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The Make Up of Matter does Matter!

By Madi!

Matter makes up everything. First of all, matter is a solid, liquid, and gas. Sometimes you can't see matter. Clearly, matter takes up space. The more mass an object has the more matter it has. Also, matter can not be destroyed or created. Matter is molecules. When two molecules mix they contract causing heat from friction. Living and nonliving things are matter. All matter has a Non-Living reaction. Finally, if you mix two things together it becomes a mix or a combination. Living In conclusion, the make up of matter does matter.! The pH can be measured in everything we drink. The pH level changes because of different substances in the liquids. Liquids with lower pH levels have more acid. I learned that when we tested the substances only a few had a different pH level. These had a pH level of four We noticed that all of the substances with a pH level of four had caffeine in them. Also, all but one of the substances containing water had a pH level of ve. We found that real lemon was the only substance with a pH level of three and was the most acidic substance we tested. The mode of all of the substances is a pH of four. The average pH is a pH of six because it's saliva. For example, when I drink hot sauce (which has vinegar in it so it's a pH level of two) my pH level changed, and it gave me heart burn. I took some TUMS which has a pH of nine. All TUMS really do is stabilizes your pH. When you go to an ocean if you drink salt water all it does is dehydrate you instead of hydrating you. If you go to the store and buy Arm and Hammer toothpaste so you can't see the baking soda. In conclusion, you need to know the pH levels.!

Thermal energy has to do with temperature. We found that the amount of vinegar you add to the steel wool affects the temperature. When we increased the amount of vinegar, the temperature rose. The insulation and heat from the furnace

keeps my house warm. A furnace provides heat because of wood, charcoal, propane, water, geothermal, oil, natural gas, solar, and biomass. Inside my body my heart pumps creating heat from Furnace the blood, motion energy from cells, and digestion also creates heat. Temperature will change with activity caused by reactions. ! Magnetic elds come in a variety of sizes. Basically, there is a magnetic eld around our the earth that keeps the Earth from being exposed to intense sun rays and meteorites. When we put two magnets under a bag of iron lings, the iron lings were attracted to the magnets. Scientists have collected shards of pottery over the centuries, and they tested the magnetic pole to determine how strong the magnetic eld was at that time. They compared their evidence to today. We cannot always see magnetic elds. ! These scientists, Mendeleev, Curie, and Borlaug, had their own special talents. Mendeleev created the very rst periodic table. Curie died from radiation due to her discoveries of polonium and radium. Borlaug spent 40 years helping people around the world to not starve of hunger, after he worked 20 years to create high protein wheat. These scientists made improvements to the world. ! The periodic table helps us identify the elements. Gold and other elements from the periodic table have and atomic number which is the number of protons in the element. The elements themselves are categorized by halogens, noble gasses, metalloids, and others. Another way to put them in groups is by solids, liquids, and unknown. In conclusion, we still have more elements to be discovered and the periodic table will probably keep on being modied. ! All in all, we have learned a little about matter and we still have lots to learn.

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