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My Everyday Dog Training Tools by Doggy Dan

The Online Dog Trainer

"What I use everyday to train the dogs that people love"

- Doggy Dan

My Everyday Dog Training Tools by Doggy Dan

The Online Dog Trainer

Disclaimer..02 Introduction..03 1. Become The Pack eader.0! 2. "eading The #ituation $ %Tool& The 'nergy (eter) 0* 3. The Po+er O, -alm 'nergy $ %Tool& The -alm .ree/e).00 !. #uccess #tarts 1t 2ome $ %Tool& Time Out)..03 4. -ontrol The 'n5ironment $ %Tools& ong ine 6 #hort ine)11 *. Inside '5ery Dog Is 1 7reat Dog..13

The utmost care has been taken to ensure that the in,ormation 8resented in this book is accurate. 2o+e5er9 the reader should understand that the in,ormation 8ro5ided does not constitute legal9 medical or 8ro,essional ad5ice o, any kind. :o iability& this 8roduct is su88lied ;as is< and +ithout +arranties. 1ll +arranties9 e=8ress or im8lied9 are hereby disclaimed. >se o, this 8roduct constitutes acce8tance o, the ;:o iability< 8olicy. I, you do not agree +ith this 8olicy9 you are not 8ermitted to use or distribute this 8roduct. ?e shall not be liable ,or any losses or damages +hatsoe5er %including9 +ithout limitation9 conse@uential loss or damage) directly or indirectly arising ,rom the use o, this 8roduct.

My Everyday Dog Training Tools by Doggy Dan

The Online Dog Trainer

There are literally thousands o, dog lo5ers all o5er the +orld +ho are struggling right no+ +ith their 8u88y and dog 8roblems due to a lack o, kno+ledge. ItAs actually 5ery sad to think that all o, this could ha5e been a5oided i, o+ners had kno+n some sim8le techni@ues and been gi5en some o, the secrets that the to8 dog trainers kno+ and understand. >n,ortunately9 because humans and dogs are biologically so di,,erent to each other9 there are certain things that +e do that can actually cause these 8roblems rather than sol5e them. O, course +e lo5e our dogs9 and +e +ant the ama/ing relationshi8s that other 8eo8le ha5e. But the reality is that our actions are actually o,ten causing the dog 8roblems +e are e=8eriencing and it doesnAt ha5e to be this +ay. ThatAs right $ i, you had kno+n +hat I am about to share +ith you early on9 +hen you Birst got your dog or 8u88y9 then none o, these issues that you are ,acing no+ +ould e5er ha5e started. Cou +ould instead be enDoying li,e +ith your ama/ing dog as +e s8eak. 2o+e5er i, things are not going +ell +ith your dog or 8u88y donAt ,eel that all is lost. ThereAs still ho8e that you can turn e5erything around and itAs actually easier than you think. '5en i, youA5e tried e5erything you can think o,9 tried se5eral dog trainers and read lots o, books9 dee8 do+n you kno+ that there is something missing. Cou see the real 8roblem is that +e are not taught about ho+ dogs think9 so itAs a mystery to most 8eo8le ho+ +e should +ork +ith them. ?eAre stuck trying out tactics that +e think make sense to humans +ithout e5er considering +hat it actually means to our dog. This guide +ill e=8lain some 5ery im8ortant areas to ,ocus on that +ill can gi5e your dog a com8letely di,,erent 5ie+ o, you9 their o+ner and get them to start listening to e5ery single +ord you say. Plus IA5e included some o, the tools I use e5ery day +ith my clients. 1re you really ready to sto8 all those un+anted beha5iorsE 1re you ready to get your 8u88y or dog o,, onto the right track and build that relationshi8 you al+ays dreamt o,E Then lets get started To take a ,ree look around my com8lete dog training solution& - I-F 2'"'

