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Alexandra Elena Blnoiu Daniel Cosma Sebastian Roman

ndrumtor: Nemtanu Florin

Instructions for completing "Part A" of the proposal

Proposals in this call must be submitted electronically, using the Commission s Electronic Proposal Submission System !EPSS"# $he procedure is gi%en in section & o' this guide# (n Part A you )ill be as*ed 'or certain administrati%e details that )ill be used in the e%aluation and 'urther processing o' your proposal# Part A 'orms an integral part o' your proposal# Details o' the )or* you intend to carry out )ill be described in Part B !annex +"# Section A, gi%es a snapshot o' your proposal, section A- concerns you and your organisation, )hile section A& deals )ith money matters# Please note: . $he coordinator 'ills in sections A, and A&# . $he participants already identi'ied at the time o' proposal submission !including the coordinator" each 'ill in their respecti%e section A-# . Subcontractors should not 'ill in section A- and should not be listed separately in section A&# . $he estimated budget planned 'or any 'uture participants !not yet identi'ied at the time o' the proposal" is not sho)n separately in 'orm A& but should be added to the coordinator s budget# $heir role, pro'ile and tas*s are described in Part B o' the proposal# Chec* that your budget 'igures are correctly entered in Part A# /a*e sure that: . 0umbers are al)ays rounded to the nearest )hole number . All costs are gi%en in Euros# Do not express your costs in thousands o' Euros !12E3R4S1" etc# $his can a''ect decisions on the eligibility o' your proposal . 5ou ha%e inserted 6eros !171" i' there are no costs, or i' no 'unding is re8uested# Do not lea%e blan*s . Costs do not include %alue added tax# Note: The following notes are for information only. They should assist you in completing Part A of your proposal. On-line guidance will also be available. The precise questions and options presented on P!! may differ slightly from these below.

"O##A$O%AT&' P%O( "T! !ection A): !ummary

Proposal Acronym "ollaborative Pro*ects Proposal Title +uration in months "all ,part- identifier Topic code,s- most relevant to your proposal 9#$#(

9oint $echnology (nitiati%es &; months SP,:9$(:CS:-7,&:7&:Clean S*y 9$( (n the scope o' this study the 'ollo)ing topics are addressed: A%iation

Rail Road <aterborne Sa'ety 3ser aspects

.ree /eywords

$he main idea o' the pro=ect is to progress brea*through technologies and re'ined aerodynamic techni8ues to the testing and implementation stages 'or pro=ect realisation and hando%er into production# $he ob=ecti%es o' this programme are, by -7-7, to reduce: C4- emissions by >7?, 04x emissions by @7?, 0oise perception by >7?# Aeronautics and space acti%ities play a %ital role in Europe s economy and our o%erall 8uality o' li'e# Ao)e%er, by its %ery nature, this acti%ity has impacts on the en%ironment, ranging 'rom air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and )ater pollution to urban spra)l, all o' )hich impact on our health and )ell being# Sustainable air tra%el and space exploration can create %iable, long:term economic and business opportunities# $he de%elopment o' ne) materials, processes, and design inno%ation technologies presents ne) strategic gro)th opportunities in an increasingly competiti%e global economy# 0(CAESB : 0e) and inno%ati%e concepts 'or helping European transport sustainability : to)ards implementation SACERA(D : De%elopment o' no%el inspection systems 'or rail)ay )heelsets EAEAR : European assessment o' global publicly 'unded automoti%e research targets and approaches $A4/4 : De%elopment o' a 'inite element model o' the human thorax and upper extremities -:BE:SACE : -:)heeler beha%iour and sa'ety Blnoiu Elena Alexandra 3PB R4 Cosma Daniel 3PB R4 Roman Sebastian 3PB R4 &>+;F@&-@ 3ni%ersitatea Politehnica Bucuresti 3PB 3PB 3ni%ersitatea Politehnica Bucuresti Splaiul (ndependentei nr# &,&, sect#;, Bucuresti Romania


!imilar proposals or signed contracts

!ection A0: Participants

Participant number

Participant &dentification "ode #egal name Organisation !hort Name #egal address


organisation Public body %esearch organisation NA" code !mall and 1edium-!i2ed nterprises ,!1 s+ependencies with ,an--other participant,s-

: :
+G#,7 Small

External support: Cosma Daniel 3PB !cosmadanielH=ti#ro" Cederal (nstitutes also )or*ing in the programme team:

