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3 Underground


A Report by Van Whitsett
Copyright Van Whitsett, http://www !eeder"atri# co"/$ re!%b&ythe'()*

+ot one word o! this report is guaranteed to "a,e you e-en ) penny +ot one word o! this report guarantees that you wi&& not &ose "oney

Resell and Redistribution Rights

.ou "ay rese&& this report !or /0 or &ess or gi-e it away .ou "ay not, howe-er, "a,e any unauthori1ed changes to the report .ou "ay not use this "ateria& as website content or se&& any type o! rights to this report Vio&ators wi&& be prosecuted 2i"agine your rear handed to you and your ban, account e"pty3 Copyright in!ringe"ent is serious

Introduction Dear friend, Thanks for downloading. My name's Van Whitsett. I'm an internet marketer and entrepreneur like yourself and I'm here to tell you 3 Underground IM e!rets. e!ret "# is fairly !ommon powerful knowledge. e!ret "$ will likely %e a surprise. e!ret "3 might make you fall %a!kwards out of your !hair. These are literally the 3 %iggest IM se!rets I know. &ou !an use ea!h se!ret to ethi!ally rea!h through your prospe!ts' !omputer s!reens and rip the money out of their wallets. ...While they en'oy e(ery minute. These 3 se!rets are underground for one, %e!ause that's a pretty !ool name. Two, I %elie(e you won't find any of these tea!hings through a sear!h engine %e!ause they are so rare. &ou !an !hoose to keep them to yourself or sell them or pass the report onto your list. The less people know, the more powerful the se!rets work to su!k !ash like a (a!uum !leaner. )n'oy de(ouring this s!ar!e info. *ll the %est, Van Whitsett

Secret #1 How to Turn Free Ebook into a Qualit !"#$ %roduct 4et5s say you ha-e this !ree eboo, that5s o! 6ua&ity, around )(( pages 7ere5s how to ta,e it and turn it into a /'80 in!or"ation product

How to Increase the Perceived Value 9ree in!or"ation is percei-ed to ha-e a &ow -a&ue, especia&&y !ree b&og posts with ads way o!! in the corner 4isten to this :ercei-ed -a&ue is e-erything Water used to be on&y !ree, but now you can buy a ;asani out o! a Co,e "achine !or a buc, It<s the sa"e water you can get !or !ree with a cheap !i&ter attached to your sin, .et bott&ed water now has a percei-ed -a&ue o! up to /) As !or digita& products on&ine: * * * * =boo,s ha-e a percei-ed -a&ue o! /0 to /'> "p3 products are genera&&y percei-ed at around /*0 ;own&oadab&e -ideos are percei-ed up to /80 a piece So!tware is percei-ed anywhere between /80 to the /),(((s

?hese are esti"ates based on studying "ar,eting and obser-ing prices So"e "ight disagree Lets take a free ebook and make some real money... I<d ta,e this 6ua&ity eboo, and turn it into another !or" o! "edia with a higher percei-ed -a&ue * =boo, % /'0 per sa&e * =boo, @ "p3 Audioboo, % /*0 per sa&e * =boo, @ "p3 Audioboo, @ Screen Captured Video % /80 per sa&e

?urn your eboo, into a !or" o! down&oadab&e "edia with higher percei-ed -a&ue .ou can do it yourse&! or hire so"eone to do it cheap&y at =&ance co" I! you want to do a screen captured -ideo, use Ca"tasia or a cheaper progra" &i,e it 2Ca"tasia can be !ound at ca"tasia co" or techs"ith co"/ca"tasia3 A &ot o! peop&e are down&oading audio !or big buc,s these days because they can &oad it up into their i:ods and ta,e a product with the" on the road

