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1he arr Cxygen 8omb CalorlmeLer ls deslgned Lo measure Lhe heaL llberaLed by combusLlon of solld
and llquld samples ln Lhe oxygen bomb, and for analyzlng Lhe combusLlon producLs. lrom lLs lncepLlon,
Lhe oxygen bomb Lype of calorlmeLer has been accepLed as Lhe sLandard for accuraLe measuremenLs of
heaLs of combusLlon. 1he equlpmenL you use ln Lhls experlmenL ls ln wldespread use Loday.
1he ob[ecLlves of Lhls experlmenL are Lo:
1. 8ecome famlllar wlLh Lhe physlcal prlnclples, procedures, and analysls Lechnlques assoclaLed
wlLh Lhe oxygen bomb calorlmeLer,
2. ueLermlne Lhe Lhermal capaclLance of Lhe calorlmeLer, and
3. ueLermlne Lhe gross heaL of combusLlon of Lhe sample(s) provlded.
1he heaL of combusLlon as deLermlned wlLh an oxygen bomb calorlmeLer may be broadly deflned as Lhe
number of heaL unlLs llberaLed by a unlL mass of subsLance when comblned wlLh oxygen ln an enclosure
of consLanL volume. upon lgnlLlon, heaL ls Lransferred from Lhe lnLernal bomb surface Lo Lhe
surroundlng waLer envlronmenL by heaL conducLlon. 8y observlng wlLh preclslon Lhe rlse ln Lhe waLer
LemperaLure resulLlng from Lhe combusLlon of Lhe sample, lL ls posslble Lo calculaLe Lhe number of heaL
unlLs llberaLed.
1he flrsL law of Lhermodynamlcs for a sysLem provldes Lhe basls for Lhls experlmenL:
C = mc
!1 or mc
= C / !1 (1,a,b)
lf Lhe calorlmeLer (everyLhlng buL Lhe fuel) ls chosen as Lhe Lhermodynamlc sysLem and a known fuel ls
burned, Lhen:
= C / !1 (2)
where C ls Lhe heaL of combusLlon of Lhe known fuel sample and Lhe lgnlLlon wlre. 1he Lhermal
capaclLance (mc
) of Lhe calorlmeLer can be obLalned from Lhe heaL of combusLlon C and Lhe
LemperaLure rlse !1.
When an unknown fuel sample ls burned, Lhe heaL of combusLlon can be deLermlned (provlded Lhe
calorlmeLer capaclLance remalns consLanL) by:
C = (mc
!1 (3)

where C ls now Lhe heaL of combusLlon of Lhe unknown fuel sample and Lhe lgnlLlon wlre. ln each case
(wheLher calculaLlng Lhe calorlmeLer capaclLance, or Lhe heaL of combusLlon of an unknown fuel sample)
you musL accounL for Lhe lgnlLlon wlre.
1he apparaLus for Lhls experlmenL ls a arr Cxygen 8omb CalorlmeLer, whlch ls shown schemaLlcally ln
llgure 8C1. 1he apparaLus used ln Lhls experlmenL conslsLs of:
1. lgnlLor.
2. SLalnless sLeel bomb (see deLall).
3. LapLop wlLh puaqvlew lnsLalled.
4. Analog Lo dlglLal converLer.
3. 1he waLer buckeL used Lo hold Lhe bomb.
6. 1he Lhermocouple used Lo measure Lhe LemperaLure lncrease resulLlng from fuel lgnlLlon.
7. 1he waLer sLlr moLor and assoclaLed parLs.

1he bomb (close-up ls shown ln llgure 8C2) conslsLs of:
1. 8omb lld lncludlng:
A. 8omb lnleL check valve
8. 8omb pressure rellef valve.
C. LlecLrode Lermlnals.
u. Cruclble Lo hold Lhe fuel sample.
L. 1wo elecLrodes, one wlLh a holder for Lhe cruclble.
l. lgnlLlon wlre connecLlng Lhe Lwo elecLrodes.
2. 8omb houslng.
3. Lld locklng rlng.

llgure 8C1. 8omb calorlmeLer experlmenLal seLup.

llgure 8C2. A deLall of Lhe bomb.

