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Choosing a profession A profession is a vocation founded upon specialized educational training, the purpose of which is to supply objective counsel

and service to others, for a direct and definite compensation, wholly apart from expectation of other business gain. Medieval and early modern tradition recognized only three professions: divinity, medicine, and lawthe socalled "learned professions"To find the right profession is very hard, you assume to much responsibility on your choice, because of this choice influence the whole life. Ill present you the 3 methods that I used to choose my future career. Students, these days undergo lot of pressure and confusion in choosing their career. Numerous career options, lack of guidance and sometimes concern about their own abilities makes it more difficult. But these obstacles do not pose challenge to those who take the benefit of career astrology. The first I try to look through the horoscope. Planet wise Aries persons prefer career related to army and police, surgeon, industrialists sportsperson etc. Taurus indicates career related to luxury goods, cosmetics, fashion designing etc. Gemini denotes communication. As such fields like journalism, media, accountants, representation on other's behalf suits them the most. Cancer a watery sign attracts fields like fisheries, petroleum, chemicals and marine related career. Leo denotes power as such government jobs; politics etc. are its main area of career. Virgo's lord is Mercury. The line of career is computers, accountancy, orators, media and other fields involving communication. Libra the sign of justice and beauty involves the area related to judgement, judges, fashion- designers, cosmetic sellers and even prostitutes. Scorpio denotes occult science, doctors, and drugs and chemicals. Sagittarius's lord is Jupiter. Like wise its field is religion, law, teaching, lecturers etc. Capricorn includes earth related career like mining the raw material or extraction work beneath earth. Aquarius lord is Saturn and advisors, consultants; philosophers and educationists are the areas of its career. Even good astrologers with deep knowledge of astrology are found under this sign. Pisces a water related sign indicates career related to marine, chemicals, oil etc. Type O Prima You are the social butterflies. Often popular and self-confident, you are very creative and always seem to be the center of attention. You make a good impression on people and youre often quite attractive. Organized and determined, your stubbornness will help you reach your goals. You make good leaders. Lovewise, O is most compatible with O and AB. Common career choices: banker, politician, gambler, minister, investment broker, and pro athlete. Type A a doua Type As may seem calm on the outside, but inside, youre filled with anxiety and worry. Youre perfectionists and often shy and sensitive. Usually introverted, youre stable and thoughtful. You make good listeners and are sensitive to color and your surroundings. You like to be fashionable and are up on the latest trends, but never flashy or gaudy. You like romantic settings and often shun reality for fantasy worlds. A is most compatible with A and AB in the love department. Common career choices: accountant, librarian, economist, writer, computer programmer, and gossip columnist. Type B a treia You can be very goal-oriented and often complete the ambitious tasks set before you. Outgoing and very charming, youre good at reading people and providing support. Though critical of appearance (but not your own), you arent picky and are unlikely to dwell over the little things. Type Bs are impulsive individualists

who often create their own path in life. You are very strong and optimistic. B is most compatible with B and AB lovers. Common career choices: cook, hairdresser, military leader, talk show host, and journalist. Type AB a patra Not surprisingly, ABs can be quite dualistic, possessing both A and B traits. You may be shy and outgoing, and hesitant and confident. You often stand out from others, dont like labels, and are nice and easy going. You are logical and determined to do things correctly. Usually trustworthy, you like to help others. You often speak in a serious manner. Your patience, concentration, and intelligence are admirable. AB can find a soul mate with any other blood type. Common career choices: bartender, lawyer, teacher, sales representative, and social worker. Consider your hobbies. It is very easy to turn your hobbies or something you love doing into a future career. Many hobbies correspond to real world needs and positions. Consider what you like to do and how that might fit into a career.

For example, if you like playing video games, consider becoming a video game designer, programmer, or QA specialist.

If you like drawing or art, consider becoming a graphic designer. If you like sports, consider going into teaching and getting certified as a coach. Consider what you enjoy or enjoyed in school. Academic subjects translate well into future careers but may require more schooling than other types of careers. Your favorite class in high school could very well launch you into your future career but you have to be willing to work for it.

For example, if you loved chemistry, you could look forward to a future career as a lab technician or a pharmacist.

If you liked English class, consider becoming an editor or a copywriter. If you enjoyed math, consider becoming an actuary or an accountant. Consider what skills you excel in. If you are particularly good at certain skills, such as fixing things or making things, this can provide you with a great future career. Schooling may or may not be necessary, but skilled labor is often in demand and you will find it fairly easy to find work.

For example, carpentry, auto repair, construction, and electrical work all benefit from people who are good at fixing things or working with their hands. These also tend to be stable, well-paying jobs.

Other skills, such as a skill for cooking, can also be easily turned into a career.

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