Aut it doesn<t end thereB How the Right Packaging Increases Perceived Value 4et<s say you too, your !ree eboo, and turned it into a *ChourC&ong screen capture instructiona& -ideo course and you5re se&&ing it now !or /80 I! you o!!er D(E co""issions to a!!i&iates, you5&& ha-e a ton o! Super A!!i&iates pro"oting the 6ua&ity product that has high -a&ue and high percei-ed -a&ue !or /*3 D( per co""ission ?he a!!i&iates wi&& a&so be bui&ding your eC"ai& &ist !or you What i! I to&d you that by "a,ing two "inor adFust"ents that you cou&d trip&e the cost o! this product and it<&& sti&& ha-e -a&ue$ 7ere<s what you do )3 Ca&& it a Gcourse H
'3 Io to your graphics guy and te&& hi", GInstead o! creating a graphic !or Fust one *ChourC-ideo, "a,e it &oo, &i,e D ;V;s in a bu&, pac,age H In!o"ercia&s ha-e pro-en ti"e and ti"e again that bu&, pac,ages outCpu&& sing&e pac,ages D to ), because o! higher percei-ed -a&ue

+ow you ha-e a bu&, pac,age that you cou&d se&& !or e-en /'*0 to /'80 or "ore I! it<s a course in bu&,, the perception o! your product wi&& be that it<s an in-est"ent by which there wi&& be a return
A ro! in the "ucket

At this point your prospects are sa&i-ating o-er this high percei-ed -a&ue -ideo course on how to do whate-er it is that you teach Aut they aren<t 6uite ready to buy ?hey want to whip out that credit card, but they need you to gi-e the" another big reason why .ou need to "a,e it &oo, &i,e your product<s price is a drop in the buc,et co"pared to the bene!its that the prospect is getting So we do two things: )3 :i&e on 6ua&ity bonuses &i,e audios, reports, inter-iews, you na"e it ?his increases -a&ue .ou can buy Master Resa&e Rights to products !or practica&&y nothing at eAay Just "a,e sure the &icense says you can gi-e it away as a bonus '3 .ou need a US:, a Uni6ue Se&&ing :roposition .ou<&& need so"ething o! high percei-ed and uni6ue -a&ue to c&ose the dea& In your case, you cou&d o!!er "entoring !ro" your own on&ine "entoring schoo& or a !ree criti6ue or !ree coaching o! so"e ,ind
?hese two things signi!icant&y increase the percei-ed -a&ue as we&& as the actua& -a&ue o! your product and now ser-ice as we&&

A prospect passionate about your subFect wou&d be wi&&ing to in-est /'80 as a oneCti"e !ee !or /),(((s o! do&&ars worth o! products and ser-ices on your topic ?he great news is anyone can do this with a howCto eboo, #hat if we fli! flo!!ed it$ Say you don5t !ee& co"!ortab&e with charging this "uch "oney So what can you do$

We !&ip !&op .ou instead charge /*0 per "onth !or your "entoring ser-ice and as a bonus tac, on your /'80 -ideo course or /*0C/80 audio course 2better yet, do both3 ?his wi&& bui&d a so&id strea" o! residua& inco"e

A!!i&iates wi&& sti&& be p&eased with pushing your ser-ice because they wi&& be getting residua& inco"e as we&& %here you have it
So there<s how you go !ro" gi-ing away a !ree eboo, to "a,ing an easy /)>( D( per day or "ore on the internet 2and that<s Fust )(( -isitors to your sa&es page per day con-erting at an a-erage )E3

&ou 'an(t Sto) It* E+en I, &ou -ant To... Tired o, s)onsoring and ad+ertising/ 0et Them Do 1ll the -ork..Rela23 It4s a direct )a s stem and &ou are 561R17TEED T8 91:E 1 %R8FIT3 -e will 78T ST8% making ou mone e+en i, &86 ST8%3 It works3 It )a s instantl and it )a s F8RE;ER3 ;isit the website link below and <oin right now= htt)=>>www.,>/re,?bl the"@1A

Secret #" The Easiest 9one &ou4ll E+er 9ake 8nline

7ere5s one o! the bestC,ept secrets in the internet "ar,eting wor&d Want to ,now the easiest way to "a,e "oney on the net$

Here&s your website .ou get tons o! tra!!ic, but you don5t wor, !or it .ou ha-e tons o! uni6ue content, but you didn5t e-en pub&ish it yourse&!
.ou ha-e a thri-ing internet business that ta,es )( "inutes a day to run

