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Using your text, handout 1, class presentation notes, and powerpoints available at www.

rothiwa, select the best answer for each question. You may write on the test. When you have completed the terst, enter your answers on to the google form available at
1. Psychologists who study how people change as they grow older are called __________ Psychologists:
a. Social b. clinical c. developmental d. organizational

2. The processes involved in learning, memory, sensation, perception, and cognition are investigated by _____________ psychologists a. rganizational d. social b. e!periential c. educational

". The ____________ is composed o# #ormulating a hypothesis, care#ul observation, gathering data, and analyzing data: a. Scienti#ic method b. $eductive method c. introspection method d. inductive method

%. Psychology is the study o# behavior and _____________: a. &motions b. #unctions c. structure d. mental processes

'. (ll o# the #ollowing are goals o# psychology &)*&PT:

a. +ein#orcement

b. control

c. prediction d. description

,. The #irst psychology lab was opened by: a. -atson b. .ames c. /reud d. -undt

0. Structuralism emphasizes: a. The basic units o# e!perience and their combinations b. The in#luence o# the unconscious c. 1iological e!periences d. 2ndividual di##erences

3. /unctionalism emphasizes that: a. +esearch should be done through ob4ective introspection b. 2ndividual di##erences are the basis #or human behavior c. *onsciousness is a continuous #low d. *onsciousness is composed o# three elements

5. /reud believed that our behavior is controlled by: a. &nvironmental stimuli b. 6ental associations c. 7estalt interactions d. 8nconscious desires

19. /reud believed that unresolved con#licts during developmental stages may result in:

a. /i!ation comple!

b. limited perception

c. distortion

d. an in#eriority

11. 1ehaviorism was advanced by: a. .ames b. -atson c. S:inner d. -undt

12. The problem with the de#inition o# psychology as the science o# behavior and mental processes is: a. 2t is simply incorrect b. 2t understates the depth and breadth o# psychology c. Psychologists study behavior but not mental processes d. 2t is outdated 1". _______ believed that a child must overcome a sense o# in#eriority a. (dler b. /reud c. .ung d. 6aslow

1%. -hich o# the #ollowing did S:inner add to the idea o# behaviorism a. +ein#orcement b. *onditioning c. the study o# observable and measureable behavior d. study through sub4ective introspection

1'. The most controversial aspect o# /reud;s theory has been: a. The wholistic nature o# mental health b. The in#luence o# the unconscious on our behavior c. The in#luence o# the se!ual drive on the #ormation o# personalit d. The clinical nature

1,. The #unctionalist was interested in understanding _________ and not 4ust _________ a. mental operation< the content o# consciousness b. the purpose o# what the mind< what it does c. how mental processes are part o# the organism;s adaptation to the environment< mental processes d. all o# the above

10. (ccording to /reud, the li#e instincts are: a. (ll o# the instincts involved in the survival o# an individual and the species, including hunger and se!< b. The collection o# unconscious urges and desires that continually see: e!pression c. The way in which the 2$ see:s immediate grati#ication o# an instinct d. The group o# instincts that lead toward aggression, destruction, and death

13. (ccording to (dler, the person;s e##ort to e##ect or overcome imagined or real personal wea:nesses is called: a. (n in#eriority comple!< b. Style o# li#e =li#e style> c. compensation d. #ictional #inalism

15. 2# you accept another person regardless o# behavior you are giving what +ogers calls: a. Sel#?actualizing tendency b. (ctualizing tendency regard c. conditional positive regard d. unconditional positive

29. The completely sel#ish personality would consists o#:

a. Superego and the ego b. &go and id only

c. superego only d. id and superego only

21. *arl .ung and (l#red (dler di##er #rom /reud in de?emphasizing a. 8nconscious motivations b. Se!uality c. conscious motivations d. social in#luences

22. (ccording to @orney, moving away #rom people results in which type o# personalityA a. (ggressive b. neurotic c. detached d. compliant

2". @orney and &ri:son both emphasize: a. Social #actors b. se!ual instincts c. biological #actors d. basic an!iety

2%. Bou are hungry. Bou open a carton o# cottage cheese and #ind green mold so you immediately throw it away. So you open a carton o# yogurt and eat it. These actions are representative o# the: a. 2d b. 2'. __________ is de#ined as the characteristic pattern o# thoughts, #eelings, and behavior that is stable over a period o# time: a. Cearning b. personality c. habit d. trait b. &go c. Superego

2,. -hen our superego is prominent : a. -e are #ully able to en4oy a normal li#e b. -e do not have guilt #eelings

c. d.

ur drives are not regulated ur behavior is too tightly controlled

20. .ung;s theory describes a mas: which people pro4ect as their public sel#< this mas: is :nown as: a. (nima b. shadow c. persona d. ego

23. _________ theories state that personality is shaped by a motive #or personal growth and reaching one;s ma!imum potential a. Psychoanalysis b. @umanistic c. trait d. behaviorism

25. +ogers believes that people brought up with unconditional positive regard: a. (re unli:ely to be #ully #unctioning b. Tend to be vain c. Cive lives directed toward what others want and value d. /eel valued

"9. (ccording to /reud, the 2$: a. &valuates behavior by comparing it to rules taught by parents and society b. 8ses logic to ma:e rational decisions c. See:s to #ul#ill biological needs as Duic:ly as possible d. Strives #or a #eeling o# superiority

"1. (ccording to /reud the ego: a. Produces guilt #or wrong doing

b. /inds practical ways to satis#y se!ual and aggressive urges c. $erives satis#action by #antasizing d. See:s superiority over others

"2. ( se!ually repressed author writes a shoc:ing erotic poem. This is an e!ample o#: a. $isplacement b. Sublimation c. repression d. identi#ication

"". /reud suggests that pro#essional sports, such as #ootball, illustrate the: a. $isplacement o# aggression aggression b. Sublimation o# aggression c. repression o# d. identi#ication o# aggression

"%. .ung proposed that the collective unconscious contains: a. Sub4ect matter shared by all humans b. Personal e!periences since conception c. +epressed memories d. 2n#ormation learned through the course o# a li#etime

"'. @orney believed that the source o# all adult con#lict is: a. 8ncontrolled instinctual impulses b. 2nadeDuate parenting c. *onditions o# worth d. Poor modeling

",. (ccording to (dler, who in#luences the initial sense o# in#eriority a. (. parents and careta:ers b. Peers c. ne;s signi#icant other

d. Teachers "0. $anielle has learned that she must be polite and :eep hersel# clean. -hen she #orgets to say than: you or soils her clothes, her #ather tells her that she is bad. @er #ather is using __________ to regulate $anielle;s behavior a. Sel#?regulation b. Sub4ective reality c. *onditions o# worth d. 2nternal locus o# control

In a google submission answer the following elect two personality theories presented in class and compare!contrast to "reud.

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