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Civil and Environmental Research ISSN 2222-1719 (Pa er! ISSN 2222-2"#$ (%nline! &ol.$' No.

2' 2(1$

Investigation of the Properties of Pure Water Sachet Modified Bitumen

*amidele I. %. +ah,nsi' %l,-emi S. .wog/oro0' 1,ti, .2in el, and %ladi , o S. %la-,si Civil Engineering +e artment' 3niversit4 o- I/adan' Nigeria 0E-mail o- corres onding a,thor5 ola-,sidi

ABSTRACT 7he increasing vol,me o- tra--ic loads on o,r roads is c,rrentl4 a challenge on -le8i/le avement design and constr,ction. 9actors s,ch as d,ra/ilit4' strength and economic needs have to /e considered in the design and constr,ction o- road avement. 1an4 researches have /een cond,cted to e8 lore s, lementar4 material that can ma2e a d,ra/le as halt avement. It is not ,n-amiliar that the modi-ication o- /it,men with the ,se o- ol4mers enhances its er-ormance characteristics /,t at the same time signi-icantl4 alters its rheological ro erties. %ne o- the environmental iss,es in most regions o- Nigeria is the large n,m/er o- ol4meric wastes made -rom ol4eth4lene water sachet (P:S! o ,larl4 called ;P,re :ater< N4lon de osited in domestic wastes and land-ills. 7his st,d4 was cond,cted to investigate the e--ect o- P:S on the ro erties o- conventional /it,men and s,ita/ilit4 o- discarded P:S as /it,men modi-ier and to red,ce the environmental e--ects o- P:S dis osal. *it,mino,s /lends containing P:S at vario,s ercentages 2.=>' =>' 7.=>' 1(>' 12.=> and 1=> weight oconventional /it,men. Penetration' so-tening oint and -loat tests were carried o,t on the sam les to eval,ate the enetration inde8' viscosit4' sti--ness mod,l,s and the s,ita/ilit4 o- P:S as /it,men modi-ier. Sieve anal4sis and in-rared s ectrosco 4 o- the shredded P:S sam le were also carried o,t. Res,lt o/tained -rom tests was com ared /etween control sam le ((> P:S! and P:S modi-ied sam les. 7he test res,lts show that P:Ss in-l,ence more on the enetration o- the modi-ied sam le with the increase in the viscosit4 o- the /it,men as can /e o/served /4 the decrease in the val,e o- enetration with the increase in concentration o- P:S. 7he enetration inde8 val,es o- Sam les 2.=> P:S and 7.=> P:S ma2es them to /e classi-ied as /lown /it,men and the PI val,e o- Sam le => P:S ma2es it less s,sce ti/le to tem erat,re changes and can /e classi-ied as o8idi?ed /it,men. P:S is a chea and readil4 availa/le material in constr,ction when ,sed a ro riatel4 in /it,men and the

rec4cling o- P:S -or as halt /ase roads hel s alleviate an environmental ro/lem and saves energ4. Ke !ords" *it,men' ,re water sachet (P:S!' in-rared s ectrosco 4 anal4sis' enetration test' so-tening oint' viscosit4 test #$ I%TR&'(CTI&% *it,men is a visco,s li@,id consisting mainl4 o- h4drocar/ons o- com le8 molec,lar str,ct,re. It is -o,nd as a nat,ral de osit' as a com onent o- nat,rall4 occ,rring as halt in which it is associated with mineral matter or as a


Civil and Environmental Research ISSN 2222-1719 (Pa er! ISSN 2222-2"#$ (%nline! &ol.$' No.2' 2(1$

rod,ct derived -rom the -ractional distillation o- cr,de oil. %nl4 a -ew so,rces o- cr,de oil are ca a/le o- rod,cing good @,alit4 /it,men com ared with the man4 oil rod,cing areas in the world. 7he terms /it,men and as halt are mostl4 interchangea/le' e8ce t where as halt is ,sed as an a//reviation -or as halt concrete. 7he thermo lastic nat,re (sti-- when cold li@,id when hot! o- /it,men ma2es it a ver4 ,se-,l material -or road constr,ction (incl,ding c,t/ac2 /it,men and /it,men em,lsions -or s,r-ace dressing!. It is man,-act,red in di--erent viscosities' and the a ro riate viscosit4 sho,ld /e chosen -or the artic,lar material' site conditions' and ro osed tra--ic

