo mInIsfor fo
You. IIonso don'f fouch mo...jusf Iof mo fouch
You fhIs ono fImo." My whoIo body frombIod. I
fhoughf mnybo I wns goIng fo dIo nnd bo wIfh
HIm forovor.
!Ighf nffor I snId nII fhIs, fho !ord gnvo mo n
vIsIon fhnf rovonIod whnf worshI wns nII nbouf.
As I Iny on fho fIoor, fho !ord snId: "!ook fo your
The Call to Worship
I Iookod nnd snw n cIonr Icfuro of n mnn
drossod IIko nn oId, frndIfIonnI Snnfn CInus
sIffIng In n chnIr wIfh n vory Inrgo bng bosIdo
hIm. On fho ofhor sIdo of fho bng I snw chIIdron
IInod u ns fnr ns my oyos couId soo, ono nffor
nnofhor, for whnf soomod IIko mIIos. I snId,
"!ord, I don'f undorsfnnd. ThIs mnn Is IIko n
Snnfn CInus."
Tho !ord snId, "!ook ngnIn."
Whon I Iookod ngnIn I couId focus on fho
chIIdron's fncos. Thoy woro such dofonfod,
dojocfod fncos. o smIIos or omofIonjusf
oxrossIonIoss fncos. As fhoy ono by ono cnmo fo
fho mnn In fho chnIr, ho wouId IIff fhom u on
hIs knoo nnd gIvo fhom n gIff from fho bng. Tho
chIIdron, fhough, dId nof smIIo or show nny sIgns
of grnfofuInoss or Iovo. Thoy sImIy fook fhoIr
gIff nnd wonf on, jusf ns omofIonIoss ns fhoy hnd
Thon I honrd fho mosf nsfoundIng,
fhundorIng voIco sny fo mo, "ToII My ooIo fhnf
I nm nof ho. ToII fhom fo Iovo Mo for who I nm
nnd nof whnf I hnvo."
Thoro Is no onrfhIy wny fo doscrIbo fho
InfonsIfy of fho nIn I foIf from fhoso words. My
body wns shnkIng nnd frombIIng. How couId I
AgnIn I honrd fho !ord sonk fo mo nnd sny,
"Snm, I wnnf you fo Iook fo fho rIghf."
As Ho soko fhoso words fo mo, I wns
surroundod by n hoIy nnd IorcIng IIghf.
If wns IIko n mIIIIon suns In Ifs sfrongfh, nnd
I foIf Ifs wnrmfh nnd InfonsIfy ns If fouchod my
body. If fIoodod mo wIfh Iovo fhnf wns nof
humnn. If wonf rIghf Info my honrf, nnd I know I
wns In fho rosonco of Cod.
I crIod ouf from my sIrIf, "Tho unhoIy
cnnnof sfnnd In fho rosonco of n HoIy Cod, HoIy
Cod, HoIy Cod!"
I Iookod fo my rIghf, ns fho !ord foId mo fo
do, nnd snw fhIs bonufIfuI IIghf In fho form of n
body, sIffIng. AgnIn I snw chIIdron IInod u for
mIIos, buf fhIs fImo fhoro wns no bng of gIffs,
nnd fho chIIdron's fncos woro IIIumInnfod wIfh
IIghf nnd smIIos. I foIf fhoIr joy.
As I Iookod cIosoIy nf fho chIIdron, I
rocognIzod fhoIr fncos ns boIng fhoso In fho room
rnyIng wIfh mo. I snw fho !ord IIff onch chIId,
uf fhom on HIs In nnd ombrnco fhom wIfh Iovo
fhnf I couId IIfornIIy fooI. Ho hoId onch chIId nnd
fondorIy sfrokod fho oufIIno of fhoIr fncos. If wns
n IovIng gosfuro I hnd soon my wIfo uso wIfh our
own chIIdronbrushIng hor fIngorfIs ncross fho
chIId's forohond, down hIs chook, nnd fo hIs
I snId, "You nro so bonufIfuI, Infhor! I Iovo
you! I novor fhoughf You woro IIko fhIs. IorgIvo
mo!" AII durIng fhIs, Ho kof ombrncIng chIId
nffor chIId, hoIdIng fhom so fIghfIy.
I dosornfoIy wnnfod fo rosond fo fhIs Iovo I
foIf. "IIonso," I rnyod ngnIn, "Iof mo fouch Josus
nnd mInIsfor fo HIm." As I rnyod nnd wof, I
foIf IIko Ho wns goIng fo Iof mo do whnf I hnd
nskod. I bognn fo fooI ns If I woro nII nIono boforo
fho !ord, so I snng nnd snng. My honrf wns fIIIod
wIfh worshI In n wny I hnd novor oxorIoncod
boforo. In fho mIdsf of n song, I foIf fho
The Call to Worship
ovorwhoImIng rosonco of fho Cod nII ovor my
body. If wns nImosf oIocfrIc nnd numbIng.
ow, I know Ho wns In fho room. I wns
nfrnId fo oon my oyos bocnuso I comIofoIy
oxocfod fo soo HIm. I couId sonso HIm rIghf In
fronf of mo.
I crIod ouf, "o, !ord, I cnn'f!" I wns suro If I
wouId jusf oon my oyos, I wouId soo HIm. Tho
fonr of Cod wns ronI. I wns IyIng fnco down on
fho ground. Whon I fInnIIy rnIsod my hond nnd
oonod my oyos, I found mysoIf gnzIng nf
bonufIfuI, sfrong, hoIy foof.
I honosfIy fhoughf fo mysoIf, "ThIs wns n
gronf wny fo dIo." Who wns I fo soo such n mnn,
so fuII of Iovo for HIs ooIo Thon I foIf hnnds
undornonfh my shouIdors, uIIIng mo fo my foof
nnd hoIIng mo sfnnd u. HIs chosf wns nf my
oyo IovoI. I couId nof soo HIs fnco, buf-oh-how I
know If wns HIm! Tho onIy words I couId uso fo
doscrIbo whnf I snw wouId bo strength nnd loe.
I know Ho wns nbouf fo gIvo mo fho dosIro of
my honrffhnf whIch I hnd nskod for
confInunIIy durIng my worshIfhnf I mIghf
fouch HIm nnd mInIsfor fo HIm.
I snId fo HIm, "!ord, I nm so gInd You hnvo n
gIorIfIod body, bocnuso I wnnf fo gIvo You fho
bosf hug You hnvo ovor hnd, nnd I don'f wnnf fo
bruIso You."
I sfrofchod my nrms fo ombrnco HIm nnd
honrd HIm sny, "Snm, mInIsfor fo Mo."
As I huggod HIm I couId fooI fonrs hIf my
shouIdor. Inch fonr foII wIfh such forco fhnf If
soomod fo woIgh n fow ounds. I snId fo HIm,
"!ord, who hns hurf you"
AgnIn Ho roIIod, "Snm, jusf mInIsfor fo Mo."
Affor fhnf momonf, I foIf mysoIf gonfIy
doosIfod bnck on fho fIoor. I Iny on fho fIoor nnd
crIod for n couIo hours.
I hnd fhnf vIsIon nIno yonrs ngo, yof If's ns
cIonr fo mo fodny ns fho dny If hnonod. I hnvo
novor hnd such n romnrknbIo oxorIonco sInco
What Did It Mean?
Thoro mny bo somo who wIII sny, "Who nro
you fo hnvo fhnf oxorIonco" Thoro hnvo boon
mnny fImos whon I, foo, wondorod, "!ord, why
dId You chooso fo show fhnf fo mo" I hnvo no
socIfIc nnswor, buf fho Word of Cod snys:
Ho who hns My commnndmonfs nnd koos
fhom, If Is ho who Iovos Mo. And ho who Iovos
Mo wIII bo Iovod by My Infhor, nnd I wIII Iovo
hIm nnd mnnIfosf MysoIf fo hIm (John l4:2l).
Josus snId If wo Iovo HIm, Ho wIII mnnIfosf
HImsoIf fo us. !ani"est monns "fo oxhIbIf In
orson, nonr or docInro InInIy." I boIIovo fho
!ord rosondod fo mo bocnuso I oboyod HIm nnd
hungorod nffor HIm.
Ior n Iong fImo nffor fhnf oxorIonco, I
wondorod nbouf fho !ord's fonrs. I fhInk HIs
nIn offon comos whon wo rofuso fo foIIowshI
wIfh HIm. Tho vIsIon of HIm gonfIy ombrncIng
onch chIId wIII novor bo ornsod from my momory.
If musf hurf HIm whon wo mIss ouf on fho
bIossIng of HIs rosonco.
The Call to Worship
Tho scono of fho bInnk-fncod chIIdron who
IInod u for fho gIffs mndo mo roovnIunfo my
own mofIvos. Id I como fo fho !ord for whnf Ho
couId gIvo mo Or dId I como fo HIm so I couId bo
chnngod In HIs rosonco
Tho chIIdron who woro In fho rosonco of fho
!ord rofIocfod HIs gIory on fhoIr fncos. Id I
rofIocf fho gIory of fho !ord
Cod's rosonco oxosod my honrf nnd
chnngod my IIfo ns I worshIod HIm In fhnf
mornIng rnyor moofIng. My dosIro for fhIs book
Is fhnf If wIII nIso mnko you hungry fo como Info
fho rosonco of our !ord.
IoIng In fho rosonco of n gronf mnn cnn
mnko you n boffor mnn. Iuf comIng Info fho
rosonco of fho hoIy Cod wIII chnngo you In wnys
fhnf mon novor wIII.
In fho noxf fow ngos I wIII shnro whnf fho
IIbIo snys nbouf worshI nnd Ifs uroso In fho
IIfo of n boIIovor. ThIs IncIudos:
fho bIbIIcnI nfforn of worshI
how worshI chnngos you
fho morcy In worshI
undorsfnndIng worshI In SIrIf nnd frufh
fho dIfforonco bofwoon roInfIonshI nnd
Cod's vIow of fho nood for sorvIco
how hoIInoss comos ns n nrf of worshI.
My honrf nIso goos ouf fo Iondors In Cod's
church. I wrofo n shorf chnfor for fhom, jusf
fnIkIng nbouf nII fho fhIngs I know from
orsonnI oxorIonco fhnf nro so fomfIng fo
subsfIfufo for Cod's rosonco.
IInnIIy, I hnvo Ionrnod so much nbouf
worshI fhrough fho mInIsfry of IhII rIscoII
fhnf I nskod hIm fo shnro somo of whnf fho !ord
hns shown hIm.
Tho HoIy SIrIf hns boon so good fo mo ns I
hnvo wrIffon fhIs book. I rny Ho wIII uso fhoso
words fo fouch you, foo.
T w o
2 Whnf Is WorshI
ho foundnfIon of fho whoIo mnffor of
worshI goos bnck fo n covonnnf roInfIonshI
whIch wns osfnbIIshod In IsrnoI's oxodus from
Igyf nnd coIobrnfod In fho fnbornncIo.
urIng fho Ixodus, fho chIIdron of IsrnoI snw
Cod's gIory dIsInyod IIko fow hnvo ovor soon.
Thoy wnfchod HIm nrf fho !od Son nnd sond
fhom fhrough on dry ground. Thon fhoy snw fho
son crnsh down uon fho IgyfInn nrmy
ursuIng fhom.
I wouId rojoIco nffor sooIng fhnfwouIdn'f
you Mosos wrofo fho foIIowIng song nnd fho
ooIo joInod hIm In sIngIng If:
I wIII sIng unfo fho !ord, for Ho hnfh
frIumhod gIorIousIy: fho horso nnd hIs rIdor
hnfh ho fhrown Info fho son. Tho !ord Is my
sfrongfh nnd song, nnd ho Is bocomo my
snIvnfIon: ho Is my Cod, nnd I wIII ronro
hIm nn hnbIfnfIon; my fnfhor's Cod, nnd I wIII
oxnIf HIm (Ix. l5:l-2, KJV).
IsrnoI's worshI wns n rosonso fo Cod for
HIs wondorfuI ncf of doIIvornnco. WorshI fhon
Is our rosonso fo Cod for HIs fnIfhfuInoss In
doIIvorIng us.
WorshI coIobrnfos fho covonnnf bofwoon fho
Cronfor nnd HIs cronfIon. Cod mndo n covonnnf
wIfh IsrnoI on fho nIghf of fho Inssovor. If fhoy
nIIod fho bIood of fho sncrIfIcInI Inmb, fhoy
wouId bo In rIghf roInfIonshI wIfh Cod, nnd
Cod's wrnfh wouId nss ovor fhom.
As ow Tosfnmonf boIIovors, wo nro In n now
covonnnf wIfh Cod bnsod on fho snmo rIncIIo.
If wo chooso fo como undor fho bIood of Josus,
our roInfIonshI wIfh Cod Is rosforod.
Cod's dosIro In bofh fho oId nnd now
covonnnfs Is fho snmo: fo rodoom ooIo bnck fo
HImsoIf, fo brIng fhom bnck fo fhoIr orIgInnI
urosofoIIowshI wIfh HIm.
Our !ord cronfod us, snvod us, rodoomod us
nnd Ho ovon dosIgnod our nronch fo HIm.
WorshI Is our rocInmnfIon of boIng doIIvorod
from our sIn, our hurfs, our shnmo. Ivory fImo
Cod mInIsfors fo us, whofhor If's fo sof us froo
from our sIn or fo honI us, our rosonso Is
Hnvo you ovor fnkon fImo In fho dny fo fhInk
nbouf how fnIfhfuI Ho hns boon fo you Whon
What Is Worship#
you fhInk nbouf nII Ho hns dono In your IIfo, how
offon Ho hns forgIvon you, how Ho hns
mInIsforod IIfo fo your honrf whon you foIf IIko
no ono wouId undorsfnndyou cnn'f hoI buf
worshI HIm.
IIonso, wouId you sfo rondIng fhIs book for
n momonf nnd rofIocf on nII Ho hns dono, ovon In
fho Insf fow dnys ThIs wouId bo n gronf fImo fo
fhnnk HIm for HIs snIvnfIon nnd doIIvornnco In
your IIfo. IogIn fo worshI HIm wIfh n honrf of
fhnnkfuInoss, n honrf fIIIod wIfh grnfIfudo for
HIs fnIfhfuInoss.
Tho fhIngs Cod hns dono for us gIvo us
ondIoss InsIrnfIon for worshI.
Mnny, O !ord my Cod, nro Your
wondorfuI works WhIch You hnvo dono;
And Your fhoughfs fownrd us
Cnnnof bo rocounfod fo You In ordor;
If I wouId docInro nnd sonk of fhom,
Thoy nro moro fhnn cnn bo numborod (Is.
Ior nII fhnf Cod hns dono, fhoro's onIy ono
ossIbIo concIusIon: worshI Is HIs rIghffuI duo.
As fho rohof JoromInh uf If:
Innsmuch ns fhoro Is nono IIko You, O
(You nro gronf, nnd Your nnmo Is gronf In
Who wouId nof fonr You, O KIng of fho
Ior fhIs Is Your rIghffuI duo.
Ior nmong nII fho wIso mon of fho nnfIons,
And In nII fhoIr kIngdoms, Thoro Is nono IIko
You (Jor. l0:6).
Worship in the Tabernacle
Worship$ fho word wo uso fodny, comos from
fho OId IngIIsh word weorthscipe$ monnIng
"worfhshI" or "worfhInoss." WorshI rovoros,
honors nnd oxrossos fho worfh of somoono or
somofhIng. WorshI Is n coIobrnfIon of fho
worfhInoss of Cod.
If Is onsy fo soo how somoono vIows fho
worfh of nnofhor orson by fho nffIfudo fhoy
show fo fhom nnd by how fhoy fronf fhom. o wo
show Cod how vnIunbIo Ho Is fo us In our
worshI o wo show HIm how much Ho Is
worfh fo us
WorshI ns n coIobrnfIon fo Cod for HIs
worfhInoss cnn bo boffor undorsfood ns wo fnko
n Iook nf worshI In fho fnbornncIo of nvId.
WorshI In fho fnbornncIo wns orformod by
skIIIfuI musIcInns. Inch sorvIco IncIudod sIngIng
nnd InyIng of Insfrumonfs. nvId noInfod
sIngors nnd musIcInns fo mInIsfor confInunIIy
mornIng, nffornoon nnd ovonIngboforo fho nrk
of fho !ord. As fhoy mInIsforod, fhoy comosod
nnd rocordod fhoIr sonfnnoous musIc, onch now
song fIIIod wIfh fhnnksgIvIng fo fho !ord.
WorshI In fho fnbornncIo of nvId Is bosf
doscrIbod In l ChronIcIos l6. nvId hnd four
fhousnnd gnfokooors nnd four fhousnnd
musIcInns InyIng rnIsos fo Cod on fhoIr
Insfrumonfs (soo l Chr. 23:5). ThIs hosf of
musIcInns nnd sIngors sfnrfod onch sorvIco by
gIvIng fhnnks fo fho !ord nnd cnIIIng on HIs
What Is Worship#
Thon fhoy rocInImod HIs nnmo nnd HIs
doods In song for nII fho ooIo of IsrnoI fo
romombor. Thoy snng snIms nnd soko of HIs
wondrous works. Thoy gnvo CIory fo HIs nmo.
As fho ooIo rogrossod In fhoIr rnIsos,
sookIng frosh rovoInfIon from Cod, fhoIr honrfs
rojoIcod nnd fhoIr sfrongfh wns ronowod. As fhoy
cnIIod fo momory hIs mnrvoIous works In fho
nsf, fhoy woro oncourngod fhnf Ho wouId
confInuo fo ncf In fhoIr bohnIf.
Such worshI wns sonfnnoous nnd fuII of joy
nnd coIobrnfIon. IsrnoI bocnmo n worshIIng
nnfIon. AgnIn nnd ngnIn, "nII fho ooIo snId,
'Amon,' nnd rnIsod fho !ord" (l Chr. l6:36).
In fho IsnIms of nvId wo soo n wIdo rnngo
of nssIonnfo ndornfIon fo fho !ord. Tho snIms
woro IsrnoI's rosonso fo Cod. Irom ngony fo
oxocfnfIon, from fonr fo joy. Thoy nro fIIIod wIfh
ndornfIon, fhnnksgIvIng nnd rnyor. Mnny of
fhoso IsnIms woro borno ouf of fho coIobrnfIon of
worshI fhnf fook Inco In nvId's fnbornncIo.
Todny I Iovo fo bo In fho mIdsf of n Inrgo
nudIforIum fIIIod wIfh ooIo coIobrnfIng fho
worfhInoss of Cod In fhoIr worshI. I Iovo fo honr
n mIghfy choIr sIngIng forfh fho rnIsos of Cod fo
fho nccomnnImonf of musIcInns gIorIfyIng Cod
fhrough fhoIr Insfrumonfs. I Iovo fo soo n hosf of
ooIo, nrms rnIsod nnd fncos gIowIng, sIngIng In
unIson of fho goodnoss of Cod.
Our worshI Is n coIobrnfIon. !nrgo or smnII,
young or oId, whnfovor our donomInnfIon or
googrnhIcnI IocnfIonwo cnn coIobrnfo fho
worfhInoss of Cod, nnd our covonnnf roInfIonshI
wIfh HIm, fhrough our worshI.
T h r e e
3 WorshI Irom fho Honrf
no of fho joys of hnvIng chIIdron Is fhnf I
cnn hoI InsfIII In fhom n Iovo for Cod. To
mo, ono of fho mosf bonufIfuI sIghfs In fho worId
Is wnfchIng my IIffIo chIIdron worshI HIm.
Inch of my chIIdron hnvo Ionrnod fo oxross
fhoIr worshI. Whon my youngosf boy, MIchnoI,
nnd I rny fogofhor wo nIwnys oxross our
worshI nf fho ond. Ho Iooks uwnrd nnd Incos
hIs IIffIo hnnd on hIs IIs nnd bIows n gronf bIg
kIss fo Josus, nnd snys, "I Iovo You, Josus!"
Thnf Is worshI oxrossod. WorshI fhnf Is
nof oxrossod Is nof worshI.
So mnny of us hnvo IIffIo undorsfnndIng of
whnf worshI ronIIy Is. WorshI Is nof doondonf
uon our nbIIIfIos or fnIonfs. WorshIIng Cod
musf como from our honrfs.
Ono of my gronfosf dIffIcuIfIos In my onrIy
yonrs of boIng n ChrIsfInn wns wnfchIng ooIo
worshI nnd orform nII In ono ncf. I wouId
IIsfon fo worshI Iondors Inco such omhnsIs on
fho sIngIng nrf of worshI I fhoughf, "You
ronIIy cnn'f worshI, Snm, bocnuso you hnvo no
fnIonf fo sIng."
I wouId Ionvo church sorvIcos fhInkIng, "Why
nm I nof nbIo fo fooI nnd sonso Cod's rosonco
IIko fhoy do Whnf Is wrong wIfh mo Is fhoro
somofhIng hIndorIng Cod's rosonco In my IIfo"
Tho moro I nskod fhoso quosfIons, fho !ord
wouId oon my honrf fo fho undorsfnndIng fhnf
worshI hns fo como from fho honrf nnd nof
fnIonf or nbIIIfy.
Onco I undorsfood worshI Is sImIy
oxrossIng fo Cod HIs worfhInoss, I found mysoIf
sondIng hours worshIIng In my cnr, offIco,
homonnywhoro I couId fInd somo quIof fImo.
Cod undoubfodIy wns fouchIng fho doo rocossos
of my honrf wIfh HIs rosonco.
So offon wo fhInk Cod Is ronIIy Imrossod by
fho words of songs wo sIng. If wo nro nbIo fo
mnko If sound moro oIoquonf, wo fhInk If mny
drnw us cIosor fo HIm. Tho nrf of us Cod
dosIros mosf Is nof whnf our moufhs ronounco,
buf whnf our honrfs rocInIm.
ThIs Is oxrossod vory cIonrIy In ScrIfuro.
Tho !ord oxInInod fo fho rohof IzokIoI how
fho words of fho ooIo of IsrnoI dId nof mnfch
fhoIr honrfs.
Worship From the Heart
So fhoy como fo you ns ooIo do, fhoy sIf
boforo you ns My ooIo, nnd fhoy honr your
words, buf fhoy do nof do fhom; for wIfh fhoIr
moufh fhoy show much Iovo, buf fhoIr honrfs
ursuo fhoIr own gnIn (Izok. 33:3l).
Tho !ord nIso oxrossod fho snmo rIncIIo
fhrough fho rohof IsnInh.
Innsmuch ns fhoso ooIo drnw nonr wIfh
fhoIr moufhs And honor Mo wIfh fhoIr IIs,
Iuf hnvo romovod fhoIr honrfs fnr from Mo,
And fhoIr fonr fownrd Mo Is fnughf by fho
commnndmonf of mon (Is. 29:l3).
Worshipping in Church
Ior mnny of us, whon wo honr of worshI wo
fhInk nbouf fho "song sorvIco" In our churchos.
ThIs Is nn Imorfnnf nrf of our worshI IIfo, buf
nIwnys romombor If Is onIy n nrf. You cnn
worshI whon fhoro nro no ofhor ooIo nround
you. And, of courso, you cnn corfnInIy worshI
ovon If fhoro Isn'f musIc!
Thnf Is nof fo sny corornfo worshI Is
unscrIfurnI. Tho IsnIms sny:
IrnIso fho !ord! I wIII rnIso fho !ord
wIfh my whoIo honrf, In fho nssombIy of fho
urIghf nnd In fho congrognfIon (Is. lll:l).
Ono of fho gronfosf sfruggIos fodny In
corornfo worshI Is fhnf ooIo hnvo bocomo nn
nudIonco. SndIy, fho worshI In mnny churchos
on Sundny mornIng Is n sIng-nnd-sIf ovonf,
whIch dIvIdos fho church Info orformors nnd
socfnfors. Thoro Is n gronf nood In churchos
fodny fo oncourngo fho kInd of worshI whIch
ongngos fho whoIo congrognfIon.
If sooms somo churchos hnvo forgoffon fho
uroso bohInd fhoIr musIc. Churchos wIII sook
ouf fnIonfod musIcInns, IookIng for boffor musIc.
Cod Is nof sookIng boffor musIc buf boffor
Tho uroso of musIc In fho church Is nof fo
fIII fho buIIdIng bocnuso of fho gronf musIc. I
hnvo known churchos fo hIro skIIIod musIcInns
who nro nof ovon snvod, jusf for fho snko of
kooIng fho crowd comIng for fho gronf musIc. A
good choIr or bnnd doos nof nocossnrIIy oIovnfo
IIonso undorsfnnd fhoro Is nofhIng wrong
wIfh gronf fnIonf nnd skIII. If Is wondorfuI fo uso
fho gIffs Cod hns gIvon us fo bIoss HIm bnck. Wo
shouId nIwnys sfrIvo fo gIvo Cod our vory bosf In
our worshI. Iuf whon foo much omhnsIs Is
Incod on fnIonf, wo nro onIy goIng fo sfIr u
ooIo's omofIons. Cod Is docInrIng worshI from
fho sIrIf.
WorshI Is fho honrf dosIrIng nnd ndorIng fho
Infhor. MusIc Is nn oxrossIon fo hoI drnw ouf
fho honrf of worshI. MusIc Is nof fho ond buf
onIy fho bogInnIng of worshI.
Cod Is sookIng worshI fhnf Is nof IImIfod or
IognIIsfIc, buf sonfnnoous. ThIs worshI comos
from fho sIrIf, nof fho vocnI chords.
Tho SIrIf of Cod doos nof nbIdo In fho rIfunI
or IognIIsfIc forms. A IognIIsfIc form Is somofhIng
wo do bocnuso of roIIgIous obIIgnfIon or
frndIfIon . A Iof of fImos fhoso forms sorvo nn
nrorInfo funcfIon, buf fhoy cnn nIso bo
Worship From the Heart
dIsfrncfIons for somo ooIo. Ior oxnmIo, I
fhInk If wouId bo gronf If fho ovorhond rojocfors
wouId bo furnod off onco In n whIIo. !of ooIo
worshI Cod ouf of fhoIr sIrIf wIfh no ono
IondIng fhom ns fho musIcInns do fho snmo;
ovoryono IndIvIdunIIy sIngIng, worshIIng Cod
ouf of fho honrf, nIIowIng fhoIr honrfs fo foII HIm
how much Ho Is worfh fo fhom.
