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Melanie Shi Pd.

CHAPTER 1 Applied Psychology: psychology that consists of direct used of the finidings of research psychologist Empiricism: medical practice and advice based on observation and experience in ignorance of scientific findings ehavior: any overt !observable" response or activity by an organism Culture: the attitudes and behavior that are characteristic of a particular social group or organi#ation Theory: general frame$or%&idea for scientific study 'ntrospection: the careful( systematic( ob)ective self*observation of conscious experience of oneself Ethnocentrism: )udging others in terms of one+s o$n cultural standards

CHAPTER , Confounding -ariables: variables that have an un$anted influence on the outcome of an experiment Correlation: relationship bet$een , variables $ithout stating a cause Correlation coefficient: a number expressing the strength of a correlation * the stronger a correlation is the closer it is to 1 or *1 .escriptive /tatistics: organi#ing and summari#ing data Experimenter bias: unconscious tendency for researches to treat members of the experiment and control group differently to increase the chance of confirming their hypothesis Extraneous variables: any variable besides the independent variable that could influence the results of the experiment 'nferential statistics: interpreting data and dra$ing conclusions Placebo Effects: change in a participant+s illness or behavior that results from a belief that the treatment $ill have an effect( rather than the actual treatment Replication: the repetition of an experiment in order to test the validity of its conclusion /ampling ias: the tendency for sub)ects to behave in certain $ays /tatistical /ignificance: results of research strong enough to indicate a relationship !correlation"0 must be at a 1213 level or lo$er to be statistically significant !not li%ely to be due to chance" -ariability: ho$ much scores vary from each other and the mean

/TAT'/T'C/ 4re5uency distribution: an organi#ed list that enables us to see clusters or patterns in data 4re5uency polygon: another name for a line graph Histogram: another name for bar graph /catter .iagram: 6easure that indicates the relationship bet$een data items using x and y axes

.istinguish the different domains of psychology: Clinical: Evaluate and treat mental( emotional( and behavioral disorders2 !7C.( /chi#ophrenia" Counseling: Help people adapt to change or ma%e changes in their lifestyle2 .evelopmental: /tudy psychological development throughout a lifespan2 !Piaget" Educational: 4ocus on ho$ effective teaching and learning ta%e place2 !consultants" Experimental: utili#es scientific methods to research the mind and behaivor Human 4actors: area of psychology that focuses on a range of different topics( including ergonomics( $or%place safety( human error( product design( human capability and human*computer interaction2 Human factors psychologists perform a number of duties such as exploring the $ays that people interact $ith products and environments and designing interfaces that are easy to understand2 'ndustrial*organi#ational: Aim to improve productivity and the 5uality of $or% life by applying psychological principles and methods to the $or%place2 !Panera" Psychometric: 4ocus on methods for ac5uiring and analy#ing psychological data2 !research based"

'dentify the ma)or historical figures in psychology: 6ary 8hiton Cal%ins: American pioneer in memory( dreams( personality0 first female president of APA Charles .ar$in: English naturalist $ho introduced natural selection and evolution to scientific theory0 influenced functionalist school of psychology .orothea .ix: American activist on behalf of the indigent insane $ho( through a vigorous program of lobbying state legislatures and the 9nited /tates Congress( created the first generation of American mental asylums 6argaret 4loy 8ashburn: first $oman to receive Ph. in psychology $ho is best %no$n for her experimental $or% in animal behavior and motor theory development

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