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Drilling Fluids
Unit Objectives...............................................................................................3 Drilling Fluids..................................................................................................3 Drilling Fluid Classification Systems...............................................................9 Drilling Fluid Additives..................................................................................1 !aterial "alance #$uations..........................................................................1% Oil&"ased Drilling Fluids...............................................................................1' Drilling Fluid #conomics...............................................................................1(

Drilling Fluids

)ecogni*e t+e com,onents in t+e various ty,es of drilling fluids. #-,lain t+e advantages and disadvantages of t+e most common ty,es of drilling fluids. .rovide an e-,lanation of mud ,ro,erties as t+ey are re,orted on a /morning re,ort0. Calculate barite and 1ater volumes 1+en c+anges are made to a ,re& e-isting mud system. Calculate .2 and 3. from Fann viscometer readings.

A drilling fluid is any fluid 1+ic+ is circulated t+roug+ a 1ell in order to remove cuttings from a 1ellbore. 4+is section 1ill discuss fluids 1+ic+ +ave 1ater or oil as t+eir continuous ,+ase. Air5 mist and foam5 1+ic+ can be used as drilling fluids5 1ill not be discussed at t+is time. A drilling fluid must fulfill many functions in order for a 1ell to be drilled successfully5 safely5 and economically. 4+e most im,ortant functions are6 6!ud assists in ma7ing +ole by 1. )emoval of cuttings %. Cooling and lubrication of bit and drillstring 3. .o1er transmission to bit no**les or turbines. !ud assists in +ole ,reservation by 8. Su,,ort and stabili*ation of bore+ole 1all 9. Containment of formation fluids:gas. '. Su,,orts t+e 1eig+t of ,i,e and casing ;. Serves as a medium for formation logging (. .revents +ole 1as+ outs due to turbulence or dissolution 9. !ust be com,atible 1it+ drilled formations and encountered formation fluids:gas. <t must not6 1 . Corrode bit5 drillstring:casing and surface facilities 11. <m,air ,roductivity of ,roducing +ori*on 1%. .ollute t+e environment.

Drilling Fluids

Make-up ! a Drilling Fluid

<n its most basic form a drilling fluid is com,osed of a li$uid =eit+er 1ater or oil> and some sort of viscosifying agent. <f not+ing else is added5 1+enever t+e +ydrostatic ,ressure is greater t+an t+e formation ,ore ,ressure =and t+e formation is ,orous and ,ermeable> a ,ortion of t+e fluid 1ill be flus+ed into t+e formation. Since e-cessive filtrate can cause bore+ole ,roblems5 some sort of filtration control additive is generally added. <n order to ,rovide enoug+ +ydrostatic ,ressure to balance abnormal ,ore ,ressures5 t+e density of t+e drilling fluid is increased by adding a 1eig+t material =generally barite>. <n summary5 a drilling fluid consists of6 4+e "ase ?i$uid @ater & fres+ or saline Oil & diesel or crude !ineral Oil or ot+er synt+etic fluids Colloidal ,articles5 1+ic+ are sus,ended ,articles of various si*es Usually salts5 and t+eir effects on colloids most is im,ortant

Dis,ersed Solids Dissolved Solids All drilling fluids +ave essentially t+e same ,ro,erties5 only t+e magnitude varies. 4+ese ,ro,erties include density5 viscosity5 gel strengt+5 filter ca7e5 1ater loss5 and electrical resistance.

