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Water is essential for all living organisms. It means that all living things need water in order to survive. Unfortunately, some people do not want to care about water and this situation leads to the contamination of water bodies or we called it with water pollution. Water pollution occurs when a body of water is adversely affected due to the addition of large amounts of materials to the water. The sources of water pollution are categorized as being a point source or a non-source point of pollution. Point sources of pollution occur when the polluting substance is emitted directly into the waterway. A pipe spewing toxic chemicals directly into a river is an example. Another one is a non-point source occurs when there is runoff of pollutants into a waterway, for instance when fertilizer from a field is carried into a stream by surface runoff. However, water pollution is caused by many factors but there are three main factors behind it ; domestic wastes, industrial wastes and agricultural wastes. One of the most factors in water pollution is domestic waste. The domestic waste is waste which is generated in the day to day operations of a household such as sewage, septic tanks and dumping garbage. This waste is grown rapidly every year throughout the world due to many reasons. Population growth can be the main reason behind it. Many people do not want to care because they lack of knowledge about bad impacts of water pollution which bringing many negative impacts for our health and environment. An example of water pollution is In Chao lake in China which is one of countries with the highest population. Another factor which can generate water pollution is agricultural waste. This wastes are caused by agricultural activities such as removing plant cover and disturbing the soil, are another factor which the leading sources of sediment pollution in water bodies. Micro-organisms include bacteria, viruses and protozoa which may cause deceases find its way to drinking water by faecal contamination which transmit pathogenic from person to person or from animal to people. Organic pollutant is the waste which is decomposed by microorganisms such as food processing waste, insecticides and herbicides, and bacteria from sewage. Meanwhile, inorganic pollutants is the pollutant which cannot decompose such as toxic and corrosive substances, battery manufactures, mining and paper mills which can increase the concentration of mercury and as a result the water becomes dangerous for living things.

Water pollution is also caused by industrial wastes. The big concern about industrial wastes are wastewater which contains chemical used in processing and cleaning that is discharged in water bodies. Thermal pollution or the heated water from the power plants kills aquatic life because the oxygen content of the water is reduced. The most contributor industries is manufacturing industries that include organic chemicals and heavy metals, power generating industries which are the source of thermal pollution and radio activity. In conclusion, water pollution is a serious problem that affects the environment and its living organisms. It degrades water quality through many sources, including domestic, industrial, and agricultural resources. Water pollutant type depends on the source of pollution and the water pollutants could be from point or non point sources. There are three major reasons which could generate this pollution ; domestic wastes, industrial wastes and agricultural wastes.

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