CUT (Coventry University) Anglia EUT (Eindhoven University of Technology) - Olanda

"haracter of dependence "ontact point

CDS /r# Roman Sebastian 3ni%ersitatea Politehnica Bucuresti !3PB", Se*tion Erundlagen Spl# (ndependentei, nr# &,&, sect#;, Bucuresti Romania Email: roman#sebastianHupb#admin#ro <ebsite: )))#upb#admin#roI=ti

Title !e3 Phone and fa3 numbers

/r# / $el: Cax: !B+7" F&+ -;F &,> !B+7" -, +7- G> ;G

!ection A45$udget
&ndirect "osts &nternational "ooperation Partner "ountry ,&"P"#ump sum funding method Type of Activity Personnel costs !ub- contracting >7777 euro

Do):income (CPC: @,777 EuroIresearcherIyear Research, training and coordination# &777 euroIperson CEPE$E$ 3PB R4 ($S Romania

Other direct costs Total $udget %equested 6 contribution Total %eceipts

7 >7777 +>777 :

Instructions for drafting "Part B" of the CS-RT


$his section pro%ides a template to help you structure your proposal# (t )ill help you present important aspects o' your planned )or* in a )ay that )ill enable the experts to ma*e an e''ecti%e assessment against the e%aluation criteria# Although all sections o' the template must be addressed in the proposal, the amount o' in'ormation pro%ided should be proportionate to the %alue and complexity o' the proposal# $he minimum 'ont si6e allo)ed is ,, points# All margins !top, bottom, le't, right" should be at least ,> mm !not including any 'ooters or headers"# A maximum length may be speci'ied in the Call $ext 'or the di''erent sections o' Part B, or 'or Part B as a )hole# (n this case, you must *eep your proposal )ithin these limits# E%en )here no page limits are gi%en, or )here limits are only recommended, it is in your interest to *eep your text concise since o%er:long proposals are rarely %ie)ed in a positi%e light by the e%aluating experts# $he CS93 Sta'' may instruct the experts to disregard pages in excess o' the maximum length speci'ied in the Call $ext# # 5ou must use exclusi%ely P+. !Jportable document 'ormatK, compatible )ith Adobe %ersion & or higher, )ith embedded 'onts"# 4ther 'ile 'ormats )ill not be accepted by the system# $here is an o%erall limit o' ,7 /byte to the si6e o' proposal 'ile Part B# $here are also restrictions to the name you gi%e to the Part B 'ile# 5ou should only use alphanumeric characters# Special characters and spaces must be a%oided# 4nly a single PDC 'ile comprising the complete Part B can be accepted# 3nless speci'ied in the call, any hyperlin*s to other documents, embedded material, and any other documents !company brochures, supporting documentation, reports, audio, %ideo, multimedia etc#" sent electronically or by post, )ill be disregarded#

"over Page Proposal 'ull title: 9oint $echnology (nitiati%es Proposal acronym: 9#$#( $ype o' 'unding scheme: Collaborati%e Pro=ect (' a distinction is made in the call, please state )hich type o' collaborati%e pro=ect your proposal relates to: !i" Small or medium:scale 'ocused research pro=ectL !ii"# #arge-scale integrating pro*ectL !iii" Pro=ect targeted to special groups such as S/Es and other smaller actors <or* programme topics addressed: !i' more than one, indicate their order o' importance to the pro=ect" 0ame o' the coordinating person: Blnoiu Elena Alexandra

Dist o' participants: Participant no. 7 Participant organisation name 3PB 3PB 3PB "ountry R4 R4 R4

,# Blnoiu Elena
Alexandra -# Cosma Daniel &# Roman Sebastian

* Please use the same participant numbering as that used in section A2 of the administrative forms Table of "ontents

Proposal ).