N r"al Drilling Fluids

4+oug+ t+is ty,e of drilling fluid is easy to describe5 it is +ard to define and even more difficult to find. <n t+e field5 a normal fluid generally means t+ere is little effort e-,ended to control t+e range of ,ro,erties. As suc+5 it is sim,le to ma7e and control. Aeneral rules include6 1. <t is used 1+ere no une-,ected conditions occur %. 4+e mud 1ill stabili*e5 so its ,ro,erties are in t+e range re$uired to control +ole conditions 3. 4+e c+ief ,roblem is viscosity control Formations usually drilled 1it+ t+is ty,e of mud are s+ales and sands. Since viscosity is t+e major ,roblem5 t+e amount and condition of t+e colloidal clay is im,ortant. 4o do t+is5 t1o general ty,es of treatment are used6 1. @ater soluble ,oly,+os,+ates =a> 4+ey reduce viscosity

Drilling Fluids

=b> Can be used alone or 1it+ t+inners =c> <f filter ca7e and filtration control is re$uired & add colloidal clay to system %. Caustic Soda and 4+inners =a> 4+ey also reduce viscosity =b> Used under more severe conditions t+an ,+os,+ate treatment 4+e u,,er ,ortions of most 1ells can use /normal0 muds 1. Care must be ta7en not to add c+emicals 1+ic+ may +inder t+e ma7ing of s,ecial muds later on %. Bative clays used to ma7e t+e mud are usually ade$uate

Spe#ial Drilling Fluids

4+ese drilling fluids are made to combat ,articular abnormal +ole conditions or to accom,lis+ s,ecific objectives. 4+ese are6 1. S,ecial Objectives =a> Faster ,enetration rates =b> Areater ,rotection to ,roducing *ones %. Abnormal Cole Conditions =a> ?ong salt sections =b> Cig+ formation ,ressures

Drilling Fluids

Drilling Fluid Classi!i#a$i ns

. Drilling fluids are separated into three major classifications (Figure 1): Pneumatic Oil-Based Water-Based

Drilling Fluids


Li"e Base Muds

1. @ater base mud %. 4reated 1it+ large amounts of caustic soda5 $uebrac+o5 and lime. Added in t+at order 3. )atio of % lb caustic soda5 1.9 lb $uebrac+o and 9 lb lime ,er 1 barrel of mud 8. @ill go t+roug+ a +ig+ly viscous stage5 but 1ill become stable at a lo1 viscosity 9. Aood ,oints =a> Can tolerate large amounts of contaminating salts =b> )emains fluid 1+en solids content gets +ig+ '. @ea7ness & it +as a tendency to solidify 1+en subjected to +ig+ bottom&+ole tem,eratures

Drilling Fluids

Li"e-Trea$ed Muds
1. Similar to lime based mud & differ only in degree %. A com,romise attem,t at overcoming t+e +ig+ tem,erature gelation ,roblem =a> Use less lime t+an lime&base mud =b> Bot nearly so resistant to salt contamination

E"ulsi n Muds - Oil in %a$er

1. Oil can be added to any of t+e normal or s,ecial muds 1it+ good results %. Bo s,ecial ,ro,erties necessary 3. Batural or s,ecial emulsifying agents +old oil in tig+t sus,ension after mi-ing 8. Oils used are6 =a> Crude oils =b> Diesel =c> Any oil 1it+ an A.< gravity bet1een %9 and 9 9. Oil content in mud may be 1D to 8 D '. Advantages are6 =a> 2ery stable ,ro,erties =b> #asily maintained =c> ?o1 filtration and t+in filter ca7e =d> Faster ,enetration rates =e> )educes do1n&+ole friction ;. !ajor objection is t+at t+e oil in t+e mud may mas7 any oil from t+e formations

In&i'i$ed Muds
1. !uds 1it+ in+ibited filtrates %. ?arge amounts of dissolved salts added to t+e mud 3. Cig+ ,C usually necessary for best results

Designed to reduce t+e amount of formation s1elling caused by filtrate & in+ibit clay +ydration

Drilling Fluids

9. Disadvantages =a> Beed s,eciali*ed electric logs =b> )e$uires muc+ s,ecial attention =c> ?o1 mud 1eig+ts cannot be maintained 1it+out oil =d> Card to increase viscosity =e> Salt destroys natural filter ca7e building ,ro,erties of clays