characteristics. *it,men (or as halt! is rimaril4 ,sed' when mi8ed with mineral aggregates' to rod,ce aving materials. Its other main ,ses are -or /it,mino,s water roo-ing rod,cts' incl,ding rod,ction o- roo-ing -elt and -or sealing -lat roo-s. 1ost nat,ral /it,men contain s,l-,r and several heav4 metals s,ch as nic2el' vanadi,m' lead' chromi,m' merc,r4 and also arsenic' seleni,m' and other to8ic elements. *it,men can rovide good reservation olants and animal -ossils. 7he aving grades o- /it,men is $(A)(' #(A7( and "(A1((. 7he grade "(A1(( is commonl4 ,sed in Nigeria /,t -or lower tem erat,res other grades are re-era/le. Nigeria has a/,ndance o- /it,men. Ber de osit is ,t at )2.7) /illion metric tons. It is the second largest in the world. It covers 12( 2ilometers costal /elts o- Cagos' %g,n' %ndo and Edo States (Environment Right .ction' 2(($!. *,t' the oor er-ormance o- /it,mino,s mi8t,res ,nder increased tra--ic vol,me and heavier a8le load has led to the increased ,se and develo ment o- modi-ied /inders. +evelo ment o- modi-ied /it,men es eciall4 the ,se o- discarded P,re :ater Sachets (P:S! in avement constr,ction is one o- the ste s to red,ce environmental concern in man4 co,ntries. 7he research and develo ment o- modi-ied /it,men (1*! /egan in E,ro e and its ,se has s read aro,nd the world. It has /een recogni?ed that the h4sical and mechanical ro erties and rheological /ehavior o- conventional as halt com ositions can /e im roved /4 the addition o- Pol4eth4lene (C, and Isaccson' 1997!. 1eanwhile' almost ever4 noo2 and crann4 in Nigeria is littered with sachet water n4lon' o ,larl4 called ; ,re water<' the large vol,me o- which in ordinar4 arlance' constit,tes oll,tion and termed negative e8ternalit4 or economic D/adE in economics. (.det,nFi et al.' 2(1(!. 7his is as a res,lt o- millions o- ,sed sachets /eing thrown on dail4 /asis onto the streets o- virt,all4 ever4 cit4' town' and village in Nigeria. .s noted /4 Edoga et al. (2(("!G a/o,t 7( ercent o- Nigerian ad,lts drin2 at least a sachet o- ,re water er da4 res,lting in a/o,t =( to #( million ,sed water-sachets dis osed dail4 across the co,ntr4. Presentl4 the greatest environmental ro/lem -acing

develo ing co,ntries' es eciall4 Nigeria' is m,nici al and ,/lic waste management. 7he cities are stin2ing -rom heav4 ,nmanagea/le solid waste. +,e to the resent economic sit,ation in Nigeria' water is ac2aged in low-densit4 ol4eth4lene (C+PE! sachet' this is o ,larl4 2nown as P,re :ater. P,re :ater Sachet (P:S! serves as the chea est ac2aging material. It has /ecome o ,lar in almost all the comm,nities /,t ,n-ort,natel4 this has led to new so,rce o- solid waste since the C+PE has e8tremel4 low rate o- degradation. (.demil,4i et al.' 2((7!. 7his rom ted this researchG to st,d4 the er-ormance and characteristics o- waste ol4eth4lene ;P,re :ater< sachet as artial

re lacement in hot mi8 /it,men so as to determine its s,ita/ilit4 -or modi-ied /it,men and -or ,se in as halt roads and other constr,ction wor2s.


Civil and Environmental Research ISSN 2222-1719 (Pa er! ISSN 2222-2"#$ (%nline! &ol.$' No.2' 2(1$
)$ MAT*RIA+S A%' M*T,&'S 2.1 Sampling