"234+564.,(0 B+*:49/+41
8efer Lo llgures 8C1 and 8C2. noLe: SLeps 1-13, sLeps 14-16, and sLeps 22-24 may be done
C*6) B+43(+(,5*.
1. Measure and cuL 10 cm of nlChrome lgnlLlon wlre.
2. lace a measured quanLlLy of a fuel sample of known heaLlng value (8enzolc Acld) lnLo Lhe cruclble.
(noLe: 1o prevenL damage Lo Lhe calorlmeLer, no more Lhan 1.1 gram of any fuel should be used. lf
an unknown fuel sample ls belng LesLed for Lhe flrsL Llme, only a small quanLlLy should be used unLll
Lhe experlmenLer feels lL safe Lo use larger quanLlLles.)
3. ConnecL Lhe lgnlLlon wlre Lo Lhe elecLrodes of Lhe bomb (see llgure 8C2 lLem 1L). 8e sure Lo
connecL Lhls wlre flrmly Lo Lhe ends of Lhe elecLrodes and ensure LhaL Lhe wlre makes conLacL wlLh
Lhe fuel LhaL wlll be placed ln Lhe cruclble. Check Lo make sure LhaL Lhe nlchrome wlre ls noL
grounded agalnsL Lhe cruclble, and wlll only Louch Lhe fuel. 1hls ls vL8? lmporLanL.
4. Add 1 ml of dlsLllled waLer lnLo Lhe boLLom of Lhe bomb. 8e sure LhaL Lhe waLer does noL geL ln Lhe
3. lace Lhe lld on Lhe bomb vessel and screw on Lhe locklng cap hand LlghL. uo Lhls very carefully Lo
avold dlsLurblng Lhe fuel sample Lo ensure LhaL Lhe lgnlLlon wlre sLays ln conLacL wlLh Lhe fuel
6. 1o remove alr from Lhe bomb, lL musL be purged by alLernaLely pressurlzlng and de-pressurlzlng Lhe
bomb. 1o pressurlze Lhe bomb, aLLach Lhe regulaLor Lo Lhe oxygen boLLle, maklng sure LhaL Lhe
valves on boLh Lhe regulaLor and Lhe boLLle are closed. noLe: 1he bomb should noL be purged when
uslng volaLlle llquld fuels because some of Lhe fuel may vaporlze and escape.
7. ress Lhe flLLlng aL Lhe end of Lhe oxygen hose onLo Lhe bomb cap maklng sure LhaL Lhe C-rlng seal ls
ln place on Lhe flLLlng.
8. Cpen Lhe valve on Lhe Lop of Lhe oxygen boLLle.
9. Cpen Lhe regulaLor and pressurlze Lhe bomb Lo 30 aLm. noLe: uo noL over-pressurlze Lhe bomb as
Lhls may cause damage Lo Lhe bomb when Lhe fuel ls lgnlLed.
10. ShuL off Lhe oxygen regulaLor valve and release Lhe llne pressure by pulllng Lhe backpressure rellef
valve locaLed on boLLom of Lhe oxygen regulaLor.
11. 8emove Lhe oxygen hose from Lhe bomb cap.
12. now, de-pressurlze Lhe bomb by unscrewlng Lhe bomb pressure rellef valve by 1 full Lurn allowlng
pressurlzed gas Lo escape.
13. 8eLlghLen Lhe bomb pressure rellef valve flnger LlghL
14. 1o remove more alr, repeaL sLeps 7 Lhrough 13, Lhen sLeps 7 Lhrough 11 leavlng Lhe bomb
pressurlzed Lo 30 aLm Lhe flnal Llme.
D(,4+ E(:F4, B+43(+(,5*.
13. Add 2 kg of waLer Lo Lhe buckeL by addlng waLer Lo Lhe buckeL Lo Lhe flll llne marked lnslde Lhe
buckeL. 8e sure Lhe waLer LemperaLure ls wlLhln 3 l of room LemperaLure.