G(psu" Base Muds

1. A s,eciali*ed in+ibited mud =a> Contained large amounts of calcium sulfate =b> Add % lb:bbl gy,sum to mud system =c> Filtration controlled by organic colloids %. Advantages =a> !ud is stable =b> #conomical to maintain =c> Filtrate does not +ydrate clays =d> Cig+ gel strengt+ 3. Disadvantages =a> Fine abrasives remain in mud =b> )etains gas in mud

Oil Based Muds

1. Oil instead of 1ater used as t+e dis,ersant %. Additives must be oil soluble 3. Aenerally ,re&mi-ed and ta7en to t+e 1ellsite 8. 4o increase aniline value5 blo1n as,+alt and unsla7ed lime may be added 9. Advantages =a> @ill not +ydrate clays =b> Aood lubricating ,ro,erties =c> Bormally +ig+er drill rates '. Disadvantages =a> #-,ensiveE =b> Dirty to 1or7 1it+

Drilling Fluids

=c> )e$uires s,ecial electric logs =d> 2iscosity varies 1it+ tem,erature

Inverted Emulsions
1. @ater in oil emulsion. Oil largest com,onent5 t+en 1ater added. Order of addition is im,ortant %. Cave some of t+e advantages of oil mud5 but c+ea,er. Some1+at less stable

Sal$ %a$er Muds

1. Can be used eit+er com,letion %. @eig+t can vary u, to 1 lb:gal 1+en saturated 3. Bo filter ca7e building ,ro,erties5 easily lost to ,orous formations

Sili#a$e Muds
1. %. 3. 8. Com,osed of sodium silicate and saturated salt 1ater Cas a ,ic7ling effect on s+ales 1+ic+ ,revents +eaving or sloug+ing @ill be 1% lb:gal or +ig+er Corrosive5 e-,ensive and gives ,oor electric log results

L ) S lids Muds
1. Fee,s amounts of clays in t+e mud at a minimum5 1+ic+ ,romotes faster and safer drilling %. 4+ree 1ays to remove solids from mud =a> 1ater dilution =b> centrifuging =c> circulate t+roug+ large surface area ,its 3. @+en clays are removed5 a minimum of viscosity control c+emicals are needed 8. @+en viscosity and gel strengt+ become too lo15 clay solids are re,laced by organic or sus,ended material & ,olymers 9. Ot+er advantages =a> Aood for drilling 1it+ large ,um,s and +ig+ mud volumes =b> Al1ays give faster drilling '. .roblems =a> #-cessive dilution a ,roblem =b> Can become e-,ensive

Drilling Fluids


N n-Dispersed S(s$e"
4+is mud system consists of s,ud muds5 /natural0 muds5 and ot+er lig+tly treated systems. Aenerally used in t+e s+allo1er ,ortions of a 1ell.

Dispersed Mud S(s$e"s

4+ese mud systems are /dis,ersed0 1it+ deflocculants and filtrate reducers. Bormally used on dee,er 1ells or 1+ere ,roblems 1it+ viscosity occur. 4+e main dis,ersed mud is a /lignosulfonate0 system5 t+oug+ ot+er ,roducts are used. ?ignite and ot+er c+emicals are added to maintain s,ecific mud ,ro,erties.

Cal#iu"-Trea$ed Mud S(s$e"s

4+is mud system uses calcium and magnesium to in+ibit t+e +ydration of formation clays:s+ales. Cydrated lime5 gy,sum and calcium c+loride are t+e main com,onents of t+is ty,e of system.

, l("er Mud S(s$e"s

.olymers are long&c+ained5 +ig+ molecular&1eig+t com,ounds5 1+ic+ are used to increase t+e viscosity5 flocculate clays5 reduce filtrate and stabili*e t+e bore+ole. "io&,olymers and cross&lin7ed ,olymers5 1+ic+ +ave good s+ear& t+inning ,ro,erties5 are also used.

L ) S lids Mud S(s$e"

4+is ty,e of mud system controls t+e solids content and ty,e. 4otal solids s+ould not be +ig+er t+an 'D to 1 D. Clay content s+ould not be greater t+an 3D. Drilled solids to bentonite ratio s+ould be less t+an %61.

