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Put the verbs in br !"ets in the !#rre!t $#r%& 1. Last week, a friend of mine (return) to his house after a holiday to find it (break into).2. None of his teachers understood how he (succeed) in (pass) the exam.3. month a!o, " (write) to the suppliers askin! why the !oods (not arri#e) yet. $hey ne#er replied. '. Re(rite the senten!es in the ) ssive. 1. %he needs someone to show her what to do.2. "n kinder!arten, they !a#e the boy a lot of nicknames.3. $hey want someone to offer them a new &ob. I. B. Read the text below and answer each !est"on "n no #ore than $ l"nes%&tor' o( )o'les Boo*sho+, London. booksellin! le!end, founded by the 'oyle brothers in 1()*, this !reat, spreadin! collectionhas been at times rather badly or!ani+ed. "n the past, some of the staff were deeply odd andyou would ha#e more success addressin! telephone en,uiries to deaf mutes on the planet$har!. -owe#er, this peculiarity aside, the enthusiasm and ran!e of books ha#e always beenimpressi#e. .ne of the ori!inal 'oyle/s dau!hters, 0hristina, wrote to -itler when she heardhe was burnin! unsuitable books in the 1(3)s and asked if she could rescue them from theflames. -e replied that if the books were bad influences for 1ermans, they would be bad for the 2ritish too, so he/d rather not lead 2ritish readers into a moral mess. couple of yearslater, howe#er, he was bombin! the stuffin! out of the same 2rits and a hu!e bomb blew openthe road ri!ht in front of 'oyles. $o keep the capital mo#in!, the rmy threw a brid!e acrossthe crater and it was named 'oyles/ 2rid!e.1. 3hat was paradoxical about the 'oyles bookstore at the be!innin! of its existence42. 3hat does the story re#eal about -itler/s frame of mind4 II. A. Translate "nto Ro#an"an% 0arter had ne#er before encountered a situation of which he had not been perfect master. 2utnow he stood far more awkward than 2ill or 5ack or 6ickey. -e had no chance of meetin!this beautiful !irl socially. -is mind stru!!led to recall the nature and habits of shop!irls as hehad read or heard of them. %omehow he had recei#ed the idea that they sometimes did notinsist too strictly upon the re!ular channels of introduction. -is heart beat loudly at thethou!ht of proposin! an uncon#entional meetin! with this lo#ely and #ir!inal bein!. 2ut thetumult in his heart !a#e him coura!e. II. B. Translate "nto En-l"sh% 7mi spunea c8 tot ce face 1ina e numai un spectacol, c8 9i place s8 fie pri#it8, s8 fie 9n centrulaten:iei, oriunde s;ar afla. 0iudat c8 to:i o #edeau numai sub aspectul 8sta fri#ol. 0hiar <iacum, c=nd eram at=t de pornit 9mpotri#a ei, sim:eam c8 nu pot fi de acord cu aceste, 9ndefiniti#, def8im8ri ale 1inei. >u <tiam c=t de fermec8toare, de bun8 <i chiar de inteli!ent8 putea fi ea uneori, <tiam c8, printre +eci de prostii, putea s8 aib8 c=te o replic8 uimitoare, <tiam c=t de obsedat8 e de moarte, de 9mb8tr=nire. 'ire<te, sufeream <i;o uram pentru c8 apar:ineaaltcui#a (m8 9ntrebam dac8 e tot cu %il#iu sau cu altul), dar tocmai prin asta mi se p8rea ofiin:8 <i mai complex8. 6i se p8rea <i mai de+irabil8, pe m8sur8 ce se 9ndep8rta. ?e<i m8mutasem din banc8, de<i eram hot8r=t s8 nu mai am de;a face cu ea, le!8tura noastr8 nu s;arupt nici atunci. Proba de LIMBA I LITERATURA ENGLEZENGLEZ B I. A% 1. Re(rite the senten!es* usin+ the !#rre!t tense #$ the verbs in br !"ets , !tive #r ) ssivev#i!e-& 1. " ... (char!e) with robbery, but " finally mana!ed to persuade the ma!istrates they had thewron! person.2. $he play was deplorable. " hoped it ... (!et) better, but it was the most

pathetic performance" (see).3. " ... &ust ... (rin!) the receptionist to say that the $@ was not workin! in my room when theen!ineer arri#ed to fix it. '. Fi.. in the + )s b/ usin+ the ))r#)ri te !#%bin ti#ns #$ (#r0s* ne!ess ri./ in!.u0in+ %#0 . verb& 1. Aou ...... drinkin! or you/ll !et into a coma.2. 3as that absolutely necessary4 Aou ..... to tell the police after all.3. -ow do they know about it4 %omeone ....... re#ealed the family secretB I. B% Read the text below and answer each !est"on "n no #ore than $ l"nes% 0ell phones, apart from makin! the or!ani+ation of our li#es easier, ha#e other, latent,functions as well. 'irst, they are outstandin! anxiety reducers. 0arryin! one of them in our hands, we may reduce the uneasy feelin! that we are alone and lost in the world. %econdly,with their help, one can also reconfirm one/s identity. $hirdly, they may sli!htly enhance our momentary social status in the crowd. $alkin! on a cell phone in a public place mi!ht ha#e a#ul!ar aura, except if you are dressed like a banker or a broker and talk on your phone whilehurryin! throu!h the crowd and makin! the impression that you are &ust sellin! or buyin! theComan 0oliseum or the >mpire %tate 2uildin!. "f you are not a banker or a broker, then youha#e to flash a #ery expensi#e, modish phone to su!!est that you belon! to the swin!in! new!eneration of the "nformation !e. "n this case, your phone is still a membership card in theclub of an ima!inary elite.1. 6obile phones are tremendously popular nowadays. re the causes of this phenomenon psycholo!ical, social, or simply technical42. 3hat do bankers, brokers and rich youn! people ha#e in common, accordin! to the author of this commentary4 II. A. Translate "nto Ro#an"an% -enry did nothin! to make her feel !uilty about sleepin! late, yet she was ashamed of her inability to !et up. "t was somehow unlike him, it was out of character, this waitin! on her. -ene#er did anythin! of the kind at any other time of the day and it sometimes seemed to her that the unselfish effort he made must be almost intolerable to someone with his needle; sharpmind and ; yes, it must be admitted ; his undoubted lack of patience. $hat he ne#er complained or e#en teased her about o#er;sleepin! only added to her !uilt. %hoppin! in her lunch hour, she bou!ht an alarm clock. $hey had ne#er possessed such a thin!, had ne#er needed to, for -enry, as he often said, could direct himself to wake up at any hour he chose. II. B. Translate "nto En-l"sh% 6oartea e 9nceputul oric8rei bio!rafii, al po#e<tii oric8rei #ie:i. de#8ratul 9nceput. 6 ar fifost de acord. ";ar fi pl8cut, ca una din acele !lume care;l 9n#eseleau, ca una din acelenea<teptate r8sturn8ri de termeni care lui i se p8reau absurde cum ar fi fra+a D7nceputul esf=r<itulE. Faradoxul mai ad=nc i;ar fi sc8pat, de<i poate c8 ar fi c8+ut o clip8 pe !=nduri,9nainte de a i+bucni 9n r=s, 9nainte de a aplauda tare de dou8;trei ori, ca atunci c=nd era pl8cutsurprins. Faradoxurile de limba& 9l bucurau spontan, erau pentru el unul din &ocurile pe care le9ndr8!ea ; pentru !ratuitatea lor, dac8 nu pentru altce#a.

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