16. lace Lhls buckeL of waLer lnLo Lhe calorlmeLer [ackeL belng careful Lo poslLlon lL on Lhe feeL ln Lhe
boLLom of Lhe [ackeL. lL musL be Louchlng Lhe groundlng buLLon ln Lhe cenLer of Lhe [ackeL.
8.>,+/64.,(,5*. B+43(+(,5*.
17. SLarL Lhe compuLer and open 8ombCal.cfg by double-cllcklng Lhe vuaqvlew lcon on Lhe deskLop.
18. lnserL Lhe Lhermocouple plug from Lhe Lhermocouple lnLo sloL 1. verlfy LhaL Lhe lndlcaLed
LemperaLure responds properly when Lhe Lhermocouple ls warmed ln Lhe palm of your hand.
19. lace Lhe Lhermocouple lnLo Lhe poslLlonlng brackeL and calorlmeLer lld.
20. 8eady Lhe daLa acqulslLlon sysLem. When decldlng Lhe recordlng frequency, conslder LhaL
approxlmaLely 2 mlnuLes of basellne daLa wlll be Laken, followed by several more mlnuLes of
LranslenL daLa. 1he Lhermocouple ls Lype k wlLh a 23mv full scale.
21. Carefully lower Lhe bomb lnLo Lhe buckeL of waLer. 1ry noL Lo splll Lhe waLer or dlsLurb Lhe fuel
sample. 8e sure Lo waLch for An? bubbles as Lhese would lndlcaLe a leak. ?ou should seek
lnsLrucLor help Lhe flrsL Llme you do Lhls.
22. ConnecL Lhe elecLrlcal lead Lo Lhe bomb Lermlnal. lace Lhe [ackeL cover on Lhe enLlre unlL.
23. Check Lhe conLlnulLy of Lhe lgnlLlon clrculL by placlng Lhe leads of a mulLlmeLer seL Lo Lhe !x1 or
!x1000 scale and problng across Lhe Lermlnals of Lhe ouLslde of Lhe [ackeL. A conLlnuous clrculL wlll
read approxlmaLely 0 ohms.
24. Lnsure LhaL one elecLrlcal lead ls connecLed Lo Lhe common Lermlnal (Lhe mlddle Lermlnal) on Lhe
lgnlLlon box and LhaL Lhe oLher ls aLLached Lo Lhe 10 cm Lermlnal.
23. oslLlon Lhe calorlmeLer lld, lnsurlng LhaL Lhe sLlrrer and Lhermocouple are submerged and noL ln
conLacL wlLh Lhe bomb or Lhe buckeL.
26. lace Lhe drlve belL (l.e. a rubber band) around Lhe moLor pulley and Lhe sLlrrer pulley and Lurn on
Lhe sLlrrer.
27. SLarL Lhe experlmenL and log daLa. 8egln Lhe experlmenL by logglng room LemperaLure daLa for
approxlmaLely 2 mlnuLes.
28. AfLer approxlmaLely 2 mlnuLes, press Lhe buLLon on Lhe lgnlLlon unlL Lo lgnlLe Lhe fuel ln Lhe bomb.
1he llghL should come on when you press Lhe buLLon and Lurn off afLer ~ 2 seconds lndlcaLlng
successful lgnlLlon. lf Lhe llghL does noL come on, or go off afLer 2-3 seconds, release Lhe lgnlLlon
buLLon and ask for help. ?ou wlll have Lo check Lhe clrculL for conLlnulLy once agaln.
29. ConLlnue Lo Lake daLa for several mlnuLes unLll an equlllbrlum LemperaLure ls reached. lL ls crlLlcal
LhaL one allows enough Llme for equlllbrlum Lo be reached. uon'L, however, Lake so much daLa LhaL
Lhe LemperaLure beglns Lo fall agaln afLer lgnlLlon.
30. AfLer you have reached equlllbrlum, sLop logglng daLa.
31. 8e sure Lo save all daLa Lo ueskLop/4611/SecLlon"#"/Croup"#"
32. 8epeaL Lhe bomb experlmenL wlLh an unknown fuel and deLermlne Lhe heaL of combusLlon for LhaL
unknown fuel as parL of Lhe lab analysls. (Ask your lnsLrucLor for a fuel Lo use.)

