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Aryn Seib Mrs. Rowe English 12A December 3, 2013 The History of M rching !

n" n" How #t Affects $%r &i'es ( rents re lw ys loo)ing for cti'ities for their )i"s to "o to hel* )ee* them o%t of tro%ble n" how to m )e them th t. Most *eo*le "on,t h 'e better *erson. M rching ! n" n" +olorg% r" is ll

goo" %n"erst n"ing of wh t m rching b n" is, how it

ffects o%r li'es, n" how m%sic ffects the br in. -h t is M rching ! n" tho%gh. M rching ! n" is gro%* of woo"win"s, br ss, n" *erc%ssion instr%ments *erforming show o%tsi"e on footb ll fiel". #t lso

incl%"es +olorg% r" to gi'e it more emotion to the show. They show,s c n l st from /01 min%tes long. Most M rching ! n"s com*ete in the f ll. They st rt o%t in going to other schools ro%n" their re to com*ete in #n'it tion ls n" then if they chose so they c n com*ete in com*etitions th t "etermine who is the best b n" of their st te. #n #n"i n they h 'e wh t is c lle" #SSMA, #n"i n St te School M%sic Associ tion. #n this they com*ete to see wh t ten b n"s re the best in their cl ss in the st te. 2irst yo% h 'e Region ls, where yo% h 'e to get cert in score n" recei'e gol" tro*hy n" ten

b n"s mo'e on from th t. There re %s% lly 20 b n"s there n" its the s me w y for semi st te. t st te there re only ten b n"s n" o%t of those ten b n"s they "etermine which b n" is the best of the st te in their cl ss.

The first M rching ! n" to cre te

form tion on

footb ll fiel" w s (%r"%e,s All0

Americ n M rching ! n" in 1103. They cre te" the !loc) (. #t w s cre te" by ( %l S*otts Emric), he w s the "irector for the (%r"%e All0Americ n M rching ! n". He c me %* with the si"e by seeing floc) flying in 456 form tion. The first e'er h lf time

show w s lso in 1103. #t w s "one by the 7ni'ersity of #llinois M rching #llini 89:. +olorg% r" comes from the milit ry. #n the milit ry yo% wo%l" see someone c rrying the n tions fl gs, rifles, n" s bres. To" y +olorg% r",s still %se ll of th t. +olorg% r" w s not origin lly * rt of the M rching ! n". #n the 1190,s n" 11/0,s +olorg% r",s were ""e" to m rching b n",s. +olorg% r" is lso the winter, #t,s c lle" -inter ;% r" #ntern tion l or -;# 81:. M rching ! n" hel*s sh *e )i"s into some of the best high school )i"s there re. M rching ! n" te ches )i"s how to m n ge their time. -ith b n" t )ing %* m <ority se* r te cti'ity is

of their time, they h 'e to le rn 'ery =%ic)ly how to "<%st to it. M rching b n" c n set )i"s %* to be 'ery s%ccessf%l l ter in life. #t te ches them res*onsibility n" how e'ery st%"ent h s to )now their m%sic, their "rill, n" their choreogr *hy. -ith m rching b n" e ch st%"ent h s to *%ll their own weight n" m )e s%re th t they )now wh t to "o 8>:. -hen s)ing senior ?essic &ynch bo%t how she m n ge" to h 'e <ob, finish her

school wor), n" be in colorg% r" she st te" 4-hen it c me to time m n gement it w s some wh t h r" to )ee* %* with e'erything in my life. !%t b sic lly my * ychec) w s re"%ce" to bo%t 30 "oll rs * ychec). # co%l" only wor) one " y wee) with my b n"

sche"%le. An" school w s e sier to b l nce <%st bec %se # m re=%ire" to go there fi'e " ys o%t of se'en. (l%s we h 'e long homeroom6 83:.

M%sic ffects the br in. St%"ies h 'e shown th t m%sic ten"s to lower cortisol n" less n@iety. #t lso hel*s c lm *eo*le "own n" incre se h **iness. #t h s lso been shown th t m%sic is ssoci te" with imm%noglobin, which is n ntibo"y th t is lin)e" to the imm%ne system. #t h s been scientific lly *ro'en th t m%sic hel*s the br in, it hel*s strengthen ne%rons n" other * rts of the br in 8A:. M rching ! n" n" +olorg% r" re gre t cti'ity to get )i"s in'ol'e" with. #t

hel*s m )e the br in stronger n" it *re* res st%"ents for l ter on in life. # h 'e been in'ol'e" in m rching b n" for 9 ye rs n" it w s the best "ecision of my life. # wo%l" highly recommen"e" to get )i"s in'ol'e" in this cti'ity.

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