WorshI Is nn InfImnfo Iovo roInfIonshI
bofwoon you nnd Cod. I boIIovo worshI Is
nssIonnfo nnd fuII of n hoIy dosIro. Wo nood fo
bo oxrossIvo In our worshI fo Cod wIfh nII our
honrfs, souIs nnd mIghf.
Josus snId unfo hIm, Thou shnIf Iovo fho
!ord fhy Cod wIfh nII fhy honrf, nnd wIfh nII
fhy souI, nnd wIfh nII fhy mInd. ThIs Is fho
fIrsf nnd gronf commnndmonf (Mnff. 22:3?-38,
You don'f hnvo fo wnIf for musIc fo Iny, or
for somoono fo Iond you In song. WorshI cnn bo
your consfnnf, nufomnfIc rosonso fo Cod's
forgIvonoss nnd HIs grnco.
Pure Worship
Whon you worshI corornfoIy, you nro
nffocfod by your roInfIonshI fo fho ooIo
nround you. ThIs Isn'f good or bnd. If's jusf n
fncf. I wnnf fo shnro wIfh you whnf fho !ord
fnughf mo nbouf fhIs Issuo.
My brofhor WIIIInm nnd I nffondod fho
Jnmos !obIson IIbIo Conforonco In l98?. Tho
rosonco of Cod wns so ronI, osocInIIy durIng
fho worshI. I hnd novor sonsod nnyfhIng so
uro In n corornfo gnfhorIng. Whon Jnmos
!obIson mndo fho nIfnr cnII ono nIghf, I rnn fo
fho fronf. I wns hungry for moro of Cod.
As I knoIf In fronf of fho nIfnr, I foIf fho snmo
wondorfuI rosonco fhnf hnd fouchod mo In fho
onrIy mornIng rnyor moofIng nf my own church.
Af fhnf fImo, I nskod fho !ord fhroo socIfIc
quosfIons, ono of whIch I wnnf fo shnro wIfh you.
"Why Is fho worshI In fhIs Inco so uro" I
Tho !ord soko fo mo nnd snId, "Son, I wnnf
you fo Iook nround, nII nround you." I Iookod
nround nnd snw fncos, Iofs of fncos.
Ho snId, "Thoro nro sovon fhousnnd ooIo
horo from forfy-oIghf dIfforonf sfnfos. o you
know why fho worshI Is so uro Iocnuso fhoy
don'f know onch ofhor. Thoy hnvon'f hnd fImo fo
gof nngry or bIffor wIfh ono nnofhor. Thnf's why
If Is so uro."
Whon n church Is fuII of sfrIfo nnd dIssonsIon,
fho ooIo wIII nof bo froo fo worshI. If your
roInfIonshIs wIfh ofhor ooIo nron'f rIghf,
you'ro goIng fo hnvo n hnrd fImo onforIng Info
worshI. Josus snys If you hnvo nnyfhIng ngnInsf
your brofhor, Ionvo your sncrIfIco on fho nIfnr
nnd go mnko If rIghf wIfh hIm (soo Mnff. 5:24). I
urgo you, ns n mombor of n corornfo
worshIIng body, fo roconcIIo wIfh foIIow
Whon wo nro worshIIng In n grou whoro
wo know fho ooIo nround us, wo nIso nood fo
conscIousIy ovorcomo our fondoncy fo wondor
whnf ofhor ooIo nro fhInkIng nbouf us. If wo
nro worrIod nbouf whofhor fhoy fhInk wo Iook
Worship From the Heart
fooIIsh, fhon our worshI Is nIso InhIbIfod.
In fho noxf chnfor I wIII shnro wIfh you fho
oxorIonco fhnf broughf nbouf fho fIfIo of fhIs
F o % r
4 Chnngod In HIs Irosonco
fow yonrs ngo I hnd fo frnvoI by Inno fo
mInIsfor In Sf. MnrfIn. As I bonrdod fho
Inno In OrInndo, I wns nof oxocfIng fho SIrIf
of Cod fo vIsIf mo In nny socInI wny on my
fIIghf, buf Ho dId.
As wo fook off, I uf on my WnIkmnn nnd
bognn fo rond fho Word. urIng fhIs fIIghf I hnd
n gronf hungor In mo for Cod's rosonco. I hnd
como fo n Inco In my IIfo whoro mInIsfry wns no
Iongor moofIng fho cry of my honrf.
I wns IIsfonIng fo n worshI fno by Konf
Honry whon I foIf Cod fouch mo.
I bognn fo worshI HIm nnd fhnnk HIm for
HIs rosonco, nnd I IIfornIIy foIf HIs rosonco
InfonsIfy ns I confInuod. Tho moro fho Irosonco
InfonsIfIod, fho moro my honrf moIfod. I wns
cIoso fo wooIng oonIy on fho Inno, buf I dId
nof cnro.
Jusf whon I fhoughf I couId no Iongor koo
from wooIng, I honrd fho voIco of Cod's SIrIf
sonk fo my honrf snyIng, "Son, you nro novor
chnngod In fho rosonco of n mnn; you nro onIy
chnngod In fho rosonco of Cod."
Ho bognn fo IIsf for mo nII fho gronf mon nnd
womon of Cod I hnd mof durIng my yonrs of
boIng InvoIvod wIfh my brofhor's mInIsfry nnd n
Inrgo church. Thoy woro ooIo whom I wouId
nIwnys honor. Iuf fho !ord showod mo rIghf
fhon ovon fhough fhIs wns n bIossIng nnd I hnd
Ionrnod somo gronf Iossons from fhoso ooIo, I
wns novor chnngod ns n rosuIf of boIng wIfh
I fhon nskod fho !ord fo Ionso rovonI fhIs
frufh In HIs Word, knowIng Ho wIII nIwnys
confIrms whnf Ho snys by HIs Word. Ho fook mo
fo n vorso In 2 CorInfhInns, whIch ronds:
Iuf wo nII, wIfh unvoIIod fnco,
bohoIdIng ns In n mIrror fho gIory of fho
!ord, nro boIng frnnsformod Info fho
snmo Imngo from gIory fo gIory, jusf ns by
fho SIrIf of fho !ord (2 Cor. 3:l8).
You nro chnngod from gIory fo gIory ns you
bohoId HIm. Whon you como Info HIs rosonco,
HIs HoIy SIrIf wIII chnngo you. Wo cnn bo
rnyod for nnd nnoInfod by fhoso wondorfuI
ooIo, buf fhoro Is onIy Ono who cnn brIng fho
Changed in His Presence
chnngo wo dosIro.
If you Iook fo mnnkInd fo brIng chnngo fo
your honrf, you wIII bo Ioff wIfh nn unchnngod
nnd duII honrf. If wIII hnvo no nssIon for Cod. If
mny hnvo n nssIon for mnn, buf nof for Cod.
Worship Brings You Into God's
Chnngo comos whon you onfor Info HIs
How do wo como Info HIs rosonco WorshI
Is whnf nIIows you fo onfor In nnd bohoId HIm.
InuI snId fhnf wo soo n rofIocfIon of Cod's gIory.
As wo bohoId If, wo nro frnnsformod.
InuI know fhIs from orsonnI oxorIonco. A
mofnmorhosIs fook Inco In hIs IIfo nffor ho
oncounforod fho !ord on fho rond fo nmnscus.
Ho chnngod from n orsocufor of ChrIsfInns fo
ono of fho Iondors of fho church. InuI fook on fho
IIkonoss, rofIIo nnd rosombInnco of fho !ord.
Irom gIory fo gIory ho wns chnngod.
!ook nf 2 CorInfhInns 3:l8 from The
Whonovor, fhough, fhoy furn fo fnco Cod
ns Mosos dId, Cod romovos fho voII nnd fhoro
fhoy nrofnco fo fnco! Thoy suddonIy
rocognIzo fhnf Cod Is n IIvIng, orsonnI
rosonco, nof n Ioco of chIsoIod sfono. And
whon Cod Is orsonnIIy rosonf, n IIvIng
SIrIf, fhnf oId, consfrIcfIng IogIsInfIon Is
rocognIzod ns obsoIofo. Wo'ro froo of If! AII of
us! ofhIng bofwoon us nnd Cod, our fncos
shInIng wIfh fho brIghfnoss of hIs fnco. And so
wo nro frnnsfIgurod much IIko fho MossInh,
our IIvos grndunIIy bocomIng brIghfor nnd
moro bonufIfuI ns Cod onfors our IIvos nnd wo
bocomo IIko hIm.
Whon Josus fho Son of Cod wnIkod on fhIs
onrfh, Ho wns n rofIocfIon of Cod's gIory. Whon
wo como Info Cod's rosonco In worshI, wo wIII
nIso shIno wIfh HIs gIory. Wo wIII fnko HIs
rofIocfIon wIfh us whorovor wo go. IooIo wIII
know you nro dIfforonf, nof bocnuso you hnndod
fhom n frncf, buf bocnuso you bocnmo fhnf frncf.
If you nro IongIng for Cod fo frnnsform you,
Ho wIII, whon you sfnnd In HIs rosonco. You do
nof hnvo fo go fo church or gIvo n bIg offorIng or
honr somoono ronch fo oxorIonco If. (Though I
boIIovo wIfh nII my honrf If's Imorfnnf fo gIvo,
nssombIo wIfh ofhor boIIovors nnd honr fho Word
of Cod ronchod.) Chnngo doos nof hnon
bocnuso wo hnvo boon fnIfhfuI mombors or
fIfhors. If hnons bocnuso wo onfor Info HIs
rosonco wIfh worshI.
Ivory boIIovor Iongs fo bo IIko Josus. My donr
brofhor or sIsfor, fodny ns you rond fhIs book, If
fhoro's n hungor In your honrf for moro of Cod,
Ho wnIfs for you fo como fo onjoy HIs foIIowshI.
Ho wIII mnko nII fho chnngos noodod, I romIso.
The Purpose of His Presence
Tho uroso of Cod's rosonco Is nof jusf fo
honI nnd doIIvor. Ior fhoso who hnvo
oxorIoncod fhoso gronf gIffs, ronIIzo fhoro Is so
much moro fo HIs rosonco. Ho Iovos us so much.
Ho nof onIy wnnfs fo honI nnd doIIvor us, buf fo
mnko us IIko HIm.
Changed in His Presence
My foIIowshI wIfh Cod hoIs mo bocomo fho
husbnnd I nood fo bo, fho fnfhor my chIIdron
nood nnd n boffor nsfor fo mInIsfor fo Cod's
Ono of fho fhIngs I onjoy doIng nffor I
mInIsfor Is fnIkIng wIfh ooIo who hnvo como fo
fho sorvIcos. I novor fnII fo moof somoono who
wIII fry fo show fhoIr sIrIfunIIfy by fho wny
fhoy fnIk. Thoy wnnf fo ouf-do ovoryono oIso by
nddIng n fow moro "rnIso fho !ord's" or
"hnIIoIujnh's." !sunIIy I mnko my convorsnfIon
brIof wIfh fhnf kInd of orson.
Tho ossonco of worshI Is fo fouch fho honrf
of Cod unfII I rofIocf fho vory gIory of Josus. My
sIrIfunIIfy Is nof monsurod by how Iong I rny
or how mnny fImos I cnn sny "rnIso fho !ord" In
n convorsnfIon buf by fho urIfy of my foIIowshI
wIfh Cod.
Tho whoIo ronson I'm wrIfIng fhIs book Is
bocnuso I'vo dIscovorod fhIs fncf fo bo fruo In my
orsonnI IIfo. Whon I sonf fImo wIfh gronf mon,
rond gronf ChrIsfInn books or wonf fo gronf
ChrIsfInn moofIngs, I Ionrnod n Iof. I foIf good. I
couId ovon Imross ofhor ooIo nround mo. I
fhoughf I wns mnkIng n Iof of rogross. Iuf
whon fho !ord fouchod mo wIfh HIs rosonco, nII
fhoso ofhor fhIngs nIod In comnrIson. I foIf fho
Imncf In my spirit In n wny I novor hnd boforo.
I wnnf fo mnko you hungry fo bo In Cod's
rosonco bocnuso I know If wIII chnngo you.
Thoro nro fwo wondorfuI sforIos In fho ow
Tosfnmonf nbouf ooIo whoso brokon IIvos woro
rosforod by boIng In Josus' rosonco. !of's soo
whnf fhoy fonch us.
F i e
5 !osforIng fho !oInfIonshI
no of fho mosf oxfrnordInnry sforIos In fho
Word of Cod Is found In John 4. ThIs Is fho
sfory of whon Josus mInIsforod fo fho womnn nf
fho woII. ThIs sfory gIvos us gronf InsIghf Info
Iuf Ho |Josus] noodod fo go fhrough
SnmnrIn. So Ho cnmo fo n cIfy of SnmnrIn
whIch Is cnIIod Sychnr, nonr fho Iof of ground
fhnf Jncob gnvo fo hIs son Josoh. ow Jncob's
woII wns fhoro. Josus fhoroforo, boIng wonrIod
from HIs journoy, snf fhus by fho woII. If wns
nbouf fho sIxfh hour |l2:00 I.M.]. A womnn of
SnmnrIn cnmo fo drnw wnfor. Josus snId fo
hor, "CIvo Mo n drInk." Ior HIs dIscIIos hnd
gono nwny Info fho cIfy fo buy food (John 4:4-
If's Imorfnnf fo undorsfnnd fho cIfy of
SnmnrIn. If wns known ns n cIfy of drunkonnoss,
n Inco of roronch. Jows onIy wonf fhoro for
buyIng nnd soIIIng. I boIIovo fho onIy ronson
Josus wonf fo fhIs cIfy wns fo moof fho womnn
by fho woII.
ThIs womnn cnmo fo fho woII fo drnw wnfor.
Tho dosorf Is vory hof nround noon, nnd sho hnd
n nnfurnI nood for somo wnfor fo drInk. So dId
Josus, nnd Ho nskod hor fo gIvo HIm somo wnfor
nIso. Tho womnn snId fo HIm, "How Is If fhnf
You, boIng n Jow, nsk n drInk from mo, n
SnmnrIfnn, for Jows hnvo no donIIngs wIfh
Josus roIIod, "If you know fho gIff of Cod,
nnd who If Is who snys fo you, 'CIvo Mo n drInk,'
You wouId hnvo nskod HIm, nnd Ho wouId hnvo
gIvon you IIvIng wnfor."
Tho womnn foId Josus sho wnnfod fhIs IIvIng
wnfor, buf sho wns skofIcnI nbouf HIs nbIIIfy fo
suIy If. Hor quosfIon shows sho wns sfuck In
hor frndIfIons. Sho nskod, "Aro you gronfor fhnn
our fnfhor Jncob, who gnvo us fhIs woII, nnd
drnnk from If hImsoIf, ns woII ns hIs sons nnd hIs
Josus nnsworod nnd snId fo hor, "Whoovor
drInks of fhIs wnfor wIII fhIrsf ngnIn. Iuf
whoovor drInks of fho wnfor fhnf I shnII gIvo hIm
wIII novor fhIrsf. Iuf fho wnfor fhnf I shnII gIvo
wIII bocomo In hIm n founfnIn of wnfor srIngIng
u Info ovorInsfIng IIfo."
'estoring the 'elationship
Josus wns In offocf snyIng, "Yos. I nm
dIfforonf. Tho wnfor I gIvo you Is boffor fhnn fho
wnfor you cnn gof from Jncob's woII."
urIng fhIs whoIo convorsnfIon wIfh Josus,
fho womnn's mInd wns on hor nnfurnI nood. Iuf
Josus know sho noodod moro fhnn fho nnfurnI
wnfor. Sho noodod n doo fouch wIfhIn hor
ThIs womnn hnd sonf hor whoIo IIfo
runnIng, fryIng fo snfIsfy fho doo noods of hor
honrf. Sho hnd ursuod roInfIonshIs wIfh mnny
mon nnd sho wns sfIII unfuIfIIIod. Sho wns fryIng
fo scrnfch nn Ifch In hor souI (omofIons) fhnf wns
ronIIy doo In hor sIrIf.
Whon fho womnn nskod Josus for n drInk of
fhIs wnfor fo snfIsfy hor fhIrsf, Josus know fho
nood of hor sIrIf. Ho snId fo hor, "Co, cnII your
husbnnd nnd como horo."
ThIs musf hnvo sfunnod hor. Whnf dId hor
husbnnd hnvo fo do wIfh wnfor Josus sfnrfod
wIfh n nnfurnI sIfunfIon sho wns In, nnd whon
Ho hnd hor nffonfIon, Ho oInfod ouf hor
sIrIfunI nood. Josus uf HIs fIngor on fho mosf
sonsIfIvo Issuo of hor honrf.
"I don'f hnvo n husbnnd," sho snId.
"!Ighf," Ho nnsworod hor, "You hnvo hnd fIvo
husbnnds nnd fho ono you nro now wIfh Is nof
your husbnnd."
Wow, fnIk nbouf goffIng rIghf fo fho oInf! I
fhInk nf fhIs momonf sho musf hnvo wnnfod fo
run, fhInkIng fo horsoIf, "Who Is fhIs mnn fhnf Is
foIIIng mo nbouf my IIfo, whon nII I wnnfod wns
somo wnfor"
Thoro Is somofhIng Imorfnnf I wnnf fo oInf
ouf horo. !Iko fhIs womnn, whon wo sfnnd In fho
rosonco of fho Mnsfor, Ho wIII Inco HIs fIngor
on fho mosf froubIIng Issuos of our honrfs. ThIs
Is bocnuso Ho Iovos us onough fo confronf us
wIfh fho frufh.
Tho womnn hnd boon IookIng for Mr. !Ighf,
buf hor souI wns nof snfIsfIod wIfh whnf sho hnd.
Whon sho sfood In fho rosonco of n ronI mnn,
fho Son of Cod, sho wns confronfod wIfh fho Inck
In hor IIfo.
Sho rosondod, "SIr, I orcoIvo fhnf You nro n
rohof." Sho confInuod, "Our fnfhors
worshIod on fhIs mounfnIn, nnd you Jows sny
fhnf In JorusnIom Is fho Inco whoro ono oughf
fo worshI."
Sho chnngod fho subjocf! Josus musf hnvo
sfnrfIod hor wIfh HIs knowIodgo of hor nsf, so
sho quIckIy frIod fo gof HIm fo fnIk nbouf n
confrovorsInI Issuo so Ho wouIdn'f oxoso nny
moro of hor IIfo.
Josus snId fo hor, "Womnn, boIIovo Mo, fho
hour Is comIng whon you wIII noIfhor on fhIs
mounfnIn, nor In JorusnIom, worshI fho
Ho foId hor worshI wns no Iongor fIod fo n
Inco. Ho chnIIongod hor frndIfIonnI worshI
wIfh sIrIfunI worshI.
Josus oxInInod, "You worshI whnf you do
nof know; wo know whnf wo worshI, for
snIvnfIon Is of fho Jows." Josus wns omhnsIzIng
n gronf frufh: fhnf If's ossIbIo for ooIo fo hnvo
forms of worshI (such ns nffondIng church)
'estoring the 'elationship
wIfhouf hnvIng n roInfIonshI wIfh Josus ChrIsf.
HIs noxf commonf fo fho womnn wns ono of
fho mosf sIgnIfIcnnf sfnfomonfs nbouf worshI In
nII of ScrIfuro. In If, Ho doscrIbos our hIghosf
cnIIIng ns boIIovors.
Iuf fho hour Is comIng, nnd now Is, whon
fho fruo worshIors wIII worshI fho Infhor In
sIrIf nnd frufh; for fho Infhor Is sookIng such
fo worshI HIm (John 4:23).
!nfor In fhIs book I dovofo nn onfIro chnfor
fo oxInInIng whnf If monns fo worshI In "sIrIf
nnd frufh." Iuf for now, I wnnf fo oInf ouf how
nmnzIng If wns fhnf Josus fnughf fhIs womnn
nbouf worshI nf nII.
!omombor, sho wns IIvIng In nduIfory. Ho
know If, nnd sho know If. Iuf Josus dIdn'f foII
hor fo gof mnrrIngo counsoIIng or fo sfrnIghfon
ouf hor IIfo. Ivon fhough hor houso wns In
furmoII, Josus fnughf hor fo worshI fho Infhor.
Ono of fho mosf froubIIng fhIngs I soo In
mInIsfry Is mnrrIngos fnIIIng nnrf. If sooms fho
dovII Is InunchIng nn nII-ouf nffnck on fnmIIIos.
Wo nood fo fonch ooIo Cod's rIncIIos nbouf
mnrrIngo nnd fnmIIy Iuf I nIso fhInk wo nood fo
fonch ooIo how fo como Info Cod's rosonco
nnd Iof HIm chnngo fhom.
Tho womnn snId fo HIm, "I know fhnf
MossInh Is comIng" (who Is cnIIod ChrIsf).
"Whon Ho comos, Ho wIII foII us nII fhIngs."
Josus snId fo hor, "I who sonk fo you nm
Ho" (John 4:25-26).
Af fhIs oInf fho dIscIIos rofurnod from fho
cIfy nnd woro shockod fo soo Josus sonkIng fo n
SnmnrIfnn. ThIs dId nof Iook good fo fhom. Tho
roufnfIon of Josus' mInIsfry wouId bo smudgod.
Tho womnn fhon Ioff hor wnforof, wonf
hor wny Info fho cIfy, nnd snId fo fho mon,
"Como, soo n Mnn who foId mo nII fhIngs fhnf
I ovor dId. CouId fhIs bo fho ChrIsf" Thon
fhoy wonf ouf of fho cIfy nnd cnmo fo HIm
(John 4:28-30).
Tho womnn Ioff hor wnforof. Sho Iof go of
hor nsf nnd Ioff hor nnfurnI noods bohInd. Sho
wonf rIghf nwny fo fho cIfy nnd snId, "Como soo
n Mnn." Sho dId nof gIvo hor fosfImony. Sho dId
nof wnnf fo shnro nf fho noxf womon's moofIng.
Sho foId ooIo fo go soo Josus. Sho broughf n
gronf snfIsfncfIon fo fho !ord.
In fho monnfImo HIs dIscIIos urgod HIm,
snyIng, "!nbbI, onf."
Iuf Ho snId fo fhom, "I hnvo food fo onf of
whIch you do nof know."
Thoroforo fho dIscIIos snId fo ono
nnofhor, "Hns nnyono broughf HIm nnyfhIng
fo onf"
Josus snId fo fhom, "My food Is fo do fho
wIII of HIm who sonf Mo, nnd fo fInIsh HIs
work" (John 4:3l-34).
Whon fho dIscIIos nskod, "!ord, nro You nof
hungry" Josus rosondod, You hnvo no Idon
how snfIsfIod I nm." Tho honrf of fho Mnsfor wns
fIIIod whon fho womnn wns chnngod In HIs
rosonco. Sho nffocfod nn onfIro communIfy.
And mnny of fho SnmnrIfnns of fhnf cIfy
boIIovod In HIm bocnuso of fho word of fho
womnn who fosfIfIod, "Ho foId mo nII fhnf I
ovor dId" (John 4:39).
'estoring the 'elationship
!ovo shouId nof bo InvIshod on fhoso who nro
sofIoss buf on fhoso who nro nbnndonod nnd
undosIrnbIo. Cod Is IongIng fo rovonI HImsoIf fo
fho orson who hns n wIIIIng sIrIf nnd n honrf
fhnf crIos ouf, "I wnnf fo know HIm!"
Todny, If you nro sonrchIng, buf nof fIndIng,
IIko fho SnmnrIfnn womnn, I wnnf you fo know
fho gronfor fho nood, fho gronfor fho monsuro of
snfIsfncfIon. How gronf Is your nood fodny for
HIm Cod wIII nIIow you In your dosornfIon fo
fnsfo fho drynoss so you bocomo dosornfo for
fhnf whIch Is IIvIng. Todny Cod Is wnIfIng fo
communo wIfh you. Ho Is fho Ono who Is
drnwIng you fo HImsoIf.
Mnny fImos wo como Info fho rosonco of Cod
so wo cnn foII HIm whnf wo nood. Wo nro IIko
fho womnn who cnmo fo Josus nskIng HIm fo
honI hor dnughfor, who wns domon-ossossod
(soo fho sfory In Mnff. l5:2l-28).
estoring elationship With God
Mnny hnvo fnkon fhIs sfory nnd fnughf fhnf
If wns fho womnn's fnIfh fhnf mndo hor dnughfor
woII. I boIIovo fhnf Is onIy hnIf fho frufh. Tho
rocoss sfnrfod wIfh hor roInfIonshI wIfh Cod.
Onco our roInfIonshI Is rIghf wIfh Cod, fhon wo
cnn hoId fnsf fo HIs romIsos.
!of's fnko n Iook Info fhIs sfory. IIrsf, If's
Imorfnnf fo nofIco fhIs womnn wns nof n Jow
buf n ConfIIo. Sho hnd no roInfIonshI wIfh fho
Mnsfor. Sho cnmo from Cnnnnn fo fho consf
whoro Josus nnd HIs dIscIIos woro sfnyIng.
Whon sho found Josus, sho crIod ouf, "Hnvo
morcy on mo, O !ord, Son of nvId! My dnughfor
Is domon-ossossod." Josus dId nof ovon roIy.
Ho comIofoIy Ignorod hor.
Why wouId Ho nof nnswor such n cry from n
dosornfo honrf Tho dIscIIos nIso rojocfod hor
nnd urgod Josus fo sond hor nwny bocnuso sho
wns mnkIng so much noIso.