Sa$ura$ed Sal$ Mud S(s$e"s

A saturated salt system 1ill +ave a c+loride content of 1(95 ,,m. <n salt1ater systems5 t+e c+loride content can range from '5 to 1(95 ,,m. 4+ose at t+e lo1er end are normally called /sea1ater0 systems. !uds can be ,re,ared 1it+ fres+ or salt 1ater5 t+en sodium c+loride or ot+er salts =,otassium5 etc.> are added. Atta,ulgite clay5 C!C or starc+ is added to maintain viscosity.

Oil-Based Mud S(s$e"s

4+ere are t1o ty,es of systems6 1> invert emulsion5 1+ere 1ater is t+e dis,ersed ,+ase and oil t+e continuous ,+ase =1ater&in&oil mud>5 and %> emulsion muds5 1+ere oil is t+e dis,ersed ,+ase and 1ater is t+e continuous ,+ase =oil&in&1ater mud>. #mulsifiers are added to control t+e r+eological ,ro,erties =1ater increases viscosity5 oil decreases viscosity>.

Drilling Fluids


*ir- Mis$- F a"-Based Mud S(s$e"s

4+ese /lo1er t+an +ydrostatic ,ressure0 systems are of four ty,es6 1> dry air or gas is injected into t+e bore+ole to remove cuttings and can be used until a,,reciable amounts of 1ater are encountered5 %> mist drilling is t+en used5 1+ic+ involves injecting a foaming agent into t+e air stream5 3> foam drilling is used 1+en large amounts of 1ater is encountered5 1+ic+ uses c+emical detergents and ,olymers to form t+e foam5 and 8> aerated fluids is a mud system injected 1it+ air to reduce t+e +ydrostatic ,ressure.

% rk .er Mud S(s$e"s

Also called com,letion fluids5 t+ese are s,eciali*ed systems designed to 1> minimi*e formation damage5 %> be com,atible 1it+ acidi*ing and fracturing fluids5 and 3> reduce clay:s+ale +ydration. 4+ey are usually +ig+ly treated brines and blended salt fluids.


!any substances5 bot+ reactive and inert5 are added to drilling fluids to ,erform s,eciali*ed functions. 4+e most common functions are6

*lkalini$( and p/ C n$r l

Designed to control t+e degree of acidity or al7alinity of t+e drilling fluid. !ost common are lime5 caustic soda and bicarbonate of soda.

Used to reduce t+e bacteria count. .araformalde+yde5 caustic soda5 lime and starc+ ,reservatives are t+e most common.

Cal#iu" Redu#ers
4+ese are used to ,revent5 reduce and overcome t+e contamination effects of calcium sulfates =an+ydrite and gy,sum>. 4+e most common are caustic soda5 soda as+5 bicarbonate of soda and certain ,oly,+os,+ates.

C rr si n In&i'i$ rs
Used to control t+e effects of o-ygen and +ydrogen sulfide corrosion. Cydrated lime and amine salts are often added to c+ec7 t+is ty,e of corrosion. Oil&based muds +ave e-cellent corrosion in+ibition ,ro,erties.

De! a"ers
4+ese are used to reduce t+e foaming action in salt and saturated salt1ater mud systems5 by reducing t+e surface tension.

Drilling Fluids


Added to a mud system to create a +omogeneous mi-ture of t1o li$uids =oil and 1ater>. 4+e most common are modified lignosulfonates5 fatty acids and amine derivatives.

Fil$ra$e Redu#ers
4+ese are used to reduce t+e amount of 1ater lost to t+e formations. 4+e most common are bentonite clays5 C!C =sodium carbo-ymet+ylcellulose> and ,re&gelatini*ed starc+.

Fl ##ulan$s
4+ese are used to cause t+e colloidal ,articles in sus,ension to form into bunc+es5 causing solids to settle out. 4+e most common are salt5 +ydrated lime5 gy,sum and sodium tetra,+os,+ates.