My Everyday Dog Training Tools by Doggy Dan

The Online Dog Trainer

1.Become The Pack Leader

O, all the things thatAs going to hel8 you to sto8 any un+anted beha5ior and de5elo8 the relationshi8 +ith your dog that you ha5e al+ays dreamt o, is understanding ho+ to become the 8ack leader. This is the ,undamental 8rinci8le o, my dog training method9 and must be in 8lace to e=8erience the ,ull im8act o, my e5eryday tools and techni@ues. Dogs are 8ack animals9 so they understand that there are leaders and ,ollo+ers in their 8ack9 +hich includes you. Fno+ing ho+ to communicate to your dog the clear message that you are the 8ack leader and you make all the decisions is not di,Bicult ho+e5er it is something that is not +idely taught. ?ithout this basic ,oundation in 8lace you could s8end the rest o, your li,e trying to train your dog9 reading books9 going to di,,erent trainers and +ondering +hat is going +rong. Cou may e5en think that your dog is stu8id or deliberately trying to annoy you. ?hen all along in your dogs mind you +ere sim8ly not the 8ack leader and so they did not see +hy they should listen to you. Thus any training +as really a +aste o, time. :o+ be,ore +e get started it is really im8ortant that I em8hasi/e that +hen I talk about being the 8ack leader I am talking about a lo5ing leader9 more like a 8arent to a child than a mean bossG >sing my method there is absolutely no 8lace ,or shouting9 hitting9 kicking your dog or causing any ,ear or 8ain. In ,act this method is so gentle and ama/ing that it is ,ully endorsed and used by the #P-1 o, :e+ Healand9 so you can rest assured that e5eryone in the ,amily is going to be ha88y to im8lement it. #o ho+ does it actually +orkE ?ell itAs all about thinking like a dog rather than a human $ in a +ay it is sort o, dog 8sychology. et me gi5e you a @uick e=am8le o, +hat I am talking about and sho+ you a @uick glim8se through the eyes o, a dog rather than our o+n. One o, the most common misconce8tions is that an old bone %or any edible che+ ,or that matter) lying around in the house or the garden has no meaning ,or your dog. ItAs Dust a treat that you9 the lo5ing o+ner9 ha5e gi5en to your dog and they donAt +ant it

My Everyday Dog Training Tools by Doggy Dan

The Online Dog Trainer

:o+ your dog may not ha5e touched it in months9 or they may ha5e buried it in the garden or do+n the back o, the couch9 and to us it is rubbish9 +orthless and irrele5ant. In our human minds it has no bearing at all on the dog beha5ioral issues that +e are e=8eriencing and so des8erate to Bi=. Cet to your dog this bone is their P"OO. that they are the 8ack leader. In their minds9 since they control the ,ood9 +hich is one o,9 i, not the most im8ortant resource in their +orld9 they must be the leaderG #o in a nutshell9 as long as that bone is lying around under their control9 nothing that you do can con5ince them that you are their master. To them that bone is like the FingAs cro+n9 the treasure chest and the golden goose all rolled into one. Iery o,ten 8eo8le are actually told by trainers +ho do not kno+ any better to lea5e bones and ,ood toys lying around to try to kee8 your dog content +hen they are le,t alone. :o+ you +ill understand that +hilst this all sounds 5ery good in theory9 i, you think like a human9 the truth o, the matter is that to a dog this +ill cause you a lot more issues in the long run. Cou could in ,act be setting yoursel, u8 ,or a lot o, trouble. Its ama/ing really that such a sim8le thing as lea5ing bones around ,or the dog can lead to such huge issues because they think they are the 8ack leader. 1nd remember that this is Dust one tiny little e=am8le o, the +ay your dog 5ie+s things. The good ne+s is that is so easy to recti,y $ sim8ly 8ick u8 the bones +hen your dog has Binished eating themG 'asy. #o ho8e,ully that gi5es you a good idea o, +hat I mean +hen I say that to hel8 a dog you ha5e to think like a dog9 and sto8 e=8ecting them to think like humans. I ha5e de5elo8ed 4 7olden "ules to Becoming the Pack eader +hich9 +hen a88lied consistently9 +ill remo5e as much as 34J o, the 8roblems youAre e=8eriencing +ith your dog. I, youAd like to learn more about them9 8lease 5isit my site9 theonlinedogtrainer.com9 +hich sho+s you e=actly ho+ to become the 8ack leader +ithout any ,ear or aggression& - I-F 2'"'

In the ,ollo+ing cha8ters +eAll look at Dust some o, the tools and techni@ues that I use e5ery day to hel8 8eo8le train 8u88ies and dogs.

