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Identify right atrium/aortic knuckle/apex of heart on X ray

2. Identify anterior vs. posterior parts of ribs on x ray

3. Explain why right dome of diaphragm is higher than left

4. Identify phrenic/vagus/intercostals nerves

5. State function of nerves above

6. Identify 1st rib, typical rib, floating rib

7. State if ribs above are left or right

8. Identify head, tubercle, costal groove

9. State structures in close contact with rib structures above

10. Pump handle/bucket handle movements-which ribs/joints are involved

11. Indicate which lymph nodes would swell if a particular breast quadrant was infected or had a metastatic growth

12. Point at the ribs defining the upper and lower limits of the base of the breast

13. How does the diaphragm move during inspiration

14. Attachments of diaphragm

15. Identify costodiaphragmatic recess (cadaver/lat x ray) & indicate its significance

16. Is the diaphragm made of striated or smooth muscle

17. Root value of phrenic

18. Identify ext/internal intercostal muscles

19. What structures does a chest drain pass through

20. Point to the T4 dermatome region

21. Identify Manubriosternal joint & relationship to T4 & superior mediastinum

22. Identify accessory muscles of respiration. Explain how they act

23. Vessels found under the clavicle

24. Suprapleural membrane & significance re pneumo-/haemo-thorax

25. Identify some contents of superior mediastinum

26. Identify brachiocephalic veins & their 2 major tributaries

27. Identify 3 main branches of aortic arch

28. Identify left recurrent laryngeal nerve & explain why it is there

29. Indicate surface markings of heart & lungs & pleura

30. Indicate surface markings to auscultate mitral, tricuspid, pulmonary & aortic valves

31. Identify layers of pleura and pericardium & indicate nerve supply.

32. Identify transverse sinus. What structures lie anterior to a probe placed in this sinus

33. Identify diaphragmatic openings and relate to vertebral levels

34. Explain thicker muscle walls of left vs. right ventricle

35. Identify & indicate roles of valves. Chordae tendinae & papillary muscles

36. Identify fossa ovalis, indicate role in foetus and consequences of patency

37. Identify main branches of coronary arteries and indicate areas of heart supplied by them

38. Identify the coronary sinus and state its drainage

39. Identify ligamentum arteriousum & state its function in the foetus

40. Pulmonary trunk & veins. Identify them, where are they sending blood, is the blood oxygenated or not.

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