7he /it,men ,sed -or the entire tests were rovided /4 the Cagos State .s halt Hard %Fod,' Cagos State' Nigeria. 7he grade o- the /it,men collected was "(A1((. 7a/le 1 shows the s eci-ication o- the normal /it,men /e-ore it was modi-ied. 7he discarded ,re water sachets (P:S! ,sed was collected in sac2s (/atches! -rom hostels' residents' resta,rants and canteens within the 3niversit4 o- I/adan. 7hese were s,n-dried and sorted o,t in stac2s -or shredding. 7he dried and sorted P:S sachets were grinded to the si?e o- a rice grain ( ellets! /4 a milling machine as shown in -ig,res 1 and 2. 7he hot mi8 /lend o- P:S and /it,men was achieved /4 artiall4 re lacing the /it,men with shredded P:S at 2.=>' =>' 7.=>' 1(>' 12.=> and 1=> weight re lacementsG therea-ter' heating and man,all4 stirring the mi8t,re at a constant r m on a 2erosene--,eled stove at a tem erat,re range 2)(oC I 29=oC -or 1= min,tes. 7he P:S1* /ecame /lended on heat at 2"(oC man,all4 and each sam le laced in a stainless steel /owl and ro erl4 la/eled with inscri tion (> re lacement modi-ied and date!. 7he re ared sam les were 2e t in the oven -or -ive ho,rs at 1#(oC and /ro,ght o,t to cool at room tem erat,re and hardened -or 2) ho,rs so that the mi8ed heated P:S and /it,men can react chemicall4 considering the heat o- e8change /etween the two s,/stances. 2.2 Laboratory Tests 7he tests carried o,t on the re ared P:S modi-ied /it,men sam les and the shredded P:S wereG Sieve .nal4sis' In-rared S ectrosco 4 .nal4sis' Penetration 7est' So-tening Point and &iscosit4 A 9loat 7est. I. Sieve .nal4sis o- Shredded P:S 7his is also 2nown as the 1echanical .nal4sis o- .ggregates (+RH! according to *S )1(. 7his test was aimed at anal4?ing the shredded P:S articles according to their aggregate (diameter!. 7he method o- dr4 sieving was ,sed. 7he sieves were arranged s,ch that the coarse sieve was at the to and the -inest sieve at the /ottom all laced on a sieve receiver. 7he test sam le was then trans-erred into the to sieve and shac2ed -or a/o,t =min,tes. 7he articles retained in each sieve was trans-erred into the cr,ci/les and la/eled. 7he weight o- shredded P:S articles retained on each sieve (i.e. > Passing! is recorded against the corres onding diameter. 7he d,st ratio +R can /e determined -rom the Particle Si?e +istri/,tion c,rve. 7he grain si?e arameters to /e considered were +1(' +$(' +#(' Coe--icient o- 3ni-ormit4 C, and Coe--icient o- Jradation Cc. II. In-rared S ectrosco 4 .nal4sis In-rared s ectrosco 4 (IR s ectrosco 4! is the s ectrosco 4 that deals with the in-rared region o- the electromagnetic s ectr,m' i.e. light with a longer wavelength and lower -re@,enc4 than visi/le light. It covers a range o- techni@,es' mostl4 /ased on a/sor tion s ectrosco 4. .s with all s ectrosco ic techni@,es' it can /e ,sed to identi-4 and st,d4 chemicals. . common la/orator4 instr,ment that ,ses this techni@,e is a 9o,rier trans-orm in-rared (97IR! s ectrometer.


Civil and Environmental Research ISSN 2222-1719 (Pa er! ISSN 2222-2"#$ (%nline! &ol.$' No.2' 2(1$
III. Penetration 7est

It is the most widel4 ,sed method o- meas,ring the consistenc4 o- a /it,mino,s material at a given tem erat,re. It is a means o- classi-ication rather than a meas,re o- @,alit4. (7he engineering term consistency is an em irical meas,re o- the resistance o--ered /4 a -l,id to contin,o,s de-ormation when it is s,/Fected to shearing stress!. 7he consistenc4 is a -,nction o- the chemical constit,ents o- /it,men' vi?. the relative ro ortions o- as halt (high molec,lar weight' res onsi/le -or strength and sti--ness!' resins (res onsi/le -or adhesion and d,ctilit4! and oils (low molec,lar weight' res onsi/le -or viscosit4 and -l,idit4!. 7he t4 e and amo,nt o- these constit,ents are determined /4 the so,rce etrole,m and the method o- rocessing at the re-iner4. Penetration is related to viscosit4 and em irical relationshi s have /een develo ed -or Newtonian materials. I- enetration is meas,red over a range otem erat,res' the tem erat,re s,sce ti/ilit4 o- the /it,men can /e esta/lished. 7he consistenc4 o- /it,men ma4 /e related to tem erat,re changes /4 the e8 ression Log P K A7 L K :hereG P K enetration at tem erat,re 7' A K tem erat,re s,sce ti/ilit4 (or tem erat,re sensitivit4! K K constant I&. So-tening Point 7est So-tening oint is the tem erat,re in which /it,men change -rom solid to li@,id. *it,men is a viscoelastic material witho,t shar l4 deMned melting ointsG the4 grad,all4 /ecome so-ter and less visco,s as the tem erat,re rises. 9or this reason' so-tening oints m,st /e determined /4 an ar/itrar4 and closel4 deMned method i- res,lts are to /e re rod,ci/le. 7he so-tening oint is ,se-,l in the classiMcation o- /it,men' as one element in esta/lishing the ,ni-ormit4 o- shi ments or so,rces o- s, material to Now at elevated tem erat,res enco,ntered in service. &. 9loat 7est -or *it,men (+4namic &iscosit4! 7his test method is ,se-,l in determining the consistenc4 o- /it,men as one element in esta/lishing the ,ni-ormit4 o- certain shi ments or so,rces o- s, l4. 7he -loat test characteri?es the -low /ehavior or consistenc4 ol4' and is indicative o- the tendenc4 o- the

certain /it,mino,s material. Normall4 the consistenc4 o- /it,mino,s material can /e meas,red either /4 enetration test or viscosit4 test. *,t -or certain range o- consistencies' these tests are not a lica/le and 9loat test is ,sed. 7he a arat,s consists o- an al,min,m -loat and a /rass collar -illed with /it,men to /e tested. 7he most commonl4-,sed viscosit4 test on /it,men similar to -loat test is the ./sol,te &iscosit4 7est /4 &ac,,m Ca illar4 &iscometer. 7he standard test tem erat,re is #( OC. 7he a/sol,te viscosit4 test meas,res the viscosit4 in ,nits o- Poise.

