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Participation: a new place for youth in society and

Dina Krauskopf
Latin American School of Social Science-Chile

The speed of social change and its consequences in generational relations, the
individualization of life courses and the complex nature of identities as well as the
incorporation of clear rights and citizenship perspectives lead to new strategies for
dealing with the different situations affecting young people. Youth has a central role
to play collaborating in enriching the spaces for public action and democratic
development. The need thus arises both at the state and society level for having
not only relevant sector policies, but also policies for social actors.

Latin American society has brewed strong antagonistic tensions between adults
and youth. On the one side there is resistance from adults in accepting the leading
role and decision-making powers that young people show, while on the other side
there is the resistance that youths express. Their active disconnection from society
highlights the mistrust felt towards institutions where scarcely any youth-inclusive
proposals are seen.

The more traditional concepts of political culture emerge in the context of a State
model that addresses wide-ranging functions within society, viewing youth as a
generational stepping stone towards a future adult stage. These stand-points have
been replaced due to changes in the State apparatus, the speed of social change
and its consequences in generational relations, life courses and the increasingly
hybrid nature of identities.

Participation is not a concept which may be univocal, devoid of any history and
isolated from other dimensions. In the analysis of youth participation it is important
to know the relationship enjoyed with the quality of democracy, the political system,
inclusion policies, cultural diversity, gender relations, existing channels for initiative
proposal, methods for institutionalization and legitimization of participation, the
resolution of generational gaps and associative forms.

Social achievements and the satisfactory interaction between adults and young
people require as a precondition the existence of an intergenerational dialogue and
mutual acknowledgement. The situation is no longer that of an informed adult
generation versus a young generation devoid of any rights or knowledge, yet to be
prepared. The place of youth within society has changed and with it the quality
required in its participation.

1.Difficulties in incorporating youth participation

Internacional Conference on Youth Policy and Research.Fron theory to Practice-Evidence Based Youth

The difficulty of incorporating current changes in the relationships with the youth
sector is largely responsible for interpretations that lead to the widely disseminated
concept of a misadjusted youth, placing emphasis on the apathy or alienation
youngsters feel towards politics. Promoting youth participation in the design,
management and monitoring of relevant actions and the assessment made of
politics enables reverting the mistrust felt by youth towards institutions and thus
reduce communication and civic gaps among generations.

Youth surveys in Latin America show the resistance youngsters feel towards
participation in electoral processes. The logic behind party policies tends towards
cooption, to which young people are particularly negative towards. Many perceive
the political system and that of political parties as being far removed from youth
demands and feel that they fail to have any commitment with greater levels of
equality. A minority does have political or ideological preferences, while the
percentage of militants is indeed reduced. All told, a rejection towards policies does
not mean democracy ought to be rejected. In the Fourth Chilean National Survey
on Youth, held in 2003, young people mentioned that democracy was preferable,
yet that as a government system it ought to undergo further tuning (ECLAC, 2004).
In Costa Rica, the First National Survey on Youth (2007) shows that 70% of young
people aged 30 to 35 definitely support democracy as being the best existing
political system , followed by 65.30% of those aged 25 to 29, 63.60% of
youngsters aged 18 to 24, and 55.1% of those aged between 15 and 17.
This divorce seen between politics and political processes, as well as the ways in
which youth participation is seen to operate as repulsive, rejected and self
affirmative, also exacerbate the negative perception held by society regarding the
young. This facet is confirmed by Latinobarómetro (2007) through its perceptions
measurements applied in nearly every country in Latin America. The social
relationship with the young is conflictive, on measuring up the actors in social
conflict, Latinobarometer notes that conflict among society and the young is ranked
in third place in priority, with 64%, only conflicts between rich and poor (75%) and
labour conflict (72%) receiving more mentions. This fact suggests there are
important obstacles in recognizing, empowering and the incidence of the young in
societal projects.

The acknowledgement of an uncertain current status of future, the speed in which

the progress of cognitive and social tools becomes obsolete, and the ease with
which the young easily absorb new technologies, all contribute towards triggering
an adult crisis in intergenerational management2 . Interventions aimed at promoting
youth participation ought to take into account this generational approach.

