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Havili 1 Ashlei Havili Government and Citizenship McMurray B3 4 February 2014 Good Government What is the purpose of government?

According to John Adam's Thoughts on Government, "Upon this point all speculative politicians will agree, that the happiness of society is the end of government." How that happiness is attained can be argued in infinite ways by a plethora of parties. Although the route each government would prescribe diverging routes, all would argue that a good government is one that is chosen by its people, is incorrupt, and allows growth and change. Especially when it comes to government and laws, no one likes having conditions forced on them. A perfect historical example is the time leading up to the American Revolution. The colonies were unhappy with the taxes being imposed on them when they had no representation in government. This was not good government. A modern example is the US and their set up of an Iraqi democracy. A quote by Murhaf Jouejati, a scholar from Washington, was quoted an article from NewsHour Extra titled "Reconstruction Taskforce in Iraq." He said, "There has not been a single day of democracy in Iraq in its history. It is still a tribal and clan-oriented society. Democracy needs an social infrastructure that does not exist at all in Iraq, nor elsewhere in the region." Governments that are forced upon a society rarely work well, because the people

setting them up do not fully understand the needs and wants of the people. The government has to be accepted by the people it rules to be successful.

Havili 2 Although it may be idealistic, a good government cannot be corrupt. In Aristotle's work entitled Politics, he says "When [any] of these apply their power for the common good, such states are well governed; but when the interest of one, the few or the many who enjoy this power is alone consulted, then ill. . . a kingdom may degenerate into a tyranny, an aristocracy into n oligarchy, and a state into democracy." A well functioning government cannot be jammed with corruptions. It must stay for the interest of all peoples to work well and to function. Any other form rarely lasts. A good government must allow for growth. Government and economy are intertwined. For government to flourish, the economy must do likewise. A deteriorating economy leads to a government that is usually in just as bad of shape. A government must also allow for growth in technology and learning. We live in a world that changes almost daily. The countries that do best are the ones that try to stay current in technologic and scientific advancements. Stagnant governments cannot function properly because they cannot fix mistakes and change with the times. Many more ingredients are needed to make a good government; however, these ones are the most vital. Without them, a government may exist, but coining it a "good government" would be a mistake. With all the problems in the world, we need more "good governments" that follow some of these guidelines.

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