-$ I.

R*S(+TS A%' 'ISC(SSI&%S Sieve .nal4sis Res,lts


Civil and Environmental Research ISSN 2222-1719 (Pa er! ISSN 2222-2"#$ (%nline! &ol.$' No.2' 2(1$

9rom the res,lts o- the +r4 1echanical .nal4sis o- .ggregates -or the shredded P:S sam les according to *S )1(G the ercentage o- materials assing thro,gh Sieve No. 7 (2.$#mm diameter! is =1> which is the highest > assing. 7he > assing -or Nos. 1) (1.1"mm! and 2= ((.#mm! sieves are 11> and 2> res ectivel4 and the ercentage sam le loss is (.(=>. 9rom the article si?e distri/,tion (PS+! c,rve' the grain si?e arameters are as -ollowsG 7he +,st Ratio +R' the val,e o- +1(' +$( and +#( are 1.$(' 1.7( and 2."( res ectivel4. So' the val,e o- Coe--icient o- ,ni-ormit4 C, (i.e. the meas,re o- the articles si?e range! -rom the -orm,la /elow is 2.2 indicating that the shredded P:S articles are ver4 ,ni-orm in si?e ranges. 7his con-orms to 9.1.: P B. 197(.

(Note' C, Q = I &er4 3ni-orm' C, K = I 1edi,m 3ni-ormit4 and C, R = I Non 3ni-orm! 7he Coe--icient o- gradation Cc (the meas,re o- the sha e o- the article si?e c,rve! calc,lated -rom the -orm,la /elow is (.79 indicating the P:S articles is not well graded.

Note' Cc range -rom 1-$ means it is well graded. II. In-rared S ectrosco 4 Res,lts 9l,2a li/rar4 was s, lied /4 Per2in-Elmer. 9ig,re ) shows the IR gra h o- the mirror' 9re@,enc4 in wave n,m/er (cm-1! on the hori?ontal a8is and the amo,nt o- light detected' 7ransmittance (>7! on the vertical a8is' the -ollowing res,lts were deci heredG i. N-B ($)$(!5 .mine N-B stretch ($=((-$$((!. Possi/ilit4 o- secondar4 amine' since it is onl4 one /and at that val,e. ii. C-B /ond' .romatic (72)!5 .romatics' amine and amide (9((-#=(! iii. CKC /ond' .romatic (1=#7.=#!5 Pol4ole-in' Characteristic -eat,re o- aromatic iv. ./sor tion ea2s a/ove $((( cm-1 are -re@,entl4 diagnostic o- ,nsat,ration. 9rom the a/ove res,lts' it can /e ass,med that the P:S sam le contains Pol4ole-in' Secondar4 Pol4amine and Pol4amide. .lso' the P:S sam le can /e classi-ied as a Cinear Cow +ensit4 Pol4eth4lene (CC+PE!. 7here is still need to carr4 o,t Ne,tron 1agnetic Radiation tests (N1R! in order to /e s eci-ic on the chemical com onents o- the waste P:S. III. Penetration 7est Res,lts Jrading o- /it,men hel s to assess its s,ita/ilit4 in di--erent climatic conditions and t4 es o- constr,ction. 9rom 7a/le =' Sam le . ((> P:S! is "(A1(( grade /it,men /eca,se its enetration val,e is 92.7 d-mm. Sam le * (2.=> P:S! is o- 7(A"( grade' Sam les C and + are o- $(A)( grade and Sam le E grade 2(A$( while Sam les 9 and J /elongs to the enetration grade 1(A2(. It was also o/served that there is a consistent decrease in enetration grade with increase o- modi-ier in /it,men sam le. Non modi-ied sam le has the highest enetration grade o- 92.#7G therea-ter' 2.=> modi-ied sam le. 9,rthermore' there is a shar decrease in the trend as o/served in => modi-ied