The young delegitimize any adult intervention not based on a clear communication
which may enable openness. This change is going to influence in the new relations
established among young and adult. Just as a gender approach laid bare the
existence of sexism, a modern focus on youth lays bare what has been called
Krauskopf, Dina (2003) “Proyectos, Incertidumbre y Futuro en el Período Juvenil”. En: Archivos
Argentinos de Pediatría. Julio.101 (6) Buenos Aires.

“adultism”, with its specific problems in inter-generational relations, which may

place difficulties in youth development and participation. There is on both
generational groups a difficulty in hearing each other and paying attention. A
communicational block leads to the rise of parallel discourses and realities which
lead to difficulties in undertaking joint-construction. It is pressing to build
intergenerational bridges as a pre-condition for dialogue, where the space
available for the young as producers and participants, with their own codes and
visions is not merely ritualistic3.

2. Youth participation today

New information and communication technology invariably accentuate the

generational gap and are addressed in radically different ways by young and adult.
The situation is no longer that of a well prepared adult population versus a Young
one lacking any rights and knowledge and yet to be prepared. Both require
permanent preparation4. There are elements that require input from both
generations in order to attain full understanding and progress. The change in the
position occupied by the youth calls out for opportunities for greater levels of
protagonism and the full potential of youth in social development. ,

Youth participation not only needs to be understood given its relationship with the
adult segment, but also to acknowledge its own forms of empowerment that Young
people build and the transformation of the contents of youth participation.
Regarding participation with autonomy, Young people initiate action, develop
projects and their own proposals, set objectives, methods, express themselves if
necessary with their own codes and seek support, assessment and hand-holding
from adults when they so require it. .

Young people can fulfill different roles in the various participation spaces available.
Among these there are: the consultative, deliberation, decision-making, and
executive role, Young people may also act as volunteers, promoters, building their
own sphere of knowledge and as allies Youth prefer aesthetic aspects, ie the way
in which they present themselves to the world, the intensity of feelings and the
elaboration of new artistic expressions.

Participation assigns priority to the right to have various life styles, in where many
youth organization initiatives find themselves and which manifest them for greater
pluralism and against the censorship imposed upon their life options. The ethical
aspect in social relationships is an issue that motivates participation, fitting in within
mobilizations consisting particularly by young people to fight against corruption,
social injustice, impunity and discrimination of marginalized groups. All the above is
situated in new political understandings, where Young people have internalized the

Krauskopf,Dina.Paticipación social y desarrollo en la adolescencia.UNFPA.2003
Lutte, G. Liberar la Adolescencia. La Psicología de los Jóvenes de Hoy. Biblioteca de Psicología. Herder.
Barcelona, 1991.

idea that power relations have a role to play in the many spaces created, and
which are not necessarily restricted to State institutions5.

New short term and specific modalities and those that reflect the participative,
political commitment of youth, where information and communication technologies
(ICT) play a decisive role in recreating forms of participation, reference spaces,
and the generation of youth association guidelines through interactive networks.
Contemporary youth seeks to participate in orbits distant from political and state
policy: support groups, social fora, community initiatives and collectives, youth
local movements, youth volunteer groups, alliances between youth, ecologists and
native Indian groups. Latin America has seen in recent years a rising level of
participation in these issues, particularly among Young people aged 15 to 25 years
of age6 (ECLAC-IYO, 2004).

There are various forms of organizing and associating together. There are
pyramidal organizations emphasizing centralism and a highly institutionalized
participation, where a sense of belonging and socialization predominates more so
than does a citizen approach. New proposals oppose burocratization and greater
regulation and prefer forms which are scarcely institutionalized. The organization is
preferably horizontal where flexible and linking networks have a strong role to play.
Individual participation is valued and emphasis is placed on the horizontal nature of
coordinating processes. The respect for diversity and individual skills becomes
central in practices, while the peer group respects heterogeneity. Thus those
organizations where the individual matters less than does the mass collective
aspect ceases to be of interest to new generations. Network of youths strive to
function as facilitators and not as centralizing elements7

Participation within volunteer associations are increasingly accepted. Ethical

motivations are mentioned, where gratification lies both in providing welfare to
others as in being acknowledged in that role. It is about balancing out personal
effort with mutual learning opportunities; develop gratifying intra and
intergenerational relationships, making visible the practical effects of their own
efforts and in presenting themselves in a more horizontal fashion within

