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Take a few moments to make note of any thoughts and ideas that came to you after reading this introduction section.

For a bonus challenge, make a list of ten things you would love to provide as a service to others while getting paid for doing it.




Take a few moments to make note of your answer to the question:

How will my life be enhanced if I achieve what Ive desperately wanted to achieve?

For a bonus challenge, make a list of ten shoulds that you live by, circle the ones youre willing to let go, and replace them with new, more empowering choices for your life. What might some of those empowering choices be? Write as much down as you can.



Take a few moments to note your answer to these questions: What relationships and networks do you have right now, online and o!ine, that you can leverage to jumpstart your business? List as many as come to mind.

How could you do something special for yourself and demonstrate to the public that youve undergone a transformation in becoming your own boss? List as many ideas as you can.





Take a few moments to make note of as many disempowering or dated thought patterns that you walk around with, and write them below. Think about the thoughts that could be holding you back from important growth, or ones that are now an obstacle to your new goals. There is no place for judgement here, simply breathe and allow the thoughts to ow to your list.

For a bonus challenge, circle three of the most inhibiting thoughts that you wrote above, and beside each, write down a new, empowering thought that can replace an inhibiting one.



Relationships are a huge part of our personal and professional success. This is your personal exercise, so the more honest you are with yourself, the more valuable this exercise will be. Make a list of all the people currently in your circles and networks who are helping to guide you to greater success or calling you to be a bigger person, just by having a relationship with them. Again, there is no place for judgement here. Simply take a deep breath, ponder your relationships, and allow the names of your power friends and connections to ow onto your list.

For a bonus challenge, look at each of the people you listed above, and write beside their names why they would be grateful or why they are better people from simply knowing you. What does your relationship with them provide to their personal and professional growth? We often have a much harder time with this question, but this is no time to be humble. Honour yourself and your immense value on this earth and be open about what they would tell you if you asked them this question. Once you have your answers, you can call them up and ask them to help you build this list.





1. Write a long list of all the things you love to do that bring you joy.

2. What would you do every day if you didnt need to make money doing it? Write it below.

3. Survey the people closest to you and ask them what your passion is. When youre speaking to them about something youve done and your face lights up, what excites you?

4. Meditate and take walks regularly. Notice what your mind is telling you, and write it down. Capture the negative and positive thoughts and then assess which ones you want to keep and which you want to replace. Write down the replacement thoughts.



5. Try doing the opposite of what you know to do, or would usually do in a situation. Expand your comfort zone and then take note of what you discovered in the process.

6. Take notes on every job, internship, volunteer role or extracurricular commitment you have ever done. Next, make a list of why you chose these things, what you liked about them, and what you disliked about them. Note the themes that emerge. 7. Ask a close friend or colleague that you trust to examine this same list of your experiences. Ask what theme or consistent trend is apparent.

8. Allow yourself the opportunity to try new things. The best way to explore what you like and dont like is to try it out for real. Youll often nd a di"erence between what you thought you wanted and how you felt when you actually attained it. Just think of people you have dated, for example. 9. Get clear on what truly and deeply matters to you. Contemplate what is non-negotiable when it comes to your life and your stand in the world. For example, are you willing to take a reduction in your revenue if it meant you had more time to yourself on evenings and weekends? Or would you do what you loved for a living if it meant you had less time to spend with friends and family? Develop clarity on what matters to you, and how you dene success, not what others say is the way you should be successful in life.



10. If you knew you couldnt fail, and you had no fears stopping you, how would you live?





Put on your visionary cap and imagine your life and your business vividly, palpably, holistically six months from now. Now answer the following questions below: How will you feel?

What progress will you have made? What obstacles will you overcome?

Who will be with you on the journey to celebrate your milestone? How will you want to celebrate it?

How much money will you have made? What will make you most proud?

What will your future self say to you as an acknowledgement of the steps youve taken?



Take the time to stop and reect on Danielle LaPortes key question, and answer with the rst thoughts that come to mind.

How do you want to feel in your life, on a daily basis? Write down these emotions.

How could you plan your day to incorporate the experience of at least three of these emotions, every day? What could you do?

What are simple actions you can take every day that can create more of the feelings youre after?





However you envision your life, here are a few questions to ponder for creating your vision.

1. What is my dream life in the area of business, and what imagery or words represent them? Begin collecting visuals to add to your vision board as you answer this question.

2. Ask this same question and do the same exercise about your relationships, health physical, sexual, nancial, as well as spiritualand other areas of life.

3. When youre done collecting all of it, take some time to sit with the vision you created, and reect on how it feels to see the vision in front of you. Is anything out of place? Is anything missing? Are you alive, inspired or moved by this vision? Can you taste its achievement, and if so, are you ready to commit to it?



4. Take stock of your state of mind and emotions, including any physical sensations. Continue this exercise until you are completely at peace with the idea that you have a guiding vision. And remember, this is your conception; youre allowed to change it whenever you feel to. Just be sure youre not changing it simply because the going got tough, and you want easier dreams to fulll. In other words, dont cheat yourself out of your dreams because it gets hard. Find a way to proceed with ease and keep on keepin on, baby.




The exercise below is a shortened worksheet version of the B.I.G. Secret workshop that we conduct with our clients in person. It will help you get to the bottom of your brand. Once you have answered the questions below, get into action. Look at where you can rework your existing content online, and what visuals you can use to accompany this new clarity. 1. When you decided to become your own boss and start your own business, what inspired you to do so?

2. Why did you choose the business you chose, over something else?

3. Who are you in business to serve?

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4. If your business did not exist, what would the world be missing?

5. What is special and valuable from your past life and professional experiences that makes your business and your value as a boss remarkable? Think about past jobs you had, past obstacles overcome, past awards and acknowledgements, testimonies from people youve worked with and met along the way. In essence, reect on your lifes experiences when answering this question.

6. What products or services do I love to provide?

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7. If I could do something for free and for pure joy for the rest of my life, what would it be?

8. What are people always asking me to do for them, what services do people want me to provide?

When you have nished answering questions 6-8, go back and circle the services that hit your sweet spot of what you love to do and what people want from you. In the next chapter you will learn how to position and package these services to your ideal customer.

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As you work to get more and more clarity about who youthe bossare here to serve with your products and services, answer the following questions as specically as possible. 1. What does this woman or man customer of mine do for work?

2. What problem did they come to me to solve?

3. What solutions to their problem or problems do I have?

4. What kind of person is my ideal customer, as a person not just as a professional?

5. Where does this woman or man hang out, and what do they do for fun?

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6. What are this persons guilty pleasures or shameless hobbies?

7. What does this person google when theyre surng the web?

8. What beliefs and principles are important to this person that I may or may not share?

9. What are this persons biggest dreams?

10. What are this persons biggest fears?

Their rst name: # #

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# # # # Their last name:


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First of all, congratulations on reaching the last of 12 work sections in this guide. This is your nal lap and its important that you take the time to answer the following questions thoughtfully. When you dene your ideal customer, your sales are a synch. 1. What do I o"er that my ideal customers want and need? 2. Where does my ideal customer spend time, online? 3. Who do I know who can introduce me and my services to more ideal customers?


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4. What can I do every week to continually meet new ideal customers, online and o!ine?

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