!cientific and Technical quality

Progress beyond the !tate of the Art Describe the state of the art and demonstrate the innovative character of the proposal $he mission consists o' de%eloping 'undamental engineering science and associated technologies )ith application to air and space %ehicles, associated systems and components# Clean S*y )ill demonstrate and %alidate the technology brea*throughs that are necessary to ma*e ma=or steps to)ards the en%ironmental goals sets by ACARE : Ad%isory Concil 'or Aeronautics Research in Europe : the European $echnology Plat'orm 'or Aeronautics M Air $ransport and to be reached in -7-7: >7? reduction o' C4- emissions through drastic reduction o' 'uel consumption @7? reduction o' 04x !nitrogen oxide" emissions >7? reduction o' external noise A green product li'e cycle: design, manu'acturing, maintenance and disposalI recycling Clean S*y is made up o' ; (ntegrated $echnology Demonstrators:

1. !1A%T .i3ed 8ing Aircraft - !.8A - )ill deli%er acti%e )ing technologies and
ne) aircra't con'iguration 'or brea*through, ne)s products#

2. 9reen %egional Aircraft - 9%A - )ill deli%er lo):)eight aircra't using smart
strutures, as )ell as lo) external noise con'igurations and the integration o' technology de%eloped in other ($Ds, such as engines, energy management and ne) system architectures# 9reen %otorcraft - 9%" - )ill deli%er inno%ati%e rotor blades and engine installation 'or noise reduction, lo)er air'rame drag, integration o' diesel engine technology and ad%anced electrical systems 'or elimination o' noxious hydraulic 'luids and 'uel consumption reduction# !ustainable and 9reen ngines - !A9 - )ill design and build 'i%e engine demonstrators to integrate technologies 'or lo) noise and light)eight lo) pressure systems, high e''iciency, lo) 04x and lo) )eight cores and no%el con'igurations such as open rotors and intercoolers# !ystems for 9reen Operations - !9O - )ill 'ocus on all:electrical aircra't e8uipment and systems architectures, thermal management, capabilities 'or 1green1 tra=ectories and mission and impro%ed ground operations to gi%e any aircra't the capability to 'ully exploit the bene'its o' Single European S*y# co-+esign - "O - )ill 'ocus on green design and production, )ithdra)al, and recycling o' aircra't, by optimal use o' ra) materials and energies thus impro%ing the en%ironmental impact o' the )hole products li'e cycle and accelerating compliance )ith the REACA directi%e#






!cientific and Technology methodology and wor: plan: A detailed )or* plan should be presented, bro*en do)n into )or* pac*ages !<Ps" Please present your plans as 'ollo)s:

1.2.1) Describe the overall strategy of the work plan.

$he o%erall strategy is to replace the existing e8uipments )ith ne) ones, and a'ter that to test i' they are )or*ing properly and )ithin the correct parameters, and a'ter that to integrate them in the )hole system# $he next <P is to de%elop and implement ne) system )ith the existing systems and e8uipments# Another <P is the testing phase, and in this step )e ha%e to ma*e sure that the entire system is )or*ing properly# Cor the maturing o' the smart )ing, a parallel de%elopment o' passi%e and acti%e 'lo) and load control technologies is a *ey part o' the plan, )ith clear target to 'light test a large si6e smart )ing based on the concept o' natural laminarity, possibly to be 'ollo)ed by a second, e%en more ad%anced hybrid Jacti%eK 'lo) control laminar )ing demonstrator# (n this context it is important to understand that e%en the Jpassi%eK natural laminar )ing does )ell include a number o' acti%e 'lo) and load control technologies#
,#-#-" how the timing of the different !Ps and their components "#antt chart or similar timetable)


Diagrama EA0$$


8or : pac:ag e No

Work package title

Type of activity

#ead participa nt No

Lead particip a nt short name

Person month s

!tart month

End month

WP 1 WP 2 WP 3 WP 4 WP 5 WP 6 WP 0 WP 1

Appl !"# $% !$%#&'# A)!* #&!#+)& "%, -&#*$,$l$./ D&2&l$p-&%# $3 &-4&,,&, 5/5#&- pl"#3$)L$67l&2&l F&"#+)& &'#)"!# $% H .*7l&2&l S&-"%# ! P)$!&55 %. I%3$)-"# $% E'!*"%.& "%, U5&) C$--+% !"# $% S/5#&- %#&.)"# $% E'p&) -&%#"# $% "%, 2"l ,"# $%


4 0 6 4 5 3 0 6 TOTAL


2( 21 14 36 35 21 49 42 315

1 2 5 12 16 2( 26 3(

5 5 11 2( 22 26 32 36

$able ,: <or* pac*age list

1.2.$) Provide a detailed work description broken down into work packages%

W$): p"!:".& %+-4&); WP 1 < WP %. Pl&"5& %, !"#& $%& "!# 2 #/ p&) 6$): p"!:".&;