Krauskopf,Dina. "Dimensiones de la participación en las juventudes contemporáneas latinoamericanas".
Revista Pensamiento Iberoamericano No. 3, 2a época, 2008/2, Madrid. pp. 165-182. 2008

CEPAL,OIJ La juventud en Iberoamérica. Tendencias y urgencias. Comisión Económica para América
Latina y el Caribe 2004 .
Serna, Leslie. Globalización y participación juvenil en Jóvenes. Rev. de Estudios de Juventud.4ª época. Año
5.México. 1998:50.
Hopenhayn, Martín Juventud y política pública: un binomio por armar. Ponencia presentada al Congreso
Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Ciencias Sociales de FLACSO, 50 años. Quito, Ecuador. 2007

Young people give greater relevance to immediate action and tangible results
regarding collective and individual action, preferring linkages devoid of hierarchy
where the valued aspects are diversity and uniqueness. Flexibility in networking,
reaffirming autonomy and identity become almost commonplace landmarks in
youth participation

Young people are pragmatic in their own way and combine the motivating aspects
of their actions with creativity in the mobilized resources with greater reflection on
participatory processes. In their own way, they build consistency into means and
ends, as well as objecting to that lack of consistency seen in conventional politics.
The classic social asymmetries, both material and symbolic, are fought using
innovative ways of using communication and knowledge. It is thus how new
technologies enable a new conception of the scale of information, the limits
between things public and private and the ways in which these spheres are
appropriated and prepared. Decentralization and off center approaches coincide
within the logic of youth groups that link together and join forces to promote
collective action in the economic, civic and cultural terrain9 .

3. Youth and participation policies

At the heart of policies currently being built in Latin America is the

acknowledgement of youth as an important force in the development of our
societies. Given this approach, policy designers seek to look upon youth no longer
as targets for certain services, but also as holders of certain rights and strategic
players in development. It thus becomes necessary to include them both for
addressing general issues as well as those present in their own agenda.

It is quite well known that acknowledging youth participation is a positive factor and
that it is also an opportunity which is appreciated by Young people. However, the
denaturalization in participation spaces is something that may generate a crisis in
confidence due to not seeing observable results. In these cases, the mere
extension of spaces for participation has not bought with it improvements in
democratic quality.

Dávila and Silva write that: “youth policy tries to generate conditions in which
Young people may fully realize their potential, while shaping the society in which
they live”. Thus public policy on youth must be geared towards promoting
participation of Young people in social, economic and political life of their country.
This stance contradicts old paradigms that see Young people as incomplete
human beings, still under formation and not yet subject to the exercise of young

Lasch, Scout (2005) Critica de la Informacion.Amorrortu editores, Buenos Aires

According to Isabel Licha10, public policy on youth that fall within a citizen
approach, “aim at strengthening the collective action of the youth movement,
strengthening a citizen action that may reaffirm a sense of belonging, equality and
cultural identity of the Young, attaining spaces for participation, for dialogue and
negotiation, the development of solidarity approaches, and the building of a shared
vision and practice”.

A youth policy devoid of high levels of participation in all its phases runs the risk
of being a set of actions or programs that may benefit the Young, yet without
any coherence, a questionable legitimacy in their eyes and often completely
unaware of its existence. As Tejeda points out “In order to be credible, an
integral youth policy ought to be sustained within an ample youth participation
initiative that may serve as a support, providing updated information and be
seen as a permanent accompanying to the young.”11

3.1 Youth participation from a citizenry approach

The citizenry approach sees Young people as people having full rights and
responsibilities. The promotion of youth participation guarantees greater efficiency
and representativeness and it is a necessary condition for the exercise and
consolidation of their active youth citizenry. Citizenry becomes the framework
through which participation is enabled, within a rights perspective.

Youth citizenry is not merely expressed through the right to vote, the traditional
way in which citizenry is exerted. The exercise of citizenry will enable the individual
to transform from a mere passive receptor into a transforming and dynamic agent
within their societies. Young people have expressed citizenry through art, their
culture, or subculture and in various ways in which they organize and articulate
themselves. An expression of the legitimization of this progress is seen in the
Interamerican Convention on Youth Rights, an international instrument currently
ratified by seven countries in the region.