Josus oxInInod HIs fronfmonf of fho womnn
fo HIs dIscIIos by snyIng, "I wns nof sonf oxcof
fo fho Iosf shoo of fho houso of IsrnoI." Whnf
doos fhIs monn
!ook ngnIn nf how fho womnn nddrossod
Josus. Sho cnIIod HIm, "Son of nvId." Howovor,
If wouId onIy bo roor for n Jow fo cnII HIm
fhnf nnmo. Sho wns n honfhon nnd hnd no rIghf
fo nonI fo HIm ns fho Son of nvId. Ho Ignorod
hor roquosf bocnuso sho nonIod fo HIm fo do
somofhIng for hor on fho bnsIs of n roInfIonshI
whIch sho dId nof hnvo wIfh HIm.
Howovor, Insfond of IonvIng, sho nonIod fo
HIm n dIfforonf wnyfhrough worshI.
Thon sho cnmo nnd worshIod HIm,
snyIng, "!ord, hoI mo!" (Mnff. l5:25).
You wouId fhInk Josus wouId rosond fo hor
Ion nf fhIs oInf. Id Ho ovor! Ho oxosod hor
hyocrIsy. Ho nddrossod hor dIrocfIy nnd snId,
"If Is nof good fo fnko fho chIIdron's brond nnd
fhrow If fo IIffIo dogs."
Sho cnIIod HIm !ord nnd Ho cnIIod hor n dog!
A IIffIo dog! I grow u In fho MIddIo Insf nnd
wns foId novor uso fhIs word. ThIs wns n vory
dogrndIng form. Iuf Josus confronfod hor wIfh
frufh. Sho wns n ConfIIo, nnd sho dId nof hnvo
'estoring the 'elationship
fho snmo roInfIonshI wIfh HIm ns dId fhoso In
fho houso of IsrnoI.
Ho wnsn'f monn or uncomnssIonnfo. Ho
usod fhIs fo brIng hor Info n rIghf roInfIonshI
wIfh HIm.
Sho rosondod, "Trufh, !ord, I nm n dog, buf
ovon fho IIffIo dogs onf fho crumbs whIch fnII
from fhoIr mnsfors' fnbIo."
Sho roonfod of hor rovIous nffIfudo nnd
ncknowIodgod fho frufh nbouf horsoIf. Hor
roonfnnco now broughf hor Info n rIghf
roInfIonshI wIfh Josus. Ho commondod hor, nnd
hor dnughfor wns honIod nf fhnf momonf. Sho
cnmo Info n rIghf roInfIonshI wIfh fho !ord, nnd
fho rosuIf wns hor dnughfor's honIIng.
Ovor fho nsf numbor of yonrs, I hnvo
wIfnossod mnny fhIngs In fho mInIsfry. I don'f
fhInk nnyfhIng hns froubIod mo moro fhnn whon
I soo ooIo dosIrIng fho mnnIfosfnfIon of Cod's
rosonco buf hnvIng no dosIro fo know Cod. Thoy
wnnf whnf Ho cnn do for fhom, buf fhoy don'f
wnnf HIm.
Too mnny boIIovors hnvo n roInfIonshI wIfh
Cod fhnf Is doondonf on whnf Ho doos for fhom.
Thoy Iovo HIm ns Iong ns ovoryfhIng Is goIng
fIno, buf whnf hnons fo fho roInfIonshI whon
fhIngs nro nof goIng so woII I oncourngo you fo
novor como Info Cod's rosonco jusf bocnuso you
nood somofhIng. Como Info HIs rosonco bocnuso
you Iovo HIm nnd nood HIm.
Tho !ord wIII uso worshI fo brIng you fo
HImsoIf, nnd worshI wIII bo nn ovnIunfIng
fncfor. HIs ovnIunfIons of us In worshI nro
nIwnys nccurnfo. Thoro nro fImos whon I worshI
Cod, nnd Cod shows mo fhoro Is somofhIng
wrong wIfh our roInfIonshI. Ho usos worshI fo
brIng mo bnck fo n rIghf roInfIonshI.
Tho ronson mnny do nof IIko fo worshI Is
bocnuso worshI oxosos us fo who wo ronIIy nro.
Ouf of Iovo, fho !ord confronfs us. Ivon fhough
Ho Is morcIfuI, IovIng, kInd nnd grncIous, Ho
Iovos you foo much fo Ionvo you fho wny you nro.
( i )
6 Tho Honrf of n WorshIor
od hns gIvon mo n honrf drIvon by morcy
nnd hns Incod In mo n fruo Iovo for ooIo.
I hnvo novor boon n orson who gofs mnd or
nngry. I couId go fho oxfrn mIIo for nnyono. I
ovon Iovo fhoso who cnn'f sfnnd mo. I know,
howovor, fhIs Is fho !ord's doIng nnd nof my
own. Ho know I wouId nood nII fho Iovo nnd
morcy I couId gof bocnuso Ho cnIIod mo fo bo n
IooIo hnvo foId mo, "Insfor, you nro jusf fuII
of fho Iovo of Cod" or "Insfor, rny fhnf Cod
wouId gIvo mo n Iovo for ooIo IIko Ho hns gIvon
you." ThIs couId bo vory fInfforIng, buf I confInuo
fo romInd mysoIf fo bo humbIo bocnuso If's Cod's
work In mo.
Ono dny fhIs vory humbIo nnd IovIng guy wns
fnkIng hIs son fo hockoy rncfIco. Wo gof Info fho
Iovo mobIIo nnd drovo ouf. I cnmo fo nn
InforsocfIon whoro I wns nbouf fo mnko n rIghf
furn. Tho IIghf wns rod nnd I wns wnIfIng fo
morgo In wIfh frnffIc. My son wns sIffIng In fho
nssongor sonf nnd whIIo I wns wnIfIng I
hnonod fo Iook In fho ronr vIow mIrror.
ChnrgIng u bohInd mo wns fhIs bIuo cnr fhnf
wns goIng wny foo fnsf. Thoro wns no wny for If
fo sfo wIfhouf smnshIng Info fho bnck ond of
my cnr.
Tho cIosor ho gof fo my cnr fho moro fonr nnd
nngor roso u In mo. Ho ondod u on fho modInn
nnd cnmo vory cIoso fo sIdoswIIng fho
nssongor sIdo. I wns ronIIy nfrnId for my son's
IIfo. I fhoughf for suro ho wouId wnvo In noIogy
or somofhIng, buf ho dIdn'f.
SomofhIng snnod InsIdo my honrf, nnd nn
nngor rngod wIfhIn mo. I cnughf u fo fhIs guy
who wns drIvIng oIghfy-fIvo mIIos nn hour. WhIIo
wo woro bofh soodIng down fho hIghwny, I
oxrossod fo hIm how I dId nof nrocInfo hIs
sfyIo of drIvIng. I dId nII fhoso fhIngs mncho
ooIo do whIIo fhoy nro fryIng fo gof fho
nffonfIon of nnofhor drIvor. I fInshod my hIgh
bonms, bIow my horn nnd yos, ovon fnIIgnfod.
I fook n quIck gInnco nf my son nnd snw n
fonrfuI nnd bowIIdorod fnco IookIng rIghf bnck nf
mo, ns If fo sny, "nd, hnvo you gono crnzy" I
hnd novor oxorIoncod fhIs fyo of nngor In my
IIfo boforo. Wo woro now vory cIoso fo fho Ico
The Heart o" a Worshipper
rInk nnd I oxIfod fho hIghwny. Thon fho HoIy
SIrIf soko nnd snId fhoso rofound words fo
my honrf:
Whnf nro you doIng Whnf wIII you
nccomIIsh by fhIs o you nof soo whnf I nm
doIng InsIdo of you You fhoughf you know your
honrf buf I nm showIng you fho fhIngs I soo In
you. Ivoryono fhInks you nro so IovIng, buf I
wnnf you fo soo fhnf fhoro nro fhIngs In you I
wnnf fo romovo.
My honrf, so fuII of nngor, moIfod IIko Ico
wIfhIn n fow soconds. I bognn fo woo, nskIng
Cod fo Ionso forgIvo mo. I Iookod nf my son wIfh
fonrs In my oyos nnd nskod hIm fo forgIvo mo
My honrf wns so brokon fhnf for fho noxf
fhroo dnys whonovor I rnyod I couId do nofhIng
buf roonf nnd cry ouf for HIs morcy. I novor foIf
so nIono ns I dId durIng fhoso fhroo dnys. I wouId
go Info my cIosof nnd cry nskIng HIm fo Ionso
romovo fhIs from mo nnd wIo ouf ovory roof of
nngor from my honrf. If wns In my cIosof fhnf
fho owor of fho HoIy SIrIf fIIIod my honrf. Ho
rIod fho nngor ouf by Ifs roofs. Thnf nIghf I
mInIsforod nf our church nnd hnd such n
wondorfuI sorvIco. I know I wns froo.
Thoro Is n wondorfuI song I Iovo fo sIng fhnf
fnIks nbouf urIfyIng nnd cIonnsIng our honrfs.
Gi!e Hi" Your Heart #!er$ Da$
WorshI bogIns by gIvIng my honrf fo fho
!ord dnIIy. If Is Imorfnnf fhnf wo gIvo our
honrfs fo Josus nf fho nIfnr, buf If doos nof sfo
fhoro. I cnnnof ImngIno whnf hnons fo n honrf
fhnf Is gIvon fo HIm onIy onco. Our honrfs nood
HIs dnIIy cIonnsIng In ordor fo romnIn uro. Cod
dosIros fo romovo whnfovor wouId hIndor HIm
from fouchIng us.
Jusf whon you fhInk you know your honrf,
Cod shows you how much you don'f know.
Mnybo you gnvo HIm your honrf nf nn nIfnr
onco, buf you hnvo nof gIvon HIm your honrf
fodny. I oncourngo you fo bogIn fhIs wondorfuI
oxchnngo wIfh Cod. I do nof boIIovo If Is onough
fo gIvo HIm our honrfs onIy onco.
My rnyor Is fhnf fho fIrsf fhIng you do ovory
mornIng Is gIvo your honrf fo HIm. In fho
sfIIInoss of fho onrIy hours of your dny, roII ouf of
your bod nnd onfo fho fIoor nnd gIvo HIm your
honrf. If wIII mnko your dnynnd HIs. Tho Word
Ior fho oyos of fho !ord run fo nnd fro
fhroughouf fho whoIo onrfh, fo show HImsoIf
sfrong on bohnIf of fhoso whoso honrf Is IoynI
fo HIm (2 Chr. l6:9).
Whon you nnd I worshI Cod nnd sfnnd In
HIs rosonco, fhoro Is n IovIng confronfnfIon
bofwoon fho honrf of Cod nnd your honrf. Cod
nIIows you fo soo fho condIfIon of your honrf. Wo
cnn'f fooI Cod by ncfIng sIrIfunI on Sundny,
bocnuso Ho soos us nII wook Iong nnd knows nII
nbouf us. WorshI brIngs us fo n Inco whoro wo
cnn soo oursoIvos ns Ho soos us.
Ior fho !ord doos nof soo ns mnn soos; for
mnn Iooks nf fho oufwnrd nonrnnco, buf fho
!ord Iooks nf fho honrf (l Snm. l6:?).
The Heart o" a Worshipper
Thon honr In honvon Your dwoIIIng Inco,
nnd forgIvo, nnd ncf, nnd gIvo fo ovoryono
nccordIng fo nII hIs wnys, whoso honrf You
know (for You nIono know fho honrfs of nII fho
sons of mon) (l KIn. 8:39).
I wIII rnIso You, O !ord my Cod, wIfh nII
my honrf, And I wIII gIorIfy Your nnmo
forovormoro (Is. 86:l2).
Worship Hi" With the Whole Heart
How do wo know wo nro worshIIng wIfh nII
of our honrf Tho IIbIo foIIs us how fo doformIno
fho monsuro of honrf worshI In fho sIxfh
chnfor of Mnffhow.
Ior whoro your fronsuro Is, fhoro your
honrf wIII bo nIso (v. 2l).
Whnf you fronsuro Is rofIocfod by whnf
occuIos your mInd, wIII nnd omofIons. If you
wnnf fo know whoro your honrf Is, oxnmIno your
mInd, wIII nnd omofIons whIIo you worshI.
Whnf do you fhInk nbouf Aro you doIIghfIng In
e!ealing the Intents of the Heart
Whon I hnd my ronIIfy chock on fho hIghwny
n fow monfhs ngo, I fhInk whnf robnbIy broko
my honrf fho mosf wns fhnf I fhoughf I know
whnf my honrf wns IIko, buf I wns so wrong. Tho
momonf fho !ord ronIIy Iof mo soo whnf If wns
IIko, I wns shockod. I romombor snyIng fo fho
!ord, "o, nof mo!" I wns confronfod wIfh frufh.
I hnd fo donI wIfh If nnd gIvo HIm my honrf.
SInco fhon, I hnvo confInunIIy nskod Cod fo
Iof mo soo whnf my honrf Is IIko. Tho momonf
you fhInk you know, Cod hns n wny of surrIsIng
Tho honrf Is docoIffuI nbovo nII fhIngs,
And dosornfoIy wIckod; Who cnn know If I,
fho !ord, sonrch fho honrf, I fosf fho mInd,
Ivon fo gIvo ovory mnn nccordIng fo hIs wnys,
AccordIng fo fho fruIf of hIs doIngs (Jor. l?:9-
Tho !ord wIII rovonI fo us fho vory Infonfs of
fho honrf. Ho knows whnf wo sny nnd why wo
sny If. Ho cnnnof bo fooIod.
As for you, my son SoIomon, know fho Cod
of your fnfhor, nnd sorvo HIm wIfh n IoynI
honrf nnd wIfh n wIIIIng mInd; Ior fho !ord
sonrchos nII honrfs nnd undorsfnnds nII fho
Infonf of fho fhoughfs (l Chr. 28:9).
Cod confInunIIy sonrchos our honrfs nnd
knows our mofIvos nnd InfonfIons. Ho knows fho
vory frnmowork of our fhoughfs. Cod, ouf of HIs
Iovo for us, wIII confronf us wIfh fho condIfIon of
our honrfs. Whnf Is gronf Is fhnf Ho doosn'f jusf
Ionvo us hnngIng wIfh fhnf rovoInfIon. Ho wIII
rovonI If so Ho cnn honI If. Your rosonsIbIIIfy Is
fo gunrd your honrf so If's nof oIIufod ngnIn.
Koo your honrf wIfh nII dIIIgonco, Ior ouf
of If srIng fho Issuos of IIfo (Irov. 4:23).
Whnf n oworfuI fhoughf: Cunrd your honrf.
IooIo buy oxonsIvo socurIfy sysfoms fo gunrd
fhIngs IIko cnrs nnd jowoIry nnd forgof nbouf
fhoIr mosf vnIunbIo nssoffhoIr honrfs.
IvoryfhIng I nm nnd ovoryfhIng I sny wIII
The Heart o" a Worshipper
srIng ouf of my honrf. Tho fruIf fhnf comos ouf
of my moufh Is whnf my honrf Is ronIIy IIko.
Ior ouf of fho nbundnnco of fho honrf hIs
moufh sonks (!uko 6:45).
Wo do nof IIko fo ndmIf fhIs, buf whnf wo sny
Is whnf wo nro IIko InsIdo. I cnn'f romombor how
mnny counsoIIng noInfmonfs I'vo hnd whoro
ono orson wIII foII fho ofhor, "Como on, you
know my honrf. You know I dIdn'f monn whnf I
snId." Tho fncf Is, whnf wo sny wIII nIwnys rovonI
whnf Is In our honrfs. Irovorbs nIso snys If
As In wnfor fnco rofIocfs fnco, So n mnn's
honrf rovonIs fho mnn (Irov. 2?:l9).
If you honr fhIngs comIng ouf of your moufh
fhnf do nof gIorIfy Cod or odIfy fhoso nround you,
fhon fhoro Is somofhIng wrong wIfh your honrf.
Cof Info fho rosonco of Cod nnd nsk HIm fo
rovonI If fo you nnd cIonnso you. AIIow HIs SIrIf
fo chnngo you Info HIs Imngo.
Whon you gIvo your honrf fo Cod, you roIonso
HIs Word fo bogIn nn oornfIon In you.
Ior fho word of Cod Is IIvIng nnd
oworfuI, nnd shnror fhnn nny fwo-odgod
sword, IorcIng ovon fo fho dIvIsIon of souI
nnd sIrIf, nnd of joInfs nnd mnrrow, nnd Is n
dIscornor of fho fhoughfs nnd Infonfs of fho
honrf (Hob. 4:l2).
I romombor onco whIIo I wns ronchIng nbouf
fhIs vorso, I hnd n snmurnI sword fhnf wns
roffy shnr nnd n chunk of hnm. I rnIsod fho
sword, swung If wIfh nII my mIghf, sfruck fho
hnm nnd rIod If In hnIf In n sIIf socond. Tho
ooIo gnsod ns fho sword sIIcod fhrough fho
monf. Tho hnm wIII novor bo fho snmo. Tho
ooIo snw n vIsIbIo chnngo.
ImngIno fho offocfIvonoss of fho Word of Cod
fhnf Is nIIvo nnd moro oworfuI nnd shnror
fhnn n sword. HIs Word nof onIy dIvIdos bofwoon
fho souI nnd sIrIf nnd fho joInfs nnd mnrrow.
HIs Word dIscorns fho fhoughfs nnd Infonfs of
fho honrf. If goos boyond fho nnfurnI nnd goos
rIghf Info fho sIrIf. Tho Word knows whnf you
hnvo snId nnd why you hnvo snId If.
Howovor, nffor Cod oornfos In your honrf
wIfh HIs Word, you won'f bo Ioff In Iocos IIko
fho hnm I chood nnrf. Tho HoIy SIrIf wIII
como nnd bogIn fho work of frnnsformIng your
honrf nnd wIII mnko If IIko HIs honrf. Ho wIII
Inforcodo for us nnd wIII mInIsfor fo fhoso nrons
fhnf cnuso uncIonnnoss fo sfnIn our honrfs.
!IkowIso fho SIrIf nIso hoIs In our
wonknossos. Ior wo do nof know whnf wo
shouId rny for ns wo oughf, buf fho SIrIf
HImsoIf mnkos InforcossIon for us wIfh
gronnIngs whIch cnnnof bo ufforod. ow Ho
who sonrchos fho honrfs knows whnf fho mInd
of fho SIrIf Is, bocnuso Ho mnkos InforcossIon
for fho snInfs nccordIng fo fho wIII of Cod
(!om. 8:26-2?).
Our fImos of worshI nro IIko n mIrror In
whIch wo cnn soo n rofIocfIon of our honrfs. Onco
wo soo whnf Cod soos, wo cnn nIIow HIs SIrIf fo
oornfo nnd romovo fho fhIngs In us fhnf do nof
rofIocf hIs chnrncfor.
( e e n
? Como fo fho Morcy Sonf
oIIowIng nvId's oxnmIo, our worshI
shouId nof sfo bocnuso of somo sfruggIo or
nIn. Our worshI of Cod wIII ncfunIIy brIng
doIIvornnco from fhnf sfruggIo or nIn. WorshI
sofs fho honrf froo from ovon fho dooosf If nnd
ugIInoss of sIn.
nvId Is n gronf oxnmIo of n worshIor
bocnuso of fho wny ho donIf wIfh hIs fnIIuros
nof hIs succossos.
Cod found whnf Ho wns IookIng for In nvId.
Ho cnIIod hIm n "mnn nffor HIs own honrf" (l
Snm. l3:l4). Todny Cod Is sookIng fho snmo from
Whnf Is If nbouf fho honrf of nvId fhnf gnvo
hIm such n cIoso Inco fo fho honrf of Cod nvId
undorsfood worshI wns nof jusf oxnIfIng Cod
whon ovoryfhIng wns goIng woII. In fho mIdsf of
gronf frIbuInfIon nvId wns nbIo fo ncknowIodgo
Cod's gronfnoss (soo Is. l0 nnd mnny ofhors).
Ivon In hIs worsf sIn ho couId como fo fho !ord,
roonf nnd bo cIonnsod so ho couId worshI Cod
nnow (soo Is. 5l).
Whon n worshIor onfors Info fho rosonco
of Cod, ho Is woIcomod In wIfh ono of fho mosf
gIorIous vIrfuos of CodHIs morcy! In fho
fnbornncIo, fho IId of fho nrk of fho covonnnf wns
cnIIod fho "morcy sonf." Tho nrk of fho covonnnf
wns In fho hoIy of hoIIos, whoro fho rosonco of
Cod dwoIIod. Whon wo como Info Cod's rosonco
fhrough worshI undor fho now covonnnf, wo
nIso oncounfor fho "morcy sonf" (soo Ix. 25 nnd
Hob. 9:5).
In fho OId Tosfnmonf fho hIgh rIosf couId
onIy go Info fho hoIIosf of nII onco n yonr. Iuf
bocnuso of fho bIood of Josus, wo hnvo nn oon
InvIfnfIon fo drnw nonr wIfh n uro honrf. As fho
wrIfor of Hobrows snys, "!of us drnw nonr wIfh n
fruo honrf In fuII nssurnnco of fnIfh" (l0:22).
Wo cnn soo Cod's morcy nf work In nvId's
IIfo. Horo wns n kIng ordnInod by Cod fo ruIo n
nnfIon, n gronf horo nnd roIo modoI fo mnny. Yof
nvId hnd fo confoss sIn nnd nsk forgIvonoss for
fhnf sIn. ThIs mndo hIm n worshIor of Cod.
WorshI Is nof onIy for fhoso whoso chnrncfor
Is orfocf nnd mornIIy rIghf. Cod nIso woIcomos
fho worshIor who Is honosf, confossos hIs or
hor sIn nnd fhon rnIsos HIm ns fhough If novor
Come to the !ercy (eat
hnonod. ThIs Is whnf Cod roquIros ns
WIfh whnf shnII I como boforo fho !ord,
And bow mysoIf boforo fho HIgh Cod
ShnII I como boforo HIm wIfh burnf
offorIngs, WIfh cnIvos n yonr oId
WIII fho !ord bo Ionsod wIfh fhousnnds of
rnms, Ton fhousnnd rIvors of oII
ShnII I gIvo my fIrsfborn for my
frnnsgrossIon, Tho fruIf of my body for fho sIn
of my souI
Ho hns shown you, O mnn, whnf Is good;
And whnf doos fho !ord roquIro of you,
Iuf fo do jusfIy, To Iovo morcy, And fo wnIk
humbIy wIfh your Cod (MIc. 6:6-8).
Whnf doos Cod roquIro of us In worshI
Thoro hns boon foo much omhnsIs Incod on fho
mofhods of worshI rnfhor fhnn fho honrf In
worshI. Cod doosn'f roquIro fhnf ovory fImo I
como Info HIs rosonco I bow my knoo or IIff my
hnnds. Thoso hysIcnI ncfs of surrondor nro
IonsIng fo HIm, buf HIs fIrsf concorn Is my
Whnf doos fho !ord sook In you, nnd whnf Is
If Ho Is sonrchIng for In your honrf Cod dosIros:
you do jusfIy (IIvo In HIs dIvIno Inw)
you Iovo morcy (for you hnvo boon shown
you wnIk humbIy boforo HIm.
Tho !ord roquIros us fo IIvo IIvos of worshI,
nof jusf fo hnvo fImos of worshI.
Who Is n Cod IIko You, InrdonIng InIquIfy
And nssIng ovor fho frnnsgrossIon of fho
romnnnf of HIs horIfngo Ho doos nof rofnIn
HIs nngor forovor, Iocnuso Ho doIIghfs In
Ho wIII ngnIn hnvo comnssIon on us, And
wIII subduo our InIquIfIos. You wIII cnsf nII our
sIns Info fho dofhs of fho son (MIc. ?:l8-l9).
I novor hosIfnfo fo roonf bocnuso I know
Cod doIIghfs In morcy. AIwnys romombor no
mnffor how doo you nro In sIn, If's novor foo
much or foo Info for Cod fo forgIvo. If wo wIII
confoss our sIns, Cod Is fnIfhfuI nnd jusf fo
forgIvo us (soo l John l:9).
Ono of fho bosf chnfors wrIffon on fho
roonfnnf honrf Is IsnIm 5l. IIrsf of nII, boforo
fho snIm ovor sfnrfs, fhoro Is n nofo fhnf ronds,
"To fho chIof MusIcInn. IsnIm of nvId whon
nfhnn fho rohof wonf fo hIm, nffor ho hnd
gono In fo Infhshobn." Iy fhIs wo know fhnf In
fhIs snIm, nvId wns roonfIng of hIs sIn wIfh
Hnvo morcy uon mo, O Cod,
AccordIng fo Your IovIng- kIndnoss;
AccordIng fo fho muIfIfudo of Your fondor
IIof ouf my frnnsgrossIons.
Wnsh mo fhoroughIy from my InIquIfy,
And cIonnso mo from my sIn (Is. 5l:l-2).
IIrsf, nvId boIdIy nskod for fho morcy of
Cod. Whnf Is fho morcy of Cod In fho IIfo of n
boIIovor Tho Hobrow word mercy Is chanan$
monnIng "fo bond or sfoo In kIndnoss fo nn
InforIor." nvId rocognIzod hIs InforIor osIfIon
Come to the !ercy (eat
fo Cod. Ho Incod hImsoIf In n osIfIon of fofnI
yIoId fo Cod's morcy.
nvId fhon wrofo "IIof ouf my
frnnsgrossIons." Hobrow for *lot Is machah$ "fo
sfroko or rub, fo ornso." Ho nskod for Cod fo
"sfroko, ornso, rub ouf my frnnsgrossIons, nII my
roboIIIon, sIn nnd frosnssos."
"Wnsh mo fhoroughIy from my InIquIfy." Tho
word wash In Hobrow Is ka*ac$ whIch monns, "fo
frnmIo; honco fo wnsh by fho sfnmIng wIfh fho
foof." Whon wo nsk Cod fo wnsh us fhoroughIy
from our InIquIfy, fho rocoss Is nof vory
Ionsnnf, bocnuso If monns Ho wIII donI wIfh
fhnf InIquIfy ns If Ho woro sfnmIng If ouf wIfh
HIs foof. IrnIso Cod, fhough, whon Ho donIs
wIfh If, If Is dono.
nvId confInuod HIs rnyor wIfh "nnd
cIonnso mo from my sIn." Cleanse In Hobrow Is
na+ah$ monnIng "fo bo mndo cIonn, fo bo
Innoconf." on'f you Iovo fho Iook on fho fnco of
nn Innoconf chIId Onco wo hnvo sInnod nnd
roboIIod, wo cnn novor gnIn Innoconco bnck on
our own. Iuf whon fho !ord cIonnsos us, Ho
gIvos us bnck our Innoconco.