My Everyday Dog Training Tools by Doggy Dan

The Online Dog Trainer

. !eading The "ituation

#Tool$ The %nergy &eter'

One o, the most im8ortant tricks o, the trade in dog training is learning to 8ick u8 on the 5ery subtle message that your dog is gi5ing you +hen you are +orking +ith them. Dogs $ Dust like humans $ ha5e emotions9 ho+e5er they are unable to communicate the +ay +e are used to. #o +hen they are stressed9 bored9 ,rustrated or scared they e=hibit signs e=8ressing these emotions but ob5iously canAt use s8oken 'nglish. This 8resents a 8roblem ,or them i, +e sim8ly ignore them and 8lough ahead regardless +ith our training. earning to read your dog means that you are able to adDust anything you do in training to suit their s8eciBic situation. :o+ this may sound @uite straight ,or+ard yet one o, the big issues that I ha5e ,ound +ith 8eo8leAs training routines is that the dog is sim8ly not co8ing +ith the situation. ?hen your dog becomes too e=cited9 ,ear,ul9 or ,ocused9 something ha88ens that means that nothing that you do is going to +ork. Put 5ery sim8ly9 you could say that the adrenalin kicks in. 1drenalin is 8roduced in your dogAs brain during stress,ul times leading to the BlightKorKBight res8onse that they ha5e. 'ither they +ill try to run a+ay or itAs time to stay and Bight. :either o, +hich are 5ery hel8,ul +hen you are trying to train your dogG #o one trick +hen +orking +ith your dog or 8u88y is to a5oid this state no matter +hat. 1nd one +ay that hel8s is i, you think o, +hat I call an 'nergy (eter9 +hich goes ,rom 1 u8 to 10. I call it the 'nergy (eter because +hen your dog is aslee8 they are do+n at a le5el 1 and +hen adrenalin kicks in they are u8 at around LK10. :o+ the 8roblem is9 in many situations 8eo8le are trying to train their dogs and alter their beha5ior +hen the dogAs energy le5el is u8 at around *KL. This is sim8ly too high. 1s soon as your dog gets a blast o, adrenalin e5erything goes bangG Breathing rate increases9 heart rate increases9 muscles tighten and go to +ork o5ertime The leash goes tight and you are almost 8ulled o5er9 their eyes are on stalks9 they start barking and running around out o, control. I, you are inside the house your dog could be barking madly at the +indo+9 barking or shaking under the bed

My Everyday Dog Training Tools by Doggy Dan

The Online Dog Trainer

The bottom line is that their beha5ior is not good. It has suddenly changed. This is their Blight or Bight res8onse kicking in. I, your dog is not on a leash at this 8oint then they are o,, and out o, control. 1s you can imagine9 none o, this is 8leasant to +atch. #o +hat ha88ensE ?ell +e start to become ,rustrated9 angry9 and annoyed +ith the situation and sometimes our dog and our reactions sim8ly make things +orse. It is a 5iscous cycle and our training goes no+here or back+ards. >nderstanding that you need to kee8 your dog +ell a+ay ,rom le5el L +here the adrenalin kicks in is crucial. 1nd here is the secret. ?hen you take things slo+ly to start +ith9 and your dog gets used to things at a slightly slo+er 8ace then the 8ay o,, later on is huge. earn to +ork +ith your dog in the calm /one ,rom 1K4 and take things slo+ly to start +ith. I, you are in this /one and your dog sees something that gets them e=cited they +ill be a+are o, it ho+e5er they +ill only end u8 at say a le5el * or 0. #ince no adrenalin kicks in they +ill calm do+n really @uick again ,or you $ ready to carry on +ith your training. I, you are really serious about hel8ing your dog9 learning to read them in e5ery situation and setting them u8 to +in in e5ery situation then I recommend you take a look at my 5ideo series on the 'nergy (eter9 +hich +ill hel8 you do Dust that& 1ll o, this is inside my 5ideo +ebsite +hich you can take a @uick tour around ,rom here - I-F 2'"'