Civil and Environmental Research ISSN 2222-1719 (Pa er! ISSN 2222-2"#$ (%nline! &ol.$' No.2' 2(1$

sam le having a/o,t =1> red,ction to the sam le *. 7he enetration trend red,ces in the order o- their viscosit4. (9ig. = and 9ig. #! 7his means that the addition o- P:S ma2es the modi-ied /it,men harder and more consistent. 7his im lies an advantage in im roving the r,tting resistance o- the mi8' /,t on the other hand this ma4 a--ect the -le8i/ilit4 othe /it,men /4 ma2ing the as halt m,ch sti--er' th,s the resistance to -atig,e crac2ing can /e a--ected. 9rom the res,lts a/ove' the -ollowing were satis-iedG Sam les . and * are s,ita/le in cold climates where high enetration grade (so-ter consistenc4! is /eing re@,ired. Sam les C' +' E' 9 and J o- low enetration grades (harder consistenc4! are s,ita/le in hot climates or ,sed in the s,mmer to avoid so-tening ,nder high tem erat,re. It is to /e noted that Penetration val,es lower than 2( have /een associated with /ad crac2ing o- road s,r-acing' while crac2ing rarel4 occ,rs when the enetration e8ceeds $(.

I&. So-tening Point 7ests Res,lts 7he res,lts' chart and gra h o- So-tening Points o- the /lended P:S modi-ied /it,men are shown in 7a/le =' 9ig. 7 and 9ig. " res ectivel4. 7he So-tening oint val,es o- the conventional /it,men ((>P:S! was )# oC and that o- the modi-ied /it,men 2.=>' => and 7.=> are 79oC' "2oC and 9=oC res ectivel4. S.P test -or modi-ied /it,men sam le at 1(>' 12.=> and 1=> were not a lica/le. So-tening oint (S.P! o- non-modi-ied /it,men increases when modi-ied with P:S. 7here was a consistent increase in the order o- increasing modi-ier. 2.=> modi-ied sam le had a/o,t =".2> increases in the so-tening oint. Sam le C' (=> modi-ied P:S! had a/o,t 1.2> o- S.P tem erat,re higher than sam le *. .t a higher tem erat,re' Sam le + (7.=> modi-ied P:S! had the /all -alling at a tem erat,re o- 9=oC. Sam le E' 9 and J was not so-t eno,gh at the /oiling oint tem erat,re o- water at a/o,t 1((oC to allow the /all to -all. Bigh so-tening oints were evident in Sam les *' C and +. 7his is ,se-,l as it im lies the red,ction in tem erat,re s,sce ti/ilit4 o- the /it,mino,s material. 7he res,lts clearl4 showed that the addition o- P:S to /it,men increases the so-tening oint val,e' and as the P:S content increases the so-tening oint also increases. 7his henomenon indicated that the resistance o- the /inder to the e--ect o- heat is increased and it will red,ce its tendenc4 to so-ten in hot weather. 7h,s' with the addition o- P:S the modi-ied /inder will /e less s,sce ti/le to tem erat,re changes. 7he e--ect o- so-tening oint oa /inder on resistance to ermanent de-ormation' o- /it,mino,s avement mi8es' has /een st,died /4 vario,s researchers. .n e8am le is hot rolled as halt where it was -o,nd that the rate o- r,tting in the wheel trac2ing test at )=OC' was halved /4 increasing so-tening oint /4 a ro8imatel4 =SC (9ernando et al' 19")!. 7here-ore it is

e8 ected that the ,se o- P:S in the /it,mino,s mi8 will red,ce r,tting signi-icantl4 d,e to the increased so-tening oint. 7he linear relationshi /etween the Penetration grade and the so-tening oint o- the P:S modi-ied /it,men is inversel4 ro ortional. 7he enetration grades decreased as the val,e o- P:S increased in the /lends while the val,es o- the so-tening oint (oC! increased with res ect to increase in P:S.


Civil and Environmental Research ISSN 2222-1719 (Pa er! ISSN 2222-2"#$ (%nline! &ol.$' No.2' 2(1$
Penetration Index Results (Temperature Susceptibility

9rom the -orm,la /elow' the Penetration Inde8 val,es was calc,lated with res ect to the val,es o- the enetration grade and so-tening oint o- the /lended /it,men. (See 7a/le #!

