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THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL TV-SERIES EPISODE I Screenplay by John Carrillo Story by John Carrillo Characters by Melissa Mathison

FADE IN: EST SHOT - SUNLAND HILLS - RISING MORNING PANNING VIEW of Sunland suburbia. PUSH DOWN into a traditional home. CLOSE in on a window until we are finally inside-INT. ELLIOTTS ROOM - CONTINUOUS EST SHOT OF ELLIOTTS ROOM Inside, ELLIOTT (14) sleeps. MOVES abruptly side to side on his bed. Night terrors. CLOSE UP ON ELLIOTTS FACE Hes is drenched in sweat. MURMURS in discomfort. FLASHBACK: An image of a younger Elliott, sick on a bed. E.T., next to him. Both, pale white. BACK TO ELLIOTT He becomes agitated... FLASHBACK: Elliott and E.T. on a bike, SOAR through the sky. MEN IN BLACK close in on them. BACK TO ELLIOTT His dream escalades... FLASHBACK: SLAM! A car door CLOSES on Elliott and E.T. PITCH BLACK. Elliott and E.T. are taken away. Elliott SCREAMS! BACK TO ELLIOTT He WAKENS. Alarm goes off. BUZZES repeatedly. EXTREME CLOSE UP ELLIOTTS FACE Hes overwhelmed. But glad to be awake... Gets out of bed. His room, a mess. Rifles through his stuff to find clothes. ZIP! Puts on a distinct red sweater. Exits. DISSOLVE TO:

2. INT. SUNLAND HIGH SCHOOL - HALLWAY - MORNING Elliott saunters inside... The hallways, packed with a diverse population of students. They chatter among themselves. Evade Elliott. Elliott goes to his locker. Covers his face with his hoodie. Avoids utter contact with the world. CLOSE UP ON ELLIOTTS LOCKER PICTURE: A drawing of Elliott and E.T. holding hands. Elliott, dressed in a brides dress. E.T., in a tuxedo. Scribbled on top: LOSER! ALIEN FREAK! Elliott disregards it. Hes used to this. CRUMPLES the paper. SCHOOL BULLY (O.S.) Wheres your alien boyfriend, Freak?! SHOT OF STUDENTS IN HALLWAY They all laugh. Point at Elliott. Make offensive gestures. Elliott walks away. Eludes the pack of hooligans. Wishes he was invisible. DISSOLVE TO: EST SHOT - SUNLAND STREETS - DAWN Elliott strolls alone through suburban streets. VROOOOOM!! A car turns his way. The window goes down. A hand comes out-CLOSE UP ON ELLIOTTS FACE SPLAT! Food splatters all over Elliotts face. Laughter grows from inside the car. One of the CAR THUGS sticks out his hand. Mocks E.T.s finger movements. CAR THUG Elliott, go home! Hahaha. The laughter continues. EXTREME CLOSE UP ON ELLIOTTS FACE

3. His dispirited face fills the screen... DISSOLVE TO: INT. ELLIOTTS HOUSE - NIGHT Elliott enters, jaded. ON THE COUCH Elliotts mother, MARY (40s) Older, but still beautiful. Reads a Time Magazine issue. MARY Hey, Sweetheart. How was school? Elliott eludes conversation. Dashes upstairs. She becomes dejected. Puts the magazine down. CLOSE UP ON MAGAZINE Inside the magazine, a book: Reading the Signs: Inside a Teenagers Mind DISSOLVE TO: INT. ELLIOTTS ROOM - NIGHT SHOT OF ELLIOTT Pressed against the window. Gazes at the night sky. PRESSES his finger against the glass. Touches the stars. ELLIOTT Where are you...? RING! RING! RING! Elliotts phone. It startles him. Lets it ring... CLOSE UP ON ELLIOTTS FACE He gets a hunch. DISSOLVE TO: EST SHOT - SUNLAND FOREST - NIGHT SHOT OF ELLIOTT RIDING HIS BIKE Speeds through the abyss forest. Pedals to the top of a hill. WIDE SHOT OF ELLIOTT IN THE FOREST

