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My Dear Brothers and Sisters, Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends and Enemies, I greet you all as individuals and

in group with As-salaam; it means Peace to all of us. Today, I am standing here with a purpose and one big objective, goal and aim of getting FREEDOM to us from our own countrymen, who form the government with our vote but wont work for us. I am speaking to you directly, that means I am talking to you individually so I want your response with your precious opinions so that we can act fast towards our goals, objectives and aims. I want you to LISTEN, THINK and ACT, on my every word you listen and the same moment to think over it and finally act upon it. You may laugh at me at this very moment, we got independence long back, again you are calling us to get FREEDOM, if we need to get it, then what kind of freedom we really need at this very moment? My dear audience, ask yourself, are you free in our country, begin it with yourself alone, you need a job, the way to get it, bribe someone and then get it, you need to get operated in government hospitals, again bribe the doctor, want to get an engineering or medical seat, give donations, you need a loan, you need your sister to get married, you need to have a bike, in every aspect of life, you need to struggle. Each time you get out of your home, you land in problems and solution for these problem ends with magic word called MONEY. Now dont ask me where is money? Why we are having so many scams in our country, mines, coals, etc. only one thing that is money. There are some of my friends, they stopped watching news channels, and the reason is simple they dont want to hear petrol, diesel prices are hiked again. There are so many things that make us feel very much insecure about our future. In our daily life, we struggle to get what we called food and a better living standard including three time supplement of food to our house members, health tablets, capsules, injections etc, petrol for bikes, tea times with friends, children school fees, tuitions fees, notes books etc. if we roughly figure out daily we need 500 to 1000 rupees as daily expenses. What are we getting on job, or work is it 15000 or 30000 rupees a month. No my dear audience we are not getting it.

Movement of INDIA

A NAWAAB BHAI Association For the pledge movement of India Bellary- Karnataka - INDIA

My question here to all of us, What is the need to CHANGE INDIA? It is working fine, it is well settled, we are shining, we are growing, we got nuclear power, and we got everything. When we are successful in every aspect why should we need Change? Why I and U should rebuild a new INDIA? I dream of New India in such a way, it should be like a paradise on earth, it should have total peace, free of corruption, free of criminals, etc. I dream of india in such a way, it remove poverty, it remove caste superioty, it remove su

Come and Join the pledge movement of India to change the voting system of India. Come and Elect only those persons who are capable of changing INDIA. Now I take oath in the form of pledge to make a new INDIA by reading following points. As said by Mr. NAWAB Bhai, President the Pledge Movement of India.


I swear to my GOD, all those who born in my country are my brothers and sisters, my family, my neighbours, my friends and everyone that stay in my country belong to me and I treat them equally irrespective of caste and colour. I swear to my GOD, my life is totally dedicated to my country and my family to bring them to a respectable state of life. I swear to my GOD, with my true heart feelings, I want to change myself to change my country system. I swear to my GOD, I will not give myself in the hands of Corruption, Criminals, and political persons who take my vote to build their careers with respect to money, land, and vehicles. I swear to GOD, I will give my vote to the right person who thinks of me first than himself. I swear to GOD, I will join hands with those people who are struggling to make a free India. I swear to my GOD, I will not stop till I change my country with my choice of living in peace and love with all that exist in the universe. I swear to my GOD, I will take care of all my Indian brothers and sisters including my family till we get true freedom in my country from corruption, caste feeling, etc.

With the above prescribed pledge, I undersign with swear of my GOD to become a true INDIAN citizen and a member of the PLEDGE MOVEMENT association, I am ready to face all the difficulties that come across to make a NEW INDIA. I hereby submit my application form to become a life member of the said The Pledge Movement association of INDIA.