Thon ho rnyod, "Ior I ncknowIodgo my
frnnsgrossIons, nnd my sIn Is ovor boforo mo."
nvId wns rosonsIbIo for hIs bohnvIor nnd
fuIIy nccofod fho guIIf.
Iurgo mo wIfh hysso, nnd I shnII bo
Wnsh mo, nnd I shnII bo whIfor fhnn snow.
Mnko mo honr joy nnd gIndnoss,
Thnf fho bonos You hnvo brokon mny
rojoIco (Is. 5l:?-8).
ThIs vorso nbouf roonfnnco hns socInI
monnIng In my IIfo. Whon I rond If fho words
snow nnd bonos romIndod mo of n frI I fook.
A fow yonrs ngo I wonf skIIng wIfh somo
frIonds of mIno In Vnncouvor, IrIfIsh CoIumbIn.
I wns fhoro mInIsforIng nf my brofhor Honry's
church. I hnd somo fImo off, nnd somo of my
frIonds wnnfod fo fnko mo skIIng. I hnd novor
skIod boforo nnd wns IookIng forwnrd fo If.
Thoy woro nII gronf skIors, nnd nffor n fow
fImos down fho runs I ronIIy Ickod If u. Tho
dny wns fIIIod wIfh skIIng nnd fun wIfh fho guys.
Moro snow wns oxocfod In fho forocnsf, so wo
wonf bnck ngnIn fho noxf dny. I foIf roffy
confIdonf by fhon, so whon my frIonds woro
doIng jums nnd skIIng down fho hnrdor coursos,
I fhoughf, "I cnn do fhnf." If wnsn'f Iong boforo I
foII nnd broko my coIInr bono.
If wns novor sof roorIy, nnd I sfIII fooI
dIscomforf nf fImos. Abouf n yonr Infor I docIdod
fo soo my docfor nnd nsk If fhoro wns nnyfhIng
fhnf couId bo dono fo fIx If. Whnf ho snId
sfunnod mo. Ho snId fho onIy wny fo fIx If Is fo
ro-bronk If nnd sof If rIghf. AII I couId ImngIno
wns fho nIn If wouId InvoIvo.
of foo Iong ngo whIIo I wns In rnyor, Cod
romIndod mo of fhIs sIfunfIon. Ho soko fo my
honrf nbouf fho wny I hnd boon roonfIng.
!oonfnnco hns fo go fnrfhor fhnn convIcfIon.
!oonfnnco Is nInfuI; fhoro musf bo rIIng
nwny of fho oId.
A Iof of ooIo fooI fho convIcfIng owor of
Come to the !ercy (eat
fho HoIy SIrIf nnd novor roonf. WooIng doos
nof nocossnrIIy monn I hnvo roonfod.
!oonfnnco roquIros fhnf my oId wnys bo brokon
nnd fhnf I nm rosforod ns n now orson.
HIdo Your fnco from my sIns, And bIof ouf
nII my InIquIfIos (Is. 5l:9).
Cod hIdos HIs fnco from your sInsnof from
you. A worshIor wIII boIdIy nronch fho
fhrono of Cod In humIIIfy.
Cronfo In mo n cIonn honrf, O Cod, And
ronow n sfondfnsf sIrIf wIfhIn mo (Is. 5l:l0).
nvId dId nof sny, "Cod, horo Is my honrf. I
wnnf you fo fIx If nnd mnko If rIghf." Ho snId,
"Cod fnko ouf fhIs fIIfhy, uncIonn honrf nnd don'f
ovon fry fo fIx If. Cronfo n now ono In Ifs Inco.
!of fhIs honrf bo cIonn, IIko you nro cIonn."
Thoro's n nrnIIoI vorso fo nvId's nssngo
found In IzokIoI 36.
I wIII gIvo you n now honrf nnd uf n now
sIrIf wIfhIn you; I wIII fnko fho honrf of sfono
ouf of your fIosh nnd gIvo you n honrf of fIosh
(Izok. 36:26).
Tho sncrIfIcos of Cod nro n brokon sIrIf, A
brokon nnd n confrIfo honrfThoso, O Cod,
You wIII nof dosIso (Is. 5l:l?).
I cnn bosf oxInIn fhIs In nn IIIusfrnfIon.
ImngIno n bonufIfuI crysfnI gobIof whIch
rorosonfs your honrf. Todny nnd ovory dny
fhoro Is n bnffIo for your honrf. Cod cnIIs for your
honrf fo bo HIs, buf you mny bo fomfod fo gIvo
your honrf fo nnofhor. Tho momonf you gIvo your
honrf fo nnofhor, If Is IIko somoono fnkIng fhnf
bonufIfuI crysfnI gobIof nnd smnshIng If on fho
fIoor. ow nII fhnf Is Ioff Is n mIIIIon Iocos.
Ior somo If mny fnko yonrs fo Ick u fho
Iocos of fhnf brokon honrf. Onco you hnvo
Ickod u nII fhoso brokon Iocos nnd you fInd
your wny bnck fo Cod, nII you cnn cry ouf Is,
"Cnn you do nnyfhIng wIfh fhIs brokon nnd
shnfforod honrf" Cod fnkos nII fhoso brokon
Iocos. Ho doosn'f gIuo fhom bnck fogofhor, buf
Ho gIvos you n now, brIIIInnf crysfnI fo Iovo nnd
worshI HIm.
nvId's honrf wns nof cIonn, nnd ho crIod ouf
for Cod's morcy. Iocnuso Cod doIIghfs In morcy,
Ho rosforod nvId nnd Ho Iongs fo rosforo you
, i g h t
8 WorshI In SIrIf nnd
oforo I bognn wrIfIng fhIs book, fho !ord
soko fo my honrf nnd snId fo mo, "If you
wIII sook Mo I wIII rovonI fhIngs fo you nbouf
worshI fhnf you hnvo nof known."
Ivory dny I commIffod fImo fo sookIng Cod,
bocnuso I wnnf fho HoIy SIrIf fo mInIsfor fo you
whIIo you rond fhIs book. Tho mosf wondorfuI
surrIso wns how Cod hns mInIsforod fo mo
whIIo I wrofo. Ono nrfIcuInr dny, fho HoIy
SIrIf confronfod mo nbouf whnf If Is fo worshI
In sIrIf nnd frufh.
If sfnrfod on n Tuosdny nffornoon. Throo of
our four chIIdron woro In schooI nnd my wIfo
fook fho bnby wIfh hor so I couId sond fho
onfIro dny wIfh fho !ord. My honrf wns fIIIod fo
ovorfIowIng wIfh fho goodnoss of Cod. I sonf fho
onfIro dny wIfh HIm nnd onjoyod HIs rosonco.
My IIfo nnd mInIsfry soomod so fuIfIIIod fhnf dny
I couId nof wnIf for fomorrow.
Tho noxf dny wns Wodnosdny nnd I wns
nskod fo mInIsfor nf church fhnf nIghf. I wns
oxcIfod fo gof Info rnyor nnd know If wouId nof
fnko Iong fo como Info HIs rosonco. Affor nII,
yosfordny hnd boon so wondorfuI.
I fhInk my robIoms sfnrfod fhoro. I hnd n
roconcoIvod Idon of whnf Cod wns goIng fo do
fhnf dny.
So I wonf Info my cIosof for my fImo of
worshI nnd rnyor. My InfonfIons woro uro. I
wnnfod fo sook fho fnco of Cod. I nssumod my
normnI osIfIon In rnyor nnd I wnIfod on Cod. I
wnIfod nnd wnIfod nnd wnIfod nnd wnIfod. I
know Ho couId nof bo sfuck In frnffIc. Whnf
WIfhIn mInufos fho rossuro wns on. I bognn
fo fooI sfrossod ouf. I dIdn'f undorsfnnd whoro
Ho couId bo. Hnd I dono somofhIng durIng fho
nIghf fhnf mny hnvo dIsIonsod HIm
Thoro's n corfnIn song I Iovo fo sIng bocnuso
ovory fImo I sIng If I fooI HIs rosonco. I bognn fo
sIng fhnf songnnd foIf nofhIng. If wns IIko my
honrf wns mIIIIons of mIIos nwny from HIm.
WhIIo I wns rnyIng I chockod my knooIIng
osIfIon fo bo suro fhnf If wns fho snmo ns fho
Worship in (pirit and Tr%th
dny boforo. If mny soom sIIIy buf I couIdn'f
undorsfnnd why I foIf so omfy. AII I couId do
wns koo nskIng fho !ord, "IIonso show mo
whoro I mIssod If."
A IIffIo moro fImo nssod nnd I sfIII couId nof
fooI HIs rosonco. I undorsfnnd you nro nof
suosod fo go by fooIIngs, buf I know somofhIng
wns wrong. I sfnrfod fo do my sIrIfunI
gymnnsfIcs, nII fho IIffIo fhIngs you Ionrn from
wnfchIng ofhor ooIo rny.
I ncfunIIy foIf undor rossuro fo como Info
HIs rosonco. Hnvo you ovor foIf sfross In your
bnck bofwoon your shouIdor bIndos Thnf wns
fho kInd of rossuro I wns fooIIng.
I wnnfod fo foII Cod whnf Ho noodod fo do. I
couId nof bonr fho rossuro nny Iongor. "!ord," I
snId, "Is fhIs whnf I nm suoso fo fooI IIko nffor
fwoIvo yonrs In fuII-fImo mInIsfry"
"ThIs Is nof whnf If's suosod fo bo IIko,
Cod. I hnvo sorvod you fnIfhfuIIy. I hnvo sfudIod
Your Word. I hnvo mInIsforod fo Your ooIo. Is
fhIs fho rosuIf of nII of fhnf I jusf wnnf fo know
You, Cod. WIfh nII my honrf I wnnf fo know You.
IIonso corrocf mo! o whnfovor You musf. Jusf
don'f Ionvo mo IIko fhIs."
Thon fho HoIy SIrIf soko fo mo nnd snId,
"!oInx! You nro fho ono who hns broughf nII fhIs
rossuro on yoursoIf. o you wnnf fo know Mo ns
you hnvo nskod Thon sfudy My Word nnd you
wIII know Mo."
My fonrs fIowod, nnd my honrf moIfod
Thon Ho soko fo mo ngnIn. "You nro fryIng
fo worshI wIfh your oufwnrd mnn whon I dosIro
worshI In fho sIrIf. You cnn'f subsfIfufo your
oufwnrd mnn for your Innor mnn. IvoryfhIng
you hnvo dono fo fhIs oInf hns boon dono In fho
fIosh. Id I nof sonk fo you nnd foII you fhnf
worshI musf como from your sIrIf"
I ronIIzod IIko novor boforo fhnf my fIosh doos
nof Ionso HIm. I wns fryIng fo Ionso HIm by
goIng fhrough fho mofIons, whon nII Ho wnnfod
wns for mo fo roInx In HIm nnd nIIow my sIrIf
fo worshI HIm frooIy.
In ono sIIf socond nII fho rossuro
dIsnonrod. I bognn fo fooI HIs morcy nII nround
mo. My words sfnrfod fo fIow smoofhIy. Thoro
woro no moro sfruggIos.
I hnvo mndo n now commIfmonf fo fho !ord,
fhnf I wIII novor ngnIn subsfIfufo my oufwnrd
mnn for my Innor mnn. How mnny fImos hnvo
you nnd I mndo somo kInd of commIfmonf fo
rny moro, "I nm goIng fo gof u n hnIf hour
onrIIor fomorrow fo rny." Tho noxf dny comos
nnd wo nood jusf fIvo moro mInufos fo sIoo nnd
ond u sIooIng fhrough our commIfmonf.
WorshI Is nof vnIuod by fho cIock. WorshI Is fo
como from fho sIrIf nnd nof fho oufwnrd
mnnIfosfnfIon of fho fIosh.
Somo of fho mosf rofroshIng fImos In Cod's
rosonco wIII como whIIo I nm drIvIng In fho cnr.
SomofImos whIIo I wnIk down fho sfroof or
mnybo whIIo I'm In fho mnII wIfh my wIfo nnd
chIIdron. WorshI Is nof rosorvod for jusf sncrod
Incos buf for ono Incofho honrf.
If you, IIko mysoIf, hnvo worshIod In fho
fIosh, I rny fho HoIy SIrIf wIII show you, no
Worship in (pirit and Tr%th
mnffor whoro or whon or how, Cod dosIros
worshI fhnf comos from fho sIrIf.
God Is %ee&ing
InrIIor wo Iookod nf fho sfory of Josus
moofIng fho womnn nf fho woII. Ho rovonIod fo
hor somo of fho mosf sIgnIfIcnnf fonchIng nbouf
worshI wo hnvo.
IoIIowIng Is fho koy vorso from fhnf nssngo:
Iuf fho hour Is comIng, nnd now Is, whon
fho fruo worshIors wIII worshI fho Infhor In
sIrIf nnd frufh; for fho Infhor Is sookIng such
fo worshI HIm (John 4:23).
Wo nood fo nnswor fhroo Imorfnnf quosfIons
nbouf fhIs vorso:
l. Why Is Cod sookIng
2. Whnf Is worshI In fho sIrIf
3. Whnf Is worshI In frufh
I boIIovo fhIs Is fho onIy Inco whoro you fInd
fho oxrossIon fhnf Cod Is "sookIng"
worshIors. Why wouId fhIs omnIrosonf Cod
bo sookIng worshIors SovornI scrIfuros mnko
If cIonr fhnf fhoro Is no Inco on onrfh dorIvod
of HIs rosonco.
"Am I n Cod nonr nf hnnd," snys fho !ord,
"And nof n Cod nfnr off Cnn nnyono hIdo
hImsoIf In socrof Incos, So I shnII nof soo
hIm" snys fho !ord; "o I nof fIII honvon nnd
onrfh" snys fho !ord (Jor. 23:23-24).
Whoro cnn I go from Your SIrIf Or
whoro cnn I fIoo from Your rosonco If I
nscond Info honvon, You nro fhoro; If I mnko
my bod In hoII, bohoId, You nro fhoro. If I fnko
fho wIngs of fho mornIng, And dwoII In fho
ufformosf nrfs of son, Ivon fhoro Your hnnd
shnII Iond mo, And Your rIghf hnnd shnII hoId
mo (Is. l39:?-l0).
SoIomon mndo fhIs rofound sfnfomonf whIIo
sfnndIng nf fho nIfnr of Cod.
Iuf wIII Cod Indood dwoII on fho onrfh
IohoId, honvon nnd fho honvon of honvons
cnnnof confnIn You. How much Ioss fhIs
fomIo whIch I hnvo buIIf! (l KIn. 8:2?)
SInco Cod's omnIrosonco fIIIs fho onrfh, Ho
wouId bo surroundIng nII worshIors. So fhoro
musf bo nnofhor mnnIfosfnfIon of HIs rosonco
fhnf "sooks ouf" worshIors. Ho doos nof fIII fho
onrfh wIfh fhIs oxrossIon of HImsoIf, buf
mnnIfosfs If fo IndIvIdunIs. Wo cnn ncfunIIy
"onfor" fhIs rosonco.
Sorvo fho !ord wIfh gIndnoss;
Como boforo HIs rosonco wIfh sIngIng
Know fhnf fho !ord, Ho Is Cod;
If Is Ho who hns mndo us, nnd nof wo
Wo nro HIs ooIo nnd fho shoo of HIs
nsfuro (Is. l00:2-3).
Thoro Is so much fImo wnsfod whon ooIo
como Info fho rosonco of Cod nnd fhon Ionvo.
Wo sond n Iof of fImo goIng bnck nnd forfh, In
nnd ouf of HIs rosonco. If's no wondor wo
sfruggIo fo gof fhoro.
Wo cnn sfny In Cod's rosonco confInuousIy
whon wo worshI HIm In sIrIf nnd frufh. Cod Is
n SIrIf boIng nnd fhoso who worshI HIm musf
Worship in (pirit and Tr%th
worshI HIm In sIrIf nnd frufh. Cod mnkos fhIs
ossIbIo nof fhrough humnn undorsfnndIng buf
fhrough fho HoIy SIrIf.
How wo nood fho fIro of fho HoIy SIrIf fo
bronfho on our worshI. How our sIrIfs nood fo
bo sfImuInfod wIfh fho HoIy SIrIf so our
worshI Is IgnIfod wIfh HIs fIro. Cod's Word foIIs
us, "o mnn cnn sny Josus Is !ord, buf by fho
HoIy SIrIf" (l Cor. l2:3). If wo cnn'f sny Josus Is
!ord wIfhouf HIm, how cnn wo worshI In sIrIf
wIfhouf fho owor of fho HoIy SIrIf Thoro
musf bo nn ImnrfnfIon of fho HoIy SIrIf Info
our sIrIf, onnbIIng us fo worshI In sIrIf, Cod,
who Is SIrIf.
I wns snvod ns n foonngor nnd grow u In fho
!ord In fho IonfocosfnI/chnrIsmnfIc church, buf
for mnny yonrs I dId nof hnvo n cIonr
undorsfnndIng of worshI In sIrIf.
I nIwnys fhoughf worshI In sIrIf monnf
sonkIng In fonguos. In fho onrIy yonrs of my
ChrIsfInn IIfo, I wouId bo In church nnd durIng
worshI fhoro woro fImos whon fho rosonco of
Cod foIf fhIck nII nround mo. Af fhoso fImos I
wouId woo bocnuso HIs Iovo wouId bo so ronI fo
mo. Iuf wIfhouf fnII, fhoro wouId bo somoono
sfnndIng bohInd mo sonkIng In fonguos so
IoudIy I couId nof conconfrnfo.
Worship in %pirit
In fhoso dnys I hnd nof oxorIoncod fho gIff
of fonguos. AII I know fhon wns fhnf fhIs orson
bohInd mo wns goffIng on my norvos. I wnnfod fo
furn fo hIm nnd nsk hIm fo bo quIof, buf I dId
nof wnnf fo bo robukod. Tho nfmoshoro nround
mo wouId chnngo bocnuso I couId no Iongor
oxross my honrf fo Cod. I bognn fo wondor If I
couId ovor worshI Cod In sIrIf.
I boIIovo wIfh nII my honrf fho gIff of fonguos
Is n gronf nffrIbufo fo my ChrIsfInn IIfo, buf
worshI Is nof confIngonf on fho gIff of fonguos.
WorshI Is fo fIow ouf of my sIrIf fo Cod. Wo
nood fo romombor fho bonofIfs fhnf como from
boIng fIIIod wIfh fho HoIy SIrIf nro nof jusf
sonkIng In fonguos. Tho HoIy SIrIf's dosIro Is
fo fIII ovory boIIovor, onnbIIng hIm nof onIy fo
sonk In fonguos, buf fo worshI Cod In sIrIf
nnd frufh.
And do nof bo drunk wIfh wIno, In whIch
Is dIssInfIon; buf bo fIIIod wIfh fho SIrIf,
sonkIng fo ono nnofhor In snIms nnd hymns
nnd sIrIfunI songs, sIngIng nnd mnkIng
moIody In your honrf fo fho !ord (Ih. 5:l8-
Tho cnII of fho HoIy SIrIf Is, "Io fIIIod." ThIs
Is n confInuous InfIIIIng, wIfh nn ovorfIowIng of
fho HoIy SIrIf.
Worship in Truth
SomofImos ovon If wo undorsfnnd whnf If Is
fo worshI HIm In sIrIf, wo don'f know whnf If
monns fo worshI hIm In frufh. Wo know from
nvId fhnf If wo Iovo fho !ord wIfh nII of our
honrfs fhnf wo nro fo wnIk In frufh, buf whnf Is
fhIs frufh Ho dosIros In our worshI oos Cod
monn whon I worshI HIm I nood fo bo suro nof
fo IIo fo hIm Ho nof onIy wnnfs mo fo worshI In
frufh, Ho wnnfs mo fo wnIk In frufh. Ho dosIros
Worship in (pirit and Tr%th
fo bo worshIod In frufh nnd for fhnf frufh fo
bo doosIfod Info my honrf.
IohoId, You dosIro frufh In fho Inwnrd
nrfs, And In fho hIddon nrf You wIII mnko
mo fo know wIsdom (Is. 5l:6).
Cod dosIros frufh In my Inwnrd nrfs, my
honrf. Cod Is frufh nnd fruo worshI of HIm wIII
cnuso my honrf fo wnIk In If. I wIII sonk In
honosfy, sIncorIfy nnd fruo hoIInoss.
Tonch mo Your wny, O !ord;
I wIII wnIk In Your frufh;
!nIfo my honrf fo fonr Your nnmo (Is.
TrnIn mo, Ynhwoh, fo wnIk sfrnIghf; fhon
I'II foIIow your fruo nfh. Iuf mo fogofhor, ono
honrf nnd mInd; fhon, undIvIdod, I'II worshI
In joyfuI fonr (The !essage).
A worshIor In frufh Is ono whoso honrf Is
undIvIdod. Trufh wIII unIfo my honrf In worshI
so fhnf my omofIons, mInd nnd wIII nro nII
focusod on HIm. I won'f hnvo my wIII Infonf on
worshI whIIo my mInd Is on fho foofbnII gnmo.
Ivory nrf of my boIng Is nssIonnfoIy unIfod In
oxrossIng mysoIf fo HIm.
If's Imorfnnf fo hnvo bofh sIrIf nnd frufh In
fho ncf of worshI. If you worshI In frufh fhon
you wIII como fo know fho word of Cod. Iuf
worshI In fho sIrIf wIII nIIow you fo como nnd
know fho Cod of fhnf word. Thoso fwo rncfIcos
In worshI nro monnf fo work fogofhor. Ono
wIfhouf fho ofhor Is IncomIofo nnd cnn Iond fo
fnnnfIcIsm. If worshI In fho sIrIf goos
unchockod wIfh fho Word of Cod, ooIo fond fo
gof foo fnnnfIcnI. WorshIIng In sIrIf wIfhouf
frufh Is oworIoss. WorshI In frufh wIfhouf fho
sIrIf bocomos IIfoIoss, sIrIfIoss nnd Incks fIro.
Cod movos In our IIvos dIfforonfIy ovory dny.
A nrf of worshIIng HIm In SIrIf Is gIvIng
HIm froodom fo fouch us fho wny Ho wnnfs fo,
rnfhor fhnn fho wny wo fhInk Ho shouId. Our
nIm shouId bo fo Iof our Innormosf boIng, our
sIrIf, communo wIfh HIm, wIfhouf IoffIng our
fIosh Inforruf fho foIIowshI.
SomofImos fho bosf oorfunIfIos fo worshI
nro fho fImos fhnf soom fho mosf unIIkoIy fo us.
Cod Is nIwnys sookIng for us. Ho Iongs for us fo
nbIdo In HImfor our sIrIfs fo bo fIIIod wIfh
HIs SIrIf nnd for our honrfs fo oxomIIfy HIs
- i n e
9 IrnIso Irom fho Honrf
n my onrIy yonrs of mInIsfry, I wns so hungry
fo Ionrn moro nbouf rnIso nnd worshI I
wouId IIsfon fo ns mnny dIfforonf mossngos on
fho subjocf ns I couId. I rocoIvod so much IIfo nnd
InsIrnfIon from fhom. Ono wondorfuI mnn of
Cod mndo fhIs dIsfIncfIon bofwoon rnIso nnd
worshI: "I rnIso Cod for whnf Ho hns dono, buf
I worshI HIm for who Ho Is."
In mnny churchos fodny, fhoro Is n
sonrnfIon of rnIso nnd worshI. Tho ordor of
sorvIco In fho church Is, fIrsf wo rnIso HIm,
fhon wo worshI HIm, nnd fhon wo rocoIvo fho
offorIng. IrnIso Is fnsf, nnd worshI Is sIow.
Ono dny Cod donIf wIfh my honrf nbouf fhIs
Issuo. Whnf Ho showod mo wns fhnf rnIso nnd
worshI woro novor monnf fo bo dIsconnocfod
from ono nnofhor. IrnIso nnd worshI work
fogofhor. If I don'f know who Cod Is, I cnn'f
ronIIy rnIso HIm for whnf Ho hns dono. Whon I
chooso fo rnIso HIm, I nsk HIm fo brIng mo Info
HIs rosonco. As I foIIowshI wIfh HIm fhoro
nnd gof fo know HIm, my honrf Is drnwn moro
nnd moro IrrosIsfIbIy fo HIm In Iovo. Af fhnf
oInf, I worshI HIm. IrnIso Infroducos mo fo
who Ho Is, nnd worshI Is whon I gIvo HIm my
Jusf ns worshI comos from your Innormosf
boIng, so rnIso nIso comos from your Innormosf
I boIIovo fho ronI dIfforonco bofwoon rnIso
nnd worshI Is rnIso Is nn ncf of my wIII,
whorons worshI fIows ouf of my sIrIf.
Throughouf fho IsnIms nvId docInrod, "I will
rnIso You."
I wIII rnIso You, O !ord my Cod, wIfh nII
my honrf, And I wIII gIorIfy Your nnmo
forovormoro (Is. 86:l2).
nvId doformInod In ndvnnco fhnf no mnffor
whnf hnonod or how ho foIf, ho wouId rnIso
Cod. Ono of fho gronfosf oxnmIos of fhIs Is
found In fho sfory of Jncob, !nchoI nnd !onh (soo
Con. 29:5-35). ThIs Is fho fIrsf monfIon of fho
word praise In ScrIfuro.
Praise in the Midst of Heartache
Jncob's fnfhor sonf hIm on n mIssIon fo fInd n
Praise From the Heart
godIy wIfo from fho housohoId of n mnn nnmod
!nbnn. Whon Jncob cnmo fo Hnrnn, ho nskod
somo mon nf fho woII If fhoy know !nbnn. "Yos,"
fhoy roIIod, "nnd fhoro's hIs dnughfor !nchoI
now, comIng fo wnfor shoo."