4. ZIP! Opens his backpack. Takes out: the Communicator. Dusty, but functional. BEEP! BEEP! DING! Elliott PUSHES the buttons. Messages E.T. TIME LAPSE Elliott continues dialing the Communicator. BEEP! BEEP! DING! Nothing... CLOSE UP ON ELLIOTT He grows aggravated. Yells. POW! Throws the Communicator on the ground. Come on!! Elliott SHOUTS into the vast dark sky. ELLIOTT (CONTD) Send something! Anything! He weeps. BANGS his fists on the dirt. DISSOLVE TO: INT. SUNLAND HIGH SCHOOL - CLASSROOM - AFTERNOON SHOT OF ELLIOTT Slouches in his chair. His red hoodie covers his head. WIDE SHOT OF CLASSROOM The TEACHER babbles about The Odyssey. Notices Elliott sleeping. CHUCKS his whiteboard eraser at him... WHACK! Hits Elliott on the head. Elliott JUMPS. TEACHER So, Elliott... What was Odysseuss primal goal in The Odyssey? Elliott focuses. Ponders. TEACHER (CONTD) Elliott, what was his primal goal? ELLIOTT

5. Elliott gets an idea. A flashback occupies his mind... CLOSE UP ON ELLIOTTS BACKPACK BEEP! BEEP! DING! Elliotts backpack lights up. ELLIOTT To go home... To come home. Swiftly, Elliott picks up his things. BOLTS out of the room-Elliott?! DISSOLVE TO: EST SHOT - SUNLAND SUBURBAN STREETS - DAWN Elliott dashes through the streets. Runs towards the forest. Before he enters, the School Bullies spot him. SHOT OF SCHOOL BULLIES SCHOOL BULLY Well Boys, look who it is... CLOSE UP ON ELLIOTTS FACE Complete fear. The School Bullies chase him. Elliott RUNS. The School Bullies follow him into the forest... EST SHOT - SUNLAND FOREST - CONTINUOUS They grab Elliott. PUSH him down. Elliott SHOUTS. ELLIOTT Help!! Help!! ANGLE ON SCHOOL BULLIES They continue to harass Elliott. Hes helpless... SCHOOL BULLY Your alien boyfriend isnt here to help you! TEACHER

6. CLOSE ON BACKPACK BEEP! BEEP! DING! Lights go off from inside Elliotts backpack. SCHOOL BULLY (CONTD) What is that? The School Bully open Elliotts backpack: the Communicator. SCHOOL BULLY (CONTD) Is this some kind of alien weapon? Plan on destroying our planet, Freak?! ANGLE ON ELLIOTTS FACE FEAR... SCHOOL BULLY (CONTD) Looks like we gotta teach this freak a lesson - Hold him, Boys. Elliott CRIES for help-A LARGE SHADOW APPEARS ABOVE THEIR HEADS. Sounds of BEEPS. LOUD engines. CLOSE UP ON SCHOOL BULLIES FACES Theyre terrified. Whats happening? The unknown object descends to the ground. ANGLE ON UNKNOWN OBJECT Bright luminous lights flash: Its a spaceship. BACK TO SCHOOL BULLIES They FREEZE. Not a single movement. BACK TO SPACESHIP The massive door compresses open. Reveals: A Small Black Figure. BACK TO SCHOOL BULLIES They stare at the tiny silhouette. Squeal in high-pitch. The School Bullies sprint out of the forest--

7. BACK TO SPACESHIP The Small Black Figure looms forward. Reveals itself in the light: Its E.T. ANGLE ON ELLIOTT Hes Confused. Happy. Angry. Doesnt know what to say. E.T. runs to his aid. Speaks with acute sluggishness. E.T. E.T. back home, Elliott. ELLIOTT Youre too late. Go away. Elliott gets up. Walks away. E.T. Wheres Elliott going? PUSH IN on Elliott as he turns around-ELLIOTT Away from you! E.T. E.T. needs Elliotts help. E.T. extends his senile hand. ELLIOTT Help? You need help?! Im the one who needed help! - My life has been a living nightmare because of you! E.T. E.T. sorry he could not help Elliott. E.T. has big problem. Family has been captured by humans. Taken away for experiments. Elliotts anger cools off... ELLIOTT What do you mean? E.T. They were taken to Palms Marine Base - We were in the forest collecting plants for our planet. Men in Black took them away. E.T. was too late. They dont have much time, Elliott.