(. The Po)er *+ Calm %nergy

#Tool$ The Calm ,ree-e'

:o+adays it seems like e5eryone is talking about calm energy9 but 5ery ,e+ 8eo8le actually ha5e any ad5ice on ho+ to a88ly it to dogs. In this cha8ter I +ant to tell you about one o, the most talked about techni@ues on my +ebsite because 8eo8le are Dust stunned +ith ho+ 8o+er,ul this is +hen done correctly.

My Everyday Dog Training Tools by Doggy Dan

The Online Dog Trainer

I call it the -alm .ree/e9 but Birst let me 8ut it into conte=t by describing a scenario that many o, you +ill ha5e e=8erienced +here this techni@ue is so use,ul. Cou are calmly +alking do+n the road +ith your dog or 8u88y +hen suddenly another dog comes into 5ie+ and grabs their attention. Immediately they become too e=cited9 o5erly aggressi5e or maybe 5ery ,ear,ul. It is im8ortant to 8oint out that e5ery dog +ill res8ond di,,erently yet the calm ,ree/e techni@ue +ill +ork +hate5er their emotional res8onse. On the energy meter your dog is heading ra8idly u8 the scale and is at say9 a 0. The adrenalin has not yet kicked in but +e need to do something ,ast to calm them do+n and a5oid a com8lete melt do+n. :o+ usually +hat ha88ens at this 8oint is that +e then mirror our dog and +e too become highly energi/ed9 +ith a tug on the lead9 @uickly correcting our dog +ith a ;lea5e it< command. To +hich our dog res8onds +ith more energy and barks or 8ulls e5en harder resulting in an increased res8onse ,rom oursel5es and be,ore +e kno+ it their adrenalin has kicked in and +e might as +ell all go home to calm oursel5es do+n. #o here is +here the calm ,ree/e techni@ue comes into 8lay. 1t the 8oint at +hich you detect an increase in your dogAs energy due to the sighting o, another dog9 calmly +alk your dog a cou8le o, yards a+ay. Then +ith your back to the other dog as a distraction9 crouch do+n and +ithout a +ord take your hand 8alm u89 under your dogs chin and lightly hold the collar. 2ere are a cou8le o, other im8ortant 8oints to make sure that you are doing it correctly. .irstly9 you do it all in silence9 no talking. #econdly9 you hold as lightly as 8ossible9 this is not about causing your dog 8ain. 1nd thirdly9 you look a+ay ,rom your dog9 do+n at the ground +ith a rela=ed e=8ression. Cour dog +ill read you like a book and +ill 5ery likely be stunned into silenceG Once they are calm then you sim8ly loosen your gri8 and gently let go9 stand u8 and carry on +alking9 lea5ing them in that calm state o, 2 or 3 on the energy scale. :o+ i, you try this and they take no notice o, you then that is because they are the 8ack leader and not you. #o itAs time to get the basics 8ut in 8lace Birst. #o you may be thinking9 is that itE 1nd the ans+er is absolutely CesG But remember9 the beauty o, this techni@ue and this +hole method lies in its sim8licity. Cou see our thoughts9 our +ords and our actions are all im8ortant and +hen +e align all three +e become 5ery 8o+er,ul. I, you only shout the +ords ;-alm Do+n< at your dog but you are still stressed and 8ulling