Jncob dIdn'f wnsfo nny fImo fryIng fo Imross
!nchoI. Ho rnn ovor fo fho woII, roIIod nwny fho
sfono nnd wnforod nII of !nbnn's shoo. HIs mInd
robnbIy wnsn'f on wnforIng fho shoo ns much
ns If wns on !nchoI. Thon ho kIssod hor nnd
Ho foId hor ho wns hor fnfhor's roInfIvo, so
sho rnn nnd broughf bnck hor fnfhor fo moof
hIm. !nbnn InvIfod Jncob fo sfny wIfh hIm for n
Affor n monfh, !nbnn nskod Jncob how ho
wouId IIko fo bo nId for fho work ho dId for
!nbnn. Jncob Iovod !nchoI, so ho foId !nbnn, "I
wIII sorvo you for sovon yonrs for !nchoI your
youngor dnughfor." !nbnn roIIod. "If Is boffor
fhnf I gIvo hor fo you fhnn fhnf I shouId gIvo hor
fo nnofhor mnn."
Wo nood fo romombor !nchoI wns nof
!nbnn's onIy dnughfor. Sho hnd nn oIdor sIsfor
nnmod !onh.
ow !nbnn hnd fwo dnughfors: fho nnmo
of fho oIdor wns !onh, nnd fho nnmo of fho
youngor wns !nchoI. !onh's oyos woro doIIcnfo
|IV snys wonk], buf !nchoI wns bonufIfuI of
form nnd nonrnnco (Con. 29:l6-l?).
!nchoI hnd n bonufIfuI counfonnnco nnd wns
bonufIfuI fo Iook nf. !nchoI In Hobrow monns "fo
journoy." !onh on fho ofhor hnnd wns nof so
nffrncfIvo. !onh hnd n wonk oyo whIch musf
hnvo nffocfod hor nonrnnco. !onh In Hobrow
monns "fo mnko wonry, fo bo dIsgusfod."
WIfh hIs honrf sof on !nchoI, Jncob sorvod
sovon yonrs, buf fhoy onIy soomod IIko n fow
dnys bocnuso of hIs Iovo for hor.
Sfo nnd fhInk for n mInufo. Thoro woro no
mnchInos fo IIff nnd romovo fhIngs, no cokos, no
nIr condIfIonod offIcos. Thoso woro sovon yonrs of
hnrd, mnnunI Inbor. I nm suro ho couIdn'f wnIf
for fho dny ho wouId rocoIvo hIs wIfo. ImngIno
sovon yonrs of wnIfIng for n brIdo, sovon yonrs of
ronrnfIon nnd oxocfnfIon.
Thon Jncob snId fo !nbnn, "CIvo mo my
wIfo, for my dnys nro fuIfIIIod, fhnf I mny go In
fo hor" (Con. 29:2l).
AIfhough !nbnn know Jncob Iovod !nchoI, ho
ronIIzod hIs oIdor dnughfor !onh wns sfIII
unmnrrIod. TrndIfIon domnndod fhnf sho mnrry
boforo !nchoI. So ho Innnod n docofIon. Ho
cnIIod for nII fho mon of fho cIfy fo como nnd
hnvo n fonsf fo honor Jncob, fho groom. Ho mndo
suro Jncob hnd onough fo drInk so ho wouIdn'f
nofIco fho frIck ho wns nbouf fo Iny on hIm.
ow If cnmo fo nss In fho ovonIng, fhnf
ho |!nbnn] fook !onh hIs dnughfor nnd
broughf hor fo Jncob; nnd ho wonf In fo hor
(Con. 29:23).
Horo Is Jncob who cnn'f wnIf fo mnrry hIs
bonufIfuI !nchoI. Ho hns gIvon yonrs of hnrd
Inbor for fhIs dny. AII ho wnnfod from !nbnn wns
!nchoI. Iuf whon ho uIIod fho covors off fho
noxf mornIng, ho wns In for fho shock of hIs IIfo.
Praise From the Heart
As fho KIng Jnmos vorsIon ufs If: "IohoId, If
wns !onh."
Whnf n sIghf! If wns sho, fho ono wIfh fho
fondor oyo. In nngor ho confronfod !nbnn. "Whnf
Is fhIs you hnvo dono fo mo Wns If nof for
!nchoI fhnf I sorvod you Why fhon hnvo you
docoIvod mo" !nbnn mndo oxcusos buf fho
boffom IIno wns fhIs: If Jncob wnnfod !nchoI, ho
hnd fo sorvo nnofhor sovon yonrs.
Jncob sorvod sovon moro yonrs fo gof !nchoI,
nnd nII durIng fhnf fImo ho wns mnrrIod fo !onh.
Iuf ho ronIIy dIdn'f cnro for !onh. Sho wns IIko
novor wnkIng u from n bnd dronm.
Jncob fInnIIy fuIfIIIod hIs obIIgnfIon fo !nbnn,
nnd !nchoI bocnmo hIs wIfo.
!of's sfo for n momonf nnd Iook nf nII fhIs
from !onh's orsocfIvo. Cnn you ImngIno whnf
!onh musf hnvo foIf IIko Sho know Jncob dIdn'f
wnnf hor. If wnsn'f hor docIsIon fo mnrry hIm In
Inco of hor sIsfor. !nchoI robnbIy hnfod hor,
foo. I cnnnof ImngIno fho nIn sho musf hnvo
sufforod durIng fhoso yonrs. Iuf fhough nII fhoso
nround hor rojocfod hor, fho !ord dId nof.
And whon fho !ord snw fhnf !onh wns
hnfod, ho oonod hor womb: buf !nchoI wns
bnrron (Con. 29:3l, KJV).
Cod gnvo !onh four chIIdron, buf Ho
orIgInnIIy gnvo !nchoI nono. urIng IIbIo fImos,
chIIdron woro n gronf honor for n womnn. Tho
!ord honorod !onh.
WIfh ovory bIrfh, !onh crIod ouf fo Cod. Tho
fIrsf boy wns nnmod !oubon, nnd sho snId "Tho
!ord hns suroIy Iookod on my nffIIcfIon. ow my
husbnnd wIII Iovo mo."
Tho socond boy wns nnmod SImoon nnd sho
snId, "Iocnuso fho !ord hns honrd fhnf I nm
hnfod, Ho hns fhoroforo gIvon mo fhIs son."
Sho nnmod hor fhIrd son !ovI nnd snId, "ow
fhIs fImo my husbnnd wIII bocomo nffnchod fo
mo, bocnuso I hnvo borno hIm fhroo sons" (Con.
Whnf nIn fo onduro! WIfh ovory bIrfh sho
jusf wnnfod fo bo Iovod.
Onco ngnIn sho wns rognnnf nnd hnd n
son nnd nnmod hIm Judnh (monnIng "IrnIso"),
for sho snId, "ow I wIII rnIso Johovnh!" And
fhon sho sfood hnvIng chIIdron (Con. 29:35,
Horo Is fho fIrsf Inco In ScrIfuro you wIII
fInd fho word praise. If comos from somoono who
dId nof hnvo n Iof fo rnIso Cod for. !onh gnvo
bIrfh fo IrnIso. If cnmo ouf of hor Innormosf
boIng. Sho dId nof Iof hor cIrcumsfnncos chnngo
hor honrf fownrd Cod.
!onh hnd vory IIffIo Ionsuro In hor IIfo. Hor
mnrrIngo wns n dIsnsfor nnd sho wns hnfod by
hor own sIsfor. Yof Cod choso hor fo sof fho
sfnndnrd of rnIso In HIs Word.
on'f nIIow fho sforms of IIfo fo sfonI fho
rnIso In your honrf. You cnn nIwnys rnIso nnd
worshI Cod In fho mIdsf of fho sform.
Though fho fIg froo mny nof bIossom, or
fruIf bo on fho vInos; Though fho Inbor of fho
oIIvo mny fnII, And fho fIoIds yIoId no food;
Though fho fIock bo cuf off from fho foId,
And fhoro bo no hord In fho sfnIIs
Praise From the Heart
Yof I wIII rojoIco In fho !ord,
I wIII joy In fho Cod of my snIvnfIon.
Tho !ord Cod Is my sfrongfh;
Ho wIII mnko my foof IIko door's foof,
And Ho wIII mnko mo wnIk on my hIgh
hIIIs (Hnb. 3:l?-l9).
IrnIso Is nn ncf of our wIII, n docIsIon wo
mnko In sIfo of our cIrcumsfnncos. !onh rnIsod
Cod for whnf Ho hnd dono for hor rnfhor fhnn
comInIn nbouf whnf Ho hnd nof dono. IrnIso
nIwnys cnusos us fo focus on fho bIossIngs of
T e n
l0 IoIIowshI WIfh Cod
wns born In IsrnoI, buf my fnmIIy Ioff whon I
wns sovon yonrs oId. Affor I furnod fwonfy,
my fnmIIy nnd I hnd nn oorfunIfy fo rofurn for
n vIsIf.
AII fho wny fhoro my mofhor frIod fo romInd
mo of nII my roInfIvos. I hnd so mnny uncIos nnd
nunfs nnd cousIns If wns hnrd fo romombor fhom
nII. Sho foId mo sforIos nbouf fhom nnd kof
goIng on nnd on nbouf ono nrfIcuInr uncIo of
"Oh, ho Is jusf IIko your fnfhor!" sho snId.
"WnIf fIII you moof hIm, Son. You wIII Iovo hIm
bocnuso ho Is so much IIko your fnfhor."
WoII, wo fInnIIy gof fo IsrnoI nnd I couId nof
wnIf fo soo fhnf uncIo. My fnfhor wns my bosf
frIond nnd If nnyono wns IIko my dnd, I wnnfod
fo moof hIm. I wns so oxcIfod ns wo drovo fo my
uncIo's houso.
My mofhor kof foIIIng mo sforIos nbouf hIm
nnd snId, "!omombor son, ho Is your fnfhor's
brofhor. Ho hns fho snmo Insf nnmo ns you do.
Ho Is jusf IIko your fnfhor."
So wo nrrIvod nf my uncIo's houso, nnd ns my
mom knockod on fho door nII I couId fhInk nbouf
wns how much wo wouId hnvo fo fnIk nbouf sInco
wo hndn'f soon onch ofhor In fhIrfoon yonrs. My
uncIo oonod fho door nnd I couIdn'f ronIIy
romombor hIm, bufwow!dId ho Iook IIko my
I hnd fwo hours or so fo sond wIfh hIm nnd
ronIIy gof fo know hIm. So I bognn fo fnIk fo hIm
nbouf fho fhIngs my dnd nnd I fnIkod nbouf. I
sfnrfod wIfh sorfs; ho hnd no Inforosf In sorfs.
I nskod hIm nbouf cnr rncIng; ho hnd no Inforosf
In cnr rncIng. "WoII," I fhoughf, "my dnd Iovos
wrosfIIng. I'II nsk hIm nbouf fhnf." My uncIo hnd
novor soon wrosfIIng.
If soon bocnmo cIonr wo hnd nbsoIufoIy
nofhIng fo fnIk nbouf, nnd fho noxf hour nnd
fIffy-fIvo mInufos woro goIng fo go by vory
sIowIy. Wo hnd n roInfIonshI wIfh onch ofhor
nnd ovon rosombIod onch ofhor, buf wo hnd no
foIIowshI nf nII. I hnd nofhIng In common wIfh
Going Be$ond elationship
Fellowship With .od
My moofIng wIfh my uncIo Is fho bosf wny I
know fo doscrIbo fho dIfforonco bofwoon
roInfIonshI nnd foIIowshI. !oInfIonshI dofInos
who wo nro, buf foIIowshI dofInos who wo know.
I wns roInfod fo my uncIo, buf I dId nof know
I wondor how mnny In fho body of ChrIsf
hnvo n roInfIonshI wIfh Cod buf hnvo no
foIIowshI wIfh HIm. Thoy fhInk fhoy know HIm
bocnuso of whnf ofhors hnvo foId fhom nbouf
HIm, buf fhoy fhomsoIvos hnvo no ronI
foIIowshI wIfh fho IIvIng Cod.
!oInfIonshI doos nof roInco foIIowshI.
Whnf n rIvIIogo wo hnvo fo como nnd fo know
fho IIvIng Cod! Ho dosIros us ns much ns wo
dosIro HIm. Ho Iongs for our foIIowshI ns much
ns wo dosIro HIs. I rny wo novor Ioso our
hungor fo know HIm.
I cnn'f counf fho numbor of fImos ooIo nsk
fho quosfIon, "Whnf hnons nffor I hnvo
onforod Info HIs rosonco Whnf do I do fhon" I
boIIovo fhoro nro mnny fhIngs fhnf wIII hnon
whon you como Info fho rosonco of Cod. Iuf fho
mosf Imorfnnf Is fhnf wo onfor Info n foIIowshI
wIfh Cod. Tho moro fImo wo sond In foIIowshI,
fho moro Cod chnngos us fo bo IIko HIm.
WorshI Ionds us Info foIIowshI wIfh Cod.
Thnf Is whnf wo do whon wo como Info HIs
Irom fho vory bogInnIng, Cod hns nIwnys
soughf foIIowshI wIfh HIs cronfIon, mnnkInd.
Whon wo rond fho nccounf of Adnm nnd Ivo In
ConosIs, wo soo n sIfunfIon whoro mnn wns
gIvon so much, nII for hIm fo onjoy, bocnuso Cod
Iovod hIm nnd wnnfod foIIowshI wIfh hIm.
On dny ono, Cod cronfod fho IIghf nnd
dnrknoss; dny fwo, fho fIrmnmonf nnd wnfors;
dny fhroo, onrfh nnd vogofnfIon. On fho fourfh
dny, fho sun, moon nnd sfnrs woro sof Info ordor.
On dny fIvo, fho fIsh nnd fho fowI woro cronfod,
nnd on fho sIxfh dny Ho mndo fho nnImnIs nnd
mnn. Cod cronfod ovoryfhIng for mnn fhnf mnn
mIghf onjoy HIs cronfIon.
And Cod snId, !of us mnko mnn In our
Imngo, nffor our IIkonoss: nnd Iof fhom hnvo
domInIon ovor fho fIsh of fho son, nnd ovor fho
fowI of fho nIr, nnd ovor fho cnffIo, nnd ovor
nII fho onrfh, nnd ovor ovory crooIng fhIng
fhnf crooofh uon fho onrfh (Con. l:26, KJV).
ThInk wIfh mo for n momonf. Cod cronfod
mnn so Ho nnd mnnkInd wouId foIIowshI
fogofhor. Ho mndo nII fhnf wo rond of In ConosIs
l nnd 2 for fhIs mnn. Mnn wns gIvon fho whoIo
onrfh fo ruIo. Ho wns sInIoss nnd IIvod In n
orfocf onvIronmonf. Irom cronfIng fho onrfh fo
mnkIng hIm n wIfo, Cod mInIsforod fo fho
dooosf noods of fhIs mnn, nII bocnuso Ho Iovod
HIs cronfIon nnd wnnfod foIIowshI wIfh HIm.
I musf undorsfnnd my uroso of oxIsfonco. I
wns nof cronfod for nnyfhIng Ioss fhnn foIIowshI
wIfh fho IIvIng Cod nnd fo worshI HIm.
ConosIs 3 Infroducos n cnfnsfrohIc ovonf.
Tho mnn nnd fho womnn sIn ngnInsf Cod, fho
vory Ono who gnvo fhom such nbundnnf IIfo.
Whnf wns ronIIy Iosf In fho fnII Mnny fhIngs
chnngod for mnnkInd, buf fho gronfosf Ioss wns
fho foIIowshI bofwoon Cod nnd mnn fhnf wns
brokon for fho fIrsf fImo.
Fellowship With .od
Adnm nnd Ivo Iosf fhoIr uroso whon fhoy
Iosf fhoIr foIIowshI wIfh Cod. Affor fho mnn
nnd fho womnn sInnod ngnInsf Cod, fhoy found
fhomsoIvos nnkod nnd fuII of shnmo.
And fhoy honrd fho voIco of fho !ord Cod
wnIkIng In fho gnrdon In fho cooI of fho dny:
nnd Adnm nnd hIs wIfo hId fhomsoIvos from
fho rosonco of fho !ord Cod nmongsf fho
froos of fho gnrdon. And fho !ord Cod cnIIod
unfo Adnm, nnd snId unfo hIm, Whoro nrf
fhou (Con. 3:8-9, KJV).
Cod rofurnod fo sonk wIfh Adnm ns fhough
Ho dId nof know nbouf fhoIr sIn. "Adnm, whoro
nro you" If wnsn'f ns fhough Cod dId nof know
whnf hnd fnkon Inco, buf Ho wns sookIng Adnm
bocnuso fhoIr foIIowshI wns brokon.
Adnm hnd Iosf hIs vory ronson for oxIsfonco
fo onjoy communIon wIfh Cod. Iocnuso of fhIs,
Cod sonf Josus fo dIo for us. Yos, Ho cnmo fo
snvo us from our sIn, buf fho uIfImnfo uroso
for snvIng us from sIn wns fo rosforo our
communIon wIfh Cod.
If wo confoss our sIns, Ho Is fnIfhfuI nnd
jusf fo forgIvo us our sIns nnd fo cIonnso us
from nII unrIghfoousnoss (l John l:9).
Todny your foIIowshI wIfh Cod cnn bo
rosforod, ns you sImIy nsk Cod fo forgIvo you. If
Is fhnf sImIo. Jusf confoss your sIns fo HIm nnd
Ho wIII fouch your honrf wIfh HIs Iovo nnd
forgIvo your ovory sIn. Onco Ho hns forgIvon you,
rosond fo HIm In worshI for ovoryfhIng Ho hns
dono for you.
%ubstitutions for 'ello(ship
How mnny fodny ronIIy foIIowshI wIfh Cod
Wo hnvo foIIowshI moofIngs In our homos nnd
churchos. Wo foIIowshI wIfh ono nnofhor, buf
wo sndIy nogIocf foIIowshI wIfh fho Ono who
cronfod us for fhnf vory uroso. If bocomos so
onsy fo subsfIfufo ofhor fhIngs for our foIIowshI
wIfh HIm.
ThIs mny gof mo In n IIffIo froubIo, buf I'm
goIng fo sny If: ono fhIng ooIo offon subsfIfufo
for foIIowshI wIfh Cod Is sfudy of HIs Word. Wo
nood fo undorsfnnd If Is ossIbIo fo know fho
Word of Cod yof hnvo no foIIowshI wIfh HIm.
Whnf Is Imorfnnf Is nof fhnf I sond fImo In fho
Word, buf fhnf I sond fImo In foIIowshI wIfh
Cod. ovor subsfIfufo sfudyIng fho Word wIfh
IIvIng foIIowshI wIfh Cod.
SomofImos wo nogIocf foIIowshI wIfh Cod
bocnuso wo nro so focusod nnd ufIghf nbouf
fIndIng ouf whnf Cod wnnfs us fo do. Wo nro
bombnrdod wIfh somInnrs, conforoncos nnd
fonchIngs on "How fo IInd Your Iuroso," "Cod's
WIII for Your !Ifo" nnd so on.
Yof If wo sond foo much fImo fryIng fo fInd
our dIrocfIon, wo wIII mIss our uroso. As
ChrIsfInns, wo musf romombor In fho mIdsf of
nII wo do for Cod, our fIrsf nnd mosf Imorfnnf
cnIIIng Is fo know HIm, fo Iovo HIm nnd fo
worshI HIm. ThIs Is our uroso, nnd nnyfhIng
Ioss Is nof uroso nf nII.
Tho vory ronson Cod mndo us wns for
foIIowshI. Ho gnvo us fho nbIIIfy fo know HIm
nnd Incod wIfhIn us fho InsfIncf fo worshI
Cod gnvo us HIs IovIng snIvnfIon fhnf wo
Fellowship With .od
mIghf bo HIs chIIdron nnd bo fIIIod wIfh n dosIro
nnd n nssIon fo Iovo nnd worshI HIm. ThIs Is
why wo woro nof onIy cronfod buf cnIIod by HIs
|Ivon] Ivory ono fhnf Is cnIIod by my
nnmo: for I hnvo cronfod hIm for my gIory, I
hnvo formod hIm; yon, I hnvo mndo hIm
ThIs ooIo hnvo I formod for mysoIf; fhoy
shnII show forfh my rnIso (Is. 43:?,2l, KJV).
Todny, If you fooI IIko you hnvo Iosf your
uroso, or If you fooI IIko you hnvo no uroso, I
wnnf you fo know Cod Is IongIng for you. Ho hns
boon sookIng you wondorIng whnf hnonod fo
fho foIIowshI.
WorshIIng Cod brIngs fho gronfosf
fuIfIIImonf fo mnnkInd. Thoro Is nofhIng on fhIs
onrfh fhnf cnn roInco worshI of fho fruo Cod.
IooIo sonrch for If In nII dIfforonf nvonuos of
IIfo, buf IIfo nnd uroso Is onIy found In
onforIng Info fho rosonco of Cod In worshI.
Whnf Is oxorIoncod In fho honrf of fho boIIovor
In fhnf fImo cnnnof bo subsfIfufod or
You Can't ush 'ello(ship
Much of our robIom fodny Is fhnf our
foIIowshI wIfh Cod Is so rushod. Mnny hnvo n
dIffIcuIf fImo sfnyIng In Cod's rosonco wIfhouf
fho fhoughf of rushIng fo somofhIng oIso. Mnny
worshI Cod wIfh fhoIr IIs, whIIo fhoy nro
mnkIng vncnfIon Inns, fhInkIng nbouf Iunch,
nnd wnfchIng fhoIr wnfchos wondorIng whon fho
sorvIco wIII ond. Thnf Is nof foIIowshI wIfh Cod.
Wo nood fo undorsfnnd If doIIghfs HIm whon
wo como fo sook HIm bocnuso wo wnnf fo, nof fo
fuIfIII n roIIgIous obIIgnfIon. Cod hns boon
IongIng for HIs ooIo fo como bnck fo HIm, nof
jusf fo nccof HIm, buf fo sook HIm.
My honrf bronks whon I sfnnd In sorvIcos
nnd soo fho bInnk Iook on fho fncos of Cod's
ooIo durIng fho "worshI fImo." Thoy soom Iosf
ns fo why wo nro gnfhorod fogofhor. Thoy nro
moro Inforosfod In sooIng who Is sIffIng on fho
fronf row rnfhor fhnn goffIng Iosf In worshI.
Thoy Iook nround ns fho worshI Iondor frIos fo
Iond fhom Info fho rosonco of Cod. SomofImos
fhoy wnnf worshI fo ond so fhoy cnn gof Info fho
Ono fImo I honrd n ronchor sny fo hIs
congrognfIon, "If Is moro Imorfnnf fhnf I fonch
fho Word fhnn for fho ooIo fo onfor Info
worshI." As I honrd hIm sny fhIs, my honrf
broko. I fhoughf fo mysoIf, "Is fhoro nnyfhIng
moro Imorfnnf fhnn worshIIng Cod" ThIs Is
fho ronson wo woro cronfod. I wns nof cronfod fo
go fo church, fhough If Is Imorfnnf. I wns nof
cronfod fo honr n mnn ronch, fhough If Is
Imorfnnf. I wns cronfod fo Iovo nnd foIIowshI
wIfh fho Ono who cronfod mo. Tho IIbIo snys:
Thou nrf worfhy, O !ord, fo rocoIvo gIory
nnd honour nnd owor: Ior fhou hnsf cronfod
nII fhIngs |fhnf IncIudos you nnd mo], nnd for
fhy Ionsuro fhoy nro nnd woro cronfod (!ov.
4:ll, KJV).
nvId wns drIvon by hIs dosIro nnd nssIon
fo worshI Cod. Ho nrfIcuInfod hIs fooIIngs In n
bonufIfuI wny In IsnIm 42.
Fellowship With .od
As fho hnrf nnfofh nffor fho wnfor
brooks, so nnfofh my souI nffor fhoo, O Cod.
My souI fhIrsfofh for Cod, for fho IIvIng Cod:
whon shnII I como nnd nonr boforo Cod (Is.
42:l-2, KJV).
Who uf fhnf dosIro wIfhIn nvId Who uf
fho dosIro In you Wns If n mnn or wns If n
mInIsfry or mnybo fho church Tho nnswor Is nn
omhnfIc no. If wns Cod who uf fho dosIro In
your honrf fo worshI HIm.
Somo nro sfIII worshIIng ofhor fhIngs.
Somo worshI monoy, cnrs, shoIng, housos or
ofhor mnforInIIsfIc fhIngs. Somo mny worshI
foofbnII, bnskofbnII or hockoy. Somo mny ovon
worshI sIrIfunI fhIngs IIko n nrfIcuInr
mossngo, or n mnn of Cod, or fho gIff of rohocy
or n socIfIc movomonf In fho body of ChrIsf.
Cod Is nof nffor our worshI; Ho Is nffor us.
Ho Is nof wnIfIng for you fo sIng nnofhor song;
Ho Is wnIfIng for you.
Ho doos nof nood our worshI fo snfIsfy somo
sorf of grood. Whon you ronIIy sIf nnd fhInk
nbouf If, whnf cnn wo ronIIy offor HIm fhnf Ho
doos nof nIrondy boIong fo HIm My socInI
nbIIIfy or song Is nof goIng fo brIng HIm gIory
fhnf Ho hns nof nIrondy rocoIvod. AII of cronfIon
Is HIs. Tho onfIro onrfh nnd fho honvons boIong
fo HIm. AII cronfuros woro mndo by HIm. AII
nnoInfIng, nII owor nnd nII honor Is HIs.
Hnvo you ovor sonf fon mInufos fhInkIng
nbouf fho mnjosfy of Cod or nbouf HIs vnsfnoss
Ho Is omnIscIonf, omnIofonf nnd omnIrosonf!
AII-knowIng, nII-oworfuI nnd ovorywhoro nf ono
fImo! If's mInd-bIowIng fo ronIIzo fho IncrodIbIo,
ofornnI Cod Is ncfunIIy sookIng nffor us, fruo
IIonso romombor fhnf Cod wns worshIod
from fho vory foundnfIons of fho worId.
ohomInh wrofo fhnf fho hosfs of honvon
worshIod HIm (oh. 9:6). Cod wns worshIod
boforo mnn ovor cnmo on fho scono.
