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Food Pollution 1.

Food Safety : Food safety is a scientific discipline describing the handling, preparation and storage of food in ways that prevent food borne illness. This includes a number of routines that should be followed to avoid potentially severe health hazards. The action of monitoring food to ensure that it will not cause food borne illness is known as food safety. 2. Sources of food pollution : i. Biological agents : Virus : Fungus : Bacteria : ii. Chemicals : Preservative : formalin. Chemical Fertilizers : iii. Inner materials : 3. Five food borne diseases :
Infectious diseases spread through food or beverages are a common, distressing, and sometimes lifethreatening problem for millions of people in the United States and around the world. There are more than 250 known food borne diseases. They can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or parasites. Natural and manufactured chemicals in food products also can make people sick.

The food borne diseases are

Botulism - is caused by toxin (poison) produced by Clostridium botulinum bacteria. E. coli some of specific Escherichia coli strains cause serious poisoning in humans by making a toxin called Shiga toxin. These bacteria are called Shiga toxin-producing E. coli, or STEC for short. Hepatitis A - Hepatitis A is caused by the hepatitis A virus Norovirus Infection - The main viruses that cause gastroenteritis used to be called "Norwalk-like viruses" because Norwalk is the most well-known virus in this group. Now the viruses are referred to as noroviruses Salmonellosis -Many types of Salmonella bacteria cause salmonellosis in animals and people. While the occurrence of different types of Salmonella varies from country to country, S. typhimurium and S. enteritidis are the two most commonly found.

4. What is formalin? Laboratory and commercial grade formalin .

Formaldehyde (systematic name: methanol) is a chemical compound with the formula CH2O. It is the simplest aldehyde. Aqueous solutions of formaldehyde are referred to as formalin. Formalin is a
generic term which describes a solution of 37% formaldehyde gas dissolved in water. Laboratory Grade : 37% formaldehyde + 63% water Commercial Grade : 10-12% formaldehyde with water + 3PPM (Aluminum) + 1 PPM Iron + 1 PPM Copper 5. Health Effects of Formaldehyde Solutions : Formaldehyde solutions can release formaldehyde gas, which is extremely irritating and very toxic if inhaled, posing a very serious inhalation hazard. The odor of formaldehyde gas can be recognized at concentrations as low as 0.03-1.9 ppm. 1

For mild to moderate irritation of the nose and throat 0.3-3 ppm of formaldehyde is needed. Exposure to 10 ppm causes severe irritation of the upper respiratory tract, with a burning sensation of the nose and throat. Exposure to 30 ppm or higher can produce lung edema and its long term effect is Lung cancer. when formaldehyde solutions comes into contact with my skin : Formaldehyde solutions are considered corrosive to the skin. Skin contact with formaldehyde solutions can cause an allergic skin reaction in some people. It can produce irritation , redness, blister in case of soft tissue.

when formaldehyde solutions comes into contact with eyes : Formaldehyde solutions are corrosive to the eyes. Corrosive materials can cause severe eye damage with permanently altered vision or blindness. Formaldehyde gas is also irritating to the eyes. Exposure to only 2ppm causes burning eyes for 24 hours and more than 2ppm can damage eyes permanently. After long term uses formaline can cause some diseases such as - Nasal Cavity (sinus) , Lung Cancer , Leukemia , Nasopharyngeal cancer etc.

6. Carbide and its health impacts :


Calcium carbide is a crystalline chemical compound that consists of one calcium atom and two carbon atoms. Calcium carbide has many industrial uses. It can, however, be highly dangerous when not handled correctly. Calcium Carbide is usually dark grey in color and emits a distinct garlic-like odor. Calcium carbide is also used for metallurgical applications. A powerful reducing agent, it is often utilized to remove impurities from iron and steel

health impacts Calcium carbide may unexpectedly produce acetylene gas if it comes into accidental contact with water or moisture. Although quite useful in industry, uncontained acetylene gas is highly dangerous; the gas is flammable and may become ignited during production. In addition, a fire involving calcium carbide will produce poisonous gases. Calcium carbide reacts with airborne and body moisture to
produce an alkali that irritates the nasal passages, eyes and skin. Excessive exposure causes burns on all moist parts of the body. Blindness may result if immediate treatment is not sought. Calcium carbide is harmful if ingested. Other acute effects of exposure to calcium carbide include headaches, labored breathing, cough, stomach cramps, vomiting , nervous system damage, nausea, Brain damage and depression. 7. Control and preventive measure for Formalin and Carbide :

1. Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen. It should only be handled by personnel wearing protective clothing such as gloves. 2. Formaldehyde is a noxious gas. Formalin must be kept in a sealed container in a wellventilated area. Exposure to fumes will result in irritation to eyes and respiratory surfaces. 3. Some people develop a sensitivity to formalin over a period of time which involves repeated handling of the chemical. These individuals should avoid handling the chemical.
4. Formalin should be stored in an area where it is protected from extremes of heat and cold. Never use formalin when storage temperatures fall below 40F (5C) or when a white precipitate (powder) is present. At cold temperatures formaldehyde is transformed into paraformaldehyde (white precipitate), a highly toxic material which will kill fish on contact. 5. Formalin toxicity is increased at high water temperatures. If water temperatures exceed 70F (21C), the concentration used should be decreased. 6. When treating parasites on sensitive species, such as hybrid striped bass, the concentration of formalin delivered in a prolonged bath should not exceed 10 mg/l. 2

The Codex Alimentarius To ensure the quality of foods that we consume, the World Health Organization created the Codex Alimenatrius, a set of food standards and guideline in 1963. The Codex Alimentarius is a collection of written codes of international food standards for use by all nations. The term Codex Alimentarius is a Latin word meaning food code. The main purposes of this Program are protecting health of the consumers and ensuring fair trade practices in the food trade, and promoting coordination of all food standards work undertaken by international governmental and nongovernmental organizations.