8. Elliott cant say no. Cares too much. ELLIOTT How can I help? DISSOLVE TO: EXT. PALMS MARINE BASE - NIGHT A droughty desolate Government facility. Heavily patrolled by GUARDS holding sub-machine guns. ANGLE ON ELLIOTT AND E.T. Elliott and E.T. hide behind massive boulders. Elude intrusion. They watch the Door Guard. ELLIOTT So whats your plan? This place is loaded with Guards. E.T. Elliott, not worry. E.T. moves his gangly hands in a geometrical shape. CLOSE UP ON DEAD PLANTS AND DESICCATED TURF The dry barren ground RUMBLES. Dry flowers RADIATE. The dead greenery resurrects. The plants turn into a lush verdant garden... ANGLE ON DOOR GUARD Hes stupefy. DOOR GUARD What the?-The Door Guard walks to the garden as if it were treasure... Elliott stares at E.T. in mirth. That was cool. The Door Guard smells the aroma of the exquisite plant life. DOOR GUARD (CONTD) Gosh, it smells so pretty. The Door Guard PLUCKS the roses off the ground. Sings Somewhere Over the Rainbow. Becomes completely euphoric. DOOR GUARD (CONTD) Soommmeewheerreee oooooover the raiiinboooww...

9. BACK TO ELLIOTT AND E.T. ELLIOTT (whispering) Come on, nows our chance! They head inside the base. EST SHOT OF INSIDE THE BASE The facility, immense. Guards all over. Lights. Guns. Watch towers. The whole-nine-yards. ANGLE ON ELLIOTT AND E.T. BEHIND A MILITARY TRUCK Elliott notices a MAN in a white coat enter a building. Bingo. INT. MARINE BASE FACILITY - NIGHT (MOMENTS LATER) Elliott and E.T. enter the structure. Watch their cover. CLOSE UP ON ELLIOTTS FACE His eyes circumspect the place. Sees a sign on top of a door: Lunch Room. Elliott and E.T. dash inside-INT. MARINE BASE FACILITY - BREAK ROOM - CONTINUOUS Elliott and E.T. duck under the tables. Now what? E.T. points at a white coat on a hangar. The shiny name plate reads: Dr. Connor - Radiologist Elliott thinks for a second... ELLIOTT (CONTD) Well, white isnt really my color. They run to the coat hangar. Put it on. ELLIOTT (CONTD) Its too long. E.T. We dont have much time, Elliott. SWOOSH! Door OPENS-ELLIOTT ELLIOTT (CONTD)

10. ELLIOTT (whispering) Someones coming! Quick, get inside. Elliott opens the coat. E.T. looks at Elliott, perplexed. ELLIOTT (CONTD) Trust me... Elliott CLIMBS on top of E.T.s shoulders. ELLIOTT (CONTD) Just dont drop me! Elliott and E.T. WOBBLE out the room. INT. MARNE BASE FACILITY - CORRIDOR - CONTINUOUS ANGLE ON ELLIOTT AND E.T. They sway left. Right. Try to keep their balance. ELLIOTT (speaking inside the coat) We gotta find a map to see where theyre keeping your family. ANGLE ON BURLY GUARD WALKING UP THE CORRIDOR Elliott sees him. Becomes nervous. ELLIOTT (CONTD) Were just gonna have to ask... The Burly Guard approaches them-CLOSE UP ON ELLIOTT Elliott gulps. Speaks in a deep-bassy voice. ELLIOTT (CONTD) Excuse me there... Strong... Muscly, Hall Monitor. CLOSE UP ON BURLY GUARDS FACE An irritated look. ELLIOTT (CONTD) ...I mean Patrol Guard. Beat.