My Everyday Dog Training Tools by Doggy Dan

The Online Dog Trainer

aggressi5ely on the lead your dog +ill not res8ond calmly $ they +ill reBlect back your energy. #o by 8utting your o+n mind into a calm state9 by staying silent9 demonstrating a calm beha5ior by crouching do+n and turning a+ay9 your dog +ill understand your communication 5ery clearly. 1s they say9 actions really do s8eak louder than +ords. This is Dust one techni@ue +hich +hen used in conDunction +ith all the other tools can be 8art o, that magical moment +hen your dog starts to take notice o, you. The great thing about the calm ,ree/e is that you can do it any+here both inside and outside and it doesnAt re@uire another 8iece o, e@ui8ment. Must your hand and your dogs collar. There are so many situations +here you can use the calm ,ree/e +ith dramatic success such as +hen your dog is barking in the house at somebody outside or i, your dog is shaking and scared o, the Bire+orks. :o+ I ha5e done my best to describe ho+ to do this techni@ue9 but actually +atching me do it +ill make it much more real. CouAll really Nget itA. Plus youAll also be able to see ,or yoursel, ho+ the dogs I a88ly it to res8ond. To Bind out more about my +ebsite9 and +atch the The -alm .ree/e 5ideos inside& - I-F 2'"'

.. "uccess "tarts /t 0ome

#Tool$ Time *ut'

#ometimes the sim8lest things are the most 8o+er,ul and it is so true o, this dog training techni@ue that I am about to share +ith you no+. It is such a sim8le tool and +e all ha5e it already set u8 in our homes ready to use9 ho+e5er 5ery ,e+ 8eo8le actually use it 8ro8erly. et me describe the situation +here it can be used so e,,ecti5ely. Cour dog Dum8s u8 on the your ne+ couch. Cou shout 5ery calmly ;.IDO O..< to +hich .ido obeys. 2o+e5er a ,e+ seconds later he is back u8 on the couch staring straight at you. ;.IDO O..< you re8ly in your no+ rather stressed 5oice.


My Everyday Dog Training Tools by Doggy Dan

The Online Dog Trainer

#omeho+ you kno+ that it is not +orking9 ho+e5er there seems to be 5ery ,e+ alternati5es. O5er the course o, the ne=t ,e+ minutes .ido succeeds in +inding you u8 like a grand,ather clock resulting in you shouting your head o,, at him and chasing him all o5er the room. #ound ,amiliarE ?ell the great ne+s is that it doesnAt ha5e to be that +ay and hereAs +hy. One o, the biggest reasons that dogs do not change their beha5ior is that +e are actually training them to continue the old 8atterns. et me e=8lain. .ido 5ery likely did not actually +ant to slee8 on the couch as much as he +anted some attention. 1nd our techni@ue o, shouting at him9 getting ,rustrated and chasing .ido around the room ga5e him all the attention he could ha5e +ished ,or and moreG :o+ +hen you become the 8ack leader your dog or 8u88y is going to be ,ar more res8ect,ul o, you. Put 5ery sim8ly they are not going to Dum8 all o5er the couch kno+ing that you do not +ant them u8 there. 2o+e5er +hen your dog thinks that they should be running the sho+ you +ill run into more areas o, contention than you could 8ossible +ould +ish ,or. #o +hat is our alternati5e o8tion ,or dealing +ith our dog +hen they Dum8 u8 on the couchE 2ere is the solution. The Birst time they Dum8 u89 take them 5ery calmly and 8lace them on the Bloor +ithout a +ord being s8oken. I, they Dum8 u8 again you take them by the collar and 8ut them in Time Out. -lose the door on them and +alk a+ay. ?hen they are @uiet you can let them out9 but make sure you ignore them. ItAs as sim8le as that. 1 cou8le o, 8oints to co5er o,, some @uestions you may ,ace. .irstly9 i, you are concerned that you canAt catch your dog because they are too ,ast then carry on reading. In the ne=t cha8ter I shall e=8lain ho+ to ensure that your dog no longer has the u88er hand on you in the s8eed de8artmentG #econdly. Cour time out room needs to be sa,e ,or your dog and secure. >sually a bathroom or toilet +orks +ell as they ha5e ,e+ +indo+s and are @uite small. "emember +hen your dog is in Time Out they are not su88osed to be ha5ing ,un9 so sometimes outside in the garden is not the best o8tion. Thirdly. I, your dog is barking you really +ant to +ait until they sto8 be,ore letting them out. I, they are @uiet then a cou8le o, minutes is usually long enough Birst time round ,or them to think t+ice about doing it again.