:here log pen is the logarithm (to /ase 1(! o- the meas,red enetration' TRL* is the so-tening oint in degrees Celsi,s and T is the tem erat,re at which the enetration test was carried o,t' ,s,all4 2=oC. 7he Penetration Inde8 is an indicator o- the tem erat,re s,sce ti/ilit4 o- the as halt. . high PI indicates low tem erat,re s,sce ti/ilit4. Bigher PI means harder /it,men. 9rom 7a/le =' it was estimated that the indication o- the PI val,e o- Sam le . (-(.71! ma2es it acce ta/le -or road /it,men grades ,sed in constr,ction showing some elasticit4 and little thi8otro ic. 7he PI val,es o- Sam les * (=.)"! and + (=.2=! indicated that the sam les are /lown /it,men and the PI val,e o- Sam le C ().(1! indicated that the sam le is non-Newtonian' showing considera/le elasticit4 and thi8otro icG less s,sce ti/le to tem erat,re changesG this gro, incl,des o8idi?ed /it,men. &. 9loat 7est Res,lts &iscosit4 rises in resence o- large molec,le o- ol4mer (.S71 +=-97' 199"!. 7he viscosit4 o- a li@,id is the ro ert4 that retards -low so that when a -orce is a lied to a li@,id' the slower the movement o- the li@,id' the higher the viscosit4. 9loat test is the ,re meas,re o- consistenc4' where time is meas,red -or a -i8ed @,antit4 o- the /inder li@,id to -low -rom a collar thro,gh a standard ori-ice -loat ,nder an initial standard head and at 2nown test tem erat,re. 7he -loat val,e is one o- the rime characteristics -or identi-4ing Thigh -loatT as halt em,lsions. 7his high -loat characteristic ena/les so-ter as halt materials to remain in lace on the roadwa4 witho,t r,nning o--. 7he higher the -loat test val,e' the sti--er the material. +4namic viscosit4 is a meas,re o- the resistance to -low o- a li@,id ,nder an a lied -orce' or how thic2 is

the -l,id. 1odi-ied as halt /inders are ,s,all4 more visco,s than ,nmodi-ied ones (.-la2i et al' 2(("!. +4namic or a/sol,te viscosit4 (in Pa.s or Poise! is estimated -rom the -loat test ,sing the +4namic &iscosit4 conversion -actor. Considering the varia/les o- the 9loat device' the collar i.e. the wetted area o- the collar (mm2!' mass o- collar (g! and the -loat val,e (seconds! and converting the arameters ,sing the -ollowing -actorG

7he estimated val,es o- the d4namic viscosities o- the P:S modi-ied /lends are shown in 7a/le = and the corres onding relationshi s o- viscosit4 with re resented. &iscosit4 increases with increasing modi-ier (P:S! content. I- sam le o- low viscosit4 is ,sed with the aggregates' it ma4 -low o-- the stone. Conversel4' i- the viscosit4 is too high' the mi8 ma4 /e ,nwor2a/le /4 the time it reaches the site. In case o- handling' mi8ing P s ra4ing' the lower the /inder viscosit4' the /etter it wo,ld /e. In enetration' tem erat,re and so-tening oint val,es are also


Civil and Environmental Research ISSN 2222-1719 (Pa er! ISSN 2222-2"#$ (%nline! &ol.$' No.2' 2(1$
case o- the low-viscosit4 /inders' there is less chance o- i es /eing /loc2edG mi8ing and a can /e 2e t lower. .s halt aggregates will /e more easil4 coated.

lication tem erat,re

Penetration is considered as a consistenc4 arameter in the service range o- /it,men tem erat,re' while viscosit4 is considered a consistenc4 tem erat,re range. arameter in the li@,id hase' and th,s im ortant -or the a lication



In this st,d4' the e--ect o- P:S on the ro erties o- /it,men was determined /4 e8 erimental and em irical methods. 9or this st,d4' 7 di--erent modi-ied /lends were re ared /4 re lacing /it,men with shredded P:S (/4 weight! and s,/Fected to di--erent consistenc4 tests. 7he shredded P:S sam les were also s,/Fected to grading and in-rared s ectrosco 4 tests. .-ter the e8 erimental st,dies' the em irical methods were ,sed to estimate the necessar4 arameters o- the modi-ied /it,men and the P:S sam les. *ased on the test res,lts and the anal4sis o- the P:S and the /lended P:S modi-ied /it,men sam le' the -ollowing concl,sions can /e drawn5 i. 7he gradation o- the ,sed shredded P:S articles showed it is ver4 ,ni-orm in si?e ranges /,t not well graded. ii. 7he in-rared s ectrosco 4 indicated that the P:S sam le ossi/l4 contains Pol4ole-in' Secondar4

Pol4amine and Pol4amide$ .lso' the P:S sam le can /e classi-ied as a Cinear Cow +ensit4 Pol4eth4lene (CC+PE!. iii. 7he waste P,re :ater Sachet showed otential -or enhancing the ro erties o- /it,men' artic,larl4

/etween 2.=> and 7.=>. 7he higher ercentage /lends tends to /e ,nwor2a/le and ,nsta/le. iv. 7he low enetration grades o- Sam les C and + are s,ita/le in hot climates li2e Nigeria or ,sed in the dr4 season to avoid so-tening ,nder high tem erat,re. v. Bigh so-tening oints were evident in Sam les *' C and +. 7his is ,se-,l as it im lies the red,ction in tem erat,re s,sce ti/ilit4 o- the /it,mino,s material. vi. 7he enetration grades decreased as the val,e o- P:S increased in the /lends while the val,es o- the so-tening oint increased with res ect to increase in P:S.