The consolidation of youth citizenry is important in youth policies, as it allows

Young people to become full players that integrate and act within public life in their
societies, also promoting that they be the leading players in their own
development. The elaboration, implementation and evaluation of their youth
policies and programs are not merely an instrument in promoting participation, but
also becoming a space for them to exert citizenry .

3.2 Youth participation in the building of knowledge

Licha, Isabel. “Desafíos teóricos y prácticos de las políticas públicas para la construcción de ciudadanía
juvenil en América Latina”. INDES, BID, 2006. Available in:
Tejeda, Eddy. “Policy Memo Nacional República Dominicana”. Colectivo Latinoamericano de
Jóvenes, Santo Domingo, D. N. 2007, 19p.

An aspect that has been much delayed in the participation arena is that of
favouring the incidence of cognitive capital present in youth, perhaps because the
possession of knowledge has traditionally been attributed to older generations or
because they are seen as equals in the working world and thus compete in the job
market. There is present among the youth a non-circulating cognitive capital, often
they themselves are unaware of it and is not socially acknowledged. While in
educational systems what prevails is a cultural capital which has lost its edge and
which is transmitted down in ritualistic fashion, blocking the emerging forms in
which youth build their knowledge base. Hence it becomes important to create
spaces for youth participation in the creation of knowledge from their own kick-off

However, it is commonplace to find that the areas where youth participation is

actually promoted does not consider the production of knowledge as a form of
participation in its own right. Young people are fully capable of being agents and
promoters of knowledge within their societies, communities and to have the
opportunity to study and influence various societal proposals through their own
vision and skill set.

The development of this aspect within a Regional Program for Latin America and
the Caribbean has shown its success and importance. It was evident that
democratic, self-built and freely available knowledge appears increasingly more as
an important practice and source of reference for many young people. Internet is
key in this, as is the alternatives that youth themselves are able to find in support
of, and even in funding, the production of knowledge that may promote greater
self-comprehension and which generates linkages among young people arising out
of the knowledge produced, its effects on political aspects and empowerment to
enable transformations.

We thus understand that youth participation may be applied in various ways which
are enhanced when linkages among them are built. The following figure (figure 1)
illustrates participation as a triangle where three vertices interact, these being
young people as actors of change and intervention using their own capacities,
youth as producers of knowledge and youth participation in influencing their
surroundings in the further developing and strengthening democracy.

Figure1: Interactive axis in youth participation



Agent of
Agent of

4. Youth participation practices in public spaces

Successful practices are found in various diverse levels. Some arise out of their
own government while others from civil society. On occasions some historical
convergences are produced.

4.1. Costa Rica. Youth participation in the building of a National Policy on Youth
and its associated institutionality
Young people participate in a policy management structure, as defined by the
Youth National System. This system consist of interacting government levels and
youth groups of civil society: The Youth Vice ministry, the National Council on
public policy for young people,, District Youth Committees, and the Young People
Consultative Network, whose representatives get together in the Young People’s
National Assembly consultative network.

Regarding youth participation, of note within the System is the presence of the
National Youth Assembly, which promotes and approves policy initiatives. Also
noteworthy is how policy implementation is spread out through the participation of
the District Youth Committees. These have their own budgets and are present in
every municipality in the country, preparing social projects involving young people
and citizens in general.

4.2. Brazil. Participative building policy and management. The participative budget
The mobilization of Brazilian civil society played a decisive role in ending
authoritarian government in the early nineties. Its importance was made patent in
the process that promoted participation in all fields of public policy, creating to this
end an ad hoc institutionality at the local, state and national level, including
meeting spaces where representatives from the State and from civil society may
debate the definition of and the way of addressing public affairs. Having a
fundamental importance within this new institutionality were the series of
Conferences and Management Issue Councils held (relating to women, child,
youth, afro descendants, among others). Among its many relevant aspects, the
management model emphasizes the importance of an active public domain, it
being obligatory that public programs and budgets emerge out of an informed
discussion between government representatives, workers in the specialists areas
and organized civil society (NGOs and relevant youth organizations). The
conference system and the workings of the management councils imply a public
policy building process involving a large number of participants at the local, state
and national level. Marcillo Brandao12, a young grant holder from Colectivo
Latinoamericano( Latin American Youth Collective) studied the experience and
reported that in the State of Pernanbuco alone 84 municipal conferences were held
with one state-level conference, where as many as 10.000 young people and
relevant workers participated throughout the process.