RTD = R&5&")!* "%, #&!*%$l$. !"l ,&2&l$p-&%# >DEM = D&-$%5#)"# $%? M8T = M"%".&-&%# $3 #*& !$%5$)# +-? OTHER = O#*&) 5p&! 3 ! "!# 2 # &5@ 3 "ppl !"4l& % #* 5 !"ll %!l+, %. "%/ "!# 2 # &5 #$ p)&p")& 3$) #*& , 55&- %"# $% "%,A$) &'pl$ #"# $% $3 p)$B&!# )&5+l#5@ "%, !$$), %"# $% "!# 2 # &5C 3 N+-4&) $3 #*& p")# ! p"%# l&", %. #*& 6$): % #* 5 6$): p"!:".&. 4 T*& #$#"l %+-4&) $3 p&)5$%7-$%#*5 "ll$!"#&, #$ &"!* 6$): p"!:".&. 5 M&"5+)&, % -$%#*5 3)$- #*& p)$B&!# 5#")# ,"#& >-$%#* 1C.


+el . no. .

Deliverable name

WP no.


Dissemination level

+elivery date

1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.1 4.2 5.1 5.2 6.1 6.2 0.1 0.2 1.1 1.2

Appl !"# $% !$%#&'# Appl !"# $% !$%#&'# A)!* #&!#+)& A)!* #&!#+)& "%, -&#*$,$l$./ H"),6")& "%, 5$3#6")& pl"#3$)I%#&ll .&%!& p)$!&55 %. -&!*"% 5-5 E-4&,,&, 5/5#&- pl"#3$)S$3#6")& H"),6")& "%, #&5# R+l&74"5&, "%, p)$4"4 l 5# ! -$,&l5 $3 $4B&!#5 D&2 !&D5 5&%5$)/ &%2 )$%-&%# I%#&)75&%5$) !$--+% !"# $% D 5#) 4+#&, ,&2 !&5 H"),6")& #&5# pl"#3$)H"),6")& pl"#3$)V"l ,"# $% E'p&) -&%#"# $%

1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 0 0 1 1



2 5 3 5 12 14 11 16 2( 11 22 24 26 29 32 34 36

$able -: Deli%erables Dist


Miles Milestone tone name numbe r 1 A)!* #&!#+)&


Work package(s) involved WP 2

3pected date

1eans of verification

-$%#* 5

T*& ")!* #&!#+)& $3 #*& p)$B&!#

D&l 2&)"4l& %+-4&)5 % $),&) $3 ,&l 2&)/ ,"#&5. Pl&"5& +5& #*& %+-4&) %. !$%2&%# $% EWP %+-4&)F.E%+-4&) $3 ,&l 2&)"4l& 6 #* % #*"# WPF. F$) &'"-pl&@ ,&l 2&)"4l& 4.2 6$+l, 4& #*& 5&!$%, ,&l 2&)"4l& 3)$- 6$): p"!:".& 4. 0 Pl&"5& %, !"#& #*& %"#+)& $3 #*& ,&l 2&)"4l& +5 %. $%& $3 #*& 3$ll$6 %. !$,&5; R = R&p$)#@ P = P)$#$#/p&@ D = D&-$%5#)"#$)@ = O#*&) 1 M&"5+)&, % -$%#*5 3)$- #*& p)$B&!# 5#")# ,"#& >-$%#* 1C. 9 M&"5+)&, % -$%#*5 3)$- #*& p)$B&!# 5#")# ,"#& >-$%#* 1C. 1( S*$6 *$6 /$+ 6 ll !$%3 )- #*"# #*& - l&5#$%& *"5 4&&% "##" %&,. R&3&) #$ %, !"#$)5 3 "pp)$p) "#&. F$) &'"-pl&; " l"4$)"#$)/ p)$#$#/p& !$-pl&#&, "%, )+%% %. 3l"6l&55l/? 5$3#6")& )&l&"5&, "%, 2"l ,"#&, 4/ " +5&) .)$+p? 3 &l, 5+)2&/ !$-pl&#& "%, ,"#" G+"l #/ 2"l ,"#&,.