Cod doosn'f nood nnyfhIng from us, buf Ho
wants our foIIowshI. Ho Iooks for fho doo
wIfhIn fho sIrIf of mnn fo worshI HIm In sIrIf
nnd frufh.
oo cnIIs unfo doo nf fho noIso of Your
wnforfnIIs; AII Your wnvos nnd bIIIows hnvo
gono ovor mo (Is. 42:?).
Deep Calls to Deep
ThIs vorso docInros fhnf fho oo cnIIofh
unfo fho doo. Cod Is cnIIIng fo fho doo nrfs of
our sIrIf fo como fo know fho doo fhIngs fhnf
nro In HIm.
Cod wIII fIII our sIrIfs wIfh HIs srIngs of
IIvIng wnfor. !omombor Josus foId fho womnn nf
fho woII:
Whosoovor drInkofh of fhIs wnfor shnII
fhIrsf ngnIn: Iuf whosoovor drInkofh of fho
wnfor fhnf I shnII gIvo hIm shnII novor fhIrsf;
buf fho wnfor fhnf I shnII gIvo hIm shnII bo In
hIm n woII of wnfor srIngIng u Info
ovorInsfIng IIfo (John 4:l3-l4, KJV).
Wo ns Cod's ooIo dosIro fo soo moro of
Cod's rosonco In our IIvos, churchos, homos nnd
nnfIon. Iuf If's nof goIng fo hnon jusf by us
Fellowship With .od
sIngIng n fow funos. Cod cnIIs nII of us fo n
dooor wnIk nnd n dooor commIfmonf fo HIm.
Ho wnnfs us fo bo wIIIIng fo sond moro fImo
wIfh HIm so Ho cnn our HIs dIvIno fronsuros
Info our honrfs.
Hunger for God
In nII my frnvoIIng nnd mInIsforIng horo nnd
nbrond, I'vo nofIcod ono common dosIro In Cod's
ooIo. In sorvIco I nsk, "How mnny of you nro
hungry for moro of Cod fhnn ovor boforo" Tho
ooIo nIwnys rosond wIfh nn ovorwhoImIng
yos! Whofhor If Is In Cormnny or In IndonosIn,
ooIo nro hungry. Thoro Is n fruo dosIro In fho
honrfs of Cod's ooIo for moro of Cod nnd Ioss of
InyIng church.
If I woro fo nsk you rIghf now ns you nro
rondIng fhIs book, "Aro you hungry for moro of
Cod's rosonco In your honrf nnd IIfo" my
rnyor Is fhnf your nnswor bo yos. If nof, fhon I
hoo If wIII chnngo by fho fImo you fInIsh
rondIng fhIs book.
In nII fho yonrs I hnvo frnvoIod nnd
mInIsforod, fhoro hns boon ono dosIro In my
honrf. I confInunIIy rny, "!ovonI yoursoIf fo fho
ooIo who nro hungry for you. Oon fhoIr
honrfs fo gIvo You uro nnd undofIIod worshI."
Whon wo onfor Info worshI, wo nro onforIng
Info communIon wIfh our honvonIy Infhor nnd
bocomIng InfImnfo wIfh HIm. ThIs Is somofhIng
fhnf domnnds our nII; nII our honrfs, our souIs,
nnd our mInds.
In fho book of John Is nnofhor vorso fhnf
fouchos my honrf In n socInI wny.
And fhIs Is IIfo ofornnI, fhnf fhoy mIghf
know fhoo fho onIy fruo Cod, nnd Josus
ChrIsf, whom fhou hnsf sonf (John l?:3, KJV).
KnowIng HIm Is moro fhnn n mnnsIon In
gIory, moro fhnn wonrIng n crown. KnowIng HIm
Is ofornnI IIfo. I nm nof goIng fo hnvo fo wnIf fo
dIo fo oxorIonco honvon. I cnn bogIn fo
oxorIonco honvon rIghf horo on onrfh ns I como
fo know HIm. Whon Josus snId, "Infhor, fhnf
fhoy mIghf know You," Ho Is snyIng fhnf fhoy
mIghf orcoIvo, rocognIzo, bocomo ncqunInfod
wIfh nnd undorsfnnd You.
KIng nvId gnvo hIs son SoIomon n chnrgo
fhnf shouId bo kof by ovory mnn nnd womnn.
!of's Iook nf If In fwo nrfs.
As for you, my son SoIomon, know fho Cod
of your fnfhor, nnd sorvo HIm wIfh n IoynI
honrf nnd wIfh n wIIIIng mInd; for fho !ord
sonrchos nII honrfs nnd undorsfnnds nII fho
Infonf of fho fhoughfs (l Chr. 28:9).
nvId urgod hIs son fo know hIs Cod. Thon
ho foId hIm fo sorvo. ThIs mnkos sonso, bocnuso
If wo don'f know Cod, how cnn wo sorvo HIm
Thon nvId confInuod:
If you sook HIm, Ho wIII bo found by you;
buf If you forsnko HIm, Ho wIII cnsf you off
forovor (l Chr. 28:9).
WorshI Is fho wny I sook Cod. nvId
romIsos fhnf If I sook Cod, Ho wIII nIIow mo fo
como fo know HIm nnd Ionrn of HIs wnys.
WorshI roquIros nn InfImnfo Iovo
Fellowship With .od
roInfIonshI wIfh Cod whoro I fnIk fo HIm nnd
cIIng fo HIm wIfh nII my honrf. Thnf doos nof
monn I bocomo so sIrIfunI fhnf I nm no onrfhIy
good. Iuf I know Cod dosIros our foIIowshI fo
bo fIIIod wIfh nssIon. Ono of fho mosf honrf-
fouchIng vorsos In Cod's Word fo mo Is found In
IhIIIInns 3:l0:
Thnf I mIghf know HIm nnd fho owor of
HIs rosurrocfIon, nnd fho foIIowshI of HIs
sufforIngs, boIng conformod fo HIs donfh.
InuI's gronfosf dosIro wns fo know HIm. Thnf
foo shouId bo our gronfosf dosIro.
Wo'ro cnIIod fo go boyond roInfIonshI wIfh
Cod, fo hnvo foIIowshI wIfh HIm. Thoro Is no
subsfIfufo for sIffIng nf HIs foof nnd nIIowIng fho
doo nrfs of our sIrIf fo know fho doo fhIngs
wIfhIn HIm. Cod dosIros foIIowshI wIfh fho
onos Ho cronfod for fhnf uroso. Our hungor for
moro of Cod wIII bo snfIsfIod ns wo como fo know
, l e e n
ll WorshI IIrsf, Thon Sorvo
romombor In my onrIy yonrs of mInIsfry, nII I
wnnfod wns fo sorvo Cod. I bognn ns n
cusfodInn In our church, nnd ovon boforo fhnf, I
frnvoIod wIfh my brofhor.
Ono of fho mosf vnIunbIo Iossons I Ionrnod
wns fo sorvo fho mnn of Cod. ThIs Is n gronf
Iosson for nII fhoso who dosIro fo bo usod of Cod.
Ivorybody hns n somobody fo sorvo; my
somobody wns my brofhor. Ho wns fho
Insfrumonf Cod usod fo hoI ronro mo for fho
mInIsfry. Whon wo sorvo undor somoono oIso's
mInIsfry, Cod cnn fonch us fhIngs wo cnnnof
Ionrn nny ofhor wny.
Thoro hns boon much fonchIng on fho
nnoInfIng of Cod. Ono of fho mosf Imorfnnf
fhIngs wo nood fo Ionrn Is wIfh fho nnoInfIng of
Cod comos rosonsIbIIIfy.
I hnvo boon bIossod fo sorvo undor n mInIsfry
whIch fruIy undorsfnnds fho nnoInfIng of Cod. I
hnvo Ionrnod fhnf Cod mnkos sorvnnfs, nof
Iondors. Wo nood fo Ionrn fo sorvo Cod for ns
Iong ns If fnkos.
Somo ooIo frnvoI mnny mIIos fo moofIngs,
fryIng fo cnfch n doubIo orfIon of fho nnoInfIng.
Thoro nro somInnrs fo fonch us "Tho Socrofs fo
fho AnoInfIng," "How fo Oornfo In fho
AnoInfIng," "How fo IrIng own SIrIfunI
nrknoss" or "How fo Irohosy."
AdvorfIsomonfs urgo us fo como fo fhIs sorvIco or
go fo fhnf moofIng fo Ionrn how fo sfIr u our
Tho nnoInfIng of Cod Is nof somofhIng fhnf
jusf hnons ovornIghf. You cnn'f Ionrn If nf n
somInnr. Tho nnoInfIng comos wIfh yonrs of
fnIfhfuI sorvIco.
In rondIng 2 KIngs, you fInd somofhIng gronf
In fho IIfo of IIIshn. IIIshn wns nof known for
hIs mInIsfry buf for hIs sorvIco. Whon
Johoshnhnf wnnfod n mnn of Cod fo como wIfh
fho word of fho !ord on hIs moufh, ono of hIs
sorvnnfs snId, "Wo know n mnn fhnf ourod
wnfor on fho hnnds of IIIjnh. HIs nnmo Is
IIIshn" (soo 2 KIn. 3:ll).
I boIIovo Cod choso IIIshn fo s%cceed IIIjnh
bocnuso IIIshn sered IIIjnh. In fho snmo wny,
Joshun sorvod Mosos, nnd nvId sorvod SnuI.
Worship First$ Then (ere
Thoso who nro sorvIng undor fhoIr nsfor
nood fo rny fo cnfch fho sIrIf nnd vIsIon of
fhoIr nsfor. I Ionrnod fIrsfhnnd fho Imorfnnco
of fnIfhfuIIy sorvIng fho nsfor, nnd ns n rosuIf,
Cod hns onfrusfod mo wIfh n mInIsfry.
If you dosIro fo bo usod by Cod, you nood fo
know If's nof rIghf fo fry fo buIId on nnofhor
mnn's foundnfIon. As Cod Incos you In nnofhor
orson's mInIsfry fo sorvo, do nof sfnrf InnnIng
your fufuro. Your fufuro Is In fho hnnds of Cod.
If you wIII sorvo fnIfhfuIIy fhnf mnn or womnn of
Cod, Cod wIII bo fho ono fo nnoInf you nnd gIvo
you n mInIsfry. Iuf Ho wIII do If In HIs fImo
whon Ho knows you nro rondy.
Whon fhoso sorvIng In n mInIsfry hnvo nof
cnughf fho vIsIon nnd sIrIf of fho nsfor, fhoy
somofImos fhInk fho nnoInfIng of Cod Is on fhom
ns much ns on fho nsfor. Thoy fhInk fhoIr
nnoInfIng Is fho snmo ns fhoIr nsfor's nnoInfIng.
Thnf kInd of orson vIows hIs sorvIco ns n
sfoIng sfono for orsonnI gonIs.
Cod doos nof mnko Iondors. Ho mnkos
sorvnnfs who bocomo Iondors. My rnyor Is for n
joInIng bofwoon fho nsfors nnd fho IondorshI
of fho Church. Thoro hns boon foo much
bIoodshod In fho Iody of ChrIsf. Mon nnd womon
nro cnIIod fo ono Inco nnd fhon Ionvo nnd sfnrf
fhoIr own work bocnuso fhoy cnnnof gof nIong
wIfh fho nsfor. Too mnny churchos hnvo sIIf
bocnuso somo hnvo nof undorsfood fho nnoInfIng
of Cod nnd whnf If monns fo sorvo.
ThIs Is nof monnf fo uf nnyono down, buf fo
hoI you undorsfnnd fho nnoInfIng of Cod buIIds
nnd doosn'f dIvIdo. Tho nnoInfIng of fho SIrIf
gIvos mo n gronfor Iovo for Cod's sorvnnf so
whon fImos gof fough, I don'f Ionvo; I cIonvo.
CIonvIng doos nof monn for n fow monfhs buf
mnybo mnny yonrs.
Ono of fho gronfosf rIvIIogos I hnvo hnd hns
boon fo sorvo In my brofhor's mInIsfry for
sovonfoon yonrs. I wouId nof frndo fhoso yonrs
for nnyfhIng In fhIs worId. urIng fhnf fImo I
hnvo Ionrnod Iossons fhnf hnvo hoIod moId my
IIfo In sorvIng Cod.
Tho dny of ono-mnn mInIsfry musf como fo
nn ond. Cod Is brIngIng fogofhor fonms of mon
nnd womon Iod by fho nsfor. Iuf wo musf bo
cnrofuI fhnf onco wo nro In n Inco of sorvIng, wo
confInuo fo sorvo Cod nnd nof fho mInIsfry.
SorvIng n mInIsfry wIII uf you In n Inco of
dIscourngomonf nnd wIII ovonfunIIy quonch fho
movomonf of fho HoIy SIrIf In you.
%er!ice Pleases God
If Ionsos fho honrf of Cod whon fhoro Is n
nood In HIs houso nnd somoono sfnnds u nnd
snys, "Insfor, I wIII bo gInd fo sorvo."
Thoso who sorvo ns ushors, nursory workors,
Sundny schooI fonchors nnd grooforsfhoso who
gIvo of fhoIr fImo fo Cod's houso wIfh n uro
honrfdo so ns n nrf of fhoIr worshI. Cod
doIIghfs In worshI fhnf InvoIvos sorvIco.
And now, IsrnoI, whnf doos fho !ord your
Cod roquIro of you, buf fo fonr fho !ord your
Cod, fo wnIk In nII HIs wnys nnd fo Iovo HIm,
fo sorvo fho !ord your Cod wIfh nII your honrf
nnd wIfh nII your souI (ouf. l0:l2).
Worship First$ Then (ere
Thoro Is n vory cIoso connocfIon bofwoon
sorvIco nnd worshI. Tho Crook word for sorvIco,
latre%o$ rofors fo nn offorIng or sorvIco wIfh no
fhoughf of rownrd. If monns fo mInIsfor fo Cod;
fo do fho sorvIco of worshI In rovoronco; n
sorvIco fo Cod wIfh n doo commIfmonf of fho
A wIso mnn of Cod onco foId mo: You cnn
onIy mInIsfor "or HIm If you hnvo mInIsforod to
Somo ooIo sorvo Cod nnd subsfIfufo fhoIr
sorvIco for worshI. WorshI Is roInfIonshI nnd
foIIowshI wIfh Cod, nof mochnnIcs nnd
formuIns. Wo shouId nof bo sfIrrod nbouf sorvIng
Cod unfII wo hnvo Ionrnod fho joy fhnf comos In
worshIIng Cod.
%er!ice Can't %ubstitute for 'ello(ship
Tho ordor Is ns foIIows: IIrsf I worshI, fhon
I sorvo.
In mnny churchos fho oosIfo Is fruo. Thoro
Is much sorvIco nnd IIffIo worshI. Whnf
hnons fo fhoso who gof cnughf u In fho
orformnnco of mInIsfry ThoIr roInfIonshI wIfh
Cod bocomos doondonf on orformnnco rnfhor
fhnn worshI.
WorshI Is nof n mnffor of mochnnIcs. If
onnbIos n boIIovor fo know Cod nnd fo fnII In Iovo
wIfh HIm. If worshIIng Cod Is nof fho mnIn
objocfIvo of fho boIIovor, fhon fho oufcomo of
sorvIco Is formuIns nnd mochnnIcs.
Don't Be Distracted 'ro" Worship
IIonso bo cnrofuI of dIsfrncfIons fhnf wIII
koo you In bondngo fo fhIngs fhnf nro nof
Imorfnnf. Wo nII know fho sfory of Mnry nnd
Mnrfhnhow Mnrfhn wns busy cookIng nnd
cIonnIng, whIIo Mnry jusf snf nf Josus' foof nnd
honrd HIs Word.
Iuf Mnrfhn wns dIsfrncfod wIfh much
sorvIng, nnd sho nronchod HIm nnd snId,
"!ord, do You nof cnro fhnf my sIsfor hns Ioff
mo fo sorvo nIono Thoroforo foII hor fo hoI
And Josus nnsworod nnd snId fo hor,
"Mnrfhn, Mnrfhn, you nro worrIod nnd
froubIod nbouf mnny fhIngs. Iuf ono fhIng Is
noodod, nnd Mnry hns choson fhnf good nrf,
whIch wIII nof bo fnkon nwny from hor" (!uko
o mnffor how noodod you nro In your
nrfIcuInr nron of sorvIco, you cnnnof nogIocf
your own foIIowshI wIfh fho !ord. Ior oxnmIo,
you mny bo fho ono orson who Is vory fnIfhfuI In
fho nursory. You nro so cnnbIo nnd wIIIIng fhnf
fhoro Is n fomfnfIon fo work durIng ovory
church sorvIco. Iuf If you do, you won'f hnvo fho
oorfunIfy fo worshI wIfh ofhor boIIovors. You
cnn onsIIy Ioso honrf nnd bocomo IsoInfod In your
of forsnkIng fho nssombIIng of oursoIvos
fogofhor, ns Is fho mnnnor of somo, buf
oxhorfIng ono nnofhor, nnd so much fho moro
ns you soo fho ny nronchIng (Hob. l0:25).
I romombor n fow yonrs ngo whon n gronf
mnn of Cod rohosIod fo mo. In fho word ho
mndo fhIs sfnfomonf, "You cnn'f mInIsfor for
Worship First$ Then (ere
HIm unfII you hnvo mInIsforod fo HIm." Ho dId
nof know nbouf my doo dosIro fo worshI nnd
sorvo Cod, buf Cod soko fhrough hIm fo wnrn
mo nbouf n frn sof for ooIo who wnnfod fo
sorvo Cod. Tho frn Is uffIng sorvIco nhond of
ThIs Is nn Imorfnnf rIncIIo. I worshI fIrsf
fhon I sorvo. Thoro Is n fromondous dnngor whon
nII I do for Cod Is bnsod on sorvIco.
WorshI roquIros fhnf I sfnnd In HIs
rosonco nnd mInIsfor fo HIm. ovor como fo fho
Inco In your honrf whoro your dosIro fo sorvo
HIm Is gronfor fhnn your dosIro fo worshI HIm.
If Is In fhnf Inco fho honrf gofs dry, omfy nnd
voId of Cod's rosonco. WorshI Is bnsod on my
honrf's Iovo nnd nssIon for HIm, nof on my
T w e l e
l2 A SocInI ofo fo Insfors
od hns gIvon mo n gronf Iovo for HIs
sorvnnfs. In my frnvoIIng I hnvo hnd fho
rIvIIogo of moofIng somo of fho mosf wondorfuI
mon nnd womon of Cod. Thoso nro mon nnd
womon wIfh such n honrf for Cod.
I wnnf fo fnko n fow ngos fo nddross Issuos
fhnf nro socInI concorns fo nsfors nnd Iondors.
(Howovor, If you don'f hnon fo consIdor
yoursoIf n nsfor or Iondor, Ionso don'f sfo
rondIng. I boIIovo you cnn nIso bonofIf from fhIs
In fho Insf fow yonrs Cod hns Incod n gronf
burdon In my honrf for smnIIor churchos. I hnvo
gono fo fhoso churchos nnd mInIsforod nnd
rofurnod homo boIng moro bIossod fhnn fho
ooIo In fho sorvIcos. I wouId como homo wIfh
ovon n gronfor Iovo for Cod nnd fhoso mon nnd
SomofImos wo Inco foo much Imorfnnco on
fho sIzo of fho crowd or how Inrgo our churchos
nro. I hnvo nIwnys hoId n sfrong oInIon fhnf
fruo church growfh Is nof bnsod on numbors.
Truo church growfh Is monsurod by how much
fho ooIo rofIocf JosusHIs Iovo, grnco, morcy,
comnssIon nnd frusf.
I nm offon nskod fho quosfIon, "How Is If fhnf
your brofhor Ionny's church Is nIwnys fuII nnd
hIs crusndos nro nckod wIfh ooIo How do you
gof fhoso kInds of numbors" Ionny's moofIngs
mny soom Inrgo now, buf I boIIovo wIfh nII my
honrf whon rovIvnI comos, ovory church wIII bo
fuII fo cnncIfy. Tho gronfosf dnys for fho church
nro sfIII nhond of us.
Crowfh Is nof fho robIom. Tho robIom
comos whon wo wnnf growfh so bndIy wo sfnrf
fryIng ouf dIfforonf "mofhods" for growfh. Cod
doos nof nnoInf rogrnms or mofhods. Ho
nnoInfs mon nnd womon. Ho doos nof fIow
fhrough Inns. Ho fIows fhrough mon nnd
womon. Wo do nof nood nny moro formuIns for
church growfh. Wo nood fho nnoInfIng of fho
HoIy SIrIf In our worshI, In our ronchIng nnd
In fho honrfs of Cod's ooIo.
Wo IIvo In n fImo whon ooIo wnnf
ovoryfhIng InsfnnfIy, no ronrnfIon noodod.
Whofhor If Is food, fInnncInI succoss, or ovon
woIghf Ioss, wo wnnf If OW! Thnf kInd of
A (pecial -ote to Pastors
monfnIIfy hns sndIy crof Info fho church. IooIo
wnnf fhoIr honIIng, doIIvornnco, fInnncInI
rosorIfy nnd sIrIfunI mnfurIfy OW! IooIo
wnnf Insfnnf rosuIfs nnd yof nro nof wIIIIng fo
sond fImo In worshI. Somo ooIo wIII ncfunIIy
gof u nnd Ionvo n sorvIco fhnf Is runnIng Info
bocnuso of n movo of fho HoIy SIrIf.
Insfors nro uf undor fromondous rossuro
fo bo suro fho sorvIco onds shorfIy nffor fho noon
hour. Affor nII, fho ooIo hnvo fo gof fo fho
rosfnurnnfs boforo fho rush.
I nm sorry fo sny, fhnf kInd of nffIfudo wIII
nof fouch fho honrf of Cod. If wo do nof fouch
HIs SIrIf, fhon HIs SIrIf doos nof fouch us. Iuf
If wo fouch HIs SIrIf, HIs SIrIf wIII fouch us.
Insfors, I rny you novor fnII Info fhnf frn.
ovor como fo n Inco whoro you gIvo fho ooIo
onIy whnf fhoy wnnf, buf gIvo fhom whnf fho
HoIy SIrIf hns Incod In you.
I know nsfors hnvo n gronf dosIro fo soo fho
unsnvod como fo know fho !ord Josus. Wo hnvo
sonf counfIoss doIInrs fryIng fo ronch ouf fo fho
orossod. Wo hnvo mndo gronf ndvnncos In fho
mofhods of ovnngoIIsm, buf wo nood fo rocognIzo
worshI Is fho gronfosf fooI for ovnngoIIsm. As
wo snw wIfh fho SnmnrIfnn womnn, ono fruo
worshIor cnn nffocf n whoIo cIfy for Cod.
Tho mosf Imorfnnf fhIng wo cnn do ns
nsfors Is fo koo our own foIIowshI wIfh Cod
sfrong. OnIy fhon cnn wo gIvo our ooIo whnf
fhoy nood. Thoro Is n Iof of work InvoIvod In
nsforIng, nnd If's onsy fo bo so busy sorvIng Cod
wo nogIocf our fImo wIfh HIm.
In fho chnfor on sorvIco, I urgod you fo
worshI, fhon sorvo. Wo who nro In fuII-fImo
mInIsfry somofImos ncf ns If wo nro oxcofIons fo
fhnf ruIo. Wo nro nof. If nII fhnf wo do In fho
mInIsfry Is sorvo, wo bogIn fo doond on
formuIns nnd gImmIcks rnfhor fhnn fho
nnoInfIng of fho HoIy SIrIf. Wo sfnrf fo do
fhIngs fo Ionso fho ooIo.
IsfrncfIons cnn onsIIy sfonI your fImo wIfh
Cod. Ivon If fho dIsfrncfIon Is n godIy fhIng,
don'f Iof If koo you from sondIng fho nocossnry
fImo wIfh fho !ord fo mInIsfor offocfIvoIy fo HIs
Co"e to Hi" )lone
rnw mo, wo wIII run nffor fhoo: fho kIng
hnfh broughf mo Info hIs chnmbors: wo wIII bo
gInd nnd rojoIco In fhoo, wo wIII romombor fhy
Iovo moro fhnn wIno: fho urIghf Iovo fhoo
(Song l:4, KJV).
Thoro Is n gronf nood for us fo como nIono
Info fho chnmbor of fho KIng. Ho who hns cnIIod
us dosIros us fo como nIono wIfh HIm. Our ronI
nood Is nof fo Ionrn nbouf church growfh or how
fo mInIsfor In fho nnoInfIng, buf fo sond fImo
wIfh HIm. WIfhouf nn InfImnfo roInfIonshI wIfh
fho HoIy SIrIf, wo hnvo nofhIng fo gIvo. Our
fonchIngs wIII bo IIfoIoss nnd bonr no fruIf.
If wo do nof worshI fIrsf, fhon wo sfnnd nnd
hnvo nofhIng fo mInIsfor, bocnuso nofhIng hns
boon concoIvod In our sIrIf by fho SIrIf of Cod.
Whon fhnf hnons, our church's worshI fImo
bocomos n rIfunI fhnf Is omfy nnd fonds fo sfonI
A (pecial -ote to Pastors
fho movo of fho SIrIf.
Iuf whon Cod doosIfs HIs sood In us, fhoro
Is nIwnys somofhIng fo mInIsfor fo fho ooIo.
Tho church Is swoIIon wIfh mInIsfry. Wo
hnvo onough ncfIvIfIos fo Insf n IIfofImo. Wo nood
fo gof bnck fo worshI nnd buIId fho houso of
Cod on ndornfIon, nof busInoss concofs.
John l2:32 snys, "And I, If I nm IIffod u from
fho onrfh, wIII drnw nII ooIos fo MysoIf." ThIs
Is fho bosf rIncIIo for church growfh. If wo wIII
oxnIf nnd IIff u fho nnmo of Josus, Ho wIII drnw
nII ooIo.