Marcílio Dantas Brandao “Análise do orçamento estadual em benefício de jovens
pernambucanos”.2008Investigación.Colectivo latinoamericano de
Jó (ganadores)

There were important public management innovations, such as participative

management methodologies developed during the period in Porto Alegre.
Participative budgets have been implemented in various States in Brazil and since
replicated in Argentina, Chile and Colombia as a model in youth participation. Local
government are jointly responsible for its implementation. Among its effects are
enhanced credibility awarded to municipal administrations, and increased
resources earmarked for youth sectors, there is also more youth participation in
public spaces. Young people end up participating as animators, multiplicators,
trainers, managers and evaluators.

4.3. Perú “diezmo juvenil”. Youth representatives within municipal councils

Internacional Juvenil is the leading youth organization in matters regarding youth
participation in public spaces, where government decisions regarding rights
defense and youth institutions are discussed, garnering support, participation and
mobilization of a large number of youth organizations. It places the so-called
“diezmo juvenil”, a 10% participation of youth representatives within municipal
councils, currently in force in Peru. It is currently involved in incorporating this 10%
youth representation quota into parliament. They has also taken a Youth -Law
project to parliament, in cooperation with a large number of organized youth

The so-called Youth Laws in Latin America first appear in Colombia in 1997. Other
countries pick-up on this initiative, approving their respective youth laws:
Dominican Republic in 2000; Ecuador and Nicaragua in 2001; Costa Rica and
Venezuela in 2002 and Honduras in 2006. These laws create youth institutions,
describe a set of rights and define lines regarding the development of a national
policy on youth, define a target population, and define guidelines for structuring
institutionality. In some youth laws there are operational problems that appear as
fundamental: such as the need to provide strong binding characteristics, the
possibility of youth being consulted, the existence of budgets organized around
defined policies and not in a fragmentary and disseminated manner.

4.4.Chile. The Youth studies youth. Latin American Youth Collective (17
This collective promotes linkages among youth as agents of knowledge and as
agents of change, making their contributions visible and favours their participation
in the development of youth public policy and social programs. The regional
orientation given to the collective aims at breaking-down isolations, produce
meetings where parties get to know each other, reinforce their capacity to position
themselves as young people and thus influence in the development of public policy
and programs. The project is kept afloat despite there not being any regional
funding to date. Countries are currently in the process of consolidating national
collectives, preparing studies and incidence projects and prepare publications of
their works. The youth collective came together given the development of youth
products derived from youth research grant assignations that paved the way for a
regional and national analysis of the conditions that youth finds itself, deriving into
proposals and intervention. They have also worked with national workshops for
debating and knowledge-building. The scope was widened considerably with a
permanent activity from the web page and with
products for youth, plus the Latin American Youth Congress:”Youth in Knowledge”
(“Jóvenes en el Saber”).

Young people build knowledge geared towards intervention in the advancement of

youth and their societies, providing policy support and the communication of
problems through innovative means, such as audiovisual ones. They tend towards
teamwork and economic gain is not foremost, preferring to distribute funding
among peers and have by their side those willing to participate in the work. They
are excellent communicators of their standpoints and findings. Knowledge
empowers them and facilitates a positive communication and intergenerational

Some grant holder responses to the follow up are given as follows:

To date and thanks to the FLACSO project we work regularly with young people in
kichwa Indian communities in the Bobonaza river basin in the Ecuador Amazon.
The work revolves around strengthening organization through training workshops
held with young people in environmental issues, leadership, cosmovision, identity,
etc. Relationships with these organizations are excellent.
Andrés Tapia, Grant holder from Ecuador
The Project was funded by the Kellog Foundation and is directed by the Chilean Seat of the Latin American
School of Social Sciences (FLACSO). FLACSO is an international, intergovernmental academic
institution created in Chile in 1957, with the support from democratic countries in the promotion of
high-level research and education in the social sciences In the countries of the region, contributing
to their democratic development in a context where the presence of a high number of authoritarian
regimes affected the social sciences. More than 50 years later the political situation has changed and
now FLACSO has 12 seats throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.