2 3

E-4&,,&, 5/5#&- pl"#3$)V"l ,"# $% "%, &'p&) -&%#"# $%

WP 3 WP 1

-$%#* 11 -$%#* 36
$able &: /ilestones Dist

5 )&",/ "%, 2&) 3 &, T*& pl"#3$)- 5 )&",/ "%, 2&) 3 &, F &l, 5+)2&/ !$-pl&#&, "%, ,"#" G+"l #/ 2"l ,"#&,

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Work package number Work package title #ctivit$ %$pe Participant number Participant short name Person-months per participant"

WP1 !tart date or starting event" Appl !"# $% !$%#&'# COORD 1 2 3 4 BEA RS CD RT 5 5 5 5

biective I%.l$4")&" !$%#&'#+l+ ,& "pl !"J

Descrierea modului de lucru I%.l$4")&" !$%#&'#+l+ ,& "pl !"J . A!&5# p"!*&# ,& l+!)+ 5& $!+pK !+ ,&H2$l#")&" L%J&l&.&) ,&pl %& " !$%#&'#+l+ @ !& %3$)-"J #)&4+ &5! #) - 5& $p&)"#$) l$) 5 5#&-+l+ M L% !& -$, ") #)&4+ 3$)-+l"#K &2"l+")&" M #&5#&l& , % !$%#&'#+l ,& "pl !"J .

&urni'(ri C$%#&'#+l ,& "pl !"J

Work package number Work package title #ctivit$ %$pe Participant number Participant short name Person-months per participant"

WP 2 !tart date or starting event" A)!* #&!#+)& "%, -&#*$,$l$./ COORD 3 1 4 5 2 CD BEA RT RM RS 4 4 4 4 4

2 6 VF 4 0 RE 4

biective Sp&! 3 !K ")* #&!#+)" .l$4"lK " p)$ &!#+l+

Descrierea modului de lucru Sp&! 3 !K ")* #&!#+)" .l$4"lK " SENSE. A!&5# p"!*&# ,& l+!)+ ,&H2$l#K %5#)+-&%#&l& %&!&5")& p&%#)+ L%J&l&.&)&" -$,+l+ ,& 3+%!J $%")& "l 5 5#&-+l+ M &2"l+&"HK p&)3$)-"%J" "!&5#+ ".

&urni'(ri A)* #&!#+)K M -&#$,$l$. &

Work package number Work package title #ctivit$ %$pe Participant number Participant short name Person-months per participant"

WP 3 !tart date or starting event" D&2&l$p-&%# $3 &-4&,,&, 5/5#&- pl"#3$)COORD 5 3 4 1 2 CD NF RT BEA RS 14 14 14 14 14

5 1 VT 14

biective D&H2$l#")&" pl"#3$)-& 5 5#&-+l+ %#&.)"#

Descrierea modului de lucru D&H2$l#")&" pl"#3$)-& 5 5#&-+l+ %#&.)"#. Pl"#3$)-" !+p) %,& "#N# 5&%H$) "!+5# ! !N# M 2 H+"l !+ %&!&5 #"#&" !"p"! #KJ ,& p)$!&5")& *"),6")& M 5$3#6")&. S&%H$) "!+5# ! 5+%# )&p)&H&%#"J ,& - !)$3$"%&.

&urni'(ri H"),6")& M 5$3#6")& M&!"% 5-& ,& p)$!&5")& %#&l .&%#K Pl"#3$)-" 5 5#&-+l+ %#&.)"#

Work package number Work package title #ctivit$ %$pe Participant number Participant short name Person-months per participant"

WP4 !tart date or starting event" L$67l&2&l 3&"#+)& &'#)"!# $% SUPP 9 1( 11 12 ASD EDS FRE SE 9 9 9 9


biective I%J&l&.&)&" #)"%53$)-K) % 2&l L%"l# %3$)-"J & l$!"l& ,& % 2&l 5!KH+# L%#)7$ %3$)-"J & ,&

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&urni'(ri S$3#6")&? H"),6")& M #&5#

Work package number Work package title #ctivit$ %$pe Participant number Participant short name Person-months per participant"

WP 5 !tart date or starting event" H .*7l&2&l S&-"%# ! P)$!&55 %. SUPP 1 9 1( 11 12 BEA ASD EDS FRE SE 0 0 0 0 0


biective Cl"5 3 !")&" &2&% -&%#&l$) ,& % 2&l L%"l#

Descrierea modului de lucru Cl"5 3 !")& &2&% -&%#&l$) ,& % 2&l L%"l# M L%2K#")&"A.&%&)"l H")&" -$,+l+ ,& 3+%!J $%")& 5+%# L%#)&p) %5&. P)$4l&-&l& "4$),"#& %!l+,; L%2"J")&" ,&5p)& -&, +l 5&%H$)+l+ @ )&p)&H&%#")&" &2&% -&%#+l+ @ !$%5#)+ )&" -$,&l&l$) p)$4"4 l 5# !& !+ p) 2 )& l" 3+%!J $%")&" $4 &!#+l+ M "!#+"l H")&" -$,&l+l+ l$!"l.

