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CC2040 English for Academic Studies (Health Care)

Medical and Health Care Vocabulary List E

Term Pronunciation* Brief Explanation

1 appendectomy ap-pen-dekctb-mT surgical removal of the appendix
artifacts arcti-fakts anything that is caused by the technique used or not a
natural occurrence (artificial)
ascites ^-sUctTz accumulation of serous fluid in the peritoneal cavity (in
the abdomen)
4 asymptomatic Qcsimp-tb-matcik without symptoms, or producing no symptoms
audiogram awcdT-b-gram graphic record drawn from the results of hearing tests
with the audiometer
6 autoclave awctb-klQv an apparatus for sterilization by steam under pressure
7 autoimmunity awctb-i-myucni-tT immune response against the body's own tissues
8 bronchiectasis brong-kT-ekct^-sis widening of the bronchi or their branches
cystoscopy sis-tosck[-pT the inspection of the interior of the bladder by means of a
cystoscope (sisctb-skbp)
glomerulonephritis glo-mercyu-lb-nef- renal disease characterized by inflammatory changes in
10 rUctis glomeruli (network of filtration of waste products from
the blood into the kidney)
glomerulus, glo-mercyu-l\s, capillary loops at the beginning of each nephric tubule in
glomeruli glo-merc-yu-lU the kidney
glycosuria glU-kbs-yurcT-^ presence of abnormally large amount of glucose in the
hematemesis hT-m^-temc_-sis, vomiting of blood
14 leukocytes loockb-sUts white blood cells
lithotripsy lithcb-trip-sT crushing of a stone in the bladder, by mechanical force or
sound waves
mucous membrane myuck\s memcbrQn moist membrane structure lining various structures and
cavities of the body
17 mucus myuck\s the clear viscid secretion of the mucous membranes
18 nephrectomy ne-frekctb-mT removal of a kidney
19 oncology ong-kolcb-jT study and practice of treating tumours
20 palatine palc^-tUn relating to the palate or the palate bone
Papanicolaou test p^-p_-nV-kb-lQcoo test to detect cancer of the neck or lining of the womb
(Pap test)
parenchyma p^-rengcki-m^ functional part of an organ, as opposed to supporting
pathology pa-tholcb-jT study of disease processes, with the aim of understanding
of their nature and causes
24 polyuria pol-T-yucrT-^ production of large amount of urine
prescription prT-skripcsh\n written direction by a doctor for a pharmacist to prepare
and dispense a drug
26 pseudomonas soo-db-mbcnas kind of bacteria found in soil or freshwater
Sjögren’s syndrome shercgrens sincdrbm condition in which the patient complains of a dry mouth,
27 caused by wasting of the salivary glands; associated with
rheumatoid arthritis and dry eyes.
28 symptomatic simp-tb-matcik relating to the symptoms of a disease
tinnitus tincV-t\s sensation of noises (ringing, whistling, booming,
buzzing) in the ears
30 varicella var-i-selc^ chickenpox
31 vermiform appendix vercmi-fbrm appendix (worm-like)
* Pronunciation based on: Dirckx, John H., editor, Stedman's Concise Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions, Baltimore, MD:
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 4th Edition, 2001

William Tsang 2009

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