11. ELLIOTT (CONTD) Wheres the nearest map of this fine facility? The Burly Guard stares at Elliott without blinking. Elliott starts to sweat heavily. BURLY GUARD (thick Russian accent) Over there... The Burly Guard points his muscular arm down the corridor. WHIP. PAN. ZOOM. A map inside a metallic frame. BACK TO ELLIOTT ELLIOTT Great. Thank you. Keep up the good work. Elliott walks away. The Burly Guard stares at Elliotts tiny feet. Rolls his eyes. Elliott scrutinizes the base map. ELLIOTT (CONTD) Now, which level is it? CLOSE ON ELLIOTTS FINGER Reads through all the levels... BINGO. Finds it. ELLIOTT (CONTD) Level 5! The Confinement Room! DR. ENYART (O.S.) Dr. Connors? Elliott turns around, befuddled. Behind him, DR. ENYART (40s) Gray hair. Thick spectacles. Chubby. DR. ENYART (CONTD) Sorry to intrude, but Ive heard so much about you - Good Golly, youre a lot taller than they surmised? ANGLE ON ELLIOTT Turns around. Dr. Enyarts face goes grave as he studies Elliotts youthful face. DR. ENYART (CONTD) And a lot younger too...

12. Elliott keeps it cool. Gives a fake smile. Deepens his voice again. ELLIOTT Oh, well... Elliott squints. Peers at Dr. Enyarts name plate. ELLIOTT (CONTD) ...Thank you, Dr. Enyart - You know, always take your vitamins and drink your milk. Thats my secret. Dr. Enyart remains mesmerized at Elliotts features. Examines every inch of his face. SCREECHING FEEDBACK. A voice interrupts-FEMALE VOICE (V.O.) WILL DR. ENYART AND DR. CONNORS PLEASE REPORT TO THE RADIATION ROOM IMMEDIATELY. STATIC. The message repeats. DR. ENYART Oh, thats us. Better get going! Elliott panics. ELLIOTT Um... You go ahead. I gotta take a whiz before getting my hands dirty. DR. ENYART Right. See you inside. Dr. Enyart walks away. ELLIOTT I actually do have to take a whiz... DISSOLVE TO: INT. MARINE BASE FACILITY - MENS RESTROOM - MOMENTS LATER SHOT OF ELLIOTTS BACK He stands at the urinal. ELLIOTT (to E.T.) Dont move.

13. CLOSE ON DOOR SWOOSH! A SKINNY GUARD appears. Elliott turns tense. The Skinny Guard stands on the urinal next to Elliott. SKINNY GUARD Hows it hanging, Doc? ELLIOTT Its hanging. E.T.s hand gradually RISES from inside the coat. His bony hand becomes visible. The Skinny Guard turns to Elliott. Looks down... SHOT OF E.T.S HAND STICKING OUT E.T.s stomach radiates red. The Skinny Guard GAPES. What the...? CLOSE UP ON ELLIOTTS FACE Ummm? ELLIOTT (CONTD) Too much cranberry juice. ZIP! The Skinny Guard closes his zipper. Moves to the fourth urinal without a word. DISSOLVE TO: MONTAGE: - Elliott and E.T. travel through the levels of the facility. - They become more and more tired as they walk the endless stairs. Sweat profusely. Should've taken the elevator. - Finally, they reach Level 5. END OF MONTAGE INT. MARINE BASE FACILITY - LEVEL 5 (MOMENTS LATER) LONG ANGLE ON ELLIOTT AND E.T. They walk down the long corridor, wobbling. In front of Level 5 door, a FAT GUARD with large a rifle.