&urni'(ri M$,&l& ,& $4 &!#& 4"H"#& p& )&.+l M p)$4"4 l 5# !K D 5p$H # 2+l -&, +l+ 5&%H$) "l

Work package number Work package title #ctivit$ %$pe Participant number Participant short name Person-months per participant"

WP 6 !tart date or starting event" 2( I%3$)-"# $% &'!*"%.& "%, U5&)5 !$--+% !"# $% M8T 3 5 9 CD 8D ASD 0 0 0

biective C&%#)& p) 2 %, 5!* -4+l ,& %3$)-"J

Descrierea modului de lucru C$-+% !"J " L%#)& 5&%H$) @ ,&) 2N%, $ -". %& .l$4"lK " -&, +l+ p&%#)+ 5&%H$)+l l$!"l ,& %3$)-"J &@ ,&%# 3 !N%, &."l #"#&" &2&% -&%#&l$) M $4 &!#&l$) p& !")& , 3&) J 5&%H$) M !$-p$%&%#&l& l& p&)!&p !+ !")"!#&) 5# ! #$#"l , 3&) #&.

&urni'(ri C$-+% !"J & L%#)& 5&%H$) D 5p$H # 2& , 5#) 4+ #&

Work package number Work package title #ctivit$ %$pe Participant number Participant short name Person-months per participant"

WP 0 S/5#&M8T 2 RS 0

!tart date or starting event" %#&.)"# $% 1 BEA 0 9 ASD 0 5 RM 0 4 RT 0 3 NF 0 0 RE 0

biective C+p) %,& %#&.)")&" 5 5#&-+l+

Descrierea modului de lucru D&$")&!& !$-p$%&%#&l& 5 5#&-+l+ ,&2 % "!!&5 4 l& p) % %#&)-&, +l pl"%+l+ ,& l+!)+@ &l& 5+%# %#&.)"#& M #&5#"#& p&%#)+ " "5 .+)" 3+%!J $%"l #"#&" M %#&)$p&)"4 l #"#&".

&urni'(ri Pl"#3$)-" *"),6")&

Work package number Work package title #ctivit$ %$pe Participant number Participant short name Person-months per participant"

WP 1 !tart date or starting event" E'p&) -&%#"# $% "%, 2"l ,"# $% SUPP 5 9 1( 11 12 RM ASD EDS FRE SE 0 0 0 0 0

3( 4 RT 0

biective A!$p&)K 2"l ,")&" M &'p&) -&%#")&" 5 5#&-+l+

Descrierea modului de lucru A!&"5#" p")#& ")& -" -")& -p$)#"%JK ,&!N# ") 3 "2+# ,"!K %. %&) " 5 5#&-&l$) #)", J $%"l& ,& "4$),")& ") 3 3$5# 3$l$5 #K p&%#)+ ,&H2$l#")&" 5 5#&-+l+ . I%#)7+% 5 5#&- #)", J $%"l 3+%!J $%"l #"#&" p$"#& 3 p)&!$% H"#K ,& l" !$%5#)+!J " M p&)3$)-"%J" pK)J l$) !$-p$%&%#&@ ,") p&%#)+ 5 5#&-+l Cl&"% S:/ "!&"5#" &5#& $45&)2"#K ,$") L% # -p+l #&5#K) 5 5#&-+l+ .