Research results were shared with the person responsible in the Municipal Youth
Institute in Puebla, we got together in January and has asked me to work ad
honorem with them, something like an external consultant in youth and
employment issues. A week ago I sent the report to the Assistant Director for
Secondary Public Education of the Nation, aiming to inform the project set to
support entrepreneurial initiatives which is hoped to start in May. This program
aims to support through training and economic aid packages any initiatives from
middle education students.
Lorena García, Grant holder from México

In the government sphere, the “Intersector committee on Youth of the Pernanbuco

State Government” and the “Special Secretariat on youth and employment” have
asked for information on the research made and we have provided it in secretarial
seminars. I also participate in a study project regarding the Pernanbuco State
budget and the incidence of youth participation on budget planning. This program
will fund my studies in the "École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales", in
Paris, in the Sociology Master during 2009-2010.
Marcillo Brandao, Grant holder from Brazil

I participated in the production of a documentary on the experience people have

had regarding environmental management. The documentary won a national prize
and has been shown in England
Rejane Fontes Da Silva, Grant holder form Brazil

This work with the youth is required in order to shed light into it, acknowledge its
capacities and so have an active citizenry. The model of young people study the
young has been replicated in El Salvador by the institutionalized organs dealing
with youth, stimulating further research, while in FLACSO-Argentina there is a
postgraduate program “Young women in the knowledge/information society”: the
young studying youth.

5. Final Comments:
Youth is a sector of the population having certain conditions and needs requiring
further strengthening of their participation levels and incidence in society and in the
public debate on youth issues. Youth policies also need participation so that there
be a permanent enrichment in improvement and renewal processes that may keep
these up-to-date. Social participation scenarios that involve decision-making
instances regarding personal, peer and local growth alternatives are required to
generate further democratic strengthening of society.

Hecmilio Galván14, a grant holder from the Latin American Youth Collective in the
Dominican Republic points out that his research reveals that these goals face
leadership problems, that there is a monolithic State culture, unawareness or lack
of any existing youth laws, a weakness in the strategic design that articulates
various actors together, a deficient synergy among managers and initiatives, lack
of suitably qualified human resources, scarce institutional budgeting with few
budgets geared towards the young, non-existing youth participation policies and a
lack of political will-power. These being the problems receiving the most mentions
among his research respondents.

The progress identified by Young researchers from the Collective evidence that
there are two routes that open up from the government perspective, regarding
youth participation. The institutionalist route exposed by Peru, Dominican Republic,
Costa Rica, which has privileged the elaboration of designs that aspire towards
integrating different levels and political players in youth issues This route exposes
that the spaces created for participation are an end in themselves and its main
strength, ensuring an institutional existence, which is dependant on the political
capital accrued. The second route, seen as dominant in Brazil, is more
management based, which aims to improve participation in the design and
implementation of public policy more so than in the participation space itself. These
spaces are seen as means to make political progress, its main strength, that of
making the policy in tune with citizenry, runs risks when its resolution are non-

We have highlighted perspectives and practices regarding youth political

participation in public spaces and the formulation of local policies, programs and
budgets, where the citizen contribution by young people is specially important. We
have acknowledged the value of youth participation in the construction of youth
knowledge that may affect politics and social development. It is important to
acknowledge that part of the route has already been covered, there being ample
knowledge, practice and supplies available to strengthen capacity and spaces for
young people and their youth organizations to have an affect on, through the use of
citizen participation, their own development and that of their societies.

Grant application proposals for the Latin American Collective, per research

Hecmilio Galván, Elaboración de una propuesta participativa de implementación de la Ley General De
Juventud de la República Dominicana..Investigación Colectivo Latinoamericano de Jóvenes.2008 (proyectos ganadores)


Youth and culture

Youth, politics and citizenry
Social Participation of youth
Youth and sexuality
Youth and identity
Youth in situations of marginality and poverty
Youth and education
Youth in the working world
Rural youth
Indigeneous and ethnic youth populations
Youth and environment
Youth policies
Youth and migration
Youth and development
Urban youth
Youth and health
Youth and gender
Youth and violence
Youth and family
Intergenerational relationships
Technology in the youth
Youth in conflict with the law
Youth in war
Youth and means of communication

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