F a"ing *gen$s
4+ey are most commonly used in air drilling o,erations. 4+ey act as surface& ants5 to foam in t+e ,resence of 1ater.

L s$ Cir#ula$i n Ma$erials
4+ese inert solids are used to ,lug large o,enings in t+e formations5 to ,revent t+e loss of 1+ole drilling fluid. But ,lug =nut s+ells>5 and mica fla7es are commonly used.

4+ese are used to reduce tor$ue at t+e bit by reducing t+e coefficient of friction. Certain oils and soa,s are commonly used.

,ipe-Freeing *gen$s
Used as s,otting fluids in areas of stuc7 ,i,e to reduce friction5 increase lubricity and in+ibit formation +ydration. Commonly used are oils5 detergents5 surfactants and soa,s.

S&ale-C n$r l In&i'i$ rs

4+ese are used to control t+e +ydration5 caving and disintegration of clay: s+ale formations. Commonly used are gy,sum5 sodium silicate and calcium lignosulfonates.

4+ese are used to reduce t+e interfacial tension bet1een contacting surfaces =oil:1ater5 1ater:solids5 1ater:air5 etc.>.

Drilling Fluids


%eig&$ing *gen$s
4+ey are used to ,rovide a 1eig+ted fluid +ig+er t+an t+e fluids s,ecific gravity. !aterials are barite5 +ematite5 calcium carbonate and galena.


!aterial balance e$uations are used for calculating volumes and densities 1+en t1o or more insoluble materials are mi-ed toget+er. 4+e !aterial "alance #$uation is6 21@1 G 2%@% ..... H 2F@F IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.I=1> 1+ere6 21 G 2% ..... H 2F IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII..I=%> 1+ere6 21 H 2olume of first material to be mi-ed toget+er @1 H Density of first material 2% H 2olume of second material to be mi-ed toget+er @% H Density of second material 2F H 4otal or sum of all volumes mi-ed toget+er @F H Density of total mi-ture. .ro,ortional average of all volumes mi-ed toget+er 4+e most commonly used variables in material balance e$uations are6

1. @eig+t of a barrel of barite ="aSO8> s.g. H 8.% g:cc 8% gal:bbl - (.33 lb:gal - 8.% H 18; lb:bbl J since barite comes in 1 lb sac7s5 one barrel contains 18.; sac7s %. @eig+t of a gallon of barite (.33 lb:gal - 8.% H 38.9 lb:gal

1. @eig+t of a barrel of +ematite =Fe%O3> s.g. H 9. g:cc 8% gal:bbl - (.33 lb:gal - 9. H 1;89 lb:bbl %. @eig+t of a gallon of +ematite (.33 lb:gal - 9. H 81.'9 lb:gal

Lig&$ Oil
1. #-am,le & =81K A.< Aravity> s.g. H .(% g:cc %. @eig+t of a gallon of oil (.33 lb:gal - .(% H '.( lb:gal

Drilling Fluids


E1a"ple ,r 'le" 23 Calculate +o1 many sac7s of barite are re$uired to increase t+e density of an ( barrel mud system from 1%.; lb:gal to 18.9 lb:gal. S lu$i n 23 Using6 21@1 G 2%@% H 2F@F 1+ere6 21 H ( @1 H 1%.; lb:gal 2% H un7no1n volume of barite @% H 38.9 lb:gal =density of barite> 2F H 21 G 2% =or ( @F H 18.9 lb:gal t+erefore6 ( % .82% H 188 2% H ; .' bbls of barite ; .' bbls - 18.; s7:bbl H 1 3( sac7s of barite E1a"ple ,r 'le" 46 Calculate +o1 muc+ 1ater and barite are re$uired to ma7e ( 1 .9 lb:gal 1ater&based drilling mud. S lu$i n Using6 21@1 G 2%@% H 2F@F 1+ere6 21 H un7no1n volume of 1ater @1 H (.33 lb:gal 2% H un7no1n volume of barite or =( @% H 38.9 lb:gal 2F H ( bbls & 21>38.9 H ( =1 .9> @F H 1 .9 lb:gal 4+erefore6 21=(.33> G =( &%'.9;21 H &199% 21 H ;39 bbls of 1ater 2% H ( bbls & ;39 bbls H '9 bbls of barite L 18.; s7:bbl or 99' sac7s (.3321 G %;9% & 38.921 H (8 & 2 1> barrels of a =1%.;> G 2%=38.9> H =( G 18.92% G 2%> - 18.9 1 51' G 38.92% H 115' G 2% > bbls