&urni'(ri V"l ,")& ? E'p&) -&%#")&


WP 1 WP 2 WP 3 WP 4 WP 5 WP 6 WP 0 WP 1 %otal

nt no.)short name 1 BEA 2 CD 3 RM 4 RT 5 RS 6 VF 0 RE 1 VT 9 ASD 1( EDS 11 FRE 12 SE TOTAL 2( 21 14 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 14 9 9 9 9 36 0 0 0 0 35 21 49 0 0 0 0 0 0 42 0 14 14 14 14 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

person months 30 3( 30 30 39 4 11 14 30 23 23 23 315

$able >:

Summary o' sta'' e''ort

1.2.&) Provide a graphical presentation of the components showing their interdependencies "Pert diagram or similar)

Acti%i Descriere tate <P, <P<P& <P+ <P> <P; <PF <P@ Appl !"# $% !$%#&'# A)!* #&!#+)& "%, -&#*$,$l$./ D&2&l$p-&%# $3 &-4&,,&, 5/5#&pl"#3$)L$67l&2&l 3&"#+)& &'#)"!# $% H .*7l&2&l S&-"%# ! P)$!&55 %. I%3$)-"# $% &'!*"%.& "%, U5&)5 !$--+% !"# $% S/5#&- %#&.)"# $% E'p&) -&%#"# $% "%, 2"l ,"# $%

Depinde de : : <P, <P<P<P& <P>,<P; <PF

$imp optimist !7" ,,; @7 &7 &F ,@ +> +7

$imp pesimist !P" -&@@ +&G -> >> +;

$imp probabil !/" -7 -@ @+ &; &> -7 +@ +,

$imp estimat !7B+/BP"I; -7 -@ @+ &; &> -, +G +-

+iagrama Pert

1.2.') Describe any significant risks( and associated contingency plans. Clean S*y ar trebui s atenue6e %ariatele riscuri de eecuri ale pieei care descura=ea6 in%estiiile pri%ate Nn acti%itile de cercetare Nn domeniul aeronauticii Nn general i Nn tehnologiile nepoluante de transport aerian Nn special# Aceast iniiati% ar trebui s permit integrarea i demonstrarea la ni%elul Nntregului sistem, reducOnd ast'el riscurile pentru in%estiiile pri%ate Nn de6%oltarea de noi produse aeronautice ecologice# De asemenea, iniiati%a ar trebui s stimule6e in%estiiile pri%ate Nn acti%itile de CMD Nn domeniul tehnologiilor ecologice din cadrul 3niunii Europene i, prin urmare, s rspund problemelor re6ultate din cau6e externe existente Nn materie de CMD i de mediu# Clean S*y ar trebui s accelere6e de6%oltarea tehnologiilor nepoluante de transport aerian Nn cadrul 3niunii Europene pentru a le pune cOt mai repede Nn practic, 'apt care %a contribui la reali6area prioritilor strategice ecologice i sociale


1anagement structure and procedures Describe the organisational structure and decision:ma*ing mechanisms o' the pro=ect# Sho) ho) they )ould match to the complexity and scale o' the pro=ect#


Participant,sCor each participant in the proposed pro=ect, pro%ide a brie' description o' the legal entity, the main tas*s they ha%e been attributed and the pre%ious experience rele%ant to those tas*s# Pro%ide also a short pro'ile o' the sta'' members )ho )ill be underta*ing the )or* !P, page per participant"# (' appropriate describe the industrialIcommercial in%ol%ement to ensure exploitation o' the results, and ho) the opportunity o' in%ol%ing S/Es has been addressed# i- !ubcontracting: (' any part o' the )or* is to be subcontracted by the participant responsible 'or it, describe the )or* in%ol%ed and explain )hy a subcontract approach has been chosen 'or it# ii- Additional partners: (' there are as:yet:unidenti'ied participants in the pro=ect, the expected competences, the role o' the potential participants and their integration into the running pro=ect should be described#


%esources to be committed Describe ho) the totality o' the necessary resources )ill be mobilised, including any resources that )ill complement the Erant# Sho) ho) the resources )ill be integrated in a coherent )ay, and sho) ho) the o%erall 'inancial plan 'or the pro=ect is ade8uate# (n addition to the costs indicated in Part A o' the proposal, and the sta'' e''ort sho)n in table > abo%e, please indicate any other ma=or costs !e#g# e8uipment"#


3pected impacts Describe how your pro)ect will contribute to the e*pected impacts in relation to the +opic in ,uestion. -ention the steps that will be needed to bring about these impacts. -ention any assumptions and e*ternal factors that may determine whether the impacts will be achieved.