T h i r t e e n
l3 Thoro's n ow Sound
vorybody hns somobody fhoy Iook u fo. In
musIc nnd worshI fhnf somobody for mo Is
IhII rIscoII. Throughouf my IIfo ns n boIIovor I
hnvo boon fouchod nnd bIossod by hIs musIc. IhII
Is fruIy ono of fho mosf nnoInfod nnd skIIIfuI
musIcInns In fho worId. I romombor whon ho
wouId como fo our church In OrInndo, I nIwnys
rnyod fo hnvo fho oorfunIfy fo hosf nnd oon
fho sorvIco for hIm. Thnf's how I fIrsf gof fo
know hIm.
SInco fhon, fho Imncf of IhII's mInIsfry on
my IIfo hns InfonsIfIod. I ronIIy cnmo fo know
hIm woII whIIo wo woro In ofroIf fogofhor. If
wns n crucInI furnIng oInf In hIs mInIsfry, nnd
ho cnIIod nnd nskod mo fo como bo wIfh hIm.
urIng fhnf wook Cod buIIf n frIondshI bofwoon
us fhnf hns monnf so much fo mo.
Ior mnny yonrs, IhII hnd dono onIy ono nIghf
concorfs In churchos. Ho wouId rnroIy do fwo
consocufIvo nIghfs nnywhoro. HIs IncrodIbIy
busy schoduIo hnd fnkon hIm fo oIghfoon
dIfforonf cIfIos ovory monfh for fho Insf fon
yonrs. ofroIf wns fho furnIng oInf. Ho wns
nskod fo como nnd mInIsfor nf n church for fIvo
dnys. Ho fnughf ovory mornIng nnd mInIsforod
In song. Ivory sorvIco wns fuII of Cod's gIory.
Cod wns honorIng IhII's fnIfh nnd hIs honrf fo
mInIsfor fo Cod's ooIo nnd Iond fhom Info HIs
rosonco. Cod's movo wns so nwosomo. Ho
honIod, doIIvorod nnd broko chnIns of bondngo
ovor ooIo's IIvos. Cod wns doIng n gronf now
work In IhII's IIfo. I coIobrnfod wIfh hIm for fho
wny Cod wns chnngIng ooIo's IIvos, buf fho
gronfosf chnngo wns In mo.
Cod usod hIm fo Iond mo fo fho hIghosf IovoI
of worshI I hnvo ovor known. My IIfo wns
chnngod forovor ns I snf nnd IIsfonod fo fhIs mnn
mInIsfor fho Word. Tho body of ChrIsf noods fo
know fhnf ho Is ns nnoInfod fo fonch ns ho Is fo
Iny frumof. Cod hns gIvon IhII n doo
rovoInfIon of worshI from HIs Word.
WorshI wns Imnrfod Info my IIfo In n now
nnd frosh dImonsIon. Tho fruIf fhnf cnmo from
fhoso sorvIcos Is n fno cnIIod "In HIs Irosonco."
On If nro mnny of fho sonfnnoous songs fhnf
There/s a -ew (o%nd Coming
Cod gnvo hIm In fhoso sorvIcos. If Is fho mosf
nnoInfod worshI fno I hnvo ovor honrd. My
chIIdron go fo sIoo wIfh If InyIng nII nIghf
ovory nIghf. If Is worshI fhnf Is rofroshIng nnd
novor gofs oId.
I wIII ovor bo Indobfod fo fhIs mnn of Cod
who hns InfIuoncod my IIfo nnd mInIsfry. I rny
fhnf ns you rond fhIs chnfor, fho hungor fo
worshI HIm wIII bo snrkod In your honrf. IhII,
fhoro Is n now sound on fho onrfh!
In His Presence b$ Phil Driscoll
Todny, I boIIovo fhnf wo, ns fho body of
ChrIsf, nro In n now dny. Thoro Is n now wInd
bIowIng. I know In my honrf fhoro Is n now
sound comIng fo fho onrfh. Ior sovornI yonrs I
hnvo foIf fhnf Cod's musIc shouId nof onIy bo
dIfforonf buf IIfo chnngIng ns woII. If Cod Is who
wo sny Ho IsfuII of owor, nbIo fo do mIrncIos,
fIIIod wIfh IIghffhon fho musIc wo Iny fo
rorosonf HIm shouId rofIocf fhnf owor. MusIc
wns cronfod fo bo n forco fo worshI Cod. In fho
snmo wny, worshI shouId rofIocf fho vory
chnrncfor nnd nnfuro of Cod.
I nm nof snyIng fhnf ChrIsfInns shouId nof
Iny or sIng musIc fhnf Isn'f nnoInfod. I nm fuIIy
nwnro fhnf fhoro wIII bo fImos fo do songs fhnf
nro uro, IovoIy nnd of good roorf buf nro nof
nocossnrIIy nnoInfod or fuII of Cod's rosonco.
Howovor, fho hIghosf cnIIIng of musIc Is sfIII fo
worshI nnd rnIso our Cod. Wo shouId fooI HIs
rosonco whon wo sIng or honr fhIs musIc.
I boIIovo fhnf Cod's musIc Is comIng fo onrfh.
I cnnnof foII you socIfIcnIIy how If wIII bo
dIfforonf, buf I cnn foII you If wIII IncIudo fho
sonfnnoous. Cod Is fho mnsfor of cronfIvIfy. HIs
musIc In fhoso Insf dnys wIII domonsfrnfo HIs
wondorfuI cronfIvo owor. If wIII bo born by HIs
SIrIf sonfnnoousIy.
As Snm monfIonod, nbouf fwo yonrs ngo I
wns nskod fo mInIsfor for fIvo dnys, mornIng nnd
ovonIng, nf n church In ofroIf, MIchIgnn. In fho
Insf fon yonrs of mInIsfry I hnd rnroIy mInIsforod
fwo consocufIvo nIghfs nnywhoro. I know fhIs
wouId bo n IIfo-chnngIng frI.
I hnd nn Infonso dosIro In my honrf fo Iond
Cod's ooIo Info HIs rosonco In worshI. I hnd
nIso rocoIvod n word from fho !ord fhnf Ho wns
goIng fo chnngo my mInIsfry. I cnIIod somo of my
frIonds fo rny for fhIs moofIng. Snm wns ono
frIond I cnIIod. I nskod hIm fo como nnd bo wIfh
mo. oIfhor ono of us wns suro whnf wns goIng
fo hnon.
I bognn fo fonch fho ooIo whnf Cod hnd
fnughf mo nbouf worshI. Cod's rosonco
InfonsIfIod wIfh ovory sorvIco. Wo snng. Wo
crIod. Wo shoufod. Mosf of nII fho worshI wns
fofnIIy sonfnnoous. I snng onIy n fow of my
songs wIfh frncks. ThIs wns n now bogInnIng In
my mInIsfry. I know fho !ord wns cnIIIng mo fo
go fo Incos for moro fhnn ono nIghf. Ho wns nIso
cnIIIng mo fo mInIsfor fo musIcInns nnd sIngors
nnd nffocf fhom wIfh HIs nnoInfIng. I know In
my honrf fhnf fho vIsIon I hnd Iongod for hnd
boon born.
Music in Worship
There/s a -ew (o%nd Coming
Ono of fho gronfosf noods In corornfo
worshI fodny Is fhnf wo musf rocovor fho
rofofyo of musIc fhnf Cod gnvo fo SoIomon. In
fho fImo of nvId fho musIcInns mInIsforod
boforo Cod confInunIIy. Thoro wns n consfnnf
sound boforo Cod.
Whon SoIomon dodIcnfod fho fomIo, ho hnd
n whoIo sfnff of musIcInns whoso chIof job wns fo
mInIsfor boforo fho !ord nnd fo bo In HIs
rosonco confInunIIy. Thoy cnusod HIs owor fo
bo roIonsod confInunIIy.
Indood If cnmo fo nss, whon fho
frumofors nnd sIngors woro ns ono, fo mnko
ono sound fo bo honrd In rnIsIng nnd
fhnnkIng fho !ord, nnd whon fhoy IIffod u
fhoIr voIco wIfh fho frumofs nnd cymbnIs nnd
Insfrumonfs of musIc, nnd rnIsod fho !ord,
snyIng: "Ior Ho Is good, Ior HIs morcy
onduros forovor," fhnf fho houso, fho houso of
fho !ord, wns fIIIod wIfh n cIoud, so fhnf fho
rIosfs couId nof confInuo mInIsforIng bocnuso
of fho cIoud; for fho gIory of fho !ord fIIIod fho
houso of Cod (2 Chr. 5:l3-l4).
If Is n foundnfIonnI frufh fhnf musIc cnusos
fho rosonco of Cod fo como. MusIc Invokos HIs
rosonco whon If's oInfod In HIs dIrocfIon. In
fho OId Tosfnmonf, musIc wns such nn InfogrnI
nrf of boIng In fho rosonco of Cod, yof fodny fo
mnny boIIovors, If's boon roducod fo nn
InsIgnIfIcnnf nnd smnII nrf of worshI. If's
bnckground noIsofIIIor. Insfors by fho
fhousnnds wIII sny, "You Iny fwo songs, nnd
fhon I'II como nnd gIvo fho Word."
Tho ronson wo nro fo bo fIIIod wIfh fho Word
Is fhnf If fonchos us, ndmonIshos us nnd shows
us Cod's sysfom nnd Inn for our IIvos. If buIIds
our fnIfh. Josus wns fho Word mndo fIosh, nnd
whon Ho wnIkod on fho onrfh HIs rosonco wns
oxorIoncod. Whon wo worshI Cod, HIs
rosonco Is oxorIoncod. Is worshI Ioss
sIgnIfIcnnf fhnn fho Word CorfnInIy nof. Tho
Word fonchos us: "Tho onfrnnco of Your words
gIvos IIghf" (Is. ll9:l30). HIs word brIngs IIghf
rovoInfIon. WorshI brIngs HIs gIoryHIs
mnnIfosfod rosonco.
A Iof of churchos IIvo undor frndIfIon, nnd
fhoIr musIc Is dofonfod boforo fhoy ovor nronch
Cod. ThoIr undorsfnndIng of worshI Is IImIfod
by fhInkIng Cod doosn'f IIko fhIs kInd or fhnf
kInd of musIc. !ndorsfnnd fhIsfhoro nro no
godIy or ungodIy Insfrumonfs. AII Insfrumonfs
woro cronfod by Cod for HIs Ionsuro. Cod Is
omnIscIonf, nII-knowIng. Ho honrd nnd
undorsfood nII musIc ovon boforo If wns cronfod.
Ho honrd ovory nofo boforo If wns Inyod. Ho
know ovory moIody, ovory hnrmony nnd ovory
rhyfhm *e"ore it was. Whnf mnkos musIc godIy
or ungodIy Is fho sIrIf of fhoso InyIng or
sIngIng If nnd fho words If communIcnfos.
Tho IIbIo snys fhnf fho sfnrs snng whon Cod
cronfod fho worId (soo Job 38:?). Todny wo hnvo
fho fochnoIogy fo Ick u fho sound wnvos of fho
sfnrs nnd robrondcnsf fhom Info sounds wo cnn
honr. MusIc Is honrd confInunIIy In fho honvons
nnd confroIs Ifs nfmoshoro.
MusIc doos fwo fhIngs. If communIcnfos
sIrIfunI owor or nnoInfIng, nnd If
communIcnfos mossngos. IooIo IIsfon fo musIc
wIfh fhoIr honrfs, nof fhoIr mInds, bocnuso If Is n
There/s a -ew (o%nd Coming
sIrIfunI forco. Whon you honr n sormon, fhoro
nro fhousnnds of words sokon. MusIc Is nof
buIIf fhnf wny. MusIc cnn fnko n word nnd
dovoIo n sound nround If so whon If's honrd fho
rosuIfs cnn bo much moro oworfuI fhnn whon If
Is jusf sokon.
In HIm wns IIfo, nnd fho IIfo wns fho IIghf
of mon (John l:4).
Worship eleases His Po(er
Hnvo you ovor wondorod why honvon Is
orofunI Tho IIbIo snys "In HIm wns IIfo."
How doos IIfo gof ouf of Cod nnd Info fho
honvonIy boIngs In honvon If gofs fhoro fhrough
worshI. WorshI Is fho common donomInnfor.
Tho honvons nro confInunIIy fIIIod wIfh worshI.
Thnf Is how fho honvonIy boIngs nro fIIIod wIfh
Cod's IIfo.
Mnny boIIovors In fhIs worId fodny nro
burnod ouf. Thoy hnvo mndo Josus fho !ord of
fhoIr IIfo. Thoy rond fho IIbIo. Thoy rny, buf
fhoy'ro sfIII burnod ouf. Thoy nro nof wnIkIng In
fho hIgh Incos bocnuso fhoy hnvo novor Ionrnod
how fo nronch Cod In fruo worshI. Thoy
nron'f nwnro of nII fho bonofIfs fhnf nro rocoIvod
whon you worshI HIm.
Whon you worshI Cod you hnvo fho
oorfunIfy fo oxorIonco ovoryfhIng fhnf
orfnIns fo HIm nnd godIInoss. Ivory fncof of
Cod's chnrncfor Is nccossIbIo ns you worshI
HIm. Whon you nronch Cod fho wny fho IIbIo
snys fo como fo HIm, In rnIso nnd In worshI,
you oxorIonco nII fhnf Cod rorosonfs. of jusf
n nrf of HIs chnrncfor or n nrf of HIs nnfuro,
buf ovory nsocf of HIs boIng Is nccossIbIo fo nII
who worshI HIm In sIrIf nnd In frufh. Thnf Is
why worshI Is foughf so hnrd by fho ruIors of
dnrknoss nnd Is domnndod so gronfIy by Cod.
If fhoro's ovor boon n fImo In hIsfory fhnf
Cod's goodnoss noods fo bo ourod ouf on HIs
ooIo, If's now. Wo'vo soon gronf rovoInfIon, buf
wo nood fo oxorIonco fho ronIIfy of HIs
rosonco. Mnny fImos wo hnvo fo coorco
ChrIsfInns fo ovon cIn fhoIr hnnds or shouf. If's
nof fhnf fhoy don'f wnnf fo, buf fhoy don'f
undorsfnnd fho sIgnIfIcnnco of If. IrnIso Is fo bo
uncondIfIonnI. If Is nof jusf somofhIng fo do
whon wo fooI good. Whon wo do nof rnIso Cod,
wo oon oursoIvos u fo IIvIng In fho nfmoshoro
of fhIs worId nnd rocoIvIng ovoryfhIng fhnf
dnrknoss hns fo offor. Whon wo rnIso nnd
worshI Cod If cnusos us fo wnIk In fho
nfmoshoro of honvon nnd our sIrIfs fo bo fIIIod
wIfh HIs IIghf nnd IIfo.
IrnIso nnd worshI Is somofhIng you musf
dIscIIIno yoursoIf fo do. If's somofhIng wo musf
nII rncfIco dIIIgonfIy. AccordIng fo HIs Word,
owor Is roIonsod whon you rnIso Cod, buf In
ordor for If fo bonofIf you ovor fImo, If musf bo
confInunI. Tho IIbIo snys, "!of fho hIgh rnIsos
of Cod bo In fhoIr moufh" (Is. l49:6). Thnf Is
whoro If Isin yo%r mo%th.
Thoro wIII bo mnny fImos whon you don'f fooI
IIko rnIsIng Cod; you don'f fooI IIko worshIIng
HIm. Howovor, If Is fho mosf oworfuI forco fo
rooI you Info HIs rosonco. Whon If bocomos n
dIscIIIno, fhon you wIII rosond In sIfunfIons of
There/s a -ew (o%nd Coming
ndvorsIfy nccordIng fo fho dIscIIIno Insfond of
nccordIng fo fho fooIIng.
Whon you Ionrn fo fIy nn nIrInno, osocInIIy
fho moro comIox onos, you fIrsf go Info n
sImuInfor fo Ionrn nnd rncfIco. In fho sImuInfor
you soo your surroundIngs oufsIdo fho cockIf ns
woII ns your Insfrumonfs, gnugos nnd fIIghf
confroIs. If's jusf IIko boIng In fho ronI nIrInno.
Tho orson runnIng fho sImuInfor cnn mnko
nnyfhIng nnd ovoryfhIng bronk on fho Inno. You
hnvo fo Ionrn fo rosond fo onch omorgoncy ouf
of dIscIIIno rnfhor fhnn wIfh n nnfurnI roncfIon.
Thnf comos from knowIng your oornfIng
mnnunI. You hnvo fo do socIfIcnIIy whnf fho
mnnunI snys nnd In fho fImo frnmo If snys fo do
If. Tho fIrsf fhIng you fooI whon you oxorIonco
nn omorgoncy Is fonr, whofhor If's In nn nIrInno
or nn ndvorso sIfunfIon In your IIfo.
As n boIIovor, n chIId of Cod, you know fhnf
you nro suosod fo hnvo owor, buf If you nro
fIghfIng In fho nnfurnI fhoro Is no wny you cnn
wIn. IrnIso hns fo bocomo nn ncf of dIscIIIno In
your IIfo fo fho dogroo fhnf your roncfIons fo
sIfunfIons nro ImmodInfo nnd nnfurnI. Your
rnIso InvIfos HIs rosonco fo como Info your IIfo
Info your soomIngIy ImossIbIo sIfunfIon, nnd
fhnf's whon you cnn oxorIonco HIs mIrncuIous
doIIvorIng owor.
Whon you worshI Cod, fho momonf you sfo
Info HIs rosonco, HIs owor, nbIIIfy nnd SIrIf
nro roIonsod In your IIfo. Whon fhnf bogIns fo
hnon, no mnffor whnf you'ro goIng fhrough,
you wIn.
The 'ather %ee&s Worshippers
Yof n fImo Is comIng nnd hns now como
whon fho fruo worshIors wIII worshI fho
Infhor In sIrIf nnd frufh, for fhoy nro fho
kInd of worshIors fho Infhor sooks (John
Churchos fodny nro fuII of rogrnms, socInI
domonsfrnfIons of fnIonf nnd roducfIon. Mnny
churchos cInssIfy fhoIr onfIro sorvIco ns n
worshI sorvIco, buf offon IIffIo worshI fnkos
Inco. ConsoquonfIy, no ono's ovor chnngod.
In worshI wo musf nronch Cod wIfh our
honrf. You cnnnof worshI HIm wIfh your mInd.
In fhIs vorso, Ho Is foIIIng us fhoro nro n Iof of
fomornI worshIors. Thoy ondonvor fo worshI
Cod wIfh fhoIr mInd, buf fhoy nIwnys ond u
boIng fho socfnfors In n worshI sorvIco. Thoy
onIy nronch Cod wIfh fhoIr InfoIIocf. If's
nbrnsIvo fo Cod. Ho wIII nof rosond fo InfoIIocf.
Whoovor worshIs Cod musf worshI HIm In
sIrIf nnd frufh.
You wIII novor oxorIonco fruo worshI unfII
you Ionrn fo worshI In your sIrIf. !nfII fhon,
worshI wIII soom IIko fooIIshnoss fo you. You
know fhoro's n Cod of fho unIvorso who cronfod
ovoryfhIng. You know Josus dIod fo gIvo you IIfo
nnd hnvo nccofod HIm. You boIIovo fhnf Ho
snvod nnd cIonnsod you. Iuf you fhnnk HIm ouf
of n monfnI nffIfudo. MonfnI nsconf Is nof
worshIIf's modIfnfIon. In ordor for fruo
worshI fo oxIsf, fhoro musf bo rocIrocnfIon
Cod's rosonco musf bo mnnIfosfod fo you. You
cnnnof gof Info fho dooor fhIngs of Cod wIfh
There/s a -ew (o%nd Coming
your mInd. As boIIovors wo musf nronch Cod,
ongngo our honrf Info HIs nnd bo fIIIod wIfh HIs
IIfo. Wo wIII IIfornIIy Iug Info Cod's honrf nnd
rocoIvo from HIm HIs nnfuro, chnrncfor,
goodnoss nnd HIs morcy.
IohoId, fho oyo of fho !ord Is on fhoso
who fonr HIm,
On fhoso who hoo In HIs morcy,
To doIIvor fhoIr souI from donfh,
And fo koo fhom nIIvo In fnmIno (Is.
Is fhoro fnmIno In your IIfo If you wIII
worshI Cod, you wIII nof oxorIonco fnmIno
bocnuso Ho wIII koo you nIIvo.
AII musIc worshIs somoono. If you IIsfon fo
nny song you honr fodny, you wIII fInd fhnf If
worshIs someone or something.
Whon you worshI, you fnko your onorgy nnd
IIfo nnd you gIvo If In fhnf dIrocfIon. Whoovor or
whnfovor you worshI you wIII bocomo IIko.
Whon you worshI Cod, you bocomo moro IIko
HIm. Whon you worshI dnrknoss, you bocomo
moro IIko fho dnrknoss. Whon you worshI n bnII
Inyor, you wnnf fo bocomo IIko fhnf bnII Inyor.
Whon you worshI your cnroor, you bocomo
gronfor In fhnf cnroor. Your InfonfIons nnd your
drIvo nro mngnIfIod. Thnf's whnf worshI Is. If's
nn InfonsIfIor. If mngnIfIos!
If you wnnf fo bocomo moro IIko Cod, fhoro's
onIy ono wny. WorshI HIm wIfh your honrf. If
you wnnf fo oornfo moro In Cod's nnoInfIng nnd
owor, fhoro's onIy ono wny fo do IfworshI
wIfh your honrf. Whon you do, you bocomo
dovofod. You cnn'f sfo bocnuso fho drnw fo
worshI Is foo gronf. Tho moro you worshI Cod,
fho moro you Iong fo como Info HIs rosonco. Tho
moro you worshI HIm, fho gronfor your urgoncy
fo worshI ngnIn.
'ree in Christ *esus
Whon you confInuo fo sfnnd In Cod's
rosonco, nII of fho forcos fhnf Snfnn hns frIod fo
uf In your IIfo wIII fnII. Whnfovor fhoy nro, fhoy
nII oornfo undor fho Inw of sIn nnd donfh.
Ior fho Inw of fho SIrIf of IIfo In ChrIsf
Josus hns mndo mo froo from fho Inw of sIn
nnd donfh (!om. 8:2).
Whon you bogIn fo worshI Cod, you
ImIomonf fho Inw of fho SIrIf of IIfo In ChrIsf
Josus In your IIfo. You bogIn fo bronk froo from
nII of fho grnvIfnfIonnI uIIs of dnrknoss. If wIII
chnngo your IIfo forovor. o ono wIII nood fo bog
you fo worshI Cod. If's nof rIghf fo hnvo fo
coorco ooIo fo worshI HIm. Ho Is sookIng
fhoso who nro hungry nnd want fo worshI HIm.
I Iovo fo fnIk fo young frumof Inyors who
nro jusf IonrnIng. I nm nof Inforosfod In fho onos
fhnf jusf Iny frumof. I nm IookIng for fho onos
fhnf nro hungry, fhnf wnnf fo know, "How do you
do fhnf" Thoy nro fho onos fhnf I'II sond my
fImo wIfh.
If's fho snmo wIfh Cod. Ho Is nof IookIng for
fho nomInnI ChrIsfInn who nccofs ChrIsf,
knows ho Is froo from hoII nnd hns osfnbIIshod
hIs dosfInybuf Is nof hungry for moro. Ho mny
bo froo from hoII, buf ho wIII IIvo hoII on onrfh.
There/s a -ew (o%nd Coming
Thnf's nof whnf Cod wnnfs. Cod's Word snys
fhnf If you worshI nnd sorvo HIm Ho wIII bIoss
your brond nnd wnfor nnd fnko sIcknoss from
you (soo Ix. 23:25). !of's fnko HIm nf HIs word
nnd onjoy HIs bonofIfs.
Highest +e!els of 'aith
IvoryfhIng fhnf hns fo do wIfh rnIso nnd
worshI Is bnsod rImnrIIy on fho foundnfIonnI
frufh of fho Inw of sowIng nnd ronIng. Whon
you gIvo unfo Cod of your onorgy, If cnusos Cod's
onorgy fo bo roIonsod In your IIfo. !oIIgIon snys,
"on'f shouf, don'f dnnco, don'f mnko n Ioud
sound." Tho IIbIo snys fo mnko n joyfuI noIso.
ShoufIng, dnncIng nnd joyfuI noIso nII roquIro
hIgh onorgy.
Tho book of IsnIms wns wrIffon fo fonch us
fho vnIuo nnd fho monns of comIng Info Cod's
rosonco. Whon you como Info Cod's rosonco
fho scrIfurnI wny, you como boforo HIm wIfh
sIngIng, you onfor Info HIs courfs wIfh rnIso,
you nro fhnnkfuI unfo HIm nnd you bIoss HIs
nnmo (Is. l00:4). IrnIso Is fho hIghosf IovoI of
fnIfh In fho onrfh. IrnIso cnusos funnoI vIsIon In
Cod's dIrocfIon. Whon you ImIomonf fho
rIncIIo of rnIso, you wIII cnuso yoursoIf fo bo
frnnsInfod Info Cod's rosonco nnd you wIII
cnuso Cod's rosonco fo bo frnnsInfod Info you. If
nufomnfIcnIIy dIsoIs dnrknoss. If 'sfIIIs fho
nvongor' (Is. 8:2).
Tho snmo oxncf rIncIIo works In worshI.
You shnII Iovo fho !ord your Cod wIfh nII
your honrf, wIfh nII your souI, nnd wIfh nII
your sfrongfh (ouf. 6:5).
To Iovo Cod wIfh nII your honrf Is fo worshI
HIm wIfh nII your honrf.
You hnvo fo gIvo of yoursoIf unfo Cod. You
cnnnof worshI HIm by sIffIng In fho bnck nnd
oxocfIng HIm fo como fo you. Ho wIII nof como
for you. Ho Is nof IookIng fo como fo fhoso who
nro nssIvo. Ho Is IookIng for fhoso who wIII
rovoro nnd worshI HIm InfonfIy, who wIII como
Info HIs rosonco, who wIII ongngo fhoIr honrf,
who wIII dnro fo go boforo HIm nnd worshI HIm.