A NAWAAB BHAI Association For the pledge movement of India

criminals, fake gurus and mullas, rowdies turns political leaders. Signature of Applicant with Address

[Please turn over to fill the application form]

Know why you are serving. Serve the public, not yourself. Government is to be organized and helpful. It is up to you to decide which ways you see fit to serve, as long as they are constitutional. This is not about you Practice your public speaking skills. Speak at organized events, such as city meetings. Also, speak to the people you meet daily, like at the grocery store and people that are next to you in long lines. Just practice speaking to strangers, and your anxiety level will go down Make connections in your community with all kinds of people, especially those in a position to help you in your bid for public office. Like in Step 1, talk to strangers. Not necessarily every single person you see, but people you encounter in long lines, etc Keep up with current events. This includes local, state, national and international news. National-level politicians need to stay informed about what's going on in the world. Look up news in the web and always read newspapers. Learn from the past. If history isn't your favorite subject, national and international politics may not be for you. The best public servants have a firm understanding of the trials, mistakes, failures and successes of their country's previous leaders. Be dedicated to what you are trying to accomplish. If you aren't willing to apply all your efforts to your goal, you won't succeed. You also need to prove to your constituents that you have the drive and motivation to press on when you are feeling less than capable Acquire new skills. Join and pursue activities that will help you develop the art of diplomacy and learn the skill of the conversation Learn from those who have succeeded. Read autobiographies written by Presidents and other successful high officials to give you an idea of where your opinions and beliefs may fit and to learn more about the political process. They have won the elections and know what it takes to be successful at that level

Start small. Run for local offices, then Congress or state-level positions. Another route is to enter the military and become a respected officer. If you are still in school, run for class office. Talk to your peers and find out their concerns. This can be followed by running in local elections. This is all about experience Take part in the contests frequently, because you should challenge yourself to go to stage courageously. The more you challenge yourself, the more you will learn

Constantly watch your physical image. Carry yourself with confidence. Pay attention to your wardrobe and grooming habits. Use mouthwash and deodorant... and go light on the cologne (or perfume). Know your prospective opponents and the incumbent. More research. Read everything you can find about them and their records. Research: If you want to win, embrace the issues that concern voters. Don't make the mistake of assuming your issues are theirs. Read the papers especially letters to the editor. Read opinion polls. Attend civic meetings. Attend a focus group. Check out internet forums on local news sites. Practice public speaking. Hire a coach if necessary. Develop a thick skin You will be the victim of ad hominem attacks and your response can turn on or turn away voters. Make sure the decision is your choice. Don't be pressured into it. But you should realize most of the good presidents didn't want to run for office. Respond to negative attacks positively. Mud-slinging is never an option, and it can hurt your campaign. Plus, your opponent will have ammo for the next round. Campaigns are expensive Expect to fund at least the preliminary stage of your campaign. If you are a good fundraiser and have capable volunteers, you can grow your warchest. Do it because you want to serve the community through that office. Don't do it because you don't like the incumbent or the other candidates or you're mad because the township allowed an industrial park to be built off your backyard. Don't decide to run for office impulsively. Many successful candidates make the decision to run and lay groundwork years before an election. Take a hard look at yourself Make sure you and your spouse have impeccable personal, financial and professional records.

Campaigns are time-consuming It's not fair to supporters if you're going to be a "Weekend Campaigner." Races aren't won by part-timers. Do take this wikihow with a grain of salt... public office (and how to get there) is not this easy... Consult family members living in the public eye will have ramifications for them as well as you. Be careful of "skeletons in your closet", make sure you have good reputation among your peers, otherwise this will backfire as you run for office, and many great candidates have lost once such "skeletons" were exposed.
Start volunteering. The second you get your driver's license, this is an option. Odds are there's something going on somewhere in your community -- so seek it out. Go to a community meeting, find someone with an air of authority, and ask how you can help out. Step 1? Check.


Generally speaking, there's a 5-10 month window for serious volunteer work that precedes the election date, whatever election it may be. Every four years there's obviously the big presidential campaign, but every two there are smaller, state-wide campaigns that need help, too.

If you've hit the right time, you've wandered into the wonderful world of door-knocking and making political phone calls. It's not glamorous work, but you have to start somewhere. If you find a candidate whose views align with your own, being passionate about spreading the word will be easy.


Go to college. Not only is this near mandatory for your imminent political success, but it will expose you to a whole bunch of organizations and people you otherwise wouldn't know of or meet. It's best to major in political science, law, communications or statistics, depending on your ultimate goals.

Once you've got your mini-fridge and collapsible shoe rack unpacked and you've exchanged an awkward hello with your dormmate, find the organization on campus affiliated with your political party. Each campus should have one and they'll be able to get you started. Eventually, think about running for student government and being an active part of campus politics.