I ,now .ou5re thin,ing I can5t be serious .ou thin, this because you5-e probab&y ne-er heard about what you5re about to disco-er

Here&s what I&m talking about An on&ine business that others pro"ote An on&ine business others produce uni6ue content !or An on&ine business that you so easi&y bui&d a &ist with that it5s &i,e chi&d5s p&ay Here&s what you do Choose a "ar,et you a&ready wor, in, one that you5-e a&ready started bui&ding a &ist in Insta&& the ;rupa& Kpen Source 2!ree3 content "anage"ent syste" on your new website Insta&& ;rupa&5s AdSense Modu&e "ecause here&s what&s going on
4et5s say you ha-e ;rupa& insta&&ed on your website We5&& say it5s a co""unity that pub&ishes artic&es on internet "ar,eting

?he AdSense Modu&e a&&ows you to share AdSense ad space with the users o! your site Whene-er they pub&ish an artic&e on your site, their AdSense ads are disp&ayed a percentage o! the ti"e on their own artic&es ?he Modu&e a&so has a si"i&ar re!erra& progra"

=asy Content:

.ou o!!er 8(E AdSense earnings to your users !or their own pages 2this is easy to set3

=asy ?ra!!ic L =asy Content:

.ou o!!er )(E AdSense earnings to your users who re!er others to the site using their re!erra& &in, Whene-er they re!er so"eone, their ads are disp&ayed on the pages o! the users they re!erred )(E o! the ti"e

?his "odu&e ta,es care o! a&& o! your content and tra!!ic prob&e"s How to set it u! I5" not going to go into the technica& detai&s o! how to set up your ;rupa& co""unity 9or one it5s boring ?wo it5s easy when you use the !ree onCsite ;rupa& guide and support !oru" Here&s how you and your users will benefit .ou5&& bene!it because you5re "a,ing easy s"a&& a"ounts o! AdSense cash and that5s a&&B +o that5s not a&& +ot e-en c&ose !riend

?he go&den nugget o! this operation is that you can put an optCin !or" on your users5 pages and co&&ect eC"ai&s a&& day &ong !or doing nothing .our users wi&& bene!it !ro" writing and pub&ishing on an a&ready estab&ished site ?hey5&& a&& get to ,now each other and it5&& be &i,e a b&ogging

co""unity ?hey5&& &i,e&y "a,e "ore AdSense re-enue than with their din,y A&ogger or Word:ress b&ogs So !ar there ha-e been a &ot o! b&ogging co""unities with AdSense sharing, but the web"asters are ha-ing a coo,out with "oney 2gri&&ing )((Cdo&&ar bi&&s &i,e they5re da"n stea,s3 by not "ar,eting at the sa"e ti"e Aui&d your &ist and this is a per!ect opportunity !or you to ha-e an a&"ost auto"ated success!u& on&ine business How to get your site rolling
Kb-ious&y the auto"ation wont begin unti& you ha-e a !ew writers on your

site wor,ing !or AdSense re-enue So here5s what you do

Ma,e the inde#/we&co"e page o! your site &i,e a sa&es page Write so"ething that wi&& connect with your "ar,et 2"ost &i,e&y peop&e who are passionate about "a,ing "oney on&ine3 and get the" to sign up ?reat it &i,e you wou&d i! you were se&&ing so"ething :ost a c&assi!ied ad at a !ree Craigs&ist site .ou5&& probab&y get a !ew writers this way When they "a,e a coup&e buc,s, they5&& start pro"oting your site !or both their artic&es and re!er other users ?his is why it5s a&so i"portant to create a co"pe&&ing page about your re!erra& progra" and pub&ish a &in, to it in your na-igation "enu

'ey %houghts and Pointers

?a,e Care o! .our Users:

Re"e"ber to treat your core users with respect A!ter a&&, they5re doing a&& your wor, .ou5re not there to be a bad guy and reap a&& the bene!its I! you start "a,ing serious cash, be sure to get your core users5 "ai&ing addresses and send the" so"e chec,s in the "ai& to ,eep the" happy It5s not right to s&a-e others to death !or your bene!it, e-en i! they are notCsoCs"art newbies