Whon fhnf hnons, you cnnnof sfny fho snmo,
nnd you wIII bo chnngod.
Whon wo worshI Cod, wo nro IIffod Info HIs
rosonco. Wo grow cIosor fo HIm.
rnw nonr fo Cod nnd Ho wIII drnw nonr
fo you (Jnmos 4:8).
Whon Cod's rosonco fnIIs uon you,
ovoryfhIng oIso In your IIfo bocomos
unImorfnnf. You nro IIffod nbovo fho
cIrcumsfnncos nnd sIfunfIons you nro In, nof by
fnIfh, buf by Cod.
I nm of fho oInIon fhnf whon you bogIn fo
worshI Cod you Iug Info n now IovoI nnd
dImonsIon of IIfo. CouId If bo fhnf whon wo, ns
worshIors, bogIn fo IIvo nnd oxIsf In fhnf
dImonsIon, wo wIII know whnf If monns fo bo
sonfod In honvonIy Incos
I hnvo Ionrnod mnny fhIngs nbouf Cod's Inws
nnd sysfoms In fho fhousnnds of hours I hnvo
fIown In nIrInnos. Wo honr n Iof of fnIk nbouf
hond wInds nnd fnII wInds. Hond wInds go
There/s a -ew (o%nd Coming
ngnInsf fho jof sfronm nnd fnII wInds go wIfh If.
Id you know fhnf whon you fIy hIghor In nn
nIrInno, you ronch n hoIghf whoro fhoro nro no
moro hond wInds You ronch nn nIfIfudo whoro
fhoro Is novor n sform. As Iong ns you hnvo
fhrusf fo rooI you, your shI wIII fIy fhrough
fho nIr fnsfor bocnuso fhoro Is Ioss rosIsfnnco.
ThInk nbouf fhnf In IIghf of worshIIng Cod.
Tho hIghor wo IIvo our IIvos, fho Ioss sforms wo
wIII oxorIonco. Tho hIghor fhnf wo IIvo In Cod,
fho Ioss rosIsfnnco wo wIII fooI nnd fho fnsfor wo
wIII fIy.
Cod Is IookIng for fruo worshIors rIghf
now. Io Ono! You wIII fIy hIghor, go fnsfor nnd
fnco fowor sforms. You'II rIdo fho hIgh Incos nnd
onjoy honvon's hIghosf ordor. IxorIonco nnd
onjoy fho rosonco of fho mosf hIgh Cod!
To Your Ma,est$
0ord$ I worship 1o%
I glori"y yo%r holy name
With s%n and moon and stars
1o%r wonders I proclaim
0ord$ I worship
1o% 1o% alone are worthy$ 0ord
2ing o" all the earth
0ord$ I worship 1o%
To yo%r !a3esty
I will eer li"t my oice
* l993, Mosf HIgh MusIc, IMI. !sod by ormIssIon.
And in 1o% I will re3oice
For all 1o%/e done "or me
To yo%r !a3esty
I li"t %p holy hands
In yo%r presence I will stand
Thro%gh all eternity
by IhII rIscoII
F o % r t e e n
l4 WorshI nnd HoIInoss
hnvo hnd fwo oxorIoncos In my wnIk wIfh
fho !ord fhnf I wouId cnII IIfo-chnngIng. I
Tho fIrsf ono wns fho vIsIon I doscrIbod In fho
bogInnIng of fhIs book. Tho socond ono occurrod
on n Sundny mornIng whIIo I wns In chnrgo of
fho nIfnr mInIsfry nf my brofhor's church.
Ono nrfIcuInr couIo hnd como fo vIsIf our
church sovornI fImos, nnd I hnd rocoIvod n
numbor of comInInfs nbouf fhom. ThIs couIo
hnd fnkon If uon fhomsoIvos fo mInIsfor fo our
ooIo wIfhouf ovor mnkIng fhomsoIvos known
fo fho IondorshI. Thoy foIf Cod hnd sonf fhom fo
our church fo rohosy ovor fho ooIo nnd hnd
sokon somo vory sfrong words ngnInsf fho
nsfor nnd fho IondorshI.
I boIIovo sfrongIy In fho rIncIIo of "know
fhom fhnf Inbor nmong you." My oIIcy wns I
noodod fo know fho voIunfoors orsonnIIy boforo
I nIIowod fhom fo mInIsfor nf fho nIfnr. On
Sundny mornIng I Insfrucfod fho nIfnr Iondors fo
sfo fhIs couIo If fhoy frIod fo mInIsfor fo
Affor fho mornIng sorvIco, fhIs mnn nnd hIs
wIfo cnmo fo mo nnd nrguod wIfh mo for fwo
hours. Iy fho fImo If wns ovor, I wns frusfrnfod
nnd fIrod. I hnd boon nf fho church sInco ?:30
A.M. nnd If wns goIng on 3:30 In fho nffornoon.
As I drovo nwny from fho church, I docIdod I
dIdn'f wnnf fo rofurn for fho ovonIng sorvIco. I
wonf homo, hnd n bIfo fo onf nnd InId down fo
fnko n nn. WhIIo I wns fryIng fo sIoo fho HoIy
SIrIf soko fo my honrf nnd snId, "I wnnf you fo
go fonIghf."
So I wonf, fhough I dIdn'f fooI IIko If. I snf on
fho Infform fhnf nIghf wIfh fho rosf of fho
nsfornI sfnff nnd n guosf sonkor. Affor Ionny
Infroducod hIm, fho guosf sonkor fook fho
mIcrohono nnd bognn fo mInIsfor. Affor nbouf
fIvo mInufos, ho furnod nround, gnvo fho mIc
bnck fo Ionny nnd snId ho foIf IIko Cod wns
wnnfIng fo do somofhIng dIfforonf.
So Ionny bognn fo Iond fho church In
worshI. I IIffod my hnnds nnd joInod In. I couId
honr my brofhor rnyIng ns ho wnIkod bnck nnd
forfh. Ho wns quofIng nvId's rnyor In IsnIm
5l. As ho wnIkod by I nskod fho !ord fo Ionso
do somofhIng frosh In mo. WIfh my hnnds IIffod
Worship and Holiness
uwnrd I foIf n rossuro on my bnck, ns If I woro
fouchod by n Inrgo hnnd fhnf sfrofchod ncross
bofh of my shouIdors.
Tho confor of fho nIm ushod my hond down
fo fho fIoor. I gnsod for nIr nnd wof. As I foII fo
fho fIoor, I crIod ouf fo Cod, "Whnf nro you doIng
InsIdo of mo Id I nsk for fhIs Whnf Is
hnonIng" I sfnrfod fo shnko nnd frombIo. I
know somofhIng gronf wns hnonIng InsIdo of
mo, buf I dIdn'f know whnf If wns.
I honrd Ionny cnII ouf, "IIck hIm u! IIck
hIm u! Cod Is doIng somofhIng In my brofhor!"
Ho fhon InId hIs hnnds on mo nnd rnyod nnd
rohosIod ovor mo. I foIf n nIn In my
mIdsocfIon so gronf I wrnod my nrms nround
my body nnd doubIod ovor. Tho nIn wns so gronf
I gnsod for ovory bronfh of nIr.
I ngnIn crIod ouf fo Cod, "IIonso foII mo whnf
nro You doIng In mo!"
Tho !ord soko nnd snId, "I hnvo jusf bIrfhod
hoIInoss InsIdo of you."
I ronIIzod fhIs wns fho ronson for fho nIn In
my sfomnch.
Whon I nskod HIm why, Ho snId, "Iocnuso
ovoryfhIng fhnf you hnvo dosIrod for Mo fo do In
you Is now dono."
I Iny cryIng on fho fIoor for moro fhnn fwo
Thon Cod snId fo mo, "Sfnnd, nnd you wIII
nofIco you nro chnngod."
Thoro bognn n dosIro In mo for hoIInoss IIko
novor boforo. My rnyor IIfo chnngod; my dosIros
chnngod; my onfIro wnIk wIfh Cod chnngod. Iuf
fho mosf drnmnfIc chnngo wns In my worshI.
HoIInoss musf como fIrsf; onIy fhon cnn wo
offor u uro worshI. Our honrfs' dosIro In
worshI shouId bo, "!ord, mnko us hoIy IIko you
nro hoIy."
A fow wooks nffor fhIs bIrfhIng of hoIInoss In
my IIfo I wns mInIsforIng In fho Inhnmns. Ono
nIghf fho !ord soko fo mo fhrough n vIsIon. I
snw whnf Iookod IIko n rIosf In fho OId
Tosfnmonf fImos. Ho wns bonufIfuIIy drossod
nnd Iookod IIko ho wns wnIkIng from fho oufor
courf Info fho hoIy of hoIIos. I snw n roo nround
hIs nnkIo nnd boIIs nf fho boffom of hIs gnrmonf.
In fho OId Tosfnmonf, n rIosf wouId go Info
fho hoIy of hoIIos onco n yonr. WonrIng n robo
wIfh boIIs on fho hom ho wouId offor sncrIfIcos of
nfonomonf on bohnIf of fho ooIo. If fhoro wns
nny sIn In hIm, ho wouId dIo ImmodInfoIy whon
ho onforod fho hoIy rosonco of Cod. As Iong ns
fho boIIs woro rIngIng, fhoso oufsIdo wouId know
ho wns sfIII nIIvo. Iuf If fho boIIs sfood
rIngIng, fhoy know ho wns dond. Tho roo
nround hIs nnkIo wns for fho ooIo fo uII hIs
body ouf (soo Ix. 28:3l-35).
Tho !ord soko fo mo ns I wns IookIng nf fhIs
scono nnd snId, "I nm nof uIIIng fhom ouf buf I
nm goIng fo drnw fhom In. I nm uffIng n roo
nround my ooIo fo uII fhom In from donfh fo
My oyos woro fIxod on fho roo, nnd I nskod,
"!ord, whnf Is fho roo"
Ho nnsworod, "Tho roo rorosonfs fho cords
Worship and Holiness
of worshI. I wIII drnw My ooIo from fho oufor
courf Info fho hoIy of hoIIos wIfh worshI."
Cod Is brIngIng chnngo fo our worshI. If wIII
bo moro fhnn n song boIng sung. WorshI wIII
Iond us Info fho hoIInoss of Cod, nnd fhoro wo
wIII bo chnngod. Tho cnIIIng of Cod on ovory ono
of us Is n cnII fo hoIInoss.
Iuf ns Ho who cnIIod you Is hoIy, you nIso bo
hoIy In nII your conducf, bocnuso If Is wrIffon,
"Io hoIy, for I nm hoIy" (l Iof. l:l5-l6).
Cod dosIros fo bIrfh In you HIs vory nnfuro
nnd chnrncfor. Cod Is hoIInoss, nnd Ho roquIros
fhoso of us who dosIro HIm fo bo hoIy IIko HIm.
HoIInoss wIII brIng HIs gIory.
He Is More Precious Than His Gifts
I hnvo four bonufIfuI chIIdron, nnd Cod hns
usod fhom fo sonk fo mo mnny fImos.
Ono nIghf Ho gnvo mo n IIfo chnngIng dronm
nbouf my oIdosf dnughfor, SnmIn. In fho dronm
If wns ChrIsfmns mornIng. I wns sfnndIng In n
hnIIwny nnd nf fho ond wns my IIffIo gIrI's room.
I hnd so mnny gIffs for hor, nnd I couIdn'f
wnIf fo soo hor fnco IIghf u whon sho snw fhom.
I wnnfod hor fo know how much hor fnfhor Iovod
SomofImos wo Inco foo much omhnsIs on
fho hysIcnI mnnIfosfnfIons of fho HoIy SIrIf.
Tho snmo owor fhnf cnusos mo fo fnII down wIII
cnuso mo fo bo chnngod whon I sfnnd u. Tho
HoIy SIrIf's fouch wIII nIwnys brIng n now
monsuro of hoIInoss fo our IIvos.
Hor door bognn fo oon, nnd sho ookod ouf.
I snw hor IIffIo fnco IIghf u. Hor smIIo wns so
wIdo. I know sho couId soo fho gIffs rIghf bohInd
mo undor fho froo.
I crouchod down on my knoos wnIfIng for hor
fo run Info my nrms. Hor bIondo hnIr wns
bouncIng u nnd down ns sho rnn down fho
hnIIwny. I sfrofchod ouf my nrms fo ombrnco hor
nnd sho rnn ns fnsf ns sho couId rIghf nsf mo.
Sho dIdn'f soom fo nofIco mo nf nII. Sho rnn nffor
nII fho gIffs buf Ignorod mo.
My honrf wns brokon. I wns fho ono who gnvo
hor nII fhoso gIffs. I wns fho ono who nId fho
rIco for hor fo hnvo fhom. I furnod nround fo
soo hor unwrnIng nII fho gIffs.
Thon fho HoIy SIrIf soko fo mo nnd snId,
"Son, fhIs Is fho wny If Is In fho church. Thoy
wnnf My gIffs, buf nro IgnorIng Mo."
Todny mnny cry ouf for fho SIrIf of Cod.
Thoy wnnf fho SIrIf fo gIvo fhom moro fnIfh,
joy, onco, honIIng or doIIvornnco. Wo musf
romombor fhnf Ho Is nof jusf fho SIrIf of Cod.
Ho Is fho HoIy SIrIf of Cod. Whon wo ombrnco
HIs hoIInoss, Ho wIII fouch us wIfh HIs SIrIf.
Whon our honrfs dosIro HIm moro fhnn nII
HIs gIffs, Cod wIII gIvo us fho HoIy SIrIf who
wIII hoI onnbIo us fo bo hoIy. nvId wrofo:
Oh, worshI fho !ord In fho bonufy of
hoIInoss! TrombIo boforo HIm, nII fho onrfh
(Is. 96:9).
Tho cnII fo worshI Is n cnII fo hoIInoss. Cod
Is nof jusf cnIIIng us fo worshI HIm In fho
bonufy of hoIInoss, buf fo IIvo In fho bonufy of
Worship and Holiness
) Pac&age Deal
Whon I mof my wIfo nnd foII In Iovo wIfh hor,
I gof fo know hor by hor fIrsf nnmo. I foII In Iovo
wIfh IrIkn. Sho foII In Iovo wIfh Snm. Sho dIdn'f
gof fo know mo ns Mr. HInn, buf by my fIrsf
nnmo. Thon whon wo gof mnrrIod, sho
nufomnfIcnIIy gof my Insf nnmo nnd ovoryfhIng
fhnf boIongod fo mo.
ThIs Is nIso fruo of our roInfIonshI wIfh fho
HoIy SIrIf. Whon wo fnII In Iovo wIfh HIm by
HIs fIrsf nnmo, HoIy, wo wIII fhon rocoIvo nII fho
gIffs fhnf como wIfh HIs Insf nnmo, SIrIf.
Cod cnIIs us fo IIvo n IIfo of hoIInoss nnd If wo
rojocf fhIs wo nIso rojocf fho HoIy SIrIf.
Ior Cod dId nof cnII us fo uncIonnnoss, buf
In hoIInoss. Thoroforo ho who rojocfs fhIs doos
nof rojocf mnn, buf Cod, who hns nIso gIvon us
HIs HoIy SIrIf (l Thoss. 4:?-8).
Your cnIIIng ns n boIIovor Is fo bo n hoIy
fomIo whoro Cod cnn dwoII. Cod Is hoIy nnd
whoro ho nbIdos musf nIso bo hoIy (soo !ov. l9:2
nnd l Cor. 3:l6- l?). Tho dogroo of hoIInoss In
your IIfo wIII bo fho dogroo of fho rosonco of
Cod. Cod's Word foIIs us wo woro choson boforo
fho foundnfIon of fho worId fo bo hoIy.
Jusf ns Ho choso us In HIm boforo fho
foundnfIon of fho worId, fhnf wo shouId bo
hoIy nnd wIfhouf bInmo boforo HIm In Iovo
(Ih. l:4).
Our gronfosf nsIrnfIon musf bo fo IIvo n hoIy
IIfo, nof fo hnvo n mInIsfry or frnvoI fho worId
ronchIng fho gosoI. Our cnIIIng Is hoIInoss, our
mInIsfry Is worshI.
Iuf sook fIrsf fho kIngdom of Cod nnd HIs
rIghfoousnoss, nnd nII fhoso fhIngs shnII bo
nddod fo you (Mnff. 6:33).
Cod wnnfs you fo sook hoIInoss fhnf comos
from HIm nnd nof by works. Cod wIII onIy oxocf
of us whnf Ho hImsoIf hns gIvon.
Thoro Is such n doo hungor In fho church
fodny for moro of fho hoIInoss of Cod. IooIo nro
cryIng ouf for chnngo. Thoy wnnf fo bo moro IIko
HIm. ow songs nro boIng gIvon by fho HoIy
SIrIf fIIIod wIfh n hoIy nssIon nnd dosIro fo bo
moro IIko Josus.
If Is Cod who ufs fho yonrnIng nnd dosIro In
our honrfs fo bo hoIy, nnd Ho Is fho ono who
snfIsfIos fhnf dosIro.
And n hIghwny wIII bo fhoro, n rondwny,
And If wIII bo cnIIod fho HIghwny of
Tho uncIonn wIII nof frnvoI on If,
Iuf If wIII bo for hIm who wnIks fhnf wny,
And fooIs wIII nof wnndor on If.
o IIon wIII bo fhoro,
or wIII nny vIcIous bonsf go u on If;
Thoso wIII nof bo found fhoro.
Iuf fho rodoomod wIII wnIk fhoro (Is. 35:8-
9, AS).
ThIs Is nn IncrodIbIo vIsunI Icfuro of
hoIInoss. Tho rond fo hoIInoss wIII koo you nwny
from dovourIng IIons (fho dovII, soo l Iof. 5:8).
Worship and Holiness
Tho fooI won'f wnIk In fho wny of hoIInoss;
noIfhor wIII fho sInnor. Iuf fhnf Is whoro you
wIII fInd fho rodoomod.
Tho gronfor fho hungor for hoIInoss, fho
gronfor fho dogroo of snfIsfncfIon.
y brofhor or sIsfor, fodny Cod dosIros fo
fouch your honrf wIfh HIs rosonco. Wo
hnvo sonf foo much fImo goIng bnck nnd forfh
nnd comIng In nnd ouf of fho rosonco of Cod. Ho
Iongs for us fo sfny In HIs rosonco fhnf wo
mIghf IIvo our IIvos In n sfnfo of worshI fo HIm.
Cod dosIros fhnf you IIvo fhoro, nof jusf vIsIf.
Thnf's why If snys In l CorInfhInns 3:l6:
o you nof know fhnf you nro fho fomIo
of Cod nnd fhnf fho SIrIf of Cod dwoIIs In
Cod wnnfs fo fnIk fo us fnco-fo-fnco, ns
frIonds. Abrnhnm wns cnIIod n frIond of Cod;
Mosos bocnmo n frIond of Cod. Cod Is jonIous for
your frIondshI.
AII fho ooIo snw fho IIInr of cIoud
sfnndIng nf fho fnbornncIo door, nnd nII fho
ooIo roso nnd worshIod, onch mnn In hIs
fonf door. So fho !ord soko fo Mosos fnco fo
fnco, ns n mnn sonks fo hIs frIond (Ix. 33:l0-
ThInk nbouf fho Idon fhnf Cod, fho cronfor of
honvon nnd onrfh, wnnfs fo bo your frIond. Josus
foId hIs dIscIIos In fho book of John, "I no Iongor
cnII you sorvnnfs, buf frIonds." Ho cronfod us for
foIIowshI, romombor
ofIco whon Mosos nnd fho ooIo roso nnd
worshIod, onch mnn wns In hIs fonf door. Thoy
woro worshIIng In fhoIr homos. WorshI Is nof
nn ovonf IImIfod fo fho four wnIIs of fho church.
WorshI bogIns In fho honrf, fhon fho homo.
Whon wo gnfhor fogofhor nf n Sundny
worshI sorvIco, wo coIobrnfo fogofhor whnf wo
hnvo onjoyod wIfh HIm durIng fho wook. Homo
Is fho Inco whoro Ho Iongs fo moof wIfh you.
Bring 'orth the .il
I wnnf fo romInd you of ono Insf sfory In fho
IIbIo nbouf worshI. ThIs Is fho sfory of Mnry of
And boIng In Iofhnny nf fho houso of
SImon fho Ioor, ns Ho snf nf fho fnbIo, n
womnn cnmo hnvIng nn nInbnsfor fInsk of vory
cosfIy oII of sIkonnrd. Thon sho broko fho
fInsk nnd ourod If on HIs hond (Mnrk l4:3).
ThIs womnn fook hor mosf vnIunbIo
ossossIon, nn fho nInbnsfor box of vory cosfIy
oII, broko fho box nnd ourod If on Josus' hond.
WorshI Is brIngIng our mosf vnIuod ossossIon,
our honrf, bronkIng If oon nnd ourIng fho oII of
our worshI on fho Mnsfor.
Thoro Is no gronfor dosIro In my honrf fhnn
for you fo sfnnd whoro nngoIs cnn onIy bow. HIs
rosonco wIII chnngo you forovor.
Know fhnf Cod Is cnIIIng you fo worshI HIm.
Ho Iongs for you fo worshI HIm, nof bocnuso Ho
IIkos your song, buf bocnuso Ho Iovos you. If
doosn'f mnffor If you cnn sIng or nof; Ho Is jusf
so Ionsod fhnf you hnvo como.
If Cod cnn chnngo mo, I know Ho cnn nIso
chnngo you. IIonso don'f hosIfnfo nnofhor
momonf. Ho Is wnIfIng. o mnffor whnf your
honrf Is IIko, Ho cnn chnngo If nnd gIvo you n
now ono.
Thoro Is such rocIous oII InsIdo of you fhnf
wns monnf onIy for HIm. Whon you our If ouf,
Ho Is fnIfhfuI fo fIII you ngnIn nnd ngnIn. If you
wIII nnoInf HIm wIfh your worshI, Ho wIII
nnoInf you wIfh HIs SIrIf.
I romIso whon you sfnnd In HIs rosonco
you wIII bo chnngod, novor ngnIn fo bo fho snmo.
IIonso don'f hosIfnfo nnofhor momonf. Como nnd
bo chnngod In HIs rosonco.
Snm HInn MInIsfrIos wouId IIko fo rocommond fho
foIIowIng fno sorIos:
Guard Your Heart
Whnf wns In fho honrf of nvId fhnf Cod
snId, "ThIs Is n mnn nffor my own honrf" Todny
Cod Is sookIng fhoso snmo fhIngs from your
honrf. In fhIs sorIos, Ionrn whnf wIII hnon
whon you gunrd your honrf nnd gIvo If fuIIy fo
/nderstanding the )nointing of God
Ono of fho gronfosf frufhs wo nood fo
undorsfnnd Is fho nnoInfIng of Cod. Whnf
hnons fo us whon Cod's nnoInfIng fIIIs us
Whnf nro somo of fho fruIfs wo shouId Iook for
ThIs sorIos nnswors fhoso nnd mnny ofhor
quosfIons nbouf Cod's nnoInfIng.
The Glor$ of God
Thoro Is n hungor In fho honrfs of boIIovors
ns fhoy cry ouf for Cod. Iscovor fho uroso of
HIs gIory nnd how If wIII shIno In your IIfo ns you
confInunIIy sook HIm.
Ior moro InformnfIon on fhoso nnd ofhor fno
sorIos or fo confncf Snm HInn wrIfo fo:
Snm HInn MInIsfrIos
380 So. S. !d. 434, SuIfo l004-l30
AIfnmonfo SrIngs, I! 32?l4
I' Y./ #0*.Y TH# M/%IC )0D MI0I%TY .' PHI+
DI%C.++1 MIGHTY H.0 MI0I%TI#% W./+D +I2#
T. #C.MM#0D TH# '.++.WI0G #C.DI0G%3
"In His Presence"
"In HIs Irosonco" Ionds us fo fruIy worshI
HIm nnd oscno fho InfIuoncos of fho owors of
dnrknoss nnd our cIrcumsfnncos. Whon wo onfor
Info HIs rosonco, wo nro chnngod ns wo nro
fIIIod wIfh HIs gIory nnd IIghf.
OrIgInnI ImrovIsnfIons of fho HoIy ScrIfuros
WIfhouf n doubf "SoInh" Is fho hIghIIghf of nII
fho musIc I'vo ovor mndo for my KIng nnd my
!ord. Thoso sonfnnoous songs of HIs Word IIff
us Info n hIghor dImonsIon. Thoy unIock now
wIndows In our honrfs so fho owor of HIs Word
nnd rosonco shInos on us.
If you wouId IIko fo rocoIvo fho Mosf HIgh
owsIoffor or InformnfIon nbouf IhII rIscoII's
mInIsfry or musIc, Ionso wrIfo or cnII:
MIghfy Horn MInIsfry
I. O. Iox 22l8
CIovoInnd, T 3?320
(6l5) 4?6-2235
W./+D +I2# T. #C.MM#0D TH# '.++.WI0G
The Blood
b$ Benn$ Hinn
Ionny HInn boIIovos fhnf Cod's bIood
covonnnf Is for you. In The Blood$ ho fnkos you
on n journoy fhrough fho IIbIo nnd Info fho IIvos
of ooIo fodny fo wIfnoss fho mIrncuIous owor,
rofocfIon nnd romIso of fho bIood.
Let Go of Whateer !a"es #o$ Sto%
b$ *ohn +4 Mason
Tho Insf In hIs nuggof frIIogy, 0et .o o"
Whateer !akes 1o% (top Is wrIffon In fho snmo
sfyIo ns John Mnson's fwo rovIous bosf-soIIors,
An ,nemy Called Aerage nnd 1o%/re Born an
Original4Don/t Die a Copy5 Thoso fIffy-fwo
nuggofs of frufh wIII fonch rondors how fo
cnfuro nnd koo momonfum for fhoIr IIvos.
AvnIInbIo nf your IocnI ChrIsfInn booksforo or
CronfIon Houso
600 !Inohnrf !ond
!nko Mnry, I! 32?46

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