14. Politely, Elliott nods: Hello. The Fat Guard does the same. ANGLE ON FAT GUARD Studies Elliott as he sways towards the door. E.T. is cleary tired... FAT GUARD Too much to drink, Doc? A sweaty Elliott remains calm. ELLIOTT Hectic day. FAT GUARD I feel ya. Elliott takes out his keycard. Swipes the card on the door. RED LIGHT. Doesnt open. SWIPES again. Nothing. FAT GUARD (CONTD) You need a Level 5 clearance, Doc. Right... Long beat. From inside Level 5 door: LOUD ANIMAL GROWLS. SOUND of metal bars being hit. Elliott JUMPS back. ANGLE ON FAT GUARD BAM! Hits the door with the butt of his rifle-FAT GUARD Shut up in there!! Filthy creatures. Elliott eyes the Fat Guard: Whats in there? ELLIOTT I forgot my Level 5 card upstairs? Think you can open the door for me? The Fat Guard smirks. FAT GUARD For you, Doc? Of course. ELLIOTT (relieved) Great... ELLIOTT

15. FAT GUARD Just buy me a drink sometime. The Fat Guard swipes his card. DING! GREEN LIGHT. Door opens... FAT GUARD (CONTD) Good luck in there. CLOSE UP ON ELLIOTTS EYES THE CONFINEMENT ROOM A room filled with animals. Locked behind bars. An experiment room. Elliotts eyes express horror. COMPRESSION. Door CLOSES behind them. LOUD CACOPHONIES. GROWLS from the animals. SHOT OF ELLIOTT From the coat, E.T. sees the savagery... ELLIOTT Lets find them. CLOSE ON E.T.S BELLY Radiates red. In the distance, red also RADIATES. ELLIOTT (CONTD) Over there! ANGLE ON ELLIOTT AND E.T. They run to a compact cell. The red radiation becomes brighter. ANGLE ON COMPACT CELL Inside the cell, four small figures: E.T.s family. E.T. SCREECHES in joy. Sticks his finger inside the cell. Makes contact. Hes happy. Elliott tries to open the cell door-ELLIOTT (CONTD) (grunting) Its concrete shut. We need a keycard. Swipes the keycard. Wont open.

16. ELLIOTT (CONTD) I cant open it. Im sorry, E.T. Beat. E.T. knows what do to... E.T. Elliott, move back. What? Trust me. Elliott stands back. E.T. raises his gauntly hands. Moves them in a pattern. CLOSE ON METAL TABLE A metal table LEVITATES. Spins round and round. E.T. uses all his might-- SLAM! BANGS the table against the cell. Bends the bars. ELLIOTT That was so kick a-SIRENS! Red lights go off. FEMALE VOICE (V.O.) (over the intercom) INTRUDER ALERT! INTRUDER ALERT! ELLIOTT We gotta go! E.T.s family scatters out the cell. Head for the door. Before leaving, E.T. stops. A gloomy look on his face. The other animals cry out.... ELLIOTT (CONTD) What are you doing? Lets go?! E.T.S POV: All the animals wail in despair. Catches Elliotts attention... CLOSE UP ELLIOTTS FACE Nods his head at E.T. They open the cages. Free the animals. ANGLE ON ANIMALS An array of animals jump out of their cells. The main door opens. The Fat Guard appears-E.T. ELLIOTT

17. FAT GUARD Whats going on in here?! CLOSE UP ON FAT GUARDS EYES They widen. ENTIRELY. The stampede of wild animals TRAMPLE the Fat Guard. Lets go!! MONTAGE: Cue music... -- LEVEL 4. Elliott, E.T., and the animals run upstairs. Guards run away in panic as they see the hurricane of animals. -- The animals run left. E.T. and Elliott run right. Elliott goes after them. -- LEVEL 3. Guards tell them to freeze. A group of rats climb into the Guards pants. Tickle them. While they laugh, an ape KICKS the Guards. -- LEVEL 2. The group grows tired. The ape stops running. Pounds on a vending machine. Chows on the alluring snacks. Elliott goes back for him. -- LEVEL 1. Elliott looks back to make sure no one is left behind. All he sees is a trail of animal feces... END OF MONTAGE EXT. MARINE BASE FACILITY - NIGHT (MOMENTS LATER) The escapees DASHES out. Run to freedom. ANGLE ON ELLIOTT ELLIOTT We are almost out! The group reaches the main entrance. A FLOP-FLOP-SLOP sound. ANGLE ON SKY A helicopter appears. Its bright lights illuminate the ground. ELLIOTT

