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Strength -reading Has learn reading skill like scanning and skimming Refer to dictionary if did not understand

nd -listening Can detect others pronunciation wrong or right. Always watch English movie Listen to English song How to overcome -speaking $alk with friend %araoke English song atching movie without su!title &en pal from other country 'oin social networking $alk in front of mirror to !uild confidence -writing Read English maga(ine like reader digest to get more voca! Always refer to dictionary

eakness -speaking Can speak !ut not very fluent Lack of confidence Low self-esteem -writing "rammar# spelling# voca!ulary

E)perience in English language 'oin choral speaking for English night *orum in class discussing a!out environment 'oin de!ate in class to discuss a!out any issue +ecome an actor in English drama.

Refleksi ttg apa yang diri sendiri rasa mengenai !ahasa inggeris. $idak mele!ihi ,-. patah perkataan.

$he English language has taken over the centuries to see words !rought into the language# !eing replaced# or altered# and finally !ecome o!solete. $his is apart of the conse/uences in order to modify it for society0s needs in this age of high technology and communication. 1ne of my strength in empowering the English language proficiency is through reading. 2 have learned and practiced reading skills such as scanning and skimming. 2 also keen to e)plore new English words which 2 never heard !efore or not understand !y referring to dictionary and fully utili(ed the 2nternet !y searching from online dictionary which is more convenient. 2n terms of listening# 2 can understand the English language and can detect

whether the pronunciation is correct or not. +esides that# 2 love to watch English movie or English television channel and listen to English songs as well. 1n the other hand# there are some weaknesses that might occur in my learning process. *or instance# 2 can speak English# !ut not so fluent. 2 also lack of confidence when talking to others in English. Sometimes# it will lead to low self-esteem. 2n terms of writing# 2 am not very good in grammar and lack of voca!ulary. However# this is not the end since 2 am willing to improve my English proficiency from time to time. $here are few ways to overcome this matter. *irst of all# in terms of speaking skill# 2 have to talk in fully English language with my family and friends. +esides that# 2 can try to use singing method !y choosing English songs each time 2 go to karaoke. 2 am also planning to watch English movie without depending on the su!title. $he most effective way is !y 3oining the social networking and find friends or pen pal from other countries who use English language as their second language. 2n order to !uild up my confidence level and polish my conversation skills# 2 have to practice a lot in front of the mirror or my family. 2n addition# to have a !etter writing skill# 2 have to prepare myself !y reading English !ooks# maga(ines or newspapers to e)plore the new voca!ulary. 1ne of the !est sources is !y reading the Reader4s 5igest which has !een guaranteed with full of information and news. 6e)t# 2 must always refer to dictionary to enhance my knowledge. &ocket dictionary will !e suita!le when travelling or 2 can 3ust refer to online dictionary. 2n fact# 2 have few e)periences in English language contest# such as involved in choral speaking for English night. 2 also took part in the English forum in classroom regarding the environment issue. 2n addition# 2 was one of the de!aters in my classroom# de!ating any issues in English language for English su!3ect. Last !ut not least# 2 represented my class in English drama.

7y sincere hope is to !e proficient in English language since it is not only our second language# !ut it is very demanding nowadays that we need some!ody who can speak English fluently to !e hired in the working industry.

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