Civil and Environmental Research ISSN 2222-1719 (Pa er! ISSN 2222-2"#$ (%nline! &ol.$' No.2' 2(1$

7he Penetration Inde8 val,es o- Sam les * and + ma2es them to /e classi-ied as /lown /it,men and the PI val,e o- Sam le C ma2es it less s,sce ti/le to tem erat,re changes and can /e classi-ied as o8idi?ed /it,men.


7he sti--ness mod,l,s o- /lends was estimated -rom nomogra h considering the val,es oenetration' so-tening oint' tem erat,re and loading time.


7his high -loat characteristic o- the P:S modi-ied /it,men ena/les so-ter as halt materials to remain in lace on the roadwa4 witho,t r,nning o--. 7he higher the -loat test val,e' the sti--er the material$

8. 8i. 8ii.

7he d4namic viscosit4 o- the modi-ied /it,men increased with increasing modi-ier (P:S! content. P:S is a chea and readil4 availa/le material in constr,ction when ,sed a ro riatel4 in /it,men.

It is o/vio,s -rom the o/servation that P:S in-l,ence more on the enetration with the increase in the viscosit4 o- the /it,men as can /e o/served /4 the decrease in the val,e o- enetration with the increase in concentration o- P:S.



9rom the o/servations made and la/orator4 res,lts o/tained' the -ollowing recommendation sho,ld /e ta2en into consideration5

i. St,dies sho,ld /e carried o,t on the e--ect o- variation o- grain si?es o- the P:S. ii. Pol4meric wastes rod,ced as /4- rod,cts in ol4mer lants are anno4ing waste which sho,ld /e
rec4cled or re,sed sa-el4.

iii. .de@,ate and necessar4 /it,men testing e@,i ment m,st /e readil4 availa/le -or e--ective research
,r oses.

iv. 7here is need to carr4 o,t Ne,tron 1agnetic Radiation tests (N1R! in order to /e s eci-ic on the
chemical com onents o- the waste P:S and to st,d4 the thermal degradation /ehavior o- the waste P:S ,sing the 7hermal Jravimetric .nal4?er (7J.!.

v. 7he /lends that showed romise sho,ld /e s,/Fected to -,rther detailed investigation to eval,ate their
er-ormances in an as haltic mi8.

vi. 7he waste P:S menace sho,ld /e tac2led' /e rec4cled and /e -,ll4 integrated as a constr,ction

vii. 7he aging o- the P:S modi-ied /it,men m,st /e er-ormed and other necessar4 tests sho,ld /e
carried o,t so as to com are the resent er-ormance res,lts to the -orecasted (modeled! er-ormance res,lts.


Civil and Environmental Research ISSN 2222-1719 (Pa er! ISSN 2222-2"#$ (%nline! &ol.$' No.2' 2(1$
R*0*R*%C* U1V

.demil,4i' 7. and .de/a4o' 7. .. 2((7. 9,el gases -rom 4rol4sis o- waste Pol4eth4lene sachets5 W. . l. Sci. Environ. 1anage. W.SE1 ISSN 1119-"$#2. &ol. 11 (2! 21 - 2#. W,ne 2#' 2((7. 9,ll-te8t .vaila/le %nline at www./


.det,nFi 1. *. and Ilias *. 1. 2(1(. E8ternalit4 E--ects o- Sachet :ater Cons,m tion and the Choice oPolic4 Instr,ments in Nigeria5 Evidence -rom Xwara State.5 Wo,rnals o- Economics' 1 (2!5 11$-1$1


.-la2i' S. and 7a/ata/aee' N. 2((". Pro osals -or modi-ication o- Iranian /it,men to meet the climatic re@,irements o- Iran. Wo,rnal o- Constr,ction and *,ilding 1aterials' vol. 2' No. 1. 1-1(


.S71. 199". .S71 +=-97 Standard test method -or enetration o- /it,mino,s materials. 199". .nn,al *oo2 o- .S71 Standards' &ol,me ().($' .merican Societ4 -or 7esting and 1aterials' Philadel hia 191($11"7.


Edoga 1. %.' %n4eFi C. I.' %g,ntosin %. %. 2((". .chieving &ision 2(52(2( thro,gh :aste Prod,ce Candle. Wo,rnal o- Engineering and . lied Sciences' $("!5 #)2-#)#.


Environmental Rights .ction. 2(($. 9.CSE S7.R7 IN 7BE *I731EN *EC75 TCivelihoods and *it,men E8 loitation in NigeriaT5 Proceedings -rom 7he Environmental Rights .ction A9riends o- the Earth' Nigeria (ER.A9oEN! two-da4 National Cons,ltation on *it,men E8 loitation in Cagos Nigeria. Novem/er #-7 2(($.


9.1.: P B. 197(. Jeneral S eci-ication -or Roads and *ridges. 9ederal 1inistr4 o- :or2s' Nigeria. 197( C, Y and Isacsson 3. 1997. !ournal o" #onstruction and $uilding %aterial. Nov. 2$' 1997.