My Everyday Dog Training Tools by Doggy Dan

The Online Dog Trainer

The beauty o, time out is that you no longer ha5e to enter the cycle o, becoming stressed9 shouting and ,rustrated. etAs ,ace it9 nobody enDoys shouting at their dog. In ,act shouting your dogAs name +hen they ha5e done something +rong can @uickly ruin your chances o, them coming to you +hen you call them at the 8ark. Time Out can be used e,,ecti5ely ,or so many training issues as I demonstrate in my 5ideos. It is sim8ly a better choice o, deterring un+anted beha5iors than 8hysically becoming aggressi5e to your dog or shouting. Take a look around my com8lete 8u88y training and dog training solution& - I-F 2'"'

1. Control The %nvironment

#Tools$ the Long Line and the "hort Line'

In the last section +e talked about .ido running rings around you in the home. I ha5e seen it so many times and it is o,ten @uite ,unny to start +ith. .rom little Blu,,y +hite dogs to great big clumsy dogs9 they ha5e this knack o, staying out o, our reach +hen +e +ant to grab them. In this cha8ter I +ant to talk about the im8ortance o, controlling the en5ironment +hen +e are training our dogs. It is e@ually true +hen +e are outside and +e +ant to change a beha5ior or sto8 our dogs doing a certain thing. I, they are out o, our control there is not a lot that +e can do. 2a5e you e5er heard the saying ;there is no 8oint in shutting the gate a,ter the horse has bolted<E ?ell this a88lies to dog training too. Once your dog is o,, the leash and is re,using to come to you there is not a lot that you can do. #imilarly inside the home the dog that does not +ant to be caught +ill not be caught. ?ell at least not +ithout a lot o, e,,ort. #o here is the sim8le tactic that all good dog trainers ,ollo+. Fee8 control o, the en5ironment. ?hat does this mean to youE ?ell here are a cou8le o, key ti8s.


My Everyday Dog Training Tools by Doggy Dan

The Online Dog Trainer

.irstly9 it means that outside at the 8ark or the beach do not let your dog o,, the leash unless either9 you ha5e a good recall and you kno+ that your dog +ill come back +hen you call them9 or lea5e a line on your dog so that you can catch them again easier. The line could be any+here ,rom 2K30 meters long de8ending on your dog and the situation that you are ,acing. Cou attach it to your dog and then dro8 it on the ground. Then +hen they get too ,ar a+ay you sim8ly stand on it and train them to stay close by you. :o+ you may be thinking9 Oh no thatAs not much ,unG I donAt +ant my dog to be the only dog running around +ith a line attached to them ,or the rest o, their li,e9 ho+e5er this is not ,ore5erG Inside my site I sho+ you a dog +ho is ne5er let o,, leash because he runs a+ay and in less than an hour +e ha5e him coming back to us e5ery single time o,, leash. 2o+e5er you +ill see that to start +ith I use a long line to make sure that I succeed and set him u8 to +in. #econdly9 inside your home you also need to be able to catch your dog easily and calmly during training. 1gain9 attach a short line to them +hen you are +orking +ith them or trying to sto8 an un+anted beha5ior and suddenly all the silly chasing games +ill sto8. :o+ I +ould not use their lead as this +ill be too hea5y and the loo8 on the end can get caught u8 on things9 rather a thin 8iece o, string +ill do Dust Bine. The short line that you should use inside the house +ill only need to be a meter9 or maybe t+o9 long. Cou attach it to their collar and dro8 it on the Bloor. They then drag it around9 most dogs +ill not e5en notice itAs there and suddenly the tables ha5e turned. Trying to catch your dog becomes the easiest thing in the +orldG :o more screaming9 shouting and chasing them. Instead you can calmly +alk o5er to+ards them9 stand on the line and be,ore they e5en kno+ it you ha5e them under your control. 1gain it is only a training tool9 and not needed ,ore5er9 only +hen they are in the learning 8hase. -ontrolling the en5ironment is a 5ery im8ortant conce8t. It changes things ,rom being out o, your control to being under your control. Only then can you start training your dogG O, course be,ore any o, this training takes 8lace you need to ha5e +on your dogs mind and con5inced them that you are the 8ack leader and that they are the ,ollo+er rather than the other +ay round. I encourage you to take a tour around my 5ideo +ebsite +hich sho+s you ho+ to do all o, this and much more& - I-F 2'"'