G@/,HI*J. B+*:49/+4
33. 1urn off Lhe sLlrrer moLor. 8emove Lhe sLlrrer drlve belL. 8emove Lhe calorlmeLer lld. 1hen
dlsconnecL Lhe bomb and remove lL from Lhe buckeL.
34. ue-pressurlze Lhe bomb by unscrewlng bomb pressure rellef valve one full Lurn and walLlng unLll no
more combusLlon gases escape.
33. Cpen Lhe bomb.
36. Measure Lhe lengLh of unburned lgnlLlon wlre uslng Lhe calorle scale on Lhe wlre spool Lo deLermlne
Lhe energy lnpuL from Lhe lgnlLlon wlre.
37. Clean up Lhe experlmenL. 8eLurn all lLems Lo Lhe cablneL and clean Lhe counLer Lop. Also, be sure Lo
copy your daLa flles from Lhe compuLer.
AfLer Lhe experlmenL, upload your daLa Lo Lhe shared Coogle uocumenL. lnclude name of Lhe group
reporLer as well as Llme and daLe LhaL measuremenLs were Laken.
Croup Leads and Croup 8eporLers should consulL Lhe gradlng rubrlcs (see Moodle) for general
lnformaLlon on lmporLanL parLs of Lhelr presenLaLlon. AspecLs LhaL are speclflc Lo Lhls experlmenL are
dlscussed below.
L+*/3 '4(9
ulscuss Lhe followlng:
1. CbLaln an esLlmaLe for expecLed resulLs:
a. LsLlmaLe Lhe Lhermal capaclLance of Lhe sysLem (PlnL: approxlmaLe Lhe sysLem as 2 kg of
waLer and 3 kg of sLalnless sLeel).
b. 8ased on your esLlmaLe of Lhermal capaclLance, predlcL Lhe LemperaLure rlse for 1 gram
of 8enzolc acld, whlch wlll be used as Lhe callbraLlon sample.
2. ulscuss sources of errors ln obLalnlng an accuraLe resulL for a sample's heaLlng value.
L+*/3 K43*+,4+
1he followlng resulLs are requlred:
1. A ploL of waLer LemperaLure vs. Llme. ulsplay daLa as dlscreLe polnLs (solld llnes are Lyplcally
used for Lrend llnes).
2. uslng your own resulLs, reporL:
a. 1he overall Lhermal capaclLance of Lhe calorlmeLer.
b. 1he heaLlng value of Lhe unknown" fuel sample LhaL you LesLed.
3. uslng your own and oLher groups' resulLs for Lhe same fuel , presenL:
a. Mean and sLandard devlaLlon of Lhe heaLlng value calculaLed for 3 daLa seLs.
b. Compare Lhls resulL Lo known and/or accepLed values for Lhls fuel.
4. Compare Lhe Lhree Lypes of fuels LhaL are LesLed ln ML4611 (only one calculaLlon per fuel
sample Lype ls requlred):

a. CalculaLe Lhe heaLlng values for all fuels LesLed.
b. Compare all samples Lo some famlllar references (e.g. gasollne).
MeasuremenL daLa from oLher groups' experlmenLs wlll be shared on Coogleuocs.
L+*/3 '4(9 M L+*/3 K43*+,4+
B*,4.,5(0 G34(F5.N B*5.,> (.9 O/4>,5*.>
1. ln Lerms of Lhe llrsL Law of Lhermodynamlcs, whaL happens ln Lhls experlmenL?
2. WhaL would you expecL Lhe pressure Lo do afLer lgnlLlon of Lhe bomb? WhaL abouL Lhe
3. Why do Lhls experlmenL (l.e. whaL ls Lhe englneerlng beneflL)?
4. WhaL heaLlng value of fuel" do you encounLer every day?
3. Why do we add 1 ml of waLer and how does Lhls relaLe Lo PPv/LPv?
6. Why do we clrculaLe Lhe waLer and does Lhe shafL work lnpuL affecL our answer?
7. Why do we wanL Lhe lnlLlal waLer Lemp Lo be Lhe same as Lhe alr Lemp?
8. Why do we pressurlze and de-pressurlze several Llmes wlLh C
and can you esLlmaLe Lhe effecL?
9. MaLhemaLlcally speaklng, whaL ls Lhermal capaclLance?
10. ls Lhere a speclflc reason why we add 2 kg of waLer Lo Lhe buckeL? Why noL more or less?
11. ulscuss dlfferences beLween hlgher heaLlng value (PPv) and lower heaLlng value (LPv) of a fuel.
12. ulscuss Lhe Lhermodynamlc lssues conveyed ln Lhls lab, lncludlng Lhe heaL capaclLy aL consLanL
volume, Lhe calorlflc value for a glven fuel, and Lhe laLenL heaL of vaporlzaLlon.
Cengel and 8oles, !"#$%&'()*%+,- / 0) 1)2+)##$+)2 033$&*,", McCraw Plll, new ?ork, n?.
arr Cxygen 8omb CalorlmeLer manual (uploaded on Moodle).

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