Qn pre6ent, a%iaia este un domeniu:cheie Nn societatea noastr din dou moti%e: primul, pentru c permite schimbul cultural Nntre rile Nndeprtate i Nmbuntete relaiile intre oameni !-,- miliarde de pasageri, utili6ea6a a%ionul ca mi=loc de transport", Nn al doilea rOnd, pentru c este un motor de cretere economic# Ast'el, Clean S*y ($C are ca scop de6%oltarea de tehnologii ino%atoare axate pe reducerea impactului asupra mediului, prin 'inan area unor acti%iti mai complexe i ambiioase decOt cele care pot 'i abordate cu instrumentele existente# Re6ultatele preconi6ate ale Clean S*y 9$( sunt de a combina urmtoarele aspecte:
o o o o o o

Qncorporarea componentelor inteligente Nn dispo6iti%e per'ormante Con'igurarea adapti%a Comunicarea 'lexibil Nntre componente 0i%el Nnalt de percepRie Si adaptare ReRele dinamice Proiectare ecologic, producie i Nntreinere

Sistemul de transport aerian complet ino%ator, %a 'i ba6at pe integrarea unor tehnologii a%ansate i a unor demonstratori la scar real, Nn scopul diminurii impactului transportului aerian asupra mediului prin reducerea semni'icati% a 6gomotului i a emisiilor de ga6e, precum i prin scderea consumului de carburant al aerona%elor# Aerona%ele echipate cu acest tip de tehnologie %or produce cu -7? mai putine emisii de carbon si cu +7? mai putine emisii de oxid de nitrogen si %or 'i mai putin 6gomotoase decit inainte#


+issemination and5or e3ploitation of pro*ect results; and management of intellectual property Describe the measures you propose for the dissemination and.or e*ploitation of pro)ect results( and the management of knowledge and intellectual property rights. E%aluarea impactului asupra mediului i bene'iciile produciei globale a proiectului Clean S*y se %a e'ectua dupa & ni%eluri:

Tbor unic: per'ormanele de mediu ale 'iecrei aerona%e sau care re6ult din proiect CS %or 'i e%aluate separat cu pri%ire la pre6entarea de re'erin pentru 6boruri standard, inOnd cont de traiectorii optimi6ate studiate de SE4# 0i%el de aeroport: per'ormanele de mediu %or 'i, de asemenea, e%aluate pentru un numr de aerona%e din di'erite tipuri de aeroporturi europene, luOnd Nn considerare e%oluiile de gestionare a tra'icului aerian !SESAR", inclusi%, i compararea datelor pentru di%erse 'lote standard i aerona%e CS# 0i%el de sistem de transport aerian: acelai proces se %a aplica, de asemenea, la o scar macroscopic a Nntregii aerona%e care 6boar Nn Nntreaga lume#


thical &ssues

Describe any ethical issues that may arise in the proposal i' applicable# $he 'ollo)ing table can be used as guidance#

T=&"A# &!!6 ! TA$#

> ! &nformed "onsent 1 Does the proposal in%ol%e childrenU 2 Does the proposal in%ol%e patients or persons not able to gi%e consentU 3 Does the proposal in%ol%e adult healthy %olunteersU Does the proposal in%ol%e Auman data collectionU Privacy 4 Does the proposal in%ol%e processing o' genetic in'ormation or personal data !eg# health, sexual li'estyle, ethnicity, political opinion, religious or philosophical con%iction" 5 Does the proposal in%ol%e trac*ing the location or obser%ation o' peopleU %esearch on Animals 6 Does the proposal in%ol%e research on animalsU %esearch &nvolving +eveloping "ountries 0 3se o' local resources !genetic, animal, plant etc" 1 (mpact on a local community +ual 6se and potential for terrorist abuse 9 Research ha%ing direct military application 1( Research ha%ing the potential 'or terrorist abuse & "ON.&%1 T=AT NON O. T= A$O' &!!6 !


APP#> TO 1> P%OPO!A#

?. "onsideration of gender aspects

5ou may gi%e an indication o' the sort o' actions that )ould be underta*en during the course o' the pro=ect to promote gender e8uality in your pro=ect, or in your 'ield o' research# !$hese )ill not be e%aluated, but )ill be discussed during negotiations should your proposal be success'ul"# $hese could include actions related to the pro=ect consortium !e#g# impro%ing the gender balance in the pro=ect consortium, measures to help reconcile )or* and pri%ate li'e, a)areness raising )ithin the consortium" or, )here appropriate, actions aimed at a )ider public !e#g# e%ents organised in schools or uni%ersities"#

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