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Driving to Perfection: Achieving Business Excellence by Creating a Vibrant Culture

By: Brian Fielkow

Chapter 3: Rich Culture vs. Poor Culture There are many reasons why companies do not take the culture-building plunge. ost

o!ten" executives see #culture$ as a di!!icult-to-de!ine" elusive" entity%or a so!t-and-!u&&y" !eelgood waste o! time. '(m here to tell you that measureable business success comes !rom a company(s culture. )ur business culture serves the hardcore business purpose o! guiding us as we carry out our mission to achieve excellence and pro!itability. Culture can be considered a map" as well as the ground rules !or what we" as a company%regardless o! any individual roles%will not compromise. These values" when clearly articulated and consistently rein!orced" will guide all decisions made by anyone in the company%!rom the !ront lines to the back o!!ices. As you embark on this *ourney" you may encounter resistance and disbelie! !rom those around you. +ho can blame employees !or their skepticism, any corporations continuously

shi!t the earth beneath their employees( !eet. -or many employees" #establishing culture$ o!ten e.uates to the intrusion o! outside consultants or catchy one-o!! themes. But" i! implementation is done right" most o! the organi&ation should be on board within three to six months%or as soon as you have proven that shared values bene!it their roles within the company. /our *ob is to win your employees over%and to weed out those who cannot be won. /ou%as a leader%can create the values that guide your company. )nly employees can

e!!ectively hold each other accountable !or living those values. 'n other words" you must live your cultural values each day to instill what drives success throughout the organi&ation. +hat are the signs o! a poor culture, 'n essence" a poor culture is one in which senior management does not invest in the development o! the company and its people or processes. There is neither communication o!" nor en!orcement o!" what are accepted and expected behaviors. 0ome companies ignore the need !or culture building" and others outsource it to outside consultants. 'n the end" the result o! these hal!-hearted attempts is the same1 employees do not adopt a new" vibrant culture because it is not shown to be important to the company(s leadership. Basically" the ship is dri!ting with no captain at the helm. 'n a poor culture" everyone works in their silos%their distinct departments or divisions o! the company. Employees are more concerned about what is best !or themselves or their teams" rather than !or the greater bene!it o! the enterprise. Employees are not empowered and" in !act" are o!ten a!raid to make decisions !or !ear o! being wrong. The leaders o! a business with a poor culture per!orm a parental role" simply mediating disputes and being the all-knowing problem solvers. 'n a poor culture" new employee orientation happens at the water cooler. Existing employees advise the un!ortunate new hires to keep their heads down and mouths shut. 2ew employees are cautioned that innovative thinking is .uickly shot down" and that" to survive" you shouldn(t make waves. A!ter ' ac.uired 3etco in 4556" a !ew employees approached me%coincidentally" by the water cooler. They welcomed me to the company and then gave me some advice1 #/ou take care o! us" and we(ll take care o! you.$ y new-employee orientation had begun. ' knew exactly what

my new !riends were telling me. '! ' gave them what they wanted" they would let the rest o! the

team know that the new owner was okay. )n the other hand" i! ' rocked the boat" things might not work out so well. They obviously wanted a leader who went with the !low" instead o! driving new initiatives. +ithout a leader advocating !or a richer culture" your business culture is being created !or you by employees who may not be in line with your values. '! you are not investing e!!ort into developing a great culture" ' guarantee that your company(s culture is being de!ined !or you%at this very moment as you are reading this book. 'n a rich culture" senior leadership is !ully engaged. 7owever" the culture and its continual development are owned and driven by the employees. Employees instantly know the right action to take because they understand the company(s values. They understand the company(s process and decision-making !ramework. 'n a healthy culture" the opinion leaders become your greatest asset. 'nstead o! making veiled threats around the water cooler" they are the ones promoting a rich culture. They are educating new employees about the proactive" value-based behavior necessary !or success in the company.

Signs that a poor culture is in place: 0enior management delegates the upkeep o!%or ignores%culture and !ails to live by the company values Culture is seen as a pro*ect" not a way o! li!e Culture conversations are reactive and occur only when trouble erupts Employees lack empowerment and are not appreciated Cultural engagement is le!t to outside consultants and !ancy posters with no long-term

e!!ort made to make the culture integral to the organi&ation Bad behavior is ignored or%even worse%accepted

Signs that a rich culture is in place: The whole company is !ully engaged in building a world-class culture Culture is woven into every #peer to peer$ interaction Employees share a common vision and are !ully empowered to behave in alignment with that vision Culture centers around consistent messages which are communicated o!ten throughout the organi&ation 0ilos do not exist Customers and outsiders immediately sense a uni.ue experience when dealing with your company because o! its culture

The reality is that all businesses are likely to embody elements o! both a rich and poor culture. )n our path to excellence" we must drive out the poor elements and continuously build upon the rich.

B8'A2 -'E9:)+ is ;resident o! 3etco <elivery" which provides trucking and !reight services in the =ul! Coast. Be!ore purchasing 3etco" his experience included executive vice president o! 8ecycle America Alliance" a subsidiary o! +aste anagement" 'nc." and C)) o! a privately held recycling company. Brian has spoken to thousands o! people on the topic o! company culture" and continues to share his experiences with audiences so they have the tools to cultivate a thriving company culture o! their own. Brian holds a 3.<. !rom the 2orthwestern >niversity

0chool o! 9aw and a bachelor?s degree !rom the >niversity o! +isconsin. 7e has lived in 7ouston since 455@ with his wi!e and three children.

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