.ou Kn&y


?he on&y thing you ha-e to do that ta,es )( "inutes to an hour per day is "oderate 7ere5s what I wou&d do i! I were you When your site gets rea&&y popu&ar, don5t &ea-e the gates open !or new writers 9ocus on ta,ing care o! your core group o! writers .ou a&so won5t ha-e to dea& with spa" posts


?a,e care o! your users who are "a,ing you a who&e &ot o! "oney It5s the right thing to do and you5&& grow to &o-e your re&ationship with your users Without the", your drea" business wou&dn5t be possib&e

?he =ASI=S? Money .ou wi&& =V=R Ma,e B :&ease don5t "iss out on this 9AAU4KUS and si"p&e progra" I! you be&ie-e you ha-e seen it a&& ?he M9==;=R MA?RINM pays you instant&y and direct&y to your :aypa&, :ays1a or S?: accountsB Ma,e a wise decision +KWB K+4. /) 0D to FoinB +K RISOB C&ic, 4in, Ae&ow 9or Co"p&ete ;etai&s: http://www !eeder"atri# co"/$re!%b&ythe'()*

Secret #B The Cest :e)t 'redit 'ard 9arketing Secret

?his is one o! those short, in!or"ati-e pieces o! in!or"ation with a true secret I cou&d se&& it !or big buc,s, I thin,, but I wanted to de&i-er an a"a1ing GsecretsH report I hope you5re e#cited about this stu!! so !ar because i! you are, then you5re about to be b&own away &i,e by a hurricane

K,ay ?his secret is so secret that by reading this section !urther, you "ust pro"ise not to pub&ish the in!or"ation anywhere on the web We don5t want this secret in the hands o! e-erybody who uses a search engine or e&se it wi&& &ose a&"ost a&& e!!ecti-eness I &earned this secret to credit card "ar,eting by be!riending a high ro&&er, a coCowner o! a "aFor credit card a!!i&iate networ, 2we5re not !riends any"ore ob-ious&y or e&se I wou&dn5t te&& you this3 When you get peop&e ta&,ing passionate&y about a subFect, they5&& te&& you about anything and !ee& good about it too
7ere5s the thing, though 4ater on when I ta&,ed to his partner, he was rea&&y angry that he to&d "e this stu!! Aecause he was a!raid I "ight te&& too "any peop&e Kh we&&, I guess he shou&d ha-e gi-en "e /),((( and as,ed "e to sign a contract saying I wou&dn5t te&& anyone
So you can redistribute this report, but p&ease don5t pub&ish this in!or"ation on the net where it can be searched !or ?here5s no point ?his in!or"ation wi&& &ose it5s -a&ue and you won5t "a,e any "oney o!! your website page

Let&s get down to it

Credit card "ar,eting as an a!!i&iate is tough to say the &east ?he co"petition is !ierce and the cost per c&ic, in ::C progra"s is ridicu&ous :&us it5s i&&ega& in credit card "ar,eting to bid on the "ost targeted ,eywords

.ou can &ose your shirt in this business It5s harder than a dia"ond to "a,e it in credit card "ar,eting

?hat said, you can o!ten "a,e /)P( or "ore per app&ication ?hose who do we&&, we&& &et5s Fust say they5re &i,e&y &i-ing a "ore !inancia&&y satis!ying &i!e than you and "e right now #hat&s the secret$ I5" not ta&,ing about Gthe Secret H I"agining you5re getting credit card co""issions isn5t going to wor, in this business It5s &i,e a ga"e o! chess and this is your 6ueen: Pre(a!!roved 'eywords
When you get those pieces o! "ai& that say, G.ou5-e been preCappro-ed !or a new credit card C&ai" your new card at http://thecreditcard co"/o!!erH that UR4 is your preCappro-ed ,eyword See, not e-eryone uses the co"puter as we&& as we do ?ons o! peop&e don5t type into their browsers, but instead into a search engine search browser So they5re searching using these preCappro-ed ,eywords