18. EST SHOT - DESERT - CONTINUOUS The group disperses different directions. Theyre free. ANGLE ON ELLIOTT AND E.T. They run towards E.T.s spaceship. The family trails behind them, fatigued. The helicopter descends closer to them. HELICOPTER PILOT (O.S.) (over the megaphone) SURRENDER THE TROLLS OR WE WILL USE DEADLY FORCE! BACK TO ELLIOTT AND E.T. Theyre close to the spaceship. ELLIOTT Come on, almost there! The helicopter accelerates. Its inches behind them. ANGLE ON E.T.S FAMILY One of the trolls stumbles. Falls behind. The rest keep running... ANGLE ON HELICOPTER It lands on the ground. Two ARMY MEN in dark clothing CHARGE out of the chopper-ARMY MAN 1 We got one down! Keep the engine running. The Army Men go after the troll. BACK TO ELLIOTT AND E.T. They reach the ship. Elliott TURNS around-- The Army Men get close to the troll. BACK TO ELLIOTT Looks at the ship. Back at the helpless troll. What should he do? BACK TO TROLL AND ARMY MEN

19. The Army Men are ready for the kill-- POW! Elliott THROWS himself against the Army Men. They all go down. ELLIOTT (aching) Run! Run! ANGLE ON THE TROLL The troll gets up. Scurries to the spaceship. BACK TO ELLIOTT The Army Men get up. Hold Elliott captive. ARMY MAN 2 Big mistake, Kid. Youre gonna be doing some serious time. Elliott resists. They force him into the chopper. ELLIOTT Youll be hearing from my lawyer! The Army Men laugh. ARMY MAN 1 Shut up and get inside, Braveheart. ELLIOTTS POV: E.T.s spaceship ascends. Leaves Elliott behind. ARMY MAN 1 (CONTD) Well, there they go... E.T.! Elliott continues to resist. CLOSE UP ON WINDOW OF SPACESHIP E.T.s face fills the glass. Watches as Elliott is taken away... BACK TO CHOPPER Inside the chopper, they hand-cuff Elliott to a seat. The chopper RATTLES. Ascends rapidly. ARMY MAN 2 (to Helicopter Pilot) What are you doing?! I didnt say go?! ELLIOTT

20. HELICOPTER PILOT Its not me! This darn thing is rising by itself! The helicopter ascends higher... HELICOPTER PILOT (CONTD) This thing is possessed. Im out of here! The Helicopter Pilot JUMPS OUT-SPLAT! Hits the ground. Elliott remains in the back seat, baffled. Whats going on? The Army Men leap off. Scream like little girls. LOUD CACOPHONIES! ENGINE NOISES. ANGLE ON E.T.S SPACESHIP Elliott sees the spaceship appear from the barren hills. CLOSE UP ON ELLIOTTS FACE ELLIOTT (smiling) E.T. SHOT OF E.T.S FAMILY Together, they use their powers to control the helicopter. ANGLE ON SPACESHIP AND HELICOPTER They soar through the sky. The sun rises in the horizon. DISSOLVE TO: EST SHOT - SUNLAND FOREST - MORNING (LATER) Both ships descend to the floor. Theyre home. ANGLE ON E.T.S SPACESHIP E.T. walks out the spaceship. ANGLE ON HELICOPTER Elliott frees himself from the handcuffs. EST SHOT OF ELLIOTT AND E.T.

21. ELLIOTT We did it. They smile at each other. A tender moment. ELLIOTT (CONTD) Im sorry about earlier. I didnt know-E.T. Its okay, Elliott. ELLIOTT Im still sorry, Pal. But Im sure you have to get going now... E.T. nods. E.T. Family go home, but E.T. stay. What? E.T. Elliott is family. E.T. stay with family. E.T. stay home. Elliott sheds a tear. ELLIOTT Im so glad youre back. Elliott gives E.T. an unbreakable hug. E.T. E.T. is back home, Elliott. Back home... FADE OUT. ELLIOTT

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