Drilling Fluids



4+ese fluids5 because of t+eir s,ecial nature of being a mi-ture of t1o immiscible li$uids =oil and 1ater>5 re$uire s,ecial treatments and testing ,rocedures. Dispersed ,&ase3 4+e li$uid ,resents in t+e form of finely divided dro,lets. C n$inu us ,&ase3 4+e li$uid ,resents in t+e form of t+e matri- in 1+ic+ t+e dro,lets are sus,ended. 4o 7ee, t+ese li$uids stabili*ed =i.e. to 7ee, t+e dis,ersed ,+ase from coalescing and settling out of t+e mi-ture>5 an emulsifier is added to form an interfacial film around t+e dis,ersed ,+ase 1+ic+ causes t+em to re,el eac+ ot+er5 so t+ey remain dis,ersed. 4+e effectiveness of an emulsifier de,ends on t+e al7alinity and electrolytes =c+loride content> of t+e 1ater ,+ase5 and t+e tem,erature of t+e drilling fluid.

Ele#$ri#al S$a'ili$(
4+e electrical stability =#.S.> of an oil&based drilling fluid is t+e stability of t+e emulsions of 1ater in oil5 or t+e amount of current re$uired to brea7 t+e emulsifier do1n and allo1 t+e saline 1ater to coalesce. 1. An electrical ,robe is inserted into t+e drilling fluid and t+e voltage increased until t+e emulsion brea7s do1n =c> t+e measure of emulsion brea7do1n is indicated by current flo1 =d> relative stability is recorded as t+e amount of voltage at t+e brea7do1n ,oint %. #.S. is recorded as t+e voltage reading and tem,erature of t+e drilling fluid sam,le =a> adding emulsifier 1ill raise t+e #.S. readings =b> normal /fres+0 mud is about 3 or +ig+er or +ig+er =c> during drilling5 t+e #.S. can increase to (

Oil3 %a$er Ra$i

T&e Oil3 @ater )atio is defined as t+e ,ercent oil in t+e li$uid ,+ase and t+e ,ercent 1ater in t+e li$uid ,+ase. 4+e ,ercentages can be determined from a retort analysis of t+e drilling fluid. E1a"ple ,r 'le" 5 Determine t+e oil6 1ater ratio from t+e follo1ing retort analysis6 Oil H 98D 1ater H 3'D solids H 1 D 4+e oil6 1ater ratio is ' 68

Drilling Fluids


4o c+ange t+e oil6 1ater ratio re$uires t+e additions of oil to increase t+e ratio5 and 1ater to decrease t+e ratio. For e-am,le5 t+e oil re$uired to increase t+e oil6 1ater ratio can be calculated using6 1+ere6 D2i1 H initial D of 1ater by volume =D> D2f1 H final D of 1ater in li$uid ,+ase =D> D2t H initial total li$uid volume =D> 2m H total mud volume =bbls> 4+e 1ater re$uired to reduce t+e oil6 1ater ratio can be calculated using6 1+ere6 D2io H initial D of oil by volume =D> D2fo H final D of oil in li$uid ,+ase

*niline , in$
Anot+er common term used 1+en dealing 1it+ oil&based drilling fluids is t+e aniline ,oint of t+at fluid. 4+e aniline ,oint is t+e tem,erature belo1 1+ic+ an oil containing 9 D by volume aniline =C'C9&BC%> becomes cloudy. 4+e solvent ,o1ers for rubber are related to t+e solvent ,o1er for aniline. Oils +aving an aniline ,oint above 18 oF are considered acce,table to use

