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si The radio frequency energy impacts the body and spreads into the body as any an tenna.

The implants seen as dark black dots are energized like an RFID where the imp acting energy may as a rule have an (electronic encoded binary combination lock) that the transmission activates to open the implants circuit for charging it an d giving it commands to release stored electrical energy. The energy the implant outputs has been observed by an IEEE compliant instrument that can be seen on h ttp:// ; such energy can be outputted at specific frequencies on c ommand and can even be caused to go off by a timer inside the implant. The energ y seen as a red beam from the top left corner can be of high enough power to ca use immediate harm; it can also be of a low power that is received by the implan ts and trickle charges the implants storage capacitor for later discharging into the body's tissues. Once charged the implants can output low frequencies that will transverse the interior of the body. The implants can also emit higher frequency which will mi grate to the body's surface and cause heating of the skin; this effect is often misunderstood and thought to be from the directed energy itself instead of from an internal source. The implants can be triggered by timer or activated by low power signal. Upon be ing triggered to output their electrical energy in the form of raw milliamp cur rent or radio frequency; both outputs can cause various symptoms and effects. Symptoms from pulses from implants would be hearing voices or noise that can be emitted real time from the originating transmitter; also such audio can be fr om the cochlea or brain stem implants having a memory like a digital tape record er playing stored audio tracks. Further symptoms can be concentration problems from electrical discharge heat ing or frequency outputs from the implants in the ears and forehead. Such output s are anticipated that for example the ears and forehead implant act in concert with each other during emission of electrical discharges where they have opposin g polarities allowing one ears output electrodes to be positive and the forehead implants electrodes to be negative causing a current flow across the brain tiss ue thereby effecting various disabilities of thought and reason. Reduction of re ason and concentration can leave the victim in a state that resembles insanity, schizophrenia and other psychotic conditions. Implanted devices as described can be used to cause blindness in one or both eyes by overloading the optic nerve or nerves thereby stopping the neuron transm issions from the retina from passing on into the brain. Implants Installed in the arms to cause extreme pain, it appears that such a choice of position is in some ways related to multiple use, for example to cause a person to writhe in agony while their brain is heated thereby wiping their mi nds of long and short term memory. In fact its anticipated a primary use is to r educe the individual to a point where their minds are wiped clean, similar to mk ultra tests of wiping the minds of persons experimented so as to replace it with new information. However the purpose we have seen it put to is to torture the v ictim to cause them to want to commit suicide. Implants can be triggered to output electrical energy that has two implants comp limenting each other so that one implant is positive and the other is negative. This allows for the milliamp energy to affect a specific area of the body. As a primary antagonist in causing sensitization of the individual and to be possibly one of the most important effects is to have the intestine track energi

zed so that the needed bacteria necessary for healt are killed off leaving that organs interior open for opportunistic bacterial growth that leaves the entire b ody and nervous system in a toxic state. Of course the debilitation of organs is primary in causing illness as can eas ily be understood as part of the pattern of operating an attack. Frequencies cho sen are believed also to play a part in interferrence with organ function to cau se varied illness'es so that medical profession at large does not see redundant illness. For specifics on this read the following page for further details. http :// It must be understood that such as is described here can be done without impl ants from a local position to the attacked individual. A person suspecting they are implanted could leve the area of their home and travel a bit, if the symptom s persist it would likely be from an implanted device. The issue of whether an implant is also present can be verified by using the detection instrument several countermeasures are being patented t o aid in countering the new scourge of mankind "induced illness. Hearing voices is mentioned historically from early history. Also medical condit ions of organic or chemical imbalances are possible to cause people to hear voic es or claim they are being attacked electronically too. Together with the possib ility of psychosomatic, highly impressionable and hypochondriac personality ment al conditions makes adequate excuse for authorities and common folk to believe t hat the TI is not really experiencing an electronic attack. The truth may be reall y that the TI is being attacked through government sanctioned law enforcement in vestigation or human experiment. Authorities can and do say the TI s are mentally disturbed people. The immediate family of a TI may say yes they believe them but in private behind their backs will discuss the potential that they are wrong an d sick and hope it passes, that they will get well. No proof is an automatic red flag to disbelieve. No proof is an automatic free pass for authorities to hide their crimes of electronic attack. Several people have been tested by the MD-SPEC and for a fact it has proven t hey are being attacked electronically and therefore they know they are not menta lly depreciated or disturbed. Proven by MD-Spec the only recognized test for det ermination of radio frequency energy in the body. The families of TI s and the authorities ignorant of such atrocities are caught in a circumstance where they have no knowledge base to be able to make a judgme nt as to the truth of whether a person is well or whether they are being attacke d as a TI often describes. The TI without evidence according to the traditional historical knowledge base of society is simply suspected and labeled of being m entally ill. Evidence is the key to force the issue to be addressed responsibly by authori ties and families. Just as in any accusation made against a person or claim abou t something there must be a solid foundation of fact to back up accusations and claims, this very issue is answered by a test to prove that it is in fact going on. MD-SPEC is the most advanced sensor of it's kind conforms to C95.3-2002, art (5.6) of IEEE Recommended Practice for Measurements and Computations of o Frequency Electromagnetic Fields with Respect to Human Exposure. The test the combined effort approximately 80 engineers, PhD s and Physicist s with schooling together totaling over 400 years worth. subp Radi was combined

The IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.) is the wor ld's leading professional association for the advancement of technology, setting

standards for industry and governments around the world. MD-SPEC superior bandwidth is 30% wider than all competitors. Starting at an advantageous low frequency of just 1kHz to 250 mhz. Others brands can miss compl etely the bandwidth of interest where they start at a much higher frequency 10 m hz to mere 180 mhz, where their total coverage is just 70% of MD-SPEC's. It should be noted that despite the fact that the MD-SPEC alone cannot tell e xactly what frequencies correlate with the attack energy it can be ordered with a (SMA) connector that can link it to a spectrum analyzer to observe which freq uencies appear to be causing the milliamp readings. SMA connector additional cos t is $899. The MD-SPEC does not come with a spectrum analyzer. As well a spectru m analyzer cannot read the human body as the MD-SPEC can. As a fact the MD-Spec can narrow the issue of what frequency is responsible f or the attacks with through observation of approximately a week without the bene fit or need of a spectrum analyzer, due to its being able to be adjusted for acc uracy of the bandwidth covered. The MD-SPEC has a bandwidth coverage of 1Khz to 250 Mhz, but even at higher a nd lower frequencies than it covers being at sufficient strength would show up as demodulated electric current, which would then be read through the magnetic i nduction process inherent in the MD-SPEC instrument. Also the CDC (Center for Disease Control) and NIOSH the parent agency of OSHA have tables on their websites showing the levels of milliamp energy associated with various organic effects on the human physiology. These tables can illustrat e to family, lawyers, government administrators, physicians and the general publ ic that what you are experiencing is torture and not a mental health issue. So t hen damage to the body can actually be proven to be occurring. Did you know that Private Detectives whom do electronic tests on TI s at least in California have an obligation to report testing people who claim being electr onic attacks to the FBI. As well they are doing their tests with mere spectrum a nalyzers and similar microwave and other inappropriate gear. Did you know that Medical students attaining their degree to become doctors a s well as EMT s (Emergency Medical Technicians) are told when they graduate during official briefings for their profession that anyone who comes to them that clai ms they are implanted or being electronically attacked be told to see a psychiat rist. That they be told such is I think a part of the cover-up; after all here t here is a test to show evidence and they don t even know about the IEEE test. 1.) To prove to yourself that you are not imagining it.

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