?hey5re &oo,ing to c&ai" their preC appro-ed card ?hey ,now the rates ?hey5-e decided they want it ?hey5-e accidenta&&y typed the UR4 into the search bar Piggy "ack off the )om!anies So you5re going to piggy bac, o!! these co"panies who are sending out these preCappro-ed credit cards 7ere5s how you do it, stepCbyCstep Ste) 1= 9irst you5&& need to be an a!!i&iate with cardo!!ers co", ncsreporting co", or another credit card progra" I! your app&ication is denied, ca&& the" up and ta&, to an a!!i&iate "anager

?e&& hi" you5re an e#perienced web"aster and he5&& &i,e&y not on&y appro-e your account, but he&p you set up an entire&y new credit card website

Ste) "= .ou5&& need to &oo, through your preC appro-ed credit card "ai& +ow &oo, through your a!!i&iate5s site and see i! they ha-e the sa"e card as ad-ertised in one o! your pieces o! "ai&
I! you need "ore o! this type o! "ai&, sign up with 4ending?ree co" and you "ight get preCappro-ed credit card o!!ers &e!t and right

Ste) B= Create a page on your site !or the credit card Ma,e sure there5s no na-igation or anything that can distract your -isitors away !ro" c&ic,ing your a!!i&iate &in, .ou want your -isitor to i""ediate&y c&ic, a &in, to get to the app&ication page It5s &i,e you5re an o!!icer directing tra!!ic So at the top o! the page, create a &arge &in, 2bo&d, under&ined, and b&ue3 or eyeCcatching b&in,ing banner that says GC&ic, 7ere to Continue H ?he rest o! your sa&es page shou&d be !i&&er content with the a!!i&iate &in, throughout and outbound &in,s at the -ery botto" o! your page ?he reason !or this is because you don5t want AdWords Fac,ing up your bid because they thin, you ha-e so"ething &i,e a s6uee1e page Ste) A=
2It5s high&y reco""ended that you ta,e a payCperCc&ic, course be!ore atte"pting any o! this .ou can sti&& &ose big ti"e e-en with "y secret 3

?a,e your preCappro-ed ,eyword and either

Aid on the preCappro-ed ,eyword through a payCperCc&ic, progra"

Use search engine opti"i1ation to opti"i1e your page with the preC appro-ed ,eyword and your a!!i&iate &in, .ou5&& need a good a"ount o! bac,&in,s to this page to co"e up as Q) in the search engines

.ou can a&so use typos and "isspe&&ings:

?a,e a preCappro-ed ,eyword and put it in a typo generator, &i,e the S=K Aoo, ?ypo Ienerator and generate co""on "isspe&&ings and typos

.ou can both bid on these typos or you can try to opti"i1e a website page with the "ost searched typos o! your preCappro-ed ,eyword

+ote Ae sure to bid on both Ghttp://thecreditcard co"/o!!erH and Gthecreditcard co"/o!!erH, both the GhttpH and without it Ste) D=
?est your a!!i&iate sa&es page scienti!ica&&y to understand your con-ersion rates ?his is a&ways i"portant, but especia&&y !or credit card "ar,eting because it5s so e#pensi-e to buy tra!!ic

Use a heat "ap progra" &i,e cra1yegg co" 2!ree3 to trac, the c&ic, through rate on your a!!i&iate &in,
?his is -ery i"portant to do because statistics in your a!!i&iate account won5t a&ways be in rea& ti"eB It "ay ta,e "onths to !ind out whether you5re &in,s are con-erting Another reason why this is such a dangerous business

Conus Secret The Skeleton :e to 1,,iliate 'ommissions Se&&ing goods through a!!i&iate progra"s is the !irst thing "ost o! us do when we get into this ga"e 2sa"e here3 ?his post wi&& he&p you actua&&y "a,e "oney as an a!!i&iate right away I! you wi&& a-oid this Q) "ista,e and disco-er this one techni6ue, then you<&& cut your &earning cur-e &i,e with a chain saw I! you<re new to "a,ing "oney on the internet, then this is the "ost i"portant "essage you wi&& e-er read 7ere<s the thing
?his "ight ha-e wor,ed at the beginning o! the internet, but it doesn<t now: ;on<t try to be &i,e A"a1on co" and hust&e tons o! products on one page