Radiation 1. Radiation is an energy in the form of electro-magnetic waves or particulate matter, traveling in the airRadiation is a energy produced from radioactive substances. Radiation describes any process in which energy emitted by one body travels through a medium or through space, ultimately to be absorbed by another body. 2. Types of Radiation : i. Ionizing radiation : Ionizing radiation is radiation with sufficient energy to eject electrons from atoms; this process is called ionization. These types of radiation generally occur in radioactive decay. Alpha , beta, gamma , x-ray , neutrons Ionizing radiation (~>14 eV) Particulate: Alpha (2p + 2n), beta (e-), positron (e+) Electromagnetic: X-rays, gamma rays
Alpha radiation Alpha () decay is a method of decay in large nuclei.

Beta-minus (-) radiation consists of an energetic electron. It is less ionizing than alpha radiation, but more than gamma. The electrons can often be stopped with a few centimeters of metal. Beta-plus (+) radiation is the emission of positrons. ii. Non-ionizing radiation Non-ionizing radiation is radiation without sufficient energy to produce ionization Non-ionizing (or non-ionizing) radiation, by contrast, refers to any type of radiation that does not carry enough energy per photon to ionize atoms or molecules. Most especially, it refers to the lower energy forms of electromagnetic radiation (i.e., radio waves, microwaves, terahertz radiation, infrared light, and visible light). Neutron radiation is a kind of non-ionizing radiation that consists of free neutrons. Electromagnetic radiation (sometimes abbreviated EMR) takes the form of self-propagating waves in a vacuum or in matter. EM radiation has an electric and magnetic field component which oscillate in phase perpendicular to each other and to the direction of energy propagation. EM radiation carries energy and momentum, which may be imparted when it interacts with matter. UV, microwaves, EMFs

: Light , Thermal radiation ,

Black-body radiation : Black-body radiation is a common synonym for thermal radiation (see above). It is so-called because the ideal radiator of thermal energy would also be an ideal absorber of thermal energy: 3. UV and its wavelength : Ultraviolet light spans the gap between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation The sun is a major source of ultraviolet light, but sunlamps and arc welding are also sources. Types of Ultraviolet Light :

UV-A (315400 nm) Tanning, skin cancer (?) UV-B (280315 nm) Sunburn, skin cancer, cataracts, immune suppression UV-C (100280 nm): DNA damage Basal cell carcinoma Squamous cell carcinoma Malignant melanomas
4. Health Impacts of Ultra violate impacts :

Blood Cancer( Cancers in A-bomb survivors Patients irradiated for ankylosing spondylitis Children irradiated for enlarged thymus Children irradiated for tinea capitis Bone tumors Radium dial painters Liver tumors Patients who received thorotrast Children irradiated for tinea capitis Skin cancer Brain Tumer X-ray worker Pitchblende miner

5. Impacts of Radiation : 2 types of radiation . i. Stochastic ii. Non-stochastic Imp. Rem Roentgen Equilivant in Man , Msv Miliseavart 1Rem 10 msv , 300 rem hair loss , 480 rem LD50 , 800 Rem Ld Headache , Nausea , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Hemoriasc (destruction of Blood)- acute
6. Preventive Measure of Radiation : Taking preventive action in the face of uncertainty Shifting the burden of proof to the proponents of an activity

Exploring a wide range of alternatives to possibly harmful actions Increasing public participation in decision making

1.What is Sound , Noise and its pollution : Sound is a form of Energy, which is emitted by vibrating sources and transmitted through a medium producing it as the sensation of hearing . Noise: Unwanted or Undesired Sound, Wrong sound, which is experienced in a wrong place at the wrong time.

2.Sources of Noise Pollution in Metropolitan areas:

Vehicular movements and horns. Industrial process e.g.; Steel engineering, saw mills, furniture

Shops, and automobile repairing shops.

Loud speakers in shops and restaurants, musical shops,

advertisements etc.
Construction works. Over crowding- bus, train, terminals etc. School / college / university

Market/Bazar , Road Traffic, Factory , Station , Airport , Construction site , Hospital, School /College / University.

3. Impacts of Noise on Human Health : i. Long term Effect : Nausea , Vomiting (children), Headache , Lack of Concentration , Acid Secretion (Ulcer), Acidity, Hormone Secretion , Increase of blood pressure , palpitation , fatigue. ii. Long term effect : Tinnitus or Ringing , Temporary Hearing loss- reversible Permanent Hearing loss- irreversible

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