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Its not Occult Voodoo but Vatican open Doo Doo!!

When in HOME do as the HOLIANS do Who is responsible for the safety and wellbeing of innocent helpless children? UN says no POWER have another look in 3 years How many Tears endless Fears? US went into Iraq and other for what they might do, (UN watched), but not the Vatican for what they do do Vatican world frauds purporting to be the nearest thing to God guardians of Gods children complicit all evidenced in their VOW arrest them NOW New Order World An auto for UN go in or get the hell back to Nibiru!!! Confucius say or was it me He who continue to fart agin wind fart smeller not smart feller To listen to inane excuses of a Vatican sprig NOW is to have a mind of a fig encapsulating their PRICK The true Holy War for Humanity Sanity begins NOW

IT will not be lost in SOCHI snow job games!!

HERO OFFICERS Humans Elected Representatives Obligation Organize Failsafe Fiduciary Industrial Co-op Egalitarian Revenue Share HOME RACE Humanity One Mother Earth Reality Almighty Consecrated Element Humanity Universal Law applies to the fraudulent Gods of AMEN Alien Middle East Nibiru Hence them of PRICK mi FIBIB Political Religious Illusion Charlatan Kleptocracy media inciting Fickle Inherent Bias Ignorant Bliss
Human rights are moral principles that set out certain standards of human behaviour, and are regularly protected as legal rights in national and international law.[1] They are "commonly understood as inalienable fundamental rights to which a person is inherently entitled simply because she or he is a human being."[2] Human rights are thus conceived as universal (applicable everywhere) and egalitarian (the same for everyone). The doctrine of human rights has been highly influential within international law, global and regional institutions, in the policies of states and in the activities of non-governmental organizations and has become a cornerstone of public policy around the world. The idea of human rights[3] suggests that, "if the public discourse of peacetime global society can be said to have a common moral language, it is that of human rights." Many of the basic ideas that animated the human rights movement developed in the aftermath of the Second World War and the atrocities of The Holocaust, culminating in the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Paris by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948. The ancient world did not possess the concept of universal human rights.[5] The true forerunner of human rights discourse was the concept of natural rights which appeared as part of the medieval Natural law tradition that became prominent during the Enlightenment with such philosophers as John Locke, Francis Hutcheson, and Jean-Jacques Burlamaqui, and featured prominently in the political discourse of the American Revolution and the French Revolution. From this foundation, the modern human rights arguments emerged over the latter half of the twentieth century.[6]

Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world... 1st sentence of the Preamble to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Article 1 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)[7]

The strong claims made by the doctrine of human rights continue to provoke considerable skepticism and debates about the content, nature and justifications of human rights to this day.

the question of what is meant by a

is itself controversial and the subject of continued philosophical debate.[4] Such people as of the Vatican the epitome of CERISE Consecrated Element Rogues Insidious Self Exposed At first face by the fact itself Ipso Facto Prima Facie When in HOME do as the Holians do Ipso facto is a Latin phrase, directly translated as "by the fact itself,"[1] which means that a certain phenomenon is a direct consequence, a resultant effect, of the action in question, instead of being brought about by a previous action. It is a term of art used in philosophy, law, and science. An example in law is money laundering: the act is not ipso facto illegal because it is an exchange but is done as a cover for something else, so the act puts the actions of an individual in question. A common English idiom with a similar meaning is "in and of itself".
Aside from its technical uses, it occurs frequently in literature, particularly in scholarly addenda: e.g., "Faustus had signed his life away, and was, ipso facto, incapable of repentance" (re: Christopher Marlowe, The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus) or "These prejudices are rooted in the idea that every tramp ipso facto is a blackguard" (re: George Orwell, Down and Out in Paris and London). In religion[edit] Ipso facto denotes the automatic character of the loss of membership in a religious body by someone guilty of a specified action.[2] Within the Roman Catholic Church, the phrase latae sententiae is more commonly used than ipso facto with regard to ecclesiastical penalties such as excommunication. It indicates that the effect follows even if no verdict (in Latin, sententia) is pronounced by an ecclesiastical superior or tribunal.
Prima facie (/pram fe.i/, /fe/, or /fei/;[1] from Latin: prm faci) is a Latin expression meaning on its first

at first face" or "at first appearance", from the feminine form of primus ("first") and facies ("face"), both in the ablative case. It is used in modern legal English to signify that on first examination, a matter appears to beevident from the facts. In common law jurisdictions, prima facie denotes evidence that unless rebutted would be sufficient to prove a particular proposition or fact. The term is used similarly in academic philosophy. Most legal proceedings require a prima facie case to exist, following which proceedings may then commence to test it, and create a ruling.
encounter, first blush, or at first sight. The literal translation would be "

Vatican hate gays because they do not produce delectable children for play and enslave

IT Invincible Triad Humanity (Spirit Force Law) Rule of Law

SPIRIT: strength, courage, character, guts, will, strength of mind, fortitude, FORCE
HOLIANS Home-grown Original Local Indigenous Aboriginal Native Solidarity

Thy Kingdom Ours Vatican falls floods to the Bank!!! You can take to the Bank

BO No OB Our Bank!!!
Ignorance our albatross Truth our Ammo Alien Alamo
The End of the Struggle of Humankind begins with WORK - War of Right Kind not quirks of jerks armed Hercs Magic Carpet Ride When BS Back Stabbers do your back they charge for bleeding on the rug pulled from beneath You How many impoverished them that must die for the honors of Olympic high ride Podium Perhaps a moments silence unnoticed in PS precedent silence for they are the honorable of humanity procrastinates Peace a theory as is conspiracy theory and UN peacekeeper theory Tomorrow Tomorrow Tomorrow NEWS Never Ending War Story Valentines Day has interesting Connotations keeping the War in Russia rather than good ol USA GAA Guess again America

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