Drilling Fluids



Ta'le 23 T(pi#al C "p si$i n6C s$s 7 Un )eig&$ed Drilling Fluid 8Barrels r p unds ne#essar( $ "i1 ne 'arrel9



Unit Cost =M> l8%. 1.9 & 1.% .% .1

Com,onent Cost =M> 33.' 9. & '. 8. .3 9%.9

L ) C ll id Oil-Based Drilling Fluid Diesel Oil #mulsifier:@etting Agent @ater Ael Calcium C+loride ?ime 4otal Cost Fres&-%a$er Dispersed Drilling Fluid "entonite C+rome ?ignosulfonate ?ignite Caustic Soda @ater 4otal Cost =1 bbl> :Cl , l("er Drilling Fluid "entonite =,re&mi-ed 1: C%O> C+rome ?ignosulfonate Caustic Soda .otassium C+loride .olyanionic Cellulose .otassium Cydro-ide 4otal Cost =1 bbl> 9. lbs 1. lbs .3 lbs 39. lbs %. lbs .3 lbs . ; .9 .8 .% 3. .( .39 .9 .1% ;. '. .%8 18.%1 %9. lbs '. lbs lbs 8. lbs 3. 1. bbl . ; .9 .3 .8 & ;.19 1.;9 3. 1.% 1.% & .( bbl '. .18 bbl 9. lbs % . lbs 3. lbs

Drilling Fluids


Ta'le 43 T(pi#al C "p si$i n6C s$s - 2;<= ppg Drilling Fluid 8Barrels r p unds ne#essar( $ "i1 ne 'arrel9 C "p nen$ Diesel Oil #mulsifier:@etting Agent @ater Ael Calcium C+loride ?ime "arite 4otal Cost =1 bbl> "entonite C+rome ?ignosulfonate ?ignite Caustic Soda "arite @ater 4otal Cost =1 bbl> V lu"e Uni$ C s$ 8>9 C "p nen$ C s$ 8>9 %3.1 1%. & 8.( 3. .3 39. ;(.% 1.8 8.9 1.( 1.' 31.9 & 8 .( .39 .9 .1% 8.( 9. 9. .%8 %(. 83. 1

L ) C ll id Oil-Based Drilling Fluid .99 bbl 8%. (. lbs 1.9 . 9 bbl 8. lbs 19. lbs 3. lbs 9 . lbs & 1.% .% .1 . ;

Fres&-%a$er Dispersed Drilling Fluid % . lbs . ; 9. lbs .9 '. lbs 8. lbs 89 . lbs 1. bbl .3 .8 . ; &

"entonite =,re&mi-ed 1: C%O> C+rome ?ignosulfonate Caustic Soda .otassium C+loride .olyinosinic Cellulose !odified Starc+ .otassium Cydro-ide "arite 4otal Cost =1 bbl>

:Cl , l("er Drilling Fluid 9. lbs . ; 1. lbs .3 lbs %8. lbs 3. lbs 9. lbs .3 lbs 8 . lbs .9 .8 .% 3. 1. .( . ;

Drilling C ndi$i ns

Drilling Fluids


Cig+ Angle Cole =N3 > 2ery )eactive S+ales Stic7ing .roblems ?ost Circulation !ud @eig+ts =N1',,g> 4em,eratures =N3%9F> Aas Cydrates )ecommended !ud 4y,e Oil&"ased ?ignosulfonate .olymer .otassium ?ime

1 1 % % 1 1 1 1 1 % 3

1 % 3

1 % 3

% 1

1 %

1 3 %

4o use t+is c+art6 <f t+e 1ell 1as a +ig+ angle 1ell 1it+ ,ossible reactive s+ales and t+e ,ossibility of differential stic7ing5 drilling fluid c+oices =in order of ,reference> are6 =1> oil&base5 =%> ,olymer and =3> ,otassium lime

Drilling Fluids

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