?his "a,es you sa&es: .ou want the !ocus to be on on&y one a!!i&iate product on one page 7ere are the reason<s whyR %he Russian *et +un
I"agine the Russian "i&itary cra!ted you a specia& gun that shoots on&y a rea&&y &arge net ?he net can capture up to )(,((( peop&e at one ti"e When you<re targeting the peop&e who are going to buy !ro" your page, which )(,((( peop&e wi&& you shoot your net at$ ?he answer is: .ou shoot the net at )(,((( peop&e who wou&d be interested in one a!!i&iate product So you pro"ote that one product
.ou don<t pro"ote 3( products on one page and target a hodge podge o! )(,((( peop&e who wou&d be interested in di!!erent products .ou won<t get

any sa&es this way and you<&& waste your e!!orts and "oney dri-ing tra!!ic

%he Psychological %rigger that ,akes -ales Ae&ie-e it or not, there<s so"ething psycho&ogica& going on here
I! you gi-e a -isitor one option 2to buy or not to buy3, then they wi&& "ore &i,e&y "a,e the decision to buy than the other situation

I! you gi-e a -isitor se-era& options 2to buy or not to buy 3( ite"s3, then they wi&& "ore &i,e&y not "a,e a decision to buy
?his is because you<re !orcing the" to "a,e a yes or no decision ;o I buy this product or not$ And peop&e don<t &i,e to be in a situation where they ha-e to "a,e a decision 2but that<s where you want the"3

:ro"oting 3( ite"s gets too co"p&e# .our -isitor<s psyche shuts down and he &ea-es your page When he !inds so"ething e&se to c&ic, on, he doesn<t ha-e to !ace the pressure o! "a,ing a decision .+reasing the -hoot/ 9a"ous copywriter John Car&ton ca&&s this Ggreasing the shoot H It<s where you write a sa&es "essage in a way that has no distractions !or your prospect .ou want to grease your sa&es "essage so that your prospect s&ides s"ooth&y to the order button Internet peop&e are c&ic, cra1y As soon as there<s so"ething !or your prospect to c&ic, on, he<&& c&ic, it 7e wants to c&ic, things right away and he doesn<t want to be pressured into buying anything 2and that<s not good !or business3 4et<s app&y this concept to hust&ing a!!i&iate products
+ot on&y do you want to pro"ote one ite" at a ti"eR 4et<s say that you ha-e a re-iew site where you re-iew a!!i&iate products

Kn a sing&e ite"<s page, you don<t e-en want a na-igation bar, no other &in,s, no other products, nothing e&se that cou&d di-ert the -isitor away !ro" "a,ing a yes or no decision !or buying your product Kn&y a copywriter wou&d te&& you to do such a thing Aut do it and !ind out it wor,s 4ay on the pressure G.ou either buy this or not .ou 7AV= to "a,e a yes or no decision .ou can<t ta,e the easy way out and c&ic, so"ething e&se H ;on<t say this, but this is what your page says to your prospect

?his is the way the psyche wor,s .our prospect doesn<t want to thin, 7e wou&d "uch rather say, G+ah, I<&& c&ic, here be!ore I ha-e to thin, about and consider what this guy is as,ing "e to do I<&& c&ic, here and ta,e the easy way out H
.our prospect doesn<t want the pressure o! ha-ing to decide, but you want your prospect to ha-e a &ot o! pressure and ha-e to decide yes or no

%his is #hat 0ou o

:ro"ote one product at a ti"e on one page 2.ou want your prospect to be pressured into "a,ing a yes or no decision with no other options 3

With no distractions, not e-en a na-igation bar or any &in,s 2.ou want your prospect to be pressured into "a,ing a yes or no decision with no other options 3 ;ri-e a targeted audience to that page &i,e with your Russian net gun 2.ou want to dri-e 6ua&i!ied prospects to that page 3 1ood for %hought A&so use the sa"e tactic !or when dri-ing prospects to an eC"ai& optCin page .ou5&& signi!icant&y increase your con-ersion rate

Thanks for reading my report. I hope you enjoyed it. Here's to your success! All the best, Van hitsett

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