0igure # dr ing1 sorting and stac2ing of PWS


Civil and Environmental Research ISSN 2222-1719 (Pa er! ISSN 2222-2"#$ (%nline! &ol.$' No.2' 2(1$

0igure ) Shredded PWS used for modification

0igure - PS' Curve of PWS samp3e used


Civil and Environmental Research ISSN 2222-1719 (Pa er! ISSN 2222-2"#$ (%nline! &ol.$' No.2' 2(1$
0igure . IR graph of Transmittance 45T6 against 0re7uenc 4cm8#6

0igure / Chart of Penetration Test resu3ts for 5PWS Modified Bitumen

0igure 9 :raph of Penetration 4d8mm6 against 5PWS Modified Bitumen

0igure ; Chart of the Softening Point Test resu3ts for 5PWS Modified Bitumen


Civil and Environmental Research ISSN 2222-1719 (Pa er! ISSN 2222-2"#$ (%nline! &ol.$' No.2' 2(1$

0igure < :raph of Softening Point 4oC6 against 5PWS Modified Bitumen = !eight

Ta=3e # Specification of Bitumen Provided 4(nmodified6 Bitumen <>?#>> Test Method Specific :ravit @)/ C Penetration @ )/C 'ucti3it @ )/ C +oss on heating 4!t65 'rop in penetration 03ash point C So3u=i3it in CS) 4!t65 Softening point oC

Specification 1.(1-1.(= "(A1(( 1(( min (.= ma8 2( ma8 2$2 ma8 99.= min )1 min I =1 ma8 So,rce5 Cagos State .s halt Hard' %Fod,

Ta=3e ) Percentages at !hich %orma3 Bitumen !as modified !ith shredded PWS Samp3e %o . * C + E 9 J %orma3 Bitumen 456 1(( 97.= 9= 92.= 9( "7.= "= Po3 amides (sed 456 ( 2.= = 7.= 1( 12.= 1= Modified Bitumen Not 1odi-ied 2.=> => 7.=> 1(> 12.=> 1=>


Civil and Environmental Research ISSN 2222-1719 (Pa er! ISSN 2222-2"#$ (%nline! &ol.$' No.2' 2(1$

Ta=3e - Sieve Ana3 sis of the Shredded PWS Weight Retained (.(( (.(( (.(( (.(( (.(( (.(( (.(( (.(( (.(( 2)7.2 2((.1# )$.$1 #.=) 2.(= (.9$ (.2" (.(9 />>$/9 5 Retained (.(( (.(( (.(( (.(( (.(( (.(( (.(( (.(( (.(( )9.$" $9.99 ".#= 1.$1 (.)1 (.19 (.(# (.(2 #>> Sieve SiAe #$.(( $7.=( 2".(( 2=.(( 19.(( 1).(( 1(.(( #.$( ).7= 2.$# 1.1" (.#( (.)2= (.$( (.1= (.(7= P.N 5 Passing 1(( 1(( 1(( 1(( 1(( 1(( 1(( 1(( 1(( =(.#2 1(.#$ 1.9" (.#7 (.2# (.(7 (.(2 (.((

Ta=3e . Percentage Samp3e +oss Weight of &rigina3 Samp3e 4g6 Weight of Samp3e +oss 4g6 Samp3e +oss 456 />>$<) (.2# (.(=


Civil and Environmental Research ISSN 2222-1719 (Pa er! ISSN 2222-2"#$ (%nline! &ol.$' No.2' 2(1$

Ta=3e / Summaries of A33 Re3ative Baria=3es 4Properties6 of the Modified PWS Bitumen Penetration IndeC 4P$I6 4mm6 -(.71 =.)" ).(1 =.29 Stiffness modu3us 4S=6 4%?m)6 =.((EL(7 #.((EL(# #.((EL(# ).((EL(7 Biscosit 4' namic6 4Pa$s6 7.#=EL() 2.=)EL(= $.((EL(= $.#)EL(=

Samp3e . * C +

5PWS (.((> 2.=(> =.((> 7.=(>

Penetration 4d8mm6 92.7 77.#7 )( $#

Softening Point 4oC6 )# 79 "2 9=

03oat 4seconds6 79# 2#)7 $1(9 $79# Resist

Temperature of 03oat 4C6 #( 7" "= 92





-low Resist








-low Resist












Ta=3e 9 Re3ationship =et!een Penetration grade and Softening Point Samp3e . * C + E 9 J 5PWS (.((> 2.=(> =.((> 7.=(> 1(.((> 12.=(> 1=.((> Penetration 4d8mm6 92.7 77.#7 )( $# 2$.17 17 1( Softening Point 4oC6 )# 79 "2 9= NA. NA. NA.


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