My Everyday Dog Training Tools by Doggy Dan

The Online Dog Trainer

2. Inside %very Dog Is / 3reat Dog

2i there9 I, you are reading this9 then some o, +hat I ha5e talked about must ha5e struck a chord +ith you and thatAs great ne+s. IAm Doggy Dan. 1s a dog trainer +ith a huge 8assion ,or dogs I ha5e a burning desire to share my kno+ledge to hel8 make the +orld a better 8lace ,or us all9 including our belo5ed ,riends. I belie5e that inside e5ery dog is a good dog and inside e5ery good dog is a great dog. It is a sim8le statement9 but one that IA5e ,ound to be true +ith e5ery dog9 e5ery time. ?orking +ith thousands o, dogs all o5er the country I ha5e seen the most di,Bicult o, situations turn around +hen +e choose to understand our dogs rather than train them through ,orce. Becoming the 8ack leader in a kind and gentle +ay is an absolutely crucial 8art o, this and it is those secrets that I hold close to my heart that I +ant to share +ith you. ItAs these secrets o, becoming the 8ack leader that your dog is looking ,or. ?ithout them in 8lace your dog +ill al+ays see you as a ,ollo+er and you +ill al+ays struggle. ?hate5er situation you are in there is an ans+er and it is o,ten so much sim8ler than you care to imagine. Do not +orry that your 8roblem seems to be di,,erent ,rom anything else you ha5e seen9 that your dog is older9 or your issue only occurs +hen you are not home9 or it a88ears to be random9 or breed s8eciBic. The method that I +ould like to sho+ you treats the cause o, the 8roblem9 and +hen you do this the issue so o,ten sim8ly disa88ears all on its o+n. I, you are serious about sorting out your dogs beha5ioral issues and training your 8u88y u8 right ,rom the start donAt be tem8ted to try some ,ancy gadget that +ill only back Bire on you later on. earn that the real secret to success is CO> and ha5ing the skills and kno+ledge to get your dog to trust9 res8ect and lo5e you ,or +ho you are. ?hen you become the best 8ack leader that you can be they +ill chose to ,ollo+ you. There +ill be no more need ,or shouting and scaring your dog. ?hen you chose your 8u88y or dog you had a certain relationshi8 in mind. 1 +onder,ul9 mutually beneBicial relationshi8 +here things +ere not a strain and


My Everyday Dog Training Tools by Doggy Dan

The Online Dog Trainer

you could both Dust enDoy li,e to the ma=. Fee8 ,ocused on that because that is e=actly +hat you can ha5e i, you chose to. I ho8e that you ha5e enDoyed this guide9 and Bind the tools use,ul. I, you +ould like to take a ,ree tour o, my dog training 5ideo +ebsite +hich +ill sho+ you e=actly ho+ to do all o, this9 in ste8KbyKste8 5ideos9 then I recommend that right no+ you - I-F 2'"' Thanks ,or taking the time to read this9 ha5e a great day and o5e your dog G

Doggy Dan

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