While you're at it, get involved in local and municipal elections. You'll want to have as many irons in the fire as possible, small as they may be. The more people who know you, the easier it'll be to make connections and continue climbing the ladder.


Become a field organizer. Alright, you've done the dirty deed of door knocking and you've met all the right people. Now it's time to be movin' on up. A field organizer is the next logical position -- you'll now be directing and recruiting volunteers to do the job you just did for either a state-wide or coordinated campaign.

A state-wide campaign is pretty self-explanatory. You are working on behalf of a candidate that is running for some type of political office within the state. It can be anything from the Secretary of Agriculture to a senator. Sometimes the teams are quite small -- a little more than a dozen or so people can comprise the entire team (depending on the candidate and the state, obviously).

A coordinated campaign is where you're working for the entire party, more or less. If a whole bunch of offices are open for election, sometimes campaigns merge to kill two birds with one stone (or three, or four). That way, instead of Mrs. Jenkins throwing out the third door knocker she had to be bothered by that day and subsequently switching her party affiliation, she's only contacted once and can thoroughly enjoy her free bumper sticker.


Advance to a director position. Woohoo, look at you! Now that you've proven your worth, it's time to oversee the field organizers and work with county parties. You'll be speaking to various groups and truly represent the party and your candidate.

You'll also be hiring a field staff and setting the win number once you hit Field Director material. Needless to say, the responsibilities are many.


Manage a campaign. Now it's time to oversee the implementation of the entire campaign plan. You'll be assembling a team of directors (fundraising, communications, comptrollers and the treasurer) and making sure everything goes smoothly.

If your candidate wins, you're likely to receive an offer to work in the official office. So, from your perspective, it's obviously best to work with a candidate who's serious and has a likelihood of winning. From here on out, it's time for you to run for an office of your own.


Network, network, network. A large part of attaining (and keeping) political office is communicating with people. Make sure you are comfortable with talking to anyone, anywhere, and be ready to network like crazy. An easy way to start doing this is going to meetings (from community to your party's national convention). Be as a public a figure within your party as possible.

Getting ahead in almost any career is often about who you know, and politics may be the best example of this. Having connections with those in office who could endorse you, big potential campaign donors, possible campaign staff, and even just everyday voters is key to being successful in politics. Any chance you have, make connections and develop friendships.


Be committed. From day one of this career path, your time will be consumed. This will become a large part of your life -- are you ready? Whether it's hours spent knocking on doors or late nights going over stats, there will be days (weeks even) when you're near running on empty. In addition, ask yourself the following questions:

Are you okay with your entire life being displayed to the public, including your flaws? Remember that many politicians are subjected to very public scandals in their careers. Can you state your opinions honestly, and hold true to them even if a large portion of the population hates you for them? Can you be committed to having a professional demeanor under any circumstances, even trivial ones? Are you passionate about making decisions that will benefit the populace you are serving? Are you and your family prepared for a very unstable employment path, one which may see multiple years of unemployment as well as months on the road?

If your answers are "yes," "quite easily," "obviously," "most definitely," and "why not?" then you're good to go.


Get yourself out there. When you have the time, organize gatherings and speeches. It's better when the people have listened to you personally rather than remembering you on a banner. It makes them trust you and appreciate the fact that you took the time to talk to them and to reach out to them.

When you're in said town hall or high school gym, be approachable. Offer help to anyone and go out of your way to shake hands. The more down-to-earth and real you are, the more of an impression you'll leave upon your people.

Don't forget to exude a positive aura everywhere you are. Positive energy attracts publicity, but negative energy will only give mosquito press a chance to downplay your campaign. Not only that, your possible competitors will capitalize on your negativity and they will use it against you later in your future campaigns.

In school, it helps to befriend all people from all social circles. This way, you will know the sentiments of each of these groups and come up with something that will be reasonable to most, if not all of the students. Also, this will ensure that you will won't be utterly defeated in the event that a misunderstanding happens between you and a certain social circle. In government: mostly, people prefer the underdog. You must refrain from mudslinging other candidates in the political position because those who do so generally get the ire of the people. "Tis better to have been hit by the rock than to throw the rock" - Anonymous

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